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Give me your best or rarest Hitlers.
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I don't know either. Is my .webm actually Hitler?
Search for Final War - Rudolf Hess song. Very based.
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I think Ive seen that once before, facial structure looks the same its hard to tell. I wouldnt doubt it.
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That;'s right, Tales of Honor. Everything by Final War is good. Cheers for knowing it!

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Why can’t the corrupt Russian animals just accept that Ukraine chose a future with the EU and NATO.
Russia is a corrupt, criminal, warmongering shithole with nothing to offer.
Who would ever want to be a shithole like North Korea, Belarus, Venezuela, Nicaragua or any other of Russia’s “allies”?
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If Putin wants muslim-communism-Palestina why don't the left support him?
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why cant you accept that you will never be a woman
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This is true. Imagine going from LARPing as the world’s second army, getting blown the fuck out in Ukraine, and then desperately begging North Korea for table scraps to sustain a failed war.
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Not my problem and thank goodness for that.

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I don’t get it.
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>still fucking around with lithium
>instead of ammonia fuel cells
All those batteries will still be there in the landfill when we need them.
oh. then you are stupid and no nothing about geopolitics.
>I really don't understand the economics of lithium

Its all fake. Politicians respond to money and only money. So these other countries scrape up as much cash as possible to pay lobbyist and congress buys are bunch of hookers and tells you you can't mine lithium yada yada yada. This is the whole point of Washington DC. They do nothing else (besides virtue signal).
The truth is, there is enough lithium in the US to last a very very long time. Google it up of you don't believe me. Assuming they haven't deleted all the stories about the ginourmous lithium deposit they found out west.
steve jobs

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post em'

>if it's not funny your mother will die in sleep tonight

sorry i don't make the rules
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I recall some deals being made for them giving up those weapons
maybe it's an urban legend, idk
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they had to give them up but the entity that owned and placed them there didn't exist anymore, that's why they had to go through deals and shit. It's still a shitload of fissile material and delivery systems, they probably would've sold them for pennies to the first bidder. I'm not saying that as an insult, the 90s were a dark part of history
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Damn man, haven't seen Greenlandanon for a while. Thanks.

There's a reason ancient Greeks were obsessed with male beauty. Unlike females who are most often beautiful, a really pretty man is scarce. And even if you find one it requires effort to create a beautiful body as well. Male beauty hides intellectualism behind it. Women on the other hand just need to breathe to be pretty.

If you lack the ability to admire male beauty you are indeed a faggot
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I love white men
That's pretty much my experience. We have a lot of mexicans here too obviously and beaner women are generally pretty reserved when other beaner males are around (I actually admire the relatively higher loyalty of minority women as opposed to white women), but if there aren't any future gardeners around it's all smiles and I would they tend to flirt with me the most. They're itching for more conquistador genes, I bet. It's probably the same for you guys with the pajeetas.
i have been going to gyms for ~20 years at this point and i have luckily never once encountered a single person who goes around greeting strangers in his path. nor have i run into the problem that people bump into each other at the gym. whats socially awkward is forcing social interaction on people in a public space and clearly you are carefully memorizing, gauging and measuring everyones reaction to you and trying to find little patterns. seek help
If nobody says hi to you or makes eye contact with you in public it’s because you’re ugly.
True. More trouble than it is worth, in 99% of scenarios. The monks were right

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I love how laid back they are and I wish I could be like that
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You can't.
You need first of all the genes.
Then you need the sort of mother that you will also only find in slavic and muslim countries.

Having missed those 2 things it's impossible for you to become spanish/med in any form or way.

Only few will understand.

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Will porn be totally banned by the end of the decade, /pol/?

It seems like millennials were the trial generation for the mass distribution and consumption of pornography. And it looks like it ended up being way more effective than they originally expected.
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Sadly no
I think Mass Porn Distribution is a population control weapon when you think about it.
Maybe they'll try to find some excuse to paywall it
you ever heard of pee wee herman?
>physically meeting a person to buy porn from
He was an idiot and deserved what he got.

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the beauty of the aryan boy must not perish from the earth

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Does the destruction of Mexico make you happy?
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>still lying about being the first jew
>Their culture
What culture?
Songs actually about killing Americans kek still funny
Were they larping blue beam

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ITT: Memory holes
Now take this drugs
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I never forgot this guy. It's literally the only mass shooting that couldn't have been reasonably countered with a "good guy with a gun" considering he was shooting from a long distance down at a crowd and was in a hotel potentially full of innocent people.

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Even the progressive left in NYC has had enough of street shitters
>Be filthy jeet
>Serve slop that gives food poison
>Get ACKed

Just another day in NYC

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i wish all shitskin poos outside india were beaten like this
it would really make me happy
yes, even the women, especially the poojeetas
All jeets deserve it
>Can do anything that ZOG allows them to do for them.
>Still get their shit kicked in from Bakersfield, to Waukesha, to st. Louis to Philly
>Step out of ZOG approved lines and get absolutely wrecked.
You are a silly person
What “small towns” were this tried in? For that matter outside of handful of cities can you show me riots in 2020? Like show me even 10 major cities that had consistent rioting.
The funniest event of this was in Philadelphia where they went to the Irish Italian polish enclave of fish town and got the absolute shit kicked out of them and then never did a single thing in that city again, and Philly is like 35% africoon tier nigger

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Catholism has been my families religion for what I assume to be a good while so I tried actually getting into it. Couldnt get to the first real chapters of my new testament before being told that I needed to worship "pharisee's", Which are apparently ancestral jews? What? Why? I mean if it were priests or something I'd understand but asking from your people to always no matter what listen to a different separate group of people (especially jews) just seems weird to me. This is not a gotcha thread, if you answer with your own gotchas I prolly won't understand nor care, I'm new to all this, just trying to make sense of this
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cool cope shill
denounce the talmud and declare Jesus Christ as Lord God and Savior
Suck your mothers sick you self deluded retard.
I'm not familiar with those excerpts from a jewish mythology novel
It’s when those that say they are Jews but are not are called synagogue of Satan. Problem is, the ones pretending to be Jews are Christians. If only they’d read revelation 7, for the actual inventory listed in no uncertain terms of who is chosen on judgement day. Protip, it’s jews.
You’re a retard who didnt actually read the bible and just spamming “le jewish worship”. The actual explanation is that the “Sons of Israel” in the old testament are now Christians and modern day Jews are just retards claiming to be “chosen”. But you dont actually care because you are one of those people

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The reason Jews are so hated and different is because they're part demon. As my next image shows, the lineage is Nephilim-Rephaim-Horites-Edomites-Khazars-Ashkenazi Jews, the latter which gave us the Rothschilds and the worldwide usury system undergirding the world economy. The Rothschilds are also the Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.
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yes, but they got here from the watchers when the sons of god mated with the daughters of men giving us the nephilim. They're an Abomination that doesn't belong on earth
I wonder how many Nephillim ancestors my mixed Saxon/Nordic/Polish-Sephardic Portuguese ass has after reading this...
Now google the origins of the name Sanger. Jesus you people are gullible.
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I would really like to see a recreation of that skull in the opening pic with flesh on it. to me that doesn't look like it would be an Indian skull I don't know. I guess it has high cheekbones so maybe?
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Post the best troon meltdowns and webms
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>assuming they're all Mexicans
Uh oh. This dude would be canceled in modern times and that's hilarious
what's going on here?
Can't tolerate that behavior regardless of whether it's inseparable from other intolerable behaviors.
Trooning out is borne out of a god complex whereby they craft their own identity internally and foist it upon their families like the disgusting narcissist they are. Dissatisfied, mentally unwell individuals find a community of troons reassuring and supportive, easy to fall victim when nothing in life has worked before.
It's damaging and it proliferates entirely socially. There may be genes that predispose one to trooning out, but there are there aren't any that make one a troon.
Prison, prison is also an acceptable place for a partner.
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>what's going on here?

The new Weimar

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With so many jeets flooding the West we're gonna have a serious problem on our hands with regards to the safety of women in particular.

Ironically it might be pajeets that redpill women on non-Whites
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>that jeet jumpscare would’ve made me run from that place
What are you? A pussy?
We already do have a problem with street-shitters raping women. The bigger problem is pajeets raping children.
Shiva left this one in the oven a lil too long

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Implying russia doesn't have more muslims and isnt the muslim capital of europe but nice cope with the ''britbongistani'' shout. And before you say russian middle eastern mixed race mongrel chechens are white and therefore good, fuck right off they are an abomination of what it means to be white. Even americans are whiter than russians.
do it faggot

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you guys are super awesome. keep up the good work
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we've been discovering macro plastics in womens tits and lips for the last four decades
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>Women like dildos more than men
>Men's dicks start turning into plastic

This is simply evolutionary arms race.
plastic in your dicks, this is why you should cut them off
nice try schlomo
Normal size plastic has been in vaginas for decades retard.

Also togtgo

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Maybe it's time to stop
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Chinks are way better than jeets, id rather everybody on my street be a gook than have a single nest of indians living a block away.
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Leave Japan shitstain
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>Maybe it's time to stop
We're just getting started
cool webm
i thought ppl were joking about jeets loving cowshit. wtf...

Where did all the lightning bugs go?
Try going outside, they're all over the place
All I see are my neighbors beautifully lit homes at night
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you can thank big pesticide for that one.
Outside. Tons in my field every warm summer night. Fuck off kike.

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Why did Russia fail to capture the Donbass?
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They baited Ukraine into a war of attrition then waited as Ukraine burned through all of their available manpower and NATO's stockpiles of weapons and money and patience.
The war will end soon. Ukraine's defenses will collapse rapidly and Russia will able to rapidly storm across most of the country by the end of the summer.
Zelensky and most of the top leadership will flee the country. Whoever is left in Kiev will be forced to sign an unconditional surrender.
All of the disputed territories will be fully integrated as Russian oblasts. A nominally sovereign Ukrainian rump state will be allowed to exist in the western half of the current country. The government will be a puppet state fully beholden to Putin. They will cut all ties to NATO, and blame NATO members, specifically the US for causing and prolonging this devastating war.
Most of the Western leadership will be shocked and outraged and embarrassed at how things turned out after investing so much time and money and support into Ukraine.
They will be furious at the harsh terms of the surrender, Putin will point out that he offered peace deals with much more favorable terms but was totally rejected by Zelensky and NATO leadership.
Go back to your containment thread
NATO is trying to create a Russia failed narrative so when they negotiate a ceasefire, they can claim victory .
Sometimes things take some time and effort like removing Gayto funded kosher nazzies in entrenched positions.
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It never wanted to capture territories it declared as being an integral part of Russia, this is an attrition war where Russia is grinding down Ukrainian soldiers by grinding its own too. It's 4d chess you nafo troons can't understand

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