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Always found this interesting, and wanted to see what you guys remember getting changed.
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>Tomar's Tower of Darkness
What's it taste like?
>Wonder Woman pole dancing up top
Darkseid knows how to live.
>"Look, Darkseid, it's you!"

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Welcome to the Lego General!

The ultimate online destination for all Lego enthusiasts! Whether you're interested in leaked information, exciting product launches, impressive mocs and reviews, or even indulging in speculation and wishlists, this is the perfect place for you. Immerse yourself in the world of Lego where endless possibilities await!


>/lg/ Resources (lol)

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol)

>/lg/ Archive

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This is just bad. Those sets are on the way out the door and retail for $10, $13, and $12 respectively and I paid less than $10 for each one when they were just out. So I’m paying an extra ten bucks for Lego to rebox sets everyone already had or doesn’t want?
Wait, why the fuck is there a Mars Mission set among Ice Planet 2002 stuff??
Holy fuck the Disney tax is real.
Don’t remember, probably with the sea horse 3 in 1
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this is amazing kids gift set. Just gift it to kids and it's an instant happiness.
i guess these too but i hate meincrap and starwars but i assume kids would go nuts over meincrap

Anyways nothing to be mad about-these are just harmless normie-gift sets

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Previous Thread >>11034891

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-HasLab Mos Eisley Cantina
-Osha Aniseya (The Acolyte)
-X-Wing Pilot 4pk - FanCh
-Cal Kestis (ISB Disguise) - FanCh
-Mandalorian Judge - FanCh
-Kanan Jarrus - FanCh
-Ezra Bridger - FanCh
-Zeb Orrelios (Deluxe) - FanCh
-HK-87 (Arcana)
-Dark Trooper
-Princess Leia Organa (ANH)

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It's safe to say that using figures as incentives for these Haslabs doesn't work, yes?
It CAN. It feels like they're doing it all wrong lately.
You mean like the Cobra HISS tank? what would you say is the difference?
If he is, then its ironic since the next Joe haslab funded despite the figure choices. Everyone had a complaint about the dragonfly stretch goals one way or the other. It funded because it was a fair price for the base offering. Same thing would happen with this if they knocked a hundred off the top.
I doubt Haslab is the only thing keeping TVC alive. But yeah I do think Hasbro doesn't like the line very much. From what I've heard, the steel molds and other such variable costs are about the same between TVC and TBS. So the ones you can sell at $25 give you a higher profit margin than the ones you sell at $17. They would probably prefer to make 6 inch and 5POA or some other kiddie line that's even cheaper to make which is why Retro is still around even though no one buys it.

Also looking at the number of newly tooled figures we got this year, it doesn't look like the line is in a healthy place at all. We've only gotten, what, Dooku, Huyang, and Leia so far this year? Everything else has been a repaint or repack. I guess the couple Acolyte figures that are coming but pretty sure prior years have had a lot more. TBS was in a similar spot a year or two ago where everything was a repaint or repack but I think they've bounced back now as there has been a ton of new stuff. Seems they thought TBS was worthy of a budget increase but not TVC.

Toys in general have been on a decline for years anyway so things are unlikely to get better. I wouldn't be surprised if super articulated 3.75" figures are killed for good within the next few years, we are already getting so little. I just hope they give us some of the main characters from Revenge of the Sith before the line ends.

Yeah I wonder how many people will start cancelling. I think the base offering should've funded by now. The fact it hasn't is very telling of a number of things

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Previous thread >>11032990

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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>Never loved the AY faces.
This is my biggest issue. The bodies and posablity are great, but as someone who considers the face to be the most important aspect of a figure, the AY is a miss.
>Is this the only gen where we can't enjoy the figures we are here to discuss?
Figma gen is like this due to its own constant infighting plus the guy who got assraped by shf stirring the pot and having legit retards responding to him.
I never hated the AY face. I thought it was quite nice by Revo standards.
If anything, I think the Figma never looked right.
I think all 3 of them could stand to be better in the likeness department, though.
The SHF does have a better likeness in my opinion, but I also don’t really trust promo images. Figma looks really good for the earlier design of the character. AY’s face is probably the weakest, but will almost definitely have the best body.
what happened to the uma releases

Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11019497

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

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I was talking specifically about skincolors /being grounded in reality here.
If this is true....everything would make sense, no wonder all the outfits lacked taste. The lack of cohesion in the outfits and the fact that all the fashion items looked fine on its own but not together.
This would explain so much holy shit
Fuck Mattel. Pick a pencil you hack fucks
I fucking hate this shit. There are hundreds of more talented people who would make incredible designs but the jobs go to these fucking nepo babies using their bfs midjourney accounts to do their work for them.
this would explain everything desu
the over designed details, the intense clashing colors, the kneejerk reaction

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What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Guide/Product release info found here:

Stickness on your figures?

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I'm not in the US.
If only you were in ME
I only take the finest bussy.

I wonder if anyone has ever shoved a Hamtaro Nendo up their ass.
Is there any hope of the Vanellope Von Schweetz Nendoroid coming back?

Also, has the Aloy from the Horizon ones come back lately or something? I don't know where to follow Nendoroid news but I think I saw something about that which surprised me
>Vanellope Von Schweetz Nendoroid
Doubt it, the second movie put interest in the toilet

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Previous Thread: >>11008830

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-Guel's Dilanza ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 29th)
-Buster Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Quattro's Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Aug. 2024)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 2024)
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)
-Gundam Mk-Ⅱ (A.E.U.G.) ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline June 30th

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Yeah it has the seedy vibe of a friendly local hobby shop's self-made webpage where they clearly don't have the production that an HLJ or Mandarake can deliver on.
Which is a shame because I think it deters potential business.
Been using them for years, I've found them to be reliable. They even hold onto things in their warehouse for months without a fuss as long as its paid for. The only time I ever had trouble was one time I decided to use the pay later option. When the time came to pay after it came in stock their website crapped out on me and wouldn't let me finish paying so I decided to give it a few days for them to resolve it. Next day they started messaging me saying they would shut down my account if I didn't pay within so many hours. After explaining what was happening they told me to send them money directly through paypal. It was sketchy but they came through. They don't have much patience for pay later customers it seems. Their customer support gets back to you quick though.
I made a post with them and everything else in the buy thread if you're still interested.
Xi Gundam happening
I don't see anything, what did it say?

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Be honest /toy/, are you a toy hoarder?
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This actually made me gag.
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Okay /toy/ be honest with have you ever meet or be a Rusty brown? Not asking as form an attack, i truly believe Rusty is not a mockery of toy collector, but a cautionary tale to not let the hobby eat you.

Look at Chalky he did fine
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Im trying to be less of a rusty brown but my collection is too much. For a few years i wouldnt give anything away or sell it and now im at a point where i realize in a hoarder and i need to offload alot of my plastic crap. Im gonna sell some of it on ebay i think but the worst part for me is going thru it all and picking out what i want to keep and what i want to sell, which feels insurmountable especially when im doing it on my own.

Another thing is that im still buying new toys, alot less then i was previously, but still too much imo. I wish i had more in my life besides toy collecting but here we are i guess
>I wish i had more
Yeah, sometimes. Im here bud, you arent the only one that feels bad alot. Wish i could say something but i cant even find my way out.
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Thanks man, i appreciate it

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Why are you not outside taking pictures of your toys, right now?
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They probably assumed you were an autist of some kind as you were playing with your toys in a graveyard, and since you’re posting here it’s likely.
They 100% assumed he's mentally retarded. Which tbf is a fair assumption if you see an adult man playing with toys in a fucking graveyard. Probably talked to him with that condescending little voice people use for children and animals.

Most people would feel uncomfortable and disturbed hanging around a bunch of corpses but uh ok.
I would also have assumed he was, and I myself am a grown adult who plays with toys. But nah, graveyards are pretty nice. You should visit one. The one nearest me encourages you to go water the flowers and tend graves etc with a shed of stuff when you visit, it’s a nice contemplative way to spend an afternoon.
Girly toys to boot.
I go to mine to feed chipmunks.

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I dont know why the space themed gi joe figures filtered so many casuals. The aliens were arguably the coolest figures in the whole line
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What? There have been tons of advances. Like McFarlane's sculpted/detailed ankle joints that fit in with the sculpt. Or Hasbro's reverse ab crunch, which is horrible but it is a new invention. If we step outside the US there are far more advances, like collapsing knee panels, expanding joints, magnetically activated LEDs, new plastics like nylon that allow for intricate transformations that were impossible before, seamless parts that do not degrade quickly, etc. I could keep going and going, Japan and China have done a lot of innovating in the toy space post-early-00s.

Paint is lacking now because changes in how it is charged made it one of the most expensive parts of toymaking. So paint apps are the first to go when budgets get cut.

Heavy mold reuse was always a thing, it was just harder to notice back in the 90s because toys were just mushier in general. You even had bucks shared across different toylines and shit. Molds are expensive to cut, so it's not surprising that they try to milk them for all they're worth.

I'm not advocating for any of this shit mind you. I want it to be better. But it's important to be realistic too. Some people are so addicted to this narrative of "things used to be better wahh!" without thinking about WHY they were that way, or how we arrived where we are now.
>Heavy mold reuse was always a thing,
Not as heavy as today. That guy who psoted that McFarlane figure uses a mold that is unique for that character only. There was an alt head version, but the mold is still only for that character. Same with the majority of McFarlane's releases in the early 00s.
GI Joes in the 80s were almost all unique. Same with Kenner, who only went into reuse later on, but even then, molds were still not as reused as often as they are today.

>I want it to be better. But it's important to be realistic too.
So what? I'm realistic too, hence saying the high point was literally in the 00s. Shit literally can't be better because costs have gone sky high and inflation has too.

Almost most of the shit you think is new isn't. It wasn't used as often and sometimes found on more expensive shit, and probably found on cheap shit now only because the patent expired
Also, what's the reverse ab crunch? I don't own a lot of new Hasbro figures, but what i do own doesn't seen new or special... which says a lot about how much shit is re-re-re-re-used if i don't own it.
Reverse ab crunch is the crunch is at the bottom of the belly and the swivel is up top near the ribs. It breaks up the sculpt less than the waist swivel did, sure, but it also gets garbage range, and there are some poses that you just can't do or look fucked up with that joint.
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That's not a swivel, it's a ball joint.
All they did was an inversion of what others were doing.
It's not new at all and is infact inferior to just simple ball joints like this 2002 figure.
Lower torso ball joint, mid-torso ball joint.

Nothing is new anymore, aside from those flexy overlays from Storm Collectibles and McFarlane Toys and those are already almost a decade old.
>and articulation.
Lmao, no. Sculpts were decent and paint was good when it wasn't just washes and drybrushes, but articulation was inevitably crap. Overly convoluted joint setups that got less range than a simpler setup would have gotten, asymmetrical engineering(!) and basic cut joints only useful for a small amount of poses.
To be honest, "collector" figures didn't really become truly worth it until about 2008 when the Figma line started and began the trend of truly modern articulation setups (though one could argue Revoltech laid the groundwork for that a year or so prior).

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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11022939

Gourai II has been announced! What do you think of the the gourai and stylet II? Are you looking forward to their impending Frame Arms Girl version? Will the girl versions have transformations? Will they be as goofy as Kongo's?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• BUSTER DOLL Paladin [Jul]
• Asra Ninja Kaname [Jul]

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swapping her faceplates around is a pain in the ass, but otherwise it's a great kit
Fuck yeah!
Made you coom again lol
I really get you every single time huh?
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Zhuge Liang is their best kit.
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Really wish MS General's weapon set would show up, her only real flaw to me is that her fan is underwhelming.
Not even going to lie, I didn't notice.

That and hlj still hasn't released mine...

Previous thread: >>11024007

In stores and online currently:
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis
LJN Colors Warduke & Strongheart
Ult. Jigsaw -Black Robe (Saw)
Ben Cooper Kids wave 2 part 1 (Dracula & Witch)
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 2-pack (Hunchback Leo & Wolf Raph)
Hannibal Lecter
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)

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Sure is a lot of insane lies you just posted there.
To be fair, that YouTuber acted like just because he had a camera they should put on a show just for him. He didn’t even bother to clear it first before barging over, so both parties were rude and an example of poor manners. It’s toy collecting: many people who are in the industry or consume such things aren’t well adjusted and are, quite frankly, stupid, what can I tell you.
>both parties were rude and an example of poor manners
Uh, no? Nobody was being rude except the Youtuber. And even then, it was hardly the worst way anyone at a con has acted.
What video?
There's a video of some small time youtuber recording at Power Con. The troll keeps trying to act like anyone was being mean or whatever, when it's the furthest thing from the truth.

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Previous Thread >>11030901



HasLab Dragonfly Unboxing video:

Now Shipping:
>Cobra Ferret
>Retro Duke
>Retro Scarlett
>Retro Recondo
>Recon Diver (60th Anv)

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Yeah man, they're also straight-up selling a comic Joe Colton with their General.
I think faces are harder to copywrite than like, logos.
I dunno like, it seems like Hasbro only bothers with thrid party companies if they used an Autobot logo, maybe this is the same, at least with Hasbro
Fine, sign me up FOR ANOTHER MONSTER FORCE PRE ORDER. >>11054887
I wanna say august ? Just let me get a few and dont flood me all at once. Im really hopeful as i enjoy the idea but like you say, its all ideas at the moment.
What's the unmasked head meant to be, Lovecraft himself?
Now that you've said it, I can see it. The nose is too small though.

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Vegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)

Cui [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku Effect Parts Set - Teleport Kamehameha
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)
Son Goku & Son Gohan -Kid- & Kintoun [SDCC Exclusive]
Future Trunks - Super Saiyan [SDCC Exclusive]
Jiren - Final Battle [SDCC Exclusive]

Super Saiyan Son Goku - Legendary Super Saiyan (Reissue)

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Its more varied than you might think when you break it down. There's almost a perfectly even amount of different arc stuff looking at the past year. It feels like a slog when you're waiting for a specific character to be made.
i just want yajirobe and korin
naturally this means they will never come
What i'm seeing from this is that we need more movie characters
Since they appear in Z and do stuff they'll probably get made eventually. The other early db characters/designs won't be as lucky.
I can’t believe we still have no fucking Janemba when he’s like the third most popular movie character

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Previous thread: >>11040541

>NECA Last Ronin Mikey and Donnie on Wal-Mart shelves first on shipper
>JoyToy 1/18 TMNT fully revealed
>NECA black and white TMNT Universal Monsters 2-pack exclusive to Wal-Mart, in stores now.
>Tales of TMNT swap wave showing up at Target with new motorcycle vehicles
>Furay/Fury/Rage Toys etc Not-Bebop painted prototype shown
>Playmates Toilet Taxi reissue, vintage Sports TMNT hitting Target
>Playmates Technodrome Amazon exclusive revealed & up for order
>New Playmates reissue figures up for pre-order
>Mondo Sofubi Donatello, Michelangelo & Leonardo up for order, Mondo Gecko Mondo Store exclusive!
>Turtles of Grayskull wave 2 and 3, Walmart exclusive Krang, Moss-Man, & Mer-Man, and Target exclusive Sla'ker in stores
>Super7 2k3 figures finally revealed!
>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown

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lol he thinks the workers can feed their families on professional pride.
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>professional pride
Is this supposed to mean something? Is this what you resort to now that you've been laughed at for being dumb?
Yes, anon, we know that Neca figures can’t pose that well. It’s an accepted aspect of that company, not something that needs a constant reminder because all you do is stir up an overreaction from THE ONE.
But it does pose well, that doesn't even mean anything.

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