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Atropos a cute / 10
Shut the fuck up rinnepedo.
Absolute kino
You had ONE JOB OP
Wrong anon, I don't care about Rinne.

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The franchise got a lot of manga, outside of just the popular Crossbone and F90 sub-series. Some have very unique stories that would be hard to market as anime. It's a shame most have no translation, or are only translated in a few countries.
What's your favorite ones?
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Also, opinions on Gundam Wearwolf? the ongoing Titan manga
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In France, it was the only piece of UC available easily before the 2010s.
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Haven't read much of it, at least to full depth.
The origin was amazing, from what i read at least. Yas art shines in every single page.
Zeta Define, on the other hand, was pretty shit. Boring paneling, asinine character design, and those god awful CGI robots in a fucking manga. Not to mention it's tied to the already questionable CDA. Here hoping the inevitable ZZ define is better at least.
83 Rebellion is all around great. Greatky improves the original storyline and the manga has plenty of mechanical porn that easily matches the sakuga of the OVA. Not to mention they reworked Kou into much much likeable character, his final duel with Gato that last a whole fucking volume is amazing. Good stuff, loved it, and probably my favorite.
Haven't read the plot to assasinate Ghiren's Greed, but heard it's solid. Johnny Ridden only the first volume and the art was great, but the plot was pretty eh, waiting for the scans to be finished.
Moon has cool art and stories but Fukuda's plot.
There way too many OYW side stories, i actually groaned when i read Rust Horizon and Red Giant. Aggressor is probably the best, but not by much.
Thunderbolt is metal as fuck, but needs to wrap up already.
Haven't read much of the AUs, kinda curious about Glory of the Losers but Wing is eh to me. And Astray is just an excuse to draw gundams with katanas and giant swords.
Haven't read Ecole du Ciel, but seems cool if it's just cool chicks fighting giant with robots. Wish Mikimoto would finish it (and Macross The First).

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Then it's agreed! I officially declare this thread, a medarot thread!
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You got something you actually want to talk about?
Demolition mode was robbed.
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It's criminal how different game Ikki and anime Ikki are.
>Still can't play S anymore
>They're making a Vampire Saviors mobile game
Better than nothing I suppose
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So who won in the end, Wily or Light?
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Just after posting this I realized the problem. Elpizo feels like an X series side character. A Doppler, Colonel, or Gate. In and out, one-off. The Zero series focuses almost entirely on the same set of faces the entire time, with only occasional major additions (Weil). Elpizo floats in without any introduction, having apparently shown up while Zero was out making a mess in the desert, is in charge of everything, immediately fucks up irreparably, and then we kill him and never speak of him again. If it weren't for his actions' relevance to the world at large (releasing the Dark Elf, killing X), his plot could have been a sidequest, not the main story. Which I guess is kind of what the devs themselves said, since he was just a waypoint on the way to Weil/Omega.
You could say the same about most MMZ characters. Gotta work with what you got. I'll agree to disagree, though.

>is in charge of everything, immediately fucks up irreparably
Though I will point out that treating Elpizo like a chronic fuckup isn't fair at all. He's competent, just gets in over his head. He's why the Resistance has gone from hiding in the sewers to working out of an elaborate mountain base.
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Dr.Light at least had the decency to give X new powers rather than paint jobs.
All those armors and he still gets one-tapped by Genmurei.
Oh hey, it's those chicks from Digimon Tamers

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>anime goes from niche cult classics to most palatable entry point for normalfags
Any other examples?
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I do not know a single normalfag who is into Turn A.
I even tried to show it to a normalfag friend and they were not interested.
Either you got a bad luck or this is just a bait thread.
Turn A used to be a cult favorite, but it's nearly been lost to history with modern audiences. Not that it deserves that fate.
Guess you could even said it became a dark history
just fuck off

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I'll never fucking forgive them for MARS's VR mode
>"Check it out you can play in VR like you're really in the cockpit!"
>Except for any and every time dialog happens in which case even when you're STILL IN THE COCKPIT we will send you to the Cutscene Void to watch it play out
Literally fucking why? Just take the goddamn talking heads and pop them in the corners of the screen, I hate the cutscene void so fucking much.
holy shit labo man
What VR headset would you recommend for this?

Is Back Arrow any good?
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If you liked stuff getting silly in Code Geass and Gun X Sword, you'd like it, likewise if you like Sangoku or Sengoku aesthetics/themes as well. It's a lot of fun, you get quite a few memorable characters, including a booby cowgirl and of course ZETSU ZETSU ZETSU DAI DAN
It's a fun show, some parts feel like they were designed to be great for a Super Robot Wars appearance..
it's basically geass + TTGL
had the director of one and the writer of the other and the story certainly felt like it combined both
Any other fun mecha series in recent years like Back Artow and Bravern?

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So I wound up finally getting Silver Phantom and going through it. I honestly kinda liked the Delta Zayin, and was surprised that even if not by much you do ultimately get a choice.
I do however think it's odd how the only options are sacrificing yourself, dying together or running away. Ending A was worded almost like I was missing something with how it went on about how Newtypes could create miracles but I stayed human but no, that's pretty much the best ending you can get if you consider fleeing for your life to be a negative.
If you have the space for it, the MR stuff is pretty nice too, it's cool to see some of the mobile suits up close and personal life sized and the little shooter minigame they made was more fun than I was expecting if basic.
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Yes, how unrealistic...
you are so fucking stupid, please, please just go back
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It was pretty fun. Nothing too groundbreaking but fun enough.
I wonder if the game either has cut content or possible DLC since there's seemingly an unknown chapter... But the french team had hidden pictures in the files seemingly saying this is their last project before the team being destroyed. So it seems unlikely...

It's funny how this guy is basically "What if Kamille was REALLY bad at his job"

I doubt it, since no-one was shown reacting to it and Nanai at the very least would have some reaction to hearing Char talk so longingly about Lalah, given how she reacted to Quess.
Thr endings are just weird. It's really weird how the best ending is somehow the worse.

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D Gundam Second from Under The Gundam: Double Fake
The picture frame is covering up the curve
wtf they remembered Double fake???
Aside from the name I don't really think it seems that bad. I rather like Eva Anima's designs.
Not a fan of those feet. Not in the slightest.

Cruis'n USA Title Theme Edition

>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>The link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly Xenia link
>Pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3

>Models for all Gen 1 parts

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That's a manly-looking AC
kasaur kites are one of the few kasaur builds that survive outside of B rank, the only other I know of are double melee insta-death combo builds but mind beta does that better. no actual brawling for kasaur since giant hitbox + low stability is a recipe for disaster as I found out the hard way.
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>kasaur kites are one of the few kasaur builds that survive outside of B rank
i'm glad to see it exists in some capacity
whenever i fight schneider kites it's always either LAMMERGEIER or NACHTREIHER, so it always bugged me that KASUAR never seemed to show up
the manly-looking mecha in the back is actually an AC, sorry
actually an MT*
i need to catch some shuteye
testing out mp4 posting >>22970607

Toonami should have aired X after Wing instead of MSG. There are plenty of examples of shows that were panned in Japan but that were successful in the US. Sunrise fucked up. I can't stop thinking about the timeline where we got it.
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>They even make fun of Gundam Double X in Build Fighters.

Don't tell lies online.
Man it sucks to learn there's an Xrager prowling the boards.
but enough about your sex"life"
>double canceled

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wow looks like shit
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that is fucking dumb
A cockpit is a moving closet.
Both Ex and G-cucks should kneel before the true chad of modern Gundam
Even more FLCL?
That's Zudah boy, not Zaku.

Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX announced
khara x SUNRISE
Short series, first release in theather
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Stop parroting that retarded take anon, this is the actual main writter >>22966756
Holy fucking newfag. Hang yourself.
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>Reccoa Londe
You got me there, I read Anno and just replaced him with Tomino. I have no idea why.
Because you are a fucking retard newfag.

i don't really understand how so many people hold such negative opinion of the early rg gunpla. did some influential person trash talk them and now the popular opinion opinion is that they suck just cause some internet celebrity said so? i have built the rx-78-2, char's zaku ii, wing zero ew, banshee norn, char's z'gok, and zeta. only significant complaint are the banshee norn head connection. everything else is a minor inconvenience at worst. even the zeta being as quirky as it is hasnt given me any reason to be upset. none of them have gone flimsy yet. so all in all i think the rg kits even the early ones are really nice and look incredible to be honest. i would recommend at least all the ones ive listed at least.
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RGs I've built: Zeta, Nu, Crossbone, Qant, Destiny Impulse, Wing EW, RX-78, Zaku II, Zgok, and the GP01 FB.
Of all those the worst is unironically the Zaku. It's fiddly and overarticulated and you have to balance three different points in the feet to get to stand flat without wobbling around. I never liked the moving armor panels meme cause the visible MS Joints look pretty ugly, and the articulated hands just fucking suck across the board. I LOVE the Crossbone though, it makes the MG look like chump change and its only real issues come from being so small, which I have no problem with.

As for the Zeta it deserves a lot of its criticism but it's overhated imo. There's a ton of stuff to dislike about it but it's an interesting build with a unique aesthetic and a lot of funky joints. But the modern changes they've made to the RG line have been unambiguously good. I'd like to see them do an updated Zeta without the MS joints, but I also wish they'd do more stuff like the Zgok.
I don't understand who signed off on every SEED RG kit needing to have that awful shoulder joint, and how Astray managed to dodge said awful decision.
As much as people shit on RGs some of those transforming HGs deserve it too. HGs rarely have pleasant transformations and even when the whole thing is part swapping they wind up with weird, weightless joints that try to pull themselves apart.

Fiddling with the HG woundwort and that thing never should've been made to transform. It's like holding silly string.
The HG Zeta revive was my personal hell. I know a lot of people love the kit but I had nothing but issues with mine. Every single limb was a different unique struggle.
Proportions and aesthetics are really nice once it's together, though. It's just one in my 'never ever touch after final pose' category.
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It's fantastic. I will say that the ab crunch on mine stressed one of the bits near the core block, and part of it snapped off. Treated it very very carefully after that, not sure what the problem was.

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>mecha designer: Ikuto Yamashita
what caused his fall from grace here?
>tourists that pretend to know about something: OMG HE USED THIS USED TO BE SO GOOD WHAT HAPPENED?

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