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How influential was the G1 Transformers show on the landscape of 80s /m/echa anime and toys?
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what is this supposed to be againn
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz reference
My favorite is when they would have the narrator say “And then!” (そして!) when nothing happened except a cut from one shot to another.
Mazin Scream Go.
It's Starscream after putting on a bunch of spare Mazinger parts.

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Ple! Ple! Ple!
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So this is the power of AI.
I have two questions in increasing order of importance:
Why is she in Gjallarhorn?
Is there a version of this with more Z'gok-E?
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I miss them so fucking much
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Stop spamming.
You first, spammer.
Why do you have so many pictures of my wife?
You got a problem with that?
>Inoue comes back for one show and then fucks off
Where is he now?

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>G-Reco = incest themes
>IBO = Yaoi themes
>G-Witch = Yuri themes
>Freedom = NTR themes
what is Banrise doing?
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An having a gay name like Camille
It's a nice name though
Cool CG sequence.
I’ve seen this said a lot but never with any sources. Even the extremely feminine early Tieria art is tagged as male. It’s the same thing with people saying Sayla was meant to be in Zeta and fuck Amuro before getting replaced with Bel. Where do these claims even come from?

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Your right it’s when they’re naked that’s most disturbing
The female one.
Full shaft or only half of one?
Full, uncle go thought it was a good idea to show it
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How would you rank them from best to worst?
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most people that claim to have watched 4th work haven't actually watched most of it or sped-watched it
Forgetting a detail in a one-off episode is normal if you didn't watch it recently
Forgetting a fact and claiming the opposite of it? That's a speedwatcher move.
That was the entire premise of an episode not a minor detail, retard.
demonstrably a lie:

The truest threesome of the series who should literally do everything together in a three-seat Knightmare Frame.
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The closure was epic but dumb. Re;surrection makes it somewhat better, although still far from what should have been.
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Happy birthday, I've spilled numerous loads to your Ayanos

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What version of Gundam History do you prefer: Knight of Musha?
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Why not both?

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Post em
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A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_OQ3-gxruE
Looks pro/m/ising.

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Why does /m/ hate this classic? Absolutely stellar designs, animation, music, and Yasuhikoisms.
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The fag was the MOST important part of venus wars.
It's the only part, apparently.
>Weird you would want to defend this.
I can feel the estrogen in you.
>Why does /m/ hate this classic?
Since when?

--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Destiny Gundam - Palma Fiocina
Lunamaria Hawke - Force Impulse Gundam
Ken Taiga - Jushin Thunder Liger (with Yui Kamishiro & Mai Kamishiro Support)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Honorary Finnish
I... have no words.
We got black Gundams, black Getters, Mazingers have naturally black Chogokin, and Akito's Aesti got additional black armor when having a bad day. Are we out of ideas on what needs more black mecha?
99% of the script is identical between Gaiden and OG Saga remake. The only new stuff is Memorial Day which is where all the OG references come into play.

If you're referring to Revelation of an Evil God, Lord of Elemental and Revelation of an Evil God are two different games.

They came on two different UMDs if you got the latter's Special Edition when it first came out. The Lord of Elemental PSP port was released separately on PSN once Pride of Justice came out too, rather than being restricted to the physical cart.
Has Sayaka in Mazinger ever been at all good.
She has good support spirits so in the games where Kouji upgrades to Mazinkaiser she's a very viable candidate for Z

It’s G-Over
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NTA but at least Hanselmann is still around. That's something.
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Hey, remember when Turn A had a mobile suit museum and its cast remember the events of UC before calling it the Black History or when Moonlight Butterfly was a pretty little light show and not a planet ending wings of light?
That's not possible. The Turn X doesn't have the moonlight butterfly until it steals the data from the Turn A during the series. This is confirmed by Newtype 100% Turn A Gundam vol 2. The Turn X doesn't have the moonlight butterfly by default, it has a copy ability.
Remember how everyone learned about UC in episode 43 of Turn A Gundam, and found out that the Moon Palace had a full on video archive of EVERYTHING from Black History from the start of UC up to Armageddon, the end of the UC civilization that was destroyed by the Turn A, including direct footage from Earth as the Turn A Gundam was destroying the planet, with close ups of the Turn A from the ground? I remember.
Find something more passionate and positive to do.

How come /m/ never talks about The Terminator? It's amazing
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I am not quite pleased at the sheer volume of tired companies and properties trying to openly co-opt anime.
That's sort of the point. Robocop was always less tragic introspection and more cynical commercial desensitization. The scientists would laugh and face palm at the horror they created.
Yeah they were having fun with that sequence. ROBOT 2!!! ah...ROBOCOP 2 2 ......NINETY MILLION DOLLARS.
It got milked to death.
Terminator is that franchise that legit seems to be a zombie, it should be long dead but its corpse keeps moving

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Have you ever read or written fanfiction for /m/ shows? I'm not just talking about the more traditional kinds of fanfiction about characters doing something, but also original stories that are technically set in certain universes created by others.
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Here is the next Megas XLR fan-script rewrite of one of my fan episodes.

Season 6, Episode 5: The Cockpit
Fun story with Kamille recovering mentally after being conscripted by Char to pilot Alpha Azieru: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36613183
there is no /m/ wiki, it is just one retard's fanfiction

fanfiction.net's says their host (GoDaddy) threatened to ax their DNS resolution until they removed 12 items that were said to be child abuse. FF.N claims they did a manual review of them all, deleted what they said was in violation (but not all of them, by their own admission, because they felt some of them did not violate the rules), and then they got their shit delisted because most of the internet is just automated and run by bots anyway. But yeah, it's back now.
I wrote a lot of crappy self-inserts when I was a wee lad. I have an idea for a Xenoblade Chronicles X and 2003 Battlestar Galactica crossover but never did anything with it. I don’t even know if I have the notes for it anymore.

I’ve also tried to write a lot of Armored Core stories that never went anywhere. I got as far as writing a bunch of bios and designing their ACs in one of my save files for the games but it fizzled out after that.
Thank goodness.

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I think this resonated with people because it's Romantic. After Star Wars, people wanted to see Romantic works.
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I like mononoke over the nausicaa movie, but I like the nausicaa manga over mononoke. They're all quite nice.
For me it's Whisper of the Heart
That is coming up soon as well.

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