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So many mecha made out of metal but none made out of wood, why is that?
Wood can burn much more easily
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The lore of inpachi from yugioh should explain why
Hiwou War Chronicles, Puppet Princess and that one Robot Carnival short.

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Because it's perfectly fine?
Cool art.
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Very much so.
Wonder how 2025 will top 2024 on the sequels and revivals.
Remove this spam already.

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The tokusatsu from 1967 was the best version of Giant Robo. Imagawa version is kind of overrated if you ask me.
You didn't watch either of them drool.
Why the fuck is he spamming so many threads now?
Probably trying to slide other threads off page 10 if I had to guess.
They’re both very solid adaptations(better than the 60s manga that’s for sure), even the 60s series that I saw in full back in February, sure it was a lot cheaper than the stuff tsupro was putting out but it also started a tradition for toei’s tokusatsu shows that are still influenced to this day

The first ever episode of a classic G1 Transformers show is now in 4K. I hope we eventually see Victory, Headmasters, Zone, Scramble City and episodes of the original series eventually.
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Technically western transformers was always written by marvel
Beast Wars megatron is good, but you cant write off his next best megatron role


>I saw how Optimus treated his men he was a leader of integrity
>unlike you
>You were too weak to gain my respect
Micheal Dobson was a great Starscream.
Transformers animated is the last good western Transformers that featured japanese Autobots/Decepticons and the headmaster juniors would have became main characters with Sari as shes technically a pretender too

Was it a failure?
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Don't argue with morons, they'll drag you down to their level.
After what they did with what was the end of the first season, yes.
>Don't argue with morons
I thought it said "mormons," and still agreed with you.
Nah, it was great.
That's kind of the problem with Valvrave, really. Saki needed a cool guy to bounce off, and L-Elf needed someone who was his physical or intellectual equal.
This is why Code Geass worked. Lelouch was a smart, rather charming dude, balanced by how he could be a dork and wasn't very physically active. That's why his interactions with the potential love interests were fun to watch, you could see why they were attracted to him.
Haruto is very, very bland. His main asset is that he can pilot the Valvrave. You can see L-Elf's relief when he starts working with the Dorssian boys again, he's like "Thank fuck, I don't have to do everything myself now."

The truest threesome of the series who should literally do everything together in a three-seat Knightmare Frame.
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Calm your dick, Rivalz.
Physically impossible
He's not wrong.

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>i am forgotten
What the fuck? Did they silently shelve the movie version?
i don't know, i forgot
Doubt even Sunrise remembers this after all the SEED Freedom money they got.
Even the game has a rather anticlimatic ending that doesn't resolve anything. That stupid box Mobile Armor is the dumbest final boss ever.

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145 replies and 51 images omitted. Click here to view.
kill yourself baby eater
I laughed and pointed at the screen when The Scream came up
Oh... BDMVs... sigh
Page 8 bump
Oh for fuck sake proper rips when?

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Just found out that The Moon appears in the final volume of Bokurano alternative.

Its like the son fighting the father
is the manga any good? the show was fucking trash
I didn't know. This is fucking awesome!!! Is it the actual The moon? Or just an homage?
What's alternative?
She wears converse.

Started watching this with a friend. Honestly I was really enjoying the show until the Royal Knights pop up. Where it just becomes our team of jobbers (who are now mostly useless because only Takuya and Koji can do anything) constantly losing against these two for what is almost 10 episodes of absolute nothing happening filler that drops all plotlines until the episode BEFORE they beat them. It's a good enough show that took a massive nose dive during this "arc" which is a shame.
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I hate that Frontier doesn't get an FRS yet. I'd buy Agnimon, Wolfmon and Lowemon
>HolyAngemon took out one of the Dark Masters
Due to War and Metal knocking him into the gate but they wouldn't have won without Holy.
>And it helped that Angewomon took out Vamdemon the first time
Due to everyone giving her their power. Angemon had already damaged Vamdemon himself and Vamdemon was scared of him.
Still the Angels managed to take out 3 of the big bosses.

Which is a slightly different issue from "Only Red and Blue main guys get to be important"
Atlurkabuterimon completely wrecked Pinocchimon's shit, while Metalgarurumon did get that kill it was a fucking kill-steal.
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It's been a while, but Discotek's finally doing another batch of announcements next week at their Otakon panel. They'll be doing a live stream at the same time, too.


What /m/ releases are we hoping for?
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Ah, I see. Not all that shocked but very unfortunate, especially considering all the work they put into it.
>Everyone needs an overly long clue for Thursday.
>This is a hot one.

>Just about a week until Otakon.
>Still a decent number of titles that don't have clues yet.
>The clue for this one was almost a clip of a classic video game, but that would probably have been too easy.
>classic video game
>Light Up The Night
Probably Mega Man related then. Very very very slim chance they actually mean that one time Light Up The Night was used for an AMV in that really popular MGS4 review.
I'm sorry but due to Duel's recent racist and sexist comments we will be cancelling the future releases. No refunds.
is it time for cutie honey flash

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This feels like it came the hell out of nowhere. When did Sentai even last release a Sunrise mecha show?
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Even Discotek employees have talked about how there's room for another old shows-focused company in the industry. Too bad there just seems to be no one else interested/able to get off the ground.
Last I heard Sentai said that it was out of stock not out of print, but that was also 5 years ago. I just hope after their license runs out someone like Discotek gets it.
So, Sentai never owned Maiden Japan. Sentai, Maiden, Switchblade, Kraken, and the rest were all technically independent companies, using Section 23 Films as their distributor; the same guy, however, was the founder & top guy at Sentai and Section 23, which also made it convenient to use the Sentai site as the group's main webstore. Even though it wasn't announced as such, AMC seems to have grabbed all the Section 23 affiliated companies, when they acquired Sentai & Section 23; and after a quick search, looks like Maiden was officially dissolved this year, at least as a business operating from Texas. Also, maybe of some interest, Maiden Japan was only its operating name; the company's real name was Unio Mystica Holdings, LLC.
Was expecting Discotek to do it instead.
Let's go JoJo instead.

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How well do you know your mecha by OP?


When you can't name anymore, click "Give up" under the timer and post a screencap of your results sheet.
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Based on what?
Could've been worse, I usually just watch the openings once and then skip them completely.
at least you got half of them.
not sure how you missed gundam x, mospeada and gaogaigar
On how slow it is these days.

been watching over the past year the first series and am on ep 23, its good. never watched any gundam shit before but when i was tryna get into it everyone fucking says
this may just be my literal autism but i like all the music tracks and dont mind them repeating, i watch the action scenes on 1.5 speed sometimes so the lack of movement doesnt come off (i go back to normal speed for non action).
its good, im having a good time, and people need to get off this shows ass
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why did you bump this shit
Too bad I'm still putting it at 2.2x speed either way mother fucker
No one hates 0079. Zeta is the terribad one.
You don't watch any mecha anime, do you?
How is it bait? It's true that Gundam 0079 looks old and outdated

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I need a hundred cups of coffee.
One nigga really woke up today and said "I'm gonna make a dozen shitty threads".

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