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More gay ass unsourced Twitter faggotry. Why are cuckservatives so prone to always believe fake news?
>some guy on Twitter said it trust me
No JFK served more than half of his term so it didn't count against LBJ.
LBJ was expected to run for re-election in 1968, but he decided against it and explicitly declined to run.
CBS commentator called Biden "feeble-minded", editing didn't cover it up.
Part of the plan.
2 more weeks.
Insert Newsom.
it's ok to say it once their master CNN says it

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At the debate, there was not a single question about 2SLGBTQIA+ rights. Specifically trans rights. It’s 2024 for crying out loud! Mark my words, no candidate will win their election if they are against trans rights. If we allow Trump to win, he will change the course of history and prevent trans people from existing for the next 30+ years with his Supreme Court picks. As a trans woman, I am scared.
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Ywnbaw 41
Eat shit tranny banny janny

Surely you jest?
>Mark my words, no candidate will win their election if they are against trans rights.


>If we allow Trump to win, he will change the course of history and prevent trans people from existing for the next 30+ years with his Supreme Court picks.

"trans people" never existed. It's just some attention-seeking faggot who takes cosplay too seriously or some girl who was raped by her dad or older male family member and rejects her femininity as a way to cope. Neither of these situations is solved by drugs and surgery.
A wound that won't heal.

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Beware for we have entered the timeline of the champion of man. Screenshot this. He will continue to become more and more popular. Until it becomes cult like.
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It is a crown , the things you speak about are waaaaay smaller , I know because I've seen plenty up close
No, no it isn't.
What does the placard on the display case say? Anyone have a higher res image
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Not even North Koreans are on this level
All I know is that it's THE CROWN OF JERUSALEM

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Don't care still voting Biden
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He looked old, and unable to launch an improve speech. I'd still rather have Biden making the important decisions than Trump.
This, still voting for Brandon.

Keep seething trumpies
Fpbp. Trump’s literal best shot at victory is against Biden
You have the same mindset as a corpse.

So, which way, white man?
First kill the Jewish half then the nigger half.
It's not like those are the only choices
A-anon... I didn't mean to imply that you must choose between niggers and kikes... :-)
Honestly of the two I'd take niggers, easier opponent.

Better break federal law over this
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Yeah because pic related is such a great idea.
We require you to fart on a regular basis
We already have a dental plan; it's your shitty provinces that didn't. That fact you didn't know this shows how stupid you're. WTF. We also don't pax PST. Get fucked retard lol.
Fuck you
Cool story. Nobody cares.

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Are dems considering her? She'd easily win the male vote
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What president isn’t?
>She'd easily win the male vote
Hey kid, sounds like you want to kidnap her.
Stretchen Gretchen isnt popular outside of Detroit. Worse candidate than Kamala Harris.
maaaaaybeeee... I've been browsing pictures of her and have developed a bit of a crush desu.

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STOP. You are falling for bait. Campaigns are planned out far ahead of time, leaving very little to chance. They were the ones that requested this debate.

Media outlets are almost always coordinated with these campaigns as well, look at how fast they rolled out these articles. They were far too early and played their hand too quick that it's extremely noticable.

They are up to something and wanted Biden to show is incompetency. The question is, what are they up to?
Everyone saw Trump destroy Bidens asshole on live TV. It's the biggest news story in the world right now. I bet every newspaper around the globe is saying the same thing because we all saw the same thing. Retard.
Again, these campaigns are planned very far ahead. They requested the debate, his handlers know the shape he is in. You are the retard.
You can plan things in advance but contingency can still get in the way. Biden got a cold and was clearly also nervous and tired. Campaigners can't control how a candidate feels or everything about how he performs. The news outlets were fast because it's a very hot news story and this is the speed of digital journalism. There's no conspiracy.
"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy" [repeat x]

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Humiliation ritual.
Trump lost the debate, his handlers failed.
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I thought trump hid his homosexuality very well
somebody did. odds are it was biden.
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Fuck Israel.
is this irony, or did someone at the IDF accidentally activate the "if trump looses threads" bot
Not even CNN is covering for Joe anymore.
OP is a faggot retard.

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Execute Order 66

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She performed as bad as Biden cleaning up after him
Who's brilliant idea was it to send out KAMALA to clean up this mess in a panic? Holy shit who is running the show? Comedy hour

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They'll regroup in a week but man it's fun
Someone isolate what was being said in someone's ear piece at 1:02
The jesuit handlers
>Kamala Harris

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Which subreddits are freaking out now after the debate?
None, they restricted all new comments sitewide
r/politics since they’ve been banning leftists and conservatives since the 2020 primaries. I got banned for saying Biden is old. They’re a DNC controlled subreddit so of course the site is shut down before they can develop a narrative.

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Why do the Democrats think initiating a coup within their own party is good for them?
jews and golems m8 jews and golems. lmao.
Why does an animal caught in a bear trap think it's smart to chew off its own leg?

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Holy fuck, its all bad. You have no choice, the choice was made by people far more powerful than yourself. Biden is a fall guy and a geriatric dementia patient they threw to the dogs, and Donald Zion Trump will not save you morons. Good fucking LUCK Americans. Both you and us are going to need it.

Get weapons and ammo, I wish i could do that here but Canada is a joke. Doesn't matter who wins, the result is controlled chaos, just as it was planned by the fiat currency emperors, and war-gamed during COVID.

Good luck bros, protect your fucking families, no one else matters. ESPECIALLY NOT THE POLITICAL "PARTY'S". No one is coming to save you, sometimes people have to learn things on their own, the hard way.
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That'd be something, and the only thing that ever happens is nothing.
>You have no choice
Do you think voting is mandatory?

I don't get it. Why? I get that no sane man would vote for Biden. But why Trump after all the bullshit he is speaking and doing.
It's not a binary choice. Believe or not it can matter for other countries as well if the US destabilises even further.
Go ahead, watch all the "change" happen. Doesn't really matter who wins. Toss your vote in, not like I'm trying to stop you from doing so. Enjoy the "victory".
Because it's funny you fucking retard.

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Emerge Victorious brothers.

The modern political system is nothing but a fucking charade. Only one thing matters going forward and that is our unification from sea to sea. The entire world seeks our destruction at the behest of the jew and with good reason - we are the seeds of a lost and powerful past.

The future of the world relies specifically on our unification.

Bring your best fashwave art, pro-European music and most mind bending thoughts regarding the legacy of our peoples and let's get ready to add to it.

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I agree, mostly. but I am not sure the frontier is what was breathing life into USA, it seems to be the racial homogeneity among whites (WASP). The repealing of the 1790 naturalization act was the first of many dominoes to fall on our way to jewish banking. and our constitution doesn't say anything about european/whites...as always hindsight 20/20. but I also thing we may have been bred for zog this whole time with this country being founded by (((freemasons)))
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thanks Jan
I enjoyed this.
Freemasonry a few centuries ago was in a much...weirder condition. They were far more divided for one thing. As there were letters exchanged talking about the issues within the Freemasonry especially in regards to the Old World VS New World but it ended in a way that the New World got overtaken by the Old World Freemasonry. Ultimately it didn't matter since it ended the same way regardless. The Enlightenment Era as a whole was a disaster for everyone except the new world. It set the stage for globohomo and directly enabled the aggressive purging of all the aristocracy who refused to sell out. The New World ended up having its turn to get fucked over regardless. It took them a few failed coups but eventually, they did succeed in 1913 because they could retreat to the old world to replan and try again later. All it took was a single success and Americans made it very easy for them with their unwillingness to acknowledge the inherent flaws of liberalism or chase after them to finish the job. The latter of which is a huge problem for humanity in general. I mean how many times have the Canaanites been spared despite very specifically they were the one exception for full genocide by God? Look at all the destruction, misery, and despair that has caused.

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47th President of the United States Cenk Uygur
Literally who?
Stinky Ogre for president? lol
Yeah okay if Alex Jones gets the Republican ticket I'm game.
Who dis?

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Is the accurate description of a 4chan user?
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I live in Texas in a condo on the 21st floor with my girlfriend. I browse /o/ and /ck/ and recently I've become a little overweight because I drink a lot. Other than that, it's literally me.
>Right wing who lives in a flyover state
Sort of? Most of Illinois is flyover but I live in Chicago
>Cis, white male
>Live's in his mom's basement
Live alone in an apartment but it's a basement unit
>Has never left his house
I usually prefer staying home in my free time, sure
>Has never seen a woman in real life.
Gf and I are moving in together soon and already decided we're getting married and having kids once I finish college. Though I was a khv until I was 22
>Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic.
>Voted for Trump
Yes in 2016, didn't vote in 2020 and probably won't this time either

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Don't live in a flyover state.
Don't have a basement, and living with your immediate family is a good thing. Especially with the economy as fucking retarded as it is.
I leave my house all the time.
How has someone never seen a woman in real life if they live with their mother?
No one is afraid.
I don't vote.
I don't touch /v/ or /tv/.
I'm kind of both, but also neither.
One drop rule, nigger.

...it's almost like it was designed to be the worst possible form of government.
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It worked really well until we turned from God.
Ah yes the micks, the worthless slaves to the aristocrats that dug useless canals and slapped together railroads at a premium that fell apart in a year that then returned to the inner cities and created the first gangs in US history. The ones that probably arrived in the US illegally
I was speaking more on the point of the founding fathers. That said, I do slightly disagree with you.
There are more civies than there are militants. Sorry I can't find the old pasta, but to paraphrase it 'Tanks cannot go door to door. F15s cannot break up civilian meetings. Drone controllers have families and addresses.'
We are as armed as we need to be to bring about change if we chose to. That's why the government and media are so hell bent on bringing about changes and damning those that are armed.
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>The US was founded as a country for European immigrants
Oh. It seems that I wasn't as awake as I thought I was.

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I use the N-word in the privacy of my own home.
What I do behind my own doors is none of anyone's business.
I have a political belief that all black peoples are, in fact, niggers.

Political beliefs are protected, so you can't fire me
u mean nigger?
Do you subscribe to all black people are nigger-ism?

or are you a denier?
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You say that with a certain attitude.

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"Will you deport every undocumented immigrant in America and how?"

Mass deportation is literally the only reason I'm voting for this faggot. He dodged the question entirely.
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Yeah obviously he was never going to do it. You should have learned that last time.
Fuck you cock sucker, traitors get the bullet first, ask anyone irl
Trump got rid of DEI within the federal government.
Biden brought it back.
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>Trump got rid of DEI within the federal government.
lmao no he didn't
Trump worships niggers
The Executive Office is not the king of the country, for better or worse.

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