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/s/ is NOT for /r/EQUESTS

Please, do not start a thread if you don't have at least 6 related pictures to post in it.

Some basic things for /s/, in addition to the rules: http://www.4chan.org/rules#s. Please read them before posting.

If you start a thread, you post the pictures! Contributions by others are optional and nothing that can be demanded. Contribute at least 6 related pics if you start a thread.

Don't make threads for the sole purpose of a request. Do not answer request threads (you're encouraging rule violations).

Typical requests start with: "[insert random topic/theme], GO!", "Let's start a [insert random topic/theme] thread", "More of this.", "What's her name?", "Moar", "Who is this?", "Where can I find more?", "Post more!", "Need more.", "Let's have a [insert random topic/theme] thread.", "[insert random topic/theme] thread plz" and so on, while not posting pics (except the first).
Don't post fakes, x-rays, bubble pics. Don't post captioned pictures/wincest pictures. Don't post fap roulette pics/threads. All this belongs in /b/ and nowhere else.

To find more pictures use Google image search and Tineye first. Then go to /r/. Don't expect to get an immediate answer. Don't post the request in /s/ just because nobody in /r/ knew.

Facebook threads are known to be "stalker threads." Posting personal information (social network links, FB collage pics with names, addresses and names of amateurs, real names of models who work with an alias for a reason) is not allowed.

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In case it isn't completely evident, we'll spell it out for you:

Do NOT post threads / images about "teens", "young girls", "jailbait", "questionable age", or anything that could be construed as advocating pornography involving minors.

This rule also applies to /b/. Don't take it there, don't even recommend that people post that shit there. We don't want it anywhere on this site.

Additionally, per board rules, we'd like to remind you that posting of hardcore images is not allowed. The basic rule of thumb is: if the picture has a penis in it, it doesn't go here.

Thank you!

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There are too many mediocre "big boobs" threads on /s/.
So this thread is for truly gigantic tits.
Tits so big they make virgins uncomfortable.

Her tits must be significantly larger than her head/torso to post here.
Don't fuck it up with your usual bullshit /s/.
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I would also give up your left nut to suck Cassie's tits.
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I literally fucked one of the biggest girls in my class. She had no friends and was def a big bbw chick. Black but very sweet. She had massive had to be big as or bigger than F Cups. Befriended her and later fucked her. Went back several times to worship those titties and fuck her some more.

Holy mother of nigress mammaries, I need those in my mouth stat.

If you post hags, fatties, blacks or plainly ugly chicks, you shall be cursed with erectile dysfunction in the future. Beware, for I am a wizard.
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Ruin my life
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A tranny with a vagina is called a girl.
perfect 4 u
Don't die yet.
it's called surgery

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hey man you can keep that to yourself
Like her?

sharing is caring
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HOT jenna ortega
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Mouths begging to be fucked.
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She looks like she'd enjoy it.
Mia Elfie from CB

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Fuck yes I have sex with mares and mares only. Some are rather loose and some are so tight it feels like short circuit in my brain and literally flashing lights at the edges of my vision as I plant my seed in their beautiful pussy. The day I had a mare orgasm on my dick I swore I'd always stay true to mares and this decision has never let me down.
Gotta beat that 30% response statistic yeah?

Women are horses...
Horses are noble...

But we have "black mares" now... Maybe someone ought to stick at "muscles have muscle but it's only one"
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As a white man I know I could never satisfy this, but god damn does black pussy look good.

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Fit nude women with pale complexions, and soft translucent looking skin. Borderline anemic.
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So fake... she's disgusting.
Moar plz
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Very pale whore.
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Proudly on display

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Well is it your wife?
source? can't find those on simpcity
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Thongs and g-strings are ugly imo, fullbacks are the best. Post some beauties in fullbacks. I know looks are subjective but I would say most would agree with No fat chicks, chubby is fine. I don’t really like black girls, they turn me off. But if you like them and want to share go ahead. Older women are welcome, I love milf booty.

Extra points for the following.
- Amateurs
- Girls posting on shopping sites
- Asians
- Redheads

Gonna start off with my favorite: Kaedia Lang.
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My gf
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Second pic
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>tits are even more massive now from the recent weight gain
>we'll never see them plopped out, though because of twitch simps
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80 sexual partners
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They're either fucking or he's literally gay based on how they act in videos together.
*on film
>when the titty suckin hits just right

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Osukian atigusu awnimda.
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