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The time is here as this week is the 6th Anniversary Celebration Campaign for gbo2.

Starting on the next update will introduce the first ever five-star MS from of anti-Federation group main MS piloted by Mafty Navue Eri aka, Hathaway Noa, Xi Gundam has arrived from Gundam Hathaway.

The 6th anniversary has step ups and giveaways such as the five star 10 step up, and login rewards that include the new special crates.

The new ms currently is a modified Ez8v built for space combat, Gundam Ez8 [HMC] is here from SD Generations for console and steam current and upcoming ms is a double banner from Gundam Walpurgis, Zaku Machinery (EB) & Zaku Machinery with Over On as the newest 4 star.

The celebration will take place later this week, for 6 years of Gundam Battle Operation 2.

Previous thread:

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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I will continue taking my red rider into city and colony drop, you cannot stop me
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Patch notes reference sheets for this months anni update. Psycho bawoo and some other old favorites in the gen lineup got some touchups after far too long, especially something like Zeta gundam which is sad for an MC suit to be powercrept to the depths at its cost
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Jagd Doga twins got Active guard for its specific class types among other buffs. unwarranted imo for the GG but the support needed all the love it can get. hopefully now it can perform up to par with others at 650
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playing double barrel skeet shoot with floaty XIs all week has been most amusing, thank you BB
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cheeky end of month half off on the dom resonance banner
got him and zaku machinery

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Moderoid thread, we can even start a general.
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As a species we must admit Godzilla Singular Point was garbage.
Can we just hack the /m/ jannies pc and give their jannie perms to someone who will perma clean out this trash already? Ban the current jannie to while we are at it for allowing garbage threads like this.
You sound mad
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wait, /m/ has a jannie?
I refuse

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This game is cool
>inb4 buy an ad
I think it has potential, have to wait and see how it turns out.

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Battletech's best machine: Timberwolf
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That was an eternity ago when times were better. While we're on the topic, I seem to remember one fan artwork with a 'Mech or two standing in the background beyond two guys fighting on platforms arena-style; one of the guys was wielding a chainsaw over his head and wearing a shirt inscribed "THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR". I don't suppose anyone remembers that one or even knows what I'm referring to?
Can't say I've seen anything matching the description, but it does sound like something from around 2014 or so, or at least pre-Doom 2016 post-whenever was the last time the internet remembered the Doom comic was a thing.

There's a very specific reference there that I'm hedging on to date it, and it's the whole "Chainsaw! The great communicator!" line from the Doom comic. Not as iconic as Rip And Tear but still one of those nuggets of comedy gold along the likes of Berserker Packing Man And A Half.
Not fanart, it's in the color section of Handbook: Major Periphery States. Done by Alex Iglesias AKA Flyingdebris.
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Much obliged!
OG as in like the original run from the times leading up to the Clan Invasion, or OG as in you mean the Timberwolf and specifically the Timberwolf and not the spinoffs that carry the MadCat name for IS marketing hype?

Because if the latter, there's at least two factories tooled up for MadCat fabrication as of ilClan era, and something about the kind of person Alaric comes off as in lore makes me think he's the type who would want to see the Timberwolf prominently visible across as much of his territory holdings as possible, and to give a death stare to anyone who tries calling it a MadCat. Like it'd be symbolic of what the Star League could achieve if not for the constant warring.

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Not enough mecha with sunsets
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Dead at 88 years of age. You might know from the following mecha anime:

1. Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V (Hiyoshi Go and Katherine Rii)

2. Super Dimension Fortress Macross (Narrator and Claudia LaSalle)

3. Armored Genesis/Genesis Climber MOSPEADA (Refless)
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I sort of knew her more for her role as Oyuki in Urusei Yatsura.
I was tempted to make a /co/ thread because she was the dubbed voice of Penelope Pitstop (Wacky Races), Valerie (Josie and the Pussycats), and Miss Bianca (Rescuers). She even sang the theme song for Josie and the Pussycats in Japan
Yeah? Then how do you explain >>>/a/269106619?
Claudia is truly one of the finest women ever created in anime history.

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/m/ lore that's not widely known
>The Mazinger Z first issues implied that ancient greeks knew the secret of mecha giants as well
>Evangelion implied that the pilots don't have to shit as the cabins chairs elimate waste
>Gurren Lagan Is more an armor than a mecha as the robots are piloting other robots
>Gundam is set in an one world government dystopia where the EU took control of Europe and Asia
>Mega Man is technically a mecha product
>Mech Cadets is an actual subversions of mecha while Evangelion failed
>Astroboy is a cyborg and it's robot enemies are giant robots but not mecha
>Mecha is applied both to mobile suits and remote controlled robots
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show name?
I mean it’s not much of a surprise given the myth of talos, and that said technology got lost afterwards until its rediscovery on bardos island
>Cyborg also means any robot looking like a human
Wrong, that's literally what an android is.
What does it mean then?

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Ple! Ple! Ple!
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name their band
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Godamn 7 is hot.

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Post em
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Uh, aren't ships supposed to move?
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Can we had thread like this?, it gets me hard for no reason
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He is 14. Why does every woman in the show want to bounce on his dick?
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Is she angry?
He was only 14 years and 11 months old you sick fuck
Only Gundam pilot that isn't an emotional mess with mommy issues
There's nothing wrong with a 20yo and 17yo being together, it's only moralist burger harpies who get mad about it.
He's just the first, there have been plenty of stable Gundam pilots without mommy issues. Though curiously almost none of them are top tier pilots (except maybe Setsuna and Mika, two emotionless murder machines).

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>*gassed the spacenoid colony and then dropped the colony to australia*
Also why they called it Operation "British"?
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>Apparently every spacenoid who isn't from Side 3 is a traitor to the cause of spacenoid independence.
>Also why they called it Operation "British"?

>Fuck over their own populace trying to fuck over the 'enemy' only for the personal gain and expansion of private power-base of a select few in the upper echelons of the magistry.
Because they predicted Brexit.
Australia was a misfire though.
>Apparently every spacenoid who isn't from Side 3 is a traitor to the cause of spacenoid independence.
if you're not supporting total earthnoid death you're a traitor just that simple.
>Also why they called it Operation "British"?
Because they were dropping a colony on Australia.

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I’d like to a thread for this franchise. Mostly the Revenge of Cronos anime.
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Every Ashi robot show in the 80s was. Even in Transformers, they drew Optimus like 40 different ways.
I often wonder what would've happened if Revenge of Chronos was imported back in the 80's to the US. Too late to compete with TF in it's prime, but maybe that'd have opened up the playing field for it. They would've had to dump all the Go-bots lore, or maybe try and shove it in as a story after the two sides made peace to fight a greater enemy. At any rate, it would've probably made people think of Gobots less as cheap Transformers and maybe more of a cult hit
Apparently the French dub /did/ attempt fusing the two shows.
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Mmmmmm mmmmm
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Least obvious Droul post.
>70% of the show is just renton's idol being an turning out to be an asshole
>Even after all the other gekko state members finish their drawn out hazing arc Holland's still beating the shit out of him
>He finally found people that treated him well
>Gekkostate kills them
At the end when the old man, the only crew member who was consistently polite to him turned out to be a coralian and poofed out of his dimension i laughed
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Nonono, it was more of
>hmmmm mmmm mmmm hmmmm
Fun show
Glad they didn't ruin it with awful sequels and alternate stories

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