It's shit.
>>23096125It's a/m/azing.
>>23096125It’s a giga mega shit. It’s the worst Gundam series hands down
00 has the best final boss fight in the entire franchise and it's not even close
>>23100960I think their main focus with the 00 movie was>Avoiding human-like aliens.>In spite of that, some kind of peaceful resolution at the end had to be possible thanks to the True Innovator's psychic abilities.Which heavily limits what they could be.
I have mixed feelings on 00. Some of the designs, like the FLAG, irritate me to no end, and I generally don't like how thin and skeletal they are, but I like how in S1 they have exposed GN Drives. I also like how they're some of the most powerful base Gundams -- Virtue and Kyrios could blow any mobile suit that's not an obvious powerlevel bait one like Mighty Strike or G-Self Perfect Pack out of the water. I really liked Season 1's episodic structure. It felt like an MOTW show, and it had decent worldbuilding, but it was constantly trying to look a lot smarter than it actually is by overexplaining certain things, underexplaining the worldbuilding parts, and having pointless monologues (and if your anime has unnecessary monologues, it has no right to be considered smart since Show, Don't Tell is the bare minimum for smart storytelling). Season 2 was all the problems with Season 1 amplified and without any of the good parts, and the movie was a blatant GaoGaiGar ripoff (though QanT is a cool mobile suit). I have no idea why people tend to say 00 is this super smart and well-written Gundam show when SEED Destiny has been filtering everyone for 20 years. I'm not trolling -- I've spent a very long time thinking about Destiny and there's so much nuance when you dig into it. People seem to hate Destiny because they're mad Shinn didn't become the protag (and he shouldn't have), they're mad Athrun and Cagalli are confused and weak, and they don't understand that the Archangel interfering in battles isn't hypocritical but really the only option Cagalli had. Also keep in mind that I'm not a big fan of the original SEED outside the spaceships, the Bucue, the screen readouts, and the Raider.
What is considered the lewdest mecha series?
>>23093685Yeah they're always going "gulp he's right 後ろに me, isn't he?!?"
Code Geass has boobs (with nipples) and female masturbation
>>23100443>female masturbationThat's a sin.
"Upcoming Winter Updates" EditionGB4 Stuff: Event(s):Diorama Event [Theme: "Rivals"] (Period: 10/31 - 11/14)Future Events(s):To Be Announced...With all the datamined stuff having been officially released now, there's no real reason to list the old "leaked" content.¯\_(ツ)_/¯>GUNDAM BREAKER BATTLOGUE too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23048844 Here, I just started playing, controls take a bit of getting used to especially since boost and jump are mapped to the same button.Are there any control switching recommendations or is it just something you get used to?
>>23095806Just map them to something you personally find comfortable. That's it.
>>23098480What tactical advantage do the exposed armpits give? Slut.
>>23098781How dare you care her a slut
Domon's kid is cute
>>23089607What did Garrod do this time? Microwave a bunch of innocent people with the Satellite Cannon again?
>>23098296I think nobody is more suitable than the ninja herself.when it comes to training a kid to manipulate a ninja robot
>>23093771G is not gay.
>>23098377He takes the newly built Gundam X Unit 3 to protect a convoy carrying medicine for a disease that was being spread around town, without waiting for authorization from the government (since it'd be too late by then, because he knew a criminal was planning to attack the transport to steal and resell the medicine).So, he's considered an outlaw by the NUNE due to leaving with the X and the manga story ends with Tiffa catching up with him while he's planning to leave town for a while, then they go together.
>new Kamen Rider Kabuto special Why is Toei obsessed with reviving long dead toku shows for non-canon and low effort video originals? Shit man I can't even keep track of them all at this point. I checked out after that abominable OOO net movie, how much shittier has it gotten?
>>23101114Just get a new talent agency
>>23102052He did. He started his own.
>>23102122And that's why he's blacklisted. They see it as him thinking he can do better on his own than he could at his former agency, which comes off as incredibly arrogant and disrespectful.
>>231013294chan is a den of retards, average people pretending to be massively retarded and autistic geniuses that just need motivation to pursue one very specific topic
>>23101085Are you implying you think the TV series starts after that trade-off? (since you said it can be canon)
do you like them dem drills?
>>23088776Symmetrical for me, please.
Jeeg finally started to be good from episode 27 onward
>>23088776Yes, I like dem drills.
Thread for the Mechanics and World Book for SEED Freedom, which releases today.> interviews with Mitsuo Fukuda, Kunio Okawara, Kimitoshi Yamane, Takuya Io, Zenseava and Satoshi Shigeta.
Concept Black Knight designs
Okawara improves every UC grunt he touches
>>23101561>>23101557Are they supposed to look like Khan-era Mongols?
This thing was supposed to get a anime, in a unknown format, presumably reusing the footage of the mobile game, but so far there has been nothing on this, while they are working on G-Quarks and Hathaway 2. Was it quietly cancelled and Sunrise just didn't bother to say it?
What weapons did it use during the war?
>>23100833Why, my penis weenus of course = )
Expect a announcement for IBO 10th anniversary this year
>>23100833Don't know. Probably the mace and the blue arm guard, since they were found together with the barbatos, but who knows what else. Maybe it had a full suit of armor?
>>23100698They won't change his VA.
Single player Story mode trailerjapanese dub : dub : game releases in 11 days, 4 days if pre-ordered the deluxe/ultimate edition.
>>23097153>>23097154Thanks. I hope the Gasmaker plamo does happen. The kits for Synduality are cool, it just sucks that we only get two Daisyogres and that white monstrosity. It's slick as hell in the anime, sure, but it's hard to actually read what you're seeing, and I can't imagine the kit's stable with that nose.
>DAISYOGRE FIX and NOAHGAMECHANGER never got kits, fanart or anythingShit is cursed.
Holy hell, East Amasia blindsided me good. Super AIDS rain and the red Chasers spawning several Barons and rain at will? Fuck me, what else did it bring?
Survey offered in English for those interested in participated.
>>23044254Good opening.
>>23098080it was too busy vibing on the Jupiter trade route
ZZ's retarded younger brother
>>23098110Man, I think the FAZZ looks sick, but I don't get why so many people hype it up so much. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's still really nice, especially with the beam bazooka, but is it really cooler than the S or the Ex-S? Or the Xeku series? Or the MkV?
>>23098702FAZZ is known for sheer volume
Post cute girls with mecha bits attached.
>>23101244now that everyone's talking about dolls nests do you think i can like mecha musume art on bsky without people judging my taste in women
Asian Beauty EditionPrevious thread: >>22885089-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL>Rare Tokusatsu Blog>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)>Big tokusatsu google documentComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23099681PGSM was a great adaptation of Sailor Moon.
>>23099690It really was. It's got that early 2000s toku vibe to it, which is my favourite era for toku. It's when the cgi wasn't the main special effect, the suits were amazing, the budgets were good, and had just the right kind of writing/directing to be super cool.Also, I just didn't want the thread to die.I've been thinking about watching the stage show musicals, and I even downloaded as many as I could find.Just haven't watched them yet.
>>23100225Miyu Sawai was a good Usagi for an actress who was 16 during PGSM's run.
>The Tokushoutsu channel got removed from PlutoF, but also S for showing nothing but the same five Ultraman series for two months.
>>23102090Wait, why was the Tokoshoutsu channel removed?
New G Gen Eternal trailer:
>>23100710I gave it a little search and apparently just last year he was asked about Ecole du Ciel and Macross The First during a panel event. Luckily, he says he actually plans to restart Ecole du Ciel again, on the other hand apparently Macross The First will end indefinitely.
>>23101640>end indefinitelyMeant be on hiatus indefinitely
>>23097208Looking great.
>>23101566Grinds my gears that a game with the subtitle of Cross Rays had none of this shit.
>>23101566>>23102061It's kind of bizarre Genesis/Cross Rays kept the break system, but turned them into just generic grunts rather than crossover encounters. And Cross Rays even got those DLC stages in the 2nd expansion which were made up stories but they somehow still didn't use for crossovers.
>>23086925Yeah, but like, if you turn the X at *just* the right angle, it becomes a +.
>>23080025>Oh shit, rocks are falling. Get under the blanket!
>>23100573I mean, if your other option is being outright naked, you would take the blanket too. At least it would deflect small pebbles and rocks.
Are Puru clones a thing?
>>23088361>death in war isn't always glamorous or overly tragic, sometimes it just...happenWish things would stay like that.
Happy Valentine's Day Chise dear.
Martian Purus