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This board is for author-driven collaborative storytelling (i.e., "Quests"). In a quest there is a single author who controls the plot of the story and who drives the creative process. They can choose to take suggestions from other posters, or not, at their sole discretion. Quests can be text-based, image-based, or a combination of the two. Drawfaggotry is strongly encouraged!

To facilitate the author-driven nature of quests, /qst/ differs significantly from other boards in that the OP of a thread is considered the quest's author, and has some basic text formatting abilities: [b], [i], and color tags [red], [green], and [blue]. Therefore, only those people willing to put in the effort to be a quest author should post threads. If you do not intend to run a collaborative story, do not post a thread here! This includes meta-threads.

Dice rolling follows /tg/'s format (e.g., "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the options field rolls 2d6).
Current board settings:

Anyone can post images.
Anyone can use painter.
Anyone can use dice & spoilers.
Only OP can use text formatting.
3000 character limit.
750 bump limit.
Decreased post timer to match /tg/ (30 seconds for text, 60 seconds for an image reply).
Automatic permasage after 72 hours.
Thread specific user IDs.
Max threads per IP is 5.
Standard 7 day internal archive.

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Пpивeт фopчaн я знaю чтo вы любитe пo фoтo нaхoдить мecтo. Я дaю вaм квecт нaйдитe пo фoтo гдe я нaхoжycь. Bвoднaя инфopмaция:
Этo мoя дepeвня, дaннyю тeмy coздaл я caм, мнe 12 лeт, мoй пceвдoним Taкoяки.
Я живy в Poccии.
Пo пpaвилaм мoжeтe иcпoльзoвaть вce чтo нaйдeтe, нo мoи poдcтвeнникaм нe пиcaть и нe звoнить.

"I will avenge you, Father. I will save you, Mother. I will kill you, Raikage."

Fifteen years had passed since that fateful night when Kumogakure's forces had descended upon Konohagakure like a storm of steel and fire. Naruto's memories of the attack were hazy, fragmented images of burning buildings, the screams of the dying, and the silhouette of the Raikage towering over his fallen father, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. He could still see the flash of the Raikage's lightning as it struck his father down, and the look of cold triumph in his eyes as he dragged Kushina Uzumaki away, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

Naruto had been spirited away in the chaos, hidden by loyal shinobi who had sacrificed their lives to ensure his escape. He had grown up in the shadows, training in secret, honing his skills, and nurturing his hatred. Now, at eighteen, he was ready to fulfill his destiny.

> [Choose Action]
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We might want to contact Kimigakure and Sunagakure, if they still exist. Either they will be collaborators with the lightning or outright rivals with them, but either way I doubt they are satisfied with life under Kumogakure hegemony.
> [Seek audience with the Nine-Tails through meditation, reason with him to lend me his power and bring bloodshed to Kumogakure. ]

Naruto sat cross-legged in the dimly lit chamber, the air thick with the scent of burning incense. The shrine before him flickered with the light of a dozen candles, their flames dancing in the stillness. He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing, focusing his mind inward. He sought an audience with the Nine-Tails, Kurama, the immense chakra beast sealed within him.

In the depths of his consciousness, Naruto found himself standing before the massive, ominous cage that held Kurama. The beast's fiery red eyes glowed with a mixture of curiosity and contempt as it regarded the young shinobi.

"What do you want, Naruto?" Kurama's voice rumbled, a deep growl that echoed through the void.

"I need your power, Kurama," Naruto said, his voice cold and steady despite the enormity of the being before him. "I seek to bring bloodshed to Kumogakure, to avenge my father, and to save my mother."

Kurama's eyes narrowed. "Why should I help you? Your hatred feeds me, but it does not bind me to your cause."

Naruto took a deep breath. "Because our fates are intertwined. The Raikage's death will not only bring me peace but will also allow you to taste the blood of our enemies. Together, we can wreak havoc on Kumogakure and make them pay for what they did."

The Nine-Tails considered this, its eyes flickering with bloodlust. "Very well, Naruto. I will lend you my power. But remember, this is a pact sealed in blood and vengeance. Do not falter."

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Understanding Naruto's inner turmoil, Kakashi changed the subject, "Kumo ninjas have been attacking Kirigakure, stretching their forces thin. This could be an opportunity for us to strike when they least expect it."

Itachi spoke up. "We need to gather more intelligence and find allies who share our hatred for Kumogakure. Kirigakure might be a potential ally, given their current conflict with Kumo."

Anko, her eyes cold with determination and hatred, said, "We should also identify key targets within Kumo, besides the Raikage. Disrupting their leadership and infrastructure will weaken their defenses. Gain leverage, spread disinformation, subvert informants within Kumo, and turn everything inward to watch the village tear itself apart."

Naruto nodded, absorbing the information.

With the Nine-Tails' power at his command and the support of the remaining shinobi of the Leaf, Naruto knew the time for retribution was drawing near. The storm of vengeance he had longed for would soon be unleashed upon Kumogakure.

> [Choose Action]
>Setup fake jobs and ambush and take out kumo squads. Kumogakure losing income, a possible squad leader that may have more info and reducing future shinobi is good.

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You are a goblin. A foul-smelling and cruel little creature of little acclaim that exists to be bullied and pushed out by stronger and longer-lived races.

Recently your clan was pushed out of the small cave that housed it by an armored adventurer in full iron armor and a red plume on his grated helm that was hired by the village nearby. You had kidnapped some travelers to use as breeding stock and meat and turns out one of them was the village chief's daughter. While regular villagers and the occasional crop theft weren't enough to be ignored, hurting the chief's daughter was enough to pool the little money the village had to send a formal quest to the adventurers guild.

Now your entire clan is dead- killed by that strange Goblin Slayer. And you're stuck fending for yourself in the forest you had run off into away from the Goblin Slayer. Luckily you found an abandoned cabin that was only in a mild state of disrepair or you would've succumbed to the elements. Your days consist of stealthy berry gathering to hide both from the predators in the forest and in case the Goblin Slayer is still looking for you.

One day during your berry gathering after finding a root of plants that seemed healthy, in a flash of light a heavily-wounded human with long black hair and an impossibly gorgeous face appeared before you.


As the strange person derangedly monologues the earth starts rising around them and you can feel the air crackle with raw power. As you start to back away in fear the strange person suddenly coughs blood and tumbles over.


As they start writhing in agony you get a closer look at them.

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>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)
Damn, I like the art, cool color pallet and composition, have you ever made a quest before or is this the first one?
>Chew it up in your mouth and feed it to him like a stinky green mother bird. (He Really Fucking Hates You But He Swore An Oath Relationship)

The quest title is already preset comedy. I say gun it. Full sneed ahead.
>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)
>Chew it up in your mouth and feed it to him like a stinky green mother bird. (He Really Fucking Hates You But He Swore An Oath Relationship)

Why so serious!? MC is a goblin! Act like one!

To be clear I didn't make the art. After "Chinese Goblin" didn't return good results I looked "Meditating Goblin" on images and found this. And this is my first real quest, I made like two shitpost ones before that I quickly dropped.

>Master/Student Relationship Wins!
Wow you anons are no fun.


You wake up with a throbbing head and a funny taste in your mouth.

It takes your eyes a moment to get adjusted to the darkness of the unfamiliar surroundings. The only motes of light come from fungi on the walls, dimly glowing lichens that give the unlit masonry the look of a starlit sky, if you squint hard enough. Just enough light to see the contours of hewn stone stacked up to make the walls and ceiling, held together by their weight more than any mortar or cement. Barely enough to make sense of your surroundings, but that might be for the best.

Your nose can pick up the dour stench of rotting corpses that hangs beneath the must of a mossy cavern. Drips of water into a pool ring out like a distance chime. The air feels still, weighing down upon you like a heavy blanket that refuses to let you stir.

The cold makes you shiver. The shivers return feeling to your numb body, and with feeling comes a soreness that seeps past every muscle and into the marrow of your bones. Your arms, your legs, your head most of all, the soreness brings a pain to every inch of your body that nearly makes you cry. To say nothing of your more delicate and womanly places; your bosom feels as though it's been savaged by a tiger, and the less you say about what you feel below the belt, the better.

You swallow dryly, and shudder at the taste.

Perhaps it's for the best that you don't know where it came from. Perhaps it's for the best that you don't remember how you got here, nor why you've not a stitch of clothing on your person, nor exactly how every inch of you - inside and out - became so terribly sore. Best to put such thoughts to the back of your mind, where they cannot bother you until you're safe enough to let it all out. You went beyond the Wardenstones to pick medicinal herbs, and you now know why the elders always warned you not to, that is all.

Yes, that is all. Consequences for girlish foolishness and ignoring the wisdom of the elders. You can live with a few consequences for your stupidity, you're a woman grown. Those thoughts steel you enough to let you pull yourself out from the shelter of an overturned cart, and pick at the corpses of your captors. (Roll 1d100)
>Kobolds. Lowest danger zone, worst equipment.
>Goblins. Low danger zone, poor equipment.

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It takes you the better part of an hour to navigate the labyrinthine tunnels. You attached a crystal to the end of your bindle, giving you light enough to see by, but that helps you only so much as the passage twists and turns in odd directions. Eventually, the passage opens up to reveal the reason why such a chilly wind came down the tunnels.

A grand cavern opens up before you, of such a size that you barely understand how it has not collapsed upon itself. A wintry paradise, it stretches on for what looks like miles upon miles in each direction, the gently falling snow occluding your vision. Crystals of a hundred different colors line a ceiling that must be thousands of feet high, and their cold light freeze up the humidity in the cavern and turns it into snow. Bristly pines dot hills that roll across the way, covered in white powder.

How deep am I...? you ask yourself, before the second question comes around. What dungeon is this place?

You do not ask those words out loud.

In fact, you hid yourself behind a tree as soon as you could, because the thing that greets travelers to this wintry wonderland frightens you. In the shade of a great oak that must reach a hundred feet tall, a great wolf thrice again the size of any bear you've seen before curls up in slumber. Red markings upon its fur remind you of the tattoos that now mark your body.

You think you can see smoke off in the distance, and surely if you hug the walls of the cavern you'll find another exit eventually. Thanks to the blessing of the Pleiades, the only effect the snowfield's cold has upon you is that two delicate places have stiffened up and made your bosom nice and perky. Much colder, though, and you might need to bundle up more.

But, before you worry about the cold, or your destination, you need to get past this giant wolf. (Roll 1d20)

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Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Use your Stygian Step to move between shadows and dart around it.
>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Use Ghost Sound to try and spook it, leading it off in another direction.
Sneaking past it won't work if we only change/hide our appearance. Wolves have Scent.

>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.
Do we wanna wake it up, though?
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Use your Stygian Step to move between shadows and dart around it.

>Head towards the rising smoke. You have at least three things you can use to barter, if it's a village.

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Cursed from birth with silver hair, the sign of evil influence, you play as Argia Candente, a Knight-in-training determined to help your family, show your valour… and make your first friends.

# # # # # #

Welcome to the second thread of the thrilling adventures of our beloved silver-haired doofus, Argia Candente! Last thread has seen your retarded QM finally learning how to roll dice, and has left us facing the confrontation with the cult of the Seven Sisters…

>Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6012263

>Voting Link: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Silver%20Knight%20Quest

(for those not familiar with suptg— thanks to everyone for voting!)

Update schedule: usually one update per day. May be multiple posts, depending on narrative pace and player interaction. I will do my best to reply to questions and suggestions though.

As for what happened last time on Silver Knight Quest…

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Rolled 28 + 85 (1d100 + 85)

soralisa, thank you sister.
60 is relate to the goddess ?
>Surely no relation between them.
I see why you'd theorise that, but considering that Astoria's eye were described like they were mangled I think it wasn't caused by the flower and more like they were sacrificed in a way. btw that spoiler ruined the wholesome moment, anon. get bonked.
who's that hurt and crazy-looking girl ?
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Soralisa a cute! She really grew on me.

>cuckess chair
the chair is not yet canon, anon, you are not supposed to mention it!

Also yea, thank you Ansàrra very cool, do you think She remembered to pack up some anti-eldritch-venom in that flower? Hmmm... She may have forgotten, hm? Silly Sun-Birther!
>Soralisa a cute! She really grew on me.
on all of us. btw if we didn't help her (or failed to) would she have died or just would be in a worse situation than now ?

>Also yea, thank you Ansàrra very cool, do you think She remembered to pack up some anti-eldritch-venom in that flower? Hmmm... She may have forgotten, hm? Silly Sun-Birther!
shit, so we're not fully cleansed yet.

wait a minute do you really wrote a character that's a willing cuck ?
>60 related

6 is the symbolic number of Ansàrra, and generally things appearing in a pattern of 6. Just like 7 is symbolic to the Seven Sisters and 8 to the Stilladìa. There's a bit more info in the linked lorepasta at the start of the thread if you want.

also, we got our final roll, so I can start working on the update shortly.

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As the chosen hero, your mission has always been clear: defeat the demon king and bring peace to the world!

However, your life took an unexpected turn when the demon king's top general, whom you've decided to name Scarlett, shockingly proposed marriage to you!

>>We shall hold our date on neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests!
You prepare yourself for the date, the cursed sword in hand. It's a blend of nervousness and excitement as you head to the designated meeting spot. For your date, you've chosen neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests.

As you approach, you see Scarlett standing there, her wings folded elegantly behind her, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Yuusha," she greets you with a slight bow, "I see you came prepared."

"I did," you reply, holding out the sword. "I thought you might appreciate this. It's an ancient demonic sword with an engraving of red roses."

Scarlett's eyes widen slightly as she takes the sword from you. "This... this is perfect," she murmurs, running her fingers over the engraved roses. "It matches my armor and... and it possesses a power curse! Thank you, Yuusha."

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Scarlett starts with the dreaded Cossack Dance, an ancient human war dance she has been practicing for a week. Surely this display will intimidate the hero!

>You ask, genuinely puzzled, "Um, what exactly are you doing?"
>You laugh and decide to join her, attempting the Cossack Dance yourself.
>You surprise her with your secret move: the forbidden technique of breakdancing!
>Gently taking her hand, you guide her into a more romantic dance, focusing on connection rather than intimidation.
>Write In
>>You laugh and decide to join her, attempting the Cossack Dance yourself.

So cute!

But then move on to
>Gently taking her hand, you guide her into a more romantic dance, focusing on connection rather than intimidation.

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Adventure Time,
C’mon grab your friends
We’re going to very
Distant lands. with
*** the ***,
And *** the ***
The fun will never end,
It’s adventure time!
>[input adventurer identity]
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I remember but I'm already doing a hefty quest myself right now.
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Fuck you niggers, the adventures never end it's Adventure Time!
>Michael the Ghost and Johnny the CowMan live in a rundown pre-war apartment near the Ice Kingdom. Michael's been haunting the place ever since the mushroom war, and Johnny crashed here after ending up on the run from the Pup Kingdom following the heist of a priceless Candy era relic.

What type of ghost is Michael?
>Nightosphere Demon: Access to blood and black magic, at the cost of being weak to blessed weapons and the possibility of banishment.
>Possessed Object: Conveniently interact with the mortal plane, at the price of being clumsy outside of your body
>Regular ghost: No bonuses or drawbacks, fly through walls, spook folks, and slam the occasional cabinet.

What did Johnny steal?

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Vote for both, first to three wins.
Hinted it in the post but whatever Johnny stole is going to set the tone of the adventure.
>Regular ghost: No bonuses or drawbacks, fly through walls, spook folks, and slam the occasional cabinet.
>Perfected Ballblamburgler: A weapon left behind by Princess Bubblegum and sealed away in a vault for it's effectiveness and fear of replication, it uses the power of science to harness subatomic protons to transfer enormous amounts of kinetic force on whatever is inserted in the chamber. Translated from nerdspeak; it's a gun- with infinite ammo, simply insert whatever you'd like in the chamber and fire
A wallhax spotter and a gunner that can convert nearly anything into ordinance.
Quite the formidable pairing.
This could be fun if you don’t flake.
>Possessed Object: Conveniently interact with the mortal plane, at the price of being clumsy outside of your body
>Perfected Ballblamburgler: A weapon left behind by Princess Bubblegum and sealed away in a vault for it's effectiveness and fear of replication, it uses the power of science to harness subatomic protons to transfer enormous amounts of kinetic force on whatever is inserted in the chamber. Translated from nerdspeak; it's a gun- with infinite ammo, simply insert whatever you'd like in the chamber and fire.

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0776 Solar Era, the broad umbrella of Earthnoid rule has extended beyond her immediate vicinity as the power of the mobile suit made innovation, engineering...and war, so much more brilliant and trivial as hundreds of years on and off, we're spent in killing each other. Earthnoids amd Spacenoids, the Awakener and Resolute, Colonist and Overlord, all this and more has haunted humanity in the name of spacial advancement.

Was the cost too high to progress ever onwards, the morals and individuality we lost? Perhaps there is yet an small but enduring hope left, on the red planet known as Mars...can the creation of the ancients save this foolish and brash race? Only time, and the power of one's own heart, will tell.
On the red planet, two individuals would soon come to blows, fighting one another for their own beliefs, but only one may prosper down this road of possibilities, until another path forwards reveals itself...

[Calza Fen Damerro]
An young test pilot of the Solar Federation's Guilty Judge Unit, he has been put under intense alterations and conditioning to become an Artificial Awakener(Cyber Newtype Equivalent). He believes that through his own strength and sacrifice, he can change his own fate, and that of those he holds close to him. Now all that remains is an operation to claim an machine dubbed as Gundam.

[Rakelle Yen Valskev]
An young woman who is an researcher on xeno archaeology and technology. From the first mobile suits found on the moon, an complete machine has never been found, until the day you saw it. The Gundam, an Relic that the old civilization called the catalyst of change, for good and I'll. Now all she has to do is unlock its mysteries...
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"I can't believe you repainted it! It's supposed to be in its original condition!" Rakelle exclaims as she sees Ryum, her colleague having redone the paint job of the Gundam in a more vibrant tone. Ryum shrugs and yelps as she gives him a fervent flicking as she hit his tender arm.

"Sorry. Sorry, I just didn't like all that ugly weathering on it, we have all the photos anyways." He was technically correct. But slapping on some paint was pretty stupid to infringing on its authenticity. Still, it did look around considering Ryum's passion for painting. You look to the machine and look in awe as it seemed perfectly intact, invotingly immaculate, as if calling put tp you...

[Approach the Machine]
[Get back to work]
>[Approach the Machine]

Gimme gundam
>[Approach the Machine]
[Approach the Machine]
>[Get back to work]

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A Warder is a highly skilled warrior bonded to an Aes Sedai, a member of the female organization of magic users known as the White Tower. The bond between an Aes Sedai and her Warder grants several benefits to both parties.
Warders are trained extensively in combat and survival skills, often being selected from the best fighters in the land. They are fiercely loyal and dedicated to protecting their Aes Sedai at all costs.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Andor.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Cairhien.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Malkier.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Shienar.
>Follow the story of a Warder from the Atha'an Miere.
>Write in
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I see I see.

changed vote to

Landlocked, no racial skills, and manletry. We get higher starting cash and start on Hard mode.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Malkier.
I pick at random because the setting is not explained
>>Follow the story of a Warder from Shienar.
Since OP is obviously dead, should I take over?
No, it's illegal and you'll get banned

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The Wuxing magic system, originating from Chinese philosophy, includes the elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Characteristics: Growth, flexibility, vitality.
Nature Manipulation: Control over plants, causing rapid growth or withering.
Healing: Using the life force of plants to heal wounds.
Enhancement: Boosting physical abilities by drawing on the vitality of nature.

Characteristics: Transformation, passion, destruction.
Pyrokinesis: Creating and controlling fire.
Heat Manipulation: Raising or lowering temperatures.
Light Manipulation: Creating or manipulating light and shadows.

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No chance of it being picked, of course. Also, this is similar to the idea I touched in qtg. Hopefully this one lasts.
More objectively the best
> tiefagged for 5 days
lol rip quest

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Space. The Final Frontier, or so some sailors call it. Beyond the outermost lip of the Earth, there is a black emptiness. The Prime Material Plane is, they say, suspended in an endless void. To those with the eyes to see it, through, and the means to survive it, there is so much more. In the skies above, there are Holy Lun and Holy Sol: the spheroid satellite-worlds of the Eladrin, or High Elves, and their divine creators. Beyond even these is the firmament—a great sphere, speckled with rotating stars. Beyond the firmament, above and below it, are the Divine Realms—the Heavens above and the Hellish Realms below.

And to some, a select few, even THAT frontier is not final.

Your name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann, half-human child of the Sylvan Elves of Dappulyet, Apprentice to the Archmage of Hawksong, and self-proclaimed Seeker of the Esoteric… And you are currently a little out of your depth.

You are presently suspended in just such a ‘place beyond’: in the aether-flooded ‘space-between-spaces’ which exists just outside of the firmament, yet not amongst the hosts of Heaven or of Hell. Rather, you float amongst the Elemental planes: realms of purest Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, which touch upon each-other across dimensions beyond the three which define your usual perceptual reality. An earlier brush with these same planes (and no small amount of study and practice, it must be said) ahs gifted you the ability to survive here…

>0/5 MP

…But not to navigate this strange space freely, nor to escape it now that you are here, and drained of all magic. The young woman floating before you in this strange space brought you here, clad in black, has the means to take you both back from whence you came. Her name is Izirina Henzler (though she was born with another), and she is both your master’s adoptive daughter and the woman you love. Or, well, one of two.

…Or should you now say ‘three’?
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follow up question can we siphon off the demiplane into the star and collapse the rest of the unseelie inside?
[Like... Collapse the demiplane into a singular point within the roughly 3-foot-tall, diamond-shaped glass prism-jar that is the Unseelie Star? Uh, it's creative, so I'd allow it... With a crit. Anything short of that would lead to some form of failure, possibly quite dramatic and catastrophic.]
I knew this was a life-complicating mistake.

>>Take the original Izirina aside, to discuss what this… NEW Izzy means for your relationship, and offer her emotional assurances

>Yes… But you’re thinking Ayla

>Attempt to trick the Unseelie into grouping together for a mass disjunction and execution
>You can delay no longer
>Mass disjunction and execution
>Take some time to brief and debrief—this Shadow-Izzy, and to determine what spells she knows and how combat-capable she is

>Yes… Maybe Rebecca, for Izirina’s birth-name?

>Depower the Unseelie Star, starving they and the demiplane of energies, and force their submission

This is quest in the world of Age of Mythology. First, choose your culture.
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I like playing as people.
No Atlantean or Chinese, though?
the meta choice
I don't remember much about the game, but I can hijack this and run an Egyptian mythology quest if it's allowed

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In this quest, you have to solve increasingly difficult math problems.

>Answer to the first problem:

>Framing story
>A. You're kidnapped by a serial killer like saw who's forcing you to do this
>B. You're in a fantasy dungeon with puzzles in each level leading to treasures
>C. You're kidnapped by aliens who's testing your intelligence to see if humans should be spared
>D. ?
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>A. You seek power

Well, that was tough
this answer is fair after the logic that was accepted for the first question
I did it old style and still made an mistake when calculating, your variant is a genious one!
But why do you multiply by 6 and do minus 3?
Not that dude but the random function just spits out a random number between 0 and 1, so multiplying it by 6 gives a random number between 0 and 6, then -3 makes it between -3 and +3

File: CIV game.png (666 B, 197x197)
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666 B PNG
A simple CIV clone with concurrent chess like combat and procedurally generated map. No dicerolling besides the map generation which doesn't involve the players.
A turn is done once all players have finished their actions or if the turn has been on for two days. The pace can be discussed further.

Pick a color and a corner. For now only 4 players as this is experimental and the map is quite small.


>Gather resources from your tiles each turn
>Gold is stored
>Food is not stored
>Settlements consume food and units consume gold
>Remaining resources can be spent on buildings or other actions
>Food deficit caps the production of gold from settlements by the available food production
>Gold deficit disables all actions that require gold
>You can expand to any adjacent tile at the cost appropriate to the terrain as long as there is either a settlement or fort within 3 tiles

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File: worldmap.png (5 KB, 834x834)
5 KB
Wait I'm retarded; my name should be SeptentriEast
nice, just 2 more anons now.
QM, I'd advise to advertise in the /qtg/ thread. It's a great player catcher.
this, advertise your quest man

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