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Meanwhile picrel in reality:

Why can't I*dia have an internet containment wall like China? Don't they realized the hell they've unleashed on the civilized world?
It's unironically over for the internet since street shitters got online (and since niggers/brownoids got smartphones)

I guess this can double as Ian I*dia hate thread too, I'm just feeling dejected lately about the sewage flood of pajeets on literally every level of life now. Feels so depressing and hopeless tbqh
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>I'm just feeling dejected lately
>40 IQ ESL
Like clockwork
indians make the internet bad but it could be so much worse if china hadnt walled off their internet
this anon knows. should have nuked chyna since long time ago.
Completely agree
It's still not too late to build the Great Firewall around I*dia as well
Time is running out though

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He is a cuckold, isn't he? Jamaica is a favorite destination for white women, most favorite in the entire world. They experience extreme orgasms and vaginal melanin receptors activation by big dark, mellanated phalluses.
Your browner than my shit Rajesh.

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We won
>we won
obviously you did because your dick is in her mouth
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that's a man.

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what is the meaning of this? why would Biden “win” the coin toss and choose the side of stage and not to have the last word? is it for camera tricks? is it manipulation of the viewer’s subconscious?

why is the side of the stage more important than the last word?
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>the left is on the right

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Your eyes move in a certain pattern when looking at an image, Biden will be more visible in the debate than Trump because of this.
im sure theyre nervous about that lol
thanks for the insights
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>What could go wrong?

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How do we go back?
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since ww2 the national patent administration has really kept a stranglehold on mankind's technological process. the euros, russians and chinese have their equivalent as well, and all other countries are subordinate to one of the great powers.
literally every patent is screened for "national interest" and anything capable of moving humanity forward is immediately classified for national security reasons.
the NSA has complete preemptive control of any developments related to computer tech and the Department of Energy have complete preemptive control over anything related to energy.
>the suppression of huge amounts of knowledge

I mean i go with the flow or on a hunch here but not every smidge of knowledge should be immediatelly transfered into some form of action, that disrupts certain processes. It is like hum and haw and basically virtue signaling, that doesnt mean there isnt any "virtue" it is just mindless. What triggers me is that bot shit, that really triggers me, like more than triggering.
What the fuck is going on itt? I expected appreciation of classical architecture or interesting AI pics, not for OP to start pushing one of the most hilariously retarded conspiracy theories I've heard yet.
>people built on natural stone foundations out of the same kind of stone
>this means natural stone is melted buildings
we about to ENTER 1000 year rule of christ

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Race isn't real
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Prove it
Why do race anti-realists bitch about race all the time, then?
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communism failed
you will never be a woman
join the 41%
>why do atheists complain about the made-up sky man that delusional retards worship that has negative ramifications for the rest of society. Checkm8

Truly powerful minds at work on the right
Homosexuals were rounded up, sent to the gulag, tortured and murdered under Stalin. The men in your photo Would have eviscerated you and strangled you with your intestines if you had lived during their time.

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What’s he going to say, /pol/?
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What site is this? I feel like /pol/fags could make a killing just betting on kike behavior
>no mention of mask
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I'll take "Israel is our greatest ally" for $100, Alex.
Niggers tongue my anus.
new natty b dropped?
Where? her vsco?

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When the Switch 2 releases, this could have its price dropped down to even say, $99.
It’d basically turn into an affordable game boy, upon its successor’s release.

It’d get everyone buying in the millions upon millions, and it’d be cheap enough for folks to both buy it + the Switch 2
Nintendo will eventually bow down and simply make accessories and games for phones. Switch is essentially a smartphone from 8 years ago already. Proving once again that infinite cycles of hardware evolution are less important than making fun games people actually want to play.
>When the Switch 2 releases
nvidia's stock price may drop

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Not too long ago these motherfuckers were celebrating what they thought was the complete destruction of Mr Hyde after removing him from his TV show now years later he is the only real mother fucker left who hasn't been torn apart by the Zog machine because he knew never to submit to it
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he cant keep getting away with this!!!
>dr disrespect
This is the millionth time I've heard this literal who's name said in three days
>Google it
>6 foot 8
kek fucking freak
>texted a minor
And what? Did he ask for nudes or something?
Why the shit fuck do you niggerfaggots care so much about e-celebs? And since when is /pol/ anti-pedophilia anyway? Every time I call someone a pedo here they come out of the woodwork to call me a roastie feminist or whatever
>still no explanation
I'm really glad I'm not actually autistic and socially retarded like you. Why can't you just answer my questions? I legit don't know anything about Hyde other than his skits and shit
anti slide

he still has retarded af NE liberal boston snob takes on random shit
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New England is where the real white trash is, not the trailer parks in Arkansas

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Ursula Haverbeck Imprisoned for Holocuast Denial Again - the 95 year old will serve 16 months.
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Roman salute angle
what angle tho?
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Being jailed for a crime and then committing it again after release is reoffending.

Being tried for the same offense multiple times is double jeopardy and that's illegal in every civilized country (and even a fair number of uncivilized ones).


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>Convicted AGAIN
She remember the good times, before niggers were roaming the streets. She knows she'll be dead soon either way and is just giving it to the kikes, based grandma. Live a good rest of your life and then be greeted in heaven by Hitler

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NEVER jepordize your career for a woman
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> just in case you thought i could still feel shame
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The troublemaker phenotype.
the fugly phenotype
Is that Mitch McConnell in drag?
Kek, can't unsee

If Russia invaded Ukraine because of NATO then why is Putin leaving his country undefended from NATO?
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>Ah yes, Russia will be shooting down Finnish F-35
lmfao, less than 16% of f35s are even combat capable, and bet fucking ZERO of the f35s in finland are anything more than glorified trainers or parts donkeys for israels fleet
This is a tired and bad argument. The answer is that Russia knows Finland was already de facto NATO number one and number two he knows that Finns won’t act like niggers and ever invade Russia to trigger article 5 unlike Ukraine.

Ukraine on the other hand planned on causing provocations in Crimea that Russia would have been forced to respond to, and by them responding would trigger article 5 in of itself. That is why Russia escalated the war (that has been going on since 2014), because they knew it’s now or never. By 2035 Ukraine would have been much more heavily armed and already in NATO.
And needs a shitty computer update for it's cannon to work.
Because real life isn’t HOI4 you NAFaggot
>And needs a shitty computer update for it's cannon to work.
its cant go supersonic or else its coating falls off,
and none of the new software upgrades work, and will takes month, if not years to fix
oh and there are literally no spare parts for the plane, because they all got diverted to israel, so basically f35's world wide are 'grounded' for lack of parts

lol, its so bad pilots cannot even train on them IRL

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Apparently the woman (a prostitute and porn star) who the Snoped dude dumped his wife for is now saying he raped her every day for years.
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lol you can't rape a prostitute. that's not possible. but also, why are leftists like this?
Nice, snopes is dying and this could be the final nail in the coffin
I just want to know how they manage to look so fucking weird. They're like Tenniel caricatures.
This is verified false by Snopes.

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>over 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) ethnic Russian invaders killed and crippled in the meat grinder in Ukraine
>all for this
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Happy Pride Month fellow fellas and /uhg/ers. We need you more than ever to support Ukraine.
Black Twitter should use that pic for their whypipo food memes.
they were "only" 50k just 2 months ago, stop listening to propaganda

>france estimates
france doesn't even know how many niggers roam their streets

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Against the invaders !
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why are you pushing that thing?
it is so easy to crush your false narrative
>He's beholden to a different set of jews is all. And he's a zionist. The eastern jews.
I should clarify. I phrased this wrong. It should be
>He's beholden to a different set of jews is all. The eastern jews. And he's a zionist.
He's in league with the russian kikes. And there's some kikes from some of those asiatic/turkic/mongoloid lands as well that putin is tied in with.
this is fake news. why do you make stuff up?

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I left the country fuck france
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french flag are macron shill lmao
fuck french women and fuck france

it's not my problem anymore

you asked for bbc you got it
now deal with your problem
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Muhhfooga ooga booga did wot I got to shoot for who u fukin lookin at
switch seasons i want you to fall into my lap

lets just be regular humans please these sex crazed people are so tiresome to be around
they need this and that sort of dick and want that and this sort of Chad i just wanna watch a movie and eat some good food go for a fuckin walk and go back to a nice lookin house and chill on the porch or in the backayrd

maybe there's a stream and we have a little stone seat next to it under a pavillion

who knows how nice life could be i dont wanna spend it living here in a fuckin city with people i regret having fuckin dealt with man i dont even care where i live i wanna live somewhere nice

i watn some money
and i wanna help people so that everyone eats nice and never has another problem ever again

i dont give a shit about pleasing people i just wanna get the job done and have some dependable people around i trust

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the photoshop on that little nigger pecker is hilarious
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vip airlift by the german airforce just landed near Berlin form Evreux by Paris and is on its way back for another pickup
They had German fighter jet escort, an american tanker from Britain and did a procession over Berlin.

Wtf is going on over there in africa, op?

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How did those shoeless niggas manage to win?
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at this point zogmerica lost to so many shoeless niggs that I can't even tell which ones those are lol
They bribed democrats.
"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous"

The objective was never to win. The objective was to create a new market & buyers for the defense companies. I didn't understand this until the disastrous pullout. Look at all of these abandoned military vehicles. Some of them were so factory fresh they still had plastic bags covering the wheels. Doesn't matter if the Afghan national army never got a chance to use them. The defense companies get paid either way. It also doesn't matter if they fall into Taliban hands. They are useless without the proper spare parts, Maintenace techs and ongoing maintenance. The domestic crackdown on civil liberties was just an added bonus from their point of view. From this point of view, the war was an astonishing success.
Now that they are done with Afghanistan, they have moved onto Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
The same way people have won against overwhelming odds through out history
Strength of will
extra quickness and agility caused by lack of shoes

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>"Ukraine does not want to prolong the war. We do not want it to last for years," President Volodymyr Zelensky said, Interfax-Ukraine reports.
>"We have many wounded and killed on the battlefield. We must put a settlement plan on the table within a few months," Zelensky added.
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that's an american.
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>Why haven't Ukrainians formed a lynch mob against Zelensky and killed him? Is it cause all the men in Ukraine are dead?

“ukrainian Identity” is not “pro-ukraine” — it’s just anti Russia.
The ukrainian individual only exist to spite and hate Russians.
if Zelensky evaporated tomorrow, the ukraine would go on exactly, precisely as it does today.
the ukraines war against Russia is about ethnic hatred,
simple as,

ukrainian people want the war,
their terms were ethnic expulsion or extirpation of Russians from "the 1991 borders"
ukraine will never stop,
this is some delusional insane race war to them,
that nato is gleefully funding, because in their buck-shattered, brain-diseased minds,
they thought this would some how "collapse Russia", it would balkanize and Putin would end up executed at the hague.

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Great get ready for millions of faggy Ukrainians to come to America. I feel bad for Americans in the trucking industry

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Thanks for the replies.
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Only people who can afford these type of cars write them off as a company car so they can get tax benefits from them. So, who cares? All the faggots drive in their Audi's, BMW's, Mercedes' and VWs.
Truth, but Americans are materialist addicted to their goytoys.
And why is that?

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How do you tell if a country is civilized or just a shithole?
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In the US, the tapwater is "safe" to drink but it's also filled with toxic fluoride and cancer causing chloramins.
It's like they fucked it up deliberately so they could make an extra shekel selling you water in a bottle or an expensive filtration system.
I guess that's the price of having "civilization" (jews).

In Japan they "hold" a table at bars or nightclubs by leaving their phones on the table.
That's a nation without niggers.
If their twitter users have pronouns and support isreal.
No niggers.
Sauce? What's the code number? I want to see this slip get railed and get a bukkake
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unreal kek. thanks anon

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