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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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>Last Thread: >>2671711

>Florida edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When visiting parks in the hot season, go for rope drop, take an afternoon nap back at the hotel, and go back to the park during sunset. Avoid crowds and heat.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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>How many rich or even middle-class black people do you know
Irrelevant, on multiple grounds.
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>$160k median income
>rich enough for disney
I did like it, first half was fun and floaty, second half was where it was rough around the tunnel parts, you had to ride with it or it'd beat you up
I don't know what point you're trying to make here. It seems like a complete non-sequitur.
all the good rides break down, you need 1 week minimum if you want to ride everything and not miss out and perhaps ride them twice for posterity

building yer trip on these top rides is a recipe for disaster, hence the week long stay

if your wallet is still filtered by pop century and the all-star resorts then skip doing disney

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Itsukushima Shrine Edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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>What about internet access

Either buy an overpriced SIM at the airport (still pretty reasonable), or if you are min-maxing your budget rely on wifi until you get into the city and buy a cheaper SIM at a BIC Camera or phone shop etc.

Leading up to my last trip I just consoomed Japan related media and anything that looked interesting I saved as a point of interest on Google Maps.
What's jk jc?

I was in a relationship and still kinda shy so when I'd get into staring contests I never did anything. Even when a girl "fell asleep" on me on a train after 30 seconds i did nothing. Now I am returning after exploring the world and upping my game, single. Its time. I got a gf in a month last time, I'm going to stay out of a relationship for work reasons but see if I can have a new gf every month or so
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There's no cure for brat addiction.
If you seemed susceptible, she would have started negotiating, offered a price and suggested a location. I also wouldn't be surprised if a random freaky white girl turned up there. I went to observe for a while whilst drunk and it did seem like a few girls had just decided to turn up that day and taken a friend for moral support. I was with my girlfriend and, despite clearly being together, a large amount of men were hovering around seemingly trying to work out if she would be willing to offer sexual services so the denizens seem quite used to "amateurs".
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>tfw honeymoon phase is over
wtf do I do now?

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I'm turning 37 in 6 months. I spent the ages of 29-36 travelling the world. I made 4 million dollars in crypto during the 2017 bullrun and quit my job to live the passport bro lifestyle.

I'm not an incel, I'm well educated, 6'1, and fairly handsome. I had a preposterous amount of sex, both with civilian women and asian escorts (mostly Japanese and Korean).

The first few years feels amazing. I have never felt so wonderful and free, and it truly was the best way to spend my early 30s... but it all comes at a terrible cost, which is that you've fucking left reality behind.

There are logistical problems with living a passport bro life.

1) You're going to realize a first world lifestyle is better than living in some shithole SEA country, and to afford that you'll need real income at some point, and if you want to live in Japan you'll still need about a normal US salary to live comfortably.
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If this isn't a larp, then 4-6M is plenty to have at least one kid, even two or three. Quit complaining son, having a family or not is totally up to you
Living my dream.
Got any proof? Why are you even on /trv/, you can hop on your private jet and be anywhere in the world in 24 hours or less. Your travel and /trv/ travel are completely different spaces.
I also have 7 figs in crypto but I'm 5'4 indian and only been with 1 girl (my vietnamese wife) for the past 4 years. I also live in japan, kinda funny how we're polar opposites OP. I've always wondered what life would be like if I never met my wife and just decided to fuck bitches like you. I am also severely autistic and it's extremely difficult for me to actually spend time with people I don't like tho so I'd probably have to turn into an alcoholic lol
I'm not an entrepreneur but I'm trying to grind to wealth, what tips would you give? Currently I'm trying to find bug bounties, some of them can give you millions but they're very hard to find. I have a strict routine and try to improve as much as I can so I was wondering if you have any mindset or general tips godspeed

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Old thread 404'd
Post all things Vietnam related.
Everyone tell us your favorite city or town and your favorite thing to eat here.
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>I had two relationships
no you didn't. you only wanted sex and you made it happen. none of those women wanted something serious with you
34? he looks like he has 45
Not a /trv/fag, just here for recommendations for a cheap SEA vacation
Why the fuck is half of this thread seething about whites banging vietwomen? This is reddit levels of cope
Just Vietcels seething
I thought it was just one autistic Indian

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Rambutan edition
Is discussing Thailand against the rules now or something? Why did the last general get jannied?
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I went on a date in Thailand, and she showed me some sights, and some markets different than the ones I asked about, and it was infuriating. I ended up calling it pretty early, for multiple reasons, and just went to the markets and saw the landmarks that I wanted to see the next morning and actually experienced joy.
>is 3k enough for 20 days in bangkok?
Cuckshed do you get destroyed in every thread you post in? Have you ever considered that you might be retarded and obsessed?
No. I am not retarded enough to get involved deeper than 7 inches with SEAmonkeys
Why are sex tourists like this? I like to coom too but I don't see the girls as lesser like this. It's honestly pretty gross.

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Anyone do the Disney Adult meme? Assuming you don't mind spending lodsemone was it fun? Or is Victoria and Albert's the only thing actually worth doing?
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I have a female friend who unironically fits this meme. She even calls herself a Disney Princess.
Only issue would be how you would fit World of Motion and Test track together
I went to Tokyo DisneySea last year and Tokyo Disneyland this year by myself and it was pretty fucking sweet
I went during off season on a Tuesday/Wednesday and barely had to wait in lines, got to do everything I wanted and then some
even got to go to the DisneySea fancy restaurants for lunch and dinner even though I didn't book it until the day of
I'm sad I didn't go to Disneyland sooner, I'm sure if I go now 70% of the characters are "tanned"
Honestly my first experience with Disney was some sing along VHS from the very early 90s from Disneyland and I first thought that it was what Disney World looked like so it was a bit interesting to see there be no Matterhorn and a bunch of the rides looked different than the Disneyland versions

Any channels like vagrant holiday?
Brave Dave.


finally a good question. Vagrant was fucking hilarious.
it's not particularly similar but i really like bald and bankrupt, as well as vagrant holiday

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I wish i could move to east/southeast asia for a few years at least but i am an efl (so i cant become an english teacher) and my job, although quite in demand here does not allow me to work remotely. I dont even want to have a degenerate lifestyle, i just want to live normally.
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You can always get a master in international relations or something like that. They always accept students with a law background
I already have one. Ive got a dual (meme) degree
I do here but i dont over there
I dont have a tefl, i do have teaching experience though. Ideally i would like to do inperson teaching but online would be fine too. I cant be picky
I dont even care is it the far east, i just want to get out of europe.

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Considering visiting China. Quite cheap for me to get there because I am aussie. I have only solo travelled South America before. I have no Mandarin but will just get the basic phrases before I leave.

Any tips, stories, recommendations, or hidden gems? I really have no idea where to go bar Hong Kong and Shanghai and Beijing, but am currently just looking at random spots on pic rel and seeing what is interesting. Is Yan'an any good? Apparently you can partake in a mock battle in a 1940s PLA uniform which sounds fun.
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Those of you that learned Mandarin, what level are you at, and was it worth your time?
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Plap plap plap
I am fluent, it took 3-4 years, and it was worth it but only because I live in China (also the only thing that makes it POSSIBLE)
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>makes some generalised shit up in his head about how 1 in 5 people on Earth are
You do realise how big a number 1.5 billion is right?

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Which of these are actually worth visiting, and which are memes/overrated?
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>Ensign Peak
eh, not worth making a trip for. Just a hill overlooking SLC.

Arches/Canyonland/Zion are all good. Great stargazing there. Grand Canyon is neat. This is all Utah, though. Some very cool stuff in other states as well.
I've been to all the ones in the west starting from Badlands in the lower 48, and no others. Would love to go to Alaska and Hawaii, no huge desire to visit any of the Eastern ones.
As for the ones I've been to most are great, the ones in Utah are probably the highest concentration of top tier parks, all 5 are excellent.
They are in the top 5 on every list but Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier and Grand Canyon have their reputation for a reason.
The two I personally like more than the average joe does are Carlsbad and Redwoods.
it's impressive in a different way for sure but I can't say it's more impressive than the vastness of the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon actually also has some spots that are taller and almost as narrow but they're far away from the main tourist areas, look up the Toroweap Overlook, also the parts of the river further upstream towards Lees Ferry that are mostly only seen by rafters. Beyond the overlooks there's also just so much more to do and see at Grand Canyon, just a massive and surprisingly diverse place, some of the best trails and camping, the best rafting of course, diverse wildlife, incredible waterfalls
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if you're in SLC it's worth checking out, go for sunset and stay for the night view for a while.
>Head towards Capitol Reef and completely ignore it
rude, but the best parts of Capitol Reef are definitely off the beaten path. Some of the best parts of most parks are off the beaten path, but the most well known spots are often excellent as well which isn't really true for Capitol Reef I suppose

As for overrated parks, Rocky Mountain probably tops that list for me, the mountain vistas there are just not as good as other mountain national parks like Glacier or Grand Teton or others, frankly they're not even as scenic as other areas of Colorado. Wildlife is pretty good but not as good as Yellowstone or Glacier.
Olympic is massive and diverse but it didn't stand out to me. The forests were better at Redwoods, the coasts were better in Oregon and the mountains were better further inland.
And for some reason Crater Lake didn't really wow me as much as I thought it would.
These parks are absolutely still excellent though. The only ones I really don't care for are Wind Cave, Guadalupe Mountains, and Pinnacles. White Sands is just ok also, it's cool for a minute.
I've been to all of these in the lower 48 except Isle Royale, and Yellowstone is the winner, in terms of stuff to do. They say Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world, and, yes, you have to see it, maybe even hike down into it or riverboat along it once, but Yellowstone is just denser and more varied.

Sequoia, Bryce, Mesa Verde, and Acadia are worth at least looking at because they have something unique to offer. But you do want to dedicate a bit more time to Yosemite and either Glacier or Grand Teton (depending on season,) because they give you an idea of what the Rockies are like (Banff in Canada also works in summer.)

Frankly, Smokies, Everglades, and Mammoth Cave are kind of just representative portions of the region, and if you want to experience that kind of thing, it's better to find one of the state parks, usually along semi-major rivers.
>They say Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world, and, yes, you have to see it
I've been there a while back and it felt like a tourist trap, however it is a massive canyon and is worth seeing. maybe it wouldve been better if I did a hike with a mule to the bottom of the canyon.

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Why do Okinawans dislike Americans?
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I know this is a shitty bait post OP and you're probably some Russian bot but picrel is literally the sort of jokes they make at the military bases in Okinawa.
Kidnapping and gangraping schoolgirls is just what Americans love to do I guess. Even for rapey Japs it's too much.
Don't be surprised if they want nothing to do with once they hear that accent.
Honestly surprised the local nips haven't gone kamikaze about it after all these years.

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I just landed for a month in South Korea.
Figured we should have a South Korea thread, just in general.

Could you believe I can't even order delivery without a "residence number" or something? Ridiculous.
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SK is 10x the globohomo shithole compared to those
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How common are the cults really? Can one entertain them by joining one or two meetings or do they make it extremely hard to leave?
walk up and down hongdae street a bit on your own and they'll find you quickly enough. the ones that approached me wanted to take me back to their house to dress up in the traditional clothes and perform a "traditional ceremony". i figured this would mean leaving my phone, wallet, passport i had on me all out of my sight, in some random building in an unfamiliar area whilst being heavily outnumbered. if you're gonna do it then don't have anything on you that they can get your real info on and just use fake info. it does sound like good fun, just be very prepared because these kinda groups know all these little tricks and have been using them for decades, they are masters of psychology and make sure when you cut them off they don't have any forewarning or expectation that you will do that, make sure you minimum change hotels too or do it on the last day you'll be there
You think those people are actual genuine posters? Come on now anon.
I know you're probably just shitposting but as a fellow Indian don't bother with Koreans they are the most fake and disgusting worthless sacks of shit on the planet, even more than Chinese scum which is an achievement
The irony of them saying some shit to me and they see my nice watch and then treat me like God makes me laugh, the same happens to their women when I even flex a little they immediately stop being cold and then I tell them the truth
that they're disgusting whores, feels great
If you actually want a nice place to go america is pretty chill, of course the people in this thread are just useless white supremacists with no achievements in their lives so they'll disagree but the vast majority of Americans are nice
Japan is chill too, takes a while for them to warm up to you but it's not as disgustingly fake as Korea, they actually have a soul here

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Is the Oregon coast worth visiting? What happens there?
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It's because of Seattle's economy. It's all leftist service workers and code monkeys and engineers. At least 4/5 of them are ultra judgmental and passive aggressive while pretending they're open minded. I hate people like that and it's literally why I moved to the east coast from WA.

Sweetie shouldn't you been in reddit?
are the portlandia type hipsters still there?
they're ultra leftists now. no longer quirky beanie wearing coffee and music enthusiasts, now they're legit insane and want you to be insane with them

>Masses of people moving in aren't like these freaks and they'll be drowned out and increasingly displaced eventually.

You're hoping on a miracle, it's never going to happen. The PNW attracts these types of freaks and mutants like a corpse attracts flies. Most of the normies who come here leave after a couple of years when they realize how shit the region is for having a social life.

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Anybody cruise here? I got a great deal from the casino on Carnival and booked a 7 day Caribbean cruise on the Celebration. I’m going with my wife and our two kids (5 & 3). The younger kid has autism. I’m hoping it’s great, excited to be able to drop the kids off at the kid’s club and go have some pool/dining time together etc. Should also be able to have some quality family time and also some alone time to get degenerate and gamble and drink. Tell me about your cruising experience if you have any.
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tell us more anon which ship were you on and which cabin did you pick, what did you do for fun, etc
she’s got a sneaky hot body in some of her videos. never tries to show it off either
Seems like it would be hard to get away from your spouse long enough to cheat even on a huge ship. Unless the husband is an alcoholic or a degenerate gambler
the longer the cruise/the more you spend, the more desirable your company. i experienced the same on an ABC 8-day on the carnival horizon
however, i took a 3-night msc at the end of january once, and it was not that bad. definitely booze cruise vibes, though, and we don't really drink. ocean cay is the best private island, though!
All the fees and add-ons plus a flight + hotel the night before embarkation take a Norwegian cruise from $1300 to over $2300 for an oceanview solo cabin.

Yeah, I don't think semen slurping cruising is for me. Could do a multi-country Europe trip for less than this. What a rip off to be stuck on a boat for a week with 8 hour beach excursions

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