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>going down the Gundam Manga rabbit hole
Why the fuck are they so unhinged and unique but every fucking time a gundam anime comes out its uninspired as fuck? Why do they keep retreading the same plot points over and over and over again
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In my case I'd like to see a Gundam story that takes place on a galactic scale and where the battlegrounds are alien worlds with unique fauna and flora...including one that is totally not!Planet 4546B from Subnautica, but with the fauna being so damn powerful and hostile that the factions have to use small nukes to scare them away and build equally large aquatic mobile armors to fight those.
Really want this manga to get an anime and then be part of an SRW roster. Only to watch how unhinged and crazy she is at times (not to mention everyone in shock as she pulls out a shotgun out of her guts)...and Char being very interested in her.
Because then it would be UC and people will think it's part of it.
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Manga thread so I'm asking here, are there any scans for gundriver? I've seen it was translated and released in spanish at least.
Welcome to Toshiki Inoue's writing for the Sequel manga.
It’s great
I just want a more fresh gundam anime. They all follow the exact same structure.

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Still loved it tho
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The hate it got is in large due to sidelining or retconning a lot of the original 2199 stuff. Most people complaining likely didn't even watch Yamato II since if they did you'd ALSO get complaints about the huge deviations, which, aside from additional Gatlantis lore, often just ended up overcomplicating the story.

>I get your sentiment, but it's not like the story had no room for expansion.

The original Yamato's basic premise kind of involved Earth-like planets being extremely rare with only 3 known ones being Earth, Gamillas and Iscandar which was the whole basis of the conflict. Yamato's sequels had to immediately retcon that in order to work without just rehashing Earth-Gamillas war again.

2199's modified premise set up sequels much better, but then they ended up still heavily retconning it anyway...
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Wake up kids, new REBEL 3199 PV just dropped.
Shit I didn't realize it was already on us

>that freeze frame at the title drop

Burroughs can't just catch a break can he? First he had to deal with motherfucking Desler, now this shit.
It in the 1980 movie. I hope this series is good. So in this preview, were the Bolar checking out the Earth Defense Fleet? It wasn't clear and the youtube translate was pretty bad.

A containment thread that focuses on synchtubes (go figure). We have the regulars like Dorkly's mog-rog on Fridays, my PTSF-THRS on Thursdays, Agguguy's MGRnR200X on the weekends on special occasions, and now Deacon's m-adras-tea-and-film taking mog-rog's original Tuesday slot. We also have the wideamari channel streaming ZotE: Dolores on Saturday mornings (Eastern).
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What a sexy sword
Page 7 bump.
No stream tonight, in case you didn't get the memo in the last one. Next time.
Oh right, you're going to Lovecraft Country. Get an autograph from Cthulhu for me <3

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Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
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Kill, fuck, marry.
>both Sheryl and Alto know how to crossdress for a performance
>show never touches on it
If there's one thing the Sheryl and Alto romance lacked, it's this. Give me suited short haired reverse trap Sheryl ravishing kabuki girl Alto, dammit.

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I-Is Nanoha mecha, /m/…?
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>It took me years to get through the first series
It’s 12 episodes
Considering how this thread isn't deleted yet, then yes.
I love my wives very much!
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No, fuck you. Fate’s mine. You can have the other one.

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I was talking to a friend and he mentioned something about how theres a gundam manga where all the mecha are gijinka'd into anime girls? Is this true? What is it called?
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she'd look really good in red
Amuro ripping off the face tubes of that Zaku in episode 1 would be like ripping out her lower jaw
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Akitaka and Yoshitsune bringing back mecha musume!
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>Cover a girl in so much stuff you can barely tell she's in there anyways.
Seems a little self defeating.
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Are we allowed to post real-life mecha here too?
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This thread has been up since January with legitimately only one person keeping it on life support posting random shit that isn’t mecha.

Someone fucking kill it already
This happens a lot. It is difficult to understand what they think they're getting out of doing so.
when i was a kid i thought backhoes and bulldozers were cool. then i grew out of it. then i got into mecha. now even operating a bobcat or a tractor makes me feel like i've been selected for a critical mission in space
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Magnerobo Ga-Keen TV 11,12,14 subbed
This is garada Mazinger subs level of hilarity
Uh, neat? Where is episode 13m
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I'm extremely concerned about the GP02 shield and the Cardcaptor baton.
Is that Gun Griffon or HIMACS?
At least wait for an HGUC first.
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It's a Jagdpanther AWGS from Gungriffon Blaze iirc

I am about to give X-Bomber a shot, what does /m/ think of it? Would I be missing anything if I watch the dub (like cut scenes or bad translation, not naje changes)? I kinda want to check out TechnoBoyger too, but one thing at a time. My only experience with marionette productions is Team America.
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>I wonder if someone kept count of all the puppets and miniatures used during production. I guess our board wiki might help answer that in time.
ready to feel sad
according to the british peeps who made it into star fleet, they wanted to do a sequel season that wasn't a continuation but with all the hero/villain roles reversed as a mirror universe thing, but when they went to the japanese studio to buy them, it turned out most of the puppets were lost in a warehouse fire
going by the special feature in Discotek's blu (from a dvd iirc) Go Nagai really wanted more suit stuff and even wanted the Big Dai X to have an evil counterpart, but they were strapped by the budget and episode count sadly
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X-Rounder was better
Groizer X was pretty awesome.

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Does the RGM-79[G] have better performance than just using a stock RGM-79 on Earth?
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The main differences between the two come down to the Ground GM having better armor and weapons like the option of a full-size beam rifle or 180mm cannon. The regular GM's advantages over the Ground GM would be a lower weight (~7 tons light) and more thrust (~6.5 tons additional thrust) so it's a bit more agile, and extra 100 kW reactor output. That said, those are the kind of specs that aren't really noticeable unless the pilot can make use of that mobility.

Then there's also >>22731057, because fights aren't just armchair autist math and pilot skill power levels, but also writer fiat. You can go from GM with beam spray guns doing impossible shots..
>the Ground GM having better armor and weapons like the option of a full-size beam rifle or 180mm cannon

I'm pretty sure the RGM-79 can use those too.
In theory you can have any machine pick up any weapon, but the ground-type beam rifle seemed to be kind of a rare weapon that was mainly only given to some of the Ground type Gundams and GMs.

You also see a GM at Jaburo holding an RX-78 beam rifle but the vast majority of GMs would rarely ever have one since most media give them beam spray guns, bazookas, or machine guns.
This is very nice art
I think it's from Rebellion

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>Mira's ex showing off his sick Nintendo Labo skills at the beginning of the episode.
Thank you!
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i appreciate her always wearing shorts, but so far in reiwa nothing will beat kiramager track girl constant ass shots and bending over and track outfit

Patlabor is awesome, what other shows have this political/military/tactical thriller vibe with focus on robots and their pilots?
GiTS is one even if it doesn't have many pilots, I guess Kyoukai Senki too in a way but the execution is very poor.
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Angel Cop (sub not dub).
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We're gonna make it bros
>we have really big batteries now we need everything else lol
Don't toy with me like that.
Ouch on Gasaraki.
are you going to do this for every thread

not sure if a random question thread is allowed and i'm sure i'm 99.9% misremembering but i vaguely remember reading somewhere (JPWiki?) that shows like Daiouja, Trider G7, Daitarn 3 (?), Zambot 3 (?) +/- make up a loose series together akin to the Robot Romance Trilogy

i've checked all their JPWikis but can't find any info. i remember it being called "Invincible"/"Muteki" series or something?
the robots look kinda the same and the titles are similar too. though this could be a coincidence since they're generic. also i seriously doubt Tomino's Daitarn 3 and Zambot 3 would belong to a random, irrelevant series but i still can't get it out of my head.

any info or general trivia on these shows would be appreciated if anyone would happen to know, since they seem to be non-existent among people in whatever place i check or frequent but have received subs already in one form or another (ARR)
(aimed mainly torwards Daiouja and Trider G7 since Daitarn 3 and Zambot 3 are popular in comparison)
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Sasaki was also the director of Transformers Headmasters hilariously
And Toshio Furukawa voices both main characters in the latter two.

And Super Robot Wars GC would have BOTH Daltanious and Daioja.
I believed them being a trilogy is common knowledge?
Damn, Furukawa was on a roll during that era.

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