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Political adverts
17 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1735865921179.gif (2.91 MB, 498x371)
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2.91 MB GIF
I will be that guy, for guys everywhere.
I guess if you have a revulsion to brown people this is a bad ad, but we need more hopeful messaging
No, no, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Have you seen how things have been going for Great Britain after leaving the European common market?
The EU can dictate fucking everything in Europe. If you elect an "undemocratic" government, you will have to face the consequences of having angered Brussels.
"Why would Brussels need an opposition? It's already democratic as is."
File: first day.webm (622 KB, 600x336)
622 KB

Post webms that are related to the occult or enlightenment. Historic, Magic, Spiritual, Hyperborea etc.
133 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
When the people of Atlantis interbred with dispersed primeval populations, their genes and adaptations were dispersed.
We don't know whether they did this out of necessity or adversity, or if they did it to create slave races, or if it was for some other purpose, like the creation of natural populations for the extraction of useful genes, for instance.
But we do know that it corrupted them and it was likely impossible for their women to naturally bear children to foreigners, which shows intent.
Either way, when all their relevant genes are combined in an individual, the result is an entirely superhuman physiology, one with a longevity in the hundreds if not thousands of years, capable of fighting off nearly any disease, growth, strength, resilience and intelligence unlike anything seen today.
Red hair is just remnant, a side-effect of one of the many genes that worked in unison to this effect.
Even just those remnants imply a transcendental mastery over genetics, as well as an artisanal attention to the creation of every single Atlantean.
This anon has it figured out >>5770469
It is not something that we can replicate with our technology today, but we are getting closer every day and there are plenty of reports of genetic samples, mummies, skeletons and even live specimen being found.
File: End_of_Heaven.webm (5.51 MB, 640x480)
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5.51 MB WEBM
> alien_sky_EP1-11.mp4 67.5 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/txv8c3.mp4

> alien_sky_EP12-19.mp4 65.9 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/uwc6e5.mp4

> alien_sky_EP20-25.mp4 50.1 MB

> alien_sky_EP27-33.mp4 83.9 MB
> https://files.catbox.moe/b7ez4w.mp4

> alien_sky_EP34-45_finale.mp4 0.1 GB
> https://files.catbox.moe/33949r.mp4

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
im rh positive and redheaded, does that make me an latinx
Send original/extended video, this is awesome!
I needed that, thank you

Post anything video game related
256 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
leader said to run. that doesn't mean abandon the rest of your team
he wasn't at 1hp. that's an addon he uses to troll retards like you
he could have saved them at no risk to himself
he LIED about not being able to save them and pretended he was oom
>breast milk
as opposed to what? vegetable milk? milk always comes from breasts dude...
He survived; they died like idiots. He proceeds to farm viewers on that drama. How is he so based?
lmao imagine risking your character to save idiots
game name?

Cool OST's from movies.
182 replies and 138 images omitted. Click here to view.
My nigga, you're probably the first person i see other than me who thinks T1 was better than T2 and it would have been better if it stayed a stand alone movie rather than a franchise
It should have stopped at T2 IMO. T1 and T2 have the same footprint, T3 was ruined by a cunt robot and a bad script overall, the others I don't care to watch them.
T2 is ok, but i always thought T1 is far superior and i kinda hate how the sequel obscured it, part of me wishes T1 went down in history as a stand alone classic
What? Trent was involved?

16 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.

Previous thread: >>5760973
183 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Sacred Seven NCOP1.webm (5.98 MB, 896x504)
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5.98 MB WEBM
New thread: >>5788414

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3.93 MB WEBM
2 wheels
118 replies and 49 images omitted. Click here to view.
Yeah, I'm watching you right now. Put your dick away and post the video!
I hate women and their incessant need to put retarded filters on everything.
Wait, Ivo Robotnik is real?
be better without the slav voice
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899 KB

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2.93 MB WEBM
66 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.
Gives me Wolf of Wall Street flashbacks.
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5.99 MB WEBM
dwight shrute
Crazy he still has the same energy today.

File: we are back.webm (5.79 MB, 900x908)
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5.79 MB WEBM
Post videos that give you the feeling of hope.
it can be wholesome videos, cute videos, or something like the meaning of hopecore.

Hopecore meaning:
A genre of videos that invoke a feeling of hope, glee, wholeness, and most happy emotions. They can range from nostalgic clips to beautiful scenery and usually have audio of spliced-together videos and songs.
32 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Seeing happy children doesn't give me hope. It just makes me sad knowing that I'm unlikely to enjoy raising children.
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In the grand scheme of things, not for long.
What was that song again?

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3.67 MB GIF
Post this stupid fucking WHORE
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I like Crendor, he's chill
I'm surprised this whole batch of Youtube relics are still active.
Especially that faggot Cox.
Cox is of course thriving the hardest, as the most blackrock onions take marketable of the bunch.
She seems like she moved on (I think), from last I saw she had another bf now, haven't checked in if they are still together and I really don't want too, she posted about it online a lot, which is kinda off for her, she was a pretty reserved girl, and we did share stuff together but not like those insufferable online couples, he's even in the pfp lol, I live in a small town, so we find each other pretty often, when she sees me, she just freezes and tries to "not bother me", which ends up bothering me a lot, it would bother me less a simple "hi" or a wave from a distance than a fucking 180 or looking down at the floor blindly, like goddammit, I lifted with her bio dad after we broke up lmao
as an extra, they told me her dad is now out of the closet and gay now, so uuuuh... checkmate I guess??
ah yeah, did I mention her "family" lives next to the biological father?, now that I remember, I really hated her fucking family, they were so shit, except the now gay dad and his family, they were fucking awesome, sad to see him go like that

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This topic is getting a lot of attention over at twitter so I thought I'd share my collection of related webms
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4.68 MB MP4
So you just become a Muslim and go to work?
But who tf wants to fuck British women tho?
File: Happy zionist media.mp4 (5.88 MB, 600x400)
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5.88 MB MP4
And in the end
and notice how every zionist agent brings up Qatar for some reason, i guess they want it to be accepting of israel like the UAE

>*encouraging hell yeah music*
>lies about Muslims "encouraging hatred on our streets"
>victimizes himself to drive support to him
>says people actually want his puppet "far right movement"
>brings fear-mongering from israel
>calls to stand with israel
>uses the "don't trust the media" call to portraying himself as a source of truth (neither are good)
And [remember, O Prophet,] when the disbelievers conspired to capture, kill, or exile you. They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners. (Quran 8:30)

Muslims welcome anyone who recognizes Islam as the last true religion and believes in it, no matter who you were before, if you are a true believer you have a "second chance" with Allah
>surge of interest after elon started
>speaking about it again
acting as if it's organic while saying there's someone behind this
it's mind boggling people don't see manipulation that seems to go in their favor

Post literally you ITT
197 replies and 107 images omitted. Click here to view.
The "original" mashup is Better Off Alone x Unlock It (?) but the literal track used in that webm is just that slightly sped up/slowed/purposely clipping/overlapping with itself presumably for "artistic effect" and it does a damn good job because lord knows I've been there
made me smile thanku anon :DD
Aw hell. That one hurt
>telling me how to win the culture war
nigger be behaviour

No rules, grooves and jams only
191 replies and 137 images omitted. Click here to view.
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God, I haven't listen to maidcore in a long while
didn't think i'd see dj sacred here. blackout >
anyone has a good webm of Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny?
>love black gospel
>love blues
>love rock n roll
>jazz is aite
That being said, rap is undeniably trash. At some point you have to admit that it stops being music and start being just plain raP, poetry capital P. I truly believe that blacks have lost themselves and it is connected to when they started losing the aforementioned genres. Don't @ me music major.

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That's it, Family Guy Thread.
84 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
anyone got the video where it was the ytp peterfile video remixxed into expurgation? the one on youtube got privated
This is the most unfunny and retarded thread ever. Are you 12 or something?
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3.82 MB WEBM
try posting some new or recent stuff
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