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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Get /fit/.
Join the metapolitical phalanx!
Spread flyers and stickers, physically remove leftist Agitprop!

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Bold statement from a memeflag.
A shotgun is nice, but you need more firepower than that. :)

I am a Germanic American. Finest kind. Ubermensch...
If you have some rare disease you are really fucked in Germany because modern medicine practitioners have a very probabilistic approach so anything that does not fit into their Pfizer or (insert other manufacturers) materials narrative is dismissed as attention-grabbing psychosomatic issue or fraud from the get-go. I've heard this many times.
Indeed. My good Allergologe was also my Hausartzt and he had the good sense to retire when the pandemic started. He referred me to several people but it really seems like all the alergologists are now also exclusively dermatologists first (instead of general practitioners), AND they're also women, so they think I'm either faking it (despite having a certificated, outdated but still...) or they try to shill be a billion homeopathic remedies, with no in-between. It's exhausting.
I would like to be used as a template for an uncanny AI like that nigger in the movie "The time machine": Making people seethe even beyond my physical existence.

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what level of clownworld are we on even?
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My dad always said that veterinarians did not exist when he was growing up. Whenever his dogs would get sick he would just give them children's medicine kek.
There are definitely abused animals that would benefit from anti-anxiety meds. I mean some behaviors just don’t go away. Like my dog during a thunderstorm. If he was like that 70% of the day instead of once or twice a month I’d probably get him some meds.
If anything these meds work WORSE for humans lol
Had to put my dog down in the last year because he couldn’t eat food anymore. I took a week off to stay home and forcefeed him gruel to keep him alive but he just keep eating less and less. The whole process is so bleak. I wish I could’ve just shot him in the head to get it over with like in Of Mice and Men. I still think about how scared and confused his last moments must’ve been and tear up.
Idiots in this thread don't realise that anxiety has physical symptoms.
Aaand she's Jewish too. Checks out.

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>Kamala's husband


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Kamala Harris is a tranny
>less zionist
lol, you shills
If only what one was was again.

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Fat Papa Smurf
The Dionysian Mysteries were a ritual of ancient Greece and Rome celebrating Dionysus. The ritual involved intoxicants (like alcohol) and dancing to music to remove inhibitions and social constraints. It gave freedom to those marginalized by Greek society such as women, slaves and foreigners.
He was associated to a special feast which involved drinking and an opportunity for frenzied submission to the impulses (read about maenads)
literally means the wine giver
satan almost all ancient greek so called "gods" are all archetypes of satan, though arguments can be made for baal, chemosh, milchom etc etc

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60%+ of marrying age males worldwide now single
Number much higher (likely close to 90% now) for males under marrying age as well.

Males will revoke women's rights and force them to marry and give children to every single male in less than 5 years.

Males will not accept working for nothing.
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I’ve seen this memeflag before. Imagine treating doomposting like a full time job.
Men are just as bad
I was ride or die for one who dumped me with a tryst with some ugly jew whore
I still love him but i wont take him back to spite my face
>the same with women

Wrong. There is a reason why many ancient religions and cultures had rules and regulations when it came to women, because since the beginning of time men have known the nature of a woman, she must be disciplined so that she doesn't whore herself out, when we gave them free reign, they destroyed the family unit and men's well being in general. You cannot turn a whore into a pure woman. gtfo cuck faggot.
Oh yeah? Got any muslim friends? They do what OP says NOW in YOUR country.
You were the weak, useless child all along
> women could do real work if their lives depended on it
actually they can't, it's been tested. 2 guys get lost in a forest = they get out or learn to survive. At worst they get mauled by some bear.
women get lost in a forest = they're dead of starvation in 2 weeks. They literally cannot do any useful task with any determination. Even women in the military that see action tend to quit because they see for themselves how they're a liability for the men. And that's the 1 in a million that can pass training. The IDF ones showing their asses are literally there for propaganda.

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ok chat, did he fuck his couch or what?
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And yet another one. Options field.
damn i wonder why society is rejecting them
>Be me
>J D Vance
>A well known sex haver with Indian women

You incels make me laugh. I'm 39 years young and I will be president in another four. Cope and seeth. You will never climax in a Punjabi vagina. So what if I fucked a couch. Still had sex.
They're trying to use meme warfare but they're doing it in a meangirl way
Because they should die?

No seriously, I bet in the future if western civilization survives this period will be viewed as a mix of weimar and dark ages, because how else can you call this shit

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What is it with Baby Boomers and these retarded hats that they always wear in public?
I live in one of the few remaining "semi-White enclaves" in North Carolina, and it's filled to the brim with retired Boomers from Florida and other nigger shitholes that they fled from. They crowd every restaurant downtown all hours of the day, so it's difficult to ever get a table or decent service, but they all go out wearing these dumbass hats. Do they think it makes them look cool?

Every time I see some old Boomer male wearing a retarded hat I feel an urge to cause him physical harm. Get out of me state ya rich, retired, nigger-loving cunts!

Also, the boomers transplants walk around with this attitude like everyone loves them and that they're "local," but they're pretty routinely despised. They're one of the major reasons renting here is basically impossible for working people.

To me, that hat perfectly encapsulates them, it somehow connotes a completely unwarranted arrogance.
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Brevard is full of rich boomers.
Waynesville has always been a town where boomers larp at "small town life".
Franklin is nothing but ageing boomer hippies.
Burnsville has become unaffordable
Hendersonville rolled out the red carpet for fags a few years ago.
Hell even a small house with hardly any land in Marion is $500k now.
tldr: fucking boomers with their slack, lifeless faces and floppy "boomer hats (yes I noticed it a few years ago too) "enjoying their golden years" have infested most of WNC
If it weren't for WCU, Jackson County would still be relatively untainted, but even Sylva has gotten faggy in the last 4 years, shockingly so, I remember there being vacant lots in the downtown 7 years ago. The only holdouts that I can think of now are Rosman (changing fast) and maybe Maggie Valley, but I haven't been there in a while.
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how long did it take you to find the right picture ivan? I've only seen people where stuff like that when they are doing stuff like in the picture.
Mad about... People wearing sunglasses?
These Boomers probably have to go in to a Derm office to chop off a new skin cancer every 2 months from all the neglect during their youth. They're just following their doctor's orders

>tfw no schizophrenic Christian supremacist nationalist black ayy wife
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I wish I could, anon
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look into the farmer family history, it seems they just sprang from the earth in the 1940s.
candace looks like she'd be shrewd and a self-obsessed gold digger. probably doesn't even suck dick but makes her man afford lavish everything. pass
The fact that Eminem dissed her in one of his newest songs is fucking bizarre
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or don't, because christkikes strongly dislike people who do their own research.

Obama is now officially Hangin' with Harris

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Do Jews really? How could one race of people be so vile and self centered. Almost as if their own god has forsaken them.
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Exactly. Just as Satan can only poorly mimic God and his wonders, Jews can only poorly mimic white society and it's perfection.
Why are they hated though?

It's like they consistently do something to be treated with disdain
Jews will spit in your face then be shocked when you retaliate at all. Egotistical to the very core of their wretched souls.
they are so oppressed that they always manage to get their spawns into prestigious schools and they control the media politics banks and insurance companies and if you dare to criticize them or point that out cohorts of their slaves come to their defense because they are so oppressed
Here's a really good question: who gives a shit who's been oppressed throughout history? Why is this supposed to mean anything? If anything, it probably means your people are weak and suck. Have we forgotten it's survival of the fittest? I'm not crazy here. Historical oppression literally means nothing. We all continually live in the present and present conditions are all that matter. But I ask again: who fucking cares? It seems like you're just highlighting what a shitty group of people you come from, which isn't really something you want to keep reminding people in the present since it may highlight why you were oppressed to begin with.

Are you ready to get your neetbux taxed to pay for normie breeders?
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I don't pay any taxes at all, I am a White Chad Shoplifter but even I think this is wrong on so many levels to pay for more nigger kids to destroy our country even more. Ever see what niggers and kids of single moms do to houses? It is almost like they were never meant to live inside at all.
>whites dont have kids
>pay for legions of jeets
insane that they would ever pick that faggot as VP
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>couch fucker
>dolphin jerker
>pro tax
4 years of kamala harris lets goooo
>You want me to pay more taxes to take care of other people's kids?
This is the only social program the government should actually have. The foundation of western civilization has always been the family. Not the single mother with 3 niglets but 2 opposite sex parents, 2-3 children family units. Making a better life for the next generation is why people worked to stabilize and better society. It’s what keeps civilization going and it’s why society is collapsing now. Non-breeders should be taxed to support families but only two parent, stable households. It’s why there is the ongoing push to destabilize and stigmatize the traditional nuclear family, as it stands in the way of the globalist, atheist agenda.

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Exactly. And somehow I don't get the impression that he'd wait 3.5 years for primaries to be over before pushing Trump metaphorically down some stairs just so he can race around and scoop up all the delegates overnight for himself without having to run the primary gauntlet. With some possibly AI-staged, awkward phone calls and videos thrown in the mix.
You're up next.
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Unnecessary but so much fun.
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Larry Fink worked with trump in 2017
you can still be a trumpfag but i don't wanna hear no edgelord shit from you faggots. You're the establishment team now. Own it!
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I really enjoy how angry you are and how hard you're trying. This has been fun for me.

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When was the moment you realized the white race is history? It’s never been more over than it is now.
About February of this year seeing the football fans that are "right wing" in stadiums and eating goyslop. Theres...just...so...many....

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You VILL NOT ask for compensation. You VILL NOT ask for work-life balance. You VILL work like ze bugs back in India. You VILL sacrifice your time and health so our Jewish imported Hindu aryan kweens can slay at tech companies. You VILL work for nothing and you VILL be happy.
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>It sounds like a shitskin cope to me
Okay but why do some of them have lighter skin tones and why does an ancient text complain about race mixing? The ones that carry the Aryan blood are still shitty slave stock, so it's not a mark of superiority.
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It's not just Vivek, it's an all out poo infestation now. This is just the poos running for president:

- Tushi Shittard
- Pajeeta Harris
- Vivek Scammerswami
- "Dr" Shiva (meme candidate but still)
- Nimrata Randhawa aka Nicki Haley

Am I forgetting any?
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They are rape babies of the original aryans. But the most important genes that make aryans who they are deal with brains and personality development. It's what allows civilization to flourish and grow. Go watch some vlog videos from Iran and then India and compare them, it's night and day. You could give Indians all the white-passing features in the world and they would still be subhuman savages who destroy civilization.
>They are rape babies of the original aryans.
They also probably fucked their slaves when they ruled India.
>important genes that make aryans who they are deal with brains and personality development.
Agreed. That's why the "Brahmin" are the same as the dalits. Just a bunch of brownoids LARPing as Aryans and living in a corpse of a society that the Aryans left behind.
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The so called "upper castes" are even more subhuman than the dalits because in India they are used to being able to rape, murder, scam, steal, and behave like subhumans without any consequences. That chimp-like savagery has been bred into them and concentrated with inbreeding. That's why even in the west, they have enough intelligence to infiltrate these tech companies but zero abilities to control their impulsive mindless chimp-like behavior. The real problem is that Jews love these scum and are mass importing them straight from the most subhuman environment imaginable into CEO and PM positions in the ultimate humiliation ritual.

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This is a nightmare.
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Big blue Bharat
5 years ago, i barely saw a single indian here, today i saw like 50. WTF. piece of shit subhuman indians are now everywhere, fucking piece of shits. Why are they allowed to enter europe?
Note that a huge % of those being born in the west are not white
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Good morning sir. We come to enrich.
It's literally over.

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What did God mean by 1.3 billion of these creatures?
chinks torture animals before eating them because all the adrenaline released into their bloodstream gives the meat a narcotic effect they get high from...the poor man's adrenochrome

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My IQ is 135 (verified) and there is an absolute ZERO chance Kamala Harris will ever be president. (elections aren't real anyway)
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If you're so smart, how come you're not a billionaire and slaying hot chicks every night? How come you're posting on /pol/? IQ doesn't mean shit.
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>(elections aren't real anyway
Bibi has already signalled recently that the presidency will be given to Trump.
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My IQ is 67. I predict that despite everyone disliking Kamala, even being afraid of Kamala, she will win. And then everyone will believe in election fraud, and finally will want to do something about it. Her victory will be overturned.
Whatever causes a real Revolutionary War to happened in this country is what I want to happen.

I thought Kamala was black?
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She looks stable and not at all an ssri fueled ticking timebomb.
I’ll stick to reading Dune.
Fucking jew pussy boy and a bony nigger…
I've literally never shaved my pits once, nor have i shaved my chest. Haven't shaved my face in over a decade either.
The fact that you and I have ever seen images of this kike horror demonstrates just how lost in a Jew hole the U.S. is
Kamala gets me! Im voting for Kamala!

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Are you ready to drain the swamp, goys?!
Israel shot Trump
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>gimme that jewish cock mr. emhoff!
>gluck gluck gluck gluck
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