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>transforms into her sister to fool her sister's fiancee
>marries her sister's lover
>reveals herself only to accuse him of being a cheater and liar
what the fuck is wrong with her?
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when you want to market your toys but you don't have budget
>Grendizer manga ends with Earth getting fucked
>Goldorak sequel comic ends with a depressed Duke having to raise a Vegan child after they once again ravaged his planet
>Grendizer U's Duke got Catfished marriage raped
It's not easy being Duke Fleed
>Grendizer had to save Koji and Tetsuya in the Dynamic manga
>Duke gave Koji Freed's technology to power-up Great Mazinger against Hades in Hades vs Devilman manga
Lucky bastard, getting dommed by all the cute ladies! WOULD
>get firmly told to fuck off and that nobody likes them in Zero vs Ankoku Daishogun

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What is your favorite forgotten 2000's mecha? Everyone remembers stuff like Seed, 00, Geass or TTGL, but what about the Heroic Ages, Gigantic Formulas, Gad Guards, or Mars Daybreaks?
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My favorites of the ones I've watched are Rahxephon, Dendoh and (unironically) Kanazuki no Miko, been planning to watch machine robo rescue, gunparade march, Goddanar and war on geminar in the next few months.
>My issue with TTGL is that it feels like a battle shonen and less like a typical mecha
Can you elaborate? I'm struggling to read the rest of your post after that..
The problem isn't in the shows he likes you filthy zoomoid nigger, it's the fact he's allowed to spam the same images for close to a decade without any repercussions.
Soaring cake girl cemented my hate for mind control as a plot element.

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Zoids are pretty cool
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Does anyone have both the Hagane Works Blade Liger and Chogokin Liger Zero? And has anyone displayed the two together?
I remember looking at stuff like this back in the early 2000's while watching Zoids Century and wishing it was translated from moonrunes. I always thought the original Battle Story stuff seemed way cooler than the anime dribble, especially all the Liger wank
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I wish they continued the Chaotic Century/New Century continuity

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Can we have a thread for fashion and outfits from mobile suit and mecha anime?
Starting with my favorite hag, Cima
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>: 597144-kenichi_kinasato
I be dammed the one other ring of red fan in the world.
and yes Kenichi looks great
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Have patience with them. Nagano gets off on clothes. Motherfucker will start talking about fabrics, brands and how much each piece of clothing costs within a panel. He cannot be stopped.
I like Kamille and Fa in CCA era uniforms.
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You can tell when he really like a character by the amount of alter egos and outfits he gives them. She's a serious queen who got knocked up as a teen, lovey dovey airhead, powerful and devoted knight who goes all out during battle and the world's most embarrassing mom.
tank uniforms like this are the sexiest

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Gundam Victory is the worst UC Gundam Series. You can't deny that.
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Narrative exists
I have trouble finishing this. I am on ep 18 and I just can't go on, been stuck for 3 years.
'cause it's shit
It's shit.
>Whenever bait gets posted just reply with an honest detailed discussion that the shit post tourists can't jump in

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thoughts on Gun X Sword?
I personally found it really boring, but would like to see what /m/ says about it
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The el dora 5 episode gets a lot of attention but I really think it's super well done even outside of the brave showcase. The townsfolk being generally annoyed at the geezers to showing concern for them about to die while realizing their stories weren't just stories, the sheriff saying he doesn't want his childhood heroes to be known as obnoxious assholes to the town, it was done pretty well and I liked it a lot.
It was my intro and hook to Gun X Sword and I imagine it was likewise for a lot of people as well. Definitely a top tier cast of endearing retards, and that's not even to speak of Van himself
In certain parts i think it did better honestly. There are parts with a bit of accent that adds a bit of flare, like the eldora dudes, fuckin Tony the mafia boss, even Van himself
It is the best /m/ show of the its decade.
>Implying Bebop, Outlaw Star, Trigun, & Gun X Sword don't all take place in the same universe.

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looking forward to Shirabe defecting and becoming Boon Yellow
ISA is definitely playing with fire.
they look the same age
>Orange went rouge
>ISA finally acts shady
Are they trying to have some kind of complexity because they realized the previous two series are popular because of their uncanniness?

Secondary characters have no real response to this
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in a row?
>Fllay should've been that person, It would've been hilarious and meta.
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Yup, that's a Buster.
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>no transformers kiss player on 40th transformer animated by trigger

>include the transformer from panty and stocking


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Yeah, it's very sexy.
He should've done some voice acting.
"Director Amemiya's love is amazing... ‼
As someone who was involved in the original project 40 years ago, I was deeply moved.
Thank you to all the staff for your hard work.
Thank you for the wonderful video "

RIP Aniki
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What are you anons watching/reading?
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Nowadays when it comes to newer anime getting a physical release, it comes like a year or two after it airs in Japan. This comes from a multitude of reasons
>Dubbing anime takes time if the show didn't have a Simuldub
>Studios don't want people in Japan reverse-importing the US bluray release since US releases are generally less expensive and take up less shelf space than Japan's "Two-three episodes released at $50 every month for a few months until the whole thing is out, then we'll rerelease it all together in a special edition bundle a few years later where the only new thing included is the cover art" model.
>Western distributors need to see what shows will sell well in the west and are actually worth publishing discs for
Using Sentai Filmworks as an example (Since it's either gonna be them or Crunchyroll releasing it on Bluray in the US, and I don't see Crunchyroll putting out a niche mecha anime any time soon and Sentai put out fucking Dai-Shogun of all things) here's their October/November preorders for this year (Not counting rereleases of shows they've published before and Galient which is just an outlier in terms of when these shows all came out)
>The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen (2023)
>Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero (2023)
>The Vexation of a Shut-In Vampire Princess (2023)
>Reincarnated as a Sword (2022)
>The Dreaming Boy is a Realist (2023)

Expect a Bravern BD release a year or two from now.
Just watched Strange Magic after putting it off for nine years, the art and animation were top notch but the music was weird, these sounded like songs you'd hear on the radio, not something characters would sing.
>these sounded like songs you'd hear on the radio
Uh, anon
>A.Z s2 and G-Reco airing at the same time
That was one hell of a noisy time to be on /m/
Kyatto Ninden Teyandee episode 14 and damn, they got their power-ups quite early.

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>watching 70s japanese scifi movie
>music sounds familiar
>realize it was used in evangelion
It keeps happening.
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It was funded by international companies (Toshiba, Warner) and television companies. It wasn't an expensive production.

It's hard to imagine if you are an anime obsessed gaijin, but Shusuke Kaneko had more clout than Hideaki Anno in the early 00s.
your argument doesn't make any sense and you type like a faggot
>The project got him black-listed from the live-action Japanese studio-work which is why he really made the rebuilds.
Anno was never a big studio guy tho, was he?
He spent the first 15 years of his career at Gainax, which was a shitty small studio that couldn't stem its own projects, then made 2 movies with small production companies, then made Cutie Honey, which was a smaller production too and then founded his own studio and made the rebuilds to build a financial foundation for said studio.
The success of the rebuilds and the staying power Evangelion had as a brand made him attractive for Toho, who approached him to direct Shin Godzilla with Higuchi, which makes sense, as Higuchi had more experience working on a production of that scale.
Where exactly do you see any evidence for him getting blacklisted here?
Not that anon but >>22833258

>Rejected by Devilman
>Rejected by Ultraman Max
I never did. How do (You) think I ended up in this place?

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Why would Asuka do that?
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for fun.
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You're not even good enough to be my fake anon.

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>even the saudis cant afford hand drawn mecha
I like the design
Would watch desu
>Arab culture is of no interest to non-Muslims
lawrence of arabia? dune? arab warrior culture could be a good basis for a good mecha show
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>the show is going to start by 20 min of ALLAHACKBAR song, but the show is 24 min long
>all female be under that blanket cover from hand to toe

this is not /m/
>female pilots are all copilots
So it's gonna be like Darling in the Franxx, nice!
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>all female pilots are wearing these

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How come nobody really seems to care about Zoids?
I mean the original series was really well received as far as i remember Genesis was okay too

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