"dominant" Edition>New Player Guidehttps://pastebin.com/5xEAybEC>Artbooks, music and emulation resourceshttps://pastebin.com/jxij0dxe>The link for the ACV xenia tutorialhttps://pastes.io/s7kp1uu925>ACVD-friendly Xenia linkhttps://dropmefiles.com/PS3lr>Pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZFV1bGCueYRVPJDaaPE6lzei6RSaqSIg>also look herehttps://desuarchive.org/m/thread/23006355/#23018278Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23069408really excellent use of lighting here
>>23069408Cool really early morning commute vibe.
>>23069599good work on those breaklight decals
>>23068585>>23068602>>23068810>>23068814i would've liked to see them play into something like this more with the grid/watchpoint alpha segments
Shoulder cannon appreciation thread.
>>23054219Not sure if Shadow Hawk or Dougram...
>>22971420>>23003512>there is no way a biped can fire a shoulder mounted cannon without falling over Being autistic yet stupid must be a truly cursed existence.
>>23047320>Gundam becomes ugly and zeon>Guncannon picks up the slackwell well well
新企画『キューティーハニーNova』始動!ホビージャパン55周年 イベントで 高峰ナダレ 氏による描き下ろしの「キューティーハニー」を初公開。続報をお楽しみに!【月刊ホビージャパン55th ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL】・開催日/10月23日(水)~10月27日(日) ・会場/AKIBAカルチャーズZONE 4階
>>23057805I assume Flash is taking forever because they're dubbing it.
is CH The Live good? I'm not much of a toku guy but I liked anno's movie and I love CH
>>23055569That's the kind of modernization that I can get behind.
>>23061244Yes, it's pretty great
Train themed /m/
>>23063695Shitkeklion and Sasuraiger were rather mediocre.
>>23068161Why did you reply to your own thread?
>>23068174Not my thread, count mouthula.
Quattro when he can't come or laugh at someone. What is he drinking, /m/?
>>23068137that's clearly a coke
Is it still /m/ if the pilot is just a brain?
>>23059297This board is beyond it.
>>23059297>It's like the pinnacle of both.Hardly.
>>23058638Is it bad if I say that I kinda like Last Order more than the original series?I mean, both are sick, and I know that the ZOTT goes on WAY too long, but Gally finding out SHE is a brainchip and having a crisis over it, in spite of her previously thinking this worry of Zalemites was pointless was pretty interesting.
>>23061729>Is it bad if I say that I kinda like Last Order more than the original series?Yeah kinda it is, because Last Order's story while having lots of crazy hype moments is all over the fucking place in quality while the original series had extremely strong writing throughout until the end.
>>23056892/m/an's best friend.
Was Banana a theater kid? Who talks and acts like this?
>>23063545Don’t drag evolution into this. Survival of the fittest (aka best adapted) can mean survival of the most cooperative and most helpful, depending on the place and circumstances. Even Darwin wrote that a community “which included the greatest number of the most sympathetic members would flourish best and rear the greatest number of offspring”, which has been demonstrated repeatedly since both by observation and via mathematical models. Being a selfish asshole might benefit one in short-term, but communities full of sociopaths don’t last long.
>>23067071Survival of the fittest also includes lucky assholes who beat the odds through sheer dumb luck.
>>23066514Here’s the NT interview >——How did Tomino react when you told him you were going to be the director?>Yoshizawa: Ha ha ha ha. Well, he seemed pretty worried when I told him, but he gave me advice here and there—kind of like he was pushing me in the right direction. Even when I drew storyboards or did work for other companies, I asked Tomino for advice. Taking the other company’s work into consideration, he would give me advice on techniques—stuff like moving the camera angle to get more dynamic shots, paying attention to how characters rise and fall during their steps, or just generally how to liven up a scene. It was always very concrete advice so I sent him the storyboard for the opening phase of NT out of curiosity of what he would say.>The next day he didn’t come to the studio. I thought, “Huh, that’s weird,” but then he didn’t come the day after that either. I thought he’d had enough, but when I finally asked him he said he got frustrated after seeing the first couple of pages. Reason being that NT starts with the colony drop scene. “You’re all so young, and yet you’re going to start from the colony drop scene just like all those years ago?” Basically, he was saying it was a pretty big failure (laughs).>Ogawa: It’s fine. Better he said it then (laughs).>Yoshizawa: Tomino felt that we hadn’t taken a single step from his UC stories. This is a story that takes place after Char’s Counterattack, so why were we falling back on the same setup? From there, he had some not-so-nice words towards the scenario writers. I wonder what kind of face I was making during that…>Ogawa: I’m sorry you had to take the brunt of that (bitterly laughs).https://criesinnewtype.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/gundam-nt-behind-the-scenes-with-director-yoshizawa-shunichi-producer-ogata-naohiro/
>>23067890Don't fall for his tricks. He knows about that interview. That oldfag anon goes around to every thread he likes demanding a source. Why? Because it's one of his strategies to keep his favorite threads alive. Dead thread? Accuse people of making stuff up to revive the discussion.Just wait. In 2 to 3 weeks you will see another Unicorn thread and the cycle will repeat itself. Thread is dead? Then Anon comes in and accuses people of making up stuff and demanding a source. He doesn't actually care about the source. Same shit with Gundam X threads and ZZ threads. Anon demands source or accuses people of not having good taste, and that X and ZZ are "hidden gems" or under appreciated masterpieces. Cycle repeats over and over.
What were they doing during ZZ?
>>23067509Space is like, big and shit, yo.
>>23067225That's a nice uniform.
>>23045247Amuro returned to earth federation and he test piloting some Zeta Gundams, and Char was just hiding
>>23045247Char went to Side 3 and had a closed door off the books meeting with higher ups in Zeon to get some under the table support from them and from their friends in Anaheim.Amuro was having anal sex with Beltorchika.
>>23045251>>23045252kek saved
What's your favorite over the shoulder cannon variant?
Gotta be hardy.
>>23066952>>23067089White Dingo team is based. We need more stories of grunt units.
Why Guntank always get ignored by Banrise?
>guncannon gets a massively expanded role in gqx>guntank doesn't even appear
>Guntank's primary pilots are the fat guy and the cuck>Guncannon's primary pilot is motherfucking KaiThe difference in popularity is obvious.
>>23048037It was in the main roster in Gundam Evolve.
>>23048037Never getting over how they had this mother fucker coasting through space like this and had it square up against the Zakrello lmao
Tamamikazuchi editionDimensions EOShttps://x.com/Muvluv_DMS/status/1870016295539822814>Muv-Luv Tactics Crowdfund Complete>Target goal was not reached but the game will still be made with what was earned>All information about the game on the crowdfund pagehttps://camp-fire.jp/projects/794591/view#menu>Websitehttps://www.fuzz.co.jp/app/muvtac/OST samples and character images + some story stuff on the campfire page>Kiminozo on steamhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1777440/Kimi_ga_Nozomu_Eien_Enhanced_Edition/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I was told by anons on /a/ to read muv-luv and ignore the latest anime adaptationso it's as simple as starting with extra for now along with the trilogy, right?
>>23066721Yeah, read Extra (every route), read Unlimited (every ending), read Alternative. Simple as.
why do these beta fuckers attack at the worst possible moment bro this was already a terrible situationat the protests
what is the shield forarent those usually shot down by the laser in like 2 secs flat and unable to take a hit from destroyers or grapplers, much less a fort classi can see it being useful against the tank class with crowd control but it just looks a lot more prudent to just carry two machine guns
>>23067637They use them pretty heavily in SM. Iris takes a fort whip directly to the reactive armor at one point and RE: lasers, anything that keeps the pilot alive longer is useful. I think they also can take grappler hits but definitely not destroyers
It's funny to me how the RF series used by Mars Zeon gets retroactively buffed and new machines like this RF Kampfer which has quasi-psycommu weapons.Previous descriptions of the RF Zaku were all>Based on Geara Dogas some CCA remnants had when they got to Mars>They can even outperform Geara Dogas in some areas>Other RF mechs like the Dom aren't as maneuverable as Heavyguns and all are based on decade old tech by UC 120sMaking it sound like 30 years of relative peace and only Geara Doga samples + preexisting Mars Zeon OYW designs led to at best Geara Doga + 1s that can take on Jegans but get ROFLstomped by Heavyguns or anything miniaturized. The very best is an RF Gelgoog which is better than RF Goufs and Zakus but none had any quasi-psycommu tech, funnels, or ultra fancy weapons past Neo-Zeons. Now all this new media coming out way after Mars Zeon's first appearance like AoZ show Mars was really, really busy too and had access to Doven Wolfs and way more advanced machines than that.Now, even RF Zakus in recent post-100 UC like Fastest Formula are depicted as>Completely outstrips Jegans and you need miniaturized mechs to stand a chance>Has all these new RF machines never before seen like the RF Kampfer that can give the F90 Gundam a tough fight
>>23064314Roux was that much younger than him?
>>23065259absolute cinema
>>23064675What’s going on in that right shoulder?
>>23067836canon functionality, pay it no mind
Gundam with katana.
>>23058145But enough about your mother, the robot looks fantastic.
>>23058182No amount of coping will ever make Mighty Strike Freedom look good.
>>23067770You seem to be doing plenty of coping for everyone, friend.
The only thing shorter than Noa's hair is...
>>23052090Yeah, that checks out.
>>23048263my penis
>>23059135holy sexo
cheers /m/
>>23049744Candlejack? It's been years since I've he
Like what if Domon getting absorbed by Devil Gundam instead of Kyoji for example
>>23066771>>23066989Alt scenario: Mineva's mom doesn't die, becoming a Lady Borgia of Axis with unchecked influence due solely to being her daughter's regent but with no power of her own (yet).
>>23064698A Gundam Wing one where Frozen Teardrop never happens and is set 100 years after Endless Waltz to see if total pacifism really did work out for everyone...
>>23064698>0079, New Years Eve>"Gato, we're going to Axis."Gato and the men who would have been the Delaz Fleet train Axis' forces for seven years. Delaz takes Glemy as his right hand man since he doesn't have the years in isolation to Gato to manipulate and mold him to his weird Gihren idolization, so they might end up not being allies before Axis is defeated. With this surplus of manpower they might also need to mine out another asteroid for living space, giving them more natural resources to process before the war. They also wouldn't have to waste the Neue Ziel and could have it ready by the time Axis makes it to the Earth sphere. The Titans, if they exist at all, might not be as influential or as overtly corrupt
Alternate timeline of where Axis did impact on earth
>>23067489Liable to collapse the Federation entirely or render it a rump state at Side 7 with the rest of the Sides declaring their autonomy and focusing on taking care of their respective populations rather than aiding any Earthnoid refugees.In an ironic twist I could see Side 3 being the most able to welcome in refugee populations from Earth given their closed type colonies just having the space to absorb the deluge of people. The Republic could publicly denounce Char as a terrorist and come out looking like the salvation for humanity. That could give Char his out if he survives, because he didn't want to lead humanity anyway. If he gets a bounty he could flee to parts unknown, likely wearing sunglasses.