Another week another gridman merch
>>23097273>Just copying Yuta with an atmosphere of "I'm helping!"It's just a cute figure, what's wrong with that?
>>23098806Without Yomogi's scar being visible on the figure, he doesn't have any iconography compared to Yuta's Acceptor, so it looks awkward. Like they're posing for a behind-the-scenes photo or something. It's just a small thing I found amusing.
>>23097059>>23092735I need more Gauma merch.
>>23096986>Then yes, frequentlyI see, I see.
>>23092735Theyre opening a gridman heroine event in march. Tsuburaya con announced for september, last chance for a sequel.Pic isnt new but new merch will be announced in the event
For me, it's the Strike Dagger
>>23100455I want a taurus, aries and pisces HG so badly
>when you thought your evil fighting senpai has a super special robot just like you, but then it turns out he was styling on your one of kind bot with a mass-produced machine
>>23100484I quite like the tragos, and it would be cool to see both versions in a 2-pack.
I swear they teased a new animated SD Gundam series when World Heroes ended, but turns out it was just a web manga spin-off. Meh. Post SD Gundams, I guess.
>>23097381Still waiting for the SDEX reveal
According to the director, X was supposed to be an anti-Gundam work, which is why it took a stand against the concept of Newtype and against the idea of Gundam being the invincible OP mech that can do anything.what do you think of his view?
>>23098474The GOAT
>>23098513For me it's the Octape
>>23100085I respect that, but I'm personally not a fan of huge shoulders. Even the Neo Daughtress' shoulders are too big in my opnion.
for me, it's Daughtress Neo
What is considered the lewdest mecha series?
>>23100092Thanatos and Eros
>>23097905what the hell is this why does she shit
>>23093685Yeah they're always going "gulp he's right 後ろに me, isn't he?!?"
Code Geass has boobs (with nipples) and female masturbation
Anyone can recommend gundam artbook filled with sketches like picrel? Ideally something still in print and can be bought on amazon. Basically I want Groundwork of Evangelion books but Gundam(-like). I tried the usual keywords like 原画集/Gengashuu but didn't find one for Gundam. The Gundam artbooks have some B&W sketches but the mecha is just standing straight, no action poses at all.
Previous Thread >>2294587701/11 January is the first anniversary of the show.
>>23096012Isn't it a common thought that giant robots are now more popular in Asia outside of Japan than Japan itself?
Happy Birthday Lewis Smith!>
>>23100429>>Once again, happy birthday >I'm glad I met you...>I look forward to your continued support
新企画『キューティーハニーNova』始動!ホビージャパン55周年 イベントで 高峰ナダレ 氏による描き下ろしの「キューティーハニー」を初公開。続報をお楽しみに!【月刊ホビージャパン55th ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL】・開催日/10月23日(水)~10月27日(日) ・会場/AKIBAカルチャーズZONE 4階
>show isn't even out yet>already being commercialized to deathTomino is rolling in his grave right now
Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay.
>>23098158Char is already recast here though. It's an AU so they're seemingly fine with it.
>>23097772Haro is here, so Amuro won actually
>>23097149Not the first time for Gundam, dumbass tourist from /lgbt/
Previous thread: >>23093172>Torrent:>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai) (embed)>List of subbed series: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23101465I find it funny where chinese fandom roasting him too much because his jaw is too squared.
New thread: 23101547
Page 6 new thread: >>23101547>>23101548Why did you do it? And botch it at that?
Dai-Guard thread
>>23100047Spam thread.
spam thread
>>23100049Ice Type was my favorite heterodyne, lot of neat designs in that.
That change to have Dai-Guard made of three jets near the end was a very random thing to do.
>>23100148That was honestly a pretty heavy set of episodes but it also didn't really feel out of place either. Dai-Guard kind of its in this weird spot where it's a fairly silly show but it never acts silly about the stakes. It's an appreciable tone. Joke about the robot being a money pit or the hero being a dork but the danger and drama and stakes are all very real. >>23100168It's never really stated fully but the fact that DaiGuard seems get a bigger budget as time goes on is a nice detail.
>>23094036You're supposed to write a message before you sign a post.
>>23075447You'll get fat rei.
>>23097741Who's the chick in top-left?
Just started watching Turn A and wtf? This isn't a woman??? Throughout the years I've seen images of this person and I always thought it was a lady.
Should I watch Turn A at any point, or after I've watched everything before it?>things can be enjoyed at any time instead of being checklist chores>already ready to like Turn A and all the other shows before it>but want to maximize my enjoyment on the first watch, because it feels like it was intended for the people that watched everything before it, and you should have some background knowledge of what happened, if Turn A is "the natural conclusion of all Gundam">realizing that I can just rewatch it after watching the other shows, and catch the references and detailsI just think the Turn A has a fun design and I want to befriend it soon
>>23099978how about you get some agency first of all
>>23099984I wanna exercise my agency while being properly informed, and I trust my friends on /m/ to have more contextual information and experience with these things
>>23100007>I have no agencysee >>23099984
>>23100012But advice
Domon's kid is cute
>>23077033Kansai dialect? Did someone else raise her? Did Domon forget her in the mountains after the tiger math lesson?
>>23095518I'm betting on her having been separated from them young somehow. There's the dialect, and I really doubt Rain would be ok with her young child out and about in danger like that. Domon I could see being more lenient, but after everyone he lost or nearly lost in the show I can't see him being ok with it either. There's also the chance she isn't their only kid--12 years after the series gives them plenty of time.I'm wondering how she "manipulates" the gundam. Because from what little jp I know, "piloting" a mecha is usually written as "riding" it.
>>23089607What did Garrod do this time? Microwave a bunch of innocent people with the Satellite Cannon again?
>>23098296I think nobody is more suitable than the ninja herself.when it comes to training a kid to manipulate a ninja robot
>>23093771G is not gay.
Happy valentines day, /m/