Just started watching Turn A and wtf? This isn't a woman??? Throughout the years I've seen images of this person and I always thought it was a lady.
>>23124582Gym is pretty entertaining but Guin wanting to fuck Loran was way funnier because it was played seriously the whole show.
>>23109990He's such a cool design.
>>23124582There's something so funny about how he immediately starts getting his ass kicked by Dianna counter as soon as he gets to earth, even funnier when he loses to Lorans random swinging in the sword fight.
>>23124581he is extremely dorky
>frustrated high ranking female soldier can't do shit and keeps jobbingI love this trope
>>23123819Yes, it is. Scenes where women can't cook and make purple slop instead are hilarious as well.
>>23123888Boyfailures already have a name, underdogs.
>>23129119silly anon
>>23123831I mean, the fuck did she think was gunna happen with the gundam
>>23123774Guess that's why people love Asuka so much.
Long long ago I came across an AMV on youtube of this wild over the top final fight. Later learned the anime was Shin Getter Robo, found some of the amazing soundtracks for it like Heatz. But I never got around to actually watching it properly.I'm all set to do that now, but there is a problem. Every wiki says there are 50ep of Getter Robo Go, but everywhere I look, from streaming sites to fan subs, they only have 30ep for Getter Robo Go.Whats the deal with that? Did the final 20ep get divided up or repackaged into a shorter "stand alone" season with a separate name? Were they smashed together into OVA releases? Where they Too Hot For TV and ordered destroyed by the Japanese Government? Someone here has to know.
I don't think Go has it's subs fully finished yet
>>23131687https://www.lonelychaser-subs.net/2024/08/getter-robo-go-episode-30.htmlFirst, specify, 30 SUBBED episodes for Getter Robo Go.Second, there you go, subs aren't done yet. When they are gonna be? No one knows.Also learn how to torrent and go read the manga, because aside from some superficial nuances, Getter Go TV is a completely different thing from the original source.
>>23131696Getter Robo Go was supposed to have been released in 1991-1992. So they're really working slow if its still not finished.
>>23131687you don't need to watch anything to start with Shin Armageddon.it's standalone with only a Japanese Radio Drama being its prequel.Go is also standalone, unrelated to anything Getter but it's not fully subbed yet.only the manga and first two 70s Getter Robo shows are connected.
I would tell you to first read the Getter Robo Saga by Ken Ishikawa then watch all the Getter anime that Toei made as far as you can or if you want, watch all the episodes if you don't care about things like Italian subtitles or bad subtitles then watch some other works by Ishikawa at least Majuu Sensen and everything that is translated from Kyomu Senki and read Seiten Taisen Flieder Bug, then watch the OVAs and I say watch all that before the OVAs because the OVAs are full of references to Ishikawa's Getter mangas, to Toei's Getter animes and to other Ishikawa works for example Cowen and Stinger come from Majuu Sensen, the Invaders come from Kyomu Senki, Jack and Mary come from the Toei anime and Raikou one of the characters in the OVAs is based on a minor character from the Toei Getter Robo Go who is a tribal princess from China who pretends to be a man after that read all the getter mangas that other mangakas made after ishikawa's death and watch the getter robo arc anime and finally watch and read the srw mangas
Previous thread: >>23119959>Torrent:https://nyaa.si>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):https://mega.nz/folder/VGJGRZTS#2IQCeoCfIk7NthRWM-mPTg>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ea02ca4athGjNSaWsy00mkTtvHOn0sms6BLS5Km1CB8/edit?usp=sharing>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)https://pastebin.com/hhYf7f6d >List of subbed series:https://tokusubs.wikia.com/wiki/Tokusubs_WikiComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
New bread: >>23133486
>>23133392TenbinGold is a gay partyboy
>>23133398Which episode is this? I dropped Zenkaiger early on
>>23133657EP18. A World acted as a cupid and made couples fall in love (including Zyuran/Gaon)
>>23133658Thanks Anon
https://twitter.com/asone_movie/status/1896697093449826439New animated movie AS ONE announced, directed by Koubun Shizuno and with character designs by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, coming this year.This seems to be related to the now defunct arcade video game Starwing Paradox, same character designer and term (AS ONE refers to the Player Character partners/navigators in-game), but no info on that yet.
No trailer, no info and just some concept art for a movie releasing later this year? Odd.
-=READ THE GUIDES=-Welcome to the Gunpla/Plamo General!For those new, please read our guides. We have many resources available to help you in many different aspects of the hobby. They're here for you!For the unclear, "plamo" is short for "plastic model". "Gunpla" is thus short for "Gundam plastic model". Many different kinds of models are built here, ranging from mecha to planes, cars, musume, you name it! If you're new, you're gonna screw up. Don't worry! If you're seasoned, don't make the newbies worry!And don't forget to report shitposting and spam. The mods don't browse /m/ too often, so it's up to YOU to help keep our general clean and civil!>Why won't anyone answer my question?Be more specific, and try to provide clear images if you can.>Why are my pictures sideways?4chan strips EXIF data when images are uploaded, including the orientation tag if it's from your phone. To fix it save out your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>23132823Rickdom has some differences but mostly the gun is bigger
>>23132833Pushup bra helps
>>23130364no one wants that
>>23132833as a lolicon, yes
>>23131594>weibIs this another retarded Cybaster moment?
>>23118907Is that a ZZZ in the top right?
>>23093386Nothing beats the super robot spirit.
Not a single character since her debut has been as popular, are other designers even trying?
Would you let her sit on your face?
>>23125779Holy cankles.
>>23125779That skirt is so short I can see her ass.
>>23129870She's presenting it to you.
Okay so if I’m understanding this right, unlike other universe beams such as UC that push out an excited particle clump and are more like impact based weapons, Wing beams just pick a big cylinder of space and forcibly heat the fuck outta it front to back. Is that right? Doesn’t that mean traditional anti-beam defenses like I Fields or Nanolaminate don’t really work on it?
>>23129383Doesn't sound like a problem to me.
>>23129403My bad meant to reply to this dipshit>>23128058
>>23129528All beams are "heat" weapons in gundam. If you're trying to suggest wing's beams are "heat rays," as in radiation emitters, the image in OP describes their mechanism as such>complex alloys allow charged particles to reach heat temperatures which would incinerate ordinary metalsSo no, they're not heat rays by definition. If wing's beam weapons have no significant force behind them despite the OP describing them as charged particles beams, that just means they're very slow compared to other universes. Considering the bore and size of most of beam weapons, any moderately dense balls of plasma we see being fired from beam rifles and cannons would have significant kinetic energy if they're moving at relativistic speeds. The fact that wing's weapons don't speaks for itself I guess. They're just inferior versions of every other timeline's beam weapons.
>>23126394>>23126422Hoo boy, looks like we'll have to revisit millions of inter-AU powerwank debates!
>>23126394>>23126422Much as I enjoy Gundam fluff, the more I read about the pseudoscience involved, the more I read about the physics side of things, the more wish they'd hire a professional sci-fi writer to make sense of it based on visual analysis of the animation and how weaponry behaves with setting notes rather than leave it to their internal team of writers...
Are Puru clones a thing?
>>23120897>>23120990Elpeo Ple is super popular and her name also has a backstory to it. Director Tomino is the one who came up with her name. The director was reading a book that talked about a family of adorable fairies, so he used their name. In other words, the people of El. However, there was an issue with the name. When he suggested the name to the scriptwriter, Mr. Endo, he rejected it, saying, “But we already have Elle and Roux.” Despite that, he managed to get it through as he took a particular liking to the name Elpeo Ple.- Zeonic
>>23127552Kill yourself spammer.
Doll Nest demo is outhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1839430/Dolls_Nest/AC clone by Nitroplus
>>23100472do any of them have visible bush?
>>23130610what would a robot need bush for?
>>23130660to make my cock hard, duh
>>23130610I'm sure it will be moddable enough
Is this show any good if I don't care about tokusatsu?
>>23124717You are part of the cancer
>>23124818Maybe. Generally speaking, I don't actually like any Trigger show except Luluco. I don't believe their work should be treated with any respect beyond wanking to characters.
>>23124840Kill la Kill saved anime.
>>23124840>I don't believe their work should be treated with any respect beyond wanking to characters.How did trigger mindbroke fags this bad?
>>23130778What having no balls does to a mf.
The Gundam novel is out of print
>>23113845>>23115255Why is the cover red? I have a copy of this but it has a silver cover.
>>23121163The silver one is an older edition than the red one.
>>23120810And also Ebay.
>>23119423>>23119896>>23120056>>23120819The names were updated for the grey omni trade paperback from around 2004. The original 80s mass market paperback trilogy release used the names the translator figured out, long before Sunrise started to make official standardized lists.As far as I know there are no differences between the older grey, and newer red editions. The red is just a straight reissue with a tweak to show the printing. No idea why they bothered. The translation was also updated for the original tpb printing, and kept the same for the switch from grey to red cover.There are no modern trade paperbacks with the old ad hoc names. The subtitle names Awakening Escalation and Confrontation, etc. Just the corrected omni.
Say happy birthday to my beloved sniper!
Happy birthday you Irish terrorist runway model.
>>23130020His MG is so good he deserves it
>>23130020Happy birthday Lockon, 00 was my first Gundam and you were my favorite character.
>>23130020It's strange that he looks older in S1 than his Brother does in S2 despite them being twins.
>>23130020And to his bro, my beloved gunner!>>23130729He carries himself differently. The way you present yourself with your personality and behavior impact how old you seem. Also the context of the situation. We meet Lyle properly later on, by then Neil s firmly remembered as an "older brother" type of character but Lyle doesn't fit in the same box.Back when he showed up in S1 people had no idea what his deal was, even if they ostensibly looked the same age.
Is Garma mad at Challia for stealing his boyfriend?
I long dick her like mmm mmm mmm
Challia Bull fanfiction is neat.
old man moe.
There is also Challia/Cameron and also tKycilia's subordinate