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Tard Wrangle Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

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The fact I don't have zero int, unlike (You)
But I can cast spells, check mate.
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I kneel
OK, what did they do and who to?

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Back from the dead edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...

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>I don't see the need for big tiddies
Have you tried getting your hormone levels checked?
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5e has been out for 10 years anon.
>maybe people agree.
And boy are they going to hear about it if they don't, huh?
Your opinion has been made crystal clear, now shut the fuck up. Even the other schizo has started talking about actual game stuff, good on him I guess.
That's not really saying much considering most people don't play tabletop in the first place, and where do you get off dictating how those few that do engage with their niche hobbies?
I dont mind as long as its apart of some cohesive theme.

Work in Progress, "Crisp!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Are there any good videos on how pigment powder works and how to seal it?
I am an idiot, so more spoonfeeding the better.
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I've spilled my Nuln Oil three times in the last two months. I've have no issue with any other paints, and since its used on almost everything I've had to buy like two more in that time. Tell me how to stop being retarded
Transfer the contents of Citadel shades from those pots to a dropper bottle or go with ArmyPainter's Dark Tone. The choice is yours.
candlestick holder from the craft store not even joking

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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[but there are...] special people born with so little amounts of said energy they are rewarded by the heavens into being the peak of human strenght and essentially nature's counter of sorcerers since they prove to be unpercievable to basic energy readings, have registered mach 1 speeds and quick healing.
>Jujutsu Kaisen
>“sorcerers”, individuals able use the faux ki energy of the setting in order to wield weird powers
The Akashics

>normies have lower amounts of said energy but there are special people born with so little amounts of said energy they are rewarded by the heavens into being the peak of human strenght and essentially nature's counter of sorcerers since they prove to be unpercievable to basic energy readings
Literally the Imbued.

Bros, did JJK rip off WoD?????
Oh don't get me started with Gege ripping off WoD.
When introducing Clans and Disciplines we concluded that one of the cursed spirits has essentially the Vicissitude suite of powers in way that anything short of plagiarism is the only reasonable explanation since there's no myth precursor or legend for the Tzimisce fleshcrafting or atleast one that a japanese man can get in the 2010s without it being WoD.
He said superhuman strength
I've not read it in full yet but what I have read is excellent. It's pretty much everything I'd want out of a players guide. Loads of new toys to play with, additional mechanical options, lots of advice for all parts of the game, and there are some surprises in there too. Well worth the money and then some.

Thread 423: Event Exclusive Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- Festival Booster 2024: 7/12

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A super genius and the very person who introduced supernatural cards on a global scale are on the same team? Can't get more intriguing than that.
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>Leave Sybilt to me
That also annoys me. Like, literally nobody I've ever known plays like that.
Hikari just wants her brother to be happy.
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I wonder what her endgame here is, it does like they're being controlled or will be.

Ever set a campaign in the Soviet Union?
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I've had an idea for a while of a cyberpunk game set in the Russia but I haven't had any particularly good plots for it.
Current iteration is the players being shanghaid in Vladivostok and needing to either make it back to night city or into the launch facilities in Kazakhstan to make it into space, depending on if I want to run my space casino scenario or not
They didn't "get lucky". They used the tools they had, and didn't play by the rules.

When you defend your territory, you have the advantage. You know the hidden dangers. You can pick and choose your battles to a much greater extent than the enemy. The enemy has to spend time and effort to scout. You, in theory, don't - you have a willing populace, which the enemy has to compel by force. And when you know weather is going to be more shitty than usual, you can lure your enemy out with a feint so the enemy's caught in the open and hit much harder than you are by the same thing.

Russia does not consider human lives valuable. This is something western countries only kind of account for but don't really get. Western armies treat soldiers as expensive investments, competent components of well-functioning machinery. Russia treats them as meat. This is just one of the things Russia finds "acceptable" in a war. If you roll up to a fight with Russia assuming Russia will keep to your rules of war, you're in for a rough awakening.

In Napoleon's case, specifically, he was under the assumption that taking the capital of a country will make them capitulate, winning him the war. He really could not imagine Russia burning its capital to the ground to deny him both victory and winter lodging.

But it wasn't just the cold that killed his retreating army. Russian forces harassed him from the flanks, forcing his depleted troops to march along their previous, already looted path. So while Napoleon assumed his army would be able to gather supplies in its usual manner, he was stymied both by the reality on the ground (far-flung villages, lack of infrastructure and development) breaking those rules/assumptions, and the Russian forces utilizing the tools (weather, terrain) better than he could.

You could do Stalin's research institute for human development, situated in the siberian wilderness, experimenting on people swept up in the purges
Was that the one where they tried to make human gorilla hybrids?
I meant as a setting for a hypothetical Soviet Bioshock, not as a real historical thing. Though you could take inspiration from what actually happened with the guy behind the Soviet space program.
>work as a low-level rocket design guy under a boss
>boss gets swept up in purges, executed
>guy gets "interrogated" (tortured), jaw broken (never properly heals) among other things, sent to gulag
>WW2 breaks out. Stalin realizes rockets can be fired at enemies, but doesn't have rocket designers
>Release? lolno comrade, we're gathering you survivors into a "work from gulag" research institute
From there all you need is one bad accident and suddenly you're getting dispatched from Moscow to Siberia to find out why the superweapon camp is no longer talking.
Soviet space program stalled and died because the above "guy" had complications during surgery in the 60s. Doctors couldn't intubate him properly because of the way his jaw was broken 30 years prior, and he died on the operating table.

If you want a taste of "Soviet 80s Fallout" you should play Atom RPG (on Steam). It absolutely nails the vibe of late Soviet Union. Some things will certainly be lost in translation, but as someone who grew up during the fall of the Soviety Union I assure you it's as close as you can get.
>In Napoleon's case, specifically, he was under the assumption that taking the capital of a country will make them capitulate, winning him the war
Except... Moscow wasn't a capital.
Thats too narrow point of view. We had (and still have, but to lesser extent) so-called "Closed Cities", tasked with various research. Like, a special cities for nuclear weapon programms (Ozyorsk and Snezhinsk, for example). You can freely set your game in such city, with "Automated Communist Utopia Experimen gone wrong" or whatever.

The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Laurel's Legion edition

Last Thread: >>93243751

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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Paranormal, and supernatural are both illogical terms that shouldn't be used.
Everything that occurs and everything that exists does so within the confines of the laws of nature.
Any instance of a person claiming to have observed a paranormal/supernatural event/object is either confused, lying or unaware of the laws of nature, in extreme circumstances this could mean the entire human race is incorrect as to the specifics of the laws of nature.
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Are there any mechs that give anybody particular grief when painting? I've consigned my Nova to the simple green jar for what feels like the fourth or fifth time in the last few days and if this keeps up I'll get through the rest of my pile before I feel satisfied with the thing. It's definitely the cockpit that I keep screwing up on, too - and I think one of the windows is either gunked up with paint that hasn't come out, or I've scratched and deformed the actual plastic while trying to degunk it the last time.

If it's the latter case, I wonder if it'll be more interesting to scratch or cut the thing up some more and play it off as battle damage.
footfags GTFO
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Fox has mech if you have coin

Gods and Religions Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>93183334

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>What are the major faiths in your setting? And what are the gods of said faiths?

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Where can you look and what should you do when creating the outfits your men and women of the cloth for your religions wear, since just copying what the Catholic Church or Japanese shrines do is cliche and unoriginal?
Look at other religions or ceremonial garbs, then? Maybe take a look at the values of the religion in question and think up outfits that aligns with those? Did your thinking stop at what you didn't want to do?
I was hoping to get others talking about their own choices and what their process was.
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Just steal from the catholics and anime. It's good shit.
That said- I think islamic veils is also an underutilized motif as well.

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Get fucked Hexproof

Duskmourn actually looking good
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You are not a good magic player or a good rules lawyer.
Shielding Plax creates a restriction (opponents cannot target enchanted creature with spells or abilities). Nowhere to Run allows you to bypass Hexproof specifically.

Your reading of "Creatures your opponents control can be the target of spells and abilities (for example,) as though they didn't have hexproof." is both grammatically incorrect (and also incorrect MtG syntax) and also would not function within the rules. When it comes to casting/targetting permissions, global abilities that say 'can' are superceded by global abilities that say 'can't'. See, for example, two players who each control a Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir.
I think he means Star Wars.
the average and vast majority of commander players in fact, are retards.
Rules lawyering does not exist in mtg. Nice try tho casul.
WotC considers Mtg's identity to be the color wheel. Let's all thank Nosewater.

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I have extended the title and I think it's good and we should use this longer title going forward Edition

>Previous Thread

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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They’re good on parking lots where you can actually get the range to take advantage of them, but generally there are better options. You’re mostly going to be in the 18-42 inch bracket, which means they’re S9 5” blasts which means you can actually do some real damage despite their lack of AP. If you can get in the 42-72 bracket they’ll rip through anything. They’re very good for killing HSS that have set up on a vantage point. Your board will really determine their effectiveness though. I play a lot of city fight where they’re not great, but on 40k newfag standard 4-6 pieces of LoS blocking terrain boards they’re pretty damn good.
>laughing Archimedes dot pcx
>for an Allied Detachment
Uh oh. Better check the book, anon. Page 293
>"An army whose -Primary Detachment- and Warlord has the Legiones Astartes (Ultramarine) faction may make use of the following right of War if the Warlord has the Master of the Legion special rule:"
In theory, a bayonet turns a rifle into a short spear.
In the practice, you are left with an unwieldy rifle and a cumbersome short spear.
Me, I'm rather more puzzled about soldiers not being able to shoot and charge. Like, they don't need to switch weapons; they are already equipped.
I wonder if Reach 1 will make Tacticals better than Despoilers? You tell me why Reach 1 instead of S+1
does anybody have the measurements/a size comparison for the krios?
for something that's been out for a decade there is deceptively little info about how big it actually is other than a side shot with a rhino

i want a couple to mess around with for militia but the actual krios kind of clashes design wise with the russ and the rest of my infantry
figured making a militia assault gun using a chimera or rhino chassis as the base would be a fun project

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Dat Gap Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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Power of the dark side. Which is a broken card that should be banned. It is the single most direct card locking the meta into aggro vs control, which is boooooribg
Rocking the boat? These sets were made years ago, nothing in them is reactive. I will say that after playing some proxied set 2 decks, it really makes it feel like set one was the tutorial of a digital game. In a good and a bad way. The game desperately needs more interesting features.
I actually just picked up a game on clearance that uses this in a traditional deck building type game, called Phase. Haven’t gotten a play in yet, but it reads as made by old magic fans, and claims to replicate broken ass CCG bullshit plays
Everyone can see through your act, advertizer-kun.
I sleeve all my cards I intend to play with so I wouldn't mind if a game did something like printing random fullart tokens on the back of common cards so that I would maybe have something to do with all the commons that I get more than I need of. Might be some people who go after specific tokens on the back of specific common cards, that could be fun for them to collect.
Of course it's not like a new game is gonna have a large enough variety of tokens to need something like this. And even then they can just print normal token cards. After typing this I realized it only causes problems.

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Lordship edition

Previous >>93193548

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

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Taking Demon Lords to coretcg regional tomorrow and fully prepared to go 0-3 drop. Anyone else gonna be playing?
Why is Luce a 20 dollar card and the AA a 70 one.
The Tamers cards for my Sakuyamon and Rapidmon (it won't fix Sakuya)
Because it's a key card for both 7GDL (which is actually meta-relevant) and BT18 Lucemon (which might not be but looks fun regardless).
probably a lot of people going for max rarity cuz if you make that deck max rarity its gotta be nice

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Hi TG. I’ve never played a ttrpg before but am looking to get started with some of the boys. I don’t want Mexican lesbian female orcs… looking for more of a 70s heavy metal style with high risk of player death. I’ve been reading a lot trying to find a system and so far dungeon crawl classics and Warhammer fantasy RPG 1st edition seem most in line with what I’m looking for, but hoping I can lean on you fine folks for some suggestions.
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I like Burning Wheel. It's based off stuff like Tolkien, Le Guin and sword and sorcery, and combat is very lethal. The core idea of the system is that the players drive the story with their characters' personal motivations and ethics, and the GM's job is to make scenarios that challenge those beliefs instead of entirely dominating the game's direction. If that sounds appealing, I'm pretty sure there's a .pdf in the Share Thread.
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Is that Caelid
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Warhammer Fantasy RPG 1st edition is all right, but I'd recommend second, it is simpler, with a d100 system, and the book is more modern in its' layout. 2nd ed is 1st streamlined, and aligning itself more with the tabletop game than being a darker tone of Pseudo-Europe. The 1st ed book has a way better starting adventure than the 2nd edition book, that's an excellent starting scenario that show them how they're not the 'hero' type like in D&D, they're nobodies trying to make it.

Setting can be changed at will of course.

I am biased, having played 2nd alot more than 1st.
This is stupid. You are stupid and should feel ashamed of yourself.
1st Ed is better theme wise but 2nd is better for rules.

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I've been thinking, why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer? Feels like he's the most worthless chaos god.
Even if you are warrior and want to get better than anyone else at killing, slaanesh is way better bet.
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So let me get this right, 2 chaos god make me better at fighting and I can either become a muscle bound rage machine of pure fight or something that makes trannies seem normal that will fuck everything and fight when not being a disgusting freak?
A complete nonchoice.
because Khorne is the most straightforward god, the god you rely on when you want nothing more than to rage against the various oppressors you live under and just snap their necks, sure you will probably become like said tyrant but at the moment that doesn't matter, khorne is also the least demanding out of all the gods since your end goals is always the same of just killing more unlike nurgle were you have to make a new disease since the last few ones aren't cutting it anymore, unlike slaanesh were a senseation is just no longer enough so you need more extremes, and I don't think I need to specify how complicated it is to please tzeentch, with khorne its just killing more which is easy as shit once you get the ball rolling, and while he also extremely apathetic to you even by chaost standards, that can also help since he is the least likely to just randomly fuck with you unlike the other gods in relative terms
>something that makes trannies seem normal that will fuck everything and fight when not being a disgusting freak?
thats not slaanesh
>2 chaos god make me better at fighting
All gods make you better at fighting to be honest.
>Remember Nurgle literally loves you.
In very abusive and toxic way
>Nurgle's "paternal love" for his followers manifests as disturbing levels of physical and emotional abuse tactics, encouraging his followers to slowly destroy themselves and become completely dependent on him. When he's angry with them, he'll inflict untold suffering upon them before returning to his same jolly, paternal demeanor.

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I am developing a bell-curve system (3d8) and think rolling characters is fun because it allows for unexpected character strengths and weaknesses. Who cares if the party is slightly imbalanced? RPGs are not for tryharding. With such a wealth of options on what you can do, surely you can think of something to do with your character even if they are a tad underpowered statistically speaking.

Nevertheless, he is a mainstay around the table and says building a character is the far superior mechanic because it leaves less room for disappointment. He is worried about the potential of other characters outshining his even on the things he is meant to be good at. Despite my wholehearted disagreement with this on principle, I am trying my best to be accomodating because I assume he is not the only player who sees things this way in case something comes out of this.

If I were to provide a way for people who wish to do so to build their characters instead, what is the best way of accomplishing this, considering the bell curve is not flat? Values further away from the mean become less likely, meaning higher attribute values should cost more if there is a way to "buy" attribute points. Otherwise, that skews the balance in favor of his kind of playstyle too much. I don't mind if it's a little imbalanced, but that seems very strong unless I limit it somehow.

For reference, my attribute modifiers range from -5 to +5. 0 if the dice roll 13-14, 1 for 15-16, 2 for 17-18, and so on. Because they're essentially about genetics, attributes are pretty much set for a characters lifespan. Skills and talents exist to provide modification post-creation.
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Yeah, and? If there's a 1 in 100 chance that you'll instantly die to a finger of death in a campaign, are you gonna be happy about being dead because it was unlikely? Christ it's like the last 50 years of progress in game design completely missed everyone on this site
>Another autist tries to make a copy of an already bad game and angrily shouts down all opposition
Never change /tg/
Who am I shouting down, exactly? I have already taken input I consider to have merit. It would be wishy washy if I change everything someone brings up. Shows a lack of vision.
Read it again. I said ends up having it on the sheet. The chance given is for one to come up and be removed.
People play GURPS all the time. Flat curve systems are too swingy. I could just as easily turn it back on you.

>if rolls are going to be so random, why invest in character skill at all?

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