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Biden stuttered, Trump lied the whole time.
The desperate, inorganic Trump shilling on /pol/ now is a PSYOP from Israel’s Mossad and Russia’s FSB, working overtime because they need their puppet Trump back in the White House.
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>mommy my fee fees hurt
shut your trap nigger cunt faggot and go back to bunkerchan
Seethe harder.
Your boy got his dick kicked in by some of his biggest fans.
Kek, you're fucked.
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Show flag kike tranny
Lets talk Hunter Biden laptop
Lets talk biden pedophilia
"False claims" just means "things liberal journalists disagree with." Biden told several easily verifiable lies during the debate:

>"Very fine people" hoax
>"No American soldiers died under my watch"
>"The Border Patrol endorsed me"

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>drink bleach
Fuck off
I heard that’s the main ingredient to the philosopher stone
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a jar of piss

So, which way, white man?
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kill the jewish half, maybe put them in a camp of sort, enslave the nigger half, put them to work instead of subsidies. They can sell their own negro children as slaves, guarantee they will sell out their own kind to make rent or buy the new iphone.
He never said this… fucking lying kike OP
Axshually he did

.Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944
“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”
― Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-1944

65 quotes from Hitler's Table Talk
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right... we also get mexicans and an ever increasing number of jeets

She's been running the country for 3-1/2 years. So what's the problem? Let her run it for another 4-1/2 years.
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Pete Buttgig
pretty sure Blinken and Sullivan are running everything.
I would shoot so much cum in her asshole
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I want Kamala and her cute sister at the same time
Judging how bad things are getting they might be, but Rice was president until 5/2023 when she resigned because she was the smartest person in the administration and knew when to run ]far away.

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Just woke up.
How was debate?
who loved niggers and jews most?
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>glownigger bot farms still trying to convince /pol/ that the senile guy with a jewish uprbringing, jewish education, jewish family, jewish friends, jewish job, jewish lawyers, an openly pro-jewish agenda and program, countless jewish awards and honors for being the biggest goy on earth and the worlds biggest jewish political campaign backers, is the "opposition" to jews
>after he already spent 4 years larping as president sucking off jews in office while jews run the country
>after he spent 78 years of his life sucking off jews out of offfice
>who loved niggers and jews most?
I gotta give that one to Trump. Not really sure if Biden even remembers whether or not he loves niggers and jews.
>but Trump gave absolutely no reason to vote for him.
He doesn't need to give you a reason, basically his selling point this time is that he isn't biden.
Yeah, we are 100% back in the
>vote for the least shitty thing
politics America does best. Which is why I probably won't vote at all.

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Fuck America
Israel needs our support
War with Iran, boots on the ground

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You know what the sad part is? He is still going to win.

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Just wanted to say I absolutely HATE america and americans :)
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Completely based
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>what is the german american bund
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> mutts still assmad as ever

More news at 11 lol.

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Attention we have found the new president candidate. His name is BRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP *sniff* *sniff*

Edit:You broke Reddit! Thanks for the BRRRAAAAAPPP kind stranger!

Edit 2: All comments have been disabled to an "error" of our poopjeet software engineers in India doing a lil curry BRAAAAAAAPPPPP on the servers. Please standby as we fix this technical difficulty.


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Even they know Brandon sucks ass.

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This was planned. The earliest presidential debate in history? Let Joe fuck up massively enough to justify putting in someone else before the convention. They’ve had years to plan this out. None of this is a surprise. They’ll replace him with Michelle Obama. There is no doubt.

Story from earlier today: https://www.axios.com/2024/06/27/michelle-obama-private-frustration-bidens-2024-election

The idea! that this isn’t fake and gay is in fact a fact of the malarkey of the circumstances of the situation in which the fact is the idea is fake and gay!
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Kek. What a fag
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shills are getting angry every time i post this.
>This was planned.
Doesn't look like it, it looks more like the equivalent of Democrats writing a 3 hour exam and in the last 10 minutes just realized everything they wrote was wrong and are desperately watching the seconds count down as they try to figure out how to salvage the mess.
imagine being such a fucking NPC that it's the TV debate that makes you decide who to vote for
What am I shilling by pointing out the obvious, retard? Hours before the debate big Mike comes out and says there’s a rift between him and the Bidens? Earliest debate in history? You can’t even add 1+1 and you call me a shill? You’re retarded.

the west is saved
Not until I get my anthro wife
the fact i dont have a fox wife with giant tits and a giant ass means this is all bullshit
please stop posting my wedding photos thanks
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Somos reyes.

Why did he fuck biden over so hard tonight? i thought ol' tapper was supposed to be an establishment puppet but he threw this entire debate away tonight. jakehad the opportunity to win the election for the democrats, thats the whole point of CNN running the debate with its gay rules (everyone expected them to cheat the debate anyways so what harm is it to rig the thing??) if they were going to treat trump and biden equally
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Likely. They need conditions to improve for a little bit first as bait.
Of course that faggot is back campaigning for Trump just as everyone said he would.
why are you liking those revolting tweets
i wish i could be this retarded and get away with it
That second tweet was kind of funny

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>Muh ancestas built these roads!
Why do black people claim that slaves were used to build infrastructure and large construction projects?
Is it too humiliating to so closely identify with their ancestors while acknowledging that they were just used to water and harvest plants for one agricultural subsector?

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>The world is 94% non White.
>We need to bring these people into the West and teach them our ways, teach them Christianity.
Will it work?
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Oh lawd kikes just don't quit, do they? Most of the brown thirdies already obey the kike sand demon.
yes of course, everyone wants to live like a westerner, even if it means they have to tear it to shreds to get their piece.
>the steppe nomads descended upon the valley agrarians.
>endorses genocide
>loses ranch
Will not work.
how about we teach them there, so we don't have to teach them here?

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Roof collapses at Delhi airport
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on the plus side, the beams still look intact but they proably lost a few zipties
why did god make different races and make all the nonwhite ones so useless
they are shitting on the roof now too?
Don't worry about it!
Roofs collapse all the time.

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Is the accurate description of a 4chan user?
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Don't live in a flyover state.
Don't have a basement, and living with your immediate family is a good thing. Especially with the economy as fucking retarded as it is.
I leave my house all the time.
How has someone never seen a woman in real life if they live with their mother?
No one is afraid.
I don't vote.
I don't touch /v/ or /tv/.
I'm kind of both, but also neither.
One drop rule, nigger.
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Physiognomy is indeed a real thing, my testosterone deficient anon.
ahahha living in the big apple. 4chan users are everywhere.

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Are peppers going to be right this year- there will be incoming food riots?

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I have to poop but I'm working on something and don't wanna take a 45 minute break.
Congratulations sir you are the 1 trillionth pooper on earth. Your UFO will be waiting for you to bring you to Draco
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I peed
I'll be back to bump in 5 minutes.
Thank you for your service

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Listen to me very carefully /pol.
I know you think this is funny, but it's not.
The stability of the country hinges on Biden losing.
If Biden wins, despite the media turning on him, it will be absolute chaos.
Rural Trumpers will kick off a revolt.
We do NOT want this kind of chaos.
So I know you think it's funny to vote Biden for the lulz, but PLEASE DO NOT.
Do the sensible choice and vote for Trump.
Trump has been selected to win, and so just play along ok?
You'll get to "own the libs" as they say, by electing him.

Thank you.
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Nobody is voting for Joe anymore. It's completely Joever.
Nope we accelerating baby. Ridin' with Biden all day erryday.
we don't even know if biden will be alive by election day, what if he dies just before?
I'm voting biden. Accelerate!
t. in leafland visiting family

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