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New chapter out now:

Japanese - https://viewer.heros-web.com/episode/2550689798424401857

English - https://mangadex.org/chapter/f4eef82c-80f6-4456-9214-254e93189e0c

Past chapters (again, as I said in the last thread, I do this to remind how many chapters there are and to motivate those who gave up in the middle to continue):

Chapter 1 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/a7be2e9c-b77d-4584-8daa-f2ad8b114836/1

Chapter 2 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/db6819cd-5904-4fdd-af29-977121fefeee/1

Chapter 3 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/9a2b12b0-1b50-4b04-8057-b3e83581f29c/1

Chapter 4 - https://mangadex.org/chapter/268538c4-21f1-41f4-b813-7d96f176e0f6/1

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it's not literal
you tokufags got too cocky for your own good here, sorry
I don't know why Tokufags love Toshiki Inoue so much.
>Gundam has animal ears but no snout
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That's because it's not supposed to be based on an animal.

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Rozé episodes 1-4 available on nyaa, Hulu and Disney Plus.

Movie 3 released in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 7-9.


7/19: Ep5, loads of mecha action
7/26: Ep6, minimal mecha action
8/2: Ep7, minimal mecha action
8/2: Movie 4 release in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 10-12.
8/9: Ep8, loads of mecha action
8/16: Ep9, minimal mecha action
8/23: Ep10
8/30: Ep11
9/6: Ep12

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it's just a written version of the movie with some additional pieces like the wedding. The original timeline doesn't get content anymore.

Post ships you just think are cool (east or west)
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Now strap in tight, let's get set for action
to launch the ship out of the sand
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Pineapple belongs on pizza, and pizza belongs in Pineapple.
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flat chest big heart
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Naturally. Not only is Felsi a follower of Guel-senpai, Dilanzas are mostly superior to Demi Garrisons. The main strength of Demi Trainers and Garrisons is that they are cheap to maintain and easy to pilot, but their performance is lacking and mostly relies on large numbers. In comparison, Dilanzas are very durable and combat-efficient as they are designed to protect and support the pilot.
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Fuck non-binaries injecting their retarded belief into everything.
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Mashins redesigned by Nagano
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Manga Mashins
We better see them naked
Would you want them to bring the original voice actors back or use new ones?

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Crazy how people loved him when he was Misogynistic, who treated Sayaka like shit and had lots of anti-woman comments in Mazinger Z, but hated him in Grendizer when he treated the girls like a gentleman and had actual romance with them
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>it's from exhentai
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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Arc now streaming on ULTRAMAN official Channel

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Gavv episode previews aren't the only thing leaked. ARC's episode 5 to 7 as well.
I wonder why they never gave super taro a visual change like all the other super and fusion ultras?
Not enough budget
Even Charge Up Stronger was just a slight palette swap

I know Grendizer is popular in the Middle East, but they didn't have to set the new series in Saudi Arabia, right?
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Funny that Cygames had Drag queen in their own gacha before Blackrock.
peak garbage
Sex with Duke in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction with the lights off
You said that out loud Koji.

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>One year later
>No update
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When was the last time a non-micronized Zentradi was relevant? The Meltrandi are the ones that get that focus
That rebellion with one of Kamjin's clones in Frontier.
macross 7 is good!
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I'm fine with both, but obviously I have a preference for one group.
No, it's the best.

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Because I need these and I have never owned a single pair of Crocs.
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>Is that a thing?
Seems like anon is speaking from experience.
They only sold the adult sized ones at AnimeExpo. Totally fucked.
>since Gundams are starting to be popular in the mainstream again.
I haven't seen this
Gundam peaked with children and teenagers in 2001-2 and even then it wasn’t “mainstream”. Saying it is today is madness.

Newfags will never know walking into department stores and seeing rows of Gundam action figures (like an insane amount from every series even ones that weren’t currently airing, you could never collect them all) and getting fully professionally dubbed video games (You will never know playing Journey to Jaburo as 0079 was airing on TV).
What a time to be alive. Gundam was always niche but that small window was it’s flash in the pan in the USA.
are you kidding people mistake any japanese mecha and call it a Gundam now. that's how you know it's mainstream.

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Flexible edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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>Shirabe - that weird tire mech from V
Do you know how little that narrows it down
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Not to mention G-reco has the actual weaponized yo-yo MS (and it's surprisingly effective)
>survived three concerts
Is that even possible?
Well, the Einerad was technically a separate thing that could be utilized by basically anything, but most commonly the Gedlav
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>Tsubasa - Red Frame
I'd give her one of Graham's suits.

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Previous thread >>22488418
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
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Yesterday, it went live exactly after Super Hero Time ended.
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It’s >>22725877 again, it’s quite fun seeing various tokusatsu references and gags of series one has already watched in all of these old school anime, almost burst out laughing at sharivan’s blink and you miss it cameo in episode 1 of dirty pair. Its especially funny because that particular installment was one of my favorites throughout my metal heroes watch through
Did the Garo generals die out? I just got around to starting it...
They might as well be here now anyway

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Sequel announcement soon? They announced alot of merch this month.
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man, i need an official mujina rikka thigh envy artwork
I need more adults women in Gridman franchise the always know how to make them hot(yes even in Denkou Choujin)
Yuta dick must be hurt by now
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I wish this was official for sale

Previous thread:

Please check to see if the content you're looking for is in the spreadsheet below before asking!

Recommended Anime torrent and ddl sites:


>https://www.acgnx.se/ (torrent mirror/scraper)
>https://animetosho.org/ (eng anime, torrent mirror, subs)
>https://animk.info/xdcc/ (XDCC index)

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We did but the main guy doing them hasn't been a regular for a while now.
Page 9 bump.
The earlier episodes are a little wonky, merging too many lines together and omitting hefty chunks of what was spoken, so if you manage to bring them up to par with the latest ones, that would actually be really cool.
They are also blocking whatever european IP segment I'm in, and I'm not using any VPN. Seems like they went rather trigger happy with blocking, and that's in addition to a number of countries that block it from their side. I end up using the iss mirror instead, though it's as shady as all other nyaa mirrors.
If anyone can I'd like to request seeds for Dodgy's torrent of the 2005 Tetsujin 28 live action movie please.
It's not even that big, here's a DDL


I'm seeding the torrent too in case you can't get it from the DDL

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