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What will /m/ look like in nine years?
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Is Cima a Char?
No, and neither are Gato or Riddhe.
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I need to watch 00 soon. I finished Death Note, so that's a big stepping stone overcome.
Shinn looking at Kamille makes me laugh.
There's trouble coming to the Char table

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One of the big things about Mineva’s role in Zeta and ZZ is that it’s constantly pointed out that making her be a politician both stupid and abusive. But in Unicorn and Narrative, it’s presented as being a good thing that made her a better person and prepared her to be a wise monarch as an adult. Why did the stance change? Is Fukui a supporter of child abuse?
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I think they were talking about you saying Fukui believing that Mineva becoming the new leader of Zeon is a good thing.
>Fukui apparently never got the memo
What do you mean? You had the dialogue of the idiot zeeks in OVA episode 6 complaining about the Feds storing their MS upright in their hangars when there's no up in space, even though those retards are stationed on a Zeon ship that does the same thing
What does that have to do with anything
how ridiculous the zeeks are
I think that one might have been the director fucking up

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>Evolved or not, even you can't take a TeknoBolt at point-blank range...

Say what you want, but the Saban Dub was really good
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Omega/Darkon did not create either Blaster Blade or Evil. Blade went in a Radam plant crystal and powered up. Omega forbade Evil from powering up because Omega knew that even though Blaster form is more powerful, it burns through their bodies faster, and Omega did not want to let Evil die. Sword was the one who helped Evil to power up, so that Evil could defeat Blade before Blade could defeat Omega.
Say what you will about the dub, but the opening theme was awesome.
That's what his gig in the early 90s. He was also several Power Ranger monsters.
Not to mention, Evil or Saber as he was known as in the dub was voiced by Bulk from Power Rangers.

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Feels like its a little too autistic for the average normalfag to get into
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We literally just had G Witch come out, what are you talking about

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mecha is on life support. Nobody but old fucks and creepy nerds (which are a minority of the global population) even give a fuck anymore, and you'll see lots of modern mecha media resorting to shoving in waifu fapbait to attract a new audience, but none of them give a fuck about the mecha aspects anyway and only care about the girls. Regardless of that, that's pretty much the only way mecha is still somehow in the public zeitgeist, cause there's something pretty standing next to it.
Hi anon welcome to /m/, I see that you are new around here so please enjoy your stay and have a good one.
The filenames are different tho.
Despite what many will say here, mecha is very niche and most normies I know don't know a single thing about it outside of the typical Gurren Lagann/Code Gayass/Evangelion shit. I've spoken to several of them that legitimately thought "Gundam" was the name of the GENRE.

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No more brother wars.
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Some guys like them too.
iirc OP1 singer likes Miorine while the ED singer 2 likes sulemio
atleast read "female fans"

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Yeah about the halfway point sounds good, just like Drive did as well
through my plex server, of course!
It's been like one episode and wanted vengeance so bad that he got surgery with no anesthesia.
>with no anesthesia
How many people are speedwatching Gavv right now?
Yeah I misread that line but it still hurt like a motherfucker

This week's update introduces a new series that is sequel to Gundam Delta Kai's fame U.C. 0094: Across The Sky.

The MS for the week is a highly remolded Jegan Type-A2 and is one of three MS designed to demonstrate the ceremony being held at Side 7; Cannongan arrives from U.C. 0096: Last Sun.

For steam, the Autumn Festival continues with enhancement ticket step up and container pack for new and longtime players.

The MS is TR-5 [Hrairoo] outfitted with Hrududu II pack, Hrairoo-Rah II is here with Mass Production Type Nu Gundam [FF] as the next MS for gbo2 steam.

Previous thread:

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

/m/ Discord for Console/PC players, GBO and other games (RFA):

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what's the best gun to use on desert zaku {Da}? Do y'all run ranged autopart or defense autopart? I want to fuck up some acguys
Long barrel is my go to.
long barrel
all damage all the time
FUCK legs
The long barrel never seems to work for me, so I go with the magellan cannon. If somebody with maneuver armor comes for me, that's why there's the heavy stagger leg missiles.
Supportguy has ridiculous damage compared to any other 300 support. The only thing the acguys have going against them is the weird trajectory of the head missiles (if you're not boosting anyway) and generalguys playing like retards who only use the MG.

long barrel mg can stop revenuer armor level 1 in its tracks but it has ASL which can work against you at long range. Go with longbarrel for most maps and magella top for sniping on the large maps like desert/military base/abandoned city/ect

Previous thread https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/22848733/#22848733
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
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Some more stuff I've colorized at various points if anyone wants to see.
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Now streaming:
Mirai Ninja
Kamen Rider Shin: Prologue
Kamen Rider ZO
Kamen Rider J
Zeiram 2
What happened to raretokusatu?
I fucking love Metal Heroes
Finally got around to watching this youtube video. I'm glad it covered the Sega Saturn sequel, as I have never known what happened in it.
Thanks to the anon who linked it.

No? You should.
I have. It offered a good balance of worldbuilding and resolving character arcs.

A pity it hasn't gotten a BD release nor has it been in a Super Robot Wars game.
I tried to watch it a really long time ago but dropped it during the first episode because it was so boring
>aired in 2007 but looks like it's from 2002
>mogged by its younger sibling Strike Witches because panties > plugsuits I guess
>told a (mostly) complete story but insisted on an ending which could have feasibly expanded the cast in the future
>nobody has ever followed up on this potential
All in all it's a foundational title in the mecha musume genre but beyond that I found it unremarkable and rendered a neglected older sibling by Fumikane's later works.
Also I remember all the specials revolved around fishing which felt like a weird tangent. At least do an OVA or something.
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>We could've had a future with more mecha musume in mechsuits, but instead got all this strike witch/FAG/megami device/AGA robot-amputee limbs like it's fucking Galidor bullshit instead
Fuck Japan
>>aired in 2007 but looks like it's from 2002
why do zoomers say shit like this

This has got to be the least interesting and dullest Gundam cast (yet).
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Thats the entire appeal of Garrod, hes a fucking nobody and the entire show is one giant piss take on newtypes
At worst people think X is "ok" or they really like it or they think its great and better then wing cause they have a bias against Wing. Its the only show in the franchise that people have a consistent opinion because no one watched it. Every other show is in some way divisive
Yes, that's the only way someone could like a show better than >Wing. "bias"

It's true.
Nobody ever talks about X.

Sarah, did you get the required 1000 bottles of baby oil for tonights festivities? I refuse to be made a fool in front of Jay-Z again.
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Kanye West and Kim Kardashian of UC Gundam you cannot change my mind about this one.
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Ray-J is a man who could have been like a father to me!
Yeah, it's hard to argue with retardation.
Why the fuck is Full Frontal dressed like this
It's a Full Frontal Assault

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So who won in the end, Wily or Light?
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Zero has two green tits and a feminine ponytail
You didn't have to sign our post, we could all tell already.
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Nobody won. They both contributed to the robot apocalypse that almost wiped out humanity.
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Studio Hisashi.
he lean and whats with the stomach shield?
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That's the belt buckle from the scrander you twit. It's always been there.
well it's above his waist where his navel would be
Stop bellyshaming.

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Recommended Anime torrent and ddl sites:


>https://www.acgnx.se/ (torrent mirror/scraper)
>https://animetosho.org/ (eng anime, torrent mirror, subs)
>https://animk.info/xdcc/ (XDCC index)

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Anon, have you been watching those videos on youtube again? It's bad for your health, you know.
Ironic weebs don't watch anything older than about 3 years.
I've heard people say shows released in the last 10 years "still hold up" and almost had an aneurysm
And (B)u(m)p you go.
Are there any raws for Gekisou Rubenkaiser? It's not necessarily /m/, but it's an old show with Katsushi Murakami vehicle designs, so I figured I'd ask here.
Anyone got hi-res scans of the "Diaclone World Guide NEXT" Hobby Japan Mook? e-hent has it, but for some reason the gallery's hi-res DLs won't work for me and there's no torrent.

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I’ve come to make an announcement: Kamille Bidan’s a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking cyber-newtype. That’s right, he took his newtype dick out and he pissed on my fucking cyber-newtype, and he said he was a man and that his dick was THIS BIG. And I said “That's a girl's name!” So I’m making a callout post to the AEUG: "Kamille Bidan, you got a girl's name, and your dick's the size of this Dogosse Giar, except WAY smaller." And guess what, here’s what my dong looks like: PFFFFFFFFGHT. That’s right baby. All colony, no mirrors, look at that it looks like two soda cans stacked together. He fucked my fleet so guess what, I’m gonna GAS THE COLONIES. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LAZER PISS. Except I’m not gonna gas the colonies, I’m gonna go bigger. I’m pissing on the MOOOOOON! How do you like that, GRANADA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have seven episodes before the piss d r o p l e t s hit the fucking Argama, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
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Jerid you just destroyed one of the titans primary mobile suit manufacturing plants
I'm pretty sure Scirocco made this broadcast.
Jerid gets isekaied to an AU and takes up a high ranking position in one of the militaries, how badly does he fuck up?
He keeps getting humiliated in battle by a band of bandits lead by a blue-haired kid
>you thought you'd never see me again didn't you? Well too bad, I'm alive!

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