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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Distinctly Gundam based on color, shape, and silhouette, but so unique as to be alien in design. Classic 1930s futurism but the year 99. Love this thing.
New thread

There is an old 1/100 ng deathscythe tv

Can we had thread like this?, it gets me hard for no reason
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Someone answer me?
I saw the modeller's WIPs, legs are from Dragon Ball kits chest is completely custom. arms are from Exia legs. Check out the source @Yogu061
>>22729990 (me)
used Hi no Majin model kit legs from MajinBone (no idea wtf is that but here's the jp info to paste in google) マジンボーン04 火の魔神
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What is the absolute worse place to put a cockpit?
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Probably on the arms or legs. Parts that are expected to be among the first sacrificed to save the rest of the mech. Most other choices are a matter of trade-offs with some advantages and some disadvantages.

Some good things to think about: Ease of entry, exit, and ejection. Protection, both armor wise and being kept out of the line of fire. Visibility in case the sensor/camera system becomes compromised. Resistance to electronic warfare in the case of drone systems.
Stop ban evading.
Stop ban evading.
No, stalkerchild. It is (You) who is ban-evading. Enjoy prison.
The feet.

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Decepticunts, attack.
They don't justify anything. Which is sort of the point. Every goddamn thread you make is either completely vacuous with no point of discussion at all or some tantrum about why nobody worships this as the greatest series ever.
No justification needed, cunt. Gunpla and transformers are both explicitly /m/.
Nah fuck off, transformers can stay in /co/ with all those freaks.

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Speedrun char is my favorite.
More like Preventer Sex
Three times faster than a regular Char.
t. Noin.

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jesus fucking christ almighty this show was HARSH
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It felt kind of wierd how it went all in on the misery and how much the world hated the Jin family throughout the entire show only for everyone to all of a sudden start cheering for Kappei in the last scene of the show
Things start to turn around for them slowly. By the human bomb episode people are past giving gaizok and Butcher the benefit of the doubt
>all of a sudden
Speedwatchers out.
I don't think you understand how development works
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Why did the federation let her live during Unicorn? or even post ZZ?
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4 years. In CCA, Amuro was 29 while Casval/Char was 33.
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>Lalah was 17 when she got killed
How old was she when Char met her while she was working as a prostitute?
My favorite is that one doujin where a blatant Minerva expy gets destroyed by adult cock while wearing the sluttiest pair of baby high heels.
Mineva hot dog is one of the three good things that came out of Unicorn.
I can't believe the dead can actually post on this site.

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If Kira is supposedly the "ultimate coordinator" then why is Arthrun the best pilot of the CE? Is this supposed to be some commentary on the Destiny Plan, like how genes don't control everything about a person's life?
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Funny that IJ succeeds Aegis' melee ability with Multiple beam sabers. (2 on hand, 2 on leg)
Can't beat Kira's Strike with four beam sabers despite Strike only has one beam saber and had to resort to self-destruct
So IJ type 2 has 10 swords. More than Seven sword exia.
OG Justice for me.
>melee specialist gets rocked by a MS sporting one saber in a duel
It's over

He is 14. Why does every woman in the show want to bounce on his dick?
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More reason to ax AI stable diffusion.
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ZZ isn't anime dumbass
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Judau stepping up to protect his step-daughter.

So what's confirmed for the future are Hathaway 2, UC2, the 00 sequel, the Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr Hunt movie and the live action movie, right? I know we have Requiem for Vengeance and Silver Phantom coming up as well, but I find them pretty uninteresting. I personally want a Gaia Gear anime or a story set in the U.C 200-300's, but what do you guys think? Did I miss anything?
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I'd watch it for sure.
More Build Metaverse
I want to see a sequel about a natural whose genes are so good he's mistaken for a super coordinator or Accord. Basically a newtype with less magic. And others will show up on various sides as the earth's alliances fracture into a massive full blown world war that even COMPASS cant control becaue of how widespread and decentralized the conflict is. Kira may even be missing after running off with Lacus to live peacefully rather than fighting endless battles. The question dangling at the end should be whether naturals themselves are evolving into something beyond coordinators as a result of the mass death weeding out the weaker naturals and leaving what are essentially the superhuman mutants, and what the future will look like if humanity continues to practice mass eugenics through endless war.
>I want to see a sequel about a natural whose genes are so good he's mistaken for a super coordinator
So kinda like the Flagas on steroids?
Yea, but also not retarded or insane

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Dairanger had the best costumes of any sentai team
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To think it got this far only for it to get shelved…what a shame.
The 90s Sentai designers were on another level of creativity.
I liked the thunderzords growing up but not like I loved those fucking dinosaur robots. I would have much preferred this.

Hasbro should say fuck it and make a toy of this.
>reddit spacing
>retarded opinion
>shitty image
No wonder Power Rangers general is dead
The retooling could've worked. Tons of shows get retooled or has a tonal change after the first few episodes. The problem with Ohranger is they couldn't decide what the fuck to do with it, the show is constantly throwing out ideas then ditching them after an episode or two. Remember Riki? Yeah neither did the staff.
>saban doing the bare minimum was the best choice for the show, it makes total sense for a guy in a T. rex helmet to be inside a dragon robot and an ape robot
>line breaks make your opinion wrong

Power Ranger generals are most likely dead because the entire franchise rests on 30 year old nostalgia.

Btw, calling out someone for “reddit spacing” means you’re a newfag. Line breaks were everywhere in old Chan and nobody called them “reddit spacing” until after the ShareBlue shilling of 2016.
These are among the cheapest looking and worst designed costumes in Sentai history. I think people say they like Abaranger because Dino Thunder was babbys first PR.

Everything about this season is hideously ugly with one of the worst looking Zords ever.

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Do you like absolute bastards in /m/edias?
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She was an infidel. She had it coming.
Stop spreading fake stuff about Islam, Satan.
Absolutely yes.
I love irredee/m/able bastards

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It is thyme
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This one is my favorite.

the fucking hand flapping the shirt at the start always fucking kills me.
Well Satan, they also got the singers for both OPs to react to their work:

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Oh neat.

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Is this shit ever going to be finished?
I give it a decade for it to be finished.

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The only human character in the Cosmic Era.
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>tee hee I will use my pussy to control the MC for my racism agenda
Left wing shit
I loved her character because she was one of the more realistic characters in the show. I kinda wish she would have survived Seed just to see how much if any conflict would have happened between her, Kira, and Lacus in Destiny. I think Destiny might have been infinitely more interesting with her around.
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I was spoiled that she would die at some point, but it still sucked ass, and I was hoping that she'd die in Seed Destiny instead of like, how it turned out
I miss her lads
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