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File: hyperborea.webm (3.61 MB, 402x360)
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Is it me or are the captions that are political usally really obnoxious and unfunny? Shit like this is one of the few exceptions because it's so fuckin dumb it's funny
214 replies and 109 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Fuck you
zuckerburg after roe vs wade is overturned
lol what a faggot
you dick

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187 replies and 104 images omitted. Click here to view.
What is Touhou?
the shmup never truly evolved, everything you may have heard of is not canon and purely fanfiction, memes consists of several decades old insider jokes, doujin music scene is on life support since 2018 and barely hanging on with occasional jazz/piano/eurobeat releases, Comiket popularity on a decline with the younger audience more into gacha and vtubers, touhou threads on 4chan constantly shuffling the same memes in a two-threads rotations to avoid suspicion, /jp/ threads diverging into subtopics of touhou (lewds, shipping, fumos) but not directly discussion the series

here, I summarized all the points.
Is this the best bait chatgpt could come up with for you?
faggot grifttuber
File: balls in your jaw.webm (303 KB, 480x468)
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Accept Cookie or accept death

File: FKorean.webm (1.5 MB, 540x960)
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Travel broadens the mind and taste-buds. Play it!
131 replies and 68 images omitted. Click here to view.
That's true
File: 1eA.webm (58 KB, 436x398)
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>You can do an entire country food tour just in BeiJing.
I would <3 that
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Where my bakery?
In my 7 years in China i don't trust most Chinese with any baking. ESPECIALLY their fucking moon cakes, i can't stand those.
But they nail these, and no matter where you go in China these are in windows on every fucking street that has restaurants, and any restaurant that can seat at least 100 people will have these on the menu, and they ALWAYS nail it. I never had these until i went to China and i fell in love with em.
Is related to >>5496342 usually these people will make either or they will be right next to each other and share ingredients.
Shout out to my brotha MC HOT DOG!
Listening to this song brings a tear to my eye, walking through the old Chinese ghettos snackin on everything in sight, sittin and chatting with the old folks, and just livin life slow and carefree with them.
il looking for the webm of a step by step recipe, with a half second of two dogs 69ing inserted in the middle of the webm, can anyone post it pretty please?

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2 wheels
143 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.
I was kinda hoping the cyclist would land it honestly
I was waiting for it too and was not disappointed
So many women's 'fight or flight' response seems to be completely haywire.
I was being ironic, as if the jannies would show up any second now and ban him for his comment. You dumb nigger.

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Show those non-White women who just love White men. Sound is preferred. Cute and wholesome is preferred over degrading and mean to non-White men.
99 replies and 49 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Oh my God, they truly are crazy over white men! Though they make up for a good couple to be honest!
Cringiest thread of all time.
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Calling all music lovers! Share the beats that make you move, the melodies that make you feel alive. Let's groove together and build an epic playlist!
98 replies and 81 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: venus noire.webm (2.87 MB, 540x540)
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read it again.
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File: Last Soviet Citizen.webm (4.88 MB, 352x288)
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These are just videos of blacks behaving like blacks. Just call it what it is, blacks need to be deported to Africa, there.
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Family guy edit thread,
Post le funny family goy memes
194 replies and 89 images omitted. Click here to view.
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File: Peter Griffin FanCam.webm (3.79 MB, 480x436)
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Holy shit thank you anon
Its called vocoding i think
actual art

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Russians are putting thanks on sheet metal after losing 4,000 tanks
283 replies and 147 images omitted. Click here to view.
>an evil and biting mockery, the highest degree of irony, a trope and a comic device, based on a sharp mockery full of contempt.
And I have great respect and love for the Kremlin in my post?
Russians don't have either so who gives a shit?
your post is very hard to understand. It is written in such a way that it sounds like you'd rather be under russian rule than be shelled by them.
Ukrainian Drone Strike on Russian Oil Refinery in Yartsevo

breakdown of passed Ukraine aid bill:
$20.5 billion to European Command Operations for coordination with US allies.
$15.8 billion in security assistance for buying weapons to send to Ukraine.
$13.4 billion replenish US stocks for each shell or weapon we send to Ukraine we make more for US. make more stinger missiles.
$9.5 billion in forgivable economic loans actual cash going to Ukraine.
I forgot what conflict it was and can't seem to find it easily, but tanks were equipped with wood pallets due to how the explosives worked against it. It would hit the pallet and explode there leaving the tank's actual armor to take a far less damaging hit.

File: Trump_and_Loyalty.webm (5.62 MB, 1272x720)
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post all things Trump related
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>Why editing the voices?
To make him say whatever you want
The fact no one has done any AI music of Donald Trump as House of Pain's "Jump Around"
except it's "Trump Around"
is a bit shocking.

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Is her accent british or aussie? kind of confusing.
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Here's another anti woman agenda op.
Religion is lost on women
Litteral retard
File: Takedown.webm (1.08 MB, 320x400)
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Here's another anti woman agenda op.
Xy chimps are so sensitive lmao

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Post sfw webms of cops and criminals.
317 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
i am press, please do- ACK!
It probably would have been fine on a dry day, the combination of him hitting the bump and the wet road made him get high-centered and the car was already out of control by the time he knew what happened.
I mean I'm not a cop but I assume what he should have done was to just stop and get out and properly restrain him before continuing
based child of darkness

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1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
File: WildBillJones.webm (1.87 MB, 356x360)
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File: HillsOfMexico.webm (3.1 MB, 368x360)
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This is a cool thread, sorry that I don't have anything to share but I love historical stuff like this
really raw, super cool song

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