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You better flag out.
You better not fight.
You better not die, I'm telling you why.
Santa Felsi's foaming tonight!
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>Pure speculation of course, but I suspect that it's part of why there's such a distinct 'chinese mech' look that a lot of people hate about a lot of original designs out of China. They're mecha fans, but they're largely just drawing on shit they thought was cool in Seed, Unicorn and maybe 00 as their primary inspirations. So you end up with an exaggeration of characteristics from them, without enough other influences to diffuse them or introduce other new/different qualities. But I suppose it doesn't explain why SD three kingdoms inspired stuff also has some of those qualities.
You have it the other way around, the Japs are the ones copying the Chinks. Chinks popularized the ultra-detailed heavy panel lined and angular look with their old garage kits from the likes of G-System and such. Bandai saw that and started copying that look on their kits and designs in order to appeal to the Chinese market, which is much larger than Japan.
That makes sense. I only wish we got more Felsi merch, but I'm happy with her increased appearances recently.
Yes, like Guel needs Secelia and Elan so he can survive from being poor.
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>no felsi
why post this insulting shit here?

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Will it have a Beach/Hot Springs episode? 0079 had a Beach episode.
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she's small and has boobs
She's perfect.
yeah that's what he said

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W is great, but the rider design is ugly as sin
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They need to stop making the suits cel shaded
>Hating on my boy the not!red-comet
Nigger he does it because he's a stud, he's ballsy, he doesn't take no shit from anyone, he sniffs any girl he wants, he doesn't have to ask for permission, like you.
it was inevitable with this studio
they got really into mocapped stunts put into cgi. This is Anno the man who made that Cutey Honey live action after all
it's practically just a mkii with more chunk - wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a garage kit that looks just like it

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Dark History Month is now over in the continental United States. See you all again next year.
I finally learned the true meaning of Dark History Month. Moustaches stay on.
Did you bang a black queen?

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Why couldn't it just stay dead?
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You do realize we have Sentai YouTube channels and official Sentai streaming channels on multiple streaming platforms. They aren't popular. The view counts are low. Ultraman gets views than Super Sentai.
>Japan is
Khara, Anno's company, is doing their UC fanfic
And it has a new main cast, takes place after one year wars and generally has a different setting with how much Zeon winning changed things. If they made Amuro and White Base crew rebel against them you could have a point but it isn't about that
>War Machine's daughter?
Niece. And its not weird. Marvel and DC comics writers aren't coordinated, specially these days.
Riri's creator is an (in)famous one who has a lot of say; and using Rhode's niece wouldn't give him residuals for adaptations. Its not weird at all that it happened.

>Sentai YouTube channels
>Why dont people watch the first two episodes and nothing else?
>official Sentai streaming channels on multiple streaming platforms
>Why aren't people watching shit they already pirated?
>Ultraman gets views than Super Sentai.
>Why are people more interested to watch the most recent show as soon as it aired in Japan

You think like someone at a big media company.
And I say this as someone who doesn't want sentai to suceed in the west, but its obvious they fail because they're absolute retards about it.
>Stop being a Sentai Otaku weirdo

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Is it the best gundam OST?
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The Jazz in Thunderbolt is not even that good
Free Jazz is the worst thing to happen ever
For me it's Wing, though Turn A and Zetas are also very good. Victory is decent.
I liked Wing's soundtrack a lot. Even if the story's pacing can feel really weird, the music direction really amplified the scenes.
I like how the soundtrack starts off with these bombastic Megaman X themes like

and then changes to more subdued orchestral themes as the show progresses.

I can instantly see scenes of the show in my head when I hear these songs.
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In no particular order
>∀ Turn A Gundam
>Mobile Fighter G Gundam
>After War Gundam X
>Mobile Suit Gundam 0083
>Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
I really like listening to their music

--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

General news:
New SRW game in development
Umasugi Wave on hiatus (not terminated) after 25/03

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Isn't there also Char in Impact? He's a secret but still.
To have characters and worlds interact. Do you know what series this is?
>The final secret requires you to get every other secret in the game
What should be next op?>>23135218
How about Katina?

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Anyone played that mecha tarkov game?
It ran like shit, wasn't fun and didn't care about the anime, so no.
Anyone have the special edition with the Mystere model kit? I know it's bad because she doesn't have a closed jacket version and is a straight recolor of Noir, but how would you give her something similar to her closed jacket?
Kinda dumb that it isnt pbandai or anything

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>patlabor still reigns supreme as the best mecha show ever made
How did they do it?
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I watched half of it before I slept last night. Then I watched a bit during lunch. I'm back to work and I have like 10mins left. RELAX BOY ITS A WORKDAY DAMN
Finished it now. I'll have to rewatch in a complete one sitting again but there's a few questions I've had.
>1. What was the point of the new Labor OS in the beginning of the film? I thought there would be some significance but it didn't really add anything to the film.
>2. What was the significance of the blimps? The bad guy gets arrested and says "he wants to see more of the city's future" while the two blimps are still flying around. Are they still filled with actual gas?
I hope that you take these only as suggestions.
The intro is one instance of a throughline in the film.
Notice several "representations of reality" during the course of the film, e.g. the view of Tokyo during the conversation between Nagumo and Tsuge, the missile's camera view, the Central SOC airspace map, reflections during the JSDF deployment scene, Tsuge's UN Labor virtual view, etc.
and a few instances in which human pilot input and Labor mechanical output is highlighted e.g. JSDF Labor's head mirroring its pilot's head input, an Ingram's head camera surveying the situation at Misawa, etc.
Noa is testing a Labor within a virtual representation of reality, herself wearing a VR headset, and the Labor (depicted in the intro as stripped down to its basal, skeletal-like frame) interpreting her inputs with an approximation of human movement/locomotion.

"While receiving the benefits of war, [people] hide the truth behind the TV screen, forgetting that they're merely at the rear lines...
...or rather, pretending to forget."

"Wars have always been surreal."

"From here, the city almost seems like a mirage."
"Even if it is an illusion, there are those who accept it as reality and live in it. Or are those people just illusions to you, too?"

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Ah, I can see that interpretation on the first one. VR would be another layer that we can just look at. I guess it does do a good start to introduce the whole "Peace is hypocrisy" I'm a little confused on the second one though. I don't think it's an oversight that they've completely forgot about the other blimps but at the same time maybe that's the point as well? We hyperfocus on things that we ignore real danger that's still present. This is probably a film I'll rewatch in the near future. There's so much to dig into. I think the first movie had cooler imagery but I wish there was more of a payoff. Onto the third movie and onwards.
That's how pseudo-intellectuals are

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>"PATLABOR" New Anime has finished voice-recording for the first episode according to director Yutaka Izubuchi.

What's the expectations for the new Patlabor by J.C. Staff?

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If the 2D and CGI animation manages to be half as good as Studio Khara's Patlabor Reboot, maybe I'll watch it. But if it's a 12-episode series, I'm not holding my breath.
>Studio Khara's Patlabor Reboot
Nigga what.
None whatsoever.
I just hope it keeps the thriller vibe in some episodes.
You never saw this before? It's a Patlabor short film by khara they released for Japan Animator Expo. Amazing 3D work but it was like a five minute short.

Cool steampunk robots in alternate timeline Japan fighting demons. Hopefully translation is going smooth on 2 and beyond.

How does Ichiro handles thirteen women by 4!? That's a lot of stamina.
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Cool gun
Funny thing is while a lot of the games were not localized, some of the anime and manga have. Though, the manga last two volumes never got released in English. I think that's the case with a lot of VNs where only the anime adaptations get localized. For example, Clannad's original VN took 14 years to come out outside of Japan.
For me, it's Sakura with Kohran second. But you're right, all the girls each have their own appeal.
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I believe in Megane Supremacy.
Best girl and best Koubu.

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American localizers really dropped the ball not making the entirety of Wing like this.
Localizer is cancer, kill yourself.

Would Char win against Amuro in CCA if the final battle was Nightingale vs Nu?

Amuro outskilled Char so much in the original fight that it would make it fair.
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It might make amuro take Char seriously and actually end up getting Char killed even faster. Movie Amuro is not beltorchika's cuckmuro. He's an actual monster. Even when he was in a 2v1 at the start of the movie he basically didn't take a single hit while Char was getting disarmed left and right while coping about the ReGZ being an inferior suit unfit for their battle.
Realistically at what point Char would have a 50/50 chance? In a Victory era MS?
Amuro was high as fuck on newtype juice that entire fight, look at the sparkles coming off of his cockpit the entire time
I don't think there's anything that could have stopped him
Char's pride wouldn't let him fight Amuro with a superior mobile suit. And then when Char inevitably loses, he can pull out the "you only won because I let you have a better mobile suit" card.
amuro would probably win
BC amuro is actually a weaker pilot but that's sort of the point, he can move on from piloting and being a family man (the newtype baby shenanigans) is what helps him win against char in the end
CCA amuro is still just a pilot

Legit, one of the worst Gundam designs i've ever seen, fuck Anno and his retarded ass for creating this shitty AU just when i thought G-Witch was bad, this thing came out.
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he named it in the filename, Zeta Plus A1B
Earth Federation Spaces Forces hentai videos was too funny not to share, even if it made me look stupid
I feel dumb because I don't even look at filenames anymore.
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>he doesn't know the entire Master Archive collection is available on e-hentai

Not a lot of people know it, but hentai sites for awhile were a bizarrely great place to look for published Gundam material for awhile, and some of them are likely still up to this day.
I always find it funny how divisive thunderbolt designs are to /m/. I really like them but I hadn't realized until I started posting here about it that a ton of ppl hate the artstyle.
Honestly, I don't mind them too much. I just find the constant huge backpacks a bit repetitive.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love big backpack modules (my favorite mecha design is the second White Glint with a VOB pack), but it takes away the charm a bit when everybody has like 4+ subarms each with a shield and a backpack with thrusters as long as the mech is tall.

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Previous Thread: >>23124487

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>komura were shit in sentai and rider
Makes sense
I always assume that suit is only a placeholder and they can just say the little Hanto have vague memory about the look, so a proper Wolf Granute suit appears later.
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new thread: >>23134602
They already revealed it was just a random part-timer and the one who killed Hanto's mom personally was Lango.

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