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>the idea
>the face that sums up America

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This election cycle isnt cool or funny its pathetic
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A lot of you facebook junkies are really trying to recreate 2016 its just not there buddy. Its all fake and gay energy.
Its all about biden poo poo pee pee bullshit. Go watch 2016 trump he was a fuckin bad ass. Now they are both retarded jew loving faggots.
Don't care it's truth
Haven't had Facebook since like 2014 btw
Fuck off you Bidet ass licking faggots
Trump is objectivly weaker and dumber than he was in 2015. Whats to be excited about?

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Would she be allowed into the ethnostate?
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>Would she be allowed into the ethnostate?
I'm torn. I don't want to say "they" because it sounds like a neopronoun, but "she" is singular. Very confused. Also, she's not torn. kek
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This is a religious Christian holy war not a race war. They need Jesus to win. Christ is king
it would've stayed up if the faggot hadn't represented one of them as underage
I'm 99.4% European. Am I allowed in the ethnostate?


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I have it on good advice Senator Boebert has nudes she did when she was in her 20's
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hello fellow crazy days and nights blind item anon!
If she's in politics, she has kompromat
I have a secret for you OP. And this might be unbelievable but I assure you it's true. Literally every female on the planet has nudes.
It's been known for years
More like senator Boobert am I right fellas?

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Beware for we have entered the timeline of the champion of man. Screenshot this. He will continue to become more and more popular. Until it becomes cult like.
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yes it is, look it up
Surrender Jerusalem

If only you knew...
Metzitzah B’peh is their disgusting circumcision ritual, not the religious item I am talking about. I'm not stupid, anon.


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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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>Let's begin
>I'm gonna make you wish that I stayed gone
>Tune on in
>When I'm done, your status quo will know its race is run
>Oh, this will be fun
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and that's just his pants

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Does it matter if Trump wins?
He was president already and he didn't do shit. Why would this time be different?
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He will get the whites to support the military again. He will win some battles, convince the right wingers "this is still Murica!" and get the military industrial complex rolling for the upcoming struggle with China
Whatever. Look at this please.
It's very important. He losses, conservatives drop money and certain issues that are critical. Think baby steps. Trump isn't the end, he's only the beginning.
It's not what he will do different, it's what he won't do that biden will

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The earpiece
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"I'm senile, making me the victor." - Biden Lo
Nice dijits. But Trump fucked up a lot. Biden's endless fuckups and CNN basically handing him the baton every chance they could and he couldn't even stay on topic or say anything meaningful. He just made fun of Biden and said he did a really heckin good job last time. Didn't make a single good point the entire time and basically won by default. It's like playing a really shitty game of pool where you miss all your shots but the other guy is just scratching over and over and eventually loses on a technicality.
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Based, i have a round trip ticket here i just have to redeem.
choice reference

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I missed it too because it was 3 AM and I prefered to sleep.
I expected that it would be as boring as the last election's debate, but apparently Biden's handler didn't dope him up enough...
Where can I watch the whole thing?
>based digits
Biden shat himself on live TV
> huma abedin at 40% (!!!)
Mommy president
Not many really but here is a few

>biden said he best Medicare and trump said yeah you did lmao
>trump said he had the greatest economy in American history (guess he forgot about the 90s)
>they both had a random pissing contest about gold and their handicaps
>biden babbled for a minute and trump said he has no idea what Biden just said and neither does Biden

Biden looked and sounded like shit and belongs in a care home. Trump was trump, CNN are even blasting Biden, dems want him to resign. That’s pretty much it
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they cleaned up Biden's gobledy gook & deleted Trump's jab from the transcript
>they really just cannot help themselves

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It's actually going to happen lmao
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It's not happening schlomo, no matter how many times you say it will.
Trump clearly said he will stop the ukraine conflict and let israel do whatever they want. It cannot get more clearer than this. The game was rigged from the start. He will be the wartime president and you will die for zog.
Sorry boomers, no zoomette pussy for you (now we get them AND your slut cougars).
It needs to happen.
The second they start drafting is the second I start playing Minecraft IRL. and I’m not a glownigger faggot, I’ll hit real targets, not soft soft glownigger ops.

Post funny debate memes
ok, you start


I wonder how long this will take for the third time...

Due to Tool's incorporation of visual arts and very long and complex releases, the band has been described as a style-transcending act and part of progressive rock, psychedelic rock, and art rock.
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alice in chains is boring they make me think it's naptime
all those bands are garbage.
ehhh im a sad white guy.. im so weak and gay..

you want some good music?
we got nickelback
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lowkey, Prison sex is a song to listen to if you want to beat someone's brain in.
I had a dream last night I was at a Tool concert. >t. grew up listening to them and have gotten fairly bored of their stuff

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could see this happening
>They are looking into this unplanned tech bug they say
Can't have any post-debate wrong think posted. The US has truly become the USSR, with fags.
>Biden shit his pants live. LMAO!
It will probably shut down in our lifetimes honestly, buy puts.

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>Leaked audio can be revealed of a rant Adam Bandt delivered to Greens supporters that the party leader admitted could cost him 'a few friends'.

>A judge has labelled Bruce Lehrmann as a 'man of modest means' after the former staffer was hit with a $2million legal bill in the wake of his failed defamation trial.

>Queensland Police establish emergency declaration after industrial fire in Kingston, Logan
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Fentanyl Problem:
Machine price proposed by democrats is being overcharged, there is chemical detection methods and x-ray detection methods which can be easily built for quite a low price.
Dog price proposed by republicans is being overcharged.
Money is being skimmed off the top by both republicans who charge for dogs and democrats who ask for machines.
Both Trump and Biden want to keep senior social security, both parties like getting benefits.
Both Trump and Biden have methods which keep the election system running in their favor.
Cost of living will go up for all Americans as political skimming problem is not addressed.

Biden promises to move towards policies which will move towards peace.
Biden is more proficient in understanding people.
Biden wants to leave Donald Trump's wall open to bring in more immigrants
Biden wants to employ more black people
Biden wants to address equity problems

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Wow, video is already private. That's surprising.

If Donald Trump becomes president, America is likely to have a civil war.
If Biden remains president, America is likely to have a civil war.

Strange times we live in, Putin's terms are terms of somebody who wants to continue a war in Ukraine regardless of whether a peace agreement is reached.
America is less likely to have a civil war under Biden.
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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!
>Spent the day throwing up
So you're on the Lady Di diet then?

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What would happen if they became the leaders of the US and Russia?

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Hello, Germanbros, I hope you support Israel, otherwise you might lose your citizenship.

pisslamists are going to have a fit.

I actually support that absolutely and would add where anyone applying for citizenship in Europe and North America has to dip breas into bacon grease and eat a bacon strip! :D

And this only goes for non European migration, Israel is in Europe therefore naturally exempt u less a pisslamist claims to be a Israeli citizen then bacon shall be mandatory.

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Listen, I know Joe had a tough night but we can't abandon him now. It's not the time to start thinking of other candidates.
Greasy brown ebt hands typed this
Haha biden poo poo pee pee
It's really too late to think of other candidates. Would mean that the Dems would lose some states by default. Smartest thing is to avoid future debates and just go full media assault.
I win no matter who is president but trump will give the best memes.

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Are dems considering her? She'd easily win the male vote
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Are you retarded?

Like seriously retarded?

she is a team player.
she went along with the FBI kidnapping plot..
that's stretchin gretchen
A day of eating and drinking only what came out her mouth would be the greatest day of your life, piggy white boy
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Joe Biden performed at the exact same level as he always does, when he makes any public appearances or speeches.

The exact same.

The only change is the way that the explainers, pundits, and other media personalities are telling you to think about what you just saw, in the debates.

If anything, this should lay bare just what the media establishment is. How corrupt they are. How slimy.
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Dude lasted maybe 20 minutes before he started rambling. So yeah, about the same level, but most of his speeches are shorter than that.
How long do stimulants generally last when they've been used for years?
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His handlers are scum, sure. But his own wife putting a sick old elderly man through the stress and pressures that one must do, when in such a position as president? She ought to be prosecuted for elder abuse. There is no chance in hell that she can feign ignorance. She is his wife. She knows how sick he is behind closed doors.
>Maybe they got tired of having to lie for Biden all the time, at the expense of their own country.
Good one.
But seriously their real issue it that it's becoming unsustainable to maintain the illusion of democracy. As stupid as the average voter is, even they're going to start having doubts when the establishment is parading around an obvious brain-dead corpse claiming he is their democratically elected glorious leader.
The lie is becoming unsellable even to democrats who think Trump is Hitler.
They still have to actually go out on election day and vote for this guy as their leader with the knowledge of all his babbling and drooling, it's basically impossible to not feel like a cuck in that situation.
The soulless eyes of a Zionist.
The only old leader who was any good was Gladstone.

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