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What happened to alpha and beta?
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Doesn't a core fighter make a waverider mode kind of pointless?
It looks a lot better in some older drawings. Newer ones have a bunch of greeble.
Waverider is usually meant to allow atmospheric entry, which core fighters can't do. If it's not a waverider but just a transformation into a mobile armor mode, then it's still higher performance than any core fighter in terms of thrust and firepower.

Core fighter is usually protected because it's inside the chest, so it can still eject and be in good condition even if the machine it ejected from took damage, but it's usually low-powered and mostly serves to get the pilot away from dangerous situations, not for fighting in general.

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8/10, enjoyed through the whole thing, kinda disappointed the race was not an arc
I get that it wouldn't really be Sentai, but the fact that the second half of the show didn't go into space and show the team going through different races trying to win the Grand Prix was disappointing.
worse than king ohger and donbros
this isn't going to be memorable like those two
They could've trimmed filler episodes out and give Spinder and Granz more time in the final episodes instead.
I wanted a Carranger crossover special, it feels like it would have been easy to achieve yet we didn't....

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This flew under the radar, but Dororon Enma-kun has been fully translated into English as of a little over a week ago. This is relevant to /m/ because every anime of a Go Nagai adaptation has now been translated into English.
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See >>23094962
One of the best anime of the 70s although expect a lot of political commentary and the human characters don't do much in the second half.
>This is relevant to /m/ because every anime of a Go Nagai adaptation has now been translated into English.
Hi Duel, this is offtopic
It's also funny as hell, definitely a balance of horror and comedy done right.

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New episodes on thursdays, 00:30 JST



Previous talk
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That's what I thought too.

It's a fun twist on the Aquarion reincarnation stuff.
Somebody needs to tell DEAVA that empathy is no an emotion.
aquarion never misses

how is it a kino every time?
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This comic/manga screentone shading actually works pretty well huh. It makes Aquarion more pleasing to the eyes compared to other entries.

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Battletech and Heavy Gear bros, how are we feeling?
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You look like you can't even lift that cannon
No not really. Even when you play in sandbox mode you can still do the DLC missions where you still play as Mason. Only difference between sandbox and the campaign mode is you get the story missions in campaign mode, and you can get a different start in sandbox mode (you can also just import your campaign save file on sandbox).
>(you can also just import your campaign save file on sandbox)
Am I still stuck with Mason or is it like a new game + where I keep my stuff but otherwise start fresh?
You can newgame+ it by importing your campaign file, and that will import all of your merc info. But either way you are still technically playing as Mason, as your pilot icon is still Mason's, and Mason still has voice lines in the DLC campaigns when you do them in sandbox.
As for the newgame+ aspect of it. It resets faction rep and mission progression (missions like the kestrel lancers missions)

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Z'goks are cool, let's have a thread all about them.
spam thread
this thread is spam

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this any good?
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watch it and find out. Actually fucking try things you tasteless vacuous asshole.
I liked the anime, haven't read the manga adaptation but from my understanding it's even better.

Even though I have my gripes with the Sengoku Youko adaptation I still found it to be better than Planet With.
I liked it
It's short and sweet, and just fun enough if you don't go in with any specific expectations. You could always give the first few episodes a shot and make up your own opinion as to whether the rest is worth your time or not.
Terrible, date I say the worst TV anime that came out that year.

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Especially the first OP
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I need the
You should shoot yourself in the head, retarded zoomer.
I don't get why people don't like Kou and him being a bit of a failure. it's kind of the point, for once we get a fairly normal guy as the protagonist thrown into a situation that completely overwhelm him instead of being a super talented guy or a power fantasy.
And he's still pretty competent as a normal guy , becoming an unofficial ace pilot, it's just Gato is leagues above him.
>instead of being a super talented guy
Literally the only reason he's in the Gundam's cockpit is because he's been identified as having some fuckstupid unspecified natural potential, not because nobody else was available to serve as the Gundam's pilot. Monsha definitely wanted the job, but Burning had final say as the MS team leader and assigned Kou to the GP01.

Mind you, this is AFTER Kou got his ass handed to him by Gato twice, and BEFORE Kou has had a chance to display any kind of actual piloting ability like in the African desert episode where he scores his first MS kills (standing in front of an unarmed Komusai and panic shooting doesn't count). Fuck, no one else has even been in the Gundam's cockpit yet to provide any other test data for comparison, unless they had test pilots from Anaheim do simulator runs in the GP01 before shipping it to Australia, which I'm pretty sure they did not, since nothing was ever mentioned. I'm sure they had people in the cockpit to make sure the controls work, but not drive the GP01 yet in an actual performance test.

IIRC the newer 0083 Rebellion manga omits this scene from the OVA, but more or less confirms the same situation by having Nina say that Kou had the highest test scores with the GP01.

Why is the second album nowhere to be found?
The box sets dont have all the songs from it on them.

It dawned on me recently, but it seems that Kawamori is the only high profile mechanical designer specializing in transforming designs that aren't just bricks with wings.

I'd like to be corrected if I'm wrong but I can't think of anyone else doing designs like this.
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for me its his 3 mode aquarion design that really blew my mind i didnt like it at 1st but then i saw its transformation/combination gimmick (and that infinite punch scene)
the aggressive version of aquarion is also cool AF
Aquarion has been on my mind lately too because of the new show.

I wish there was a solid modern figure that did it justice. The SMP is cool but has a lot of partsforming, and the old Chogokin has awkward proportions.

Hoping the new show encourages them to release a new figure.
>realism is for gays
Actually it's for cucks, but I can understand how you could forget such a distinction.
What if he's a gay cuckold tho?
Has Lego ever made official kits of his test models?

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Why did none of you nerds tell me how good SDF Macross was? This show met so much of my criteria for character drama and romance and love triangles, and yet none of that came up the dozens of times I asked for more anime soap like Star Vs or Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry!
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Best dad in the series.
>Stockholm syndrome isn't exactly a poor description

I swear you get dumber every time you come back to tell everyone the same shit about how you hate Macross 7. In fact, you remind of those fandom boomers who shit up every thread the moment someone says they like the show. What's even your point anymore? That four cour mecha shows have shit pacing? If you'd seen more than one you'd know that's almost always the case.
At least he wises up in the end. Even when I was watching Robotech as a wee lad, I was always like "He is such a retard for even thinking about Minmay".

While redoing the love triangle is baffingly stupid, I found the additional 9 episodes a blessing in disguise to show that the Zentrans don't just instantly stop seeking out battles just because they were exposed to culture and the fear that the Earth may come under attack again (hence why Global needed that Zentran Factory Satellite).
So that Misa could do cute passive-aggressive things like flip the Minmay poster in Hikaru's room and give him a photo gallery of herself

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What does /m/ think of Kazuki Nakashima as a writer?
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what is the name of the one on the top row, 2nd from the left?
Aikawa wrote the anime, Nakashima wrote the original novel.
Dogshit, like everything that isn't Gundam. WFM won, Gquacks won, discord won, yuri won. /m/ lost.
>not liking Ideon
holy shit taste

>Cute and imposing at the same time
>Pointy ears
>Piloted and cherished by a young rural woman
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I thought she named it after a dog.
Quads of truth, yes she literally named it after her dog.
>inb4 "you just know"
she's not white wtf is wrong with you
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Only in the anime, directed by Mamoru "dogs are my religion" Oshii.
The manga never gave it a name.
I don't like to joke about the AV98 tow cable, because the groin is the only logical place to place such a thing.
also >>23094475
Noa names all her pets Alphonese. I believe she said there was a cat at one point too.

Despite 11 becoming the best selling game in the franchise, everything has been quiet on Capcom, aside from some leaks that might or might not be cancelled by this point. Still, the Blue Bomber lives on.
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SRW fans didn't run into the streets to donate millions of dollars to a conman and then run back with their tails between their legs. So no. You can't play that game.
I can guarantee you that if that happened to Tenreda you'd get the same group of fans putting millions in hopes to get old SRW games with translations. It's bad faith thinking no fanbase wouldn't try to help fund a series they love in hopes a new game gets made.
God you're a little bitch.
>No augment
Suck my ass.
Megaman fans be like "guys, I'm not sure if they're gonna release the 7th game in the Rockman CZ Breakdance Battle series this year... or maybe the next!" and then act like they're starving to death. No one should be this histrionic about a franchise with over fifty numbered titles.

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Honest question, how do people see two men fighting each other over a girl as "gay couple"?
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You have to beg Char to eat your pussy he won't do it for the love of the game he is so gay.
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Lying on what, do their words contracts what was said or?
It's both him adding in gay undertones to sell their relationship as more deep than both enemies and lovers and fujobait. Not that hard to understand.
It's hard to get over your first love.
Your word implies that boys only consume and didn't show any appreciation like writing a letter which contradict what Tomino said.

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