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pick one /v/
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>Botw is le zelda 1
You fell for the marketing. The 2D games are closer to the OoT formula than the BotW formula. Items weren't discardable, there was actually music, and dungeons weren't just a single puzzle. The only thing BotW and the 2D games have in common is the sense of exploration, and people like to harp on this as if it was the only thing about Zelda that mattered.
this. I love women with short hair.
Yeah I some what agree with this definitely with the no one the most
Ocarina of time is already boomer tier

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Do you think male characters in Vidya should be sexualized more?
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Why is he scratching his ass?
>Sexualized women= has boobs wears more clothes than average women
Jesus Christ, he's flatter than a pancake

Videogames aren’t dead. You’re just not looking hard enough.
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>most people that make games are young progressives
>most of the audience are young progressives
>neither young or a progressive
it’s over for me isn’t it?
You fucking Mongoloid ape
Sex with ritsu and yui
Who takes Yui's pussy?
I switch between them in a yuri sandwich

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baltics are out too lmao
Oh no, those poor people that wouldn't buy the game anyway won't be able to buy it
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I don't want to play with third-worlders.

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Something about her INFURIATES me. But I can't put my finger on it.
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I want to fuck her
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Quirky white woman hollywood trope in a JRPG.
That's why you (and me) dislike her.
Chungus tier waifu is why.
The fact that deep down you want to have sex with her but you can't

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Well you won.
That guy is more probably Australian, when I check the thread in the morning he has been going through his routine for hours and he never posts during EU afternoon/evening hours.
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How bad did the Eruptor get it? I never really uses the crossbow. Did they nerf the Orbital laser?
It's why he's started to add more to the ritual post. It is coming from someone who used to spam an entire list of all his least favorite posters so it's not unexpected from the most terminally online and mentally ill poster in these threads.
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Only Earthbound gen I've made is Mother 3 if released on Gamecube concept.

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will we ever return to columbia
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Ken Levine has an actual game to show while 2K has nothing.
>its a proof of concept.
Because they don't know that. People only caught up to that shit until Cyberpunk came out and dudes realized the first gameplay trailer was blatantly fake. Before talk people constantly complained about bullshots and downgrades.
In their defence I mean this is 2K, they are not gonna show a game unless it is ready to be shown and wont be vaporware, plus after specifically the pandemic but even before that for sony and nintendo, especially nintendo. the whole marketing strat with games have changed. Now they show off a game then release it a few months later, Before it used to be announce a game and we wait years for it. Which B4 is still a product of that old strat.

Levine showed his game concept off and we are waiting for it, and B4 was confirmed in production and we are waiting for it.
If you wanted to do some sloothing you would find the devs of B4 on linked in or whatever and see if they are still in the studio doing work.

My assumption is seeing they have been at it for some time and they didn't get shut down during the tech bubble collapse they are still in development which would make it about time to be announced.
If it is gonna get announced it will probably be announced in summer, released next spring.
All depending on GTA6 release which will most likely be next autumn.
Most people are retards.
Permissable if you are new to vidya but any of us who have been gaming for decades know how twh shilling of games works.
Proof of concepts, cinematics etc.
Shit even kojima ruse cruise. Never take it as face value.
Still its not like downgrades and bullshot exaggeration marketing and dropping the ball is not part of it and has been huge since the 00s.
Killzone 2, ubisoft shit.
With that BI trailer, its clearly scripted, clearly early development gameplay, rough proof of concept.
what's 1999 mode?

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Is this the worst mission in the entire game ?
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someone didnt play the escort mission
The escort mission is probably more annoying like >>676019319 implied.

I think the mission I grew to dislike the most was the one with the roomba bossfight because I kept having to scour it for combat logs. There's like 12 of them on that fucking map.
It's fun, your fault for using noob shotguns with no range.
roomba? the smart cleaner? wait so the 2nd boss fight with it?
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This the tower defense mission? It's easy as shit, light AC with dual laser pistols and bring the upgrade that sets up a big bubble shield. Kill enemies as normal and when the missiles come just set up the shield in front of the tower and none of them will get through. Easy S-rank.

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Thread for gameplay discussion
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do you get anything good besides keepsakes from nectar/affection?

there's a bunch of other shit I want to farm, so I don't want to farm a million nectars to get everyone maxed.

also, are any of the romances in game yet? I assume Moros will be one of them but maybe I'm misreading things.
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Hey this one seems pretty good
in the first game you would get powerful abilities for maxing out affinity but they probably aren't in this game yet
FYI, Hades II has been cracked and is on torrent sites. Don't give those fucking filthy kikes a cent, and make sure if you've already bought it to give it a 1 star rating.

> Console name is Nintendo Switch Duet
> Uses a purple color theme instead of red
> Is backward compatible with the Switch 1
> 12 GB of RAM
> 256 GB of internal storage
> Tablet features 8" LCD screen
> 1080p display on tablet, 4k display on tv
> Console and dock can connect wirelessly
> Can display different images on the tablet and the tv
> Multiple tablets can be connected to one dock (currently up to four)
> Face buttons are colored like the Super Famicom
> Trigger buttons are analog with a click on full press
> Microphone in new right joycon
> Speaker in new left joycon / pro controller
> Headset jack on tablet / pro controller

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Sorry, what? The entire point is they’re NOT investing and they’re NOT getting vocal about it. It’s pure indifference. Their customers are just losing interest and going elsewhere. God knows I did. Both Xbox and Playstation went from the height of cool to irrelevant in the space of 5 years from telling everyone they no longer had a reason to buy their platform over another, and people quietly did just that, with barley a thought given to brands that used to be bywords for gaming.
The point is that when people buy into a console ecosystem and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars in it, they get loud about it, especially against any criticism because they have to defend their decision to spend all that money. If a console doesn't have anything to spend on it and you can get all its games elsewhere, nobody cares anymore, it's not an exclusive club that you bought into to blow all your money on anymore. Now you can just wait for those games to be $5 on PC and if the game sucks then who cares, you didn't spend $570 to play it.
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decent concept, I really hope the switch 2 is just another switch
it's fun to imagine what the next system might be, no harm in that eh?

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What happened to gaming industry?
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>conventionally attractive Bri'ish woman
Is this supposed to be a compliment?
lol this is why the bait threads work. Uneducated people
i don't care i am just hyped for the horsekinos
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What went wrong?
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DS3 meta is 125/133 (133 can match with 125 and you get an extra 8 levels), 120 is for DS1 and Demon's Souls.

DS2 has the soul memory meme, so technically your level doesn't matter, but duelfags stick with 150.

Elden Ring meta is 125 for duels, 150 for casual invasions. Although this might change when the DLC is out.

Don't listen to anyone else, they're all wrong and just being contrarian.
Doesn't lead to Mohgwyn Palace you noob.
Also that coffin in Lake of Rot is a fancy teleporter lol.
If true
They made the game with 400 people, that is almost a skeleton crew nowadays
Of course they are saving costs
nta but are they as memorable as anor londo, Lost Bastille or Irythill?
The reigons are memorable but that's because they're huge and have their own gimmicks. the individual locations themselves blur together

>run around shooting people in the head for fun
>have sex with prostitutes
>murder them afterwards to get the money back
>but you can’t rape anyone

Why are western games so squeamish about rape? There is no rape in wegs but the main theme in like half of hgames.
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You know, when homos use incel as an insult, it actually lisps out sounding more like a threat. You aren’t an attractive woman.
Its true, nobody cares go play a hgame
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GTA IV is one of those games that I've kind of always wanted to play but I never bring myself to play
I want the Rockstsr of the 2000s back, that pushed boundaries and was threatened with censorship. The next frontier is rape.
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We need more incest in games
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Explain amerimutts then
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Jews shamed incest with Hollywood so they could keep all the incest to themselves. It should be a surprise to no one that California, New York, and Florida all have sizeable Jewish populations and allow legal cousin fucking and marriage.
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>the show
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based /ourking/ tells it like it is
FUCK Phil Spencer
FUCK Microsoft
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based dsp
'tractor trannies BTFO'd
>mouth drooler
is there another kind?
>he doesn't know

Based Phil
>mouth drooler
So what a mouth naturally does?

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Why does fallout New Vegas have more of an impact on meme culture than fallout 3 and 4? The only bethesda title comparable to new vegas in terms of meme influence is Skyrim, and that's just because of arrow to the knee.
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It was Todd's pedo fantasy, where all these cave dwelling children have sex all the time and shoot shit for fun, like a Logan's Run for sophisticated connoisseurs.
i am sorry you are such contrarian retard.
>shilling threads about F3,F4 slop
I wish we would get F1-2 threads instead.. oh well. How the fuck is Bethesda still in business anyway? They literally can't make a good game to save their lives.
1 and 2 are not that good.
there were few F1,F2 threads but they quickly died off since Fallout threads nowadays are only fueled by bait and marketer posts.

>healing item has chance to damage you instead of heal
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>Saying this on /v/ of all places
Imagine beta testing brain implants of all things.
because smug assholes need to learn the hard way
I wonder if the people who are attacking Elon for this understand that the guy who got it is a quadriplegic who voluntarily did it to have some more quality of life, even if it came at enormous risk. The guy was not held hostage. He took a chance because it was better than being pushed around in a wheelchair and waiting to die.
I don't even like Musk, but the hateboner for him is ridiculous considering that other billionaires who are just as bad or even worse get ignored.
>first iteration of complicated technology isn't immediately perfect and 100% successful

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I have not seen a game in recent memory cause this much of a shitstorm for basically no reason.
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Rare or bust, I want juicy steaks.
I've yet to witness a leftist operating on logic or reason.
>homosexuals eat well done meat, killing off any flavor, effectively turning it into tasteless rubber just like they've done to their own lives
not even a surprise and they only do it because they know actual men eat red meat. so they have to counter and object to this fact kek
leftoid resentment

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PC when? I want partially visible pubic hair mods.
if they don't say anything within a year might be dead on arrival
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>the ballsack is literally the labia folds morphed together
Is the female body plan the "default" then? Males have completely useless nipples, so that's another weird thing, while on the female body plan literally everything make sense.
Lol looks rubbery as fuck, why are people drooling over this? Did you people never see a goddamn real breast moving in your real life?
back to /lgbt/

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That just proves your objectively shit taste and that your opinions CANNOT be trusted.
Seriously defending forspokens cringefest of game shouldnbe evaluated in a lab for how fucked up your brain is on bad millennial writing.
You cant have an opinion on a game if you havent played it.
Otherwise, you're just contributing noise to the conversation.
Hope this helps
/v/ will suddenly like the game when the switch 2 port releases or denuvo is removed

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