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>international break edition
>we're so back subedition
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yes, I think it was
I was surprised you became such a huge and based NT only by joining of Kroos
Congrats great beginners
el loco rudiger xD
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This man played second league two years ago
Why are german club managers so bad?
Tolle Geste, dass Frau Beckenbauer den Pokal trug. Und wie sie dann nach oben zum Franz im Himmel gegrüßt hat, fand ich sehr bewegend.
Ähnlich bewegend wie damals Olympia in den USA, als Muhammed Ali das große Feuer entzündete. Unvergesslich.

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3 charged in death of Southern Miss CB Daniels
Eugene Hilton, son of ex-Pro Bowler, picks Badgers
Michigan's Moore adds 4-star safety to first class
College athlete employment bill moves forward
Sources: Big 12 mulls windfall for naming rights
Southern Miss football player killed in shooting
UVA starts scholarship in honor of slain players

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>seamen noles
This should be a conference.
Did they choke?
Oh lord, they did. Borderline oregon-tier unless they come back.
>lead 9-4 after 4
>lead 11-8 into the bottom of the 9th
>lead 11-9 with two outs and a runner on first
Too bad it was against Tennessee

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ITT: We discuss what players would have been in medieval times.

>German peasant drafted by his feudal lord and actually doing pretty well despite lack of nutrition
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He would die on the first battle
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hunchback of notre dame
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evil king who demands serfs' wives sleep with him first

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memes and dreams
news below maybe
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Let's go O'Hoppe. Pillar scores anyways
Ring the Bell
Do not disrespect the Chad knuckleballer
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>Phillies Phan here
>live near the Harrisburg area
>would distance-wise be closer to Baltimore than Philly
I've thought about traveling to an Orioles or Ravens game, but I've heard horror stories about Baltimore. Should I risk it?

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Why are they allowed to bring multiple teams to the Euros?
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Brazil called up two players for the Copa America just to take away their chance of playing for Portugal.
That's the situation.
We invented the sport and before all you lot moved past cocoanuts we could only play against eachother. Ironically back then Scotland used to win most of the time. Even when England was playing against their gimps they couldn't bring it home.
You should've called up all of them.
Players shouldn't be allowed to play for foreign nations.
you're irish, leave the union and unite already
I agree

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Friday Night Bar Edition

/hoc/vious: >>141597915
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And that’s why your life will always be mediocre.
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A clean sweep is on the menu
kek that post wasn't even me you're just seething at randos weetad

previous thread killed by w/e soccer thing is happening right now

6/16: Stallions vs. Brahmas - 5:00 ET, FOX

previous: >>141339211
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Insane how blatant the Game 4 was rigged.
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you talking about the mavs and celtics game? what happened?
Celtics got BTFO so the league could have Game 5.

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please tell me you'll all forget this game ever happened
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Nuke /vp/
dunno what game you're talking about but I bet it was a good one
Germany jobbed for the past 10 years in the most embarrassing ways. We fucking went 0:2 against south korea. The past 4 cups had been catastrophic, the worst Germany ever was.

THIS was needed. Im sorry that your team was the punching bag, but we needed that
good lad

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a thread to discuss nrl so a certain autistic spastic can stop shitting up every thread with his sport
cry more
My cowboys :)

One of these is going to fuck off
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>our NT biggest flop is a top scorer in their league
is inter miami in italy?
ill be watching the stupid wwe ppv during italy sadly
Will Albania vs Croatia be murderball kino?
Want Punk to run out and screw Drew wearing an England shirt

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What part of Serbia are you lads from?
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Top kek. Meds, now.
All the evidence is in the museum which was deliberately shelled by the criminal Yugo navy in the hope of destroying the history of the Croatian people. That information alone would be enough for anyone on the planet to understand d what vile rats you are.
Post the video
t. Stabligoj Sweeperic
Based Scotflag

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I can't wait to show you what we've been preparing in the background
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Remember that 2016 happened
Hey dont be mean, at least english people are the only euros that still show some passion about their NT
I find it funny how us having passion for our team triggers the board so badly.

Imagine how soulless and boring it would be without us.
Good luck lad!
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I just enjoy int football, the unity, the bantering the foreigns together

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Pray for all of the Scottish roses out there lads, they're in grave danger tonight.
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Piper would be so cute if she lost 60 pounds.
is klopp a disciple of the architect as well?
i hate it when fat chicks do not have fat tits
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I've taken an interest in table tennis but I also want to have big arms
play table tennis and go to the gym
Yes but
Have you seen pro tennis players?

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How much better would Britain be if they played as one single team, instead of the four or five different teams they play as now?
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The Olympics answers that question
much better
thereare constant yugoslavia threads too
It is just the way it is
there are always one or two guys from the minnows that could perfect the english core just like bas ues do with spain
>sample of 1

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