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We need more mecha medias that are not about war or fighting
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Its not really mecha but try giving space brothers a watch. Actually a really great series about a car engineer trying to become an astronaut like his brother. It goes into a lot of the technical stuff involved with space travel and becoming an astronaut.
Years ago I watched through a lot of episodes of it before realizing the whole series was 99 episodes long and dropping it. I was working security at the time and was afraid it'd literally bore me to sleep. I had to watch something else to keep from nodding off.

And since I made that last post I tried and dropped Atom: The Beginning at episode 4. I didn't even realize the anime ended 7 years ago, but the manga is still going. It's obvious in hindsight when it's 12 episodes and more than half seem to be filler.
Watch Daiguard.
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They're still fighting as a monster of the week plus logistics and paperwork.

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For me it's the Kyojun fuck the Zenith
How does the future of the franchise look
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Fuck off they stabbed me in the back on Wander Arts.
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I want to hope it at least updates missile attacks to be more like FM2R instead of being treated as a sprite following terrain, and expands the number of usable Wanzer parts, including some of the niche Experimentals such as the Kodomari prototype at Taal Base (I like its bulbous torso) or the funny prototype Wanzer used by the defective Imaginary Number (the one with a dunce-cap head and a boxy body).

I'd also love for FM2089 to get remade one more time and added to PC also.
Probably just emulate it with some custom plugin. They've done it before with ports of other games so i don't see why they wouldn't do it for FM3.
Don't lose hope, /m/an.
How many fucking times do I need to restart FM2R just to get a proper surrender? Game fucking crashes every time an enemy does wave the white flag.

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This is it, this is the year macguyver comes back
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Worf's debut series is him losing physical confrontations and being told to shut up despite being right when the crew encounters a problem.
random thing I realized during my recent reading through of the manga, for whatever reason Chronos never seems to process into a Zoaform anyone who's a woman, only time we see a woman who's undergone the process is Griselda, hard to say if there's supposed to be anything intentional about this or just sheer coincidence since it never gets brought up
They wanted soldiers so using men exclusively is a no brainer choice. It is also a sentai show so all the mobs being guys is just tradition.
Sure, why not
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Thanks Dad! And this was after we already saw Guyver 2: Dark Hero on the Sci-Fi Channel.

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I'm going to waste all day watching Wing.
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I guess the showrunners really didn't care about Quatre and Trowa given that their "customs" are almost the same thing except with some extra verniers and guns. Heero got main character status, they knew Deathscythe was the coolest design they came up with, and Wufei I guess was the "rival" of the team even though the show already had like 2 other candidates.
Alpha 1 goes from base TV > upgraded TV > EW designs, F Final also had the WZC as a secret despite not doing EW.
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And for those of you who don't want to shell out to scalpers for the HG Deathscythe Hell, you have an alternative mirror universe version of it from Gundam Breaker Battlelogue which is fairly available if you want that. Not the same thing of course, but probably one of my favorite designs from the whole Build type of shows.
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I have built a shitload of Gundam Wing kits. I use them all the time in SRW because I think they look cool. I've never watched the show.
Yeah that's the image I was thinking of. Thanks anon.

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Why did Yamato 2199 succeed whereas DNT failed?
They just wanted it more.

been watching over the past year the first series and am on ep 23, its good. never watched any gundam shit before but when i was tryna get into it everyone fucking says
this may just be my literal autism but i like all the music tracks and dont mind them repeating, i watch the action scenes on 1.5 speed sometimes so the lack of movement doesnt come off (i go back to normal speed for non action).
its good, im having a good time, and people need to get off this shows ass
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Where do these 12 year olds learn about 4chan and why don't they just stay in reddit?
That certainly puts you above zommers that watch entire anime or movies sped up but its still no good. You would be able to appreciate the tension the action scenes create if you watched it on normal speed, which contributes to Gundams darker tone and more grounded setting where battles arent framed as flashy exchanges of blows but life and death situations.
The action is slow because they're slow lumbering metal machines marching around a battlefield. You're not getting fast-paced Naruto fight scenes on purpose. Just watch them as intended.

At least you are UC master race and not an AU mook
>everyone fucking says
they are retarded, 0079 is better than most gundam shows.
>i watch the action scenes on 1.5 speed sometimes
don't do this, gundam regularly integrates fights with important character interactions and plot points, you will miss out on important shit.

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Japanese fans have spoken.
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Your post doesn't even make sense.
It wouldn't make sense to a retard.
It's super gay so yeah. Despite the cute girls being there as bait.

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ITT we post mechanics and schematics on ships.
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Like RDMoore. And I HATE him.
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The ships operate in atmosphere as well as space.
>Additional velocity imparted onto the small craft while using minimal additional reaction mass is bad
>why yes I do have no taste

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Holy shit why is this show so goated
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This thread fell off hard frfr :skull:
Can we just discuss the show instead of throwing a tantrum?
maybe in a year when a proper thread for it pops up
I lost interest in discussing with you redditors anyway

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I've been waiting for 3 years already!
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Turns out the UC next 100 project was named that because it'd take 100 irl years for it to amount to anything.
Tomino is amazing at writing women.
Best kind of sluts. I fucking hate women that act all prim and proper when they're secretly massive whores. Sincere sluts are typically the closest thing to a woman that is able to be friends with a man you'll ever find.
>did Mafty actually get any of the seven Federation ministers in the hotel or was that entire operation for nothing

I think they got the wrong building
I only watched it the one time. But didn't Kenenth move them secretly? And it was a trap to lure Mafty out

What's the best speech in all of /m/dom?
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I'm not sure I want to listen to that scoundrel.
That man looks like he has an eight pack.
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Everything Rau says in Mendel or while in the Providence.
Quiet, let the man talk!
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I like Zeonic Front's version of Gihren's speech at A Baoa Qu. It's the most firey redition of it and it does the cool Hitlery rhetorical thing where he starts out low and the intensity gets ramped up as it goes on.

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So I read an article recently while I was in a hospital waiting room about Tomimo talking about humanity living in space. He's always wanted to protect tje envious and nature but he also seems to be of the mind humanity can't live in space, seems G-Reco's showing of humans growi.g weK and weary I'm space was him trying to before true to his feelings. Here's the article but Iote 3ant to see what the rest of you tjo.l in how these feelings asked Tomimo's work and how you all feel about the prospect of humans livi.h in space.

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Large space stations become colonies once they start to become self-sufficient. Ex: setting up gardens/farms that produce enough surplus to allow for growth in population, building facilities that produce equipment or parts needed to maintain/expand the colony as needed.
At least you have something in common.
What would be the best crop for an early space colony? Tomatoes? Corn? Carrot?
Idk what's the easiest crop to grow, also wouldn't you need a variety of crops for nutrition and crop rotation or something. How the hell does farming work.
Iean obviously you wantore than one crop I'm just wondering what one would be easiest to try in space ya know?

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ITT Digimon you wish existed but just don't. I'll start. Troiamon, an ultimate/perfect level digimon that looks like a cross between a horse and a tree.
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Then how come we have another Digimon thread that's been going on for a while? Face it, Digimon is /m/ now. Let the meme die already.
Post in that thread then.
Go suck-start a shotgun.
Like you've never wanted a digimon that filled the niche.
Not /m/.

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But... that's bullshit?
Obari as the new Kinnikuman opening's animation director.
30 years since Obari's Fatal Fury The Motion Picture was released
Oh, so that's why his avatar is Terry Bogard.
And Mai Shiranui is his waifu.

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A thread dedicated to this unsung hero.
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Americans don't have souls so they can't be fans of anything.
you being a sperg is more annoying
Fuck off tourist
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