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Previous Thread: >>22726034

How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

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They whacked him continuously with Baron's spear.
t. jealous westerner
kill yourself sharky
>aruto will never return for a reunion won't he
They haven't even done any Reiwa protagonist reunions. The less reunions we have the less chance actors have of schedule working out for one of them.
Secondary riders lately have a much more serious design compared to the main riders.

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mechs4sechs. Big or regular robits. Ideally canon.

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Why were they so much better at being more competent and compelling villains and antagonists than Zeon and its Zeek sweats during the OYW? They had the Earth Federation and Axis pushed to the curb with its sheer forces and manpower that it almost came close to conquering the universe.
Why didn't we get the exposition with this faction compared to what we did with Zeon?
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Don't be a fucking idiot, the Hizack is the most prominent case because it's literally just a Zaku II shell with a few outward features swapped out, it was by far the most common mobile suit used by EF/Titans forces in Zeta, not even getting into the Marine Zakus, Act Zakus, and the Galbaldy Betas, which were either holdovers from the OYW or developed directly from previous Zeon designs.
>the Uniforms were just a color change of the Feddie suit. do you even hear yourself?
Rewatch the series, dumbass. Only in the beginning were the uniforms just palette swaps, then not long into the series, they started to incorporate Zeonish crests on the upper half of the top and some even had the short capes used on various Zeonic uniforms, it wasn't fucking subtle, because that's the whole point, they kept smashing viewers over the head that they took up Zeon's mantle.
>why? the Americans or Russians never cared about stealing German shit

Operation Paperclip
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>the Uniforms were just a color change of the Feddie suit
Wrong they adopted a new ranking system
Next you're going to tell me the Soviet union hired ex-SS members or something bizarre like that

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YOU! Yes, you.
Congratulations! You've been asked to lead a Mecha show of your own! You get to decide the story, plotlines, general tone, art style, casting... basically all aspects that one person CAN be in charge of alone.

The Caveats:
>You have an animation team. They can work to your specifications, but the more complex the art style, the longer they'll take to work.
>You get 8 episodes. No more, no less. This is what the studio was willing to greenlight
>It MUST be in the Mech or Mecha genre. You can get flexible if you wish, as long as the show involves a character or preferrably characters piloting some form of machine with legs, the suits will probably be satisfied.
>You get to handle PR for the show and promotion for the show, but the Suits have to greenlight it, so follow FCC guidelines, Tokyo broadcasting rules, etc.

WHAT is your Mecha show about, what do you call it, and what happens in it?
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>Mechs are old. Really old, the majority of them being pre-cataclysm and oldtech, and it's very rare that people innovate, they are mostly repaired until it's no longer possible. They're very graceful and bloody quick and agile.
>The pilot is in a sphere at their centre, and controls them via a brain impulse unit (hence the humanoid shape, the brain being optimised for this).
>The pilot is regarded as a simple mechanical part that can be changed, pumped full of chemicals and stimulants to withstand the sick accelerations he receives. If he dies because of piloting or an overdose, he's replaced.

>There is no supra-light travel whatsoever; every journey is made in torchships, which means that journeys are long and costly. The mechs are generally transported in carrier ships for combat. Mechs are mainly armed with kinetic weapons and missiles, as energy weapons would over-pump their reactor.
>Energy weapons do exist, but are generally either single-shot weapons for mechs with an integrated energy battery, or static weapons on colonies or ships.

It would be a story about humanity and an attempt to unify it and get back on its feet, because in its current state humanity isn't stagnating, it's going backwards and rotting. There's hardly any innovation, just human survival in tired, worn-out colonies that are on the verge of collapse despite constant repairs.
I'll just take that team, go to headgears and will help making patlabor ezy
>During a war between major powers, a group of POWs are being used as labor to build infrastructure.
>They slowly upgrade their construction mechs (Votoms-esque in terms of design).
>They use them to overpower the guards and escape.
>They have to go through enemy territory and take the long way round back to friendly lines.
>Main Character is a young (early 20s) officer who has to learn to effectively lead the escapees.
>Sort of WW2 or Coldwar turned Hot in terms of aesthetics, OST takes inspiration from old WW2 film soundtracks and Votoms ost.
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>EP 1 Battle in which main character is captured, shows his main flaws of over-confidence and cowardice.
>EP 2 Prison labor camp, most of the cast gets introduced, older veteran officer begins plan of escape.
>EP 3 preparation, paranoia over whether someone might leak the plan, MC almost breaks after the base commandant promises good conditions for those who snitch.
>EP 4 Escape attempt, some of the cast die, most of ep time spent on the fight.
>EP 5 Older veteran officer dies of wounds and appoints MC to lead the men back, reluctantly MC agrees, enemy scouting party is seen trying to take out a single friendly spy unit, MC and crew intervene saving the spy and adding them to the party.
>EP 6 After fighting off several pursuit squads, squad discovers the friendly spy took important Intel to the enemy, squad debates leaving him due to the risk of bringing them along, MC makes the decision to keep going with the spy, squad discovers that the main route out is blocked and they have to go the long way.
>EP 7 Squad sneaks through neutral country, however in order to get the supplies to keep going, they have to enter a mech battling arena, Enemy factions spec ops team that is hinted at over the series is shown getting closer, Squad also recruits an arena fighter who knew the older veteran and tests the MCs resolve before joining.
>EP 8 Finale confrontation as the squad is close to the finish line as they have to fight the spec ops team who have been joined by a few of the guards from the prison camp and a few mercenaries hired from the arena.

Could be neat. Cold War inspired stuff is nice.

In the wake of recent and devastatingly popular hits like G-Witch, Seed Freedom, and now Grendizer U, is it time to assess Cross Ange’s influence on the genre?
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Don't worry there aren't any nipples or genitals
>Seed Freedom
One of these things is not like the other and does not belong to be talked about in the same vein.
The second half of Freedom is identical to the last eight episodes of Cross Ange.

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/

For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.


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I bought a compressor with an air tank, but this one part came slightly bent, likely due to shipping damage. Should I return it? Other than that, everything seems and looks perfect. I believe that part isn't even attached to the air tank and seems to house electrical wires. Any thoughts?
That looks like a cover, but you can never be too sure. If the tank itself is damaged that's pretty serious
Decided to try my hand at painting finally. Going to be painting my Omegamon X in the style of Alter-S. These are some of things I bought and I'm wondering if I'm missing anything. Like, does the thinner I bought only apply the metallic series of colors, or do I need a standard color thinner as well? I think I'm also missing a primer and a tool cleanser.
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Forgot pic
anyone have a method for a mirror-like gold on ABS?

Are there any model sheets that show how Zeta Gundam's transformation works in universe? How many liberties does do the model kits take to make it feasible?
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>kamille designed this on his own
Such a talented autistic girl
This is the final transformation process by Fujita
My guess is that when the arms start to tuck in, it also brings the shield around to the front of the body to let it latch on to the underside of the chest. Once a solid latch-on is confirmed, the shield unhooks from the left forearm. The movement is a bit odd, but far less weird than the Wing Gundam just having its shield float in midair while parts almost magnetically attach to it.
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Garage Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3

>models for all the gen 1 parts

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Freud's AC is called Locksmith because the real Sigmund Freud was born in a locksmith's house.
The strings in Walter's icon are Dogtags.
New bread?

You seem to be forgetting Gen 1-3.
>Mission objective achieved. System switched to normal mode.
And hard disagree on that level in AC2, god forbid you enter it without a mapping head or you are going to be spending a good 15 minutes hunting pixels.

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Why was this so comfy? God dang I wish we still got stuff like this in current year
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Shameless Evangelion clone but nowhere near as enjoyable to watch. It doesn't have the same level of production values in terms of art, animation, shot composition/framing, or directing. It is also digipaint and looks oversaturated compared to the cel animation of earlier anime. The moment to moment show isn't as captivating and the cast overall not as interesting or as likeable (I did like the two old commander guys. I guess the newspaper reporter who was snooping around was also interesting). No standout scenes. And so on. A very large percentage of the show's screentime is spent on navel gazing. Evangelion is often criticized for this but IIRC the navel gazing and deep thoughts about nothing were only a fraction of that show's runtime. I ended up feeling like I watched shoddy rehash of Evangelion.

Fuck wimpy protagonists. Even Last Exile was held down by one.
Finish Yandere Simulator, you lazy fuck.
it has the best soundtrack of all time
It's a good show, but it's also a complete hack

>inb4 ackshually it was a Raideen homage all the scene for scene Eva ripoffs are a coincidence
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how is the movie version?

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What exactly is the purpose of Regild era?
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Bandai made EX A the sequel to Turn A, so technically speaking the Turn A was developed into the Extreme Gundam
Stop spamming.
same as any AU
Sunrise literally confirmed that Turn A gundam is an AU where alternate versions of the previous series happenned in one same world and with some differences.
Reconguista was also recently confirmed to be an AU.
literally no one has read this or cares to read it

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What is the most disgusting piece of /m/ related media you ever endured?
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aoki ryuusei spt layzner
Darling in the Franxx. It was a horrid, awful show. Didn't drop it, I sit through everything I start. Still the worst anime I've seen in a while and I watched a lot of crap after it. There is one positive about it, the porn of the mecha in the show is still top tier stuff.
aldnoah zero is literally the worst mecha show I had to watch, it was legitimately painful to sit through
This board.

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Sir, this is Victory Gundam.
Not Game of Thrones.
kimi wo dakishimeru
What's the definitive /m/ song?
My vote is either Wir Fliegen or Steel Haze.
In what way, if any, are those definitive?

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So what exactly happens if any of these obvious weakpoint cables running through the Zaku II are destroyed?

Going from that Zeon trio in 08th MS Team, it doesn't seem to disable anything.
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I don't remember exactly offhand but aren't there at least a couple of models that plug their sabers directly into the unit via a cable?
Not really? It depends, but the vast majority of UC beam sabers are portable and not wired to a power source. Units could steal beam sabers from each other and use them, which suggested that there was maybe some kind of universal standard going on. In Zeta, Buran steals the Mark II's beam sabre and is able to use it just fine. Yazan picks up a derelict Gelgoog's beam naginata and can power it on, but it was weak, defective, or low on power and couldn't withstand much use. I actually don't remember any UC MS off the top of my head that have their beam sabers tethered to the MS, but there's a bunch from different AUs and things like G-Reco which is far future UC.

There's a scene in 08th MS team which shows a beam sabre plugging into a hand's electrical connector. Presumably a beam rifle works the same way. This agrees with most Gundam databooks' explanation of the weapons tech and how the suit is supposed to power and control beam weapons, but it also doesn't agree very well with scenes from other Gundam stories where enemy weapons can be picked up and used immediately.
>And a Zaku's nuclear can't do that? Lmao.
A general misconception about nuclear reactors is that infinite energy = limitless output. And yes that wouldn't be enough for a laser gun (not a particle gun) based on the specs given.
No, they’re for improved power distribution
>making the pilot drink flat soda
war crime

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Rozé episodes 1-2 available on nyaa, Hulu and Disney Plus.

Movie 3 released in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 7-9.


7/12: Ep4, no mecha action
7/19: Ep5, loads of mecha action
7/26: Ep6, minimal mecha action
8/2: Ep7, minimal mecha action
8/2: Movie 4 release in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 10-12.
8/9: Ep8, loads of mecha action
8/16: Ep9, minimal mecha action
8/23: Ep10
8/30: Ep11

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I've only heard him sing the GaoGaiGar opening, so thank you!
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Damn right they made it.
>all the sailors made it
We're all gonna make it
What does #5 say when you tell her that nobody remembers her show?
Being lost in the sands of time.

I find realistic mechs extremely cooler than super robots. They look smoother, sleeker, heavier. I don't see a Gundam as this heavy machine of war it is supposed to be, more like an advanced spaceship. I do feel the weight and threat of a Landmate or an AMP suit from Avatar tho.
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The word can be used perfectly reasonably in multiple ways. Verisimilitude is literally a synonym for realistic.

It's called context.
>Verisimilitude is literally a synonym for realistic
american education at its finest
What in the world is realistic about that thing?
>b-but it has little fiddly bits!
You realize real life machines have clean, smooth contours, right?
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No see this is what a jet would look like if they were real. It's not some simplistic cartoon, it has all the mechanical details that are needed for real things.
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It's very easy to look things up and not sound stupid. Saying 'American' isn't actually a gotcha.

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