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The first ever episode of a classic G1 Transformers show is now in 4K. I hope we eventually see Victory, Headmasters, Zone, Scramble City and episodes of the original series eventually.
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>I saw how Optimus treated his men he was a leader of integrity
>unlike you
>You were too weak to gain my respect
Micheal Dobson was a great Starscream.
Transformers animated is the last good western Transformers that featured japanese Autobots/Decepticons and the headmaster juniors would have became main characters with Sari as shes technically a pretender too
It's not as terrible as the first trailer but it's still kind of slop. Not bayverse slop at least.
No? Marvel only wrote the marvel comics.

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Why does Dijeh have a pair of big back fins? They seem really useless.
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at least some of the engineers working on it were previously involved in designing the Gelgoog so it has a lot of similar styling
What I would give for a one-shot comic about the Dijeh being developed and those guys finding out they were building or built a unit for Amuro.
Amuro was personally involved in the design process so that'd be extra funny. In particular, the weapon rack on left shoulder was his idea - basically saying he needs space for another rifle or bazooka or two because he'll shoot through the rest of his guns and still be able to keep going.
It stuck around for units besides the first too, funnily enough.
>Amuro: "I'm so sure of my skills I need extra firepower and a place to dock it on the unit."
The fucking balls on this guy.
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bclub dijeh is EPIC!!!

A containment thread that focuses on synchtubes (go figure). We have the regulars like Dorkly's mog-rog on Fridays, my PTSF-THRS on Thursdays, Agguguy's MGRnR200X on the weekends on special occasions, and now Deacon's m-adras-tea-and-film taking mog-rog's original Tuesday slot. We also have the wideamari channel streaming ZotE: Dolores on Saturday mornings (Eastern).
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tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (in about ten minutes from now)
Thunderbolt Fantasy s3e4
The Brain Machine
Ultraman Arc 4
Miniforce 13, 14
some random odds and ends
Brain Machine next!
Ultraman next!
Miniforce next!
a couple of random things next!

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Knights of Sidonia
Did the anime finish adapting the manga?
I recall watching the first season all the way back when it was one of the first netflix 'originals'
There was a movie last year.
Instead of another season, we have got a movie, but that's about it.
Yes, they finished it off with a movie. IT changed a couple things but pretty faithful overall

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Very much so.
Wonder how 2025 will top 2024 on the sequels and revivals.
Remove this spam already.
Mirai wo

>Diorama mode is JACKED
>Chaos, Abyss, Gaia, Dong Zhuo Providence (I HAVE NO MORE USE FOR LUO YANG), GM II Semi-Striker announced
>2nd ONT the first week of August
>5 missions, 28 kits, full diorama mode

Oh yeah. I’m thinking Kino. Your hopes for GB4?

Recap of todays steam:
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P much what that guy said. Here’s a review we wrote at the time that breaks down its worth
Build fighters reignited that childhood excitement I had and seeing how this game has a hangar launch scene with your gunpla, I'm fucking hyped, absolutely perfect for an autist gunpla enjoyer like myself.
That's pretty cool. I'm not a fan of mobileshit games but it's nice that the circumstances around one can give some populatiry and recognition to an otherwise unremarkable mobile suit.
Literally couldn’t matter less. Don’t reply to Gacha slop or you’ll be just as big of a faggot

Samefag plz leave

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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For me, it's blue Shin Getter.
>reading Hien
>Jacov somehow gets a getter reactor despite not taking it from Shin or the original (unless he snagged it after the getter beam clash)
>later says the weaker one was in shin getter, despite pursuing it in the first place
I appreciate the answer at least.
It's for the best.

Started watching this with a friend. Honestly I was really enjoying the show until the Royal Knights pop up. Where it just becomes our team of jobbers (who are now mostly useless because only Takuya and Koji can do anything) constantly losing against these two for what is almost 10 episodes of absolute nothing happening filler that drops all plotlines until the episode BEFORE they beat them. It's a good enough show that took a massive nose dive during this "arc" which is a shame.
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Still the Angels managed to take out 3 of the big bosses.

Which is a slightly different issue from "Only Red and Blue main guys get to be important"
Atlurkabuterimon completely wrecked Pinocchimon's shit, while Metalgarurumon did get that kill it was a fucking kill-steal.
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Crazy how people loved him when he was Misogynistic, who treated Sayaka like shit and had lots of anti-woman comments in Mazinger Z, but hated him in Grendizer when he treated the girls like a gentleman and had actual romance with them
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You sound like a total secondary faggot that never actually watched or read Mazinger
Kill yourself immediately
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Huh wow, thought I saved that img, but I guess this is from this ep, I had a similar one when the city was in smoke. Have another Grendizer, he certainly looks very cool.
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It is a real shame he wasn't around to see what a nice young lady his daughter grew up to be.
Wasn't she only like 16 years old? Dozle is bare minimum in his 30s or 40s
In 0079 Gihren was 35, Dozle was 28, Kycillia was 24, and Garma was 20.
And had Puru.
>Cares about his subordinates
>Willing to use violence often, but will refrain from using it at times
Even if you take away the money and turn Dozle into a regular construction foreman he'd probably get himself a wife.

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I'm sick of seeing cylinders in virtually every universe.
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>FTL requires new physics or fringe physics to be correct
When a particle moves faster than light, it moves faster than other matter can react to it. This is why FTL would be unnoticable if it exists. Also, note that I said particle and not atom.
I watched through a bit of a Phantasy Star 3 playthrough, and the player bought a sword from a store, was told about caves and an island from NPCs, there's monster attacks, and mountains in the overworld which has a lot of large empty grasslands. It looks pretty much indistinguishable from a normal medieval fantasy setting up until the NPCs started mentioning cyborgs. I'm not watching any further, but I'm guessing they either add the more sci-fi elements gradually, or the space colony part is a plot twist, unless it was something you would have known if you played PS 1 & 2.

Am I close?
Yes and no. You are on a ship that looks a bit like the bases from Bosconian or the old Star seed show from the 70s. There were 400 of these launched before Palm bit the big one. All were "infected" by the Dark Phalus creature, the manifest of negative energy that is the general antagonist of PS. There is one other ship, Neo Palm. Eventually, you reach Earth.
That didn't answer what I was asking about at all. How does the player learn this?
In the end, all things are.
What if the stone is broken?

new /m/onsters
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I mean how many decks run level 9 packages that include FIRE and WATER monsters? VW can at least go into Crocodragon and Vermillion Mech.
>for the rest of this turn, any of your opponent's effects that was activated by targeting that card will resolve negated.
Interesting wording, dont think ive seen it said this way on any other card
The closest thing that came to mind is Cerulean Skyfire but the wording of that one is also pretty different
>Cerulean Skyfire
Ah, one of the few cards that can negate Super Polymerization.

Aside from the literal death god thing, this wasnt bad at all. And though probably not the case, i hope RFV has similar action scenes/ emphasis on military aspect, and not just "unstoppable protagonist zaku is our only hope hurr" (it probably will be). Anyways, what scenes or details did you guys like/dislike? Also any other /m/edia thats similar?
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I enjoyed the hell out of MS Igloo, Elmer's Zaku is my favorite in the whole franchise.
The first Igloo didn't have anything like it. Ghosts up and talking to characters in Gundam isn't anything new but the Death God was more of a looming, overwhelming presence and was not based on anyone who'd previously been alive, making her even weirder among Gundam's ghostly cohort,
Look im not completely against it, it was just executed a lil too corny at times and felt a bit put of place in quite a few scenes.
I liked how they portrayed the effect of the 155mm guns on the tanks, and the final dual sabot shot was awesome
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where's my HG Assault Guntank, Bandai? Hidolfr and Oggo got kits but not this thing?

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Alright /m/ hear me out, we already know what newtype and ctarl ctarl sex is like, but what about solenoids? An all female race that’s never seen a man before?
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So Raby and Eluza were a thing?
I mean we don’t exactly know how the birds and the bees works with solnoids if it’s all just yuri thus going back to my op question, give them the D and see what happens
iirc, the og plan the Solnoids and Parnoids wasn't expecting rule 63s of Solnoids. More of a combined being of both races.
>cut for no reason
Sounds like it was never actually a thing.
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Sonoda likes lesbians. Who knew?
Added to a game, had some substance.

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Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
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There was a thread on 2ch about them beconing lovers. I am not into /u/ but it was a sweet story.
>Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
macro all day every day
All Klans are good. Except for the Buff Clan, fuck those guys.
I remember when this show was brand new and I never watched it for some reason. That was over fifteen years ago. That was around the time I came to 4chan from evageeks. I have strayed too far from my roots as a retro anime and retro games fag.

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