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This woman is fucking perfection.
How is it that she wasn't used anywhere else?
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she got reincarnated
>make a gundam for newtypes
>pick an oldtype to test it
What did the feddies mean by this?
The Federation didn't have access to Newtypes beyond Amuro Ray nor did they have a genuine understanding of how to best utilize Newtype abilities in their Mobile Suits, that's why the Alex is just an overall high-performance mobile suit rather than using any Newtype-based weaponry.
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Posting Chris on V-day

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Are there any other shows or novels that are fantasy mecha? So far, I've only seen Escaflowne and Frame Gride.
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>I did like that they put thought into the setting with the small desert city-state using what little resources they have to deal with a massive invasion
Dude if you wanted that, just read Frank Herbert, you sick fuck.
That art look so amateurish.
IMO it looks like they hired a gachapon artist, so go figure it looks like slop.
The manga started last year

Has this game been translated? It looks right up my alley.

So, we got approval to make a new IP, and secured a contract with Goodsmile to make our toys, so now what should we do with Steel Colossus: GALLATEA? Our deadline is summer 2026.
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A spinoff like that might boost sales for the whole line, even!
Don't worry, we can just have the woman rape the resident femboy mechanic and succeeds. Let's one up Tomino on FoM rape.

Also we need get into contact with the gaiji--erm, gaikokujin on finding a good sponsors. I'm a little shakey on the sponsor >>23095617 got us.

We also need to think about the gattai sequence for one of the mechs. Do we make it look quasi-realistic or just keep it highly fantastical?

We also got to figure out how many episodes we should go for. Hopefully not too much, don't want bleeding hearts complain about our poor animate mules.
>We also need to think about the gattai sequence for one of the mechs. Do we make it look quasi-realistic or just keep it highly fantastical?
Realism is for normies, save that for the startup/launch ritual!
>We also got to figure out how many episodes we should go for. Hopefully not too much, don't want bleeding hearts complain about our poor animate mules.
The sweet spot is ideally 18-25 or 2 cours, plus maybe a tie-in film. We need enough for those merch sales, and the standard 8-12 miniseries ain't gonna cut it.
FMP season 5 was better
Did we hire you? Because you're fired if we did, effective immediately. I expect your desk cleared out by tomorrow morning, otherwise GTFO of my office!

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what's the horniest gundam series?
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This is the correct answer.
>raping language
Language is animate now?
according to anon it is
This picture is certainly animating muh dick.

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Are they the baddies?
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I have no clue what any of that means.
Are you ok anon?
no, but neither are the mods if all they do now is leave shit like this up.
Shit like what? You keep complaining about "the mods" in every thread.
I should have prefaced that I'm not that anon, I was merely chiming in, but yes I do complain about the lack of proper moderation, but only because it's true.

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You better flag out.
You better not fight.
You better not die, I'm telling you why.
Santa Felsi's foaming tonight!
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Please pray to Felsi tonight.
I think a common thread with the best mecha designers is that they aren't just 'mecha designers'. They have interests outside other mecha franchises and draw on them.
Kawamori's the most obvious example. Dude's a military and plane otaku that designs all sorts of stuff other than robots, enjoys writing and setting design, all that shit. He's not just trying to make new cool robots inspired by old cool robots.

Pure speculation of course, but I suspect that it's part of why there's such a distinct 'chinese mech' look that a lot of people hate about a lot of original designs out of China. They're mecha fans, but they're largely just drawing on shit they thought was cool in Seed, Unicorn and maybe 00 as their primary inspirations. So you end up with an exaggeration of characteristics from them, without enough other influences to diffuse them or introduce other new/different qualities. But I suppose it doesn't explain why SD three kingdoms inspired stuff also has some of those qualities.
>But I suppose it doesn't explain why SD three kingdoms inspired stuff also has some of those qualities.

Those are basically the same though, but official. They need to reference existing mecha designs and the 3 kingdoms characters, rather than just 3 kingdoms characters as robots/Gundams. So you get obviously derivative designs (since they are actual existing designs) with a bunch of stuff with a completely different motif on top.
I think the Chinese style is also in love with complexity for its own sake but yeah it’s very derivative

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Monkeys and mechas should get together more often
It goes against the natural order
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Just gotta know where to look.

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Last thread >>23030020
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Same, it was very smart. Possibly the most intelligent piece of fiction from Japan.
>Cat ears
Literally why?
The correct question is not why, is when.
woofer ears, sir
Foreshadowing for her Garo power up

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I love IDEON, should I watch BRAIN POWERD?
Brain Powerd is Tomino's response to Eva, so you might.
Do you have a complex against your parents? this is very important

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Zanscare mobile weapons thread, because Victory Gundam is objectively the best TV anime Tomino ever made and second best Gundam series after Seed Destiny. Starting off with Zanspine, the Bespa equivalent to V2 Gundam.
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Until the heisei stuff Kamen Riders were enemy cyborgs that defected to the good side. They have always supposed to look "evil"

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New UC Gundam fan, here. Just finished Zeta Gundam.

What the fudge was their problem?
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I could probably draw a 0083 Zaku, but I would forget where all the little extra thrusters and nozzles the animators added.

I think the main issue here is that adding lots of extra Greebles doesn't make a suit more unique. That's the problem with a lot of Titans suits.

The most memorable Titan suits to me are the Hizack, Marasai, and Asshimar (the yellow UFO donut). Oh and Psycho Gundam. That's about it. I don't remember how to draw the other suits besides a vague outline.
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>he disrespects the barzam
shamefur dispray
I wonder what percentage of the Man Hunters was made of ex-Titans
They didn't gas enough spacenoids

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Happy Valentine's Day, /m/!
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Spam thread.
It delves into its culture.
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fuck you op
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I thought it was a pretty good show, maybe not a good sequel to Gunbuster in the sense of following up on the previously established tech and setting, but it feels like it got the spirit of it's predecessor right while doing it's own thing with having Nono playing a supporting to the other character's conflicts, it ain't perfect but it's definitely not the 4 or 3/10 I've seen some people describe it as here.
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Retard alert.
Kill yourself
I thought it was fun, nothing superior to Gunbuster but it's not like Gunbuster or life itself was ruined by it existing. Is it necessary? No. But is it fun, yeah I think it's worth a watch.
waste of time
It was better than Gunbuster, OP was the worst part.

what the fuck is the next episode preview on about
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The thing you have to remember about broadcasting is that this kind of shit is meant to really screw with the audience.
>80's Japan was seeing a massive uptick in the amount of women participating in the workforce
0083 and Golden Boy made me wonder a bit about this, with the all women workforces in both shows.
Zeta gundam is a show from 1985 where Tomino wrote about how a TERF would sooner join fascists than change her mind.
yeah I liked it when they spoiled characters death in the previews every 5 episodes, I've never been this baffled by this before

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This flew under the radar, but Dororon Enma-kun has been fully translated into English as of a little over a week ago. This is relevant to /m/ because every anime of a Go Nagai adaptation has now been translated into English.
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I agree
This meme terms is still a thing?
Sadly yes.
Stop replying to yourself. This shit is not /m/.
Made by Go Nagai and has airships, it's /m/. Plus the remake had big bots.

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