/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.
Hypothetically if an already athletic person had only about a year to train MMA (with 0 prior martial arts experience) and was training 5-6 hours a day, 5 days a week (which is roughly 2000 hours), how far could they get? Assuming they trained really intelligently with optimal nutrition and rest etcPic related
Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)Chadi BTFO edition>IJF World Tour Schedule 2025https://www.ijf.org/calendar?age=world_tour>Watchhttps://www.youtube.com/c/judolive.ijf.org>Video Resourceshttps://www.youtube.com/@KODOKANJUDOhttps://www.youtube.com/@Shigashi84https://www.youtube.com/@TravisStevensgrapplingComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>225491Come on now, yes it isNobody actually watches that shitGo ask a gym full of people who the current ibjjf champions are, nobody will knowThe people that participate don't even watch it
>>225493last time i checked it was gordon ryan and people were saying he's unbeatable
>>225452False equivalence>>225453>But reading books... is not going to prepare youretard>>225429Low spatial IQ but who gives a shit. If you started judo when already old and inexperienced it's going to be like that anyways, until it all kind of clicks in. Or you can be like me and becoming the most annoying person in the sport because I cannot be thrown unless it's a 10/10 maximum strength throw and I cannot throw unless it's a sacrifice.>>225332Correction: become the second most annoying people in the sport
>>225502Gordon hasn't competed with ibjff since 2018See what I mean? 7 years of winners and nobody could name one
>>225504Read a book cover to cover about doing a heart transplant then do oneI'll be my life's savings your patient dies
Dan edition prev >>223106>Banzuke:http://sumodb.sumogames.de/Banzuke.aspxhttps://www.sumo.or.jp/EnHonbashoBanzuke/index/>Fight Schedule & Results:https://www.sumo.or.jp/EnHonbashoMain/torikumi/1/1/>Some sumo links and how to watch live:https://rentry.org/uwbgc88d
>>225496But by then 'sato will be 'zuna.
>>225497Triple zuna by the end of the year, trust the plan.
>>225497Onosato will never be Yokozuna. Nasty ankle injury in May, then his metabolism collapses and he balloons up to 550lbs during recovery. Successful return to the top division, but then he spends eight years being Ichinojo II. Heart attack at 43.
>>225499>Heart attack at 43He'll make it to at LEAST 45.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLmLYLOhZpwGod I love ozumosloppa.
>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
I'm making disc golf patches. What ideas do you want?
>>194266It's because the people are too small to handle larger discs.
>>212748nice, I've gotta make it up there sometime, its not that much farther than going to wickhamtower ridge skins match is finally out, too bad luke wasnt there and we had to listen to that dumbass instead forgetting who's on the box every single hole
spend a bunch of time on the course playing and watching disc golf.
I get my I-Blend 169g Sphinx to have a nice turn and reliable fade to 260'. Standstill, with my most natural throw that has a touch of hyzer.There are holes on my local courses that I simply can't reach, and I've been okay with that since I started off not being able to throw 175' last summer. Now I'm wondering if I could reach for something like a Mamba or Maya to push closer to 300', and if so what weight and plastic?
What makes BJJ culture so insufferable compared to other martial arts?
i have no idea, 90% of my gym are fucking freaks. its like their two modes are irritated/curt, or someone brings up a rogan-esque topic and none of them shut the fuck up all trying to one-up each other on knowledge of vitamins and how doctors are trying to get you man. they are like all the same guy. there is a really old Brazilian black belt who is the fucking man though, just smilin and wants to roll with whoever, same intensity with everyone and wins regardless.not sure why its so rare a good martial artist knows who machine girl is and has played god hand and posts on 4chan. I mean those things are rare to begin with i guess. I have this general theory that I cant quite articulate that well, but its like, toughness and normieness feel like they overlap unfortunately. if you're going to end up tough, the dominoes were probably already falling into a specific way that was going to make you a specific brand of retard normie. Like you'll never see an mma fighter's walkout song be something by Evaboy. Its going to be Back in Black by ACDC and it was always going to be that. The dominoes fell that made him tough, and those are the same dominoes that make him a normie.
>>225271that was just a minute of heavyweights with average grappling that allowed lewis to get to dogfight and then he'd stand, or, he'd feel an improper weight distribution and sweep during bottom side, which by the way is all still jiu jitsu, its just counter jiu jitsu. I can assure you if you put gordon ryan in that exactly same position against lewis, he would turn lewis into tiny particles of dust. he would probably purposefully abort whatever top position he had and dive for his legs and tear his knee apart with a heel hook
>>225415you know, most of the time i feel like its a pretty straight environment, but one time there was a tiny black guy that approached me after class and kept asking if i needed a workout partner and that he was new to the area or something he was 100% gay lol
>>225475yeah it was i was just posting that to be a dick
>>225474>I have this general theory that I cant quite articulate that wellIntelligence has a lot of overlap with rationalization, which people use to avoid discomfort and adversity. However, it doesn't take a lot of intelligence to rationalize. It just takes intelligence to pretend that your rationalization is any better than someone else's.
>only liked martial arts as a sport growing up>as an adult have had knee problems (ACL, MCL)>have tried to continue martial arts but have blown my knees previously and now realise BJJ/MT is just going to result in that again>need another sport so I can meet people and not be a shut-inSurely others are in this same situation, i.e. don't like team/ball sports, prefer something like martial arts but can't do it anymoreWhat sport should I do?
>>225400hey man, what about boxing? how much emphasis is put on your knees there? There's a lot of bending and moving so i don't know.If your acls and mcls are fucked though then maybe what you need is fuckin' surgery. If you can't get surgery then ripppppppp. Especially if boxing won't do it for you.Might have to be, like. A walking club or something dude. Or some fake martial art, like aikido.
>>225400Didn't you make this thread before and people told you BJJ/MT were going to shreckt your knees, but you did it anyways?
>>225409if so, he is fucking epic for that hahaha.>>225400one thing i forgot to mention: have you checked out ATG? Like, kneesovertoesguy on youtube? If you're fucked anyway, you might as well go ham on that (with proper rest also) for a while. Maybe it'll take a month, maybe it'll take a year, maybe it'll never get your knees to a comfortable level, but it's worth a shot if the alternative is never training again.ATG is exercises that are specifically to strengthen your knees and increase their mobility to prevent injuries, and to rehabilitate existing injuries. Stay hard brother!
if you play a proper jiu jitsu game you probably shouldnt injure your knees
Does /xs/ prefer step or strap on bindings? Do step ons work in deep powder?
>tfw snow day after a couple days of spring ridingFeels good man
Any Coloradofags here? I've always wondered if it's possible to ride all year since there are so many mountains. Or do the mountains also melt down in the summer?
>>219225IT KEEPS FUCKING SNOWING >>225447>all yeartechnically yes but it really strains the definition of riding and the effort you will have to exert for not very much poor quality snow by like, june makes it really not worth it. there a a couple of places like copper and buttermilk that build a psuedo-glacier for park kids but even that is highly weather dependent. if it gets too hot for even a week, that shit is just gone.otoh, we do sometimes get really good years where the snow just doesn't run out. 2 years ago we were getting full on big mountain powder days through may and front range resorts were open like a week into june.preseason sometimes we get lucky as well but you really want a rock board for that.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnkIJ95Ijyw
>>225460>big mountain powder days through mayso lucky
>>225463the flipside of that is last year where the snow just never really showed up and it was rock & ice skiing all the way from november until the spring. idk what this year is like because i'm not there but the reports i've gotten from home haven't been inspiring, we got an absurd early season deep day in november though (possibly the most snow i've ever seen from one storm)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRB-BXFkzOU&t=but then it didn't snow again until after christmas, which is colorado in a nutshell; you can get very big storms but they are surrounded by long periods of nothing. it truly is a case of YMMV
Basic brand info for beginners >https://pastebin.com/CxdBGA6WShoe reviews:>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0Submit a shoe review:>https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewformlast thread >>220110
r8 my session line bros
>>225353Chillin with the boyz
>>225317I just learned these on ledges. For me, it helps to think about the smith like I'm taking a seat in a chair. With my feet out in front of me in the smith, while I'm sitting away from the ledge and leaning back
Crazy how heavy Figgy is still going considering how hard he's been on his body.Provost on the other hand is completely washed out and has been for years. Haven't really seen anything of interest from him since he left Toy machine, it's all launch ramps and ditch or DIY style spots, piss drunk in almost every clip I see of him.Riley has an incredibly sick style, honestly that's exactly how I'd like to skate in the street.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h660a0aKem8
Want to participate in one of the most ultimate extreme sports? Come Skydive.Either do a tandem for ~S220 (Don't get video you will watch it once or twice and it costs $120+) or go through AFF and jump with your own gear every jump ($~3600 for the first 8 jumps or so) Most jumps are $60-70 after that if renting gear, or ~$30 if you have your own.Any questions? Ask away I'm an insutructor
>>219129remind me later when the season starts
>>219793Learn stand up and head down flying
>>198896Haven't jumped in years, haven't been able to afford a rig and lift tix. Kinda miss it. Live 30 min from Z Hills
>>222420Why can't you afford it?Did you get divorced or something
If your over 200lbs please god just do AFF, I'm tired to strapping you fat fucks to my chest.
Any freestyle wrestling fans here
https://uww.org/article/saitiev-three-time-olympic-champion-passes-away-aged-49People are saying he had a heart attack. Was he another clotshot victim?
>>224878Ono vs Leehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=822-HXuWHr8
>>2251983 time Olympic champ6 time World champ6 time European champ
>tfw Yağlı güreş isn't a thing outside Turkeyare there "all styles allowed" competitions anymore? Like; not freestyle per se but catch-can, sumo (without slaps!), Canarian grappling, etc...With some sort of common set of rules.striking arts like karate, muay thai, boxing love to do this...but they're few videos of matches like "wrestling vs judo", "BJJ vs greco-roman wrestling"
please tell me im not the only one who swears his name has always been Mike Valley
>>201464Sure is fren
Mikey Valleney presents himself as the ultimate alpha but in reality has a long story of participation in underground gay sex parties, in most of which he exclusively acts as the bottom for large groups of men. His signature outfit at these events is all leather and he is known in certain circles known as "Meat Valley" due to his alleged gaping talents.
resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff>Understanding traditional scoringhttps://khunkaogym.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/a-laymans-guide-to-scoring-a-muay-thai-fight/https://youtu.be/7J4gzeJO-4Q>Live shows>Siam Fight Newshttps://www.fb.com/SiamFightNews/>Lumpinee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMw_GleQjXnKMjhCY58V4w>MAX https://www.youtube.com/user/maxmuaythaichannel>Ch8https://www.youtube.com/c/Muaych8>PETCHYINDEE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsN96OvHRSZWiecrdPvy5Wg>ONE Championship https://www.youtube.com/c/ONEChampionshipComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Lihuanian McGregor :)https://youtu.be/NXRYLrJco1U?si=h8oZhhkefcKslyuDhttps://youtu.be/m4gpFZMTpp8?si=LiKehjuigjj-z4uW
How do i stop being so fucking scared of competing? I'm 10 fights in but i still start trembling like a leaf at just the thought of getting in the ring, or just even watching local events and picturing myself in there.Am i just being a pussy?
>book of some muay thai Technics https://archive.org/details/the-evolution-of-martial-arts-in-combat-sports-a-complete-guide-to-developing-el
/HEMA/ General - Hungarian Shield Edition>What is HEMA?HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises>What does it look like?Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uMBack to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNsMartin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k>Where can I find these treatises?https://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Main_Pagehttps://wiktenauer.com/wiki/Category:WeaponsComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>225318The advantage of German is that it looks rad as fuck. The advantage of Italian is that it works.
>>225333Greasy hands typed this post
>>225318I'm just a faggot on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, but German is has a lot of good fundamentals and simple actions to get the job done. Italian has some complex devices or moves that are very effective but are reactionary to your opponent. Im not versed too much in Italian but that's the impression I get from the videos and readings I've done.
Longsword, Rapier and Dagger, or Saber?
>>225406Sidesword. Choppy boi like a saber, stabby like a rapier, footwork of a longsword and all the rapier's good looks on top of that.
last time on dragon ball kg - >>195013What's everyones grades? Do you like kata? Where do you buy your gi's from?Does anyone else find the obsession with finding "mcdojos" annoying and counter productive?
>Reading Karate lore>Bushi Matsumura, Itosu Anko's teacher, was a bit of a fightard and an asshole who commits animal cruelty >Uses psychological warfare against another fightard>Not above punching his own employer>Also married a tomboy after kicking her in the balls repeatedly in a duel/sparring>Also gets beaten up by said tomboy waifu during a prank gone wrong>Itosu Anko may not be a lunatic like Matsumura or other masters, but he's not above breaking people's limbs, cock-kicking, and property damage>No mention of le morality and le honorStill a better and more believable story than going into the mountains for a year and doing le hardcore KKK training and fisting bulls. Also cock-kicking in karate. So Kudo did good by including crotch attacks in their sparring?
Has anyone seen somebody use a hurricane kick successfully in a full contact setting? I've seen high level karateka like Benny the Jet and Andy Hug throw the kick in kickboxing fights, but not actually land it.
>>225159>>225160Another one in point fighting. Thrown, but didn't land.
Thoughts on Goju Ryu? There’s a TOGKF affiliated dojo near me that I want to try. The only other option for karate near me is a Shito Ryu dojo. Everything else is TKD.