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BTW he nonironically shits his pants at 5:17:30 https://www.youtube.com/live/XxAU0K94fpw?si=aOT4p-tRHUkKQtxE&t=19050
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nice try anon but i know youre a white supremacist nazi
Get it bros, it's so fucking good.
Lol its so louad trump even loses his train of though kek
Bump, this needs to be the top thread.
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Just woke up.
How was debate?
who loved niggers and jews most?
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>but Trump gave absolutely no reason to vote for him.
He doesn't need to give you a reason, basically his selling point this time is that he isn't biden.
Yeah, we are 100% back in the
>vote for the least shitty thing
politics America does best. Which is why I probably won't vote at all.
The most embarrassing moment for democrats in the entire history of this country, even more embarrassing than being the confederate losers in the civil war.
Your OP pic literally happened with Israel but sadly not with niggers

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i dont care if its throwing away my vote at this point
fuck zion don fuck biden fuck niggers fuck jannies and fuck you
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Holy fuck lmao this is just cope because you know Biden is a lost cause.

You lost, kill yourself leftie faggot nigger.
i voted for trump last time
I love unintentionally hilarious AI!
...and now you're gonna vote for Brainworm McStrokie.
Jesus H. Christ. You just go for the biggest loser you can find, eh?
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its funny
kill yourself

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This is the first official Jeb! Jeneral. Discuss Jeb! And Jeb! Memes.
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jebhead since 2015. now is our time! slow and steady.
Imagine getting jebbed.
Anybody got the jebcore vocaroos?
>75 dollars for a motar and pestle
I've got the album downloaded, I'll give a quick listen see if it could survive on YouTube for a few hours for distribution.

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he was so skinny in mars attacks

ughghgh we got Mark Hamill posting but the sith are too strong!!!!!
Fligu gigu
Wut? What did I miss?

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Biden signed off by saying “Thank you, North Carolina” to the crowd inside the Hyatt Regency Atlanta.
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op I think he said "heading to north Carolina"
Retard he told people to "head to north Carolina"... biden may be a dementia patient but he didn't say what you said he said.
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chef's kiss

Of course. /pol/ is only useful to democrats because it's an easy well to poison. Apply herbs to all fields
>His cold was gone too.

>at this point could anyone tell the difference if it was real or fake unless they were there having witnessed?

>Witness testimony is often the most unrealiable

Nigg what? The legal system has been fucked and assblasted for a long time now.

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>Poll: odds - 2024 U.S. President, average
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DeSantis at 0.4% shows some smart $ taking a long option on (((them))) killing Trump. I don't think (((they))) are unanimous on doing it though, a decent number are convinced Trump is better for (((them))). So 40 bp seems about right.
>why dont the dems just run him anyway and cheat?
They'd need 400 million votes. It would be too obvious.
If you think the polling odds are better you're free to take bets then since you are assuming that they have worse data and therefore have a statistical advantage.
Literally everyone predicted this anon. For months everyone was talking about dems waiting for the debate with biden (earliest debate ever) to throw him under the bus and replace him, then that happened exactly as predicted.
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>Newsom surge
Soft disclosure, anons. Pay attention.

Russian chads exist? WTF?
that guy has killed like 1 million people
including russians

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The Trump that's winning in 2024 is not the same Trump that won in 2016. I'm starting to think this is all according to plan.
It feels different that's forecsure

>pay taxes
>receive indians

Simple as.
why thet don't come to mexico? //:
Mexicans would stab them with frozen poo knives

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are you feeling that 2016 energy again?
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That's true and a good point, everything felt super-different that election.
it is not 2016 energy, but it is more than 2020, especially now since everyone realizes how shit Biden is

Englin tourists will always pretend this didn't happen.
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What are you MIGA faggots doing outside of your /ptg/ containment thread?

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Blacks are too stupid to genocide anything than themselves.
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The Queen of fags
Blacks are reproducing like rats, with all the races.
Bullshit, what you said.
new batman reboot looks awful

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elections will be canceled
USA needs to start a war first.
>elections will be canceled
I don't think we all make it to November 2024.
global economic-financial total collapse prior to September
b u m p
Oh dear
how goes it in Australia

Are men really this desperate for female affection that e-girl ass behaviour's gonna become an actual political strategy?
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based vermin supreme tier japs
They went so hard for career stuff for women that nobody is there left to make babies. Becouse it's caree first.
They went full spectrum feminism. Give your life to corporations. Sell out your body. Don't have kid. Don't get married. You don't need no man
Did she get stung by a bee just before going onstage? She should really leave the glasses on.
Yes, there's another candidate who is a porn star and advertises with sexy posters, bit it's some creepy subvariant of gyaru
She's not.
>message her
Not worth the time.

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the orange rapist will win
do you like every post you see?
It’s mostly just bots
even our media claims he was lying but never saying about what. its the same shit as 8 years ago
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>last tweet
i really hope he creates a marvel heros reaction to that debate
pic related

Are we back or what ?
This too.

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>the idea
>the face that sums up America

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This election cycle isnt cool or funny its pathetic
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A lot of you facebook junkies are really trying to recreate 2016 its just not there buddy. Its all fake and gay energy.
Its all about biden poo poo pee pee bullshit. Go watch 2016 trump he was a fuckin bad ass. Now they are both retarded jew loving faggots.
Don't care it's truth
Haven't had Facebook since like 2014 btw
Fuck off you Bidet ass licking faggots
Trump is objectivly weaker and dumber than he was in 2015. Whats to be excited about?

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Would she be allowed into the ethnostate?
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>Would she be allowed into the ethnostate?
I'm torn. I don't want to say "they" because it sounds like a neopronoun, but "she" is singular. Very confused. Also, she's not torn. kek
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This is a religious Christian holy war not a race war. They need Jesus to win. Christ is king
it would've stayed up if the faggot hadn't represented one of them as underage
I'm 99.4% European. Am I allowed in the ethnostate?

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