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Japan has a big problem and its not birth rates or China.
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I'm going to be completely.honest, hentai is pretty hog and 99.9% of pearl clutching fags who say they're against it probably watch it and or if they didn't, they would like it if we brain scanned them and forced them to look at it. I said it.
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*taps the sign*
The girls are high school students, not child though.
It's both.
I'd like to fill her woomy

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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btw has anyone come across Figures Decoratives, 1905 by Mucha in hires?
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Thank you <3
No, and they look splendid.

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let me tell you a story about a man so pussy he ran from his YouTube channel to stream on twitter because someone was sharing his videos he didn't like .

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I... wasn't talking about IT you dolt.
>Stephen Hawking
I hate that clown book child sex orgy pedo only good book he ever had was Cujo and I heard he stole that from his gay cousin when they were having an affair.
He never specified what book, you need to work on your reading comprehension. And King has written explicit child rape scenes, his story 'the library policeman' as one example.
he had to take a lot of breaks as he fapped to that scene
>your old Buddy
>implying zoomers read or know who this faggot is

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What did people do on the internet before 2003? There was no 4chan, youtube, discord, twitch, reddit, facebook or anything really
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I heard early vrchat was really good too but the developers can't figure out what to do with the game so a lot of the games part fall apart. Also fun police has come in so developers actively promoting transgenders, ai voices, and 10 guys surrounding 1 girl now so it's a lot harder to find a good room.
>geocities websites explaining how someone at the local governmet was actually an alien
oh yeah, abovetopsecret.com and aliens was big ever since independence day and the roswell anniversary, 20s clips of alien autopsy, y2k fears, nostradamus
it was wild

theforce.net forums were big for the starwars films too
1995 - MUDs
1996 - Early graphical MUDs
1997 - Everquest beta
1998 - More Everquest
1999 - Kunark comes out, dope.
2000 - Velious baby
2001 - Planetside beta
2002 - Lineage 2 beta
2003 - 4chan + more Lineage
2004 - A little more 4chan and Lineage
2005 - Quit the Internet, nothing left to do here.

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/pol/ 's opinion on this ?


"Assimilation final boss"
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it's like they almost forgot that people don't have 17 fuckin fingers on each hand
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I wonder if this is intentional.
People who know, and won't be fooled aren't.
They pretend that we can spot AI.
I am convinced we cannot.
There are comically bad ones that occasionally get posted, but I think a majority of the propaganda is AI.
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*ting ting*
>He was brainwashed with hypnosis
>hitler was gay
>fucked his niece
>fucked eva braun who had jewish roots
>took 74 different drugs
>took speed
>took bull semen
>took pig hormones
>took female hormones
>loved beer so much he downed literal kegs at a time
>jung said he had female handwriting

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>Germany le based because bmw and autobahn
The Jews pretended to assimilate too. We see how well that went down.

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Is there any actual proof transgenderism is a mental illness? If it is a mental illness, how did one become ill with it? And if one is transgender, why is this a problem? And why do you choose to be transphobic?
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It is a mental illness, it's a mental condition that severely affects their daily lifes causing distress, changes in behaviour and emotionla regulation
I just don't accept the concept of gender as distinct from biological sex
philosophically, the law of identity means they're male; A=A
if gender pertains not to A=A identity, but to psychological ego-identity, then it's subject to self-delusion - we can delude ourselves very easily about who we believe ourselves to be in our own eyes
but who we believe ourselves to be, has no bearing whatsoever on who or what we actually are

psychosis is a condition of the psyche resulting in difficulties determining what is real and what is not real
if our ego-identity strays too far from our A=A identity, then that would qualify as psychosis; we have come to believe reality to be different, in very a fundamental way, to what is A=A *real*
if I truly, sincerely believe myself to be a tree, or arnold schwarzenegger, or a woman, or a rice farmer from 3rd century china, and I am none of those things - A=/=A - then I am psychotic
hence, transgenderism is a form of psychosis

that being said, I don't care about dudes wearing dresses, and I'll call people by whatever name they wish to be called
it's no bother to me, and I try to have as much love for people as I can muster
but I shan't allow my language to be policed by you, and I'll never accept your psychotic ego-identity as the reality of who you are

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how do you celebrate pride month?
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>being trans is a medical condition
And livestreaming your ride on the suislide is the cure.
They are though.

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Mind you they are fucking insane , considering their convoluted past with the retard Joseph Smith and all his hilarious stories , their wild daily routine of obvious indoctrination , and the fact that those who go to the celestial kingdom will inherit their own planet and be their own god to be worshiped by their own planets Mormon ,retarded i know. BUT

they have some of the strongest familiar values , they believe dark skin is the mark of Cain ( based), and their women are totally brainwashed and their cases of revolt are astoundingly low.

Is it the final red pill to find a traditional LDS babe and be supported by thousands of supporting nuclear families within a strong community ? The Mormon song and dance may very well be worth it considering the positives. Imagine seducing a blond hair and blue eyed babe who actually believes that you will one day own a planet and be a God ? No wonder they worship their men in that community.
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>Nooo you can't believe a great story made from some White man you need to believe my Jewish shit that says I am the best
The community would be absolutely amazing though, hundreds of families that would kick down the gates of hell in order to be there for each other. That community bonding is amazing , appears to be amazing. The crazy shit is so interesting to me , that hardcore Mormons doing everything they can to enter the cestial kingdom. I truly believe that in the event of the apocalyptical hellscape upon this earth that Mormons would still be able to smile and spread what they believe - i truly wish that Catholics could produce this persistence and intensity
kek, that sounds like heaven though - i bet she actually worships him regardless. Be her strong willed she has to cherish him and good lord he is lucky
2 are fuckable
>I think i could pretend for years in order to find a beautiful girl who is crazy enough to actually believe this
Kek go for it then m8.

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Anyone ever see the ethnicity of the attackers? Was it Germans or a gang of Muslims? Sounds way more like a Muslim move than a right wing hit

White people never attack children, unless they are homosexual (shabbos) Whites.

Which is why I'd like to see some photos. This is being frame as an argument against the right wing and I am suspect
still listening and thinking the media doesn't lie nonstop. i am pretty sure it's a few arabs attacking the blacks. and euhh white germans to blame. lmao fuck these people.

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is ukr*ne worth getting nuked for?
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I guess ukranda is more important for your politicians than national security?
is it? you're going to get nuked too if you decide to nuke over it.

do you really want to sacrifice 100+ million russians and the end of Russia over ukraine?
Ivan, you're not a threat in that regard. The US and Russia both have been playing these stupid ass games for decades now. If it was a legitimate threat, they would've done something more serious about it other than the typical scrambling of jets and boats.
>having carries of nuclear hypersonic missiles on your coast is not a threat to national security
don't open your retarded mouth ever again nigger
Stopping Russian expansionist aggression is a matter of national security.
We need to kill as many Russians in and around Ukraine as we can so they won't have soldiers left to attack the rest of Europe or indeed America.

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>It's hot outside!
Use it to cool the house
>It's cold outside!
Use it to heat the house
Are they stupid?
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OP Anon, you clever dog you.
In floor heating. Yawn. Geothermal cooling…. Hello humidity!!!!! I love being moderately warm and breathing air so wet you can swim in it.
Very funny mr. comedian
Atleast my house wall wont fall down if lean on it
And most people who need them have ac in europe
>Smells like poor in here.
Every single person in Serbia would be below the federal poverty line in the United States, but keep on coping, Mohamed.
You are completely wrong. Do the most basic level of reading/research and you will find that heat pumps are able to heat as low as -14°f with 0 loss of capacity, while being more cost effective than gas.

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we are these days more in stress and have lower spending power than 50yrs ago?

It is as if (((someone))) is planing all of this like a massive open world game with 8 bn NPC and only a handful of awake non-NPC players.
You will suffer, someone else will get rich.

Humans aren’t happy with too much idle time. Devils workshop etc
uh yeah? that's the whole point. Jews are at the controls and get to decide each generation's quality of life. they threw boomers a bone and took it away by the time millennials came around.

2 Seats maximum
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Different situation entirely the political climate was completely different in the 2015 general election. Reform vote is likely to be far more concentrated in the red wall than UKIP’s was. Concentrated vote is what wins seats. I would be surprised if reform didn’t win 20-30 seats.
So what?
That's 2 less seats won by the Blue Import Millions of Brownoids Party and the Red Import Millions of Brownoids Party.
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How many British soldiers, Police and Politicians were murdered by the IRA again?
>still votes for Farage

The idea that everything is hopeless is keeping you all from fixing things. 'If the fight was lost, their propaganda would not be necessary'.

Reform has just overtaken the Tories in multiple polls. Keep in mind that the numbers are probably being fudged. I know many boomers/gen Xers who have previously disliked Farage, yammered on about the greatness of civic nationalism and always voted along party lines now voting Reform because they know Labour will just be more of the same shit. Immigration is the number 1 issue which is causing absolutely everything in this country to go to shit and people are tired of it. Since 2019 alone, I've seen my home county be flooded by immigrants and the subsequent crime/skyrocketing rent has been unignorable.

People voted for Brexit. People voted for a Tory supermajority in 2019 to ensure it was carried out and enforced. Now, people are voting according to their hearts once again - they hate the Tories for how useless they've been, even with parliamentary majorities and numerous changes in leadership. People have absolutely had enough and it's reflecting in voting patterns.

Farage will be the British equivalent of Trump. The polls are stacked against him. People are beginning to attack him on the streets. He's causing a massive schism in right-wing politics and I think over the coming weeks/months, the Tories will fracture more and more until right-wing populism takes off in earnest.

VOTE. Stop spouting glowie bullshit and black pills.
The election is set for a very low turnout.
It's not so much that lots more people are voting Labour, but no-one wants to vote Tory.
Of course, by 2029 the incoming government will ahve imported so many millions of muslims and blacks, and introduced mass postal voting everywhere, AND reduced the voting age to 16 - so that's pretty much it.
Conservatives will never win another election anyway, so fuck 'em. They proved themselves worthless. Always kvetching about muh Ukraine while hordes of invaders pour into our country with their fucking blessing and support.
Oh sorry, according to Cameron, not wanting England turned into Pakistan is 'dog whistle politics'. Fuck the lot of them.

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Your science daddies still haven't offered any refunds for the vax.
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fuck you
fuck vaxxies
Sars 1 hoax thomas mercola bird flu hoax swine flu hiax soanishbflue hoax and etc george benard shaw a nasty piece of witchcraft
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bye voters.
i heard they sent the worst batches to the republican states.

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>And then one day, a bunch of raiders came from the ocean and destroyed civilisation for no reason

What is the TRUTH of the so-called "sea peoples"? Redpill me.
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Based knower of things
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>Pharez and Zerah were conceived in the springtime of 2282 BC and born in the wintertime of 2283 BC. As Zerah thrust his arm out, the midwife attending Tamar tied a bright red cord around it. Nevertheless his brother Pharez was born first, and the midwife said, "How did you break out first?" This is how Pharez got his name, which means "a breach" or "breaking out." Zerah was born next, and his name means "bright red." (Genesis 38:27-30 )

>Zerah entered Egypt in the winter. How long he lived after that, the Bible does not say

>The Bible says that Zerah had five sons, each of whom became a clan leader. (1_Chronicles 2:6 ) One of his descendants, Achan, caused trouble for the nation of Israel by taking contraband goods from Jericho after Joshua captured and destroyed it. (Joshua 7:1 , 1_Chronicles 2:7 ) The Bible says little about the rest, but does repeat that Zerah was the founder of a large clan in the tribe of Judah. The Bible mentions the Zarhite clan in the year before the invasion of Canaan, and therefore the sons of Zerah continued into the land of Israel along with the sons of Pharez. (Numbers 26:20)

>Roberts quotes Diodorus Siculus as saying that:

>"The Egyptians expelled all the aliens gathered together in Egypt. The most distinguished of the expelled foreigners followed Danaus and Cadmus into Greece: but the greater number were led by Moses into Judea."

>Roman and Greek legends claim that a man named Dardanus (who gave his name to the Dardanelles, a narrow strait between the Mediterranean and Black Seas) was the founder of Dardania, later called Troy and the ancestor of the Trojans. Some commentators identify this Dardanus with Dara, fifth named son of Zerah, and also identify Calcol, the fourth named son, with King Cecrops I of Athens
They were a symptom of the collapse they werent the cause of it, the bronze age collapsed because they had built their entire societies around complex systems they could no longer maintain which kind of reminds you of something
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>At least one translation of the Antiquities of Flavius Josephus, in mentioning King Solomon as being wiser than two men named Calcol and Dara (or Darda), gives Dara's name as "Dardanos." So perhaps Dara and Dardanus were regarded as the same man during the 1st Century AD

>As a further complication, the Greek poet Homer says that Dardanus was a son (or descendant) of Zeus, the chief of the Greek gods. The Roman and Greek legends say that Zeus (called Jupiter in Latin) was a son of Saturn who was also called Kronus. Writing of the Greek gods, Sanchuniathon, a Phoenician historian, says that "Kronus, whom the Phoenicians called Israel, had a son Jehud."

>Thus according to Homer and Sanchuniathon, Dardanus (who founded the Trojan kingdom) was a descendant of Jehud (Judah) whose father was Israel

>Various Irish traditions declare that Míl Espáine, the ancestor of the Gaels, was a descendant of Zerah. According to The Harmsworth Encyclopedia, Cecrops (identified as "Calcol" of 1_Chronicles 2:6 and "Chalcol" of 1_Kings 4:31“ son of Zerah and brother of Darda) was the 'mythical' founder of Athens and its first king. He is thought to be the leader of a band of Hebrew colonists from Egypt around 1700 BC

>Historical records tell of the westward migration of the descendants of Calcol along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, establishing "Iberian" (Hebrew) trading settlements. One settlement now called "Zaragoza" or "Saragossa", in the Ebro Valley in Spain, was originally known as "Zaragassa," meaning "The stronghold of Zerah." From Spain they continued westward as far as Ireland. The Iberians gave their name to Ireland, calling the island Iberne which was later abbreviated to Erne, and subsequently Latinized to Hibernia

>James Ussher was familiar with the ancient legends, and the histories left by Diodorus Siculus, Eusebius, and Manetho. He concluded that Danaus was a prince of Egypt and brother of Seti I
>They're the Greek Minoan civilization men from the island of Crete.
Keep reading this from the supposedly more serious historians. But the sheer numbers are so absurd that you would've needed a dozen Cretes, and as far as I know there's just the one. Something big happened 3200 years ago, no doubt about that though.

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How do we save young girls from the grasp of degeneracy?
By subbing to their only fans and sending them money
this is a weird bbc post
That’s a man-baby.

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These 2 are doing the same smirk as well
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>Because he was inclined to fuck children?
To slide to hell easier
He looks a lot better with rose-colored spectacles.

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The false light of Lucifer. Artificially created puppet 'heroes'. They are a legion.

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one of my fav painters. i actually have one myself.
your news stories of today:
>'We love you, Papa': Royal children wish Prince William a happy Father's Day. bunch of gays.

>Gordon Ramsay says he's 'lucky to be alive' after bike accident - and thanks his helmet, talk about having a kitchen nightmare.

>Rishi Sunak: Faith and duty guide me through my election trials. first pegan prime minister doesnt seem to be feeling so well.

>Wes Streeting admits he wanted 'more ambitious' manifesto on social care. they havent even won yet and they already want more money from you.

>Time may be up for the Tories, but their legacy of lies will live on. looks like the concept of Brechtian alienation has not only let it self go but doesnt seem to have much political insight. what legacy?

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Wages go up.
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His only regret is that he didn't meet the big man before he fenty'd out. However before he fenty'd out, he was just another druggy nigger that nobody knew so nit like anyone would have wanted to meet him. Starmer would probably have gotten him let off from all his crimes and made him a household saint like he did with Saville
Unfortunately net zero is anathema to my let it burn policy.
See you on the battlefield.
I've not even been here I've been playing fortnite you creepy little weirdo
>tfw you lose your business because your accountant has no innerstanding of crystalline mathematics and you weren't opened up to the open loop of potential

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Nations that have signed the Ukraine Peace Summit communiqué
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>niggers and jews signed muh paper
looks like less than half the planet, right?
In blue is pro ukraine, not russia
Ukrainians now can attack inside Russia with Western Weapons, Russia will retaliate harder, somebody will have to stop them to protect the Kikes and trannies there or something, that's what all this was about .....
Can you read? Also jews are getting cornered like never before on foreign policy.

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