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Is Captain Harlock SSX canon or not?
Toshiro dies of space aids before even getting to touch Queen Esmeralda (I finished it the other time), but in the original series he dies after they got Mayu because it's their daughter from what I remember but I only watched the original series in Frog dub so many years ago.
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> MCs arent timid sissies winning with the power of friendship every episode
> an evil organization bent on controlling humanity and civilization is the main bad guy like a particular tribe i cant mention
> murder people left and right
> blatant racism and discrimination
> rape in basically every episode

How did this get an anime again?
That's life in a nut shell.
Also it's 13 episodes long but the last episode didn't feel like one. Or rather the story incomplete with Toshiro's sister getting kidnapped at the end by Myster.
Go back to /a/ shonentard.

Ive been reading and watching leijis stuff since before this site existed, before you were born kid.
You go there.

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>introduced as some literal no-name character who only served to be Fumina's inspiration to become a Gunpla Battler
>literally just a diversity hire so more girls would be interested in Gunpla Battling
>chooses to be a voice of dissent when everyone around her praises the Try Fighters
>Can't teach for shit; basically only beat on Fumina until she reached an answer to her conundrum on how to improve on her own
>Believes herself to be important enough to have a protege, and incites a conflict between Fumina and Shia over the right of who gets to be her student
>If one were to take Metaverse as canon, there have been SIX successors to her title, whereas Tatsuya Yuuki is STILL holding the title of Meijin Kawaguchi III to this day, calling into question just how skilled she actually even is
>doesn't even have a full page of fanart on pixiv, which hasn't seen an addition to her character tag since 2021.

Does she actually bring anything to the table as a character in Amazing Ready in the 8th Gunpla Battle Tournament arc, or is she a non-character there as well? Because honestly, she was probably among the worst characters ever introduced in Try.
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So the build series is worth taking seriously then?
Depends on what seriously even means.
Everything deserves a chance to be judged fairly. Nothing should ever just receive a writing off because it's got X or it lacks y. It should be judged on the question of is it executing the story it wants to tell, and is accomplishing the goals it wants to achieve in that narrative. If that's taking it seriously, sure. Even comedy deserves to be taken seriously in this regard.
If you mean serious like you're serious when you read stuff on JSTOR to do a research paper, then God I hope nothing fictional you consume for fun is ever taken that seriously. Thats no fun allowed land.
She's very blatantly Caroline. Same bangs, same ascot thing, the lady LARPing, the SD gundams
No see that would have been interesting.
That would have been interesting, but that is sadly not the case. Then again if it were the case it would have ended up meaning Caroline would have been ruined as a character if being Lady Kawaguchi is where she ended up.

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Post em. Extra points if it's an actual small mech and not power armor.
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Love Heavy Gear designs.
Lately I've been digging Caprice spider boys
Ironman had a good workaround for this by having hud povs inside the helmet. Then the later movies got really stupid about faces once they started using nanotech, which caused the CG floating head nonsense.
Now this reminds me of how those old Starship troopers movies always show the characters's stupid faces when they are supposed to be wearing exosuit according to the original book. And when the Japs decided to make the troopers look more accurate in their cgi animated movies, the moviefags pissed and shit their pants. Hollywood is just a giant pile of narcissism and unfiltered arrogance. They can never make cool shits.
I firmly believe ironman wouldn't have been made if they hadn't come up with the facecam solution. And even then, yeah, every superhero wound up with a nanomachine helmet that instantly fades away when they need to emote. They look like shit, too. Prop helmets are cool.
>And even then, yeah, every superhero wound up with a nanomachine helmet that instantly fades away when they need to emote
>They look like shit, too
To this day, I still think the nanosuit should taken a page out of Sentai/Kamen Rider/Ultraman's playbook and given Tony a Henshin transformation. Endgame coulda been so much cooler than the memberberry slop it ended up being. But Disney isn't known for brimming with creativity, now do they?

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Turn A Gundam: Still the ultimate Gundam anime choice 25 years on

Cool troll thread. Imagine trying so hard to defend mediocrity.
do indians really self insert as loran?
Relax duel, let other people make threads too.
Har har hor hor
Har har hor hor
Har har hor hor hor
Hor hor hor hor hor
I like it but i have issues with it

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What a Retard. Post a source & a trip. Your ass doesn't count as one.
>Traveling to another world is not enough
that's literally what it is, though, everything else is just flavour
> Prior the to 10s (narou) isekai was practically unheard of.
Bleach can be considered to be one.
You are actually retarded and don't understand how genres work.
>retard projects his lack of arguments on others
Doo doo caca, fag.
He's right. You fail coming up a argument & also retarded. You can (NOT) compute 4.00.

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>Tomino is credited as script writer for 1 ep of 0079
>point out how the dialogue is less autistic than his other shows
>Tominofags coping and writing fanfiction: Ummm actually he edited the scripts and actually wrote everything uncredited!!

>call the writing shit in any other Tomino show
>Tominofags coping: Tomino only wrote four episodes. Look at the credits. It isn't "Tomino dialogue" that's bad and weird.
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you just mad
fuck off miyazaki
>he only has 1 fluke with gundam and everything else was mid to flop.

Basic familiarity with 80s anime magazines and the actual thoughts and words of industry members disprove this. Not only were his anime popular and influential amongst otaku, but even his written works were popular enough to be consistently serialized in Newtype.
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He's amounted to more than you ever have or ever will. He's given 50 years of his life for your entertainment, his works having influenced the slop that you enjoy watching, and you lash out at him like a spoiled brat.
Miyahaki is who's mid & a pedo. You pedo lover. Tomino is leagues better than him too. But you'll just call me a tominofag for (even if i'm not) for having such a stance.

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Ace Combat?
>It ain't me, /m/echa edition:
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>those howitzer-sized HKs
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Previous thread >>22747522
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
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There's also a manga adaptation starting in Ultra Jump... yes it's a manga adaptation of a live-action adaptation of a manga
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>make a new redesign for Maid Butler for the new season
>make it barely recognizable to the original
>double down and say that this is Maid Butler going forward, no name to differiante it from the original and even have them say it in a stream that they are just "Maid Butler"
>don't intend to bring back the old one anytime soon
>two years later, bring back the original Maid Butler for some stageshows for a few special occassions
>then the original Maid Butler keeps showing up in events, to the point of even getting a starring role in one stageshow in 2023
>continue to keep appearing now and now both Maid Butlers are given the names of "Maid Butler Red Rose" and "Maid Butler Blue Rose" to tell them apart

Lol, talk about changing your tune.
How much actual rescuing do they do in Rescue Fire? I finished GoGo V recently and the rescue scenario episodes in the first half were genuinely exciting to watch, but then they drop that in the 2nd half.

What are some ecchi mecha anime like Goddanar and Cross Ange?
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That already sounds fucking awesome.
Is this official art?
Anna's got a cute butt.

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What are your hopes for Shin Sakura Wars 2?
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Am I the only one who prefers selfcontained stories? You beat it, it's done, you got a satisfying story, and you move on with your life. Hate these modern never ending soap operas with no payoffs.
I don't mind self-contained stories; but I would enjoy the occasional duology or trilogy. I agree that too many sequels reusing the same cast can get dull fast,esp. if the series is cancelled or aborted partway through the long tale. But a planned out 2-3 game series with a good plot? I wouldn't mind that. Esp. in the case of Valkyria Chronicles, given the massive war fronts to pick from.
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If these are good and interesting stories, then why not? Alternatively, a long and detailed story of the "ascent" of the main character, but without a stupid increase in the level of forces - the main thing is that he wins with intelligence and organization.

As for the Chronicles of the Valkyria, the 1st and 2nd parts were quite interesting and integral + they were interconnected with each other. And I would really like to play for the Empire and get to know it in more detail, besides, there was an opportunity to command Selvaria in the extra levels of the first part ... But instead we have a fucked up 3rd about some penal battalion that no one gives a shit about (and seeing their black uniform at first I hoped for the imperials - how disappointed I was :( Then the 4th about the fucking federals - these stereotypical and boring "warriors of light and champions of good" in the name of democrapy (ugh)

As for the Sakura Wars, I wonder what happened to the Paris Division, for example, and what is happening in the world during the missing time (Russia, China, India, etc.) - wars and uprisings could hardly have magically disappeared even with the appearance of demons, and the anti-Japanese policy of the West would not have gone away even with the adoption of some amorphous peace-loving policy by the government in Tokyo after the incident with the military. In addition, if the Japanese really do have powerful artifacts and advanced technologies, they will be subject to pressure from the same USA (I think this issue was touched upon in the full-length film).

In short, it would be interesting to look at the "dark" version of the Sakura Wars with the combat use of Spirit Armor and technologies based on them against, say, that army of armored demons from the full-length film, somewhere in Southeast Asia.)
I just want an Imperial side with a QT Yggdrist worshipper who appears to be borderline lesbian for the titular Valkyria of the respective game.

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>Char Aznable is an AYSSS MUNCHA.
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>He was gay? Quattro Bagina?
>that play icon in the middle of your jpg
fuck you, shitposter, stop making me fall for that.
Did you know that someone wrote "gullible" on your room's ceiling, Anon?
Look, I only read the file extension AFTER I opened the picture, okay? It's your fault for making it look like a webm.
I'm sorry Anon...
The wool was pulled over your eyes again...

Can we had thread like this?, it gets me hard for no reason
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Manga translated never-
wait that's not the manga
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Now you gotta make a Sailor Zaku, it's obligatory.

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ITT we post robots designed for construction.
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Hitachi? As in the sex toy? Or is that a different company that makes those?

have you noticed char drinks tea, while on the other hand quattro drinks coffee in episode 10 of zeta we see quattro bajeena (char..) getting coffee from a tea/coffee vending machine

whereas we see char drinking tea out of fancy cups in his fancy ass zeon deikun esque uniform

what af ag
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Those spacenoid genes are doing him WONDERS!
Are women living around higher gravity planets fatter? I am being serious.
They'd probably have to be leaner, wouldn't they? Fat deposits don't maintain the body's structure like muscle and bone, and higher gravity directly correlates to more caloric energy being needed to move that mass around so i guess they'd be stockier nut with lower bodyfat
Charles Aznavour was a hit singer in the 70's
>Tomino named his fascist space ace villain after a man who saved Jewish children in the Holocaust
>refers to Liverpool as 'that small town'
>all sorts of other incongruencies.

Is this man doing it for a weird joke? Or just weird?

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/m/echa slide thread
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You said the quiet part loud man.
>/m/ is the only board I've ever seen this mentioned
Go back predditor.
This is a very common opinion. That being said, I did enjoy seeing tech improve over the show and seeing Knightmares go from being mobile tanks to being what you would normally expect from a mech.
if you are reffering to the guy saying that women dislike mecha (me) i didnt made this thread, i learned my lesson
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Yeah, lots of women watch Gundam, Eva, Pacific Rim, Code Geass, etc. Turns out having hot pilot chicks in your show (as opposed to muttoid trannies) makes it easier for women to self-project onto, who woulda thunk? If Blackrock got that memo instead of doubling down on their DEI nonsense, they'd be rolling in dough by now, not actively losing trillions by the day on all of their investments.

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