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qa lost
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okay what if i was a pokemon or something and i had sex with my trainer and whoever
why does her tears look like pee LOL
who let the thred die >:[
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so actually i got this idea

and its to attach myself to a female as a supernatural entityerino

BECAUSE if ANYONE is going to be tested on by scientists, then its gonna be some special girlerino

similar to the "beyond: two souls" sort of dealerino and annie from LoL
one of these days...
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oh and i guess yuta from jjk but reversed

also i le MIGHT turn her into a laura croft or that girl from elfen lied. the reason for the laura croft bit is that she'll have to go lookerino for ingredients for a potion of liferino

you know, I was playing hatred 1.666 and it hit me. Being violent all the time isn't really sustainable or something

because it'll diminish the war resource and i want battles that last forever

so modern shit is really shit and medieval is kinoino
i read the "subscribe or die" comic

it was meh. it was alright. not genre redefining but alright
>anon posts medium-high quality post
>0 (You)s
>i post medium-low quality post
>4 (You)s
It happens
i have the ideakino for my new canon
haha lol

i'm a smartypants

anyway time to heckinerino playerino gamerinokinos

with these games i'll never think about touching csgo again

blech hate comp shitters
oh and the ideas keep flooding

anyway I dont know what stufferino to watch

big mouth is freaking blech

le a TV-MA show but freaking about puberty? WHAT THE FUCK?

who wants to watch that???

and what fucking adult wants to be reminded of shitty school life

also I looked at black mirror and its just a gayer twilight zone

i might as well binge the twilight zone AND futurama (because futurama references the twilight zone)
woah ellen page became a cia agent/military whatever?

not suprised that after she got poked at by scientists that the military would want to deploy her as a le weapon
gonna list arcs this time to progress with the story or something
i've changed my mind
i dont know what i wanterino
We all did
Why are all the instead kuz or kuz wojaks?
Stop messing with the OP you faggot
some crazy shit with brett anderson horny threads happened on /mu/ a couple weeks ago and honestly it was pretty based.
In 4 words, why you should NEVER buy a personal humanoid robot.
i'm in a mental conundrumerino


the problem: death decreases the population

too much death would exhaust the war resource >:[


okay guess I gotta crate le world with le war...

or infact a gigantic universe instead

gotta compartmentalize because there nothing but empty ass nothingness of space inbetween galaxies

mm meh whatever

random planet in a random galaxy in a random part of the universe

i'm probably gonna le play DOOM and no mans sky. shit i probably shouldve bought no mans sk- nah I'll ps4 it

son of a bitch, no mans sky is 60 dollars on pc >:[

need a le new controller

ugh bleh no mans sky is le tedious anyway. you know their method to getting closer to the galactic center is by flying into black holes
no man's sky is a gigantic collectathon which'll take a literal bajillion hours anyway

no this is not sour grapes, i'm weighing the pros and cons. Do I save time and imagine a universe or do I le use something more physical like no man's sky and diddle around for an eternity and barely make any relative progress
it might be easier to play hatred while in black and white
well i guess the le galaxy being relatively the size of planet when compared to the le universe

it kinda makes sense why le space fiction dont usually go intergalactic

wait a minute... natural science is bullshit

le universe ????

there is earth, the sun, the moon, the blue sky, clouds, and the night sky

i should keep my headcanon based on earth... okay.... modern warfare is not kino at all. its very boring and le dumb i think....

wait... death numbers from... modern war


well i see there are humans... i dont see any le mysterious monsters or heard any from history. greco/roman mythos are fictional

maybe I should be a human in my headcanonino

oh wait... i know where this is going.. fantasy is more fun

I'll probably go play BoTET or something

i have two choices... elder scrolls and BoTET, well actually 3 because
there are 2 BoTET versions (standard and alternative)
there are literally one gajillion retarded fucking whitoid cuckold subhumans who name their stupid fucking animal le "apollo"

God damn npc's
i hate dead internet theory
i'm gonna play skyrim!! :)

unrelated: i hate 2hollis
elder scrolls arena had for the fullerino elder scrolls map



its le freee!!!

i'm gonna play that

(it takes place on the entire continent of tamriel btw)
Very interesting!
her big green anus would look good on my big fat horsecock (i have huge black balls)
At least spam good porn. It's always the same image that only scat fetishists would find attractive.
ugh yawn i'm so le exhausted
nap over

i wokeup
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Got any rapes?
/ck/ is on /v/ again
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she's only le manipulating her brother with sex because he's a timid little pisscel
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andrew graves is a pissbaby

being a real man is about forming attachments to NO ONE and being sufficient in one's loneliness

world is a fuck

i'm gonna watch EXTREMELY BRUTAL slasher/action movies while I play NATHAN EXPLOSION's video game HATRED which is both BRUTAL and DEATH METAL
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i think to Goddamn much about the logistics of my world

and oh crapperino is that heckin... RALSEI UNDERTALE????

(new femboy gferino alert: may be an imaginary friend) — very high chance of this because imaginary friends in my imaginary world is schizo in a funny way

(i'm not crazy, i'm perfectly sane)

i cant believe i almost deleted these games >:[ RAAAAAAAAAH!!!! D:<

i'm gonna grind them to get gooderino at them and I'm also gonna thinkerino

I'm not feeling having find a random le attractive person in my imaginary world to do it with but instead having an imaginary frienderino

also these mods can stack so I can have multiple of these waifukinos
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so actually my original new idea was to le have a character that has different phases... you know like dragonball or whatever

stage 1, 2, and 3

stage 1 is my le humanerino form, (although i'm considering to make it the le mutant form, i.e. half way between monster and human but then like what about le blending in as a le human)

which is why i just settle for le human mode
its about giving myself a reason to play the various human doomguy mods,

perhaps brutaldoom in particular because i want the challenge but project brutality is just too much bloat for me
Leviticus 18:22
Tobit 13:12
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guns are brutal

i changed my mind on watching movies

i dont need em, they're all boring hit or miss slop anyway

i should just put all my attention into my plethora of games

i have to learn how to play arena

i turned the gamma up on hatred 1.666 because i couldnt see shit so now I cannerino -:] <- (tusks)
forgot to mention that I chose top down because it gives more view of things and the game was originally made to be played in that way

you know, guns and swords are freaking cool so why not combine them in one world? wh40k already does this
In light of the recent allegations against Typhlosion, I feel this post is relevant.
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Who is that handsome man in the OP image?
Fuck off samefag nobody cares about your irrelevant pedo kill yourself
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>the Pokémon leaks are still leaking

Holy crap it just does not stop
I'm not the OP though
I usually only check these threads once in a blue moon and it's sad knowing dt made it xir home general. I hope he contracts a rare form of bone cancer.
Le epic 4chonz get 4 the winrar? xD
I can't believe there are still new leaks almost a week later.
ugh yawn time for a napperino
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Is /g/ completely unmoderated right now?
Gammamon thread still up after 4 days.
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something might happen eventually
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something should happen in roughly two years
You are so cute, i love you
He's back!
Welcome back friend! We all enjoy your posts and it's good to have you back!
ugh yawn wokeuperino

incinerators are cool
Welcome back!
I'll greet you with a sago
honestly elder scrolls arena seems like a lot of work

i'll just play heretic/hexen insteaderino
Some very sad simping from you folks
Some very happy sago from you as well.
down payment
>even fucking up my life completely and driving hundreds of miles isn't enough to make me feel anything anymore
Suicide soon, fellow happers.
Still got money to burn. I'll put my last bills into the gas tank and ram a semi when I finally run out.
I got a "you've already reported this post" on a post I absolutely did NOT already report. Are mods able to make posts unreportable or some shit?
>reported a post an hour ago
>it got deleted
nothing personnel
Wow rude!
I'm just being kind to a friend.
Is that really simping?
stream it
studies show anons engage with posts that mimic those of known thread personalities, so I figured I should copy DT.

vgh, that BLACK circle is back in the Captcha. The Team thinks they're cryptologists or something, I guess.

>posting in the fake happenings thread
kooz and sharty, haven't heard of them in a long time. did they finally get v&?
>implying anyone replies to DT
You should pretend to be my friend. I'll give you a reply and read your posts.
You're already my friend!
You reply to those that imitate him which means that in some way they were right
you're correct about his hourly updates. however, sometimes his blogpost is so profound (read: BAIT), one needs to reply.
everyone here is my friend, unless they got b& for being a creepy goonchud. sorry, but next time keep it in your coombrain.
I will reply to anyone who asks for it. But dt never replies to me :sad:
DT is too busy living in /nah//nah/land.
For me, it's sago.
vtubers (female) are now grifting le warhammer 40k now

blech ugh yawn
i think i may drink a coffee

natural science and philosophy is bullcrapperino
i am NOT going to EVER rely on le science

natural science is BULLSHIT!!!

yawn I wanna be awake
Guy not only gets dubs but his ID says dub
Holy shit!
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thinking about a set of funny characterinos to be my "imaginary frienderinos" in my headcanon

current ideas:
animal crossing
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pls mend properly pls pls ty
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What if we have a Korean culture board?
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so i've decided to just pick random characters here and there to add to my imaginary frienderino harem
Me me
Ooh please pick me
Add me to your imaginary harem
I'm fat and bisexual and hairy and constantly masturbating and lazy and only really enjoy oral sex
I wouldn't mind a trial board for Korean culture. I know I'm replying to a ritualpost, but maybe tptb (the powers that be) could grace us with a new board or two.

One condition: all new boards should have GR15-style rules. We all know they're going to be containment boards.
No, pick me, harem master.
domo origato mister robumo
>Happenings thread on page 10
What happened, why are we dead?
Anything happen recently?
we're here incels
If the image isn't nsfw but the catbox is the janny is smart enough to figure it out right?
Catboxed porn is generally allowed on blue boards
New sticky on /pol/.
Election time is just around the corner...
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something happened
oh Good God

that fatty ordered too much
...I honestly see no real change, still the same old arguments

new developments

• branded my headcanon as "Science Fantasy Galaxy Battles", science-fantasy setting, galaxy battles because the setting is centered on the milky way galaxy as galaxies are far as frick away from eachother and so that means the vast majority of the universe is actually empty freaking space so we can just le forget about OTHER galaxies in the le universe. (no man's sky doesnt make sense, how does like 3 or so race-based empires own random solar systems all over the galaxy, with absolutely no rhyme or reason nor any intergalactic boarders to speak of)
• Decided that for humanity to be a dominant force in the galaxy they will have to be relatively primitive compared to xenos space communists, the dominant xenos and the rulership of that empire being the "Tau", superstitious and genocidal.
• Watched district 9, considered avatar but really looking at a youtube edit is better (video in question: https://youtu.be/AMeAsfSvOXA)

i lost my train of thought

yeah I am using a lot stuff from warhammer but not all of it, emperor, tau, but I'm using something from STARSHIP TROOPERkino: the terminids (or was that helldivers, who cares!)

terminids is a better name for these buggerinos

and so basically at first I didnt want le hive cities but after some thinking, the empire and tau would both need their own versions of hive cities because hive cities are like medieval cities, they have walls and are defensible hardpoints against invaders

rather than just le modern cities which absolutely have no defenses
the transportation between galaxies in no mans sky is a plot hole

the random nonsensical which race empire has what solar system is nonsensical
uh oh!
cianiggers thought i was being too based and decided to have my thread deleted

humanity cannot become a dominant race in the galaxy without xenocide

also orks are a plothole, if they get stronger with every defeat and are extremely difficult to get rid of (i.e. the spores) then it'd only be a matter of time before they overrun the galaxy
please refrain from using the n-word, chud
orks are just like green demons anyway

tyranids are cool though, looky they have gunnerinos

you know what why not include orks as a galactic plague, the nid's are also a galactic plaguerino

mmm war...

new plan

imperium has rules approx ~2/3rds of the galaxy and the tau rule 1/3

nids, orks, marauding elves, dwarves, and the forces of chaos

you know what I'll also probably throw in the necrons
So how does this stuff work? I'm not getting 15 minute wait times to post. Is it only for making threads or something? Because I don't have a pass and I'm sure as shit not using an email to post on the internet's premiere BIPOC Cultural Studies community. Is it quite literally just for being a newfag who's never posted on the site before?
yes, and serial ban evaders/actual automated bots
nid's and orks: space plagues

marauding minor factions: elves, dwarves, 'crons

and then the forces of chaos which is their own category

and oops its looks like I reinvented the wheel (warhammer 40k)

except MY VERSION is NOT pozzed with blackrock DEI cuckoldoidshit and not full of named characters no one gives a fuck about

there are gajillions of minor factions in the galaxy of various flavors

war is endless in both the materium and immaterium
>Is it quite literally just for being a newfag who's never posted on the site before?

Seems like you'll only see the 15 minute timer once: when you're posting from a fresh IP address with no site cookies at all, including those from activity on other boards. After that, the posting and thread creation cooldowns are the same as they were before. This is the same fallback anti spam measure they switched to for /biz/, presumably because the original email requirement spooked so many normal posters. I wish /vg/ and /pol/'s jannies had allowed a couple of discussion threads about the changes to stay up. For once it's not actually that bad, and a lot of people are misconstruing the sticky as "15 minute cooldowns for every post without a pass/email". Unbannable thread flooders are a fucking cancer on some boards and I don't mind the occasional extra wait to post.
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yawn played postal 1 reduxerino

it was kino

so many levels. excellent
familiarizing myself with the controllerinos


its crazy how the later levels of hatred require the use of an armored van on BOTH vanilla and 1.666

yawn might as well become a 15 foot heckmonster and gorge on the flesh and gore of the weak

long day I'm winding down

>postal movie was supposed to bring postal 1 to the big screen but actually drew heavily from postal 2
ofcourse they did, they ONLY make movies for women, they dont make movies for men

watched a little space marine 2 longplay and got pissed off from that stupid woman imperial guard major's voice

I'm pretty sure space marine 1 had a woman commissar too for some reason

whenever i hear a woman's voice i get pissed off >:[

all women are insufferable

women should be put in their own battalion
all movies are ONLY as violent as a woman can tolerate it

shithole gynocentric cuckplanet
caseoh is a gay fat cuckold

i need to get around to installing and creating zdl mod profiles
and spend adequate time numbing my brain (forgetting logic) and indulging in violence
stay hydrated
do not dehydrate
you need water
you need water
do not dehydrate
you cannot be healthy without hydration
stay hydrated
do not dehydrate
stay hydrated
Before, you could post on one connection, browse 4chan on another connection, and then return to the old connection and not meet a cloudflare captcha. Now 4chan resets captcha every time you change connections, even if you don't try to post. This is honestly quite annoying.
My brother in Christ, for why do you need to post on 4chan from 3 separate IPs?
On /jp/, you can't bump a thread out of pages 9 and 10 when you're on a new IP. I normally use my mobile data to bump threads, since it's mostly the same everywhere. However, I had just connected to my father's home wifi, in order to browse a bit while preserving my data usage, when I noticed an interesting post and turned off the wifi to answer it. Little did I know that I would be greeted by the beast known as Cloudflare. Now the thread I wanted to bump out of page 9 is destined to stay there and unless a friendly anon helps, it might not even survive the night.
technically he only described using 2 ips
I tried phoneposting because I was in a thread watching a show fullscreen on my laptop. It was hell. I had to wait a minute for every single post (not the normal cooldown) after getting the captcha and by that time, whatever I was posting was old news. It's ok, though because phoneposters are the worst.
also the majority of games is made for

most arent violent enough and when a studio does make a violent enough game the ESRB is there to make it "woman friendly"

gta6 is made for women

max payne 3 is made for women, you cant blow a filthy macaco favelador's head off with a shotgun >:[

but thats not enough I WANT FULL MACACO DISMEMBERMENT when shooting the thing's body with a gunnerino

rdr2 went heavy on the tampons and maxi pads to make sure the ESRB forgot you can dismember people
space marine 2 had too much annoying woman in it therefore its pozzkike slop

i dont play games to listen to useless women
i hate boring womanslop
hmm i'm not sleepy

well goody
"wait le 2 weeks to le reset coffee tolerance" they said

i don't believe in SCIENCE

I wait only 3 days to reset my coffee tolerance
does that count

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