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Funky designs and handcrafted spaceship models galore! What's yer favorite SF production from this blessed time period?
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I wonder how expensive would it be today to do a blockbuster science-fiction production with pre-1990s special effect techniques? Star Wars costed only 40 million dollars in today's money.
I think the issue is more getting anyone to go for it. Cost wise? Well Godzilla Minus One cost 15 million. Shin Godzilla was about the same. You could probably make something for 20.
Another issue is that a lot of the people that know how to do that stuff are dead or retired, and rebuilding the skillset would take time and money. It's like animating robots in anime, without practicing those skills from youth, the new generation just can't do it.
Yeah, you'd need someone to really WANT to sit down and learn it. I doubt they teach it in film school so there would be a lot of trial and error, which would honestly be kind of interesting.
Not true at all. Within Hollywood? Sure, scratch building spaceships isn't as popular as it once was.
But go to any model building con, and you'll find guys who dedicate their free time to replicating EXACTLY the ships from Star Wars, Trek, etc.
ILM still has guys working there who worked on Star Wars, not to mention so much of the production is documented.
Making a film with pre-1990's special effects is completely possible, but getting the production company to agree to it is another story entirely.

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E.G.G.M.A.N. thread
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It's named after God Mars.
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He was talking about this one.
(In the same episode Shadow get a Lalah moment with a girl)

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New trailer and information for the french-japanese collab VR movie

price : 1,790 yen

release: fall 2024

translated synopsis :
UC 0096.
Argent Keel, an unofficial mercenary organization that is neither the Federation nor Zeon, has been commissioned to assassinate Azami Megine, a high-ranking Federation official. The mission was requested by the Federation, who cannot make public Azami's existence as a collusion with Zeon, but just before the fleet is to depart, it is none other than the Federation's Jegan unit that attacks them. In the midst of this extremely chaotic situation, a silver Gundam that Argent Keel secretly owns is released into space.

Director: Kenichi Suzuki
Screenplay: Ryoji Kansai
Character Design: Tsukasa Kotobuki

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>More fats in Gundam
the architect needed so
Is she Zeek or Earthling? Forgive if she is Earthling.
She’s a mercenary so neither
Though I could assume former EFF due to her MS
Tomino was right.

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Previous Thread: >>22713243


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

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It's Euzeth. He ban evaded, and is back to spamming >>22731625 again.
Euzeth? That's Thanksgiving-kun's name?
Who's cooler, Sasuke or Hyuuga?
hyugachads > uchihafags
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I don't think Yuzuki is the prettiest girl objectively because Sentai has a lot of beauties in the running but she has such an energy to her that I find very appealing

So which copy of the 0083 dvd/ blu ray has the original sound effects (that are apparently so much better than the newer release)?
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Shit, I can get Zeta with the original op/ed?!
Yes, the U.C. Library lineup all include English subtitles too.

I have the album coming so ill see whats up when it gets here.
As far as the space linkup/stardust memory orchestra thing i think its just the name of the original song and the stardust orchestra is the inhouse band doing the "cover" for it.


Space Linkup

Ooh, neat stuff

From wikipedia:

> In 2006, a "5.1 ch DVD Box" was released in Japan. Along with remastered footage, this release featured a brand new audio track featuring completely re-recorded dialogue, altered sound effects and music and a new surround sound experience

So yeah, but if you watched it before that youll notice it immediately.

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Why the fuck every normalf/a/g recommends 8th MS Team as an entry point for UC Gundam, when they should be recommending Stardust Memory?
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Thanks for calling me a retard multiple times while saying or doing nothing to disprove my previous claim.
+1 contribution
no it doesn't
>federation: main characters
>zeon: baddies
Most of the TV series are too retarded to watch if we're being honest here.
What? Pretty sure 90s anime character design is known for realism
This just seems like something you can apply in general to almost all of Gundam except the Gunpla-focused series and in a more general sense the eternal "you can't make an anti-war war movie" contradiction.

Plus I would really like to think most non-mouthbreathers would watch War in the Pocket and not take it as "throw away all your military themed toys you fucking loser" and more just the usual "toys are cool and all but remember actual war is still fucking shitty and ruins lives".
You’re welcome

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What's your favorite thing about Double X?
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I was so happy when they included DX in a Compati Hero game
>sticking it up the pooper for the finishing shot
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I actually just finished Gundam X and really enjoyed it aside from the Frost brothers getting more and more obnoxious as the series went on. You start really wanting to know what their deal is and end with wanting them just dealt with already.
>grunt suit is almost matched with a main Gundam
does this happen in other shows?
it's always seeing cannon-fodders with skill and not just blowing up

I think people agree that Frosties are the weakest thing in X but they aren't that bad, just took long time to reveal their intentions
I guess it just got annoying that their schtick was basically the same every single time they showed up, especially in the Earth parts of the show.
>show up in Virsago and Ashtaron
>don't do anything of real significance beyond being a hinderance/nuisance for a few minutes
>they eventually do that thing where Ashtaron grabs an opponent's arms and Virsago tries to attack from the front
>someone interrupts this
>"All according to plan. Withdraw for now, Olba."
>"Yes, nii-san."

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long weekend edition
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A shuttle. Just got over a 2 day and 11 hour ban from all boards. 4 Chan is worse then youtube.
Here's a Fooocus AI rendering. I'm not convinced that AI is totally worthless.
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Okay did this rather quickly. Coming up the Ai version.

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Bonus artwork for the customer.

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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About to open get what?
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in getter we trust
Getter-2... I kneel

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A giant Gundam yamakasa float created by puppeteer Isamu Tanaka was activated at the start of Hakata Gion Yamakasa, a Japanese festival in Hakata. The festival is famous for the large floats that are carried around the city.

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>old man ass
But, but my doujinshi told me only cute tomboys wear those ass-exposing clothes!
You'll get your turn eventually.
Lol, I was literally right there. To everyone unawares, this is done from 4am in Fukuoka City. Yes, 4am. It was pouring most of the weekend but it did not dampen anyone's spirit. Awesome time.

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GundamINFO's uploading the '79 compilation movies to Youtube. Most likely not the first time they've done this.
They're showing Soldiers Of Sorrow tomorrow at 7AM, Encounters In Space on Sunday at 7AM.

Beware of Koreans.
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You'd be surprised.

Why would you remove stuff? That's just costing you views
If it's always there, people get complacent and put off getting around to watch it which can lead to lower viewership that drops off over time. Some people literally never get around to it, it's common for people to have massive backlogs of media/games/things they want to try. If it's only available for a limited time then people who want to see it are forced to make the time to go see it while it's available, and are more likely to think about it and keep it in mind so they don't forget due to fear of missing out.

If given the choice between two things you want to watch, and option A is available forever while option B will become unavailable in a few days, guess which one you're going to prioritize?
>stuff should just get cycled off streaming services

That's retarded, bruh.
fuck out of here, I don't advocate for that shit, I download 4K encodes for archiving on my home server so I don't deal with that shit, I'm just explaining how it works

all about tickling that spot in your brain that makes you feel happy about getting something in time, and if you did miss it then it tickles the other spot that makes you want to not to miss it again

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Is there anymore colony planets in Universal Century? I only know Mars Zeon and Jupiter Empire
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So, where is the story that goes into Turn A and hints that the X was basically a grunt level Zaku that drifted into Sol system and proved that there was...something out there that humanity was not ready, and never would be ready, to face?
Source? Sounds really interesting
That's just his pet name for Roux's cunt
Mentioned in one of the MG manuals iirc. It could have been in one of the Hard Graphs, but it was definitely a model kit mention, not in an anime, manga or sourcebook. If there are colonies orbiting Jupiter there are probably space stations or facilities at every planet in the solar system in UC, Pluto is just the one I remember aside from Mars having terrestrial facilities.

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How well do you know your mecha by OP?


When you can't name anymore, click "Give up" under the timer and post a screencap of your results sheet.
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Why are there game OPs?
Why not?
it should be anime only for consistency
>not knowing any SRW

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Long time lurker but I've switched PCs/laptops and lost a majority of my old /m/ pics especially the collages that recommended shows for everyone. Been on an AU Gundam binge lately since my friend's recently started going through UC; OVAs and Mainline series. Just finished watching Gundam X today and thoroughly enjoyed it. Planning on watching Turn-A very soon and pretty much everything else eventually. I'm up for any shows old or new (there was this isekai knight mecha that aired like 4-5 years ago and I forgot to keep up with it but it seemed like just "enjoyable air-time filler". The knight-mecha were CG iirc) Anybody have those old collages or some newer ones too? Just looking to watch more shows before I start up university classes again. Already watched Gundam: 0079, Zeta, 0083, 0080 WitP, CCA, Unicorn, Narrative, Build Fighters, Hathaway, G-Witch, IBO, 00, Wing, Victory and now X
Other mecha I can remember watching off the top of my head: Evangelion/Rebuilds, Blue Gender, Gargantia on Verdurous Planet, Gunbuster, Mazinkaiser, Code Geass, Casshern Sins, RahXephon, MuvLuv Eclipse?

Any recommendations, charts, or collages greatly appreciated
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I've never been banned. People who post objectively wrong charts need to be banned though.
>People who post objectively wrong charts need to be banned though.
Got damn it. I was being nice with my reply chart & you say some narcissistic dick head shit like this? Fuck you. Asshole. Why are you like this?
i lso want to watch some stuff but.... I HATE TOMINO
Why is this board so SLOW? I wish it was /v/ fast
Duel is mad because people got fed up with his spam.

Why Zeon couldn't afford to have two eyes mobile suits?
Because too much of their resources were tied up answering retarded questions from ESL monkeys.
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Zeon faggots like Reddit-Spacing-kun exhaust their budget on double pressing the enter key.
Later models of the mono-eye works similarly to how modern camera lenses work but chunkier.

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