Let's get a sfw catwalk thread going: swimsuit edition
>>5813430More of her?
Not a single attractive face ITT
I want YOUR amusing videos>in 25 seconds or lessor your money back!>GUARANTEED
>>5813348shit is played out breh>>5813417skill issue
>>5813442Yeah I get you man, trying to find someone at all is already difficult, but trying to find someone who works with you seems almost impossible at times. It sucks and it feels overwhelming.Maybe this will be useful to you or maybe not. I feel that the more I worry about the outcomes of things, the further away things tend to get. Like in this case, worrying about how well one does on a date, or whether or not it's going to work out. The other person can and will pick up on that anxiety subconsciously, which can feel overwhelming and makes them feel apprehensive and less connected. Then it's just sort of a self fulfilling prophecy at that point.It's super hard to let go and worry less about outcomes, especially with all the weird emotional shit that comes with autism, and especially when it's something you really want. But I've found it helpful to remind myself that there's a lot of shit that is not in my control in most situations. If I either don't try, or try and fail, worrying about it does basically nothing to move the needle. It hurts it if anything. It's really weird how these things work. If nothing else, and as cheesy as it sounds, I feel making peace with yourself and your worst case scenario guarantees it won't happen. Some things, people particularly, tend to find their way to you the less you wring your hands over them. Hang in there brother. I believe in you.
>>5813765Thanks Anon, though I've already made peace with it, like I said in my first post it's rare something really reminds me of that feeling. I pretty much intend to just live my life and if it happens it happens if it don't it don't. Still cant turn off that "HAVE BABIES YOU'RE NEARING 30" switch entirely.
>>5808083If it makes you feel any better, I'm glad you can't have kids.
>>5811257That one is always sobering.
street food
>>5812348Agree, but at least this unidentifiable goop was heated to foodsafe temperatures AFTER someone's hand of questionable hygiene touched it. A stark contrast to the ones where the guy compulsively slathers his hands, feet, and armpits over every surface of the finished product. If I get sick from it, it will be due to the ingredients and not pathogens carried by the cook.
>>5811709>>5811711>>>>>street food
>>5813701Mmmm... pani puri?
>>5813719Street Food doesn't literally mean food made on the street. IMO it's food for the common man.
Post Waifu's in at their absolute peak
>>5808186>ripfucking loled
>>5811812all curryniggers are the same
Anime in real life.
>>5811211>hurriedly ties up hair
>>5811211Samurai Shampoo?
>>5805259The idea of colonizing another planet is so foreign, so meaningless to you that it serves no purpose. this is because you are not ethnically European. you lack any spark of discovery, the Faustian spirit, a desire or urge to move forward. you see a mountain and think nothing, not what was, what is or what could be at the peak. your empty existence always aims for today not because of anything that prevents you but because you are wholly incapable at a genetic level of seeing tomorrow and beyond. humanity suffers those like you who never could and never will. I do not hate you for this, it is just your nature to always be less.
>>5791043Captain America Vs. Hydra - Elevator Scene ?youtube.com/watch?v=nTyX8hHR9lA
Let's play.
Reverse spin kick
Sumo Slammed
>>5812565She is partially right. Not long after the first word was written, an ancient people —who originated in the North Caucasus and who matured in the ever warring lands of the Western Steppe— were split in two. One half, the Aryans, migrated eastwards, conquering India and along the way the Plateau named after themselves, Iran. In those lands they intermarried with local aristocracy, though there are a few untouched remnants. Meanwhile, the Western half, the Yamnaya and their descendants, conquered Europe and the Old Europeans —of which the Basque are the only remnants. Though, it is important to say they also intermingled with the natives and that Scandinavians —the population with the highest percentage of Western Steppe Herder ancestry— are only about 50% WSH. But the Old Europeans were only swarthy, not black.
>>5807533>no actual history to be proud of>start coping by pretending they were some hyper-advanced civilizationthese people are pathetic
>>5812521Why don't they put a police officer or a security guard on trains? These people get on and act like they're in International waters.
>>5808260Suicide any time nafaggot.
Spandex superheroes, giants, fighting bug men, armored heroes, and kaiju are all welcome.Image limit hit, previous thread >>5743512
>>5809022What episode?
>>5809022Just for you.
Anyone have the first, second, and final Gekiranger openings?
>>5806448Damn yo this made me uncomfy!!!!
>>5807998There's a sequel where he comes back and yells at them for being too loud.
>>5812848Anyone know what band this is? They're badass!
lets all love lain!
This was when Lainchan was celebrating the 25th anniversary of Lain. I downloaded it before it could disappear.
>>5813298Did they make lain nfts? (눈_눈)And a chat gpt lain? (-_-#) like I understand them wanting to cash in on the anniversary but thats gay as fuck.
>>5813173he's so based for this
>>5813328>but thats gay as fuck.its also quite lain of them if you think about it.
>>5813452Yeah I get what you mean about it being something thatd exist in the lain universe but I also belive lain would just right click NFTs
Love this genre of shitpost.
>>5801389>Am I as admirable as that ant?
>>5810356well played, anon. well played.
i love the hyperpop jenny rom flashing images edits they scratch my brain very well. show me what you got!!
>>5802906trannies desperately trying to gain the approval of others. they force themselves into various topics through deception since deception is inherently trans-coded. >oh you like X thing? you must be a tranny!
>>5808979By your logic, we should be encouraged into bullying them
>>5813232>I want to see what kind of people make these editsschizoids anon.
>>5770118AV1 version: https://files.safe.waifuhunter.club/ya8FBQp729ubJunp.webm
>>5767827Good stuff
>>5798400>this old whitey ladyi hate them so much
>>5798400>niggas be in paris but the italians dont want them thereunbelievable.
>>5803254"narcissism"it feeds on that. and starts with circumcision
>>5792534when did meme editors become cinematic-tier? it's actually impressive.
>>5798449nerve gas
Post 'em