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Son of a single mother.
Grew up in public housing.
Dedicated his life to teaching.
Became a school principal.
Founded a prized school to serve Bronx youth.
Elected as the 1st Black Congressman for NY16.
Never took a dime in corporate money.

A true public servant.

Alright Jamaal lost because he poked the Jew in the Eye

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She's so obviously insane and midwit it's no wonder women love her
what other mic drop moments you got?
i thought the sirs were witty and smart
I approve, mestizos should stick to their own kind.
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Timmy's whole existence is scoring internet victories
No wonder its all going downhill and we are taking over

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I left the country fuck france

french flag are macron shill lmao
fuck french women and fuck france

it's not my problem anymore

you asked for bbc you got it
now deal with your problem
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Muhhfooga ooga booga did wot I got to shoot for who u fukin lookin at
switch seasons i want you to fall into my lap

lets just be regular humans please these sex crazed people are so tiresome to be around
they need this and that sort of dick and want that and this sort of Chad i just wanna watch a movie and eat some good food go for a fuckin walk and go back to a nice lookin house and chill on the porch or in the backayrd

maybe there's a stream and we have a little stone seat next to it under a pavillion

who knows how nice life could be i dont wanna spend it living here in a fuckin city with people i regret having fuckin dealt with man i dont even care where i live i wanna live somewhere nice

i watn some money
and i wanna help people so that everyone eats nice and never has another problem ever again

i dont give a shit about pleasing people i just wanna get the job done and have some dependable people around i trust

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the photoshop on that little nigger pecker is hilarious

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thread theme:

Thread for all things anti-ZOG and FUCK ISRAEL.
Dump site for normie-friendly redpills.

/FIG/ is anti-TKD - Jews can be cool, but only if they reject Zionism.

>US Coup in Bolivia failed hard LMAO
>Ugly zionist shrew in Texas tried to murder 3 year old Pali girl, got out on $40k bail
>Shitty Indian munitions blowing up in IDF's faces
>Los Angeles trying to bring IDF soldiers to fuck up anti-ZOG protestors


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Today's headlines from AJ
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Nice! Keep 'em coming.
Israel Spies Inside The United States [Fox News 2001]
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Alrighty then

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post em'

>if it's not funny your mother will die in sleep tonight

sorry i don't make the rules
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Fuck off to r/uhg you fuckin pigger
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Your eyes are working. Also stop looking in the mirror.
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no, they zero control over them, where did you get that? The only reason returning them wasn't straightforward is that it was 1/3 of the entire soviet arsenal, can't just drive them down the road

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>"Ukraine does not want to prolong the war. We do not want it to last for years," President Volodymyr Zelensky said, Interfax-Ukraine reports.
>"We have many wounded and killed on the battlefield. We must put a settlement plan on the table within a few months," Zelensky added.
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zigger thread dont engage
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that's an american.
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>Why haven't Ukrainians formed a lynch mob against Zelensky and killed him? Is it cause all the men in Ukraine are dead?

“ukrainian Identity” is not “pro-ukraine” — it’s just anti Russia.
The ukrainian individual only exist to spite and hate Russians.
if Zelensky evaporated tomorrow, the ukraine would go on exactly, precisely as it does today.
the ukraines war against Russia is about ethnic hatred,
simple as,

ukrainian people want the war,
their terms were ethnic expulsion or extirpation of Russians from "the 1991 borders"
ukraine will never stop,
this is some delusional insane race war to them,
that nato is gleefully funding, because in their buck-shattered, brain-diseased minds,
they thought this would some how "collapse Russia", it would balkanize and Putin would end up executed at the hague.

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Only rural and suburban retards vote for Biden.

City people all vote for Trump.
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No one comes out here into the sticks and polls anyone. They probably ask some yokel visiting town for a drink what we think and get all their info from that. Or, more likely, they just pull it out of their ass.
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It's done over the phone
>The answer is Conservatism
lolno conservatives are less than worthless, and always have been
Trump didn't try to get me fired for not taking the VAX. That was you old tranny fart sniffer Biden. I don't care if the universe ended tomorrow I will NEVER vote for that faggot for that shit alone. And then it just goes downhill from there.

If you want to say they are both bad then Biden is way waaayyyyyy worse. It's not even close. Which is why they are NOT the same and why Biden is going to lose. Because anyone with two eyes and common sense knows this.
The only leader I know is suicide

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ok glowie, nice try pretending to be an 18 year old retard.
Space and aliens are fake and gay
soil ramps, pry bars and strong men
has nothing to do with any ayyliums.
learn to read
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/Thread. Notice none of the bots or shills acknowledged this. Look up the coral castle too. This stuff isn’t difficult if you just spend some time and think about it. Sticks and ropes man.. basic physics

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Is there any defense for the practice of the draft in a democracy?
>People elect you to be a representative for them
>Force those same people you're meant to be representing to fight a war even if they don't want to fight it
If you don't have enough people signing up for your war, you simply don't have a war. People can vote with their enlistment.
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If you are a government (ukraine) trying to genocide a specific group (those seen as "ethnically russian") then sure there is a need for a "general" (trust me it's non specific) "draft" to the front lines.
>Be fellow leaf.
>Draftpost on /pol/ because I know full well if a draft kicks off the Frenchie's flip out again and it's happening.

You vill go into Ze Canada Post van kicking and screaming and you will die for boomers and Raytheon stock.
None of Ze new Canadians will serve, and niezer vill Chad or Stacy.
no shit, retard
Are you allowed to challenge your drill sergeant to a duel? Army jail might be better than the front line meat grinder.
Yeah citizenship comes with responsibility.

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>be Jamaal Bowman, candidate for the Democratic congressional primary of a New York district of about 200.000 people
>be ahead of your rival by 17 points in the polls of March
>speak against Israel and the genocide they've been carrying out in Gaza
>suddenly get bombarded with over $20 million worth of ads, of which at least $14.5 million came from AIPAC alone according to Federal Election Commission filings
>nobody on either the Left or the Right has the courage to even mention the open and blatant foreign interference
Nice democratic elections you got there, Amerikeks.

Extra sauce:

The kikes squashed that nigger like a bug, didn't they? I guess this is what happens when you threaten to leave the plantation. Anyone who doesn't realize we live in an open air prison is absolutely delusional.
Thank you greatest ally

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you WILL get into the van
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Yeah, I grew up one block over from one of the worst ghettos in the US and the idea of grenade crime being a thing freaks me out.
Hoenstly, most Americans would go along with it
>God bless Israel!
meanwhile, you get gunned down in your home by a swat team that plants something there later and ruins your reputation for propaganda purposes.
>This man was an enemy of Israel! An unpatriotic American!
>this is what I lost a leg for?
Because they'll be killed or thrown in prison for life if they do, whereas following orders they still have a chance to survive.
that is cope.

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Are Russians surprised that they didn't take Kyiv in three days?
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Couldn't your fat ass have scrolled down a bit lower past C for your country tho
>russians will take kyiyiyiyff in three days guise
General Miley might have been a lot of things. a pedo, a tranny-lover, a groomer, a yiddish puppet, but he ain't never was russian pal.
>some guy told some other guy Putin told him so
>in 2014
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Daily reminder to remove the jew and dismantle this fake war, most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]

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are ukrops surprised that they are losing and started conscripting women and teenagers

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why is trump afraid of releasing the epstein files?

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who nose
Why would he be?
He looks like he is on a peninsula. Ghislaine has some large breasts.
They're all pedos.
why is he?

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The jews have lost the plot.
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cops stop being cops when you stop paying them. niggers can’t survive without welfare. jews lose their power when you don’t let them install and control fiat currencies.
>The jews
You mean the Khazars (Ashkenazi jews) who deeply hate the Mizrahi jews (middle east/Palestine jews) and therefore want to destroy their homeland and return back to Khazaria (Ukraine) afterwards.

Look how Israel will lose now vs. Hezbollah and USA shifts their support towards Ukraine.
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Let's not split hairs here.
>The jews have lost the plot.
but the story has not changed
Why don't we play the same D&C games with them?
The eruv rav set vs liberal for example.

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It means the report is bullshit. "Paul Sperry"'s source: he made it the fuck up.
"Prez Candidates"???

Link, because FAGGOT OP couldn't do his job

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>Show probable spam
wtf is this? First I had to constantly click to load every next set of 4 replies. now theyre also trying to incept me that the next posts are dumb? you know what's spam? The adds specifically disguised as posts so I read them without realizing. That's what spam is.

which pres will free my peeps?
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no its not, israel is full of jews. Israel settler colonialism is different because they are JEWS they are more dangerous to everyone than the nazis ever were. Nazis and Palestinians have the same goal which is why i like palestine because i hate the jews and they are the bigger threat.
Jews cause immigration, immigration destroys white race, goyims get easily controlled. We wont have immigration issues if TKD is achieved
Israel is everything they falsely accused Nazis of being. The holocaust was as real as 40 beheaded babies
1. I'm not JIDF
2. I finished my service as an operator of a defense system, so no "sacrifice"
3. The Hamas false flag was there to initiate the conflict to solve the Gaza problem, literally an excuse in my opinion.

I Believe there's no real threats to Israel currently.
How would you solve this conflict?

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Meanwhile picrel in reality:

Why can't I*dia have an internet containment wall like China? Don't they realized the hell they've unleashed on the civilized world?
It's unironically over for the internet since street shitters got online (and since niggers/brownoids got smartphones)

I guess this can double as Ian I*dia hate thread too, I'm just feeling dejected lately about the sewage flood of pajeets on literally every level of life now. Feels so depressing and hopeless tbqh
You do yuo hate us bastard, we fucked ypur mother?
>I'm just feeling dejected lately
>40 IQ ESL
Like clockwork

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Was it Russian sabotage attempt?
Tampere city in central Finland had two cases of attempts at burglaring into critical water treatment facilities. If he could spread a bacteria there, people would die. But he couldnt due to inner door being impossible to open without heavy explosives.


It happened some days ago but exact date is not public info.

Security police will now look into it deeper and tries to prevent it happening again.
Why would they need to spread a disease by breaking into a water treatment plant when they could spread it in much easier ways.
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>sabotaging the water supply
>in a country where everyone drinks bottled water
because no one would suspect it

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I've been seeing a lot of the "I'm an MP" larp going on lately; as if "I'm an MP" is something that will strike terror in the hearts of men.

MPs aren't shit and they won't do shit. I did 15 years as a ZOGBOT; culminating in 3 years reserve in an MP company in Nashville. I'm not trying to toot my own horn; just offering my perspective from someone who has dealt with MPs frequently

On the active duty side, MPs are essentially traffic cops with the same 9 weeks of basic training everyone else got. Their specialized training involves non-combat shit like how to write tickets and reports.

In the reserves, the MPs are by and large overwieght, out of shape, and barely able to be called competent at skill level 1 tasks (the stuff you are expected to know and be proficient with fresh out of basic+AIT/OSUT

There are MPs who got sent outside the wire in Iraq and Afg; but these guys were just escort vehicles for convoys that hit the roads AFTER the 11 and 19 series grunts ensured they were safe. Because of this, MPs frequently and falsely attribute themselves to being "infantry with less resources"

My last deployment in AFG; the only thing the MPs did was give people tickets for not wearing reflective belts on BAF. They left perimeter guard and patrols to the infantry and cavalry scouts.

MPs won't do shit. There are maybe 200-300 "SWAT" MPs total in the army; and they will be too busy responding to incidents on post to assist MP draft officers.

MPs won't do shit. If they try to do shit; they will fail and die almost entirely on their own incompetence and lack of training.

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No they won't. Famous serial killer cases went unsolved because of turf battles over whose department is in charge of what.
Sheriff Roscoe isn't about to let some fed boss him around on his home turf.
>How complex of a task is rounding up people in vans?
Your rhetorical question proves you're talking out of your ass.
Also, Americans are transient - good luck finding current addresses.
And there will just be a pile of cop corpses on my deck.
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She cute, I'd let that chubby valley girl draft me into her bed if you know what I mean.

Serious post. I work in the IT field for a large international company in Japan, and I'm Singaporean. I have several colleagues, Americans at that, and they keep pushing git commits ( pieces of code ) to the main repository with comments like the one attached in the screenshot. Is there anything I can do against this? It's really messing with me.

The worst part is that my managers have seen these commits, but they're quiet about it, they don't say anything. My penis is also not small.
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>Like an OS which doesn't restrict you to an "app store
The average person downloads less than 1 app per year
Fuck off, english teacher rapist.
Wow rude much
Next time you show up at work have a big water bottle attached to your underwear with 2 pairs of crumbled up socks to gain their respect
Call in the guy who made the commit comment to your cubicle. Make sure when he comes into your space that your back is to him. When he announces himself, turn 180 degrees from the spot you are standing and have your big, flacid dong hanging out of your pants. Through the zipper hole. Make up any excuse for a reason to call him into your office and make sure he gets a good eyeful of your dick. Don't mention it, don't even bring it up. Act like you have no idea. Force HIM to acknowledge your massive peen. Make him look at it and make sure it is uncomfortable. No matter what happens after this point, or how you handle the situation I can garauntee he will not leave those comments again.
If the culprit iis gay or if it is a woman, abort and go straight to HR with a sexual harassment complaint. DO NOT SHOW THE PEEN! Good luck, Anon.

>Fight literally the entire world
>It was still a close match
And people say fascism is weak, lmao
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>privatized resources
>concentration camped ethnicities, which is idpol
>allied with catholic church, right wing traditional values
>allied with monarchists
>anschluss is a callback to an aristocracy, not a meritocracy
>hunted actual socialists, biggest political rival in rise to power was german bolshevik party
>was aided and abetted by capitalists
>started a war with soviet union

kill yourself
Russia withdrew because Germany kicked their ass militarily and exploited their political weakness
They were winning for a while.
But then when the war turned into a 3 front war against 4 word super powers, Germany had no chance and was destroyed.
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The most giga of all copes I've ever seen
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You realize Bolsheviks would put you into a labor camp, right?

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