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Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXajrfFfshQ
Twitter Link: https://x.com/voltesv_legacy/status/1834396596756521133
Steve Armstrong/Kenichi Gō: Chiaki Kobayashi
Mark Gordon/Ippei Mine: Yamato Kinjo
Big Bert/Daijirou Gō: Hiroyuki Kagura
Little John/Hiyoshi Gō: Makoto Koichi
Jamie Robinson/Megumi Oka: Megumi Nakajima

Prince Zardos/Heinel: Junichi Suwabe
Zandra/Katherine: Riho Iida
Draco/Jangal: Yusaku Hiyama
Zuul: Kosuke Echigoya

Key Art by Idea Oshima and Naochika Morishita
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I fucking knew they were gonna get Megumi Nakajima for one of the main roles. Was kinda hoping they would cast her as Katherine, but Megumi is fine too.
There are Voltes V Crew Interviews too right?
If you mean the production staff then yeah. They have some snippets from the director.
Oh thanks.
Unfortunately I'm on my phone right now, so I can't post properly.
Damn that looks so badass.

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What are some series that contain truly gigantic robots that pose a threat to innocent lives due to their size alone?
I liked that aspect of Bokurano the most, but I don't think it was utilized enough after they started having most of their battles in the ocean.
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Funny how the largest mech in Battletech would get crushed under the foot of Metal Gear REX, despite being over a thousand years apart
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The only thing that should be on mecha backs are rocket cylinders.
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We need more mecha medias that are not about war or fighting
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I don't see what's so special about Coordinators compared to Naturals.
They're not that impressive.
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>If I recall they were having issues even by Seed.
When you take Durandal's past into cosideration, it is probably a relatively new problem at around the mid CE60s since PLANT already had the whole "arranged marriage" in place by that time and Patrick was like "We can SCIENCE our way out of this problem!" in response to Siegel in CE71. (Durandal was born in CE41 and Talia was born in CE44 so they were probably some of the earliest Second Generations given how CE timeline and history works).
Yzak is the better candidate for Master Asia's tutelage.

You're a retard
I mean memes aside that was the original intention from George Glenn right? It seemed like he already kinda knew about the issue ahead of time, and intended for coordinators to breed with naturals to create the superhumans naturally.

Yeah that's true. I guess I'm just wondering if they managed to get something out of the ultimate coordinator project on that front. Wonder if Durandal's Destiny Plan actually addressed that in any way, given the importance placed on genes and how you'd be slotted in society.
This. He trained for like 10 years to be a gundam fighter

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So many mecha made out of metal but none made out of wood, why is that?
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>Metal is more metal

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Late to the party I know but I just saw the requiem for vengeance trailer. For the first few seconds I thought it was some live action thing, the mobile suits looked cgi but passable, the disappointment came when the cg people showed up. And the newtype stuff, I get wanting to introduce it to people who have never seen the series and all, but 0079 didn't even until close to the end. Thank you for coming to my blogpost
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I wish they made the rest of the origin. The old 0079 show really doesn’t hold up very well imo.
As for requiem for vengeance, I heard it’s going to be focused on logistics and engineering, not too unlike MS IGLOO, so it was never going to be a good starting point.
It's been a while since I've seen an adaption so thoroughly ready to bomb and deserving it too. Just want to get this mess out of the way so we can enter the forever arc of having to tell people "ignore the shitty netflix one" in recommendations.
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What is this pea shooter
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Look at how they fucking massacred my boy
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They released a new clip. The script is something they are either translating with google translate or making the grammar bad on purpose. Humans are stiff, mechs aren't. It's mostly them trying to introduce something to normalfags that is cheap.

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Post zams
appreciate zams
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Barzam is the crab of mobile suits. every mobile suit eventually evolves into Barzam.
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Actually viable for mass production, for starters.

Guys what robot is this? Mazinger right?
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That's no Zaku bois.
It's clearly Unit 05
I hope if Skybound's current run by DWJ gets translated (official or fanmade) in Japanese, we can get art like this from Japanese artists for non-Transformers /m/
>he doesn't know what Megas XLR looks like
Kids these days...
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This is Bombman

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Post em
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Bunch of new characters and and a new MS for Gundam Silver Phantom

Azami Meggineh
A former Federation Forces official who has been secretly collaborating with Zeon, extracting concessions from both sides. Age 38. Azami has a highly narcissistic personality, and excels at keeping other people at a distance by twisting their words to negate them. She is currently hiding among the Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves for her own protection.
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theres no way this little shit doesnt turn out to be the MC
(You) are the MC
Yeah. MC is a faceless character. You can even choose their gender. They are a mercenary working for their the federation or Zeon.
You meant Principality of John?
she's literally me

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Have you seen his show yet?
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So the new DDs, though I guess they were just reprinted, have memories of what happened in the series?
They are copies/clones, so not new but it's too early to say anything about them. Seems like they have some kind will but it's unclear,
>have memories
the cunus' copy was calling for smith so maybe??
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Seems like another anthology popped up, but it's not clear it's the sequel of the one published by Kadokawa or another work under a different publisher, Gakken
>A comic anthology of the original TV anime "Courage Explosion Burn Brave Burn". It features the best comics by 18 manga artists. The cover is by character designer Koichi Motomura, and the frontispiece is by character designer Kamo Kamen and animation director Ryuta Ura. At the end of the volume, there is a special roundtable discussion between director Masami Ohbari, series composer Keigo Koyanagi, Koichi Motomura, and Kamo Kamen
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Dougram thread.
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Is this broken up into arcs like VOTOMS?
its more like a continuous story line from beginning too end
Not even soft arcs?
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Yes, and I say this as someone who watched Dougram before playing a single BT/MW game. The portrayal of the Combat Armors in the show aren't far from what Battlemechs are capable of doing (with the notable exception of Soltics in pyjamas); you'll have a blast with your BT goggles on tight.
sure its seperated into soft archs but if you stop paying attention for a bit you could get easily loose where you actually can loose track where you are in the story

>KINO Gundams
>KINO GMs designed by Godtoki himself
Explain how 0083 isn't absolvte mecha kino.
"Fuck off tourist"

how was my impression anon?
I prefer "This post is extremely low quality"
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Didn't like Nina or her affair but I think the overall plot was good. The designs, animation and art style were all great.
I wish there were more post-OYW anime, you can have as many Gundams as you want and it wouldn't conflict with anything.
The main characters are pretty bad. Kho is a retard, Nina is evil, and the rest don’t get enough characterization to become likable. Gato and Dilaz were good as straight Zeon loyalists though, and Cima had a decent arc too.
>and Cima had a decent arc too
She was the best character thoughever.

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>transforms into her sister to fool her sister's fiancee
>marries her sister's lover
>reveals herself only to accuse him of being a cheater and liar
what the fuck is wrong with her?
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when you want to market your toys but you don't have budget
>Grendizer manga ends with Earth getting fucked
>Goldorak sequel comic ends with a depressed Duke having to raise a Vegan child after they once again ravaged his planet
>Grendizer U's Duke got Catfished marriage raped
It's not easy being Duke Fleed
>Grendizer had to save Koji and Tetsuya in the Dynamic manga
>Duke gave Koji Freed's technology to power-up Great Mazinger against Hades in Hades vs Devilman manga
Lucky bastard, getting dommed by all the cute ladies! WOULD
>get firmly told to fuck off and that nobody likes them in Zero vs Ankoku Daishogun

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