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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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kit never
'ku posted 2 cringes back to back...
next year for srs
Vigna Ghina II reprint incoming, I have foreseen it.
Also p-bandai great value Full Cloth
There's some Seed thing that looks like a Zeta offshoot, other than that there a couple IBO suits that wouldn't be TOO out of place in the Gryps War.

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Previous thread >>22928611

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

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Anyone who thinks the Build 10 year anniversary isn't bringing back one of Kamen Riders most popular villains who is still around is fucking high.

You think we are getting god damn Mad Rogue?
That's kind of what I figured. He's still doing a pretty great job keeping up from the look of it, but it is distracting as hell that ouja's gut is about 10 inches bigger than Asakura's. Maybe if they just kept Asakura in that big jacket and made him wear some padding they could play it off as him just being older.
I'd really love to see Evolto. But deep down I want to see some contrived scenario where Night Rogue Gentoku meets then fights Kamen Rider Rogue Gentoku.
Honestly of any of the actors i would bet money greases actor would come back no questions asked. He feels like another Decade style actor who just loves the whole toku hustle as more than just a gig to get an early acting credit.
Screencap and call me a faget for being wrong in 3 years:
>Evolto comes back
>Banjo comes back as voice lines for suit actor only
>Gentoku cameo with ten year old son that is just as cringe as him
>But the focus is on Grease who is now a farming magnate and what he wants his legacy to be
>Sento is referenced but the actor absolutely refuses to come back.

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>Evolved or not, even you can't take a TeknoBolt at point-blank range...

Say what you want, but the Saban Dub was really good
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>The dub is amazing, Rapier's death is much better, the music is miles better, there's no trannie/faggot nonsense with maggie. Oh and much MUCH better sound effects, especially for the Voltekka/Teknobolt and whenever Teknomen activate their eye, cock hard everytime. The jap version is still great, but for rewatching, I go with the dub.
>Some of my favs:
>"They knew that I was the strongest lifeform aboard the argos, that I would let nothing stop me. NOTHING!"
>"Do you not posses enough intelligence to see that a thing must be done before I command it!?"
>"I don't hate him, I love him, I love him so much I want to be him, I want to be me and him both."

100% agree.

American dub cut out all the nonsense and fluff that the Japanese love doing. They also enhanced the audio.

There was some interviews with Japanese audio artists who said that Japanese people don't like certain battle noises and prefer softer hits. The the audio for the Voice actors takes priority on volume levels. That's why their grunts and screw are louder than the battle. For the most part, the Japanese want a "sterilized" idealized audio version of real life fights and battles.

Meanwhile the Americans prefer harder hitting realistic noises, more sound effects per battle, and they want more realistic audio levels where battle noises aren't quiet. Sometimes the battle is louder than the dialog. Even the audio effects themselves are more realistic. Like actual jet engine noises for thrusters, metal clashing noises for swords, and lots of audio layers to make sure the scene is FULL of audio. No quiet parts like Japan does.

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Ah crap. I noticed so many grammar errors. Sorry I just pulled an 18 hour shift at work. I shouldn't post when I'm tired. But you get what I'm saying.
>Sorry I just pulled an 18 hour shift at work

What in the fuck, are you Japanese or smth?
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Holy shit, I thought that sounded like Susumu Hirasawa, and when I checked the video itself it seemed like I was right. Guess I really need to watch this one of these days.

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Post your favorite mecha.
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Prior to this, it was the Zaku I Commander-Type

Name a shittier cast in /m/.
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You rage about X more than he posts DX
Hi dxfag.
>everyone is xCHAD!
You don't really go for subtlety do you.
You quoted multiple people ser

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What makes Christina from 0080 one of the most universally loved /m/ characters?
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She killed Bernie
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Bernie killed Bernie
Fuck Chris
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Using the computer mouse analogy was just one example out of many possible analogies. Adjusting the sensitivity of an input device, whether it's a steering wheel or a pilot's joystick, is a concept as old as MSDOS and doesn't even require a GUI to implement. However, given that the Gundam OS has been shown to have a GUI, you could easily include such a feature there. Why are you so narrow-minded? Low IQ idiot.

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Found out this series was a thing and that it is terrible. The torrent I found don't have subtitles and I can't find them anywhere. Does anyone have the subs?
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It's basically a regular team sport J-drama but instead of sport it's gunpla battles. And the model/animation are done by some of the guys who do Gunpla promo videos
The Gunpla fights are probably the weakest part, but as far as a character drama about high school boys at that stage in life where everybody starts to go there own ways, it's actually kind of bittersweet.

The show is mid. You just get your opinions fed to you by bitter faggots, and I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
That reminds me, what the fuck happened to this show anyway? Officially they erased almost everything related to it on official channels and websites. The gunplas also were made in very limited quantity. And they didn't do this quickly, the show was scrubbed less than a year after releasing.
Was there a legal drama or what?
it was a low effort, low budget production made by nobodies starring nobodies and so low-risk that it didn't matter if got zero attention and made little splash in the market of live-action dramas and gunpla sales

>And they didn't do this quickly, the show was scrubbed less than a year after releasing
it wasn't gonna make bandai any more money, so why would bandai keep marketing it once the project was done and over with?
To be fair, Bandai has been doing this exact same thing with Gundam games recently. Remember Gundam Evolution? No, not the old CG shorts.

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Finally, after years, I finished watching the Mazinger Toei trilogy and it's a fun trilogy.
Mazinger Z is a mix of comedy, action, and slice-of-life drama.
Great Mazinger is that but way more cartoony for some reason.
then Grendizer comes way more serious with melodrama and romance.

Now I understand why some people find Z more enjoyable than Grendizer or vice versa depending on which show they started with. both shows are very different.

Z's first 20 episodes were kinda boring. around the time of Jet Scrander the show becomes way better. from Episode 60 onwards it became actually amazing.

Great Mazinger wasn't really fun which is a shame since I like Great's design the most out of the three Mazingers.

Grendizer starts off great. Loved the serious and horror-ish atmosphere of the first part. halfway the show started to be more like its prequels by adding slice-of-life drama and more humor. it has the best mecha battles and music.
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I guess he’s talking about how much more traditionally super robot great is doing all sorts of stunts and flips while Z felt very mechanical not unlike giant robo. It’s charming enough that even in Great, Z kept its portrayal the same way it was previously, nothing insane but still a super robot
OP here. I meant by "Cartoony" is how childish and comical it was.
like, all villains looked silly and acted like children to each other. Ankoku Daishogun and the cat lady were the only ones that felt menacing, evil monsters.
Boss's antiques got tiresome so fast, and they brought back the obnoxious talking crow.
I actually didn’t mind but I can see why since it was targeted towards the exact same audience that was watching Kamen rider at the time(specifically X to Stronger) even though liked the plot and action to those better
He's right, 1974 was 100 years ago

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Just finished Unicorn, as the end of my core UC experience. Neo-neo-neo Zeon are probably the absolute weakest iteration of Zeon...but with the best members we get to know.

Full Frontal is a great villain with a solid plan, and serves as the most reasonable Zeon leader we ever get, while we finally get actually evil Feddies.

Marida is immediately sympathetic, Mineva(when she finally gets to do shit) is great at calling out both sides, Zinnerman is a great character, and I liked Riddhe until the last few episodes.

Where the series falters is in Banagher(who's kind of too perfect), and in the overall design of the Unicorn itself. I also felt Mineva didn't really get to do a whole lot until the very end, which is a shame because you can really see how she was influenced by her previous guardians and the newtypes that opposed them.

Overall, I think it's a great capstone to the UC, finally being consistent with the newtype nonsense that often got hinted at but never explicitly referenced.

War in the Pocket> ZZ> Unicorn>Z >Origin >0079 >>>>>>>>CCA >08th MS >>>>>>>Stardust Memory
A bit further than you since I just finished victory so im fresh off UC. Full frontal was a really good villain but Unicorn didn't have much besides him (and Marida) going for it. Mostly blatantly rehashing old plot (though Loni finale (https://streamable.com/uln7f7) is one of the best gundam sequences imo) and culminating with a dogshit, lazy fight against a big robot.

shit taste.
pocket = 0079 = CCA > Unicorn > 08thMS > Z = ZZ > stardust
This thread is the most obvious bait if anybody replies to it you're a fucking retard.
>core UC experience
Pick one

Previous thread: >>22703648

The Smallest Brave

Previous and current news:
>Brave Universe Sworgrader manga ongoing
>Baan Gaan web novel in production
>J-Decker HD Blu-ray/DVD out now
>Hakaiou manga ongoing (Conqueror's Thralls arc), King J-Der side story by Tsunashima Shirou also ongoing
>SMP J-Decker slated for July
>Upcoming Koto kits: Great Fighbird, Pegasus Saber, Land Bison, Seven Changer, Mach Sperion & Weapon Set
>HG ChoRyuJin slated for February 2025
>Cross Frame Girl Goldy Marg & Stealth Gao II, Star GaoGaiGar Set out now, GaoFighGar slated for December
>Hobby Japan AMAKUNITECH Genesic GaoGaiGar out now, Sworgrader announced; AMAKUNI Genesic Head Display Model with new Guy voices slated for Sep-Oct 2024, SUPER KIZIN Genesic GaoGaiGar also revealed

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In the time since this post ive finished Gaogaigar and Betterman. The second half of GGG was pretty cool but i still fail to see what makes this show so beloved. Betterman was weird as hell. It's trying to be horror but also comedy at the same time and as a result its not scary or funny at all, but i think it succeeds in being entertaining and exploring tons of interesting sci-fi and philosophical concepts so i think i liked it. Fuck Keita in particular though, if he wasn't there the show would be so much better.
It got pretty confusing at times. I think i got the general plot but im lost as to what the message was.
Anyways, I hope GGG vs. Betterman gets adapted into something someday cause im really curious to see how such different shows clash.
has anyone got subs that are timed for the J Decker blu ray?
Amakuni Great Might Gaine PV.
Amakuni Great Might Gaine video featuring Hiyama,

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Absolutely top tier taste, why wouldn't anyone want to be doted on and breastfed?
>TFW you'll never make Cima cum by sucking her tits
>you'll never give her additional children to take care of
Hottest Cima I have ever seen.

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I used to not like the long face but it's really grown on me
What's the best Zeta Gundam kit?
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i'd kill for any of these to actually feature in something

Five Star Stories thread!
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OK, this is the most autistic thing ever, but when I was a kid I got the first couple if volumes at my local comic store and was so obsessed with it that I actually came up with voices for all the different characters, and even regional accents for the different factions.

AKD was generically North American because they're all diverse and shit.

The Trio de Colus had accents from around the UK and that area. Specifically, Colus was British, Meistner was Irish and Ballanka was Scottish.

Fillmore was Italian because one of their main characters is named after a Ferrari and their Knights dress like the Pope's bodyguards (yeah, I know they were originally from Switzerland).

I wish I could remember what the Bothions sounded like but it's been like 20 years.
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Find better scans, not low resolution copies uploaded to Mangadex or other trash streaming sites.
Where did you find that?
As I said it was hugeass torrent from nya.
I'm not asking to spoonfeed me, since I've lost interest years ago, but if I'll ever want to give at another go, I'll only do it if I find better scans.
Archive Scans blog, I'm sure the torrent is floating around somewhere.

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Favorite monster of the week?
Alpha and Man Mozu for me.

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So am I still waiting
For the english patch to start releasing?
Can't find a good reason
Can't find hope to believe in

Also Sakura Wars thread
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Ignore that >>22929167 guy. V is a great place to start. It has some funny segments, good aesthetics and music, but most importantly it has the best missions, boss battles, and level design in the series. The precursor to Valkyria Chronicles. SW1 I was a bit more into the Taisho era setting and aesthetics, and the 2D spritework, but the gameplay is lackluster and unengaging. No cool battles or tense missions like SW5.
Sequel with Russian loli romance when?
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Apparently it failed so hard they scrapped it altogether.
At least we got one game and one sequel show.
It's better than what happened to kakumei.
>Apparently it failed so hard they scrapped it altogether.
Grim, I wish they'd officially port the games over to gauge Western interest.
Only played the first game so far but it's got a lot of charm.
V just sucked

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