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Dai-Guard thread
Spam thread.
spam thread
Ice Type was my favorite heterodyne, lot of neat designs in that.
That change to have Dai-Guard made of three jets near the end was a very random thing to do.
That was honestly a pretty heavy set of episodes but it also didn't really feel out of place either. Dai-Guard kind of its in this weird spot where it's a fairly silly show but it never acts silly about the stakes. It's an appreciable tone. Joke about the robot being a money pit or the hero being a dork but the danger and drama and stakes are all very real.

It's never really stated fully but the fact that DaiGuard seems get a bigger budget as time goes on is a nice detail.

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108 replies and 26 images omitted. Click here to view.
You're supposed to write a message before you sign a post.
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You'll get fat rei.
Who's the chick in top-left?

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Just started watching Turn A and wtf? This isn't a woman??? Throughout the years I've seen images of this person and I always thought it was a lady.
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Should I watch Turn A at any point, or after I've watched everything before it?
>things can be enjoyed at any time instead of being checklist chores
>already ready to like Turn A and all the other shows before it
>but want to maximize my enjoyment on the first watch, because it feels like it was intended for the people that watched everything before it, and you should have some background knowledge of what happened, if Turn A is "the natural conclusion of all Gundam"
>realizing that I can just rewatch it after watching the other shows, and catch the references and details
I just think the Turn A has a fun design and I want to befriend it soon
how about you get some agency first of all
I wanna exercise my agency while being properly informed, and I trust my friends on /m/ to have more contextual information and experience with these things
>I have no agency
see >>23099984
But advice

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Happy valentines day, /m/

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What are examples of writings so bad they literally could have finished the plot sooner. Hard mode: No Gundam Age
Do your own research
Datamining thread.
Have you heard of Gundam Age?
I saw it with you anons as it aired.

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What happened to alpha and beta?
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Correction, Formula project have nothing to do with Zeta's cancelation, as it's dead long before it takes off.
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what did William Bridgeman mean by this?
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But who's the Aleph Gundam?

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ITT we post saviors of mecha.
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Is she the one who fucked a dog?
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No. That was the hoe from the previous series.
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Another spam thread.

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Why did none of you nerds tell me how good SDF Macross was? This show met so much of my criteria for character drama and romance and love triangles, and yet none of that came up the dozens of times I asked for more anime soap like Star Vs or Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry!
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>I think the overall story is stretched pretty thin and is quite repetitive.
I can appreciate that at least, though I still think there's enough in it that I'd loath what would end up being cut to make a streamlined version.
> I also detest the whole "Song Energy" concept; I think it's such a stupid, literal take on what music represented in SDF.
I don't think anything is going to hold up to SDF when it comes to that balance.
You either have M7 or Zero where the music encroaching on the realms of magic or Plus where it's more or less purely background dressing (until the end, where it once again becomes borderline magic).

I went into M7 and had an instant repulsion to Basara. Such a strong annoyance that I felt Gamlin was too tolerant. I came out of it with a profound love for Basara and felt Gamlin was a fantastic vehicle, his arc of growing to trust the man was a shared one.
It reminds me an awful lot of Irresponsible Captain Tylor which a friend recommended when I was not in the mindset to appreciate at the time but later came to love.
Huh. He never called it out, though.
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Oh shit, a Sundays and Cybele reference. That's an extremely loaded topic to approach.
It really is stunning how much of the shows critique stems from people misunderstanding Basara's character, which is explained in the 2nd episode of the show.
>2nd episode
2nd song I mean.

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ITT we share AI generated images relating to Mecha and toku.
Spam thread.
how many times do we have to tell you we don't want your garbage here
I'd gladly make some, but I don't want to make login accounts just to make shitpost images. The good AI engines also have a "no fun allowed" policy.
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Pity bump, just to make shitposters mad.
Microsoft is the worst in that regard.

ITT mecha redesigns that are coooool
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>ayo, I heard you like thrusters!
>so I put thrusters in yo thrusters
>so you can thrust WHILE you thrust!
>In God we thrust
That's just the miracle of Newtypes, silly!

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this any good?
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But enough about Darling in the FranXX
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Stop ban evading avatarfag.
I will now watch your show.
It was. Interesting shift in plot near the end as well.

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Welcome to the Gunpla/Plamo General!

For those new, please read our guides. We have many resources available to help you in many different aspects of the hobby. They're here for you!

For the unclear, "plamo" is short for "plastic model". "Gunpla" is thus short for "Gundam plastic model". Many different kinds of models are built here, ranging from mecha to planes, cars, musume, you name it! If you're new, you're gonna screw up. Don't worry! If you're seasoned, don't make the newbies worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam. The mods don't browse /m/ too often, so it's up to YOU to help keep our general clean and civil!

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Be more specific, and try to provide clear images if you can.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data when images are uploaded, including the orientation tag if it's from your phone. To fix it save out your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
626 replies and 118 images omitted. Click here to view.
Damn that is some smooth scribing.
New thread

prime it with a multiprimer and use a latex-based acrylic paint like vallejo. latex paints are stretchy (as you'd have found out if you ever tried to sand vallejo) so unless you cake on a thick layer it should survive being bent and stuff
they make other hand sets with replacement parts that have ball joints

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Why does older anime mog modern slop?
Can you phrase that like a functioning human being and not a retarded teenager?
Why is it so hard to make a thread with normal language instead of idiotic lingo?
How can you even type topics with that dilapidated mush of fat between your ears?
very sexy

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What gives Tomino the right to choose how timelines he had nothing to do with end? Just because he created the original gundam?
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Is Char gar?
The best one.
Well anon, I happen to think its a masterpiece and Tomino-san’s best work! Checkmate
>forced wojak meme
>irrelevant argument
Nice try Duel, into the trash it goes.

like 70 good looking (ie not toy looking like in most gundam series) machines is so amazing it can't be overstated. like, what else is the point of robot anime. plus all the names and terminology are so euphonic i can't stop thinking about them

any other works with tons of machines and factions to recommend ?
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I will try and explain it again. You are, rather pleasantly and even eloquently, gushing about the genuine merits of G-Reco as a work as well as its conceptual beauty. However, it is written in such a conversational manner and written in such an order (statements of opinion first, question afterwards, no context provided) that for some folks it likely comes across as very difficult to parse. I'm a native English speaker and get what you're saying but it took me reading this a couple of times to grasp it.

I wouldn't call /m/ pros, far from it, we're crusty grognards and weirdoes, but folks here do like robots so that's nice. I really hope you can find more works that truly scratch your itch, you seem genuinely passionate.
love u and love /m/
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Love you too anon.
Learn how to type a coherent sentence you fucking moron.
You're illiterate is what you are.

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