I know remakes are basically poisonous to most people now, but I honestly feel like this is the kind of show that could really benefit from one. You've got a pretty great story that's really only held down by mild pacing issues and some really really low budget animation. Don't think it'd take much to fix it up and make something really amazing.
>>23133445Considering modern remakes just take old media and make it extremely gay with meme-tier atmosphere and writing
Just no.
>>23133720Not entirely sure what you meant by posting this since Tekkaman Blade just looks like shit unlike the old hxh.
>>23133445I remember the episode where Blade and Evil fought for the first time since he got Blaster Mode having unusually high animation quality and weird that save any of the quality for their final battle
Now I want to play Tatsunoko VS Capcom
>>23135028That's basically just asking for FORCE with MARZ' Story mode, which isn't much better.
>>23135046Do you understand the difference between concept and execution?
>>23135061Do you understand Sega's incompetence?
>>23135070>never dream, everything will always be shit!Kill yourself already.
>>23134944Thanks for clearing that up. It looks like AM3 tried to keep a few of their series around during the X360/PS3 era with Virtua Tennis and Sega Rally but those franchises were also iced by Sega after that generation and shuttered up AM3.
Am i literally just retarded or is the Revil campaign just impossible even on normal or easy? what the fuck am i not getting????
To anyone playing the game through the translation patch and Emulator here is a patch/cheat for the colonies not adjusting their income value to their proper values for Part 2 for EFSF and Zeon._C0 Side 1 Fixed_L 0x20FB24C4 0x000001C2_L 0x20FB24C6 0x00000064_C0 Side 2 Fixed_L 0x20FB2536 0x00000190_L 0x20FB2538 0x00000064_C0 Side 4 Fixed_L 0x20FB261A 0x000001C2_L 0x20FB261C 0X0000004B_C0 Side 5 Fixed_L 0x20FB268C 0x0000015E_L 0x20FB268E 0x00000064
Also for the sake of proper testing I was able to modify the Elmeths bits onto the Char Aznable Gundam. Still needs a little work though since while it does do damage it does not show up in proper animation.
>>23131903Speaking of patches, this adds a Psychommu to the Z and ZZ Gundam to simulate the bio sensors. It's necessary because both Kamille and Judau cannot fully use their abilities with Z limit a 200 and ZZ at 195. _C1 Z Gundam with Psychommu_L 0x00166A2A 0x00000010_L 0x00166A7A 0x00000010_L 0x0016BA7A 0x00000010_L 0x0016BACA 0x00000010_C1 ZZ Gundam with Psychommu_L 0x0016BC0A 0x00000030_L 0x0016BCAA 0x00000030
>>23131371This guy more or less understands how to do it, the only other bit of advice is that the MP Guntank is an early workhorse as early Zeon suits while they trounce vehicles still get melted by MP Guntank stacks, especially with their super low movement over most terrain types.
>>23132012Care to provide the code? May help with testing, but the problem in modding the Elmeth is the sprite size difference compared to MS which interfere with thing like the MA stacking mod which tends to work well only with things like the Bigro and the Zakurelo.
Gamera REBIRTH is coming to television, getting newly edited and the 6 episodes will be split in two, making them into 12 episodes. Yeah it's really nothing much, but I guess it's something. Maybe we might get Season 2 from this? :/
>>23134932Honestly? I just want longer Kaiju fights with more creativity
>>23135023Seshita mentioned he initially did have the fight scenes be longer but cut them down for time somewhere, i think there is evidence of this as the initial trailer featured a shot of one of Gamera's fireballs flying towards Gyaos that's not in the finalized show.
>>23135147Damn because the animation in this shot looked better
>>23135147Kinda feel like each fight should’ve had more of a flow
>>23135147Is it just me or does some of this footage have way better shading
If possible, if Scirocco from Zeta was called 'The man from Jupiter' and also (possibly) sent by the forerunners of the Jupiter empire to collect Minovsky energy and also weaken the cohesion of the Earth Federation and its sphere of influence among the colonies, then would you say that Challia Bull was also more of the same but only a precursor to that idea that was brought upon in Zeta?Seems like he was too cut out for his job working for Zeon and looked like the type to be a better leader than Char for Neo-Zeon had he survived.
>>23135141Stealing back helium-3 from the Earthsphere's strategic stockpile after already giving it to them just seems like extra steps when they can just suspend shipments in the first place.But I guess that opens the door for Narrative-level shenanigans of potentially blowing up the Earthsphere.
>>23135149>But I guess that opens the door for Narrative-level shenanigans of potentially blowing up the Earthsphere.Exactly, because that's what the Jupiter empire would want. They're the type of organization that would want to claim supremacy over all spacenoids in the cosmos.
>>23135109it's G-Quacks or Sieg Axe
>>23135137Don't forget the cold war between Zeon factions.In other words, typical Zeon state of being.
>>23135080No because Scirocco is Amandara Kamandara from L-Gaim.
Jinrouki Winvurga has something for everyone, be they typical /a/ or /m/ fans, or full blown woke (((modern))) audiences!It is a tale of a woman who has everything taken from her by horribly evil misogynists, and now she fights against the evil misogynistic empire along side her fully sentient giant robot. Best part is that this isn't some misandrist man-hating drivel. Nope, despite everything that happens, our heroine believes in true equality between all peoples, and is fighting for peace.Full translation of the manga is on mangadex if you have never heard of this masterful work. A true second wave (ie real) feminist story. Really a tale of egalitarianism.Oh, and really well done mechs.
>>23135266Never.The Jinki anime was already cucked and tame. No way they are letting this one go intact.
>>23135276It isn't any worse than redo of healer, and the messaging is WAY more mentally healthy. That anime was celebrating a sadistic rapist. In this, the protagonist fights against the sadistic rapists.
Why were Roundfacers constantly called Soltics instead of their regular names? No other Combat Armor got this treatment it's just so bizarre.
>>23135170Soltic is the company that made the Roundfacer along with the Mackerel.The Roundfacer is Soltic's main combat armor making it the face of the company so soldiers call it the Soltic.Or at least that's my guess.
>>23135170It's like how people would call all Soviet planes "MIGs" or calling all German tanks panzers. Soltic was just a catch all term. That's my take away at least. It's been a long time since I've seen Dougram, but iirc a lot of those non Roundfacer Combat Armors were brand new machines right? Could've been a case where the Roundfacer was so omnipresent in the federation's stock of weapons that Soltic stuck as a nickname. Like calling your gun a Colt or HK rather than using the full model number.
I just wanna more mecha games with no "ifs" and "buts"They don't have to be AAA-budgeted or have insane level of polish.B-tier shit like Gundam Breaker 4 or indies like Mechaknights Nightmare is fucking perfect.Having Armored Core once a decade is just a moment to celebrate.I don't want mobile games, service games, mmos, fucking weird ass JRPGs where mecha gaemplay is like 30%, like what is even the point.Am I asking too much?Just gimme more normal mecha games.Annual Gundam and SRW games are fine too, I guess, but I want more variety.
>>23134461>pickle on burgerthe only vegetable that belongs on a burger is an onion- grilled or mixed directly into the patty>mayo on friesseriously- the fuck?>Diet Cokeagain, the fuck?>the fuck even is a dessert burger>>23134594>Metal Wolf Chaosthis game plays like EDF if the devs took the Ranger, Wing Diver and Fencer and tried and failed to Frankenstein them together into one singular uberclass
>>23133289You drive a war machine around an open world fighting other war machines while frequently getting out to repair and upgrade your machine with parts you salvaged from the other machines. The only thing missing is that it's a tank instead of a mech.
>>23134733>The only thing missing is that it's a tank instead of a mechThat's the most important bit for me. I want a big stomping warmachine, not an armed moon buggy.
>>23134461based>>23132671Make the game I'm already making, by accident, because we're in a hive mind
>>23116487It's needs a lot more work, but what's there is quite fun already.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO_aAg_wiMQThere's a surprising lack of mech games like Brigador where you get to actually pilot one and blow shit up, at least on itch.io. Most of the games under the mech tag are lame visual novels or unironic RPGmaker games about being depressed.
It's still February.
Cags forever
Why does Gundam have such a hardon for colony drops? Why also does the O'Neill 3 seem to never show up anywhere else?
>>23134215You can just watch The Origin.
>>23134221No, I want pre GTO. GTO is mired in the rise of Zeon and the shift towards mobile suits, I want to see what UC was like BEFORE that. Zeon Zum Deikun didn't come up with his ideology in a complete vacuum and the Earth Federation didn't just suddenly start fucking with colonies in response to Contolism. Also if we were to do early UC I would like to see it actually be UC, not alt UC like GTO/TBolt/GQuuuuuux stuff.
>>23134226That would just be vaguely sci-fi but otherwise totally conventional warfare. Even Origin had to spice things up by introducing Guntanks early.
>>23128025Because veering away from that formula would cause the franchise stock to dip.
>>23134280>That would just be vaguely sci-fi but otherwise totally conventional warfareIt would be that but in the UC world with contolism and newtype theory looming on the horizon. If you read what I initially responded to, it was a post about Tomino complaining that writers working in Gundam don't have new ideas and just keep doing shit like colony drops for nostalgia hits, it would be up to the writers to not make it just vaguely sci fi and show us a window into the world.
https://nyaa.si/view/1944225https://www.inka-subs.net/2025/03/armor-hunter-merowlink-mellowlink-5-8.htmlEpisodes 5-8 of the classic 1988 OVA set in the VOTOMS universe.If you're confused about the spelling of the main character's name, read more here:https://www.inka-subs.net/2024/11/mellowlink-vs-merowlink.html
>>23133643Yeah, but the subs weren't exactly great.
>>23134164I mean...they didn't write Merowlink...so they couldn't have been that bad...
>>23134071You're obviously not responding seriously, so I'm not participating in this thread anymore.
>>23134071It's BOTTOMS actually.As in Chirico takes it in his ass.
>>23133515VOTOMS episode 3
Damn, Clare really hit puberty in Vifam 13, huh?
>>2313517813-15 is when most of the drastic physical changes occur during puberty so, yes.
God I'm old as fuck.Today marks 25 years since Gundam Wing premiered in the US. There's really nothing more to say about how mediocre the series how, yet how perfect it was for the audience at the time, and while I'm sure that the younger folks here don't give a fuck (understandably so), let us have this day of nostalgia.Can we get some old time, feel good stories from the hype train that was Gundam Wing and the early 2000s Gundam craze it started?I discussed "badass" scenes and episodes with kids on the playground. I scoured the Gundamofficial.com website to learn about the show and model kits. I got my first kit (1/144 Wing Zero) after a doctor's appointment. A friend of mine was also into Gunpla, and we somehow preordered the HGUC RX-78-2 back in 2001, after spending an afternoon playing Gundam Battle Assault.I taped Endless Waltz, and anxiously tried to pause and resume the recording between commercial breaks so as create a seamless recording ( I recently unearthed this VHS, and I apparently had overwritten it with an airing of Rebirth of Mothra 2 from the Scifi Channel).I traversed Gunpla websites like Newtype Asylum, and dreamed of the day I could afford an airbrush to learn the Max Technique.I followed the news on 0079 coming abroad, having read about every other Gundam series over and over in a Gundam Wing pojo magazine knowing so much more was on the horizon - wondering if we would ever see it all.Every series that was to come felt like a blessing, and I know I'm not alone in saying that we waited weeks, months, and years between the VHS/DVD releases, which would be monthly at best. The cost was orders of magnitude higher than it is today, but it didn't matter in the beginning. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23134991At least the first example of the machine guns is definitely dubtitle nonsense. The other examples I'm not so sure, and unfortunately I don't think we'll ever get a more literal translation outside of some autistic armchair guy somehow getting his hands on Japanese transcripts and then translating it himself or paying someone to do it.
>>23135054Gundam is in a way better position in the west than its ever been thanks to the entire catalog being available and Bandai deciding to finally care about the US again or more specifically SEAmonkeys.It'll never be as popular as DBZ then again few things ever are but the notion of going to see a Gundam feature in American theaters was a luxury that didn't exist decade ago.
>>23135054If it makes you feel any better, DBZ and Gundam are the top 2 moneymakers for Bamco, for the last decade or so they switch between #1 and #2 for sales depending on the year and what media (games, movies, etc) are released
>>23135054>>23135099The thing is the media world is so much different now. Cable TV is dead, monoculture is dead, and anime itself is much, much bigger in the West than ever before. Let's be real, Gunpla is the true indicator of Gundam's success, and Gunpla is so much more available than it was even back then that the franchise's success is clearly far above what Wing was back then. It doesn't feel that way to us but it's true.
>>23135054>There was a time pre pokemon where the big three anime to Americans were DBZ, Wing and Sailor Moon
>renowned zeon oyw ace>young and blonde>pilots red mobile suits>disappearsthis might be the laziest character ever created for fiction. and why has every manga author jumped on his bandwagon as if he his creation was actually a good idea and included him in everything? why not just use char?? absolute pointlessness
>>23134010imagine getting filtered by the Zeon Propaganda Bureau
>>23134010Johnny Ridden is Char if he actually lived up to the hype.
>>23134715FOOL! The WHOLE POINT of Char is that he doesn't live up to the hype. In the latter third of 0079 he's made to look like a goofy fool numerous times. In Zeta he feels lika a "clown" when trying to live up to people's expectations. In ZZ, his sister would rather him dead than for him to follow any arbitrary expectations from the "Cosmic will". In CCA part of his motives is about how he followed others expectations but still got burned by them (partially because he didn't live up to expectations).
>>23134010His point was to fertilize Kycilia, but with her death he kinda lost one.He better do it in GQuuuuuuX.
>>23134715>>23135160I meant "Char the Red Comet," dashing Zeon ace and leader of men. Rather- Johnny is everything Zeonist propaganda wanted Char to be.
Giving Tieria a skinny Gundam that hid a large thick one was a great idea, which they executed in the worst way possible, putting the large Gundam on top of it like a hat.Were they on a tight deadline or what?
>>23134040Are you retarded?
It's essentially just an extra pre-game mode for the Seravee II and really just exists for the reveal.If I remember right it literally just loses a pistol and nothing else (besides spoilers) when the main body gets destroyed. It's not like the Serphim and Seravee I where it was ideal to have them combined or working together for full efficiency.
>>23130805His suits got progressively worse as 00 went on. Virtue + Nadeleeh were just too good
>>23134054I still haven't given up hope for a HG00 Seravee II, even if it ends up being P-Bandai. Maybe for an anniversary.
>>23134113If they were going to do it, doing it at the same time as the Zabanya and Harute final battle versions would have been the time.