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Toho is having a special for Godzilla 70th anniversary on July 28.
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Probably because "fans" are not very receptive of anything that strives away from the norm? You make a perfect example, Shin made something different and influenced the following instances but you see it as something bad.
>What they're doing now may harm the series in the long run. They'll end up sabotaging their own series, ironically because you'd think the Americans would be a bigger problem.
No, I don't think the Americans "would be a bigger problem". Toho being Japanese doesn't automatically mean they make better content than the Americans. Even if they're not critical successes, I think the Monsterverse films are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the Netflix trilogy. I also can't say for sure if I agree that Toho will end up sabotaging Godzilla. If Minus 1 is any indication they might start to take a step or two back and let their directors tell more of the stories they want going forward. I hope.

>Shin made something different and influenced the following instances but you see it as something bad.
That's not what I said. I want to see more originality from the Godzilla franchise, but if all of Japan's entries going forward try to ape parts of Shin Godzilla then it stops being original. Minus 1 was a great film in its own right, a fresh and original take on what makes a human cast compelling, but its design for Godzilla didn't need to borrow body horror from Shin to stand on its own legs. Singular Point definitely had its own thing going, and as much as the science talk went over my head I could tell it was trying its best to be both faithful to and original in how it reinvented its cast of kaiju, and aping what Shin did only made their take on Godzilla feel less fresh than it actually should have been because we'd already seen a Godzilla that evolves. The anime trilogy... has a lot more problems than just "the planet being Godzilla-formed is a Shin Godzilla reference".

I liked Shin Godzilla, but that doesn't mean I think what made Shin Godzilla work necessarily works in other entries that aren't Shin Godzilla, and when other entries try to ape parts of Shin then their own originally gets diluted because we've already seen that part before.
>I think the Monsterverse films are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the Netflix trilogy
damn you sure picked one of the best entries to compare it to
Honestly I'm okay with this. It's already a pretty versatile roster that's covered all of the bases

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How did it bomb that hard?
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Brad was pretty based though. Only character I actually remember
It retails for 65 dollars.
Wait, those are man hands
I got mine for 5 USD
The kits are around the 30s at my hobby stores.

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We need more mecha medias that are not about war or fighting
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Like you're delusional.
Thare is that one farming game.
Makes me think of this:
>Okouchi learned absolutely nothing from his time working on Turn A when he made Gwitch
Turn A is Turn A because of Tomino. The problem with G-Witch is the director.
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Kadokawa still hasn't gotten it's shit together, but Haze'n-thley's smile is here to comfort you

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

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yes? It still received continues upgrades and experimental equipment till the end of the war, and besides it's only tangentially related to Mk-II in the first place.
Did Hazel itself have any revolutionary features? It inherited movable frame from Quel but MkII also hss it, armor materials seem to be good old OYW materials. All of the fancy tech is in the addons. I guess Owsla has BUNNyS right? That's certainly something AEUG would want.

And then the idiots kust left a TR-S unit for AEUG to molest
Titans did nothing wrong.
isn't that the kid who is then forced to crossdress as a bunnygirl?
Martians are weird like that

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>One year later
>No update
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>DON'T listen to my song.
Evil fucked up twisted dark Ranka has some very erotic canines there.
oh.. those teeth. uoh..
This anon get's it.

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Tank Police thread
New Tank Police was not as entertaining as the first , there I said it.
Can you imagine if Leona and Noa met?

You dont have to feel guilty for saying it, its true.
There was an ancient piece of fanart I saw online that had exactly that of the two yelling at each other while in their machines, it was a crossover pic that had other characters in there as well
the ova has a jarring tone shift about halfway through. it almost stops being a comedy anime for a significant part of the series and it just kind of happens without warning. kind of gave me whiplash. feels ghost in the shell but further into the future and everyone's retarded kind of like idocracy. maybe the bacteria ate everyone's brains.

it's all rather haunting and surreal for a gag anime.

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Knock offs, unlicensed, and Z-grade /m/

I’ll start off with two of the all time greats.
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Thats Caligulus to you, fuckboy
These threads used to get a hundred pics by now, is /m/ really that dead?
I had one as a kid, youre not missing out on anything, the propeller barely moves the thing in water
It's summer, a lot of anons from /m/ are outside partying and having crazy sex.
Intelligence agencies had some success in making the boards uninteresting, their stated goal.
lol this

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New releases on Mondays (usually)

New ED
Perfume collab (really)
Hotel collab (yeah)

Previous talk

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The cynical adult in me thinks they are subliminal advertising for Beyblades
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Rumor has it we're losing the Hikari Rail Star too. Along with the Doctor Yellow.

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Post zams
appreciate zams
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This is truly what peak performance looks like
The Jegan is probably the EF's way to buy Anaheim's loyalty so they wont' go around sponsoring anti EF movements. They did anyway though
hahahahaha like what if it was called the "freak-defenser" and was really freaky haha what would that be like
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Jezam when?

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How come Hizack doesn't get any love like any other grunts? Is it because it's a literal Zaku clone?
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I'm pretty sure Mark mentioned once on mechatalk that magnet coating just became an industry standard after a certain point, which is why it's never referenced again after Zeta.
They did. It's in UC Engage >>22745830
Is this the only time we see a visor suit killing another visor suit?
>it was common for the grunts of that era to have gundarium alpha or gamma armor,
That doesnt matter when you make your armor paper thin to save weight. After the OYW, they made armor thin as way to make the suit more agile to avoid getting hit by beams. Consequently, machine guns and physical weapons became somewhat viable again. Not to mention machine guns and ballistics also saw improvements after the OYW to help counter new armor materials.

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This is it, this is the year macguyver comes back
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I read the manga till the point where the scans are double pages, the time skip kind of lost me too. I also heard the story gets worse after that, is that true?
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There are a couple small time skips unfortunately.

And no, it doesn't get "worse". People who say that can't accept how the story goes.

I personally love it, even without the ending.
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"When I stopped by my parents' house on an errand, I found something nostalgic
A project I did 32 years ago, episode 5 of Macross II, a key animation I made to correct as the animation director...
Now that I think about it, it was this and the opening of Tekkaman Blade that led to me receiving an offer to do character design for the anime version of Garou Densetsu...
I realized once again that I should always think that someone is watching me and take each and every job seriously "
Who is watching him?
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I barely see anyone talk about this one.
Hell I sat down and watched the entire thing when it aired and I remember precisely nothing about it.

> divx video


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You are basically human waste.
Biz Marquise
>Treize is 13
oops. I got those mixed up, yup. :)

White Fang's leader. So that's one more accounted for.
General Septem -> septem (Latin) -> 7
Inspector Acht -> acht (Dut/Ger) -> 8

Two more accounted for.

Yup. One of the most awesome running gags in the entire Gundam franchise, imho.
If only for the sheer scale at which it just keeps going, and going, and going, with damn near everything in the show being named after a number.
But you say he's just a Char
But you say he's just a Char

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>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Teito Moyu on Steam


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I'm the kind of person that thinks Alternative is the greatest thing ever and I think you do need to be a specific type of person to think that, you gotta be the type of person that can feel a lot of sympathy for fictional characters because the whole final act falls flat if you are unable to feel for Takeru when it's time for him to say goodbye to all his friends.

That's something I love about Alternative, instead of the MC doing the heroic badass sacrifice, it's the friends you've made that sacrifice everything for Takeru and become the unsung heroes of their world. It's enough to make a grown man cry.

Your friends probably expected something different or more action packed. Honestly I think Alternative is a horrible pick to experience along with friends, it's just too sappy, it would have to be a group of friends that's really comfortable with each other and their own emotions which is rare. Don't hold it against them too much, but maybe consider finding people that are more like you in that sense.
I love, LOVE these ladies.
Whats the context for this image lol? US /m/ guy in Syria?
Thanks. They look really good but there wasn't a good Tama model. I'm trying to port them to Source or GMod.
All I see is cute Tama

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How would you rank them from best to worst?
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Subs when?
Better question: Raws where?

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