Zoom Zoom
>>5823132Vulcan bomber has a better flying sound profile
>>5816110lurk moar
>>5825617cool cool now fly that thing over Ukraine.
Reaction gif threadNo webmJust gif
Random webms with music.
>>5796312khazar milkers spotted
>>5796307>>5796307Look at that insanely obese leg in the mirror. That's how you know she is way more fat than she appears. AI most likely.
>>5800000look at those quints, what a day
>>5823159I agree, the program I used at the time didn't have any ability to edit the sound. I might try to remake it
>>5822984>>5823155no thank you? nigger
Become ungovernable
>>5821939>The damage was estimated at $7 million, $2 million of which was to the concrete plant, which was underinsured, resulting in a payout of $700,000.they *always* win
>>5823803No they were truckers who were the most vaxxed group of people in canada protesting the lockdowns.
>>5821992>punching a skinny dead tree with glovesYAAAAAAS SLAY QUEEN
>>5824377I remember this. Based hohols.Let the quislings fight their own war for their kike president.
>>5821938>He's so fucking non-chalant about it tooStill second best at that meeting.
Chinese culture
>>5818326>>5817015A few years ago live spiny lobsters were sold all over the Florida keys at $6-8/lb. I went back there last year and there were only a few places that still sold them at a much higher price of $12+/lb. I asked the shop owners what happened and they said most of the spiny lobsters get shipped to Asia where they can get sold at an extreme markup (easily 5x). The only issue is getting it to them live and whole since dead/frozen seafood is worthless in that area of the world.
>>5815495This one is fake actually. Unless you mean that Chinese CGI invades then yeah i guess.
>>5818266this one gets me every fucking time top kek
BYD gonna mog Tesla
>>5818337>watching dubs
based gacha life girls
god damn this is shit.
>>5823053She's bald everywhere?
it's like gaia online was alive and with us, along with all its cringeworthy content.Only you'd be stupid to think it was the worst thing in the world now.
I Love Anime !!! Edition
>>5817556Audio banners would suck Imagine browsing threads and then suddenly...
>>5821024Sound off!
This thread is oddly specific...>>5819283kek
>>5823098sound on
audio clips for other boardsTaberu~
>>5816245>eating food thread
for /an/ birds
>>5822296you understood the assignment
>>5821001So does the poop-seasoned hands
This is my OC, is it any good? Please contribute to thread for laughs
>>5823092>Richmond BCBrother I thought it was China
>>5823190>BC>thought it was Chinait is, they call it Hongcouver for a reason
>>5822951>Jesus will JUDGE you>As he kicks a man on the ground
ditty thread
>>5818843Banana Cat?
>>5824259THANK YOU
Mozart (B2TSM) - 'Papa Wolfgang Style'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnwoNdq3hGYBonus ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezK6IDOYCRc
In this week's episode of Dragonball Z...Best protagonist play on regardless
Eyes of determination
>send schizo edits>send troll face schizo editsbe a troll face schizo (as webm)
not really schizo but don't ever kill yourselves lads (and try to lay off the benzos)
>>5823360>who the fuck cares about qa in 2025?Me, it was epic and we still live in its shadow.
no spam
>>5811131If he says 50% of u boats were destroyed after saying the same thing before, 50% of 50 is 25% of the original. Was this humor meant for the lower classes
>>5806248those "nazis" at the beginning look like absolute degenerates that should be thrown into camps immediately
>>5825329Spotted the jew
Previous >>5805527
>>5813252nigga momento
>>5819594>>5819611That shit you call your brain need christianity anon.Because1- you retards simply cannot formulate a tought that truly come from your own mind in the first place, you simply regurgitate garbage somebody else tought for you.2- the garbage you regurgitate come from child sodomising jews that only want one thing and that thing is your destruction.
>>5813337Hot blonde in the blue dress
>>5821175no, he has thicker eyebrows
memes or not
>Shrek redesign defenders when I redesign their face with a chainsaw (they got older)
>>5816115i'm glad i wasn't a child in the ipad brain rot era we currently live in
>>5815115all baki fans are mad gay, it's literally a show where the writers self-inserts dad goes around fucking dudes and guys piss themselves every chaptermad gay, no excuse for watching shit that gay
>>5812624took me a whole minute but I found it
make a new thread