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Sayla Mass & the RX-78-2
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He has to go into battle with jizz in his suit now.
File deleted.
Didn't know Amuro was from the New York subway. At least he eats fresh.
Sayla Mass (the M is silent)
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Name this team
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total necrospammer death
Better than necrobumper /y/ning about nothing all the time. Stop ban evading while you're at it.
Licking doorknobs on other planets is illegal you know.
Why do they look like they are in Witch from Mercury?
Because G-Woke designs are so samey at times that they look like they blend into other entries. Even aristocrat Dunbines.

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Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
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Ha love her.
One of my favorite scenes is when Sheryl explains to them that a pilot HAS to fly and a singer HAS to sing. Instant bond between her and Klan.
There was a thread on 2ch about them beconing lovers. I am not into /u/ but it was a sweet story.
>Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
macro all day every day
All Klans are good. Except for the Buff Clan, fuck those guys.

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You won't not believe what is this Gundam name is!
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That's not a Gundam, retard.
They shouldn't be allowed online, full stop. They should be wiped from the face of the earth, their bodies burned, and their bones ground into dust such that no trace of them remains to taint future generations.
that really not nice very much of anon

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Sequel announcement soon? They announced alot of merch this month.
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When their copyright expires.

Only the soft vinyl of the kaiju and my figure from ssss of servo/gridman from when I was a kid
where's Gridman
In the internet.
I don't think new Tokusatsu Gridman is possible with modern Tsuburaya budget could they?

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the white stuff is a gun right?
Different kind of positron rifle, iirc.
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>“It was an honour to be asked to contribute to the Power Rangers mythos, but Sam’s story made it a delight,” said artist team Brandt&Stein.

Lol who reads this shit? Who is buying this and keeping these fuckers in business? I’m deadly serious, what is the market for this? There is no way people are buying comic books, especially this one.

Literally nobody on earth asked for this or wanted this.

It’s one of those things that exists just to antagonize.

PR was adapted by Haim Saban so PR has always been trying to give your feeble western mind AIDS but this is taking it to new levels.

Well, I had to look at it now so do you.
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>Western c*mics are shit
Am I supposed to be taken aback by this information? I assumed everyone knew this already.
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It keeps getting overer and overer
>all of them have tits and bulge
Damn, what is it going to take to get JDF to come back to PR?
Maybe what PR needs is not for JDF to come back, but for PR to join JDF.

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We need a new planet.
Stop ban evading.
Meds schizo
This ain't your to-do list
Stop ban evading.

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now you understand how much of an Impact he had

Im all but certain that particular image/scene is a reference to something.
An old anime, dagger of kami or something like that, a character in it looks exactly like that.
The fuck is yui doing
Now this is just silly.
No it's just a cool shot.

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Are you ready anons?
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You will never be a cop, cletus. They hate your kind all the same.
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>Given their crime rates they must be doing something right.
People who look up Japan's conviction rate never bother to look up the rest of the world, it's over 90% conviction in pretty much every country with a western-based legal system. Because surprise surprise, in every country with that kind of system, prosecutors don't like taking cases to court unless it's a slam dunk that pads their record so they push plea deals on people that aren't easy wins.
The system has serious problems and I've read articles by legal professors in Japan to talk about it but no one wants to really do anything to change it. A lot of it is because after WW2 the US handed off to the japanese government the western legal system and said "ok use this" when Japan never had the history that the west did that made us adopt that legal system in the first place and were more used to a brutal top-down military dictatorship so they didn't really know what to do with it. So Japan even today is a quasi-police state whose law enforcement acts like it's still the Imperial Era in terms of conduct. It's safe but at the same time I would feel more comfortable around
>gets shot
American cops than the Japanese police. No one ever questions the authority of them or the state. They can stop people and demand to see papers at any time even if the person has done nothing to arouse suspicion. There's almost no accountability if they fuck up because they'd rather sweep things under the rug and put an innocent man in prison than lose face. And if they admit to fucking up and lose face, YOU'RE the one expected to apologize for having wasted the legal system's time, even if you had to spend 20 years in prison. So on paper they have the western legal system, but in practice not really. Pretty much what >>22732401 said.

Still, beats the French police by a country mile.

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Mazinger meme thread!
Oh, that went through fine but trying to make an F91 appreciation thread ten times made the system think it was spam? Someone inform the staff the system needs fixes.
Stop ban evading.

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If he lived and Char wasn't a duplicitous, petty bitch and they went into business together as Neo Zeon early, breaking away from the rest of the family, could they have made it work?
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Your inner noob is showing: The domestic Japanese Gundam fandom since Gundam first aired, within weeks of Garma appearing on screen. How do you not know this incredibly basic stuff? Are you just wilfully ignorant about any part of Gundam's history which doesn't make you feel good?
>bro what if we changed the story completely
Do people really think they know better than Tomino? Go make your own anime then.
>what if scenarios bad!!!
they made multiple grand strategy games about this sort of shit, fuck off
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Truly the ending Tomino would have wanted.

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long weekend edition
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>come into the thread expecting cool hand made art
>get boring shit made by a computer
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If you are an artist then put up or as they say shut up.
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I am not an artist. I just want to see something that maybe looks bad but is made with passion by a person instead of something ran theough a computer so it looks good.
I thought this was a zelda cdi character at a glance.
Stop ban evading.

The time is here as this week is the 6th Anniversary Celebration Campaign for gbo2.

Starting on the next update will introduce the first ever five-star MS from of anti-Federation group main MS piloted by Mafty Navue Eri aka, Hathaway Noa, Xi Gundam has arrived from Gundam Hathaway.

The 6th anniversary has step ups and giveaways such as the five star 10 step up, and login rewards that include the new special crates.

The new ms currently is a modified Ez8v built for space combat, Gundam Ez8 [HMC] is here from SD Generations for console and steam current and upcoming ms is a double banner from Gundam Walpurgis, Zaku Machinery (EB) & Zaku Machinery with Over On as the newest 4 star.

The celebration will take place later this week, for 6 years of Gundam Battle Operation 2.

Previous thread:

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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>schizo finally got new material
The usual stuff was getting stale I'm happy for you.
That's the ideal way to play the suit, really. You have personal radar that lets you see who's where so the best way to play the suit is to spam that off cooldown to hunt down the support.
Zaku I w/ Magellan Top is viable at higher lvls.
>zaku I with magellan top
>zaku I circumnavigation type
>calling people schizo when you're reposting the same webm of yourself hacking just to pat yourself on the back that you got away with it
not so fast,Kumfag
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>doesn't want to give me a (You)
lmao even
The CD on the Metal Spider BR is 5.5 seconds. The time between the shots in that webm is just shy of 6 seconds. Cope and sneed schizo-kun, enjoy the (You)

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Moderoid thread, we can even start a general.
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