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Do you like the sillier vampire weaknesses, like crosses, garlic, inability to enter a home without being invited, and so on?
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He's right, autism speaks
>Guess what the new Exorcist movie did as a plot point?
Yeah, and it flopped.
Made me chuckle.
Rifts has the best vampires. They're outright invulnerable to almost all types of damage, but take damage from mundane stuff like running water, meaning that squirt guns actually burn them like acid (holy water does double of course). So sure, you can hit them with a bucket prank or a super soaker and hurt them, sure. Then they rip you out of your power armor barehanded at super speed and tear your heart out in a single hit once they get to the meaty center of whatever defenses you were wearing, and they regenerate all the damage while they're killing you. Squirt gun vampires are such a meme that it's addressed in the vampires sourcebook by a famous in-setting vampire hunter has a whole Vietnam vet-tier speech in one of the books that is about how sure you can soak em and now you've just burned an angry vampire and the first thing he's going to do is kill you to make sure you don't do it again.

Great game!
Almost everyone in middle ages Europe knew general weaknesses for typical vampires or had someone local who did.

Lord of Change Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93218566

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>You lot are going to want to avoid the outhouse for 30-45 minutes.

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So, my group blew up. I'm not quite foreverGM, but I alternate with one other guy, and we pass off running campaigns back and forth for our Dragonquest group. My latest was a sandboxy setting, and the players gravitated towards a series of wars waged by some of the smaller countries off in the north end of the map.

You had this one country, The Republic of Oleria, which was in the process of attacking, overrunning, and absorbing most of its immediate neighbors, and the desperate cries for foreign mercenaries to try to hold off the Olerians from their victims is what brought the PCs into the region.

They join a campaign, fight a battle, keep the Olerians out of their patron country for a year, but things are looking bad. They drift their way into Oleria itself, try to see if there's a way of toppling the juggernaut from the inside; to find a society that I modeled after the Roman Republic in a lot of ways. So you have a highly militarized, aristocratically dominated republic with limited ways for the poorer folk to express their political views. But also all this militarism and expansionism is pretty popular among those lower classes; Oleria wins almost all of their wars, and that usually means loot and/or tribute and/or more land to take over. The conqueror game pays if you're in the position of a middling Olerian farmer.

And now my e-mail inbox is blowing up for either pitching them into an impossible situation or being an edgelord somehow. I don't think this game is going to survive and I'm honestly pissed that if one of my games is ending, that it's doing so for such an idiotic reason.
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I mean, considering the history of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, killing a few key aristocrats or generals would probably be a good way of igniting a power struggle that would explode into civil war.

This would pretty likely result in them not bothering anyone for a while, but by the same token make the players partially responsible for the ensuing bloodshed.
If we're edging into history, that's really more of the Late Republic, especially in the Marian/Post Marian period. Oleria's more modeled after the sort of Rome you're seeing in the 3rd century B.C., where individual nobles/generals don't have that kind of sway, largely because the campaigns are shorter and downstream effects of that.

That being said, there are some stress points, especially the places that Oleria has relatively recently conquered (Going back to the historical parallels, these are the Capuas and the Tarentums that threw in with Hannibal during the 2nd Punic War) but have incorporated into their system of recruitment and overall military machine despite some doubts about their loyalty. There are also large pools of tappable manpower to oppose Oleria, they are NOT popular outside their own borders; granted, it would take wealth to arm them and some organizational ability to get them pointed in the right direction, but there are always dungeons to loot and tough adventurers to rally around.
Given your response to my suggestion, I get the impression you've already decided on several ways to 'address' the issue but you and the players are both getting frustrated because they're not following your plan(s). Players will always do things you do not anticipate. I remember very clearly having an entire Mercenary Ticket in Classic Traveller that I had planned out in excruciating detail be derailed entirely in the 2nd session because the players decided they wanted to follow the rampaging warbots and not the plot relevant NPCs.

Players will always follow the Warbots

The players find it constraining and not thematically appropriate to the type of setting they signed on to play. You are frustrated because they're seeing the same puzzle and are consequently not attempting to solve it in the same ways.

Clearly, this is an issue of expectations. Maybe work with the players to construct an out to this narrative that you can both enjoy?
It seems like there's a paragraph missing between 3 and 4. What impossible situation are you pitching them into? Why do you need to be an edgelord? What are you talking about? Why did you communicate everything except the important information?
You make good points. I'll keep that in mind, but I do also think that there are points where a GM should say 'no, this is never going to work.'

Reduce it to the level of a single fight, and if your players want to I don't know, kill the fire elemental by setting its lair on fire, no, that's dumb and you're going to fail if you try. And you can try to make it clearer that the course of action they're on is prone to failure, but at some point if they keep doubling down, you have to show the consequences.

I'm sorry, I thought I was clearer than I guess I was. The impossible situation is stopping the Olerians in a way that leaves things wrapped up with a nice pretty pink bow; delete the evil force that's making the people want to lash out at their neighbors, and everything should settle down right?

That there is no external evil force, that the broad mass of the Olerians are perfectly fine with plundering and conquering their neighbors is both what makes me an edgelord and what makes the situation 'impossible', since the preferred method of some kind of coup and getting everyone to play nice afterwards isn't looking like it's possible.

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Back from the dead edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...

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>5e fags atleast dont treat they're system of reverence
They really do though. Even here there are fags that are convinced HYTNPDND? is a meme. They have convinced themselves DnD's popular because it's the best mechanically.
This is the unfortunate truth. Pic related is what happens when your setting gets too popular
look at pretty much the entire Trench Crusade fanbase

>wah wah too much religion
>gw wouldn't make anything THIS edgy nowadays
>are they just bitter over people who actually engage with the hobby and play games?
Yes, yes they are. They consider themselves "true fans" for watching videos, and have to shit on everyone else.
you're reminding me of a friend group im trying too block out I had in highschool who actually where 5e zealots godd fuck them

Is it safe to say that RPG's would not exist without D&D and Gygax, and that it is the "purest" an RPG can ever be? Or do you think RPG's were an inevitability and it was just a matter time someone decided to officially publish their wargame/whatever homebrew and that D&D isn't the end-all be-all?
I've seen some OSR discussions that view any early deviation from old D&D's(ie Runequest and Chaosium's BRP system) as the first signs of the death of the medium and when they were starting to stop being "games". Granted OSR is D&D-centric, but this view is held for RPG's as a whole. And on the other hand, I hear people talk about how certain games were already starting to focus on smaller scale scenarios, like that one survival game whose hex map was used for early D&D, and that D&D just gave people the confidence to know there's a market for games like this and Gygax was just the first guy to do it.
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>It wasn't until fans of it started playing D&D and wanted to see Glorantha as an RPG, and someone else at Chaosium already already making their own system inspired by D&D, did Runequest come about.
I read that Runequest was already in development by the time OD&D came out, so any inspiration would have come only after the fact.
You forgot Conan.
Lmao. I tried to make a Oregon trails type board game with one of neighbor friends (a girl) when we were kids. Fucked up by not keeping that relationship going on MySpace and Facebook as we grew up. Makes me sad when i remember it.
>Its ultimate origins may lie in high fantasy literature, but as soon as game developers began incorporating it, they have made Fireball their own, adapting it to be a satisfying gameplay mechanic.
We must go deeper. Just like how alignments come from Three Hearts Three Lions, some Elric in the middle, and then spread everywhere through D&D.
Another contender I see for very early RPG's with systems detached from D&D and maybe-probably-who-knows could've existed on its own in some form is Traveler, but I know less of those games

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the twist is players can only play evil characters
the bbeg fills the niche of the obligatory good king
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> I don't know where that idea comes from
Really, is just a historical fact. Aztecs were hightly religious society, and social order was considerd to be reflection of the supernatural order. Because of this most of crimes against culture, stability of the state or social order were punished by hightly ritualized death penalty. By dying for the crime life force (tonalli) of criminal was transfered from him to the party that was hurt, or just society in general, restoring the natural order of things.
Examples of stuff punishable by death:
Hitting parent, verbaly atacking parent, shaming or not obeying parent, any lack of discipline as a soldier, gay sex, adultery, prostitution, corruption, public drunkenness.
Special case is treason, because traitor would be killed, his house would be razed to the fundaments (and even they would be pulled from earth) and earth would be salted. On top of that his whole family would be enslaved, and next four generations born after the fact would be kept in slavery
Were the aztecs drinking mezcal back then or what?
>Graduation test for spartan soldiers was to choose one of your own village and just murder the fuck out of everyone in it, for practice.
Not from your own village, and it was more complex than this, but you got the right idea.
It was called kripteia, and was organized purge of helots (90% of spartan state population, slaves) that happened every year. Young spartans would kill every hellot traveling between the villages they encountered, and any other helot they found to be suspicious. Purpose of this was to keep them from rebeling by acts of terror
Mexcalli is Aztec word, so I'm quite sure they did drink it
Somewhere between the Necromongers of Chronicles of Riddick and the Hive of Destiny
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I think you fell for it, anon. The copes denying Carthage sacrificing infants were weak, but they were conclusively disproved way back in 2014; if you ever doubted.

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Ok so now that everyone agrees picrel is shit, what are the best ttrpgs out there?
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You misunderstand. I was saying that niche protection was a core foundational philosophical principle. It's literally the specific thing that makes the distinction about what's old school and what isn't.
Any degree of hybridization between roles automatically disqualifies.
Dedicated to shitbrewing systems nobody cares about every time you make a setting.
I just wanted to play a mecha rpg, bro. Noped out of there quick.
Hard times man I feel you. Definitely not staying around for that shitfest either lol.
Gayest post on 4chan rn. Congratulations?

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>I've lost my phylactery
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That's nonsensical.
Third edition had Unearthed Arcana extra options for specialists such as necromancers getting an undead minion instead of a familiar, but D&D has always been rough on wizards if the DM bothered to track components, enforce spellbook limits, and so on (compare the newer concentration bullshit in 5e to how it used to work). Pathfinder 1e was better about prohibited schools by simply applying penalties to the school spells.
Sounds like a lot of effort and expended memorized spells when a Transmuter can bang a chick without casting any spells at all.

“Yeah but the lich can spend three or four spells to do something he used to just be able to do” is not the hard counter you think it is.

Because as was just described the original lich requires blood and guts and stuff for its spells. 3e did away with that; 5e brought back the intent of the idea (lichdom is not just wizard+, there are notable downsides) but kept it distinct from vampires by tying its existence into consumed souls instead of blood.

So, sounds like a return to form to me.

No, wizards having unlimited access to spells with no downsides is what’s nonsensical. Power should have a price, and blocking access to some spell schools is a good price. After all, there are only so many waking hours in the day. For the same reason why you probably can’t simultaneously pursue a Ph. D in medicine, astronomy, and architecture, at least not without taking a very long time to do so, you shouldn’t be able to simultaneously become skilled in necromancy, divination, and transmutation.
Yes, but why are those specific schools "banned" in relation to specific others? It doesn't make sense.
Least amount of overlap. Originally there was a chart that had them placed in a circle, so specializing in one school meant you cut out the schools furthest from your preferred field of study. 3e gave you the option to choose which schools you would drop, and consequently removed the chart.

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ITT: Suppose you're tasked with the creation of the origin of different races in a sci-fi setting. You can make it as fantastical or grounded as you want, but you'll need to provide the context that makes it believable.
How would you go about it?
What are some examples of a race in this setting?

I'll start:

>Humanity found very few truly sentient extraterrestrial lifeforms out in the stars when they started colonizing the galaxy.
>This was great for them, but they soon realized that many planets were not meant for baseline human habitation.
>Genetic modification became a necessity for humans who wished to colonize hazardous but resource-rich worlds. Because of this, Gene-modding is an accepted, but heavily regulated practice.
>After these newly genetically modified bred with each other for generations, they became classified as a stable genetic offshoot of humanity known as a Xenotype (or race, as some people call it)
>Xenotypes can crossbreed with other Xenotypes or Baseline humans, since they're still mostly standard human DNA.
>While most Xenotypes were created out of a need, some high-tech worlds experiment with the creation of specialized Xenotypes that filled out niche roles across the galaxy.

Some example Xenotypes are:
>Stoneborn, basically Space-Dwarves

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Atlantis was real and a center for ancient knowledge of alchemy and magic with a touch of early technology with complex mechanisms. Rather than being destroyed in a divine cataclysm, a mass ritual to establish a series of teleportation rings went awry and ripped the entire continent out of the Earth, scattering ruins and survivors across a narrow arc of planets across the Milky Way. These groups were forced to quickly adapt themselves to their new worlds, and the struggles of survival meant that memories of Earth and hope of return were quickly lost to mere legend.
The turning of the galaxy has spread these civilizations about, several of them managing to establish magitech empires spanning several systems. Most bear traits of local fauna or even flora that were used in early alchemical experiments to better adapt their peoples to survival.
Humanity, having lost such a concentration of magically adept minds and even a large chunk of the planets mana, have been set upon a purely technological path, unable to find the Lost Continent. Now they too take to the stars, assumed at first to be just one more intelligent species until further research begins to reveal these Earthlings as the common ancestors of all the galaxy.
>Rimworld fluf
>Warframe pic
>Homunculi, a race of biological constructs made when colonies needed warm bodies for whatever reason, like meeting population requirements, that eventually gained their freedom and became a recognized race. Outwardly they look more or less like normal human or Xenotype, but they’re capable of altering their biology, swapping out different genetic and physical modifications, relatively easily.
>which would not be found by later archaeologists of their society
Why wouldn’t they find said technology?
Annunaki are a real world parallel, we never found any remnants of what they brought to Earth. If you want my setting lore take, to surprise is that Humans were what they brought to Earth as a gift. It was right under their noses the entire time, they are the Annunaki technology themselves. Billions of years ago, an ancient Machineman civilization was constructed by Humans from a previous universe. The Machinemen created Annunaki, they created Humans, who in turn created Machineman in the more recent era. The universe is a construct from a previous universe, and on a long time frame these beings have created and recreated themselves.

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How would he fare in your setting? Bear in mind he's 6'6", 87 years old, and white.
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Rolled 4 (1d5)

Oh, I suppose we should also roll to determine at what point Aragorn ends up on Kass.

1. Strider, just before heading to Bree to meet with the Hobbits
2. Member of the Fellowship, journeying through Moria.
3. Following the sundering of the Fellowship, on the road to Helm’s Deep
4. Entering Dwimorberg, looking to recruit a ghost army
5. King Elessar, shortly following the conclusion of the War of the Ring.
Fare at what?
Stop replying to yourself.
White being key, with that powerful Human bloodline he'll pull 150 easy
He said, nearly four hours after the last of a chain of only three posts, which were even on-topic *and* involved dice rolls and thereby made a game out of OP’s premise.

I think you’re the problem, Anonz

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>is the best MTG format
>doesn't rotate
>all the fun of singleton deckbuilding around a commander
>none of the shitty commander things like absurd starting life total that makes aggro shit and le infinite combo solitaire decks that ruin the game and "pay X life" cards way too strong
>no Timmys crying that the whole board conspired against them after they brought voja to a table of precons, or worrying some kid is going to have a rage fit because you attacked him, just pure 1v1 "I will do everything I can to defeat my opponent and I assume they will do the same"
>fucking no one plays it in paper
Does anyone here actually play this in paper? How much success have you had in introducing it to your playgroup?
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And its days of having good lore are far behind it. All the planeswalkers have blatantly been someone's diverse non-binary OC for a while now.
Sounds fucking awful
>so which one is it, idiot? is it a Commander variant or actually a good format?
It's a legally distinct variant of Commander WotC made because they technically don't own the rights to the Commander format.
Literally impossible.
The only reason brawl is remotely popular on arena is because they have yet to implement proper EDH.
You gotta remember, wizards TRIED making paper brawl a thing BEFORE arena even existed, but people just bought the precons and scrapped them for parts for their commander decks and the format died completely until they added it to arena. Brawl's popularity exists solely because it's "Close enough" to a more popular thing that isn't available, not because people actually like it, barring some outliers
60 or 80 card historic brawl would be fun but my main problem with EDH is that 100 card decks are a pain in the fucking ass to play with.

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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Humans tend to go a bit crazy if they have too many past life memories IIRC
Infernals sometimes go crazy and think they're their First Age incarnation.
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Counterpoint: Being crazy isn't really all that crazy in Exalted. In fact, you would have to be certifiably insane to live in such a world and still think like a regular modern person.
So, Kindly Miquella?
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More or less.

Aurora can be interpreted as Mitra, Lucifer or Quetzalcoatl.
Nebiru may be classical Satan, Uranus/Varuna or Sommanus.
There is no information about Neptune.

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Was it kino?
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Honestly, whenever Scanlan does some stupid Bard bullshit it tends to be a highlight. His fucking around in Whitestone I still rewatch on occasion.
I still don't understand why they did this. This didn't happen in the game at all. Vax got shrunk down, can't remember if it was by the dragon or an ally. Him and Scanlan entered the thing via a wound struck on its side, effectively getting trapped between skin and muscle.
For laughs. For cheap laughs

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Do you think I can use Mekton Zeta as a mecha skirmish wargame. I mean, dropping the roleplaying parts and use it as a Battletech replacement?
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It looks neat
but are the rules interesting for wargaming with it?
Would I need this one here as well?
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>Would I need this one here as well?
something went wrong with the previous picrelated
Not really, unlike battletech Mekton Zeta, being built on the Interlock system, is a very deeply broken set of mechanics,
The game itself runs slower than battletech and has far more opportunities for rules cheesing and sudden scenario-ending roll results
Heavy Gear is much better

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>the adventuring party has to get dressed up to go to a fancy ball
why is this such a common cliche in campaigns and has it ever actually been fun?
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lmao that pic
why do you assume hapless nobles would provide any XP
>more than anything else, the ball is a way to push combat off the table.
It can also set up a kick ass fight scene when and if assassins show up and try to merc people. You can take it a lot of ways.
>Bumpfag has ascended to such a level that he is bumping threads before they even exist
All creatures are worth XP, no exceptions.

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