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Don't you think it's a bit too much for an isekai to be a streamer super fan of the person that they themselves reincarnated in their world?
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Thing is that with technical books, manuals, and legal documents the price of failure is also considerably higher. Sure you don't have to deal with people on twitter complaining that you didn't leave in honorifics, but if you make a mistake you can open yourself up to legal action. Though that depends on the employment of the translator, if one works for Honda translating a car owner's manual there is no legal issue for the translator themself, but if one is a freelance translator working with lawyers on international contracts there will be some liability.
They all have somewhat different passionate opinions though.
Also, having to follow a style guide again takes time.
When you see:
Your first instinct might be
>I love you you see!
But then you remember the style guide mandates
>I love you, Sakura-San!
Which takes time, and isn't something you type out on instinct from that sentence.

Yeah, especially with legal texts and translations I assume that the translator either has an understanding of the law or works together with someone who does. Responsibility commands money.
>Sure you don't have to deal with people on twitter complaining that you didn't leave in honorifics, but if you make a mistake you can open yourself up to legal action
Oh absolutely, but outright translation errors are something you can try and guard against. Translation choices on the other hand are more nebulous and someone is always going to be mad that you didn't translate their favourite michael joudan exactly the same way the pinoy scanlator did.
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Only know two off the top of my head, pic related and everything by viz john werry
Why do they never seem to give a shit when a translator or editor does a shit job and give them a bad reputation?

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>Himawari already strong enough to fight toe to toe vs a Madara-tier character

This new generation of ninjas is made up of such OP demigods that we're reaching Fan-fic tier of bullshit here
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Cover is out but I can't post it. It's Hidari.
Title is "The Realm of God"

Are we finally learning more about Shibai?
It's weird I find ichigos kid being a freak of nature more believable than Naruto kids even through both of them are just Gohan

Throug ultimately oda is better with kids not being anywhere near as strong as their parents
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As the plan predicted.
This isn't a power level thread. I don't click to read garbage juxtaposition.
Himawari have a potential to become hokage, plot twist.

The top Chinese anime (Link Click, Biao Ren etc.) are already as good as the average seasonal anime. Anime gachas like Genshin and Star Rail also regularly release high quality animated shorts.
At the current rate, Chinese animation might be a serious competitor for Japan in a few more years.
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>self sufficient
Will never happen as long as people keep wanting numbers to go up.
Thank fuck, I am tired of all the japanese cuckoldry inserted into their anime, I didnt believe a whole race could be this beta
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/a/ is a Taiwanese board, you fruit
Surely this is one of those AI edits right?
True, short term faggots are the bane of nations from basically every perspective
For the sake of profit they remove all the glue that holds a nation together from almost every perspective.
Long term economic stability, racial stability, religious stability, and internal trust that a nation needs to live doesn't matter to them as long as they make even a slight bit from the chaos.
It isn't too late for some nations to save themselves though as long as they pursue policies that provide greater self sufficiency and stability, but that would require them to ignore a lot of dumb modern morality and short term profit incentive from indulging in the excesses of the global market.

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fang gang

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When was the last time you laughed at a joke in anime/manga?
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this. My wife is cute and funny
To my big surprise something from Dungeon Meshi made me laugh in an earlier episode. I usually never consider anime jokes funny enough to laugh or only one maybe every few years.
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I don't laugh at things that aren't in my own head.
Trigger/Gainax do have a talent for making anime for people who don't like anime
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I'm currently reading Air Gear, so every chapter of that.

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Serie exists in Frieren. The big thing in that is how rapidly magic advances though. Frieren's Zoltraak spell was not a century ago seen as the greatest instant kill offence magic, basically a one hit disintegration kill shot (and it was), and human mages immediately knuckled down and create so much better defence magic that the legendary Zoltraak is no more than ordinary offensive magic that mages can spam by the time its creator wakes back up. That's within a mere century. MT's world doesn't seem to have advanced much in terms of magic at all before Rudy shows up and builds his Gundam.
all men are pigs
If it's true what the anon in the other thread said about people only having to recite words to use magic then MT's implementation of magic in the setting is really poorly thought out.
Does Sara have any value at all?
Does anyone?

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Is there any anime that actually tackles japan societal issues without white washing it or beating around the bush? Only one I can think about are the Kumeta ones, and even then it doens't go too far.
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Since you seem to be a genuine OP for once, I'll help out. Read Bakuon Rettou. It's a lightly modified autobiography of a former bosuzoku. Probably as realistic depiction of Showa era Japan as you can get in anything /a/ related.
>societal issues
they have no such thing because they don't have jews there
Thumbnail looks like a skull, lol.
There's a shitload of manga that are critical of their society. It's just their style of criticism isn't looking straight at the viewer and saying "I think this is bad because ___". It's not socially acceptable to make a big stink about the state of things or to challenge authority, so their criticism tends to be more subtle by necessity.

I'm sure some do, but it's magical thinking to believe that the average person doesn't have their issues with how things are run. This is true of basically any society. Try telling a group of people how great they have it and they'll happily point out all the ways things suck for them in ways it doesn't suck for you.
>/pol/bullshit and recommendation thread

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Kazuma was gay for not fucking Sylvia
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Glad that Megumin smitted that tranny
Both correct
Massive faggot. The real way out of that situation is to be even more perverted than the girl trying to rape you.
Kazuma is gay for not breeding Darkness daily

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New chapter is out, dumping.
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-nning Kruger effect!
But if something happened to Rui...
If it's not too much effort.
I don't think it's happening friend

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Why can't anime-onlys just read the manga? Are they stupid?
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>t-the anime is just bad!
No, the anime follows the manga pretty well. The reality is this is just a dogshit story with poorly thought out characters and you need to blame someone for people pointing it out.
>Are secondaries stupid
Do you really need an answer to this?
I don't know what you enjoyed about part 1. If it was the action, you made a good decision. If its memes and weird shit, you missed out.
Not that I have a large pool, but in my experience when the anime is dogshit the source is usually dogshit too.

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why does he look so sinister here
There was a third one?
I hate shonen champion so much
maenwhile Atsumare anime never ever
This isn't from Shonen Champion.
Just the MikeyxTakemichi shippers who are still salty that Takemichi married his love interest instead of Mikey. The other fujos don't care and still ate whatever TR crumbs they could get.

Retro Cat

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>Author makes fun of his fanbase for being virgins
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Is that supposed to mean something coming from a tripfag who attentionwhores in a community of lonely virgin losers?
You're somehow lower than everyone here, you require their attention, at least be self aware.
Oh look you concentrated very hard to make a proper sentence.
>the absolute seething and vitriol in this thread.
yea the tripfag with mouth cancer should hurry and die (from mouth cancer)
lazy bait

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Loid and Yor are the sexiest couple in the history of manga and anime.
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I thought Yor was a Serb.
She is. Yor stands for Yolanda.
Slavs have asiatic intermixing from steppe peoples.
Loid has a wife now
never ever yorkek

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so talking about how he killed her ex made her horny? I don't get it
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Definitely Shizuka. She's been my favorite girl ever since I reread the entire manga back in 2018. For whatever reason it shifted to Shizuka from Saeko during that second read.

Now, you can argue that I have a funny way of showing love, given that I put her through a horrifying rape attempt that left her with personality-altering PTSD, resulting in her transforming into a murderous bitch. But she's the star of the show, so from that perspective, I think I treated her pretty well.

That said, I'd prefer to marry Shizuka with her canon personality. She'd be a better mother.
Why do the good people have to die young and not the bad ones?
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I would've been genuinely mad if Saeko had been killed off or otherwise forced to lose to Roach.
Oh you just know the author would pull off some bullshit excuse for her to be forgiven
"waah you weren't paying attention to me!" and the japanese will eat that up. They LOVE when their heroine is as pathetic and pitiful as possible.

90% of romcom heroines are like that. They even have a bunch of tropes where the heroine goes "No! i don't deserve to be happy! i give up on my love, so you can be happy instead, [rival]!". And other dumb tropes that makes them cry a lot so the MC can act as their knight in shining armor
it's so stupid, and it would 100% happen to Rei
I might have to watch this again. It's been over a decade so it'll be fresh again.
Saeko was so fucking great.

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