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new /m/onsters
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Rush HEROs.
Lore content.
>Performage Ball Rider
>EARTH / Level 4 / Spellcaster / Pendulum / Effect Monster
>ATK 1000 / DEF 1800
>Scale 3
>Pendulum Effect
>You can only use the Pendulum Effect of cards with this card's name once per turn.
>(1) During your Main Phase: You can send 1 "Performage" Pendulum Monster from your face-up Extra Deck to the GY, then you can increase this card's Pendulum Scale by the Scale of the monster sent to the GY.
>Monster Effect
>You can only use the (1), (2) and (3) effects of cards with this card's name once per turn.
>(1) If you control a "Performage" monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.
>(2) If this card is Normal/Special Summoned: You can apply 1 of these effects.
>- Add 1 "Performage" Pendulum Monster from your Deck to your Extra Deck face-up.
>- Destroy 1 "Performage" Monster Card you control.
>(3) When your opponent's Special Summoned monster declares an attack: You can Special Summon this card from your GY.
Very nice card

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The rank 4 lock still let's them do dumb shit like Droll lock people or just end with Dweller+Raff+3-mat Deadner+the quickplay, which is enough to make basically any deck miserable.

This week's GBO2 for console and steam once again has an MS that's featured in UC.Gundam Engage that feature Psycommu weapons.

The new MS for this week is an Engage Zero implemented with Psycommu technology from Zeon's Bishop Plan; Engage Zero [INCOM-equipped Type] is here on the console version.

The MS for steam is a Fin Funnel equipped Jegan-type that can deploy I-Field Barrier; Roswell Jegan is here with a special double banner of Zaku Machinery and Zaku Machinery (EB).

6th Anniversary Pre-event has Supply Drop MS Request of the top 10 most voted MS and a soon to be announcement of the 6th Anniversary of GBO2.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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Stark jegan is a great suit what are you on about
Maybe read the entire post. I red name cowards. One of those + ranged general = never on the line. But nevermind we won in a landslide and I went 109k 4/0 as support. But the red name was useless and all he managed to do was walk in front of my shots.
I think they should just give the canonically more agile supports like GM Sniper II and Gelgoog Jaeger resist move. My idea for (most of) the rest of them would be like a nerfed version of active guard that only works against ranged attacks and has less damage reduction so its main purpose is defense against ranged stuns.
Resist move is such a shitty fucking cope band aid.
I want a part that gives your main weapon shield piercing but can only be equipped by supports and takes like 7+ low slots.

Which version of the Crusher Joe movie is the best one? The 16:9 version or the 4:3 version?
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You’re not losing anything important in the widescreen version. Project A-ko was storyboarded for widescreen. Every shot was designed with the widescreen version in mind. The 4:3 open matte version is just superfluous shit on the top and bottom.
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Open Matte is generally the better format, even if it was intended for widescreen. At the very least, both versions should be available on home release.

>is just superfluous shit on the top and bottom.

TITTIES! Seriously, the widescreen version of Beautiful Dreamer crops out some titties. I think there's enough of a case that the film should get a proper re-elease: restored deleted scenes, open matte format, color correction (it's the only Urusei Yatsura film with oddly dull washed out colors).
>Open Matte is generally the better format, even if it was intended for widescreen.

I cannot agree. Yes, the open matte is worth viewing, and it’s great to see more of the cels and background paintings, but when the film is storyboarded for widescreen, you end up with a widescreen movie where the shots look composed for the wide frame, and an open matte movie where, although the entire screen is filled, characters awkwardly occupy a smaller rectangle in the middle of the screen.

Unless you’re watching on a 4:3 monitor, the open matte version should not be the first version you watch.

>At the very least, both versions should be available on home release.

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Interesting game concept with cool as fuck mecha. Check it out.
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but is **, im an esl monkey
Hi OP.
it's amusing that attention whoring retards screaming bloody murder about shills bump this thread more than anyone they can blame on being a shill.
No not really.

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I totally loved Shin Godzilla, why is Ultraman such a huge downgrade? The first 20 minutes was amazing but after Zarab fight it felt like they tried to cram 2 more movies into the latter half. Why did Anno turn Zetton into Evangelion angel?
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>I wanted my expectations suuuubverted
Reddit take
boring movies rend to filter people
You can't even write properly, retard, fuck off
>I was expecting Anno to get all weird and Eldritch-y with Ultraman like he did Godzilla
The point of the Shin movies isn't to go "all eldritch-y" with the properties, but to create modern versions that are as true to the original idea as possible.
dowsn't change the fact that shin rider is a boring movie

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Post Suletta!
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Suletta's so cute Miomio's kit version has a better ass than Suletta...
Ha that is actually funny. You work with what you got I guess.
Made for Guel's mouth
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Can giant robots redeem isekai shit?
Aside from pic and knights and magic, what are some other instances of isekai shit mecha?
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Other than Luxion, he is pretty normal all things considered. Honestly felt his relationship with his mech was probably more of the highlight than any of his harem.
Isekai feels like kids self insert fantasy novels for depressed adults. It's like harry potter or something, "secretly you might actually be super special and important and travel to a wonderful world where everything revolves around you and you're powerful and destined for greatness" but they're so depressed and hopeless that there's this weird suicidal aspect to it as well lol
Like the common theme of this big popular fantasy is that you die and nothing in the real world ever really mattered. It's dire. It's probably also why so many of them are grimderp subversion party betrayal nonsense too, where they can't even fantasize about being reborn anywhere better lmao
And they forget about isekai part quite often too.
Let's take faraway paladin. Honestly great manga, but it works as fantasy adventure story way better than isekai, and isekai part almost not mentioned the longer you read.
Whenever reference pops up you go "oh right", and that's it.
So I feel like overall popularity gimped works of others. Since it feels they had to make thing they wanted to make as isekai to sell to those depressed adults.
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Did Escaflowne kill the concept of isekai protagonists whose quest is to find a way to return to Earth? Everybody who watches the end of the series agrees that Hitomi was crazy for leaving Van and going back to Earth. Ever since then, people get isekaied permanently, or the fantasy world becomes their afterlife. Historically, there are precedents for that too: in the Oz and Narnia series, the protagonists repeatedly travel between Earth and the fantasy world several times before it becomes their afterlife.

Are you happy that we might see them again just over a month?
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Why did "slop" become such a frequent term?
Blame Zoomer Redditors making up yet more retarded word-vomit that will be discarded in favor of yet more incomprehensible Cocomelon-esque jargon within months.
Pilot type A and B, Pronoun. To make trans enhanced person.
Last GB game was 5 years ago. Wouldn't surprise me if they went woke with ambiguous protagonist, where everyone just address you as "they/them" and it also features gay/lesbian/bisexual/ trans-am NPCs.
I could get if pilot suits are considered too minor that they aren't worth bringing back but at least put in the effort to make two separate scripts if you're going to refer to the player ffs

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TR-S [Hazel Flare] got a decal-girl before full art and I wouldn't have it any other way

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

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There are a few designs I like in it, I especially like the design of the basic Engage and Zero and a few of their variants (FA Engage is rad) but there are certainly also a lot of lazy kitbash tier designs. I really like the High Mo Kampfer but it is absolutely exactly that.
>literally just a Jegan with the Hyaku Shiki Kai backpack and the Zeta's mega beam launcher.
You're saying it like that's not the coolest shit ever. I love it when mobile suits use weapons and equipment from other suits. It's just that the renders are fugly
I both agree and disagree. Some designs aren't very inspired, but also it is cool to see basic MS using equipment from other MS, which we don't normally see to often but makes a ton of sense that it should happen a lot more in universe. With all of this equipment laying around or being produced, it doesn't make sense that we don't see more crazy combos way more often as common configurations
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Hazel Kai? Is that just another name for Hazel Custom?

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Post em. I'll start
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Dicks are for pussies, asses are masks.
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My (giant) wife.
I want to sleep on top of her boobs. They look warm and soft.
that's not a racecar cockpit, fag
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Actual bike cockpits are relatively rare, only ones off the top of my head are Dancougar Nova and the Guren. The difference is where the knees are relative to the waist. If they're ahead of the waist like Aoi here >>22696244 then it's a bike cockpit. If it's perpendicular or behind the waist like Ange >>22696318 , it's just laying down. On that note, more units need to have their snipers take a natural sniping position instead of just sitting in a cockpit upright fiddling with a joystick.

I'm amazed that they made Gundam MC pro xenophobic. What the absolute madlads Level-5 are.
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Can't forget the supposed "cell phone" gimmick, which basically made /m/ go nuclear
It never was fully released digitally so No… but I can to make some of you want with a very barebone translation
(And in case you wonder yes the Asemu card still was in)
Adding onto this, remember Uso's entire background is that he is an illegal immigrant to Earth who has to barely survive off the grid with some other child refugees. He was forced to grow up very quickly in a world that has already been ravaged by generations of war.

Setting-wise AGE is sorta similar by Gen 3, but Kio is the grandchild of the most prominent commander of the Earth Federation who prepped him his entire life to be his ultimate X-Rounder weapon. And instead of training the child-like naivete out of Kio, Flit tried to harness it by making being a pilot seem like some kind of cool video game.
I didn't really hate AGE at the time it came out, but I do remember feeling a lot of disappointment as the show developed. Ironically it's the fact that the show was too busy trying to be Gundam that made it worse for me. By that I mean it does the same thing I don't really like about Wing and SEED where a lot of the story is just a Cliffnotes retread of UC Gundam. The first few episodes where it felt like a cliche kid's show with kid hero fighting weird dinosaur alien robots honestly was a lot more fun to me. It was fairly obvious they were angling for the "it was humans all along" twist pretty early, but I was hoping it was wrong if only because it would've been fresh at that point for Gundam to just do some cliche humans vs dinosaur aliens plot. Once they started doing the obvious cliches like magic newtype girlfriends I adjusted my expectations down. This especially sucked because we just came off 00, where the second season of that show was similarly made worse by excessive Gundam metareference bukkake.

The bright spots I found in AGE were the same things you hear most people agree were cool or at least good concepts. Flit's story, Asem's section (which is immediately ruined by another needless Gundam reference). I didn't even hate Kio, I honestly found him hilarious because it just felt like he parodying the entire understanding meme. I'm still not totally convinced that wasn't the intent. And of course the action/animation was consistently decent.
One thing I love about Age is the design of the EF mobile suits, especially if we are including Shaldolls and other Madorna suits.

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How's Gundam Thunderbolt going so far?
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They're at the "last shot" moment, the gundam has lost the head and left arm, and only the head section remains of the Zeong.
They've just entered the Solar Laser array, and looking at the dead colony used to build it
Idek what the story is about anymore. Are you rooting for someone?
It was fan-service, the boss of Anaheim specifically says that they're test models and none will see any active service in 6~7 years
For this bitch to enter every "the worst deaths in anime" list, Jesus fucking Christ, and you guys complain about Nina Pendelton

>has massive daddy issues
>falls in love with her guinea pigs to compensate
>self potatoes because "war bad when I lose"
>newtype Buddah heals her
>betrays him because daddy issues
>puts his whole operation at risk
>mindwipes 16 psycho zaku pilots to kill the civilians of Zeon because "Zabis bad"
>gets startled by the laser firing ¿? and the newtype Buddah regains control
>kills him while crying like a bitch because she can't genocide
>"our Soho passed away, I shall carry his will"
Fuck Karla Mitchum, I rooted for Daryl all the time (I fucking love the psycho Zaku) but now I hope Io and his new cute sis blow them all
Where do I find translated volumes? Any mega for that?

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Alright /m/ hear me out, we already know what newtype and ctarl ctarl sex is like, but what about solenoids? An all female race that’s never seen a man before?
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What the lava scene? If so then it's implied that they have normal sex and not the shit like Newtypes can have, you just have to be borderline superhuman to withstand them when they climax.
>He doesn’t know
There was a legendary greentext a few years ago explaining what it was like, that’s the screen cap I was referring too
Wow, guess I must've missed it. Anyway, back to Gall Force, don't the girls clone themselves which is they the solenoids are all female?
Yeah that’s what they do and yet the idea of a baby completely baffles them
That's not that weird. Clones popping out of the tube fully formed (or near enough) is a pretty common sci-fi thing.

Started watching this with a friend. Honestly I was really enjoying the show until the Royal Knights pop up. Where it just becomes our team of jobbers (who are now mostly useless because only Takuya and Koji can do anything) constantly losing against these two for what is almost 10 episodes of absolute nothing happening filler that drops all plotlines until the episode BEFORE they beat them. It's a good enough show that took a massive nose dive during this "arc" which is a shame.
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Now that you mention it, I'm surprised he hasn't had any game cameos like Mameo has.
Mameo is from one of the most important and beloved games in this franchise's history, while Ryo's from a couple of games no-one really cares about. His greatest claims to fame are his appearances in 02 and Tamers, which don't do much for him. I guess that time he was Turkish was funny though
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>was an absolute nothingburger
Gundam is dead.
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En taro Deikun. Nakul afal Munzo!!! Na adan Zeon!!(Translation- Zeon dialect: For Deikun!! For vengeance of side 3!! We stand as Zeon!!)
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- COVID forced Bandai to reshuffle plans; including speeding up whatever had the most planning and production already in progress and pushing back others. Mizushima tweeted that part of the delay in getting everyone back together for the 00 Sequel was COVID and Bandai's reshuffling of projects.
- Then Bandai seems to have gone retarded and their UC Next 100 seems to only be animating in timeline order one series at a time instead of doing say, Hathaway and F90 so that both can be knocked out and on their way to Crossbone. I guess it has to do with keeping continuity, but unless they change a lot around, there isn't much that needs to be tweaked for F90 to follow up the ending of HF:The Animation.
- Then that leaves the side collabs with Netflix, Legendary, and France as something they could quickly hammer out, but the former 2 will suck and last is more like a Space Ace animated VN with quicktime responses to incoming attacks or elements.

On the bright side, Bandai did imply more SEED, more IBO, and more 00, and maybe more Witch, given they'll also focus on expanding AUs in a similar manner to OYW-era UC, with more sidestories.
I swear this is a phenomenon with young people who get into gundam for the first time. Where for a while it feels like there's a billion things to watch, then they kind of catch up and are part of the wait cycle for the first time and go "DID GUNDAM DIED?" I swear this shit happens right after every new series ends.
Same thing happens with the genre in general, there's no new big productions (that they are aware of) so they go "hurr why did the genre die?", and to some extent the same happens with anime in general, where they cherrypick a bunch of shows decades apart and say "why don't we get unique shows like these anymore? everything is isekai nowadays". Zoomers grew up in an era where call of duty, pokemon and marvel had yearly releases so they expect everything else to be just as constant.
Fucking Bandai
Never forget

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