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/m/echa slide thread
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You said the quiet part loud man.
>/m/ is the only board I've ever seen this mentioned
Go back predditor.
This is a very common opinion. That being said, I did enjoy seeing tech improve over the show and seeing Knightmares go from being mobile tanks to being what you would normally expect from a mech.
if you are reffering to the guy saying that women dislike mecha (me) i didnt made this thread, i learned my lesson
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Yeah, lots of women watch Gundam, Eva, Pacific Rim, Code Geass, etc. Turns out having hot pilot chicks in your show (as opposed to muttoid trannies) makes it easier for women to self-project onto, who woulda thunk? If Blackrock got that memo instead of doubling down on their DEI nonsense, they'd be rolling in dough by now, not actively losing trillions by the day on all of their investments.

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Ple! Ple! Ple!
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Used goods.
god I wish I was her
Just like all the other Purus. At least Marida wasn't groomed by some stupid Gihren wannabe.
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I dont know if Ruby and this brat would be friends.

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Why has he abandoned us when we need him most?
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Perhaps it is you who abandoned him.
Symphoshit is not mecha.
Kamen rider is not mecha.
Evangelion is not mecha.
There is NO good western mecha content PERIOD.
You know it, jannies know it, everyone knows it.
Berugo Carámbula, is that you?

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Why didn't VOTOMS get as much of an attempt to bring it to the west like Gundam did?
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Same energy:
Doesn't help that the other HG games are a bitch to get running on modern hardware
Not as shiny. It's stupid but when executives are looking at hundreds or thousands of shows to import they'll go for the one with bright colors and over the top spectacle first and might not even notice the drab, down to earth post-war drama.
Those 100 in 1 bootleg NES handhelds. Maybe some porn.

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Anyone else wondering why there still isn't a fifth season of Full Metal Panic? IV sold really well and the books are still going strong.
They need a studio to pick it up, four seasons went through three of them.
The writer getting cancelled on twitter for sperging out has played a role

Was Reinhard nearly as genius as the show makes him out to be? His contemporaries and even the show's narrator jerk him off to no end about being le perfect autocrat, but it often feels like he's just an incredibly lucky individual surrounded by capable subordinates. I think the amount of times an outnumberer Yang had him on the ropes speaks volumes on his military prowess, at least. More evidence to back this up:
>Friedrich IV knew he was scheming to overthrow him and simply let it happen anyway
>Only decisive victories were against inbred nobles, vastly outnumbered fleets, and literal incompetents
>Hid his illness with little regard for what would happen to the empire after he died
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During Rudy's tenure most definitely, and Tanaka lays it on thick in the prologue just how familiar Rudolph's ideas were to anyone with even the passing familiarity of human history, but over time the Empire kinda just settled into ye olde imperialism since successive generations of Goldenbaum weren't as up their ass in the Totally Not Aryanism stuff like good 'ol Rudy was.

So no, not really, but there was absolutely a time where it legitimately was. Oberstein wouldn't let you hear the end of it if you let him do his bit about his robo eyes.
The empire we see at the time of the show is Space Prussia(you know the kingdom that basically made modern Germany). Kaiser Rudolf von Goldenbaum was basically a space nazi who wanted to LARP as 1800s aristocracy. We'll he won, so hard that his larp became reality, and the nazi stuff fell to the wayside after him as it was a really means to an end in making the larp real.
Means to an end my ass, he bought hard into his space fascist strongboy ideology, let's not bluewash this as being him just wanting to build empire, he legit thought himself the hero figure of an epic struggle to save mankind from itself.

For fuck's sake the dude couldn't even accept his own fertility issues because it would go against his own ideological thrust.
Anon, I meant means to end for creating space Prussia in the over all narrative. Rudolf is 100% a space nazi. I'm not trying to deny it. Hell it's the first thing i said
>Kaiser Rudolf von Goldenbaum was basically a space nazi
are you going to spam this garbage copypasta im every thread, you faggot /a/ tourist? at least use an /m/ reaction pic subhuman.

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Why did Gundam 0079 have so many iconic and kino moments while Ideon didn't have a single memorable scene or visual?
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Was the combining thing not popular? I had no idea the gundam could do that before watching the show.
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Ideon didn't have Char.
I think the later stuff like the G-Armor was disliked and the entire core fighter system was cut from the movies.
Ideon is bereft of any cool characters really. Gije tries but he's kind of too autistic. A lot of them are weirdly mean spirited too.

Happy 9/11 /m/!
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Can't have shit in Detroit thoughever.
Who is the Iran of Gundam?
Who is the Israel?
>who is the IDF?
Zeon, ofc. It's practically in the name. Iran is anyone's guess tbdesu.
I prevent 9/11 twice. I don't care about geass.
Well there was enough of a functioning civilization that Icelina's community could host a lavish party for Zeon officers. It wasn't some Mad Max hellscape if that's what you were thinking, just a bunch if destroyed cities.

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The first Gundam anime that was not toy commercial.

>At the time of "80," we really weren't thinking about turning the mobile suits that appeared into plastic models,
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>here's an incredibly irrelevant factoid
Obvious false flagging aside wouldn't this be the compilation films since they cut all of the toys out?

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Greetings, /m/. I come to you in search of lore.

I'm trying to determine when the concept of an S-Rank meaning something above A in value or quality came about. The earliest reference to an S Rank I can find is in the lore of Megaman X, where Hunters are ranked alphabetically but the super cool lunatic special-forces type people are ranked as Special A, later truncated to SA and eventually just S. The problem is, Megaman and especially the X series is a love letter to half a century of /m/ media, and I cannot possibly comb every fan wiki of every setting to try and find some obscure in-setting terminology.

I ask you, do you know of any instances of the S Rank classification that are from before 1993?
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SSSuck my cock, faggot.
Read the thread, faggot.
Megaman X6 had GA, PA and UH ranks
Also why everything has to be at 120%?
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So wait, if Cagalli was remotely piloting the Justice during the final battle, who was piloting the Strike Rouge while it was flying around on Earth?
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This shouldn't be that complicated.
She simply just switched the Rouge to Autopilot for a moment while she activated a remote control system for the Justice.
If you watch the movie, its is implied that the operator of the Cavalier is controlling the Z'Gok and Strike Rouge when they're docked. Thats what Meyrin or Miriallia are doing in the cockpit. The pilots only assume control when you see the suit actively doing something
It's on and off. Athrun was using it a lot but he handed the controls over whenever he needs.
You do understand there are people piloting the Cavalier, right?
Deez Nuts

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New releases on Mondays (usually)

New ED
Perfume collab (really)
Hotel collab (yeah)

Previous talk

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I felt bad for Tsukumo, imagine getting clowned on what's supposed to be your mech's area of expertise.

I thought his trauma would be nearly drowning as a kid, not missing a photo shoot.

Delta's story about the reason why he stopped going to school in reality is odd. He's probably never set foot in a real school.

Vina is cringe when it comes to Ten. It was cool getting to see Ten flex his knowledge since he has to hold back when he's among classmates.

Akane spent most of the episode being dead on the inside.
A big spanner for the Unknown, perfect for breaking them.
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>Should've installed nordvpn
Wished they mixed up the ERDA vehicle combinations more. Like Drone alone would've useful in the Nagasaki eps.
I think it's obvious by now that the Unknown are going places where Taisei tells Delta about. How long are they keeping up this plot thread?

>You can see the hand prints
Uh oh, Ryota is getting cucked again.

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Now for an unpopular opinion thread!

>Gotchard is actually kind of good.
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Don't lie when you know for a fact that you're wrong. CGI mecha are only more "textured" because they have random panel lines everywhere and wtf does "concrete" mean in this context?
Showtaro Morikubo is a great voice actor for Koji.
Tomboys are the worst girls.
Advance of Zeta is the ugliest shit
Agreed on Daitarn 3.

Everyone knows that a mecha anime with characters named after WW2 vessels is kino, but what's the origin of it? Who did it first?

Bonus points for whoever can whip up a screencap of an anime or manga stating this undisputable fact.
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Sorry if I couldn’t help, but I do have an idea, maybe the name came from space battleship Yamato possibly? That series was heavily influential to later mecha series
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I know that NGE had it because of "a rule." To be fair, '95 doesn't exactly narrow down the options for origin.
>because of "a rule."
Are you autistic or just ESL?
I think you are the one who is being autistic here.
A rule in this context means a tradition. A meme.
Original Gundam pilots were apparently named after WW2 fighters, but I ain't seeing the connection. Then again, I am not a super WW2 nerd so that's on me...

Rozé episodes 1-10 available on nyaa, Hulu and Disney Plus.

Lost Stories R2 story section ends this week, Re; story chapter to follow.

8/30: Ep11
9/6: Ep12

Previous thread: >>22761232
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Thanks, but also what is it with anon(s) and specifically Ruby
Perhaps he just really loves her blonde hair and red eyes.
I love blonde hair (red eyes are okay) but I'm not feeling it
Maybe it's just the lack of maternal energy. To each their own, I suppose
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Ruby is the best waifu

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