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>Canon RF $1500
>Sony FE $1400
>Nikon Z $598

How does Nikon keep on winning?
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>Sonytranny thinks debtmaxing his card on some overpriced piece of glass makes his photos better, even though he never takes any
>>a 135mm lens at f1.8

could be good for astro
Imagine being proud of not knowing anything about photography lmao
Share yout photos faggot
You made the claim first, post your spotless photis with your $150 chinkshit

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'turn away from the light' edition

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Fujifilm FinePix JX500.
leanin' an' mean
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>be me
>see random youtuber-photographer
>5m subs in a few years
>nothing special, just "random" girls with daddy issue
>he's living my dream
>the guy is good looking and tall so when he takes a picture the girls a happy
>his gear costs $7k

>immediately remember why I lost interest in photography the last time
>I'm ugly and poor, I'm afraid to go outside and draw any attention to myself with a $500 camera and a kit lense

>I've never overcome this feel, I simply forgot

Why live?

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It's lens
Yes. I'm a thirdie

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Since the world is soon getting filled with wind turbines, I want to document what little is available to me through photography. What do I need to know about landscape? What is the standard gear for this? Can you do landscape photography with a shitty APS-C? Do people who do landscape usually know about predicting weather conditions?
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Pressing a button is winography

Photography is a bit more involved than f/8 and be there
>wide for close things tele for things that are far away
I hate how often people think this way. If you get close to a subject and zoom out you will be taking a different photo. Wide angles are for bringing in more elements and teles are for simplifying scenes. Look up perspective distortion. It's really important to use this thoughtfully and a good reason to use a zoom (though film-era zooms can suck).
You're thinking in terms of FOMO.
Does gear really matter? Are people buying more that 1 camera retarded consumers? Is me farting at the lens affecting it's quality?
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shitty aps is nice for landscape

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>Mamiya RZ67 Professional
>Mamiya-Sekor Z 90mm
>Mamiya RZ67 Pro II Magazine (120)
>Extra magazine
>PD Prism Finder
>Original Mamiya camera strap
>Mamiya RZ67 Extension Tube 82mm (No. 2)
>polaroid back
>lens hood
How much would you pay for this given the gear is in good condition?

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90%? I shoot for magnum everything is comped, ya pleb dadographer
IKR those scheiss lens are out of this world. Coping japcrap users.
Tell it to a mirror dadographer. You do not shoot for magnum. Your film will never be comped.

Japscrap users will never stop coping about zeiss and leica superiority
>but muh mtf chart!
Cosina voigtlander? More like iseea thirdworlder lol
Lol I have no ideas what comped means. Try starting a business or shooting for brands (you never will, ever).

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How much is talent important when it comes to photography?

Can you have someone picking up a camera for the first time and making good pics, even if they never learned any of the rules or studied the masters?
Just by having "an eye" for taking interesting shots?

Because we already know that having the best gear and copying the masters won't make you a good photographer, if we look at everyone who posted here over the years.
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It's falsely considered art because it serves the same function as painting.

It's a craft.
Im sorry which part of Avatar looked real to you?
This is the worst thread I've ever read.
Photography is all Studying, nobody is born with an eye for composition, just like nobody is born knowing how to play the piano.
Gear doesn't matter for the most part.
The parts that were done digitally
gear matters realist
>knows the limitations and possibilities that different gear offers
>has seen what gear great photographers use and why
>understands image quality is important to photography
>it is obvious to him that the photographers skill and knowledge of the medium and their gear are essential

gear doesn't matter pseud
>can't stop with the "gear is the only thing that matters" strawman
>thinks anything can be compensated with skill
>will make any tradeoff for better convinience
>"but you can make a good photo with bad gear"
>does not know how a view camera works

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Spoopy Edition
>Post the spookiest shit you've ever emprisoned in a silver halide cage for all eternity

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development

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I didn't either, I still kind of don't, I just use Darktable to make some minor color corrections by eye so my things look better. After doing it a bit I found myself being able to tell slightly more easily how something has color shifted and how to correct it. Darktable is free, give it a try. Small learning curve but probably worth trying.
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I've been messing with it a bit, but I often feel like I make things worse

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this one looks less tinted so you're on the right track, I think
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lol that one is unedited

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oh. lol. good compositions though IMO.

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>buy $100 film camera
>breaks after 5th photo
>buy $50 film camera
>light leak
>buy $200 film camera
>breaks after 2nd roll of film

What the fuck? Am I being baited into trying film? Do filmfags think their cameras work when they don't or would break if they actually used them?
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Get a fucking F65 and move on with your life.
Or an FM3a
It has the larp factor
It has a lot of tehcnical capability
It's indestructible

Only flaw: It's the m4/3 of film. 35mm. 1/4 the imaging area of the minimum for real photos.

maybe you're just being retarded when using them, idk anon maybe try to learn how to use a camera instead of wasting money
My logic is that cheap plastic consumer SLRs sold just before digital took over all have brand new shutters because nobody ever used them. F65 is great if you don't mind lack of DoF preview, but F75 is good too. F80+ will be more used because enthusiasts/pros.
>buy $25 film camera
>it breaks after 3 years
>buy $5 film camera
>it just works
>get free film camera (minolta SLR)
>it just works
>realize actually the flash won't work
>also the film speed thing breaks cause it's shit plastic
>get another free film camera (Zeiss scale focus)
>it just works
>get another free camera (minolta SLR)
>it just works (until I tumbled down a fucking slope with it and now it just doesn't work half the time)

basically my most reliable camera is mechanical, made of metal, does not have an interchangeable lens or mirrors, and is very simple. Maybe that's something to keep in mind. The 90s shitboxes are really fragile in comparison, plastic bad also

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Z6iii edition, get in here lads


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I love the FL. I am considering picking up the 50 and 75 Speed Panchros LLL is putting out once they're out there. Would be cool to have a whole set and get them rehoused.
>They are functionally much worse than Fuji dials
because of the lock?
Locks are part of it. Fuji just locks/unlocks wherever. Zf only and always locks on 1/3, B, X, T, which gets in the way.
Auto ISO is dogshit on the Zf. The ISO dial doesn't override it, and enabling/disabling it via custom button can only be done when on C, so you always have to disable first, then change. I basically never use Auto ISO with it.
On X-T's, I find the location actually very accessible from the thumb, and use it like a normal command dial. The Zf is much more stiff and in a location such that it really requires moving your hand to change. I end up just leaving it on 1/3 step and using the regular dials.
On Fuji's, the dials allow for quick full stop adjustment, and then you can use the regular dials to fine tune +/- 2/3 ev.
Both are retarded. Nikon, canon, and sony have near identical ergos for a reason. Good isnt a preference. Everyone has the same hands, just different sizes. The dials are bad. They were designed for camera manufacturing (cheaper assembly and cheaper mechanical linkages), not hands, which is why they’re never on “normal” cameras and havent been for almost 40 years, just special released marketed specifically for the larp.

Nikon just slapped them on an already abandoned z6-2.5 like they did with the df to raise money via clueless hipsters before the current batch finally wised up.
I don't view things so black & white, everything has pros and cons, and different people like different things. Worst case, I just ignore them and use the regular dials like normal, best case it gives me extra control options, not less.
It must be such a burden to be upset with other people like different things.

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What's your favorite 35mm roll?

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got my scans sooner than expected, but only 21/24 frames. I'll need to wait till monday to pick up the negatives and see what might have happened

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this one and several others have that black bar on the left, not sure what's up with that

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Fucked scan, they stuck it on auto mode and didnt check if anything actually lined up.
Also the fact the bar is the same sickly orange as the rest of the image means auto mode boosted the shadows probably due to underexposure.

a rescan or a home scan would make these pics look so much better.
Push it one stop and enjoy.

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ITT: Post a picture, tell a story about it.

This was taken in Busan, South Korea. It's hard to see, but it was drizzling a bit at the time, and a few minutes later, it was pouring rain. I didn't bring an umbrella, and I was completely lost. I stopped under an awning outside of a restaurant to use my phone, and a Korean guy (maybe in his 40s) who happened to be driving by at the time stopped his car, got out, handed me an umbrella, got back in his car, and drove off, all without saying a single word. I tried to politely refuse (I actually like the rain), but he wouldn't take his umbrella back.
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best pic and story ITT
Reflecting on the story of the picture, I understand that feeling of bitterness from loss after my grandmother passed away. I know losing a grandmother is a joke to a lot of people, but she was the mother of my life for a long time when my actual mother couldn't take care of me due to her mental disabilities.
Did you accidentally bore her to death when you showed her your pictures?

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So, how many of you will pay Ken Rockwell and his Growing Family™ $500 to have him follow you around the Sierra Nevada, ordering you to turn saturation to +5?
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>heavy chromatic aberration
>saturation cranked way up
>sharpness is so extreme to the point the leaves look straight out of ps1 era
>color banding due to a mix of all of the above
I know you're just a shitposter, but come on man, nobody is going to fall for the bait that he's some how a good editor.
Forgot to add, I do like the subject(think it's the tree he's going for, it's a dope tree) and the framing.
But this image is CRUNCHY
absolutely no shape to anything here. its in the hellish purgatory between a depiction and paint randomly thrown at a canvas. the man must have vision issues if this is what happens when he chooses his own edits. his film shots are fine.
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the thing that gets me since I found this thread, he actually has some decent shots that aren't fried to shit, but it's 1 in 10 and they usually are still CRANKED saturation wise. Rarely it's beneficial(pic rel, genuinely like this one although I would have toned it down a bit).
The rockwell problem. All saturation, no contrast. No deep shadow. No white highlights. Just red, green, and blue. He legitimately has vision issues or a broken monitor.

Considering the newly announced Pentax 17 is an overpriced toy camera failure what are some alternatives in the half-frame gear world for half the price?
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>be me
>finally finishing torrenting all my animes after a week of waiting
>watching rozen maiden and chobits
>worst girl sususususeki is getting immortalized with a shitty meme
>meanwhile "film is dying" and you can buy a hasselblad 500cm off a pro who thinks a nikon d4 for $250
>i am ignoring this, too busy watching more anime
>my mom gave me a nikon coolpix and an agfa rangefinder anyways im good
fuck anime. death to japan.
so mad i had a stroke. anime wasted my youth. i could have been buying $4 portra and cheap 'blads and leicas. now everything is overpriced because everyone finally realized old stuff was good before i decided to be a big enough gearfag to shoot film.
>worst girl sususususeki
I am going to fucking kill you, desu
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$250 budget easily gets you an Olympus Pen F(v) and a 38mm/1.8. It's a full SLR so you don't have to guess focus. If you really need autofocus, get the Yashica Samurai (picrel) or the Canon Autoboy Tele 6.
If you're getting the Dial, look out for the 35-2. Canon upgraded from selenium to CdS meters on this revision.

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Couch of the Creek Edition.
Previous Thread: >>4323443

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Resize ur shit bruh
This is very nice but you've got a lot of black; it's almost your entire upper third. I'd crop it in a little.

This pleases me but you've sliced off the footsies.
Digging the bokeh, orange glow at the bottom, and nice luster to the shadow tones owo

You've done the technical execution pretty well but I'm just not a fan of the subject matter and the composition is at once too busy and too bland. Your strong vertical line on the right side is off a few degrees counterclockwise, and your crop on the left side intersects another vertical line and pulls my eye abruptly away from the subject.

Overexposed; cropped too loose top and bottom. Pleasing atmosphere and some nice textures in the foliage and straw umbrellas. The line in the pavers is strong - triangular, one-point, etc.

As a Fuji shooter I object to the camera being used in this fashion

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I love trains!

Good vanishing point and even exposure but all of these are lacking in contrast or shadow detail for my taste.

Very pleasing. I could nitpick - I'd say you could crop in tighter while retaining atmosphere and context. The horse barn in particular, I wish I could see that whole tree in the frame and have it all a little closer together.

A good technical exercise but not a very interesting subject and too monotone to be abstract.


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I know I crushed the blacks too much.

No anon, but you're not a bad one.
Aside from your diagonal and vertical lines there's not a lot of visual interest to grab the eye here. The hazy cityscape in the background and the path are part of a narrative, they could be more intriguing from a slightly different spot or more towards dusk. Your camera/lens combo (or you in post?) are rendering the foliage and stones with excessive sharpening. The image is flat and lacks good tonality.

But it is in focus, it is composed, and you should go out and shoot more :)

You're right. My eye goes directly to the ad that you could so easily have content-aware patched. One million years dungeon

It's big OOF, as in out of focus. Also your sensor is dirty.


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Old >>4260419

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Do you think it would look better if the ground wasn't so dark so you could actually see the texture ?
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I dunno. Was the gfs present it just had really nice patterns.

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File: Dust in Lens.jpg (2.43 MB, 2000x2000)
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2.43 MB JPG
"Dust, in MY lens?" Edition. Sending this one to Canon for cleaning. It's hardly been used and is filled with dust all over. This is lust the top left quarter.
When taking portraits, face or full body, what apertures would you use for a 50mm or 80mm equivalent to get your subject in focus (more than just eyes) but keep the image a little soft elsewhere?
Any rational for tightening the aperture versus keeping it wide open?

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Previous Thread: >>4319497

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R7
Camera SoftwareDigital Photo Professional
Lens Size18.00 - 150.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.5.0
Lens NameRF-S18-150mm F3.5-6.3 IS STM
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution350 dpi
Vertical Resolution350 dpi
Image Created2024:06:12 15:52:13
Exposure Time1/125 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
Lens Aperturef/39.7
Exposure Bias0 EV
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length150.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width2000
Image Height2000
Exposure ModeManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Exposure ModeManual
Focus TypeAuto
Metering ModeCenter-Weighted
ISO Speed RatingAuto
Shooting ModeManual
Image SizeUnknown
Focus ModeUnknown
Drive ModeUnknown
Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingFine
Macro ModeNormal
Subject Distance81.910 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed180
Color Matrix136
153 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
Why do you need a gimbal or amazing IBIS for nature stuff? Are you running after the animals?
He “needs” it because his favourite TokTubeGram influencer has all that stuff on xir’s list of “essentials for video”, duh.
no, retard

i like to *move* around nature, so get this, i thought maybe a shot like walking along a path
but of course projecting nigger retards like >>4329686 will automatically assume everyone else is like them
or maybe im the fool for expecting actual advice from this board
IBIS is a stills feature

You do not need, or want, IBIS for video. Shifting the sensor but not the lens warps the perspective which is visible in video as a trippy effect instead of what it looks like in stills (mild edge softness)

For stills, if the IS/VR/whatever snoy calls it lenses are sufficient for you, you don't even need IBIS because lens IS provides ~3 stops which is enough for anyone really. But if they are not you want IBIS to get 3-5 stops of IS with any lens you choose.
How do you organize your photos? I used to sort them into dated folders, but as I've become more critical and delete more, I'll often end an outing with one or two shots that don't justify their own folder. Also, where do you put your RAWs? Loose in the same folder? Subfolder? Entirely different directory?

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