So here it is.
Post your favourite card illust, old or new. Tokyo Plaza.
>>23088166Always been partial to this Cyberdramon artwork.
>>23088166I love everything by koki
Robot gorillas are great and all, but are there any robot Orangutans and Chimps?
>>23082552>Comet lucifer mentioned
>>23079235Beast Wars have you covered.There is Optimus Minor who is a Transmetal 2 Monkey and the much earlier B'Boom who turns into a mandrill.
>>23082552>>23088628Shocking isn't it.
>>23082551Why would you willingly out yourself as a faggot with shit taste so loudly?
>>23088415There are tons of mecha monkeys in that newish Monkie Kid theme.
Are we all ready to admit MD Geist was ahead of its time?
>>23075524Riku Sanjo delivering once more
>>23085340Explain to me what Krauser did wrong.
>>23088326I am still baffled that Ziga got axed while ugly borefest like Kaiju 8 is considered hotshit.
>>23075524Why couldn't he stop? Was it autism?
>>23075524No, it was exactly the product of it's time
It can't really do much if someone comes in from the right, can it?
>>23090870Seems like that'd be too late though once you're already hit.
>>23090871It's not like it's going to operate alone, it's a support MS. Besides you don't think the head is the only place with sensors do you?
Why is a Zaku's shield on its right arm when it usually shoots with that arm?
>>23090894covers the flank of the arm that's holding the weapon
>>23090894It was designed as a space-use anti-ship MS first and foremost In space, it charges headfirst while shooting, which means the target surface are the head and the armored shouldersGround-specialists like Gouf and Dom don't have that. Rick Dom got launched when fed MS became a thing, so no shoulder shields.
Sumika from MuvLuv Edition>New Player Guide>Artbooks, music and emulation resources>The link for the ACV xenia tutorial>ACVD-friendly Xenia link>Pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3>also look here too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>230908734Ahas much more open maps
>>23090849nvm got him with the flamethrower lfg
lads, i am going to ask a very important question that is causing me heart ache. does 4th gen not have a flamethrower?
>>23090964not that I remember, you get Kojimbo weapons instead
According to the director, X was supposed to be an anti-Gundam work, which is why it took a stand against the concept of Newtype and against the idea of Gundam being the invincible OP mech that can do anything.what do you think of his view?
>>23088165Was the manga version good? I just assumed it was bad because I find it hard to believe you can fit 39 episodes in 3 volumes.
>>23088910The manga is good and it just made the arcs shorter and axed some like the psychos arc who were made to fight DX in its debut instead.It has a tiny new portion in the ending, and an exclusive chapter for young Jamil before the colony drop.
>>23088910I think in X's case it's easy to cut arcs since they can be rather independent.That said, you do get all arcs that revolved around Witz and Roybea left out (both the "back to home" episode and the Estardo arc stuff), so they're basically just around to fight and have no real development.One good cut though are most early battles with the Frosts where they're beaten up, and also Garrod getting grabbed all the time in the last few episodes.Anyway, I say Next Prologue feels more like a continuation from the manga, because it ends with both Frosts just fine and talking about Garrod being the destined rivals, no wheelchair Shagia unlike in the anime, and they're shown to explicitly be following Garrod around which goes along them still being plotting stuff in Next Prologue. Also, DOME outright does away with Newtype powers in the manga, and Tiffa shows no newtype senses in Next Prologue.
>>23090414>Tiffa shows no newtype sensesThat just makes her a socially stunted autist!
>>23090832Tiffa was born and raised in labs. she had no social life until Jamil took her
Asian Beauty EditionPrevious thread: >>22885089-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL>Rare Tokusatsu Blog>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)>Big tokusatsu google documentComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Where can I get japanese subs of the Toei Fushigi no Comedy seasons?
>>23088792These and that Reiwa Robocon short movie are some of the recent Toei toku that somehow no one interested to subs.
>>23088968Only one season has been completely subbed... others are a handful of episodes here and there... Nanto did some episodes of Nemurin as a April Fool's joke kek. Don't know if any of the seasons are high or even on the radar of sub groups atm. Here's the only full season (that I know of) links:
I know this one guy who's really gotten into Kohan Kawauchi's shows, y'know like Gekko Kamen & Rainbowman, they actually know a fair bit of Japanese (but aren't fluent) so they can at least mostly understand them where most of us can't. Anyway, they've gone on & on to me about how they've completely changed their perspective on most toku heroes, & I gotta say it's kinda rubbed off on me. Because like, Gekko Kamen's catchphrase is, "we mustn't hate, we mustn't kill, we must forgive." A sentiment shared by Kawauchi's other heroes, & one which stands in pretty sharp contrast to your average Rider or Ultra solving 90% of conflicts by beating something up until it explodes. & don't get it twisted I love conventional toku as much as the next guy, always have always will, but like eventually y'gotta wonder if they actually set the best example for kids, right?
>>23090644Robomaru (the 2nd Fushigi Comedy) also fully subbed by Bistrot Jurer.
Macross really shows how BAD the romance in Gundam is>Macross>Characters develop their romantic relationships through actually interacting with each other>Gundam>"I had a magical space voodoo BOND with you (I have known you for 5 seconds)"Macross's romance, despite being more prominent than Gundam's, also doesn't get in the way of the big mech fights because you're not gonna worry about whether you want to date one girl or the other when you're getting shot at. Gundam's romance, especially in Zeta, is constantly getting in the way of the action because the retarded character keeps screaming "AHHHHH DON'T HURT HER STOP!!!" while waving his arms around and hindering his allies, and you start to wonder how none of the enemies are taking advantage of this by just shooting him as he spergs out
>>23090541Kill yourself tranny
>>23089185It's almost like romance is one of the main focuses of the Macross franchise and it isn't for Gundam
>>23090745I feel like Zeta especially has a focus on romance comparable to Macross
>>23089185I personally thought the love triangle was easily the worst part of the show. Firstly, the outcome of the love triangle is pretty obvious very early. But secondly and more importantly Hikaru's and Minmei's relationship doesn't actually make sense throughout most of the show. While watching it it felt like it was written by different writers who had no idea what the other writers was doing. Their relationship felt like it was changing every episode.
The best Macross romance is from 7. Because it has no romance at all.Fuck you, OP.
The next iteration of EXVS, celebrating the 15th anniversary of the series
>>23090895I was just about to make a thread about this.So yeah, Infinite Boost.No release date yet but it's scheduled to be released this year with testing being done in March.Meanwhile in Overboost, they're adding in the Todesritter and Infinite Justice Type 2 as new suits (and yes IJ has a Z'Gok form)
>>23090895console and pc port of exvs2 whennn
Stupidest mech design in the gundam franchise.
>>23087857Stupidest name for sure.
>>23090796The Xi and Penelope look like they skinned an MA and wore it like a coat
>>23090887Xi is more just ugly because of its early minovsky flight system and being full of missiles, but Penelope quite literally is a Gundam wearing a MA as a coat.
It's over, Gundam is American now.
>>23090865By that logic they can never intervene again once the countries get better at fighting them since they might get captured. It's a risk they have to take because they have to response to provocations or else their message is useless.
>>23090878No. All it means is change their tactics. Attack the bases of the enemy. Strike unexpected military tactics to stop them from producing more mobile suits. Don't just walk into a battle zone where you are out numbered and make matters worse by splitting up.
>>23090880Again that goes against their MO. They show up like boogeymen when countries are making military moves to beat them up and scare them into not doing that anymore. Reactive not proactive. They're not trying to win a war against the Earth just make them not want to commit acts of war anymore.
>>23086157YuriGODs fucking WON!>>23086208>Not a single Gundam made since Gundam Wing had ever achieved the same TV ratings or appeal in the West. Erm... Witch from Mercury???
>>23090893>Erm... Witch from Mercury???Terrible gunpla sales. The people who watched the show didn't give AF about supporting it and buying the merch.
Previous Thread: >>23083819>List of subbed series>Direct Download Links>/krg/ archives>RideChemy Card DatabaseComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23091011If it's so kino why is it making you throw up? Use that reaction pic correctly, retard.
Gayest show since build
Someone actually did itThis cost as much as a CSM
新企画『キューティーハニーNova』始動!ホビージャパン55周年 イベントで 高峰ナダレ 氏による描き下ろしの「キューティーハニー」を初公開。続報をお楽しみに!【月刊ホビージャパン55th ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL】・開催日/10月23日(水)~10月27日(日) ・会場/AKIBAカルチャーズZONE 4階
>>23086775>They are not going to make a gacha cutie honey game. The audience is not there for something so obscureOh, anon. You have no idea about the power of pachinko...
>>23078322>>23086775>>23087663The thing that makes me think "OVA to promote a toy line" is that Hobby Japan in involved.
>>22902729Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males. Please be yuri. Please have no males.
>>23087673They did Mazinger ZEST that was published in their magazine and had a model kit released. I assume this'll be the same thing.
Previous thread:>>22987758(Recently opened donation page)Kofi donation page: campaigns: is gas4llspacen0ids to access page.(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]Character set: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23081702Wait did Fa not die? I swear she died at some point.
>>23081738And last I remember (before seeing Fa caring for Mineva's body and interacting with Mashmyre), Scimille had kidnapped her with Rosamia at the end of the three-way at Axis.
>>23078552This was a great run. I would suggest a Puru reunion epilogue.
>>23078552[Report: Colonel Adol Zeno]>While surviving the final engagement against Buran Blutarch's insurrectionist in the Chinese mainland, Adol would suffer severe damage to his spinal cord. Utilizing medical breakthroughs developed from the India research facility, Adol would manage to maintain full functionality over his body, though he would become dependent on nervous system stabilizing drugs. Despite being initially served dismissal orders over his injuries, Adol would be granted a special position supervising newer Officers assigned to the Manhunting efforts on Earth. By U.C 0100, the man would reach the rank of Colonel, along with being the architect of dismantling numerous "Pro-Terra" terrorist organizations forming across the Earth with the intentions of attacking the colonies. [Report: Chairman Chuck Keith]>Working alongside Gopp and his contacts, Chuck Keith would legitimately secure a position as the Chairman of the revised Federation Security Council. While reports of budget embezzlement would constantly circulate, mostly being pointed to the construction of Mobile Suit museums and developing private properties for those still authorized to live on Earth, Keith would be viewed favorably by the Federation public for his actions. Be it for his political career, or his own wifes insistence, Chuck would sire over thirteen children.[Report: *REDACTED* Kou Uraki]>Through negotiations levied by Chuck Keith, Kou and his family would be returned Von Braun to maintain their scrap operations being utilized to place pressure onto the nearly bankrupted Buch Concern. While Kou would find some peace, nightmares would remain of his despised rival, Anavel Gato, and the woman who had betrayed him many years prior, Nina Purpleton. Eventually revealing the truth of Kelley Layzner to his adopted son, Kou would be forced to leave his wife and child to find Kelley Junior as the young man vanishes to form his own band of vigilante's to hunt Zabist remnants.
>>23089395Sorry if I missed it earlier, but what did happen to Nina?
Single player Story mode trailerjapanese dub : dub : game releases in 11 days, 4 days if pre-ordered the deluxe/ultimate edition.
>>23089497>people complaining before the patch that the big update with a new map is just the existing maps stuck together>patch comes out>it's even worse, you go from having two maps to having oneHas player count already gone down so far they're forcing people together?
>>23089497Anything interesting with the rare resources? If it's just high-tier cradle materials we still can't make cradle parts with, I can't say I'm truly excited. Do enemy spawn locations change? Like is Lake Lazulum still all Incubators and Gazer Barons and the odd Crawler Rogue?
>>23089611This probably was done as a way to balance things anon, and they might add another map later>>23089615It's part usable for crafting and also crystals of higher qualities
Depressing thread to read through, mecha videogames are just cursed somehow.
>game crash>now your waifu come back raped, bruised, and burned damn I'm seething