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The series feels like a typical Gundam AU series
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Zaku should not be this sexy
Hasegawa understands Gundam better than anyone else besides Tomino.
Riiiiight... because people can survive out in space without a spacesuit in Gundam just fine. He totally understands it better that the creator. Tell us again how he does when he flat out refused to use Tomino's script for the original series?
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Sunrise Stance (according to booru tags)
Obari pose
Sword perspective
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I don't think so, no. I do remember once seeing fanart of Gipsy Danger doing it with the cargo ship it uses to beat the fuck out of one of the Kaiju, but that's about as far as I'm aware.
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I am eleven years behind. What's the latest version?
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Robot gorillas are great and all, but are there any robot Orangutans and Chimps?
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There had to have been a better way to incorporate the monkey hands.
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It can't really do much if someone comes in from the right, can it?
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timing is everything
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The Early-type is an OVA created unit. Never was in Yaz's Origin manga. I just want gunpla of the manga versions, that's the discussion we are having here. Pic Related: Keep your autism in check.
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A sexual icon.
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Previous thread:

Previous campaigns:https://snip.dssr.ch/?e12e943facfcae33#GK1MU6KTE2tDWGL33iBzd7oLEKN4FKddnYVT2vGwwQDb

Password is gas4llspacen0ids to access page.

(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V
[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]

Character set: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ

Unit set: https://mega.nz/folder/EeNBQZTC#hg26dftks0YrIhTW25zL1Q

English Translation download/guide: https://pastebin.com/3fLsrSit

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As emergency repairs are made to the remaining captured G-Units recovered from Heliopolis, Miguel Aiman supervises the retrofitting of Rau's CGUE into a hybrid model capable of utilizing the Duel and Busters beam weapons for his own uses.

>Miguel:...Don't screw this up, Nicol. I won't be able to face Yzak and Dearka if we let those bastards aboard the Legged Ship slip away.
>Nicol: The Blitz's stealth system will work. Artemis won't see it coming-
>Miguel: You'll still need to smash that rock open for us to attack it afterwards. Even with that fancy new Natural toy, don't underestimate what swarms of their Mobile Armors can do. To many old friends got themselves killed at Boaz...
>Nicol: You can count on me, Miguel.

Taking notice of Athrun floating for his quarters, Nicol breaks off from Miguel's side to speak with him.

>Nicol: Are you going to be ok out there, Athrun-
>Athrun: Worry more about yourself. The second the shields go down, pull back and return to the Vesalius-
>Nicol: Strike. That is the one that hurt Yzak and Dearka, right? It fought all of us off before...but not this time-
>Athrun: Leave the Strike to me, just focus on your mission.

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>Neumann: Captain, Artemis has accept our hail. Guide Beacons have been deployed.
>Murrue: Good...at least the civilians from Heliopolis can be-
>Natarle: They aren't just going to let them go free given their knowledge of the G-Project, especially with Kira being a-
>Mu: A Coordinator? Listen, even if Artemis is willing to take us in, they are still a part of the Eurasia branch of the Alliance. Given the clandestine nature of this ship and the G-Project...well, it is hard to say how willing they will be to work with us. Look, I am going to try and take another crack at getting Kira out of the Strike. Just be careful what you tell them, Captain.

Within the hangar of the Archangel, technical staff continue to try and force open the cockpit of the Strike, which Kira has locked himself within out of the raw stress of having knowingly taken lives in the engagement with ZAFT's forces.

>Mu: Any luck?
>Kojiro: At this rate, i'll need to saw off the entire cockpit hatch. Kid may be able to pilot, but he's making our jobs a real pain in the ass acting like this-
>Mu: I'll save you the trouble.
>Kojiro: What, you figure out a way to lure the kid out this time?
>Mu: Worth a shot.

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The Archangel docks within the impregnable fortress of Artemis, its fuel critical from its forced retreat from Heliopolis's shoal zone. While Marrue and Natarle are readied to meet with the bases primary Commander, Mu is able to convince Kira to leave his cockpit, along with applying a security lock to the Strike as a precautionary measure.

>Artemis Officer: You there! Identify yourselves-
>Mu: Lieutenant Mu La Flaga. This young man is one of the refugee's from Heliopolis. Was just about to escort him to the mess hall with the others.

Looking over Mu's credentials, the younger Officer gives Kira a cold look as he hands back the identifying badge.

>Artemis Officer: What is with that look? Have something to say?
>Kira: What? I'm not-
>Mu: I got him-
>Artemis Officer: General Garcia has ordered for all ranking Officers aboard the ship to be escorted to him immediately.
>Mu: Understood. Let me drop off the kid first.

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>Sai: We are citizen of O.R.B, not the Alliance! They no right to threaten any of us after they left us to-

Sai is struck with the butt of one of the Officers rifles, casting him to the ground. As Sai scrambles to grab his glasses, one of the Officers crushes them under his boot.

>Kuzzie: T-that was completely unnecessary-
>Artemis Officer 1: Heard out of you-
>Kira: Enough of this! You want the pilot to that thing?! Then here I am!
>Artemis Officer 1: You? Like hell some scrawny kid like you is-
>Artemis Officer 2: No, I saw that one being lead here by Lieutenant La Flaga. If its anyone...its likely him. Come with us, immediately-
>Tolle: Like hell your taking him anywhere!
>Kira: Tolle, don't-
>Cagalli: Do you people have no shame?! Every man, woman and child here is under the jurisdiction and protection of O.R.B! If you lay even a finger on any of them, it would be a violation of our nations neutrality!

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The Strike is forced out into a technical dock within Artemis, where Kira's bruised and battered body is dragged before his Mobile Suit by Gerald's staff.

>Gerald: I understand you struck at some of my men earlier. A serious felony to lay a hand upon a soldier, young man. Still, given your young age and size, a normal human would not be capable of such a feat. Which makes me wonder...just what exactly turned you into a Race Traitor?
>Kira: W-what...?
>Gerald: Oh, I don't mean it as an insult in the slightest. See, there are some Coordinators that are rational enough to understand what is best for them is the Alliance's victory in this war. Considering you are the pilot of this...peculiar machine, obviously you support the Alliance's interests. Otherwise, I might be inclined to believe you are a spy for the PLANTS. My found accessing the Operating System aboard the Strike to be quite difficult...how about you show your loyalty and unlock it for us?

Meanwhile, the energy field defending Artemis disables as any sign of ZAFT's forces are lost to their sensor range. Slipping past the bases defense system, Nicol's Blitz Gundam begins to mark key sections of the umbrella generation system to begin attacking according to the assault plan.

>Nicol: Now, just to wait until the Vesalius is ready...

Under threat of harming his friends, Kira is forced to comply with Artemis's technicians, though he intentionally slows the decoding process of unlocking the Strike.

>Artemis XO: General, we have detected a ZAFT vessel approaching.

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Tamamikazuchi edition

Dimensions EOS

>Muv-Luv Tactics Crowdfund Complete
>Target goal was not reached but the game will still be made with what was earned
>All information about the game on the crowdfund page
OST samples and character images + some story stuff on the campfire page

>Kiminozo on steam

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full sprites can be found at spriters-resource (there's alot of variations)

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Oh nice they have a bunch of Cryska's and Martika's sprites. None of Stella's or Yui's though.
Any legends have the files this book?
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Have you tried sadpanda?
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I'll see you in a week then (if luck permitted).

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Was Reconguista the last robot anime that made people think?

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>was barely a match against Zeta Gundam and almost destroyed by Zeta
>ZZ had trouble taking it down until they both tied
was Judau really a bad pilot or it was because Kamille's Newtype powers were off the charts?
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>Mobile Suits win the war and are undeniably the King of the battlefield
>Hurrrrr we won't put hangars and catapults on our ships because we're retarded
Thank god for Gato, the EF would have been a worse place if he didn't nuke all the morons.
Roux has shown to be ass compared to Judau numerous times, like in the desert when they all got taken out by a fucking Gelgoog had Judau had to come in and save them
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Logistically how does she even fit in the Qubeley's pilot seat?
ZZ is really powerful but the Zeta is leagues above. The issue is that the Zeta is hand-crafted for Kamille's utterly insane Newtype piloting, so Judau literally couldn't pilot it in an efficient manner.
That being said Judau's late-plot Newtype abilities probably would have had him able to make use of the Zeta's potential
The time when she held her own against a fleet of MSs in order to buy time for Judau is the main reason why I saw her as more impressive than Judau.

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It's over, Gundam is American now.
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Gundam Wing IS gay though, it was part of the three series that Sunrise intentionally fujo baited with (others being Chouja Reideen and Dagwon)

Still the most popular Gundam in the West by a country mile.

SEED was mostly mocked because it's trash btw.
If you see young guys and immediately think of gay sex, that's a (You) problem.
Yeah but we all saw what happened to Atlas.
Not my fault they recruit the most retarded military I've ever seen in a fictional work.

Thread for the Mechanics and World Book for SEED Freedom, which releases today.

Features interviews with Mitsuo Fukuda, Kunio Okawara, Kimitoshi Yamane, Takuya Io, Zenseava and Satoshi Shigeta.
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First look at Okawara's SEED Acguy
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Concept Black Knight designs
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Okawara improves every UC grunt he touches
Are they supposed to look like Khan-era Mongols?

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*remains the best take on Getter Robo's themes*
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>*remains the best take on Getter Robo's themes*
Yeah I love Kamui too
Stop bumping this shit drool.
I like Arc's anime despite the budget issues, but nah, New trounces it.
Shin vs Neo fucks though
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It had good moments but I felt like New did the themes better. New as adapted the future scene from Shin pretty well.

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Is Astroganger a robot or cybrog?
also what do you think about battle mechs with no weapons like it and Tetsujin that rely on punches and kicks only?

Which actors would you like to see starring in the Gundam live action?
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Amuro should be played by a man.
Amuro Ray Skywalker
I would suggest not making the live action movie at all. Or at least casting unknowns.
That's a Palpatine, you dingus
Elliot would play Kamile

Times you were *very* wrong.
I love these kinds of stories.

When I was a kid, I saw this cover for "Zone of the Enders" and, being an Eva fanboy, immediately groaned and assumed it was a cheap copy.
Shortly thereafter I got the game and fell in love.
Zone of the Enders are, to this day, my favourite mecha designs PERIOD.
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Am I the only one who thinks Viola AI is the worst boss fight in ZOE2? I don't think I've struggled with a boss more than her on extreme.
How does ZOE2 expect you to dodge Anubis' burst shot in extreme mode? That shit can two shot Jehuty in its damaged state.
Ken's pretty hot. So is Viola.
I saw this on social medias, Konami are directly recruiting for mecha artist https://www.konami.com/jobs/ja/jk/list/detail.php?jobsParam=snd&job_code=263
>production of cel-look character models, production of mecha models
could it be?
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Your reminder to watch Dolores, i

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This woman is fucking perfection.
How is it that she wasn't used anywhere else?
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she got reincarnated
>make a gundam for newtypes
>pick an oldtype to test it
What did the feddies mean by this?
The Federation didn't have access to Newtypes beyond Amuro Ray nor did they have a genuine understanding of how to best utilize Newtype abilities in their Mobile Suits, that's why the Alex is just an overall high-performance mobile suit rather than using any Newtype-based weaponry.
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Posting Chris on V-day

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