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Time will come back, turning upside down. You live in the maze of all your sadness and pain. If you want more games, look beyond the gate: I believe there is an unlimited beautiful world out there.
The place where one road forks endlessly, from the past to the future: an infinite universe. I'll wipe my tears to smile once again.
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Cosmic Looper is truly the intellectual song of the chosen ones!
However, A.R. & Amadeus are up there for me as well.
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Was it really cancelled? How else could it have ended? Yoshinobu dropped hints to the ending since early on, when they were up on the mountain, with the note that says it's impossible to escape the island because it's not their world, and Miina's tomb is revealed quite early on as well. I'm not saying the ending wasn't rubbish, just that all the small details were leading up to it from early on, cancellation or no, Yoshinobu didn't just pull it out of nowhere.

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>Dragon Ball - Sci-Fi influenced Journey To The West
>Hokuto No Ken - Mad Max influenced post-apocalyptic east asia
>One Piece - Fantasy golden age of piracy
>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Worldwide urban fantasy with settings that range from the far west to Italy.
>Naruto - Fantasy Ninja clans
>Bleach - Different dimentions and specific cosmology
>FullMetal Alchemist - Fantasy 1910s/20s Germany with magic
>Soul Eater - Wacky and quirky Tim Burton-esque alternate reality set in Nevada
>Trigun - Foreign influenced sci-fi space western
>Rurouni Kenshin - Grounded Meiji Era Japan
>Shaman King - Worldwide mythology and culture clash with specific focus on indigenous populations.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! - D&D/Magic influenced traditional gaming and memories of ancient Egypt.
>Rave Master - JRPG style Science Fantasy with strong influences from PSX era Squaresoft and various music genre.

>Jujutsu Kaisen - Urban fantasy modern Japan

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Why don't you do something about it then?
Stop reading the mainstream normalfag slop
Ah yes, a deliberately cherrypicking examples that support your point and deliberately ignoring examples that do not thread. Love these. Half those examples are just worded to sound like they support your point, but in reality are no different from the ones you say are generic. What makes Rave Master acceptable than Frieren? Absolutely nothing, they're both bog standard fantasy. What makes Bleach or Yu-Gi-Oh! not just plain ol' urban fantasy? Absolutely nothing. What makes Rurouni Kenshin historical fiction while Demon Slayer apparently isn't? Absolutely nothing. There's an ocean of examples of generic urban and urban fantasy manga from before the year 2000, but you'd know nothing about that.
Heart Gear
Kaijun Fugeki
>What makes Bleach or Yu-Gi-Oh! not just plain ol' urban fantasy?
The fact that Bleach has Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, Shadow Realm and the Royal Palace as settings
and both series have inner worlds
Yugioh is a magical tech setting. Kaiba in his attempt to up egyptian magic advanced civilization 100 years in a few months.
japan became technocracy then fucking guy used magictech to go to the afterlife and duel the Pharaoh (don't get me started on Duel Links)
so how the fuck does this sound as old urban fantasy to you?

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It's been 24 days since the 33rd anniversary of Akagi's serialization in Kindai Mahjong

Akagi vs Washizu continues with the Sixth Hanchan South 3rd round

Volume 1 >>267218589
Volume 2 >>267254371
Volume 3 >>267293719
Volume 4 >>267330427
Volume 5 >>267370829
Volume 6 >>267414194
Volume 7 >>267452824
Volume 8 >>267489143
Volume 9 >>267524665
Volume 10 >>267563137
Volume 11 >>267597088

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>Suzuki fuck up
"You useless piece of shit"
>Suzuki pull up god tiles
"My divine strength is so awesome"
you didn't do anything different, idiot
you're just drawing tiles
If you do not know, Akago mind raped Washizu and co so hard, just by breathing make them pissed in fear
Volume 26 dump
I will genuinely keep that in mind. Thank you.

84th Period
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Been a fan of Mothra since I've been a wee lad. Can't change that now.
I thought he was smoking a giant blunt at first.
Thanks OP. I don't know any beyond Godzilla so I don't feel like I should even give an opinion on this.
I don't know how it happened, but I read that as "Destroy all monsters, maybe more" which is funny, but also not even close.
So? He had intricate cutouts for the foosball table. You’re telling me he suddenly couldnt have intricate cutouts between the scenery? It makes sense because the other kaiju blasts through the desk, which is ridiculous

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>"Oh come on there's no way people would actually do this shit and record it."
>Browse kaotic and rekt threads on /gif/
>"I stand corrected."
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Post some more info about these guys they sound interesting.
I'll just summarize it
>trio of ukrainian teens
>at 14yo friends want to help friend overcome fear of heights
>"best way to get over your fear is to face it"
>hang from balcony until no longer scared
>other boy is afraid of blood and is worried he'll burn his kitten when washing it
>start torturing and killing cats and dogs to get over fear
>film themselves doing it (you might've seen some of those vids)
>keep doing this until they graduate from high school and start robbing people using their taxi
>eventually get bored of robbery and start killing people
>show up to funerals to mock the bereaved and corpses
>go into overdrive and kill multiple people a day, some in front of people
>film it, one's gf claims after arrest they had a customer for 40 snuff films
>other friend corroborates her story but security chief denies accusation

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And of course there's a tumblr celebrating them
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This new arch is made fun of the success of oshi no ko?
It's just normal idol theme, Death style so far.
Nothing Oshi no Ko related I can think of.

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the period from manga end to swordsmith village animeonlys disappointment was annoying enough
It nevet gets talked about here... thankfully.
>i'm soooo tired of hearing about it, here let me make a thread about it
Just close /a/ you massive fucking retard.
One piece
I empathize with OP because I get shit recommended in fucking YouTube too
>"just click don't recommend"
I wouldn't be here if that ever fucking worked
All of them: spyxfamily, Chainsawman, jjk, one piece, dbs, demon slayer
I'm fucking tired of it. If I decide to not watch regular YT and go to brainrot shorts, I STILL FUCKING GET THEM THERE

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Here we go again on our own
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>we saw random hitman background characters nipples before most of cafe's cast
Ami will continue Yotsuba's winning streak.
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Fucking hell, I went to my bed and when I got up I was curious to see the thread not only still alive, but had loads of posts in it.
Then I check it out and it's been kept alive almost entirely through faggotry
I cannot find my Ami bed picture.
what bed picture?

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>gets her sister raped
>tries to get someone else raped

asebi best girl
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/a/ told me that women like rape
50% of all rapes are consensual
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I believe you meant to say that any rape is 50% consentual
She was sending filthy subhuman hill raven men to rape women anon.
She sounds like she needs rape correction

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Yuno is thinking.

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Mazoku Monday has me thinking about my favourite bovine. You haven't forgotten about Shamiko, right?
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I love shami
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Momo is the one getting corrupted and impregnated
Is this real?
I feel like it was a miracle we had 2 seasons of this show, i really hope we get a third.

Here's today's chapter.
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man this series has had some great moments, but the lore feels way too poetic.
Soft porn is lacking
I hope nudist girl will get her uniform blown away
the author keeps teasing it
>also while you're at it could please request that they upload Excel Saga, thanks

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Is the mangaka of Kaiju gay?

Kafka Hibino looks like a typical dark skinned muscled character from a random +18 bara manga.
He doesn't.
How do you know?
Because OP reads, dumbass

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16. Vash is a Dekuck of his era, a crybaby pussy carried by his inherent power and his own story proves him wrong.
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Vash was actually far more skilled and levelheaded than any of the people he was put against + he managed to obtain what he wanted by the end of the series while 16 got himself killed because he thought suicide bombing was a good idea
Literally killed by his own philosophy
Never compare Vash to that little faggot ever again
16 is still one of the only DB characters whose death mattered to the plot and wasn't reversed. What a man.

>choose randomly for the cute girls and ecchi
>loved because the animation Is full of SOUL and It's comfy to watch
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Sen Hime
this came out around the time street fighter 4 did and I thought "wtf is with all this paint brush crap". how naive and foolish. we need more
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Not only that but the background draws are simple but beautiful.
Looks good
Kanetsugu best girl. And yeah, ARMS was mappa predecessor making PVs with unused footage better than anything in the show

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