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>Female medical professionals measuring dicks of great size.

Is this /d/ material or should I go to /h/?
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OP does say "of great size", not "of any size"

Thread for girls with huge tits.
At least each the size of the character's head, but not bigger than her torso each.

No hyper, no futa, no AI
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Couldn’t find the artist, but I found it tagged as post-vore.
what are some physical features you believe fit with huge and/or gigantic breasts, my fellow anons?
Does anyone remember the name of or have that older Jirou doujin where MC is living with his aunt and uncle? He comes home one day and catches her masturbating. The sites I use don't seem to have it for some reason.

The lack of regular pregnancy threads here in May is crazy lol. Let's get a preg thred going that isn't hyper preg but more full term based.

Big boobs, butts, muscles and short stacks are fine, ai too. Just no loli or underage shit please
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anyone have the similar pic of uzaki's mom where she's on all fours like this but there's an ultrasound image of her baby's face? I think it was in an /h/ thread but I forgot to save it
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Hey man i don't know if you will see this but i've done as you said but on the part where i use the flash player to open the link, nothing happens, i put in the swf file correctly and the screen stays blank

Girls and boys getting violated by various monsters
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looking for this one doujin where a knight or prince or something gets captured and turned into a concubine for a demon king/lord
the king says something like "im going to get you pregnant with my heir" and the knights like "im a dude though wtf thats not possible" and the king basically goes
and then gets him pregnant
its very yaoi-ish art style but not like the shitty kind with the hands
anyone might know it?
sauce ?

Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. Long discussions are a given with threads like these. If you're gonna post some text, at least post some porn along with it.

>Question of the day
For femboy chasers, why do you prefer femboys over trans women when they're essentially the same thing outside of presentation

And for Hrt femboys, how do you present yourself? Do you wear feminine clothing like what most people think femboys wear or do you present still male but on estrogen? Or are you somewhere in-between?
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Does anyone know the artist that always drew THICK femboys? I think the name started with Chin, but if you've seen the cropped panel where the femboy is saying he gets called Chun-li because of his thighs, that's the artist I'm thinking of
Chinzuri BOP. Love his stuff.

He's a pretty big samefag, but it's a cute artstyle and his stuff is always lovey-dovey and cute. So I can't complain.
He is a big scatman now.
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Fair. I like women for relationships as well. I've hooked up with twinks before but never anything long term. If I were to he'd have to be on estrogen eventually. But even then, most are pretty mentally ill.
10 months hrt gave me boobs like this.

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Old thread: >>10990497
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I expect some visible claws at least.
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Nude version, but the clothes are cuter
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Just because they are monster girls, doesn't mean they have to be monsters

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Girls peeing/pissing/wetting etc.

Males go elsewhere.

Canon edition

Kemono list: rentry.org/omokemono2
Manga scene list: rentry.org/omogenmanga
omorashi AI models:

previous: >>10982626
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oops, i couldn't tell. on the third pic, it looked like the skirt moved cause the train was moving or something, but i dont know about the second one
I reverse searched it and checked the pixiv tags
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i see. i'll do that when i sus it's not a girl before posting, thanks for telling me.
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very cute images, thank you anon
extremely serious omo discussion

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Previous Thread >>10931327
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god damn this is the best edit I've seen in a long time
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Verrryyy old doodle i found
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Never did ^^
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Alt vers
What if congenital DSD musclegirl

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Suppose I’m risking a ban for this but the /aco/ threads finally died and they were always shit anyway. Anything goes, please share what you have.
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I prefer radio silence to the alternative. So many artists will just explode and nuke all their shit with no backups. I don't get it, you'd think people that draw weird porn wouldn't be so fickle and fragile.
You underestimate how absolutely unhinged, entitled and abusive some people get when you have even the slightest amount of public visibility. Dealing with it is not just about having a thick skin, that does not hurt, but you also have to learn to truly disengage with a lot of sources of attention, both good and bad. And for a lot of people there brain is just not wired to be able to say no to the dopamine of any attention.
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nice to men by limerick is pretty hot.

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Let's talk about our ideal matriarchal new world order story settings where women are taller, bigger, stronger and smarter than men and men are women's subjects.

Previous threads:
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Thread BUILT for being conquered by patriarchal sons of the skyfather
>One of the results of the lingering female-specific gene-therapeutics that are so popular as to be almost universal in some countries, is that of altered breast milk production.
>Atop observing greater overall expression levels, and a more impressive nutritional and caloric extent, glands in the breasts also possess exocrine functions, and produce a medley of hormones, including but not limited to; estrogen, norepinephrine, oxytocin, and several expressive hormones related to growth.
>In pre-pubescents, this balance of hormones does encourage the formation of healthy bone and muscle, and does not observe a severe difference between the sexes.
>In pubescent, and post-pubescent females effects are observed resulting in an increase in long bone length, density, and a measurably stronger skeletal muscle system. In males however, the opposite is observed, with a reduction in muscle development or body tissue, bone density and muscle strength. The reasons behind this are not understood, but are believed to be related to the different hormone concentrations between men and women, and the mechanisms by which maturity is reached.
>Further research is -suspended- currently proving inconclusive.
>On top of this, breastmilk now contains orders of magnitude more oxytocin when expressed, making it a potent substance for the formation of bonds, relationships, or affections due to the shared experience. The lactating female does experience a degree of oxytocin due to the bloodflow in the region, but the majority of the dosage is carried in the milk, and is consumed by the recipient.
>This can have both immediate, and long term effects. Nursing subjects are typically far more willing to form relationships, are more compliant, have lower inhibitions, and may observe a temporary lack of focus.
>Again, women observe a less intense reaction to this. Potentially due to hormone difference, or exposure due to their own breast tissue.
>Long term, complications can arise with addiction. Subjects report brain fog, lack of concentration, high or intense emotions, motor ticks, and the feeling of exhaustion.
>Further research into the potential addictive and dependency-inducing effects of breastmilk in post-pubescents, especially in the effects felt by post-pubescent males has been -suspended- inconclusive.
>Similarly, research into methods to understand and treat the reduction in bone density and body mass in males, bought on by regular consumption of breast milk has been -suspended- inconclusive.
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Haha yeah, I didnt notice the ai hands on patriachy guy, so I made another one
I mean you are giving me another idea
That's what's funny about it I guess
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Somebody else can put it together if they care lol

Theme Questions:
>What could a slave do to earn your favor?
>Would you set your slaves against each other in competing for your attention?
>How's life for your devoted/happy slaves vs the labor slaves?
>What would your ideal slave look, behave and act like?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?

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All I'm saying is that they could just sell the slaves they can't keep. There are plenty of coal mines that need workers
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I also really like the idea of spending countless hours practicing my blowjob skills and memorizing absolutely everything about my master's penis, to the point where my mouth just always feels weird and empty when I don't have his cock in my mouth.
Maybe my master would even give me a special dildo in the exact shape of his cock that I could stuff in my mouth for comfort during those long lonely nights when he's fucking some other slave.
If I fell into slavery after spending a few years as a very successful adventurer in a fantasy land first, sure sounds hot as hell as well. Knowing that slavers were always out there somewhere, looking for fresh ¨merchandise¨, but after countless battles I've grown confident in myself, certain that no one would be foolish enough to try anything against me. I'm already well known in the entire kingdom, some even call me a Legend.
But just one single careless slip up was enough to undo all of my hard work. Maybe during a sidequest some temporary party member poured something in my drink when I wasn't looking, and the next thing I know, I wake up naked and tightly tied up in a cargo hold with 50 or so other young girls like me. We're placed in 5 straight lines, collared to the floor. All of my SSS+ level equipment and money is now gone too.
The slaver's ship sails off to some faraway land, and after a few months of harsh, mind breaking sex slave training I end up sold to some foreign warlord, who has never even heard of me before, nor does he give a shit who I was. All that matters anymore is learning to pleasure him with all my heart. The magical slave seal placed on my body has made me way weaker than how I was at lvl 1, and also made the escape completely impossible anyways: If I'd try to leave the palace without my master's consent, my heart would immediately just stop as a result, and I'd simply drop dead at the gates. So I might as well just give up and embrace the fact that this pathetic servile existence is my life from now on, and make sure that this sex slave was worth all that money.
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>I end up sold to some foreign warlord, who has never even heard of me before, nor does he give a shit who I was

What if the warlord was visited by a foreign ambassador. Would you want to be recognized, hoping to be freed? Or would you keep your head down, hoping no one recognizes you?
>How will you know once you've tamed her? And how would you know she isn't just trying to trick you?
I said she'd be tame after a few months. I never said it would stop.
>a 6'5" captured warrior.
Ok yeah a 6'5" Amazon is prime ponygirl material. Only the finest restraints for such a creature.

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Previous >>10986672
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• All artists welcome!
• Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already drew, feel free to draw your own take.
• Please anchor your deliveries to make them easier to track.
• Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
• No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.

• Do not request drawings of real people.
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
• Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
• Be patient. Art takes time.
• Not all requests will be filled.

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Requesting a busty Taokaka vaginally riding a horse via amazon position with a pleasured expression, cum and impreg is a plus.

Also be sure to catbox before posting.
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I would like to ask for Falin and Marcille from "Delicious in Dungeon" as a monster girls making out.
Falin is dragon girl (2 legs, 2 arms, wings and tail) and she have dick (left side of reference is example you can take some creative liberty)
Marcille is lamia, (it would be really cool if she had flower pattern and wings like in bottom right but it is not necessary)
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Requesting Summer Freyja from Fire Emblem Heroes wearing a swim diaper
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Requesting /r/ my cyberpunk netrunner gal here doing some really debauched stuff. she is a total freak into watersports and scat, so go wild. Ideas I have:
-Masturbating in an alleyway while people walk by.
-bad dragon dildo, lol
-sticking a sharpie up the poop chute with a date in 2045
-her masturbating in a puddle of her own waste
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Requesting Polka Omaru as a latex orb drone like in the reference provided, but with the lust crest being based on the series of symbols seen in the middle, her donut lips being more smooth, her hairstyle being retained but recolored and the lines in the drone's ears going into her animal ears.

The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>11015154
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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Speak for yourself I find them very comfy.
People said that nipple correctors were good but which ones?
Are chink ones good enough or should I just save for estim
Any advice for picking a strap-on harness that can be worn over a chastity cage? I want to do longer lockups but I miss having something to stroke while I look at porn.
i have a spare parts joque that works pretty well over my cage
bought a cheap vibrator finally and came while caged for the first time. im thinking its gonna be a regular thing. saved a lot of time, too.

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Previous: >>11014917
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I adore hyper muscle Tsuki Uzaki
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Mako is buff?
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Need her drawn full view like the mid left panel too

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