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leak the game my basterds or i fuck your mom madachod

why is it taking so long?
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you better wash your hands afterwards
same, taking a shit and piss at work as i post
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pic of cart on head with finger in nose or fake until proven gay
mating press zelda
so the game has not leaked yet

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hey guys look what I found the other day!
keep it fucking vidya related.
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Shit, I was late to post this. I'm glad you like it.
I want to believe...
Dang that is one smooth crow

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games where I can kill women?
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skyrim, i downloaded some dismemberment framework mod recently and i make sure to behead every female bandit i encounter
i've tried it but now pigs are after me
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coalburners be like "i love my black boyfriend"
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I think I'm more concerned about that curious six-sided star and how the game got shut down so quickly without even letting cheap servers run for a few months to recoup even a little of the dev costs
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They had something great in their hands
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>400 millions
Think about it, anon. You could have made the game of your dreams or revived that one dead franchise that you deeply care about.
They refunded everyone so they actually spent $400m and gained $0
>money laundering status: complete
yeah they're laughing too. At your gullible ass

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try it: https://www.bing.com/create
nah, I support artists
how about we take a break

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Who is your favorite video game character?
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I love my beautiful wife Lysithea.
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From the bottom of my heart, I love Ashikaga Chachamaru!
Glad to see you again Courtneybro
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Velvet Crowe, the beautiful love of my life. Tales of Berseria is also one of my top favorite video games.
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I love my wife, Annette.

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You should be able to solve this.
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The orange portal is falling over an object.
The rate an object is engulfed by one portal is the rate the other portal extrudes the object.
This rate, combined with the relative motion of the portals, can in fact create motion where none existed.
>You should be using the frame of reference of the exit portal
The entrance and exit portals' frames of reference overlap on any object that transfers between them. The fact that one frame of reference is moving and one isn't is what creates motion.
thus, from the reference frame of the hulahoop you've thrown down on the ground, you should fly into the air.
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Kurisu peepee
>Anon, you admitted that moving the portal doesn't change the velocity of the object that passed through it
Again, because we're talking about when the object isn't going through the portal. The entire topic is about the motion of the portal when the object IS.

Why are you making me repeat myself?
The cube is nowhere near the portal. For the cube to be moving but not moving, portals would have to infect all of reality creating some kind of weird meta-motion where matter remembers it should stop when something somewhere else happened.

Also, what would happen if you interacted with this moving yet not moving object. Imagine if it was a chunk of food, what if you ate it. Would it then rip out of your stomach when the portal stopped?

Biggest humiliation ritual for incels in all of modern media. Im not even an incel but playing through this has made me consider to stop playing video games alltogether.
At least Rebirth didn't have anything like this.
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A lot of people say retail wow is really difficult, but how does it compare to naxx/aq40 in 2006?
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>gearchecks were harder
literally the opposite of what the post said
That doesn't mean it's objectively hard, it means it's hard for people that suck. By that logic every game is hard in some sense unless you're playing a Kirby game.
Warlocks are comfy. Free group spots thanks to curses, and they can park infernals on spots where escort quests end.
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>retards didnt know their rotations
Proof you didn't play vanilla, ever. Most classes are literal 1 button classes.

True answer from someone who has cleared vanilla: Difficulty came from dispel mechanics, and more accurately the lack of UIs that clearly displayed which members need to be dispelled/decursed/depoisoned. And lack of datamining. Vanilla is very much about preparation.

It's still laughable to say Naxx wasn't challenging at all, when only a tiny minority was able to go through it.
>dogshit class but you need one for mark of the wild and rebirth is nice
>dogshit class but you need two for curses

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I transcribed the podcast here ya go:

>Colin Moriarty says that he verified this person worked on Concord and talked with him extensively
>He was shocked to learn that Concord cost $400 million to make
>Concord entered the alpha state in early 2023 before Sony bought them, Sony has been working with the developers since 2020.
>When they hit the alpha state, they have already spent $200 million working on it. Sony spend $200 million extra on it from 2023 onwards.
>The game was in a horrible shape during alpha, Sony felt they had to spend an extra 200 million in order to get the game into a playable state.
>A major expense was needed to outsource the game to other studios to finish building it and fixing it so that it was playable before launch.
>Two major things were not worked on until the last minute. Onboarding, how to get new players in and Monetization, how to get money from the players
>it would cost millions to keep the game going as well
>this is Sony's biggest and most expensive 1st party game in their history, more expensive than Spider-man 2 and TLOU2. They lost all of the money spent.
>They made $1 million gross revenue when the game launched, which was refunded.
>Sony had faith that Concord was the future of PS, it was believed to be a star wars level project where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it
>code name chaos was it's name in development

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I don't even understand how you can spend that much money on a game of this kind.

It doesn't have a huge cast of characters, only 16. It doesn't have a huge open world, intricately constructed from a gazillion assets, it's only 12 maps. It doesn't have a 100hr story with hundreds of thousands of lines of writing, tens of thousands of lines of voice-acting, and hours of cutscenes. It doesn't have hundreds of quests that need to be constructed and bugfixed. It doesn't have unique animations for all the things you need to be able to interact with in an ambitious RPG world. And the online functionality that wouldn't be part of a singleplayer title, like monetization, they didn't even finish in time.
Didn't this shit Volition aka the Saint Row devs too lol
>Sony succumbing to it’s own psychopathic arrogance and greed
>Microsoft just giving up and checking out of the console race entirely
I really don’t want to live in a world where Nintendo becomes a monopoly and we’re stuck with nothing but cheap shitty games made for a mediocre tablet forever.
I hope they do re-release it as F2P just so it can flop again kek

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When playing video games, do you have custom rules or modifications to improve your overall experience?
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i rawdog 4chan (no filters) but i do use an ad blocker. fuck ads
Who's using kurobaEX here ? I'm trying to add a filter to remove threads on a specific board by removing successions of keywords only by creating one filter but it doesn't work I have to add a new filter to each keyword ?
I got 100 threads filtered at any time and it's still shit.
>i do use an ad blocker.
lol little bitch doesn't even rawdog the world wide web. come back when you grow up kid

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Yeah that's why they patent trolled shiraneku for years and then settled after bankrupting them
>wholesome company isn't wholesome
>Nintendo sues cavemen for taming wild animals
you fail reading comprehension
I haven't heard of a single retarded patent like this holding up in europe, even applel got BTFO there trying their slimy shit

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Is nobody playing the Duelist Cup in Master Duel?
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>purrely paleo
What the fuck.
How many extra deck runick is the minimum i assume i need 3 hugin but how few of the rest can i get away with.
I would max out on back jack and fiend griefing because it fixes a lot of your draws. It is basically a draw card but lets you pick what you draw, 10/10 card. and cut cards like lost wind, which is just too low impact in paleo, chain hole for the same logic, and feret flames because it’s offline for so long and you have burst by the point it’s live anyways. Not sure if black goat laughs is high impact enough against most decks to justify and I don’t like it, but it at least is online immediatey unlike lost wind which just sucks.

Also balance of jugement > hope from escape

I’d run more Ipirias if that’s going to be your normal summon. It’s nice to have a normal summon beyond just a gigantic/elf target, and he has no real downsides. It does make reasoning mill less on average, but it still should mill enough to be good and you won’t get reasoning every game.

And cut thrust, in most grass decks thrust is pretty good, but how are you going to force anyone to ever activate a monster effect going second? Bait battle phase and pray they randomly do something for no reason? Are they going to ash your unaffected opa on turn 6? Well often yes in my experience, but that is not a reliable at all, most games it will just be dead in your hand.

Extra deck, I would run another anomalocaris, I don’t think the zealantis line is really that good and would cut it and just put in a second zeus. The only time I ever used zealantis was when I had already used zeus back when it was limited.
Also I make some dumb mistakes pretty often
Missing a Laundry Dragonmaid and/or Soldier Dragons. What's the Chain Hole for

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Fuck this sack of shit, gimme the best build to just own this kid. I am NOT going to be embarrassed by a kid, what stats do I need to make sure this kid knows his place right from the get-go?
Disco Elysium Bread
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Mechanically, being a communist is better. You gain XP from failing checks (as a communist, your character recognizes failure as an incremental step to eventual success). Facism actually causes psychic damage once you've internalized it and make fascist remarks. It only helps you by making alcohol give you plus 1 to any physique roll, which are rarely useful. A fasciat run handicaps you unless you supplement it with other thoughts
I’m currently doing a fascist run. With homosexual underground, naturally.
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i found that none of the 'gamey' aspects of thoughts ever really mattered, it's almost just extra flavour. there's just so many ways to approach things that worrying about like, health points or money or whatever just feels pointless. the game gives you plenty of stuff to handle whatever build you go

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What made him so much cooler in 3 than in any other game?
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despite technically being in 1, 3 was his introductory game
they HAD to make him cool

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This bastard
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I only care about the ranked mode desu, playing against shitty bots in single player is boring as hell
get over it already faggot
>dubs having different subtitles
Only game I remember doing this was the first Judgment, and they never did it again
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Bro he goes to SSJ Evil
>ranked mode
zoomer kun...

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>Leave a match in DOTA2
>Get put into low priority queue, have to win 10 games to get out
>Its literal hell with people constantly leaving every match or just completely afk
Best choice I ever made
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I love my wife!!!
>Get an unplayable matchup
>Forced to take it up the ass or play like a faggot for 15 minutes while PRAYING the rest of your team isn't shitting the bed

Why am I punished for dodging and not wanting to waste a minimum of 20 minutes of my time having zero fun, queue times are a couple minutes at most and draft pick is less than that

If I queue up that means me and every other retard in the lobby are already okay with dedicating around a half hour to one game, why am I punished for not wanting to waste it?
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I love her genuinely unlike you, you just use her to avatarfag around here like an attention starved tranny.
gold 4

FFXVI(16) won
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All in on next MMO.
And then it bombs hard, of course.
It usually does, doesn't it?
It took FF7 its entire lifetime to reach 10 million sales, but FF15 hit that number in just half a decade. Whether it was because of the Versus13 hype or not, it doesn’t change the fact that the game was a huge success, probably the last one that truly was.
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>this cope again
xvitroon botted the xvi userscores because it was at 7.8 when the scores went live
the ratio of ff16 userscores compared to every other place like amazon is unnatural on its userscores for such a low selling game
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Why are vampire games so fucking lame, dude. I want a VtMB but not janky. Is there anything like that?
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I wonder, did Seras have a red uniform made for her after the finale, or did she decide to wear the same blood soaked outfit for 30 years?
Does it have the same retarded ending as the books?
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Most probably but the anon who is dumping it says that it's done better in the manga than in the books. Also a lot of stuff is trimmed.
What if I want to fuck both?
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Integra a best. That is all

Is there any chance that this will be good?
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Gachafag detected, please tell me more about your elevated taste
>>possible the easiest fatlus game ever made
Easier than p5?
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It looks like a good 7.5/10 game
Its made by the devs of 3, 4, and 5 so it will be good. Probably 85+ on metacritic

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