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why aren't elf knights more common? It's a very old idea and ties in perfectly with the otherworldly nobility of elves.
In a game context it would even feel fresh and with a greater focus on magic and mobility it can stand out compared to other types of knights
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>Warhammer has silver helmets and dragon princes
>Dragon Age has elven knights of the dales
>Warcraft has Blood Knights and high elven Paladins
>Elder Scrolls has various warrior-esque elven subgroups
>Lotr has people like Glorfindel
>The Witcher has the wild hunt as dark elven knights
>the various elven races in the DnD and Pathfinder settings certainly have armored melee elves too
>Final Fantasy 14 has its ishgardian elven knights
What are you even on about
I think it's largely an aesthetic decision by game designers, based on the perception of the race and class they're intending to portray for the audience.

You know, that image of the full plate clad beefcake powerfully-but-awkwardly wading through the melee swinging his weapon and hefting his shield.

Whereas your typical elf is aesthetically portrayed as being this lithe, fast and acrobatic character who's more suited to roles like swashbuckler or rogue.

That said, you're right that the whole honour and nobility thing suits their culture. There's no reason you can't adapt fluff for an even knightly order.
>no longer sold minis
>video game
>video game
>video game
>has a game + mini
>video game
>has unique mechanics and lore
>video game

its there, but as far as traditional games go that's still pretty grim

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>the adventuring party has to get dressed up to go to a fancy ball
why is this such a common cliche in campaigns and has it ever actually been fun?
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Had one last session, and immediately got attacked by a cult assassin. Someone at the VIP table must have taken offence at our invitation, but we’re not sure who.
Griffith does more than 'pay attention' to Casca, but that seems to be entirely a product of his feelings for Guts. Actually, the same can probably be said of his other female, uh, conquest.
I've never had that happen in any campaigns I've been in, not even the one time I DM'd a campaign of a Sailor Moon ttrpg for my sister and her friends.
Their great.
One of my players has a Introvert trait(homebrew) and insistent on roll for eating a crayfish. He rolled a nat 1 and coked so bad everyone in the room stopped and looked at him. Someone tried to do the heimlich but failed too. He got out of it somehow and vomited over himself(another failed roll) and had to get new cloths.
Now it's a party.

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Enters tapped edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house



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Lately i have been playing this, i know people say anchorage is better but the effect, the stats and the price is really good for me,
Kinda surprised I never saw decks that combined the indestructible tap lands with pic related. Three 3/3 indestructible vigilance menace creatures seems like a pretty damn good win con.
>jund bridge control
Sounds fuckin horrible but you should definitely do it
>bridge control
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Indestructible doesn't really mean much anymore. They massively overprint exile these days

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Do you like the sillier vampire weaknesses, like crosses, garlic, inability to enter a home without being invited, and so on?
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Basically this, I feel like the more BS powers you give your vampires you should also give them BS weaknesses. Makes planning super important when combating them
>destroyed by sunlight
>not some kind of arbitrary setting-specific malleable decision
To be fair destroyed by sunlight is, like the lack of reflection as pointed out in the silver thread which is or was going on, a very modern invention, though one that post-dates Stoker. If you read Stoker you'll find he has Dracula walking around in daylight. Insert cheap joke about how this is London so "daylight" doesn't count for much. Destroyed by sunlight is a Hollywood invention, or least a German cinematic invention, just over a century old. If definitions of vampire aren't malleable then sunlight weakens them, not kills them.
>in the original
Pray tell, what is "the original"?
Wasn't that done in Dracula 2000?
Actually really liked some of the ideas in that movie.
Silver coins and the Cross being something that causes him immense pain because it reminds him of the betrayal of Jesus.
>Oh, and he was killed with a bowie knife by a Texan.
rah-rah-rah, Texas is soooo great, he did it all by himself, he's the hero.

Read the fucking book. It wasn't a Texan with a bowie knife it, it was a Devonian with a kukri and a Texan with a bowie knife

>Jonathan, with desperate energy, attacked one end of the chest, attempting to prize off the lid with his great Kukri knife
>But, on the instant, came the sweep and flash of Jonathan’s great knife. I shrieked as I saw it shear through the throat; whilst at the same moment Mr. Morris’s bowie knife plunged into the heart.

>glorifyed 5e hack
>funded in one minute
>2.2 million dollars
>endorsed by every single D&D slop youtuber
is it fucking over for this hobby?
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I won't but I understand your point and I concede that I cannot prove the quality of what I created. But let's be honest, if you've browsed /tg/ homebrew threads, at least 60% of what fa/tg/uys have created on their own, is better than this DC20 slop. It's all marketing.

No, Pathfinder 2e sucks and turns stupid shit like using your shield into an action that you have to track whether your shield is raised or not. My game will not be "slow as fuck" either and I've also put huge effort into removing bookkeeping from the game as much as I can. It's almost like a mix of 3e D&D and Savage Worlds in terms of how I set up the combat, where there are lots of options, and you can have a huge battle where you don't need to track health for most of the minor combatants (but no 1 hp minions like from 4e, cause i didn't like every hit guaranteeing a kill) but you still can have a meaty battle with a damage sponge final boss if you want to.
OP, everyone knows that dealing with any fandom is gonna be bullshit and faggotry. At least with TTRPGs, you can make your own group and play what you like. To hell with wider fandom.
>I'm pretty sure they're less likely to buy a product if an ad for it plays before a video that's even remotely offensive
There's no evidence of this unless the ad is in the video itself, as in the one in it is hawking the product.
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>Up to the max
>Future proofs against all edge cases where something has more or less AP, or AP becomes dynamic or otherwise changes based on situation
Yes. So go away.

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>you kill a bandit
>look inside
>find a picture of his family

no I won't fell guilt I will just tell the DM his fantasy world isn't medieval as photos from fucking cameras didn't exist yet
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I actually really enjoy stuff like that, it feels more characterful. Also, I can live out my serial killer fantasies by keeping all that stuff as trophies.
>you kill a bandit
>look inside
>two bandits
It just... doesnt stop
>kill Bandit
>look inside
>no 147 CC liquid cooled single cylinder engine
The drop rate is 0.1% after all.
>>find a picture of his family
Mate you're going to have to start giving me encumberance if you expect me to carry around any more of these things

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Welcome to TODD! This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D, Basic D&D, and AD&D including 2e) and related games, such as retroclones and OSR-adjacent games (OSE, BFRPG, S&W, LotFP, DCC, C&C, etc.). Free discussion of house rules and modifications is encouraged. For the sake of clarity, B/X is the assumed default system for any conversation unless otherwise indicated (but please do feel free to indicate otherwise).

>Do you make any changes to the way multiclassing works?
>How do you handle switching out weapons?
>What's one of your favorite monsters that doesn't get used or talked about much?
>Is there a particular class you've just never been interested in? Why?
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>Not everything needs a literary precedent.
No shit. But if there were a literary precedent and someone knew of it, I was hoping they would answer. Instead I got typical /tg/ trying and failing to be clever. Just another day.
Beautiful. This general needs more of this kind of comment.
>>Is there a particular class you've just never been interested in? Why?
I don't think in 30 years I've ever played a Rogue character. One I generally don't care for the archetype, I mean for other people sure, but the types of characters I like to play are usually pretty upfront and straightforward types. Also, especially in my early days, I regularly played with one of my cousins and he almost always played a rogue.
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What would the equivalent of this for 2e look like?
someone is trolling this thread on purpose

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I have extended the title and I think it's good and we should use this longer title going forward Edition

>Previous Thread

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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Fuck him in the bussy
Yo I'm fuckin stupid how do I play Tsons?
Loaded dice.
Custodes allies
no since it isn't the lupa-cal it's just Luper-Cal which just means wolf cave or wolfs den/lair. Does raise questions why the Emperor trusts a guy known as the den of wolves though.

Votann got two teams before World Eaters got one Edition

>Previous Thread

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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World eaters always had their own cultists the Jakhals. It seems fitting using them, just the autopistol is stupid they have only chainweapons in the kit how it should be.
Hive fleet
Hunter cadre
Traitor marines
and that white dwarf team with the prisoner
...talons of the emporer?
I moan about DG and tyranids. KT is about humanoids fighting humanoids, but there are plenty of humanoid type creatures amongst tyranids.
Most likely just a couple of guys who really want to moan about something and are in dire need of attention. See the other one above made the crude rules for khornates? He really want that team instead of starting a tantrum of WAAA WHY NO WE WHY WHY OHH I HATE THAT! which is appropriate to the legion thematically, but annoying as hell.
Just a question but the bespoke kroot kill team is only legal with one box if i take both doggos right? Otherwise i would need two more models?
Yep, but you can find and print them easily via telegram and 3d printer. I am not defending James there, Kinband could use a buff. Many buffs, because its one of the coolest teams out there.
I would like a Librarian Trainee and Chapter Serfs team.
Telegram and print.

I want Terminators because of pic releated. Finally truescale lads are in, but cant play them in KT. Hurts my fee-fees.

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Back from the dead edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...

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So, wargaming includes research and painting right? Like, researching WW2 era nose art pinups and painting them and/or applying them as decals to the relevant miniatures. That'd count under your stipulations, right?
I like aos and whf but what on earth were you trying to garner by asking this here.
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I'd like to remind you that your inane personal preferences aren't the law of the land. Having some not even R rated things here and there in a hobby is not pornography. If I'm gonna play some game like Frostgrave with some Frank Frazetta tier fantasy barbarians or something, no one but a true stick in the mud is going to get offended.
Now post models or something actually hobby related. God damn.

Now check this terrain I'm working on.
Geeze, idk what she's proud of, that's an awful paintjob
What is it with these zoomed neo-tradcath puritan larpers? I've been around for years and horny has always gone hand in hand with both fantasy/sci-fi wargaming, and mecha. More so with mecha. Or are we memoryholing the classics now?

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What's the best way to portray Satan, physically? As a horned demon? As a regular dude?
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Unnerving used car salesman.
Thinking about it, start out by portraying him as like a weak, unassuming, nebbish non-threat, and the more like whomstever starts giving him more and more power over themselves, then he starts getting more and more creepy, imposing, powerful, dominating and shit like that. Because satan is kinda like vampires, he can only come in where he's invited and he only has that power which people give over to him.
Y'all need more in-depth biblical scholarship and historical context.
I can fix him

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Insaneway Edition

Previous Thread: >>92971465 (Dead)
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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Someone was WRONG on the Internet. Section 31 could not allow that injustice to stand. Your move, Jellico.
"Gentleman, Admiral Marcus has fallen. Found aboard the remains of the USS Vengeance he is barely clinging to life.
"But we can rebuild him. We at Section 31 have the technology AND the moral ambiguity.
"He will become an unstoppable engine of justice, dedicated to bringing order to chaos, and ensuring the Federation retains its perfection."

>Coming in SUMMER 2026

"USS Enterprise, this is Starfleet Command. Somehow a cybernetic Admiral Marcus has returned and is using his self-repair nano-probes based on samples obtained from a wrecked deflector dish in the Arctic to infect people and turn them into cyborgs too. For the third time this week you're the only ship in the quadrant that can deal with our problems. Starfleet out."

>Star Trek: Somehow It's a Borg Episode

"Spock, I need you to mind meld with the katric ark containing your old self and ask him how fucked we are. Don't worry if his voice sounds like it was spiced together using old footage."

>A Bad Robot Production

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Hope you have registered this; you´ll have to sue to get some money from the fourth Bad Robot movie.
I feel you, mate, but be real: the borg are consistently shown to be wasteful, counterproductive and inefficient. You don't have to take their stated goals at face-value, it's more like their religion. The reality is that they probably adhered to those goals at the beginning but then after absorbing a certain critical mass of good technology (and reaching a certain personal mass of borg-wide complexity while still wishing to remain united as borg) they developed a severe case of macro-autism. They stopped evolving, they stopped adapting, they spent all their brainpower just trying to stay the course and trying not to fracture, and now they're more like a big dumb force of nature.
Ain't that just normal Janeway?

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Class overviews in the 2024 Player's Handbook.
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>Sorcerers make sense. Don't believe in you, believe in me, who also believes in me.
Isn't Sorcerer magic from the blood, though? Warlock charisma, OK, people made a good argument for that. Not sure about Sorcerer, though.
Yea, man, not everyone can do it. They used to all be descended from dragons and draconic ego-magic, then Pathfinder did different bloodlines and it started to catch on with D&D. The thing is that angels and demons also use CHA for their spellcasting, because it's the purest form of spellcasting, it's will made manifest. Wizardry is just reverse-engineered sorcery for nerds.
I suppose that makes sense. We didn't have sorcerers when I started playing, I don't even think we had barbarians.
>NOOOO you need to use the tools given to you exactly as the shitty designers intended, you are not allowed to be better at the game than the designers noooo
I use AI for the opposite usage. I type stories and have an AI lengthen and embellish them.

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Which is more popular wod, wod5 or CofD?
Looking at general discussions it seems people love wod lore/setting, but prefer to play CofD, with minority liking wod5 setting
Gods the Norfolk Wizard Game Awakenings run the gamut don't they
>Bill: Made Technocrat Bolognese with Correspondence.
>Sybil: Escaped from Dracula
>Samson: Turned a Basketball to Graphite and splattered someone with it (Paradox will not like that one)
I like SpeakerD's interpretation of how the gamelines should be approached. Hunter feels like a paranoid slice of life where nobody knows nearly as much as they should and are just barely prepared for the shit they have to face, Meanwhile in Mage all the players are willful idiots who do spectacular things almost by accident and don't yet have a creedo or unifying body because they just learned that the world isn't what it seems.
Anything in particular caught your attention?

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>I've lost my phylactery
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>There's something shiny at the bottom of this chest
>My phylactery is made of common thing many people desire.
>There's something small, metal, and round in here
Yes! My phylactery is a gold coin I put into circulation. How it ended up here, I have no idea.
I'm going to shit my pants.
Xianxia immortality has shit like using your dead grandfather's corpse in a ritual as a bureaucratic ruse to fall off the Heavenly Bureaucracy's books in the mythological source material.
>There are no Transmuter or Illusionist liches. Necromancy is a banned school for both of those schools so it’s not possible for a mortal wizard who specialized in either to become a lich.
Van Richten's Guide to the Lich notes that while normally Necromancers can't use illusions, Liches are particularly adept at them.
>track components
That's something you were never meant to do (except for ones that have listed price). Most of the components are jokes, anyway, like using fur and amber to create "lightning" or using bat guano for fireball.

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