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My coworkers gigavaxxed 1 year old baby just died in NICU after a 3 week stay for the “flu”

>this is normal chud
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>someone died 4 years after the pandemic
the vaccine is based and redpilled. It's killing the useless eaters and shitskins
Dying is good for you. I don't see anything wrong with this. There are too many god damn goyim on this planet.
only non-whites are against the vaccine
the illuminati are heroes for wiping out billions of useless eaters

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The average person has zero common decency or manners anymore. If anything people seem to revel in being a problem for others.

Is this a knock back effect from inflation? Money worth less so people act like shitheads automatically?
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some of the biggest cunts i have ever met called themselves that.
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He's dressed like a retard so it probably is one. NIgga is there probably watching Peppa Pig.
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>If anything people seem to revel in being a problem for others.
It's true and it's because of jews and niggers and whites wanting to be niggers because of jews.

Why do boomers have zero sensitivity to subversion? Meanwhile I have an innate sensitivity to subversion. For example I couldn't finish this shit movie.
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Checked and correct.
>>472454083 It sucks to be a huge hypocrite like you.
>too complicated
Point of the movie is that you need to look like Brad Pit to fuck a woman that looks like Helena Bonham Carter

Its ablackpill movie, i dont know what you guys talk about
Same with Breakfast Club

I didn't think it was a cool movie at all. It was just promoting bad social values the whole time.

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Turkey is whiter than France.
How come Turkish teams don't get replaced with Africans?
Iran is whiter than the usa.
They do
Go turkiye
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Is it the right thing to do? It's the future, Canada is already going that route.
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Id be in favor of mandatory euthanasia for zogbots period
The deal should be you go and kill sand niggers for Israel for some reason
And if you make it back home the government puts you down like the dog you are

Its a win win
I would like to euth my asia in her pusshole if you see my indicator
I'm pretty sure she's not a vet.
Unless you mean she is a veterinarian. Which I also doubt.
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Vets are wayyy down the list, anon.
If you serve, you get pretty much a lifelong free pass. Life quality may be low, but, yeah...
emergency emergency

paging dr beat

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if trump wants to win he needs to do the following

1. demand boldly that democrats replace biden on the ticket. that they have blatantly lied for years about his senility and that it is time to admit they were wrong and replace biden with a candidate that is actually capable of having a coherent thought.

2. this will put the democrats into an absolute state of panic. there are already serious murmurs of replacing biden, but if trump commands them to do it first, it will have a devastating effect. they will either.

A. be forced to run biden anyway to spite trump, which is a loss on election day.
b. be forced to basically agree with trump, and remove biden just like they were commanded to do. which makes them look like weak pussies who finally admitted they were slimey little cunts after daddy trump spanked them. which is a loss.

its a win win for big daddy trump

its the oldest trick in the book. and it's time to do it. you see your opponent's on the verge of something. you command them to do it causing swtious issues for the unwashed retarded masses looking at it.

Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.

Remember, both actually wants it with Joe Biden being worse. Want MAID or something?

you two nigger faggots sound about as coherent and Joe did last night. go shit up some other thread niggers. or at least have an AI write your responses . this shit is weak sauce.

Even Japan isn't immune to women's desperate need for attention
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>yo7r country is doomed
Said the .3 birth replacement rate gook to the .5 nip
>The problem is not with women or with men.
listen bitch, there is a huge problem with modern women, now go back to rēddit
japan has the highest adultery rates outside of russia
She plays hockey?
yea she's pretty terrifying

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Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious gene therapy (not saline) and there still aren't any refunds for the vax.
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feel free to make a new one
>there still aren't any refunds
in some places you get funeral vouchers? doesnt this qualify as refund?
all vaxxed are going straight to HELL!!!!!!!
only non-whites are against the vaccine

This guy should be the Democratic nominee.

Prove me wrong. You can't.
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Newsom is a huge faggot that has competely destroyed California with his insane policies. No one likes him except boomer women, because they like his hair. California has tried to remove him twice but CA elections are completely rigged
I keep telling you shitlibs they're going to run Wes Moore, but nobody listens.
I hope you're trolling.
Newsome being chosen will infuriate women (who never got over 2016 and that's why they hate Trump so much) and minorities, who will see Kamala as the rightful heir.

If those groups don't turn out in numbers for the Democratic candidate, it's over. And they won't, for Newsome.
>Newsom's appeal is that he is young, handsome, relatively well spoken and looks presidential.
>Gavin Newsom's nationwide appeal is that he is White and handsome.
No homo.
He should because he’s a greasy hatable plastic fuck who ruined everything he touched. Perfect visual representation for modern day liberalism

When they told you openly they were coming for your children they meant by deadly force.
How do you prepare yourself?
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Will they even be able to resist the urge to kill themselves once they have a gun in their hands?
Okay, I'll happily take a warbride (male)
>b-but that's gay
Kek, they know.
/k/ is dead
I can't even tell if the post on the left is sarcastic or not.

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The hostile journalist got his shit question completely pushed back in by this elegant young lady.
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I could have saved her
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>Females doing female things
Literally this theres no stopping them.
Why are western women typically trashy unscrupulous social media skanks?
no she looks like a very pretty young lady actually
u some kinda tranny or something lmao

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/ourguy/ has spoken.
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New Ben Garrison?
Why do Jews hate trump so much? He's the goodest goy between the two.
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The dumb nurse is injecting her own leg.
I don't think outer/pol/ knows who Kamensky is, Ukrobro
Trying so hard to make it seem as if BOTH did poorly.
Trump did fine. He just avoided questions he didn't want to answer, and then made up a few details about killing babies. Why do they get so mad about baby killing when the baby is OUT of the womb, but not when it's inside?
Who cares if he just made that shit up? I don't.

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Many ashkenazi are european and not semites. So they are not racially jewish, if that's even a thing. It's illegal to get genetic testing for jews in Israel because they're afraid it would show many white jews are not related to the jews of the Bible and that they have no claim to Israel.
Jews hold themselves out to be separate and apart from us. Yes many of them are mixed to the point they could pass as northern European, but at the end of the day it's their choice to be separate and apart and to believe the rest of us exist to be their slaves.
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She has a different look
Jews usually can't hide that unless heavily bleached
jews and indians will never be white
Use an infrared filter..

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He will die of "natural causes, peacefully in his sleep" within 90 days and they will slide in _____
(that part I'm not sure about - maybe Mooshell or even Barrack again.
They will have to pick someone the mass voters are familiar with to make it plasuible, and of course, Trump will not win.
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Do you think the clintons, bushes and obamas are having an emergency meeting tight now?
digits of veracity
>He will die of "natural causes, peacefully in his sleep" within 90 days and they will slide in _____
Doubt it.
They can't have a complete moron nigress as a President. She's completely clueless.
Maybe Obama 2.0 likes that.
But we won't let a complete idiot nigress ruin the country.

Probably will keep him "alive" even if he's dead , just replace him with somebody new on elections.
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>They can't have a complete moron nigress as a President.
They didn't mind having Cameltoe Harris being one heartbeat away from the presidency.
Maybe Hillary then.
They will not let Trump win. Because we won't do shit.
FYI if the Nominee (Biden) dies after nomination, then the DNC can replace him with whomever they choose. It likely won't be Harris. It would likely be Hillary/Harris.

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So just to be clear here. My options are as a 21 thin male is an obese, single mothers with body counts of at least 30? I have a 23 year old friend who is very good looking takes care of himself has an underwater welding job which is fucking crazy but pays very well. He married an obese 24 year old woman who has a Latino child and treats him like an atm. Is it really this fucking much to ask for a nonfat girlfriend in America? Insane in fucking hate his country.
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that shit is a obvious scam is going to fuck people up in five years. It might work but not for long and not enough to be worth it
Yeah, some men like them like a blimp, in realityu they all get like that unless their image directly corelates to security.
incel thread..
It was never like this before 1990
So wait for a cancer lawsuit payout in 10 years or so.

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>Putin is a war criminal. He's killed thousands and thousands of people and he's made one thing clear – he wants to reestablish the soviet empire. He wants all of Ukraine. Do you think he's going to stop at Ukraine? What do you think happens to Poland?
100% correct. Poland is next and then the Baltic states, Moldova, Finland, Germany etc. Putin must be stopped. Trump needs to rethink his policy on the Ukraine war and NATO.
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Then so is netanyahu
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>Poland is next and then the Baltic states, Moldova, Finland, Germany etc.
kek they cant even hold half of Ukraine and are moving at a snails pace. how many weeks until Poland and the Baltics should worry?
Well then it still makes no difference.
You want us to care?
Give us our countries back. If there's no future for my own people why should I give a fuck about anyone else's? Especially when the politicians telling me to care are deliberately expiditing my own people's extinction.
>kek they cant even hold half of Ukraine and are moving at a snails pace.
Russia will rearm and attack other European countries when its ready.
Jesus Nigel. You talk like you already lost. If the Auslander Raus movement can't cheer you up, nothing will. Muslims live on borrowed time in Europe.

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>My son is not a loser, you're the loser.
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Based! BASED!
Further to the golf thing, first Biden said his handicap was 6 and then, like any common criminal being interrogated, changed his story to 8.
What do my fellow retards think about the phrasing on this meme?
Wanted to recreate the unbothered, moisturized,.. kind of memes, but noticed this is actually quite hard, if you're not a native speaker.
wording is fine, make the image smaller and the text relatively bigger so it's easier to read
Smaller image and its perfect.

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>watch one of my favorite horror streamers, because I am bored
>she is reading posts from the "am I the asshole" subreddit and discusses them with another streamer she is officially in a relationship with (despite never having met irl)
>she starts doing math and realize the boyfriend in one post was 23, when he started dating his 17-year-old girlfriend
>the streamer is brain-broken for 2 entire minutes starts yelling "woah woah woah" "oh no no no" "this is so ... yikes dude, yikes bro, yikes dude ..."
>doesn't even outright say that it's pedophilia or even states her opinion, she just detected that it's socially controversial and does *social controversy* noises the entire time
She isn't a Zoomer, but she is living terminally online, so she is very much influenced by the Zoomer Zeitgeist. They really just have no strong opinions, because they are scary and could result in social death. They just respond to drama or controversies, because they are dramatic and controversial. Not because they actually have any beliefs about it.
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That’s ephebephilia, to the point where you need to tell a person you’re a kid and also in some jurisdictions in the US Romeo and Juliet laws no longer apply after 16 so you can consent to anybody. Legally, it’s squared away except for nude photos but morally, no.

23 year olds can drink and are in the sunrise of a serious job and put the house. 17 yos aren’t the skibidi rizz crowd, that’s the truth, but it’s the same difference between a 17 yo and an 11 yo math wise, but a closer gap mentally that’s still unsafe.
>Except for nude photos
Which I've always found weird. You can fuck but can't have pictures taken? OTOH it'd just get women simps earlier legally.
>A gap that's unsafe
Silence, roastoid
Read something the other day that Gen z doesn't read articles to decide their veracity, but instead skip to the comment section to see if the crowd finds the article trustworthy.
They’re still in the insecure teenager age. Always bending to peer pressure, you can see it in the broccoli hair, it’s a dead giveaway.

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Why does America worship autism? Big bang theory, house, and some other tv shows (I don’t watch them beyond YouTube shorts) all treat it like a personality quirk or something that makes you smart instead of a crippling defect that more or less ruins your life and the lives of the people around you to varying degrees. This is the equivalent of a parents feeding their kids toxic waste and celebrating when their kid gets cancer. I just don’t get it why?
They will never admit vaccines are useless and harmful, they are trying to normalize the mistake.
Implying it was what kills me is these parents who consigned their children to kill and won’t even admit it and double down.

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We've been (way too) tolerant of them for thousands of years and merciful enough not to nuke their genes out of existence, why the hate?

All White disgust with the jew is reactionary, but they seem combative and spiteful by nature toward us, anyone have actual insights?
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Pretty retarded reply anon ngl
>A successful parasite needs to evolve total contempt for the well-being of the host
This is the part that confuses me the most, why destroy the host?
It's an endless gravy train you jeopardize by actively weakening it, something you don't have to do in order to be a parasite
Blows my mind really
A more accurate evolutionary analogy would be "does the intestinal tapeworm hate the organism it is infesting?", if a tapeworm had evolved the neurological capacity to reason it would also need to evolve a hatred for the host. lest it fail to extract every last bit of nourishment from it.

The problem is that Aryans had proven their capacity to rise above being a host to being a competitor for global power and a threat to the very existence of their parasitic niche. Jews have correctly calculated that mestizos, niggers, Indians, chinks and even Arabs make better and safer hosts than Aryans, though you have to somewhat make up for productivity in volume. In the very long-term they plan to breed the entire planet into 70 IQ niggers and then begin to starve them off as robotics and AI makes the host fully obsolete.
Its because of their books. They elevated racism and race war as a religion, in wich being immoral is ok if its oriented against the non-human, aka the non-jews

Its a question of education. No need to genocide. Burn the Talmud and educate their kids like every non-jews, and you are going to fix the problem
Modern judaism is pharisianism (Synagogue of satan)

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