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/m/'s thoughts on Atom The Beginning?
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yeah, i heard the anime botched the pacing hard.
gay as fuck, what was with that nose grabbing faggotry
soulless anime adaptation
does anyone have the anime's OP in flac? All the nyaa links are a big goose egg

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>In actuality, he was a genetically altered near identical Cyber Newtype copy of Char. His memories were implanted from the Psycho-Frame that absorbed the "Will" of Char that drifted through space. He possesses the remnant thoughts of Char (part of his soul) which were distorted in despair because humanity did not change after witnessing the miracle that occurred during "Axis Shock".

WHO exactly did this to Full Frontal? It sounds like whoever did had no idea Char didn't give an actual shit about Zeon's cause and just wanted to hash it out with Amuro again because of Lalah.
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Nta but it's definitely nationalism, it's just that nationalism is Canada is defined by "doing the opposite of whatever America does" and this goes all the way back to its independence (self-governing, basically the same thing) in 1867. It's a core part of Canadian national identity, and I'm not being facetious in saying that.
In the Stalinist democratic centralist sense yes, its a party dictatorship as opposed to monarchy like Amerimutts like to claim it is.
kojimbo despite being a big westaboo, surprisingly doesn't learn English, and I can see him signing something for a fan and not understanding the deeper meaning. He just sees English words and goes "fuck yeah, I love the West!"
Iron Mask having so many personal failings in life and funneling that resentment into his political life is one of the most realistic and down to earth representations of a politician in Gundam if not fiction in general.
Isn't that just blue submarine no 6?

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Pineapple belongs on pizza, and pizza belongs in Pineapple.
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Fucked up everything he touched yet got the second best girl and the best Gundam. How does he do it?
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Holy shit, Steroid Tanuki! Run, Felsi, Run!
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ITT we post mechs in hangers, bonus points if they're incomplete.
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Is-- is that a Zaku in the Zakrello color scheme?
god I wish
Zocks sure were weak as hell.

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Are the mods even around any more? Hello?
Janny is kill
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Snail losted BIGLY!

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is it good ? I've been warned about emulating it
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I despise the Vic Viper fight.

>having to wait long periods of time before you're allowed to attack him.
HATE when a game does that.
He's fine on the default difficulty where he doesn't stay in the air much but it's absolutely tedious on harder difficulties where he tends to dodge everything 90% of the time then go into flight mode for another minute or two.

I think you can still chip at him a little though even when he's flying around.
The story is genuinely terrible and the vast majority of the combat is boneless as fuck and doesn’t feel good because enemies either die instantly or are too tanky, but ZoE 2 has genuinely the best feeling melee in any mech game ever designed. The fact that more games didn’t just outright steal its melee clash system is absurd. It’s worth it for that alone
There’s also an unreleased PC version
The main issue of ZoE2 for me is clearly the story of be world building. You can clearly feel the lack of Sunrise and Okamura, the original writer. It doesn’t feel at all like the same as universe as ZoE1, Idolo, Dolores and FoM.
I still find it fun but it lacks in soul.

By the way, fun fact, Hideo Kojima absolutely hate ZoE1. He even tried to have it removed from the HD collection as only ZoE2 mattered to him (while he was producer he had a bigger role in it. In ZoE1 he let Okamura having all the freedom he wanted. But Kojima disliked the final result)
Blood in cutscenes I assume.
And they still censored Nohman being gay in the west.


THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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literally doesn't bother me because every other brand costs what pbandai costs from resellers, and pbandai is higher quality than every other brand anyway. and bandai only puts out like 2 pbandai kits a year worth getting
Yikes. Experiences like kinda put me off. I'm a simple person, if you do good service I'll be a loyal customer.
what does my colonoscopy results have to do with plastic models? they came out fine
Damn that looks cool.
I'm trying to play it safe anon, just trying to keep my asshole from melting inside out and all that jazz.

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Gravion thread.
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Skeb is your best friend.
No he pays for marvel references.
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Why would you have to run away

Who the hell was this guy supposed to be?
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Monsha isekai: "My new life narrating giant robot fight club Olympics in another century!"
He wasn't obnoxious or pedophilic compared to the modern faggo as far as i know.
The narrator, announcer, spectator, and stalker all rolled into one.
But we call him Stalker just to make it easier for Chris Hansen and also because he stalks the main cast. But he doesn't go into the Zone looking for anomalies.
He also died of AIDS.
IHOP has special pancake mix and calls it batter up.

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Post Suletta!
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So hunky
liberalism have arrived to nippon

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Sayla Mass & the RX-78-2
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He has to go into battle with jizz in his suit now.
File deleted.
Didn't know Amuro was from the New York subway. At least he eats fresh.
Sayla Mass (the M is silent)
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Name this team
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total necrospammer death
Better than necrobumper /y/ning about nothing all the time. Stop ban evading while you're at it.
Licking doorknobs on other planets is illegal you know.
Why do they look like they are in Witch from Mercury?
Because G-Woke designs are so samey at times that they look like they blend into other entries. Even aristocrat Dunbines.

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Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
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Ha love her.
One of my favorite scenes is when Sheryl explains to them that a pilot HAS to fly and a singer HAS to sing. Instant bond between her and Klan.
There was a thread on 2ch about them beconing lovers. I am not into /u/ but it was a sweet story.
>Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
macro all day every day
All Klans are good. Except for the Buff Clan, fuck those guys.

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You won't not believe what is this Gundam name is!
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That's not a Gundam, retard.
They shouldn't be allowed online, full stop. They should be wiped from the face of the earth, their bodies burned, and their bones ground into dust such that no trace of them remains to taint future generations.
that really not nice very much of anon

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Sequel announcement soon? They announced alot of merch this month.
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When their copyright expires.

Only the soft vinyl of the kaiju and my figure from ssss of servo/gridman from when I was a kid
where's Gridman
In the internet.
I don't think new Tokusatsu Gridman is possible with modern Tsuburaya budget could they?

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