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Even the progressive left in NYC has had enough of street shitters
>Be filthy jeet
>Serve slop that gives food poison
>Get ACKed

Just another day in NYC

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To bad his aim sucked. He could taken out a bunch of neoCohens. He really needed to put some range time in before he went full GTA rampage.
And the latest assassination attempt was a leaf guy who tried to kill Castros bastard in leaflandia over, well i mean why wouldn't you want to waste that cucked golem faggot
i wish all shitskin poos outside india were beaten like this
it would really make me happy
yes, even the women, especially the poojeetas
All jeets deserve it
>Can do anything that ZOG allows them to do for them.
>Still get their shit kicked in from Bakersfield, to Waukesha, to st. Louis to Philly
>Step out of ZOG approved lines and get absolutely wrecked.
You are a silly person
What “small towns” were this tried in? For that matter outside of handful of cities can you show me riots in 2020? Like show me even 10 major cities that had consistent rioting.

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>Immigrants from Mexico
>No real job skills, only can do menial labor
>Hispanics have highest crime rate in country aside from African-Americans
>Can't speak English
>Snuck into the U.S.
>Hispanics are 20% of the U.S. population, over 37,000,000 from Mexico alone - the immigrant group single-handedly responsible for 'browning' the southwest of the nation

>Immigrants from India
>College degree
>High-skilled workers
>Speak English
>Very low crime rate

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>why do you hate street shitters more then wetbacks?

Im pretty sure this is self explanitory you streetshitting pajeet.
>Explain why you, as a non-Hispanic American, are more concerned with Indian than Mexican immigrants

Spics tend to stick to laborer roles that pose minimal risk, except those motherfuckers that work on road construction crews.

Indians come here and buy businesses or go into I.T. thereby fucking up the function of things they touch. They are absurdly arrogant and excessively stupid.
It's because Indians are disgusting and subhuman
Source - His ass
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You are a stupid nigger with no pattern recognition. This is how they bait and switched Canada; painstakingly select only the top 0.0001% for a few years to make you think these guys are alright, and as soon as you vote to let more in because “they haven’t been a problem so far”, BOOM. Millions of uneducated nigger tier villagers with 75IQ, the exact subhumans the last round of immigrants was working to avoid. Stupid fucking nigger.

We have literally watched this happen over and over all over the anglosphere and you niggers are still stupid enough to open your gates to the brown subhuman hoards.

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No Laney thread
Remember to pick your neighbor couch obese leftover as they surely make best of best in housewife territory.
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She tried to battle 4chins lmao. Pissing in a sea of piss. 4chan doesn’t change, it changes you. Been here since 2009 friends. There is no way out.
>tattoos, pizzas and wine

Amazing how many basic cunts I knew in my twenties whose lives revolved around these three things. These 304s are all the same, they just come in different packaging.
>boomers reeee
I'd really prefer if they did tho. Don't tell me there's not enough lardets for you
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You need to be corrected
Just helping them remove those seen as "ethnically russian" from the ukraine befoe they move the "jewish" in

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Catholism has been my families religion for what I assume to be a good while so I tried actually getting into it. Couldnt get to the first real chapters of my new testament before being told that I needed to worship "pharisee's", Which are apparently ancestral jews? What? Why? I mean if it were priests or something I'd understand but asking from your people to always no matter what listen to a different separate group of people (especially jews) just seems weird to me. This is not a gotcha thread, if you answer with your own gotchas I prolly won't understand nor care, I'm new to all this, just trying to make sense of this
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Yes opposed to. Buy all men were goyim. So he’s saying it in a positive, from his point of view. You should read by chapter. Not by verse. Context matters.
cool cope shill
denounce the talmud and declare Jesus Christ as Lord God and Savior
Suck your mothers sick you self deluded retard.
I'm not familiar with those excerpts from a jewish mythology novel
It’s when those that say they are Jews but are not are called synagogue of Satan. Problem is, the ones pretending to be Jews are Christians. If only they’d read revelation 7, for the actual inventory listed in no uncertain terms of who is chosen on judgement day. Protip, it’s jews.

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>uhhh you're not entitled to a beautiful loving wife

Okay, so why the fuck would I contribute to society in any way whatsoever?

The system literally doesn't have an answer to this. It's either pathetic shaming attempts or
>Y-YOU should work because.... You just have to okay?!

NPNW is a cop out meant to cheapen the message. Getting pussy isnt the problem, having a family is.

Without a loyal woman at home every man is obligated to not only contribute nothing, but actively become a menace to society and hasten it's destruction.

Try to prove this wrong logically, you literally can't. This thread will hit bump limit and you scums won't be able to answer the above question.
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The kikes care a lot about continued growth and the infrastructure being maintained.
Questions for all anons in this thread, how many women have you slept with, and do you expect virgin women to accept the fact you've already lost your virginity to someone else?
on the contrary, if a woman doesn't work, I don't want her as my wife
um, no, everyone mortal, so its just slower decress of population, nothing will change, nobody care about work you or not, its actually change nothing
and migration will fix work space anyway
nope, just don't have a body count much higher than mine onegai shimasu

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She matured in to a fine lady:

There's a reason ancient Greeks were obsessed with male beauty. Unlike females who are most often beautiful, a really pretty man is scarce. And even if you find one it requires effort to create a beautiful body as well. Male beauty hides intellectualism behind it. Women on the other hand just need to breathe to be pretty.

If you lack the ability to admire male beauty you are indeed a faggot
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Yup. Especially tatted pierced dyed hair white chicks hate good looking non degenerate white dudes. Probably because they know they aren't worthy. Black chicks are super nice to me as are most brown chicks. Asian chicks with Asian accents are nice, westernized ones are almost as cancer as white chicks.
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It's the basic say hi, nod your head and smile type of interaction, you socially awkward zoomer faggot. I rarely approach anybody to chat them up, but as you randomly move around a gym you tend to bump into other people from time to time and instead of pretending that they don't exist or at best irritate you, you can be polite. Give it a shot.
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I love white men
That's pretty much my experience. We have a lot of mexicans here too obviously and beaner women are generally pretty reserved when other beaner males are around (I actually admire the relatively higher loyalty of minority women as opposed to white women), but if there aren't any future gardeners around it's all smiles and I would they tend to flirt with me the most. They're itching for more conquistador genes, I bet. It's probably the same for you guys with the pajeetas.
i have been going to gyms for ~20 years at this point and i have luckily never once encountered a single person who goes around greeting strangers in his path. nor have i run into the problem that people bump into each other at the gym. whats socially awkward is forcing social interaction on people in a public space and clearly you are carefully memorizing, gauging and measuring everyones reaction to you and trying to find little patterns. seek help

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During the withdrawal of Afghanistan, the Pajeet army minister ordered the Leaf army to save Afghan jeets instead of Canadian citizens. This was after the guy already lied about being deployed in Afghanistan when he was a soldier. He scammed Canada twice as a minister already (that we know of)
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The goy deserve it.
Nothing makes me happier than the fall of Canada. Warned you cunts that even the 5 eyes dont trust you, its more like 4 eyes now.
Your economy is based upon fakery known as derivatives.
You have no gold reserves.
And you have no opposition political party.
Most of all, no canadian actually has any fucking balls to go against what his massa says.

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I have never seen a pajeet in my life
Where the fuck do you live? Yellowknife?
They are infested in fellowknife

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Why Indians are more hated than niggers this days, are really that bad?
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imagine that + arrogance and poop smell and poop eating

Yeah it really sucks when your toilet backs up and it starts rising.
i would take Indians over niggers and muslims but I still don’t want them
They're a disgusting race.

They literally stink. They eat and wipe their asses with their bare hands. They shit in the streets. Their food is contaminated with bacteria and parasites. And they're also notorious sex pests obsessed with white skin.

The hate is well earned.
Theyre bad. I've worked with pajeets in the software development business and theyre annoying as fuck to work with. Horrible accents, horrible communication skills, their code is shit and I don't know what is it with Indians that they never think it's their fault when they fuck up.

I dealt with that working remotely, I can't imagine how bad it must be working with them irl or being in some places in Canada that are swarmed with them and turning entire cities into New New Delhi

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Salut frate Ardeal si tu Banat
Muntenie si Dobroge senina
Si Maramures neingenunchiat
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gluten afternoontag

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150k per year.
>Ok bro but you still need the degree
You need a degree depending on the line of work. Contract laborers are still a thing and need only a high school diploma or GED and get paid $25-40 an hour depending on where you work.
because women are literally and unironicall retarded maybe ?!
Post your fucking state and company now and I'll see if it's worth moving to zogland

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How do we go back?
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since ww2 the national patent administration has really kept a stranglehold on mankind's technological process. the euros, russians and chinese have their equivalent as well, and all other countries are subordinate to one of the great powers.
literally every patent is screened for "national interest" and anything capable of moving humanity forward is immediately classified for national security reasons.
the NSA has complete preemptive control of any developments related to computer tech and the Department of Energy have complete preemptive control over anything related to energy.
>the suppression of huge amounts of knowledge

I mean i go with the flow or on a hunch here but not every smidge of knowledge should be immediatelly transfered into some form of action, that disrupts certain processes. It is like hum and haw and basically virtue signaling, that doesnt mean there isnt any "virtue" it is just mindless. What triggers me is that bot shit, that really triggers me, like more than triggering.
What the fuck is going on itt? I expected appreciation of classical architecture or interesting AI pics, not for OP to start pushing one of the most hilariously retarded conspiracy theories I've heard yet.
>people built on natural stone foundations out of the same kind of stone
>this means natural stone is melted buildings
we about to ENTER 1000 year rule of christ
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Are you saying you can't see the bricks in this arch?

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I'm currently at a showing of the new "quiet place" and it's all women bwtween 20-35 in the theater besides myself. What's causing women to want to see this movie?

Should I try to make movies on the women?

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Why do Yids always wear these
They think it will prevent people from punching them in the face.

i loved those as catholic because you dont need to fear them break or scratch simple.

also this beardy kike is wearing jew glasses
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they don't fall apart as easily as wire framed glasses
That's a good observation. You'd probably need a team of psychiatrists to find the reason behind it though.

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>still unrefuted btw
You do realize that it's billionaries that want more unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper labor?

billionaires want to be trillionaires and don't care if you have to pack into pods and eat bugs and overpopulate the world. that's why billionaires should all be executed.

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The people that wrote the New Testament are Jesus brothers… he was one of them. Not what Jews try to claim today that they were the tribes of fame from the North. They were 4 foot tall dark haired dark eyed rats. The proto kikes.
From the south.
So when you see a hot jewess with light coloured eyes and fairly tall and light haired. Her grandpapi just joined the club on a whim.
Christ's kingdom is not of this world.

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Ursula Haverbeck Imprisoned for Holocuast Denial Again - the 95 year old will serve 16 months.
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what angle tho?
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Being jailed for a crime and then committing it again after release is reoffending.

Being tried for the same offense multiple times is double jeopardy and that's illegal in every civilized country (and even a fair number of uncivilized ones).


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>Convicted AGAIN
She remember the good times, before niggers were roaming the streets. She knows she'll be dead soon either way and is just giving it to the kikes, based grandma. Live a good rest of your life and then be greeted in heaven by Hitler
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She should write a book.

this explains to me why there are so many brown hair brown eyes types in Germany or Austria. They are heavily celtic.
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Jones is a Welsh surname.
light hair/eyes aren't some ancient hyperborean northwest european trait. They appeared around the Black sea. "Cuman" means fair, they were named that because they stood out. Also, Thracians were consistently described as red/fair haired
Zeta is a name from Proxima Centauri, ayy lmaos btfo
Britain barely had a road network until the past century. Romans built some but they later fell out of use. Most people didn't travel more than a few miles from where they were born prior to the industrial revolution and even then...
I honestly wonder if the majority of the welsh are named Llewellyn Jones.

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