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101 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
You said "impossible for Japanese people" as if western stuff is any better at communication and japanese didn't already do this. Read Biscuit Hammer or watch any Arakawa toku.
That gochizou absorbtion Bitter seems to do with his sword is interesting, wonder if he'll get his hands on Caking.
You're expecting a rational response when he was clearly emotional.
The pacing in Gavv feels weird. There's always something new going, which is nice, but any conflict that happens gets resolved so quickly.

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The next gundam collab will come from Trigger.
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>Gundam goes to space in the finale
Fuck off tourist.
One of these is not like the others.

>Cute and imposing at the same time
>Pointy ears
>Piloted and cherished by a young rural woman
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Noa names all her pets Alphonese. I believe she said there was a cat at one point too.
In TV at least, unit 1 is clarified to be Alphonse the Third. The first was her childhood dog and namesake, who appears in one of the OVA2 OPs. Alphonse the Second is a cat and still alive.
I think, anyway. It's been a while since I did a full watch-through of TV. I have it on BD now, should probably do it.
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This is now a Patlabor thread!
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Always has been.

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>new rayearth
>trigger's aquarion
>eva 30th anniversary
>new patlabor
>new macross
>more obari (possibly)
>godzilla minus two
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New IPs are so last year, this is the year of The Sequel™.
Armored Core 6 expansion, trust the plan...
What sequel?
I gotta admit the new Wataru and Red Ranger Isekai are kind of let downs.
Nah they are pretty good.

Is this show any good if I don't care about tokusatsu?
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You just described my body. Besides, women don't have dicks.
The SOL stuff are the better parts of the show.
That's true for most shows.
>My biggest problem with both shows is that the writing is just bad.
Hasegawafrens, not like this.
>not being an architect

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Do you agree with this statement?
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I notice a lot of zoomer Gundam fans online but they seem to prefer the classics in the series since they know about them through the internet. It's always "what's the watch order?"... Gundams are supposed to be NEW
what's the watch order?
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You could go chronologically, but production order is general answer.
Our generation knowing SEED is the best

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>The grim reaper won't come when you're ready for him, Hathaway.
I did not understand what Amuro meant in this scene, forgive me for the possible autism.
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Glasses of course!
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The problem with the Hathaway movie is that it models Earth after real life. Sorry but the Philippines in UC does NOT look like the Philippines in real life. There are no Jollibees and bustling cities of people.

Zeon slammed 3 damn colonies and multiple smaller Asteroids onto Earth. Massive Tidal waves absolutely destroyed coastal cities and island nations. Half of humanity died during the One Year War. Most which were young breeding age men and women. 90% of what survived the One Year War are senior citizens and children. It's going to take DECADES to rebuild back to former population levels. There should be entire Earth cities abandoned and left to rust away. Europe, North America, and South East Asia (including the Philippines) should be in ruins. Half of Earth should be a freaking wasteland!

Yet new UC writers can't seem to grasp this simple idea. They want to act like the Zeon wars were just small battles that is long over and everything is fine now.
What's the point of this character
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Same. Mihessia-chan a best.
I mean, can you really blame her? Hathaway, in a Jegan, was right in the face of the really powerful Mobile Armor that was fucking everyone that isn't named "Amuro Ray" over.

How he making all better then the tomino Gundam workings with only the first trying of the GQuuuuuuX?
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This is 4chan, you are only allowed to like 1 thing at a time
Isn't it on Yamashita that Grandpa looks like that?
I mean, I actually kinda like the GquuuuuuX, but the yamashita version of the RX-78-2 is a fucking disgrace
This is 4chan, you're are not allowed to enjoy anything.
I know you're the one who posted this, Anno.
Just better! Tomino is untalent

Just finished watching this, what a ride
Also VOTOMS thread I guess
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Does anyone happen to have this pic? It's an artwork with a chick holding a rifle I think, in a dark grey/black suit, the suit was pretty ornate with scifi bullshit like tubes and stuff. She was on the left, back towards the viewer, looking to her right. Background was red and I think that maybe there was a mecha on the right.(didn't watch the anime btw) I think it's votoms related because I remember finding it in one of these threads, I remember saving it but for the life of me I can't find it.
>cool thread lasts for months
>Drool spends literal fucking hours spamming into autosage

I hope that cunt just runs afoul of a pack of horny bonobos
>report the spam
>get punished

fucking joke
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suckstart a sawnoff

GBO days is currently here for this month alongside the Spring Kick-off campaign of GBO2 console.

The new MS is the third and final special Zeta Gundams from the Chakra Research Lab and is equipped with the Psycho Neutralizer psycommu system; The Red Zeta aka Zeta Gundam 3P2 Type is here from Gundam Evolve. Also included is a special step up for all 4 levels of Narrative Gundam in its base form as a 500 general type.

The MS for steam currently is Silver Bullet [Funnel Test Type] and Kshatriya Repaired is the next MS to arrive as the next 4 star MS for gbo2 steam.

A new console /m/ clan has been added to replace one that is no longer active due to a change in leadership.

Previous thread:

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

/m/ Discord for Console/PC players, GBO and other games (RFA):

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
398 replies and 90 images omitted. Click here to view.
I don't see any problem with that at 300 honestly.
300 isn't fun anymore
300 is still fun
I love this sitbat
Feels like an almost guaranteed win for me except for when I get Hildolfir, i hate that POS
i've gotten it 4 fucking times in a row

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What does /m/ think of Kazuki Nakashima as a writer?
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Aikawa wrote the anime, Nakashima wrote the original novel.
Dogshit, like everything that isn't Gundam. WFM won, Gquacks won, discord won, yuri won. /m/ lost.
>not liking Ideon
holy shit taste
Why does it have a penis and why isn't it the drill module?

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Battletech and Heavy Gear bros, how are we feeling?
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No not really. Even when you play in sandbox mode you can still do the DLC missions where you still play as Mason. Only difference between sandbox and the campaign mode is you get the story missions in campaign mode, and you can get a different start in sandbox mode (you can also just import your campaign save file on sandbox).
>(you can also just import your campaign save file on sandbox)
Am I still stuck with Mason or is it like a new game + where I keep my stuff but otherwise start fresh?
You can newgame+ it by importing your campaign file, and that will import all of your merc info. But either way you are still technically playing as Mason, as your pilot icon is still Mason's, and Mason still has voice lines in the DLC campaigns when you do them in sandbox.
As for the newgame+ aspect of it. It resets faction rep and mission progression (missions like the kestrel lancers missions)
Seraphim are so fucking gay why did they add em

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read UC side stories mangas
they are pretty good. I'm glad Rebellion 0083 references them and even bring characters from them like Ford, Agar and Matt

What kind of space colony that you want to see in Gundam? Like Amish colony or nudist colony or Mormon colony etc....
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100%. Ignoring terrorists for a second, its only matter of time before some nation other than the one that puts it up decides to sink one. That's human nature, if a city exists someone will try to sack it. Or a colony in this case.
At the cost of a catastrophe not seen since Toba?
As long as that tragedy happens to the "other", humans don't really care that much. The only reason we aren't dropping bombs on each other right now is because proxy, social, and economic warfare is more profitable than trying to conquer land. The second there is unclaimed land to conquer, in this case space, there is incentive to take the kids gloves off again. In the hypothetical case where we actually manage to progress to the stars(which I have my doubts will ever happen, more than likely we will die on this rock) humanity will invariably return to the days where bloodshed is commonplace.
You give us too much credit

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Saw this somewhere else, what the fuck is his actual name and why can’t people seem to agree on it?
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Foreign words and foreign names in Japanese are written phonetically and are changed to be easier for Japanese speakers to pronounce by inserting or changing sounds. Because of this when looking at a name written in katakana the translator is essentially trying to recreate a name that could be from any number of languages or completely made up just going by the potentially mangled way a Japanese person would say it. It doesn't help that English is inconsistent about spelling in part due to having been heavily influenced by a number of languages.
Front Oboe is a classic type of hero.
Phonto Bow is the official spelling. Zeonic doesn't have the last name right, either.

The wordplay, which he actually has right in this case, was pointed out by Hasegawa (and is advertised on the actual third volume). So when you go with Font instead of Phonto, you lose that. His earlier amalgamation of Font and Baud was just fucking stupid. Not even the loli fapper Hasegawa was that cringe for names.

I like how you chastise him for being too literal when you pretty much cut and past his explanation for it.

Since when does he dabble in hacking?
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Stupid image didn't take.

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