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Why did the Origin push so hard the gay side of Garma and Char's friendship? There's one scene in 0079 that comes off that way, but Garma is straight. This is a bizarre change and I'm not certain what it accomplishes..I'm not enjoying my read through Origin. The prequel section, which was the main appeal for this work, is the worst section. It does not feel like these are the events that preceded 0079. The characterization of Char doesn't resemble who he is in the later works. I don't get what this story overall is trying to accomplish.
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As much as I consider Gundam a massively overblown franchise, the odd translated interview suggests that Tomino is himself pretty Ghiddamned funny.
It's hilarious to imagine the self-hating weeb Anno fangasming over his sensei Tomino and just nodding in approval to the craziest shit possible he can think to say.
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My sides are in fucking orbit. 10/10 Tomino-sama.
>I get in touch with my inner 'masturbatory rhythm'.
>… but here (points to crotch) she has volume.
>I think so too.
>I go limp... my mood, I mean.
evergreen comedy, never stops making me kek
Origin is fanfic shit and Yas is a garmafag
then why does he reference the mother line in origin, it's so jarring.

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I'm going to waste all day watching Wing.
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interestingly enough that concept art looks more like the Sandrock Custom than the original due to both the Uzi and the Thrusters inside of the shoulders. The other details to identify which Sandrock it looks most like are on the back and I don't think I've ever seen a back shot of that prototype design.
Maybe that turban/scarf look from the first few drafts was considered too campy for Wing, but damn I really like it. Wish they kept that.
The OVA was the first time I learned what a retcon is.
I think quite a few shows are like that.
Just finished watching the show and boy what a fucking waste of time that was, did no one before or during production bother mentioning how stupid the show is?

Mecha Break thread?
Anyone gonna be playing in the next limited test next week? Anyone play the last closed beta a few months back? Are we finally getting a fun mech pvp game with interesting mech designs/weapons?
Is it soul? Or is it slop?
there's only one support and they play like zenyata from overwatch which is kinda lame
I played last beta but quit when they disabled the 3v3 and 6v6 modes after trying the battle royale game mode it sucked
Played the Alpha and the last Beta, got my code for the next one. The devs are incredibly receptive to feedback which is good because sometimes they are stupid. The Battle Royale mode? Dog shit. I hope they feel bad about that one. The thing that worries me though is that they might listen to the community about balance changes and half the feedback I saw on the last test was full retard shit, bronzelet takes at best. With it being Chinese people are going to be looking for a reason to call it p2w, and no game with MTX has ever beaten those allegations, even shit like Fortnite. How it handles that situation will be a big deal. A lot of really promising games have had their future snatched away based on (wrong) first impressions. I've seen games let you preload before servers were live, then get review bombed because the people who downloaded thought it couldn't connect to servers because of some technical issue. Videogame players are that retarded. So far some mechs have much more soul than others, you can't just make a blanket-statement assessment, but I'm optimistic about the direction
What are your favorite looking mech designs? Personally I love the Alysnes, the halberd is such a great weapon idea, I just wish you could rearmor more than once. I also love the panther but I was too shit to use it.
Hard agree about hoping they feel bad about the battle royale mode, that shit was ass, just focus on the 3v3 and 6v6 objective game modes those were fun.
Personally I wish they'd add more mobile strikers, they're adding another turret toggle and the pinaka which looks really cool and similar to the LFRITH from the gwitch prequel

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Who would win: 100 Amuros or 1 Spiky Boy with easy mass access
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You can install torpedo tubes on them bad boys as well, but no mass points under water
And you're still vulnerable to submarines and ground fire nukes so what's the point of being a fish

Let's say Spiky Boy gets a 20 minute head start and surrounds himself with tech 3 SAMs
Can't some ACUs just generate mass passively with the resource allocation upgrade?
>Let's say Spiky Boy gets a 20 minute head start and surrounds himself with tech 3 SAMs
If you're pumping out tech 3 then it's nearly impossible for any individual unit except the real bullshit reality bending ones. Either fight fire with fire or call up Ideon.
He's just really paranoid about being sniped from the air mkay

Not just ACU, support commanders as well. Say goodbye to your mass extractors being destroyed, you now have mobile mass generators with guns and build power.
100 amuros because it only takes 1 for the early game commander snipe

Mahou Shoujo crossover edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder


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i'm gonna spill to nanohas and geahs
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>Shaggy uses that to achieve Blanco.

I can't help but seeing a talking dog, and two dumbasses, one saying dess, and the other saying zoinks!
Her family runs a dojo iirc. Meaning she'd have learned from a young age the pivotal importance of the skill of identifying an opponent's weakness and turning it on them.

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Are there any settings where cooling is a serious consideration? I know it's a serious matter in Battletech/MechWarrior but the only times it's come up anywhere else it's either been:
>Excuse to give a unit cool hair (Genesic GGG, the XO originals, Laevatain, possibly the Apotheosized Shura machine gods but it's been a while)
>Excuse for a machine to have a timeout on their super mode
Both of which are fine and very cool, but I'm just intrigued to see more settings where cooling/temperature of the battlefield is a tactical consideration.
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Mazinger chest plates are actually heat sinks.
That's bulls-
>Breast fire
Zaku tubing is a means to ventilate heat. Real basic but it's there.
>people hated on Nexus
I'm so glad I was never part of a "player base" and just enjoyed AC, Nexus was one of my favorites and I played them all on release.
>It's a big consideration with F91's design, due to their tech miniaturization resulting in more heat generation
The F91 is a special case because it only starts shedding its skin when it enters maximum operating mode. The reactor, thrusters, and other shit are pushed to their limits and the F91 becomes the strongest MS of its time, surpassing its near peers like the Neo Gundam and Cluster Gundam

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So who here has enough disposable income to purchase a piece of western mecha history?
Robot Jox's hero is up for auction.
Alexander's robot is up for auction too, but meh.

Ron Cobb was great at color and iconography and an amazing mechanical designer, if maybe not so great at compelling pure mecha design. The stick legs are still odd.
Also, wasn't aware till now that Joe Haldeman (The Forever War) co-wrote the script.
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Looks like they are both in okay shape, but missing pieces. Alexander's is definitely worse off.
There's several mostly complete props floating around but these two are from the first fight. You can see how they're wired up to move around and fire rockets and set off damage sparks.
Good Smile Company needs to make a Moderoid kit of this.
I wish I had the money to bid on this.
"Your bid means nothing because my bid IS nothing."

Western mecha history is accurate. Silly trials of possession on Solaris VII (with a side order of pathetic Trueborn wanna-bes) premise aside, the bot fights looked pretty good right up until Achilles was out of the cockpit and outrunning the slowest Gatling guns in cinema.

"The Forever War" had more pointed social commentary than "Robot Jox;" meat nights with one hot dog versus reduction of humanity to pre-dead gay clones, but whatever the intensity his writing was not without a certain humor.

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I'm surprised twitter/x didn't make a big deal over blackface. Probably they already dropped Boonboomger
>they already dropped Boonboomger
Wait, really?

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Galaxy Force was the last good Transformers show desu
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some examples?
Honestly thhe thing I remember the most aabout Galaxy Force/Cybertron was the baller design they had for Optimus.

Easily one of his coolest looks ever.
So, who owns all the other Saban Tokusatsu shows like Big Bad Beetleborgs or VR Troopers?
Likely Disney, just like RID2001
Trailer 2.

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I got into gunpla recently and decided I wanted to buy some kits from one of my favourite mecha anime code geass, only to discover there’s only like 2 kits for the entire series, there genuinely no way wtf

How and why is there almost no kits for such a popular series?
More like Cope Gayass.
Pretty much every non-Gundam Bandai/Sunrise mecha series was treated as an action figure property until recently. Geass mecha were therefore released mostly under the Robot Damashii line. More things are getting model kits now, but you're not going to ever get the big push you would've during Geass's heyday. They're not going to make kits for stuff like the Glasgow, only the headliners.

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