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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

How many kills can you get contributed to if no one lives to confirm?

>These are interesting times in the empire of Varnia. The imperial army may have broken the back of the invading army of Nebel, but at tremendous cost. The living weapons born of past wars with the magic-wielding tribes of the south still prowl the ancient forests. And ever since the battle in the northern pass, an avenging phantom has stalked the trails of Varnia, leaving carnage in its wake: The immortal warrior, the last knight of Orgonne... And they call her Slayer Volte.

Chapter 8 >>268101225
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Thank you for posting.
People have to notice it.
Was the bear at fault?
Instincts should have taught it better.

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There are 1151 Shoujo oneshots on mangaupates. Every day I will use a random number generator to select one from the list and dump it here. Come read along if you want.
Yesterday's Thread >>268101458

Today it's number 161

>December 25th is a special day for Runko, but will anyone else remember why it's special?
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Seconding this.
If a (forgive me for saying this) w*man feel butthurt towards anything, they will bail the fuck out and avoiding you for a month or even more. If you somewhat didn't care about that attitude, her friends will guilt trip you and makes you apologize to her, if that still not enough, shit will reach your friend radar and before you realize, the entire class will be avoiding you as well, all because one single misunderstanding
lol you’re supposed to be 18 to post here
You sound so immature even without the allusions.
It's been a while since I've seen a underage post so shameless.
It's over...
Ugly cute is a thing.

Dear Citizen:

Thank you for your loyalty. You've no doubt noticed that the world is a troubled place. People are apathetic, lazy, unmotivated. You've probably asked yourself:


Rest assured that measures are being taken. Beginning immediately, we will randomly select different citizens each day who will be killed within 24 hours of notification. We believe this will help remind all people how precious life is and how important it is to be a productive, active member of society.

Thank you for your continued attention and your cooperation and participation...

Episode 15: Act 3: Crime and Punishment
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The murderer could be in this very thread...
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He was a cool dude.
Cute kot.

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Today we will be re-reading all of Volume 2!
Previous Volume: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/267729659/

>What is this?
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san (Don't toy with me, Miss Nagatoro) is a manga series written and illustrated by 774 (Nanashi).
—Our spineless— MC (Known as "Senpai") is a second-year high school student and a loner who spends his afternoons at the Arts Club room. He attracts the attention of one of his schoolmates, a sadistic freshman girl named Nagatoro. However, in between the bullying and teasing, something else begins to blossom.

The manga is ending in two chapters!
153 comes out July 1st, the final chapter will most likely be either July 15th or July 22nd.
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stupid 4chan
There's a blur where his right arm should be. I think the photo was captured while he was punching that makiwara. probably the same reason why extremely old photos of streets are devoid of people, you gotta stand still for awhile for the camera to capture you.
This is our first child, and the new job either has a long commute or I need to fly somewhere for a week or two. But the pay bump (33%) has been worth it so far.

I wish you all many gains and speedy recoveries.

Congrats on closing on a condo, too. A few people have told me to enjoy the new born phase as much as I can. We are doing our best to savor these moments.

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Sensei is comfy!
There is no new chapter this week.

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One of these anime has better pacing than the other.
yeah, obviously
I mean there's always a second to last place.
Nobody cares, shounentard.

The credits of Rebellion make me cry every time
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mmm delicious
Things got weird
>caring about the usual off topic tripfag discussion
Gay. I’d rather talk about licking my wife Kyouko’s delicious tummy.

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It's an Earring!!

Chapter 50
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It's a reoccurring thing for those plushes to be angry looking
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Plushies absorb the evil of society so only good remains.
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I'm ok with 2 seasons and the movie.
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I'm not, I want more Jun!!
I think this girl is a princess
>all those outfits
>no juliet costume

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New chapter will release at 12:00 PM nip time
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Oh yeah you're right
My point still stands and adding Penisman only makes things worse for your argument, because student mentor relationship is not the same thing as partnership we are talking about, not to mention it's very underdeveloped in case of Tokio and Palma to say something for sure. It also questionable how well their powers compliment each other. I can see it for detective work, but since it's mostly action manga, things are different. Finally, you are sure pointed out obvious rhyme, but that doesn't follow with them being partners.
>My point still stands
You don't have a point. You have betrayed your own argument.
>because student mentor relationship is not the same thing as partnership
Actually read Penisman. Even while it was axed, it was literally about the two of them becoming equals.
>it's very underdeveloped in case of Tokio and Palma
It has about as much focus as Azuma and Ely, with palpable similarities between pairings.
> It also questionable how well their powers compliment each other
There's nothing questionable about it. Their powers complemented each other well enough to solve the poppy case, and even without having a defined grasp on her own powers, Palma managed to save Tokio against Cabirol.
>I can see it for detective work, but since it's mostly action manga, things are different.
Another braindead take. Tokio is a search party leader. Having a partner capable of talking with corpses is perfect for him.
Penis man? My penis in your mouth more like
Ignoring attempts to derail conversation, my point was that partners in CX usually have some kind of contrast in personality and balanced powerset, Palma and Tokio don't have it. They don't cover weak points of each other so far. And yeah, for detective storyline their power has nice synergy, but that's a very small part of manga, so called search party leader mostly stumbles on bad guys to beat and most scenarios is about that. In this common scenario both Palma and Tokio are very similar fighters with similar mindset which is also important.

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Denji outright confirms he was happy with what Asa/Yoru did for him in Chapter 167, but we all know the "normal" people will overlook that.

Anyways Denji got that post-nut clarity and locked in
I don't know if anyone has thought of this before but
>Kom Süsser Tod
>Cum Sussy Thot
>"normal" people

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Time will come back, turning upside down. You live in the maze of all your sadness and pain. If you want more games, look beyond the gate: I believe there is an unlimited beautiful world out there.
The place where one road forks endlessly, from the past to the future: an infinite universe. I'll wipe my tears to smile once again.
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Cosmic Looper is truly the intellectual song of the chosen ones!
However, A.R. & Amadeus are up there for me as well.
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Was it really cancelled? How else could it have ended? Yoshinobu dropped hints to the ending since early on, when they were up on the mountain, with the note that says it's impossible to escape the island because it's not their world, and Miina's tomb is revealed quite early on as well. I'm not saying the ending wasn't rubbish, just that all the small details were leading up to it from early on, cancellation or no, Yoshinobu didn't just pull it out of nowhere.

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It's been 24 days since the 33rd anniversary of Akagi's serialization in Kindai Mahjong

Akagi vs Washizu continues with the Sixth Hanchan South 3rd round

Volume 1 >>267218589
Volume 2 >>267254371
Volume 3 >>267293719
Volume 4 >>267330427
Volume 5 >>267370829
Volume 6 >>267414194
Volume 7 >>267452824
Volume 8 >>267489143
Volume 9 >>267524665
Volume 10 >>267563137
Volume 11 >>267597088

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you didn't do anything different, idiot
you're just drawing tiles
If you do not know, Akago mind raped Washizu and co so hard, just by breathing make them pissed in fear
Volume 26 dump
I will genuinely keep that in mind. Thank you.
See you there.

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>"Oh come on there's no way people would actually do this shit and record it."
>Browse kaotic and rekt threads on /gif/
>"I stand corrected."
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Post some more info about these guys they sound interesting.
I'll just summarize it
>trio of ukrainian teens
>at 14yo friends want to help friend overcome fear of heights
>"best way to get over your fear is to face it"
>hang from balcony until no longer scared
>other boy is afraid of blood and is worried he'll burn his kitten when washing it
>start torturing and killing cats and dogs to get over fear
>film themselves doing it (you might've seen some of those vids)
>keep doing this until they graduate from high school and start robbing people using their taxi
>eventually get bored of robbery and start killing people
>show up to funerals to mock the bereaved and corpses
>go into overdrive and kill multiple people a day, some in front of people
>film it, one's gf claims after arrest they had a customer for 40 snuff films
>other friend corroborates her story but security chief denies accusation

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And of course there's a tumblr celebrating them
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This new arch is made fun of the success of oshi no ko?
It's just normal idol theme, Death style so far.
Nothing Oshi no Ko related I can think of.

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