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/s/ is NOT for /r/EQUESTS

Please, do not start a thread if you don't have at least 6 related pictures to post in it.

Some basic things for /s/, in addition to the rules: http://www.4chan.org/rules#s. Please read them before posting.

If you start a thread, you post the pictures! Contributions by others are optional and nothing that can be demanded. Contribute at least 6 related pics if you start a thread.

Don't make threads for the sole purpose of a request. Do not answer request threads (you're encouraging rule violations).

Typical requests start with: "[insert random topic/theme], GO!", "Let's start a [insert random topic/theme] thread", "More of this.", "What's her name?", "Moar", "Who is this?", "Where can I find more?", "Post more!", "Need more.", "Let's have a [insert random topic/theme] thread.", "[insert random topic/theme] thread plz" and so on, while not posting pics (except the first).
Don't post fakes, x-rays, bubble pics. Don't post captioned pictures/wincest pictures. Don't post fap roulette pics/threads. All this belongs in /b/ and nowhere else.

To find more pictures use Google image search and Tineye first. Then go to /r/. Don't expect to get an immediate answer. Don't post the request in /s/ just because nobody in /r/ knew.

Facebook threads are known to be "stalker threads." Posting personal information (social network links, FB collage pics with names, addresses and names of amateurs, real names of models who work with an alias for a reason) is not allowed.

File deleted.


In case it isn't completely evident, we'll spell it out for you:

Do NOT post threads / images about "teens", "young girls", "jailbait", "questionable age", or anything that could be construed as advocating pornography involving minors.

This rule also applies to /b/. Don't take it there, don't even recommend that people post that shit there. We don't want it anywhere on this site.

Additionally, per board rules, we'd like to remind you that posting of hardcore images is not allowed. The basic rule of thumb is: if the picture has a penis in it, it doesn't go here.

Thank you!

Continuation of >>22062165
If someone posts an image of a girl that's ugly, the post can be ignored and doesn't take part in the game. Just reply to post above it, as if it didn't exist.
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Alt, scene, goth or suicide girl plz
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The best legwear
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Preferably wasians or busty
Check the first pics for references
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She's cute, got any more?
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Indigenous Women of the Americas
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quality thread
el bumpo
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Last thread hit image limit. Round 2?
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Holy based
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black women
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If you post hags, fatties, blacks or plainly ugly chicks, you shall be cursed with erectile dysfunction in the future. Beware, for I am a wizard.
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Hot Blond white girl plz
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Have fun
Girl you've posted is a hideous, disgusting, revolting parody of femininity, don't post shit like this again.
Also image limit reached.

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Previous Thread: >>22021531
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Time for a thread for any and all appreciators
I'm leaning more on the older side of users on this site, but glad enough to have always been very forum savvy. Never went on boob cruise, but I was going to clubs and roadhouses when this was in its prime back in 97!
224 replies and 148 images omitted. Click here to view.
Stop polluting these threads with naturals. This isnt the place for it. Post it in the big natural threads.

No dicks on /s/
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Born too late to pipe Tiff Towers in her prime, but born late enough to where all her goods from then are available for viewing in just a few clicks.
She's #1 for me.
We've got the thread police over here. If it's Alexis Love I'd just let it slide.
I think Tiffany would have been my first pick for a trophy wife back then.
Definitely. If I could have two wishes it would be a million dollars and her as a trophy wife.
Image limit reached, so I'll just link the gallery of the next pic I was going to post.
I can make a new thread with Tiffany as the OP if you want.

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Bonus points for sweaty ones
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Only small areolas
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Here you go, Anon. Valerie from HegreArt, looks like.


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