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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

Thinking about thos necromancers
>skelly upgrade added in tft
>skelly mage instead of skelly archer as with book of the dead
rustled my skellies it did
Skeletons are great but skeleton mages less so than archers
Skeleton mages are based, they just like Liches which are the coolest fantasy creatures

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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To be fair, the DLC for Three Kingdoms is kind of lackluster. Eight Princes should have been a finisher not a start, while Mandate of Heaven had potential but felt unfinished and didn't really handle it's time period all that well. The later two DLC were better but lacked enough new content to really justify making two of them rather than just one DLC containing multiple new stardates.
I would welcome it. Fix the game stability, add the last few empty places in the map, overhaul eight princes. As for actual DLC, both Chibi and Sima Yi vs Zhuge Liang could work.
>now not even campaign map is a problem anymore.
lmao not only does it take forever for to make a new map but it also takes forever to make it work with the AI. it is absolutely a problem and we are still years away from maybe one mod being able to release one map. meanwhile the older games were far simpler to work with in terms of modding and modders were able to create new worlds with such ease that med 2 still has a thriving modding scene today. warscape is harder to mod with and thats why all they can do is change textures and add scripts and the most important thing, the setting and map as you say yourself is practically near impossible without a gargantuan effort. you cant mod it by yourself anymore like the older games.
Fire all women, trannies and brits from the company and replace them with racist autists.
I don't think you can.
I tried playing Warhammer 2 and I like it sometimes but I barely boot it up because it's so tedious to play.
The campaign feels like shit, the battles feel like shit.
>Minor faction declares war on you for no reason
>Beelines towards your shittiest village with 2 full stacks of trash units
>Because of province system you still need to give a shit about that gay ass backwater because chances are you built something in it that you need or you flat out need the full province bonus or the extra income
>At most you can try to recruit a lord but you can't pump out units and your control over garrisons is almost non-existent (and the garrison won't hold because it's like 10 trash units at most)
>You have maybe 1 and a half armies that are worth anything, armies that would obliterate that faction, but you can't because the AI cheats, their armies march and recover like they're on steroids and morphine and amphetamines all at once
>Spend 5 turns rebuilding your mudhut and pushing the minor faction back to their capital
>Either fight a siege that sucks and win it easily or lose in autoresolve
>Repeat till you snowball by which point the AI is hopelessly outmatched, then just mappaint with autoresolving doomstacks
>Say "fuck it" and decide to actually manually fight a battle
>Repeat the same strategy over and over (focus their range + hammer & anvil if outgunned, bombard and kite if you have superior ranged) because anything else gives you higher casualties than you can afford with AI and their infinite trash stacks
>Time to kill is too high to enjoy battles up close anyway, and the AI is retarded and tedious so you also want to end battles as fast as you can

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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But I'm only rank 3 anon
Only capturing- it's the units's value in points for killing them and 2*value for a live captive, unless a live captive is researched, in which case it's always 10.
I checked older saves and I don't see a craft enter radar range, the base attack appears to happen without one
That might be a bug then? Not sure.
you started in thebes. that's what happens when you start in thebes now.

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>be europoor dev
>need shekels
>have Unreal 4 license
>make assets and ui
>hire artist?sound design? programmers?, easier just to market as total war killer to big youtubers
>almost a decade goes by, close to launch
>tell fans to lower expectations and gaslight them by saying it was always intended to purely be a city builder

So it takes almost a decade to half a half made EA title with no point in playing.

>Look how many apples i harvested
>look how big my city and pop is!
>now i just have to wait 5 years for it ever actually mean anything ingame!

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Ah okay found it. Any idea how to make my homeless families move in the free burger plots?
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Scamorlord Sisters...I dont feel so good..
You also start with a hitching post, you still need another one or your second oxen can run away.
Oxen are castrated so...
Food and firewood
Obvious mentally ill tranny projecting his own illnesses onto other people, how pathetic. Just accept your a dumb monkey brained nigger that falls for mass marketing and viral hype campaigns. cope Seethe Dilate tranny scum

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Song of Syx thread since last one archived.


It's a low fantasy city builder in the vein of Caeser or Pharaoh series. Oh and for whatever reason, the creator decided to over reach and bolt on a total war component so you can micro like an RTS while taking over the world. City builder is pretty much done and the latter has the foundations in but still unbalanced.

Demo is free-forever and is only a few versions behind the latest stable, good to try so you know whether you will like to core gameplay.

Fantasy means many races with their strengths and weaknesses like Vegetarian pigmen, tall dwarves twice the size of humans, cannibal elves lizards and bugmen. Oh so you want to min-max with all these races don't you? Well, too bad they are all Racists as fuck and prone to murder each other without careful planning. Good thing there's a very robust slavery system for you to prosecute and exploit the undesirables yes?
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No one shilling this (((game))) is even honest enough to bring up how the developer Jake has posts on his social media supporting trans rights and black lives matters.
as long as he doesnt fill the game with that trash I dont particularly care
You don't have to pay to play the game, so I don't see how that's relevant as long as the game is not filled with that shit (hint: it isn't).
The criminality is really easy to deal with though.
Is there any way to counter the serial killer? I have every type of justice implement and good guard coverage but I've had that event 4 or 5 times and it always just times out, I never get the right person. Also, about at what pop should I need a second judge or do you only need one?

Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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sorry forcing the robot to brute force the password to reality is how i achieve godhood
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I went to the musical of Don Quixote last night Netherlands

Haven't been to theater in over a decade. I promised pictures, but no pictures allowed during. I saw one guy try to snag a picture and someone gave them a hard slap on the shoulder, hard enough for the dude to almost drop his phone. So a promo picture is what I have.
Was a great time. Teared up the 2-3 times he sang The Impossible Dream
It started with Cervantes awaiting judgement from the inquisition. Most of the play was Cervantes convincing his fellow prisoners to help him reenact his script.

For the anon in the /v/ thread, I don't know what you meant with 2 Alonsos. There were the writer, the character Alonso and the persona of Don Quixote Alonso took. Nothing about Sancho actually becoming a lord. And nothing about Dulcinea being enchanted into an ugly wench
The Mirror Knight, however; Had an imposing helmet and a full outfit of shattered glass. Even had glass-trimmed Timberlands. Giant stage wall was covered in shattered mirror shards. Kept screaming. LOOK AT ME, ALONSO. Was fantastic
The windmills were 2 funny background props. As the "battle" raged, the stage darkened and the center of the 2 windmills opened up to 2 dragon eyes, making it look like Don & Sancho were right infront of it's maw. Didn't see that coming. Looked great.

I was impressed by theater in general. All of the music being live. There were trumpets, spanish guitar, one of those sit-on drum boxes.
Went to the café beforehand because I was early, had a nice chat with the server who remarked it's rare for her to see anyone under the age of 50.
There were originally only 2 good spots left. I got one, didn't get my friend to come with me. So when I saw it was sold out and got to the theater, I talked to the lady who got the spot. She was gorgeous. Not too many older folk have that sharp aware gaze she still did. It was a nice chat.
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In the Netherlands, last night was the festive night before the national holiday King's Night. Which I completely forgot about until the day of. So the streets were brimming even moreso than usual. Not just tourists, but partygoers.

Saw The Amazing Bob (silly street performer)
An African marching band with a whole parade of drunks & partygoers behind them. Pic is them
A busker playing their heart out on the sax playing Careless Whispers
2 rappers on a stage losing their mind
A rapper at the train station freestyling fairly decently

It was a rather bizarre experience. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Limbus-related: I'd wager a good amount that Don's already distorted and we'll see the doctor from the mirror world come to our world to try and cure Don of her distortion, even if that will permanently fuck her up.
>For the anon in the /v/ thread, I don't know what you meant with 2 Alonsos.
Those were evidently just things the screenwriter/director chose not to adapt due to time constraints. Don Quixote is a massive book, my copy has nearly a thousand pages. I could explain further what I meant by those, but frankly it's better for you to read the book for yourself since I recall you were only a third of the way in.
>I was impressed by theater in general. All of the music being live. There were trumpets, spanish guitar, one of those sit-on drum boxes.
Not every theatre is the same. I've been to a few different kinds. One with great production values - lots of moving props and live music, a traditional one with a lot of focus on costumes and acting, a modern one where the stage was in the middle (the audience sat around it) and even one in a literal fucking basement.
Side note, I recommend going to a Chekhov play if you can find one. Out of all the theatre plays I've been to (which admittedly isn't much, I go every couple of months) his Cherry Orchard impressed me the most.
I'll give it another go sometime. I forgot why I initially bounced off off it. My copy is also about 1000 pages. Not exactly the single-sitting read something like The Stranger is.
Unfortunately, no Chekhov in the country. There was a run of Cherry Orchard a year ago, so maybe they'll be rerunning it, or have inspired another group to do it. I'll jot it down in my planner though, thanks.

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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Don't give them any idezs
>honorable duels with farmers
The more I think about it the funnier this gets
>but the Springfield Brigade was TOO BRAVE to let their surrender
>And the Springfielders heroically slaughters their enemies as they prayed for mercy!
I really don't want to be racist against Anglos, but they always do this unless
Do it before it is too late
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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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Current campaign as California. Consolidated ideal borders in North America and colonised the entire Pacific plus the Philippines, now I'm working on conquering a nice chunk of southeast Asia. Goal is to grab everything that can feed trade into the Polynesian Triangle, since that's my main node
had to uninstall this game, it's literally worse than cocaine for me
Neat, who did you start as?
Started as England, island-hopped my way to California with colonies, and released as soon as I had a CN. Took until about 1500 Deleted or sold the provinces I used to get there, which gave me about a 100 years to fight the giant native coalitions and expand before the Euros showed back up. It's a fun run, although the lack of unique ideas is pretty obnoxious
Why is it so obnoxiously hard to pirate their dlcs now? It wasn't like this 10 years ago.

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I can't believe that they managed to make Lespia in the DLC more unlikable than Rumburg in the main campaign. However it sure is sweet to completely fuck them over and take ALL their gas and ALL their gold shares.
Not playing until they fix Rayne's portrait

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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NCT is way better by the sole reason that you can the enter key to answer a question.
Why does CST not have this?
Also BIGSHOT is way easier to use UI-wise than the benefit checker window.
I don't think we've decided.
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I thought that hadn't come out yet
Apparently some people got early access.

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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are the airports in your controlled province or did you just build them in ally controlled territory? If you control the province your planes should have priority on the airport.
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A world war two strategy game should focus on world war two, how it was fought, and the underlying strategy rather than restoring Byzantium; that's arcadey shit for autistic children.
I control the provinces. Faction nembers keep overstacking active airports, often by as much as 1k excess planes. Since there's no notification, i don't realize my mission efficiency plummeted until I check and see I've got yellow air and lost 100 fighters.
Is it still possible to do a "peaceful Hitler" run
Oh wow, more Allies wank.

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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>passable topographical features still visible
What's this from?
What a retard, glad you got filtered
They both ate garum though
anno 1800

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What's the verdict
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are germans still wildly overpowered?
The absence of the UK/Commonwealth is sorely felt. When it comes out I'm going to see if I can throw together something resembling a UK deck using lendleased soviet gear
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I THINK there was a brit battlegroup available for the americans but don't quote me on that. The germans do have this pastacar available, for example.

I'm sure the valour fag will mod all that shit in sooner than later.
There wasn't any dedicated UK deck but the soviets had a bunch of British lendlease units like Churchills available in the beta.
You're chasing shadows again.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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The "pros" cheat by scouting the map before they start for real. The other option is to hire a lookout in the retinue, they'll help you find stuff easier. You can also find a thoroughfare and camp it as another anon mentioned.
It's a good idea to occasionally step on a mountain to scout the nearby area
>"oh my god our great champion has fallen!" vs. "lol get rekt noob"
>buy expensive bro
>no MATK stars
avoid disappointment! pay the tryout tax today!

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