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/u/ - Yuri

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/u/ is for discussions about the yuri genre of manga, anime, and other related media. Threads requesting images or series recommendations are discouraged (try >>>/r/ instead). When starting an image dump thread, please contribute at least 4-5 relevant images yourself.

Where to read manga:

Some notable scanlators:



Just getting into the yuri genre, or just looking for recommendations? Click [Reply] for /u/ guides to manga, anime, and live action.
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Before starting a new thread, please check the catalog for existing threads.

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Anniversary edition

Previous thread: >>4236653

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

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What are they doing?
Imagine Suletta eating out Miorine's phat ass and pussy...
Now that the dust has settled we can agree that suletta is always the top yes?

This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous: >>4204239
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Let's be honest. They're about the same. Holo in general has toned down the early shipbait, but I get the feeling that some of them have, if not originally, developed lesbian tendencies.
We'll never know who for sure, so in my mind it's they're all gay until a current incarnation thing proves otherwise.
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>search danbooru for holo crossbranch yuri
>can only do id/en because there's no tag specifically for jp
>I get the feeling that some of them have, if not originally, developed lesbian tendencies
If you are referring to their characters, sure. But seeing the standards, i would say no, they're grown ass women, people don't "develop" that kind of tendencies at that age
There is no expiration date on realizing your sexuality. Some bilsuts just live their whole lives thinking those feelings they have for their female friends are strong friendship. Then they encounter some real dykes and notice how fucking stupid they were until now.
I'm one of the people who got annoyed at the stupid spamming of old clips about Sally.
But this isn't an old clip. And by now there is some info people dug up that implies they might have been exes rather than just Kronii crushing on a straight girl. Overly attached ex Kronii is even more sad.

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4234928

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

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... unless you didn't open Lucy's safe? I didn't think it was optional but if you didn't open the safe then the game probably still assumed you did it and kept references to it anyway?

So basically, even if you the player never saw the ID and Camera because you didn't do her room's puzzles, it was written into the game's script anyway, so later dialogue would still reference it. But I'm just assuming all this and it's very possible you just forgot about it?
I opened all the safes, my question is why Ridelle surprised with Lucy's family name?
She knows her from somewhere or something that's what I'm curious about.
(if it's just my reading skill not enough, please forget about it)
Oooooh, no no, okay sorry, you're an ESL anon? I don't mean this as an insult, but it's an english thing. Her name is Lucy Goosey, which is a very silly sounding name. For one, it just straight up sounds silly like if my name was C. Lee Billy (Silly Billy). It sounds like Loosey Goosey, which sometimes is used like "we're getting all loosey goosey" which would mean you're all relaxed and silly (like if you're drunk or just super casual). It's just a joke about her name. Lucy Goosey is a silly name. That's all.
I see, thanks for explaining. Now I get the reference.
I thought the game had a prequel or something that's why I asked this question.

Unrelated to this game, if anyone has other recommendations about puzzles, or mystery games with 2 female leads please let me know.
Sounds a bit too goggly for my tastes. She is literally known for seducing people to achieve her goals. Should never take her advances seriously.

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1.7 waiting room.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.6 Trailer
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

Previous thread >>4186455
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Which characters should I roll for if I want to yurimaxx?
As far as I know.

6* Druvis III
6* Lilya
6* Regulus
6* Sotheby

6* Tooth Fairy
6* Jessica
5* Blonney


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Thanks, anon.
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Thread to post and discuss untranslated yuri manga.

Yuri magazines

Non-yuri magazines with some yuri series

Various raws

Web releases calendar

Buyfag thread >>3944605

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Yes, in volume 8 Shimamura realizes she is a shitty girlfriend and starts making efforts to communicate to Adachi she actually loves her too, even though Adachi points out how she sounds really unconvincing when she says it and then Shimamura actually manages to make Adachi embarassed by talking about how they gay for each other in the middle of the class with everyone listening while Shimamura just doesn't give a shit anymore, in volume 11 Shimamura and Adachi talk about sex and Shimamura tells Adachi it's too early for her as she can tell Adachi is really horny, but they start getting more touchy from that point onwards. Volumes 9,10, 11, SS and 99 keep jumping the timeline, but we have Shimamura preparing to have sex with Adachi for the first time and some details of how their first kiss went, which tasted like blood because Adachi was biting her tongue from being too nervous. And well they are basically a gay married couple until literally the end after this point.
I would argue dropping your shields and being ready for a committed relationship is as good a time as any to make out.
Thank you anon.
Let the autist have their autistic slow burn, I hope Adachi's mom cleans her room because it was probably smelling like an aquarium there
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This teacher feels like a predator.

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Different age thread:
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I like this pairing. Kotoko needs a girl to be gentle with her

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Continued from >>4240508
Translation Thread >>4199643
Buythread >>3944605
Raw Thread >>4230584

https://mangadex.org/chapter/15f38631-32a1-4eb5-b119-04ca2ef9447f (UzaMaid ch14)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/6e85562f-e511-41e7-8fe0-6747a6429089 (Tsubame Tip Off ch41)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/04e38ee3-7ac7-4345-b8fa-73319fc088a1 (Their Story ch241.5)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/0c925545-8f2f-4f9e-864c-bb57beec22e0 (If I Could Become a Magical Girl Sequel ch4)

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I'm Not a Succubus! volume 5

Seven Seas edition. final vol set for release in January
Did the MC who spelled her GF into being her GF do the raping?
They are fucking, at this point discussing the definition of rape is pointless, what she is doing is far worse.
so they're mad at the manga about a character with mind manipulation magic used mind manipulation magic? Sounds retarded
It's all for drama, to aid character introspection and growth. She didn't magic her and she's going to get a happy end with her genuinely loving girlfriend!

Welcome to the /u incest thread!
We're here for art, stories, discussions, anything you want to bring to the thread!

Previous thread:
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With the way Elden Ring lore is, I don't think two characters can even breath on each other without it being incest in some way. It's like Iceland, everyone is closely related.
Bumping this here as well in case anybody in these threads has more info

They're sisters, right?
Sort of. Nui was created artificially by Ryuukos mom, while Ryuuko was born naturally(for the most part).

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I'm gonna miss these two.

What would you nee-sans like to see in future GBC media?
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Erotic asphyxiation, another way to use big hands

Thread of pics of hentai females with strapons anally penetrating lolicons, milfs, or young girls. The best and the greatest invention since the discovery of fire.

Yuri action with dildos, anal beads or any other related toys are also welcome. Extra bonus for hot anal sex.

Strap yourselves on, all aboard the strap-on girl train!

Previous threads: >>4047168
>>3211670 (2B edition)

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All Adventure Time yuri is welcome, but I need a place to dump the cute bubbline I find
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This time starting off with sleeping with the fishes.

Previous thread: >>3977022
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pretty cute but what's with all the extra dogs coming out of her crotch
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That's how Scylla was said to look like in mythology, as opposed to the tentacle mermaid developed later.

Last thread
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Nemona is like a Red/Cynthia-tier trainer, she'd probably have planned simultaneous dates for all three somehow to say nothing of when she'd get them all back to the dorm room.
Convince her to try out a Triple Battle and she can take them all at once.

Nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya-do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyanynaku nyarabete nyaganyagame.
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