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I’d like to a thread for this franchise. Mostly the Revenge of Cronos anime.
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Every Ashi robot show in the 80s was. Even in Transformers, they drew Optimus like 40 different ways.
I often wonder what would've happened if Revenge of Chronos was imported back in the 80's to the US. Too late to compete with TF in it's prime, but maybe that'd have opened up the playing field for it. They would've had to dump all the Go-bots lore, or maybe try and shove it in as a story after the two sides made peace to fight a greater enemy. At any rate, it would've probably made people think of Gobots less as cheap Transformers and maybe more of a cult hit
Apparently the French dub /did/ attempt fusing the two shows.
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Mmmmmm mmmmm
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Least obvious Droul post.
>70% of the show is just renton's idol being an turning out to be an asshole
>Even after all the other gekko state members finish their drawn out hazing arc Holland's still beating the shit out of him
>He finally found people that treated him well
>Gekkostate kills them
At the end when the old man, the only crew member who was consistently polite to him turned out to be a coralian and poofed out of his dimension i laughed
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Nonono, it was more of
>hmmmm mmmm mmmm hmmmm
Fun show
Glad they didn't ruin it with awful sequels and alternate stories

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Funky designs and handcrafted spaceship models galore! What's yer favorite SF production from this blessed time period?
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That's no Star Destroyer..
Interstellar costed around 165 million and that movie had a lot of practical effect shots. Though I doubt most of that budget went into the practical effects in the first place.
It is cost, not "costed."
>devoid of snobbish claims
christ there's been a rash of brainlet posters with shit english like this on the board this week

Ignore that guy, here are the real 2010 positives:
- the Leonov is cool as hell, clears the Discovery by a country mile. Even then, they keep the Discovery in the movie.
- deployable ballute aerobraking sequence kicks ass
- interesting little glimpse into near-future US and USSR
- amazing Ron Cobb practical set designs
- cool Sphere-style interrogation of impossible bullshit by the two crews
just watch 2001 and then go in blind

2010 is the Aliens to the 2001's Alien. Both rule, just in wildly different ways.

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The soundtrack is pretty nice.

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For me it's the Kyojun fuck the Zenith
How does the future of the franchise look
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Mecha strategy games are rare, you've got like SRW, Sakura Taisen, FM and stuff like Ring of Red and Vanguard Bandits.
Oh and Through the Breach, dunno how I forgot about it despite playing it for like 60 hours.
I'm a basic bitch, for me it's Zenith and UISK.
>How does the future of the franchise look
Grim. But Kriegsfront's demo was fun so here's hoping it's decent.
Don't you mean "Into the Breach"?
Kriegsfront's demo was good though I'm a bit ambivalent towards their mechs

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ITT we post /m/ related super deformed/chibi art that isn't SD Gundam or from Super Robot Wars.
Huh, nothing.

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TR-S [Hazel Flare] got a decal-girl before full art and I wouldn't have it any other way

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

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>AoZ Traitor to Destiny

What's with that title anyway? Is it supposed to mean something?
what's the Nyoom-iest TTT?
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The short version is that it's a story about people at the mercy of fate that choose to stand against it.
Objectively it probably has to be a TR-6 variant, regardless if you consider it as nyoominess relative to the size or absolute nyoominess. But I have a soft spot for Advanced Hrairoo so I'm ending the thread with it. Gonna start the next one in a while
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new thread

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Previous Thread: >>22742556

How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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Gavv is first non human mc since Kiva and main purple rider since Hibiki correct?
Depends on your classification for non human, and if you consider late series mutation one
No, Sento wasn't human either, he was an homosexual.
Depends on when you define "nonhuman." Like, starts out nonhuman? Haruka in Amazons is an artificial lifeform. Turns nonhuman? Besides lamely pointing out Touma and Ace's apotheoses where they're ultimately still just dudes, Takeru is a holographic mass of undead nanomachines from episode 1 onwards and then something else entirely come Mugen until he revives at the end. Before that, Kouta turns into an Inves (though it's closer to the Touma/Ace situation), and before that Eiji turns into a Greeed.

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E.G.G.M.A.N. thread
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Maria is killed but it’s made less obvious in the 4kid version.
Though I saw the show with the French dub so there was no censorship here (including even Eggman saying Rouge boobs are big)
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I fucking LOVE these rotund bastards.
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Sex with Eggman

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Out of context pictures thread.
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What are you talking about? It's just a picture out of context :).
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Oh, that makes sense. My mistake.
I.guess the toku generals ended these types of threads. How times have changed.

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This is probably the ugliest mech I've ever seen in my life. No trolling.
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I mean it's stupid but it's meant to be
The fuck even is this?
Lurk 5 years.
Anno's four remakes getting a Sentai homage robot. Sadly no Death Kappa add on.

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"If that really is Lady Ham, then I'm the best weapon we got."
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Real and straight
Could you like... not

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I had a mech dream for the first time a few days ago and I finally get it. I used to think mechs were stupid and tanks were undervalued, but mechs aren't about replacing tanks...they're about replacing infantry. A mech is, essentially, a giant, armored infantryman, with the advantages of both a tank and an infantryman combined, and the disadvantages of neither. In a mech, you really do feel the thrill of combat, of taking cover, throwing grenades, suppressive fire, and fire and maneuver, all those wonderful things that make infantry combat so much fun. But at the same time, it's not ruined just because a tank crawls in, because you have more than enough firepower and armor to deal with it.
>combat is about having fun
based and true

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Here's my current shelf. If you remember my OG posts let me know! Feel free to post your mechs and stuff too!
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Ah ha seems like someone’s excited for the opening ceremony
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Very nice collection, I really like the little battlefield diorama you have set up on the lower shelf. Have a pic of my current shelf.
I like both
is that perhaps some kind of omolon rifle on the wall
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Good eye anon, its the hung jury.

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Why did the concept of the O'Neill 3 take off with Japan so much and not really any other culture in aspects to science fiction? Right place at the right time with Gundams origins around '79?
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There's a couple that are clearly meant to be 'outside', like that little zen garden that Delenn hangs out in semi-often.
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They are not pretty when they fall.
Stop ban evading.
He's not ban evading, as that expired you are spamming a low quality catchphrase which is against the rules.
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they're in a lot of books from the period. all the good american science fiction is in books

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Yami_Q_ray now has 7 members
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Didn't they all get deleted?
Heard they got Sheryl in there, who else is there? Just a reminder, doubling down on the idol focus rather than a good balance of that and mecha killed Macross after Delta. We are never getting any new series after the last Delta movie.
The other one in the back looks like evil Ranka.
Figures. Say, are there still people going for OT3s among Macross triangles here besides me, who likes to close the Frontier triangle all the time?
Oh god evil AI Ranka and Sheryl are hot as fuck.

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