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Previous Thread: >>22731237


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

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>it's still the most engaging of the three Nichiasa shows right now
Nope, Gotchard is somehow more engaging, which says a lot about Boonboomger.
>First series since Kira that isn't absolute batshit in either premise or plot

You just got too used to things being crazy. BoonBoom is a refresher series, a fun little traditionalist thing like going back to your grandparent's place. It's the Dragon Quest to the last three years' Final Fantasy if that makes sense.
Nope, Boonboomger is more boring than the typical Sentai show. The episodes and story are even more barebones than the usual Sentai. It's like Ryusoulger-tier dull, and even Ryusoulger had more of a story than this.

I'd rather watch shows like Megaranger, Hurricaneger, Dekaranger and Kyoryuger. You know, actually good Sentai.
>Wonderful has been pretty disappointing as a follow-up after how good Hirogaru was but on its own it's decent.
Wonderful has been real good for the past month or so, under the special condition that you're VERY into Mayu and Yuki, because since Yuki became a cure it has been almost exlcusively the Mayu and Yuki show, Komugi has been super neglected for a pink
Thank goodness for that. The dog duo are just not interesting characters is the problem and having removed any real action from the motw element makes the show kinda dull.

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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Arc now streaming on ULTRAMAN official Channel

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Kaiju/kaijin that gonna appear on upcoming episodes (right to left)
>Electric Monster, Nezudron (Episode 4)
>Kyogesui Kaiju, Revijira (Episode 5)
>Mushroom Spaceman, Alien Curoco (Episode 6)
>Underground Monster, Homgar (Episode 7)
>Virtual Monster, Internet Kanegon (Episode 8)
Hope Mefilas gives Doom his business card
If there was a Shin UltraSeven, what Kaiju and Aliens would you like to see in it?
Metron and Pandon would most likely be in it

>started watching seed
>coordinators are supposed to superior to naturals
>Naturals can somehow make better mobile suits than them
>They regularly make retarded tactical blunders and are prone to emotional outbursts
>Are too dumb to make the gundam OS work without complaining
>As soon as the earth forces get their daggers, they are equally matched and were even getting completely destroyed by the 13th until they activated the EMP
>Zaft's best commander who duped their entire military and government is literally a natural
>Got rekt by the Arab resistance because they fell for a basic trap
>The druggies are stated to be outright superior to them except for mental stability
>Fell for Alaska
>Built and aquatic suit that implodes from a single stab in water that isn't even that deep
>Literally the only reason they were winning was having mobile suits when O.M.N.I only had armours

They really aren't selling me on them, only the super special ones like Kira and Arthurn.
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On top of Earth having a much larger population and economic base. ZAFT would have been turbofucked had the writer and director not gotten off to them.
Best boys, best gendums, best theme song. It was all downhill after they died.
On the note of the Druggies: Phase Shift Armor takes up too much power on battery suits and we can't use nukes to power them because Blue Cosmos is funneling all the NJCs to missiles? Make the reactive armor version of it that only fires off when it hits, and has the added bonus of not making the suit look like grayscale ass when you're low on battery.

I don't think ZAFT ever figured that one out, since even when they're not using nuke suits (Impulse and Rising/Immortal as late as GSFreedom) they have the shift down gray.
Morgenrote is basically Orb's DARPA. They co-developed the Gundams

>Orb had to steal secrets from the EA to build the Astray prototypes
They only stole it in the sense that they weren't upfront about their intentions of creating their own MS, even though Orb painted itself as pacifistic. The Astrays weren't even officially sanctioned and caused Cagalli's father to lose his position. Phase Shift is the only thing that was a secret and completed separately right before the Gundams were shipped to Heliopolis.
>Morgenrote is basically Orb's DARPA. They co-developed the Gundams
They didn't. The setting materials specially say that Orb was shut out of development from the Gundams. They tried to steal the technology several times. It's why Orb didn't have access to phase shift technology until they recovered the Strike Gundam and the wreckage of Aegis and Blitz.

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this is what happens when you listen to realismfags
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40k brainrot
this, along with le ebin coperino cages work and worked well enough on edge cases where an almost whiffed shot that would have penetrated and killed everyone didn't because of the little added material. Sometimes rounds aren't loaded with the exact amount of propellant they should and the tracks are just enough to make sure it doesn't penetrate. It was worth it to the crews to have that extra crap on there and I guarantee every fucking dork on the internet who wants to feel so fucking smart from their armchair would pick the tracked up/caged up tank/MS going into combat because at the end of the day no fucking nerd is gonna convince me or you not to protect your life more

that being said this design sucks and is super ugly. At least add some extra weapons or smoke pods or something to make it look well used. Making it look like a piece of shit doesn't work
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Tests during the era actually proved that, in certain circumstances, it's worse than nothing. The relatively soft steel of tank treads is not only completely ineffective as armor, but when it's placed on slanted armor, it actually softens the trajectory of a shell into the armor, reducing the likelihood that the shell will bounce off or shatter and reducing the effective slant of the armor in the same way that the soft steel caps used on APC/BC shells at the time did.
This didn't stop anyone from putting them on anyways, though. But their commanders hated it.

LOL you don't get it. It's all American slop. Even your precious 0079. Even Gigantor. Even Godzilla. It all leads back to America. Japan is a mistake and needs to be nuked along with stupid America! I HATE AMERICA! I HATE IT!

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Tank Police thread
New Tank Police was not as entertaining as the first , there I said it.
Can you imagine if Leona and Noa met?

You dont have to feel guilty for saying it, its true.
There was an ancient piece of fanart I saw online that had exactly that of the two yelling at each other while in their machines, it was a crossover pic that had other characters in there as well
the ova has a jarring tone shift about halfway through. it almost stops being a comedy anime for a significant part of the series and it just kind of happens without warning. kind of gave me whiplash. feels ghost in the shell but further into the future and everyone's retarded kind of like idocracy. maybe the bacteria ate everyone's brains.

it's all rather haunting and surreal for a gag anime.

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Knock offs, unlicensed, and Z-grade /m/

I’ll start off with two of the all time greats.
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Thats Caligulus to you, fuckboy
These threads used to get a hundred pics by now, is /m/ really that dead?
I had one as a kid, youre not missing out on anything, the propeller barely moves the thing in water
It's summer, a lot of anons from /m/ are outside partying and having crazy sex.
Intelligence agencies had some success in making the boards uninteresting, their stated goal.
lol this

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New releases on Mondays (usually)

New ED
Perfume collab (really)
Hotel collab (yeah)

Previous talk

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The cynical adult in me thinks they are subliminal advertising for Beyblades
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Rumor has it we're losing the Hikari Rail Star too. Along with the Doctor Yellow.

>Diorama mode is JACKED
>Chaos, Abyss, Gaia, Dong Zhuo Providence (I HAVE NO MORE USE FOR LUO YANG), GM II Semi-Striker announced
>2nd ONT the first week of August
>5 missions, 28 kits, full diorama mode

Oh yeah. I’m thinking Kino. Your hopes for GB4?

Recap of todays steam:
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Because it's a minor and often overlooked seed destiny suit that gets it's shit wrecked unceremoniously, not to mention the gunpla of it gets reprinted very rarely.
Wait it was popular in GBM? How'd that happen?
This seems to be the problem plaguing this game, a bunch of shitheels that never watch anything from the actual series. If you did you'd know that saviour was an absolute jobber that no one cares about but 'muh events' means it's a real shoe in. Who cares. People want recognisable, unique gunpla not some shitter meta event builds.
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I just want the R-Gyagya to mix it with a Tallgeese.

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Why does every new Evangelion announcement feel like an insult?
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The Star Wars fandom is awful but I don't think their problem is being pretentious
Evangelion was always an insult.
Disney took that away from us when they replaced her with a middle aged live action nog.
Evafags take their shitty franchise way too seriously
>someone buys eva merch
>evahaters: HEH, see? it's not as deep as you thought it was eh?

>someone says eva merch is dumb
>evahaters: HEH, you take this shit too seriously

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Knights of Sidonia
Did the anime finish adapting the manga?
I recall watching the first season all the way back when it was one of the first netflix 'originals'
There was a movie last year.
Instead of another season, we have got a movie, but that's about it.

Damn Haman looks like THAT?
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Nach Nagalas, Zeon de Ash, Doom adu'Zmer'glars. (Zeon dialect- It's over, Zeon has fallen, billions must die)

I thought Zeon as conservative and brave space samurai like Ral, Norris, Misha, Gato, but when did Zeon turned into diverse and inclusive goons, instead of stoic and brave space samurais?
Korshala Deikun...(Zeon dialect: until we meet with Deikun..)
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No way that Zeon is that woke. I thought Zeon as conservative space samurai like Ral, Norris, Misha, Gato...
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We've been over this already faggot
kill yourself bikini schizo
Why do people do that?

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Ganbari Edition

>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>The link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly Xenia link
>Pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3

>Models for all Gen 1 parts

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Me too. The english VA did a 10/10 job

Snailteus is my favorite mission
t. frog
yeah it's kinda for insane people
Playing on 1.2 reg?
You should play 1.0 instead imo.
FA went through a lot of iteration from patch to patch and they ultimately settled in a good place. You feel faster and can do more with your energy but also feel like you're more in control even when the world's a blur.
The problem with Freud is his AC sucks and he is easily defeated. Despite being top of the arena Rokumonsen is tougher than him.

So how good are his skills then really? Keep in mind that he's also responsible for designing his AC to his exact specifications. They fucked up with Freud

Post ships you just think are cool (east or west)
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lol the original looked like shit, brother. OG Galactica looked like someone hotglued a bunch of legos onto a hand vacuum. I don't think the cylons looked good in either version, though
I love the bricc.
Makes me wonder, are there any ships that look like an asteroid?
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Post zams
appreciate zams
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This is truly what peak performance looks like
The Jegan is probably the EF's way to buy Anaheim's loyalty so they wont' go around sponsoring anti EF movements. They did anyway though
hahahahaha like what if it was called the "freak-defenser" and was really freaky haha what would that be like
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Jezam when?

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How come Hizack doesn't get any love like any other grunts? Is it because it's a literal Zaku clone?
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I'm pretty sure Mark mentioned once on mechatalk that magnet coating just became an industry standard after a certain point, which is why it's never referenced again after Zeta.
They did. It's in UC Engage >>22745830
Is this the only time we see a visor suit killing another visor suit?
>it was common for the grunts of that era to have gundarium alpha or gamma armor,
That doesnt matter when you make your armor paper thin to save weight. After the OYW, they made armor thin as way to make the suit more agile to avoid getting hit by beams. Consequently, machine guns and physical weapons became somewhat viable again. Not to mention machine guns and ballistics also saw improvements after the OYW to help counter new armor materials.

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