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Please recommend me some anime/manga about mecha samurai and/or cyber ninja. And also something about Japan's participation in mecha wars?

Muv-Luv, Code Geass, Gasaraki I've already watched, Tobikage too. Full Metal Panic is not quite what I need. Something like Ghost in the Shell is definitely not suitable.
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The result of millions of years of evolution, stopped only by literal apocalypses, now these mighty beasts of the past are perfected with the technology of the future. Post robot dinos, Paleozoic, Cenozoic and Mesozoic contemporaries creatures also welcomed.
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Is Gundam actually as anti-war as the fans often like to claim? It never portrays war as something glorious, but it still often shows it as something "necessary" to be done. People often conflate depictions of war as something gritty and traumatizing with anti-war stances. A lot of Gundam series criticize the military, politicians, extreme ideologies, and war profiteering, but they still depict the motivation that main characters fight for as "inherently just". Killing people is bad, but it's still a necessary evil in the shows' contexts.
In my opinion the most anti-war shows are 0080, Turn-A and Witch from Mercury. The shows do have the main characters and protagonists engage in violence, but this is usually in self-defense, and killing other people is depicted as something inherently wrong and unnecessary.
Please note, I'm not here to argue whether Turn-A or G-Witch are good, or if violence is indeed a necessity. This thread is about if Gundam is truly an anti-war franchise, and if so, how can this be seen in the stories.
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Krauts and Russkis coveted each-other’s submachineguns in ww2.
>that hidden subplot in classic UC about Anaheim being controlled by jews that want to force humans into space so they can get Israel back
>Victory is about the former inhabitants of Earth that left a long time ago that come back to claim Earth as their birthright and want the current inhabitants to fuck off
>Turn A is about the former inhabitants of Earth that left a long time ago that come back to claim Earth as their birthright and want the current inhabitants to fuck off
>G-Reco is about the former inhabitants of Earth that left a long time ago that come back to claim Earth as their birthright and want the current inhabitants to fuck off
Why is Tomino is obsessed with Israel?
It's like ace combat
>Why is tomnio obsessed with Israel ?
Next question, why does Gnosticism give Anno such a hard-on?

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Was Schneizel’s plan to bring world peace by taking over the world as a dictator and commit genocide against enemy nations more reasonable than Lelouch’s plan to fake his own death and leave a huge power vacuum?

Admit it. Zero Requiem was stupid. You can’t expect to create a peaceful world with that huge power vacuum Lelouch left.

Remember in the movie Lelouch of Ressurection, Queen Shamna of Afghanistan kidnapped Nunnally and Suzaku and then tried to go back to the past to help Emperor Charles destroy the collective consciousness of humanity, thus making death meaningless?

And remember, in the sequel Rose of Recapture, Emperor Charles’s clone, Noland tried to exterminate all humans on Earth?

Those 2 results mean that Lelouch’s Zero Requiem is a huge failure. What Lelouch should have done is take over the world as its immortal dictator and then, using the Fleiia nukes…commit genocide agains all of his enemies, whoever they may be.

Winston Churchill once said, “Democracy is the worst form of government.”
Spam Thread

And also

>"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time..."
>Winston Churchill, speech in the House of Commons, 1947
>No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise

Men, the more you learn about Churchill the more obvious it becomes that he was just a retarded drunk.

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Shinn love/appreciation thread.
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It's impossible to tell what parts of AGE are Level 5 being incompetent as opposed to Sunrise huffing Unicorn-brand paint thinner.
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Threesome when
Shinnbros just can't stop fucking winning

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Not a single character since her debut has been as popular, are other designers even trying?
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Haha, gbitch got his post deleted
>Felsi takes great offense to this statement:
Felsi is no bitch.
But she is from Mercury, no?

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Like what if Domon getting absorbed by Devil Gundam instead of Kyoji for example
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the vehicles he ended up using were just as good anyway, iirc?
Is it even that much better than the Rick Dias?
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Then we're gonna get MK II Amuro custom like RG kit
Assuming she stays with Char?

>Most likely stays in Axis-Zeon
>Most likely Lalah and Char are there for Mineva, and do things for Axis-Zeon.
>Lalah is used for testing on the development of the Qubeley
>Char confides in Lalah on what to do on matters (Literally anything)
>Operation Stardust happens anyways
>AEUG probably still forms but with Lalah there, but no Reccoa hoping on Char's dick.
What if next year we get a Gundam X anniversary midia and we get de Gundam XXX? It will be a fan servise media, or a sexy mobile suit?
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Who is aniki?
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Ask Hermano if he knows
Will do mon frere

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post mechs running
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Any other media that depict BOOSTED running like Virtual On? They have the thrusters angled upwards for extra downforce

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Why were they in the wrong again?
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They lost.
Is this what zoomers believe?
>Talmud ideology full of racism, superiority complex, heritage and DNA autism, etc...
This explains why Japan likes to ride Zeon's dick so much.
Pretty much, history is always written by the winners.

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Z'goks are cool, let's have a thread all about them.
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I prefer the Juaggu, 2bdesu
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Zgok I painted
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Great job, anon.

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My dumbass step-parents are fighting...again. Can I spend the night here, /m/?
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>Wasn't he technically royalty via him being a Vist though ?

1. He was illegitimate. Never officially acknowledged by his father or family.

2. You don't get to be Royalty just because your family is wealthy. Thars what makes Royalty special.
waiting for new Unicorn episodes was shitty.
that was definitely the "drought" era for Gundam.
now, you have to leave
literally the highest point of the franchise at the time and revival of UC that's directly responsible for all the current projects but go off I guess
>the highest point of the franchise at the time
>it was the best at the the time for it's time
i just mean it took a long time for episodes to come out, it was a content drought. i don't mean they weren't making money

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You said "impossible for Japanese people" as if western stuff is any better at communication and japanese didn't already do this. Read Biscuit Hammer or watch any Arakawa toku.
That gochizou absorbtion Bitter seems to do with his sword is interesting, wonder if he'll get his hands on Caking.
You're expecting a rational response when he was clearly emotional.
The pacing in Gavv feels weird. There's always something new going, which is nice, but any conflict that happens gets resolved so quickly.

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The next gundam collab will come from Trigger.
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>Gundam goes to space in the finale
Fuck off tourist.
One of these is not like the others.

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