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not with that generic dime-a-dozen shit

Saudis be odd.
Meh, where is Torkaizer?

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ITT we post robots designed for construction.
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after much observation and research i've come to the conclusion that the only people that dislike mecha stuff (anime, games etc,) are either women or effeminate men.

what are your thoughts /m/?
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just because women dont like mecha it doesnt mean i hate them, but you do you, have fun :)
muh maturity (but they're immature)
I like mecha that are about the characters and not the mechs
As someone who talks to anime fans regularly, they hype up shonen/seinen fights but don't give a fuck about mecha fights because the shonen/seinen ones are actually people fighting, while the mecha fights have "less stakes" and action because they're fighting with their robots instead. It's stupid I know, but this is thr way these people think. Also this shit >>22841288
90% of Tomino fans are LGBT """people""" from twitter

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/m/echa slide thread
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Super spicy hot take: Code Geass was better before Knightmare Frames began flying.

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>Rips open hyperdimensional prison
>Breaks free from singularity through brute force
>Durable enough to protect pilot from energy equivalent to a quasar.

Is this the strongest real robot to exist?
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I am over embellishing a bit here as there are inconsistencies. For one, it's a pseudo black hole that can have its gravitational pull manipulated by the dragon mech at will. The inconsistency here is that the Hagane does escape from singularity but is later shown to be taking extreme damage from the expanding black hole gravitational pull. Two, if the gravitational pull is strong enough to break apart the Hagane given enough time, then it doesn't make sense that it is capable of enduring energy from an imploding black hole. I don't think the energy is even remotely close to that of a quasar, but it is potent enough to vaporize anything that comes into contact. The island, the energy blew a hole in, is not a small island; it's quite large, and the light that emitted from the energy was blinding to obscure all vision from a 20km radius (at least). I'll calculate with a couple buddies or try a forum. It's still odd that the Hagane was still able to rip open a pocket dimension, and its speed is hard to determine because it could've catapulted using the grav pull.
Your brain is overdosed on tv tropes and non-existent genre requirements which don't actually exist in the shows you haven't watched.


Super vs Real was made up by SRW and has never had any real relevance. Westerners just love the (entirely irrelevant) distinction because they are

1) autistic nerds who love genre stratification more than they love their own children and do not understand story structure at all
2) faux-realism obsessed redditors who divvy up media based on how much it HECKIN' LOVES SCIENCERINO BROS. If it's 'realistic' and 'theoretically possible' it's Real Robot and based. Otherwise it's Super Robot which is for kids (please ignore the overwhelming number of 'real robot' shows that end up having space magic by the end).
>Super vs Real was made up by SRW and has never had any real relevance
I think this was more about the shows being about giant robots beating MotWs vs military tweens' interpersonal drama featuring robot fights cuz war is bad and SRW just used it to have hard hitting tanks vs speedy dodgy boys
There might maybe be some use for the phrase if mecha anime was GENUINELY split between episodic monster of the week super hero shows and mil-sci soap operas, but the more mecha anime you watch the more you realize there's no such thing. Mil-sci soap operas frequently bring in episodic formats, introduce space magic, and whatnot. "Super Robot" shows often develop long running narratives or tie their robots down to weighty physics or lack any real supernatural or "beyond science" elements.

Basically the whole thing is maybe an aesthetic shorthand for "stuff that looks like it came from the 70's or that homages it" but as any kind of genre classification it's bullshit. Or even more retarded when you get nerds arguing power-level shit about whether x mech is super or real.

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Daburro Ekkessu..
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G has flashes
Seed is a clusterfuck of reused ideas without any basis.
It reuses Zeon's suits even though Zeon doesn't exist in its timeline. It just does it
Kira didn't have Newtype Flash until he got the Strike Freedom.
Rau killed whom?

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I started airbrushing using one of those marker setups. The only problem is the markers are used up too fast.
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Oh no look there's other kits too. Guess that series sucks balls too

Fuck off, cunt.
Holy Cope.
are you really comparing the 4wd which has barely any runners (1 to 2) and small ratio of parts to runner (like 5 parts)? disingenuous question bro.
But it does
Dinosaurs suck dick

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>the Scrander belt makes Mazinger look fatter
Seethe, cope, dilate, sissy. :)
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Chunky bots are best.
Chunky robots convey the sense of scale very well.

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Dougram thread.
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Dougram has the closest applicability to BT of the Unseen IPs I can think of, it's not as mechs-as-1st-class-citizen the way Succ Wars era makes battlemechs the final word in ground level operations but if you're a Raselhauger at heart you'll probably stand in solidarity with the Deloyeran independence cause.
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Cropped Box art from early 1980's BattleTech. Hence FASA. Steve Venters did quite a few of these eerie Okawara pastiche works for early BT.
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The 80's were a hell of a drug.
I do miss the walls of Revell reboxed kits from every JP manufacturer in the Toys"R"Us.
Is this broken up into arcs like VOTOMS?

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Zoids are pretty cool
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One bedroom apartment. Shelf space is at a premium, but the HMM Zoids (at least the four-legged ones) are short enough to fit between the fridge and the cabinet above. It can be on display while occupying a space that your average Gundam kit couldn't go, so that's where it lives.
The best music, as long as it's instrumental.
Kow Otani is an S+ tier composer. He did the soundtracks for Zoids Zero, Gundawm Wing, and Outlaw Star among many others. He has somewhat of a signature style and mixes all kinds of genres.
Does anyone have both the Hagane Works Blade Liger and Chogokin Liger Zero? And has anyone displayed the two together?
I remember looking at stuff like this back in the early 2000's while watching Zoids Century and wishing it was translated from moonrunes. I always thought the original Battle Story stuff seemed way cooler than the anime dribble, especially all the Liger wank

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Crowd Prince. Pilot. Survivor
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Cuckquean anons are eating good. Here's hoping Maria takes Koji from Sayaka next ep
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Credit where credit is due. Tirona manages to get herself dick unlike others like Haman Karn
Technically, Koji married Hikaru in comic
>no Grendizer at all in Grendizer Urinal
>my childhood ruined
>fuck Okûchi and this mellow turd of a show

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>will you be my friend anon?
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Key The Metal Idol
Boku no Key
Dorkly is still active?
no. kill yourself
a little
not as much as I'd like, been trying to wedge in some more time for this sort of thing but job's been stupid busy with actual working stuff lately

Origin Guncannon isn't allowed.
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There's a certain romance to a Guncannon with a bazooka and a shield.
I love that Turn A Guncannon whatever it was called.
F71 G-Cannon bros... o-our response...?
I like the Evolve designs for Gundam and Guncannon. They're like a midway point between the originals and For the Barrel.
Guncannon is 100% the origin for my love of shoulder cannons.

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Best Geah
hopefully not
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I love Argento Soma and I will throw your words right back at you: How many shows mixing "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Frankenstein", "The War of the Worlds" and Jamila episode of Ultraman you know and how many manage to pull it off?
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What are some ecchi mecha anime like Goddanar and Cross Ange?
These sexless zoomers need a beating.
Not the OP and maybe I'm not up on my autistic genre definitions but what is it if not ecchi? It's not porn so it's not hentai, but it's definitely meant to be incredibly erotic with bouncing tits and ass on screen in revealing costumes 95% of the time, and an overall focus on romance.
>ecchi mecha

Mechi or Mecchi
What about porn mecha?
Any recommendations?

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