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File: acapella.webm (5.62 MB, 1024x540)
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5.62 MB WEBM
Anything acapella
150 replies and 78 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thank you to everyone that's contributed. It's been enlightening.
more bulgarian
slavs aren't white

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3.73 MB WEBM
200 replies and 101 images omitted. Click here to view.
I agree with you on the *cough* CINEMATIC aspects of Honest Hearts, but from a gameplay perspective it was by far the weakest NV DLC. You either spec guns and it's a cakewalk or you try to do anything else and basically offer yourself up as meat for the Yao Guai Gangrape Festival
I hate this pseud video so much. It is just every single notable Joshua Graham quote taken completely out of context, and sewn together. It sounds good on the surface but it turns a kino character into a rambling pseud if you actually listen to what he's saying in this video, it is just nonsense.
strongest senior brother in the clan
This is why men should rule the world. We can gain peace after silly things. No jews however.

File: drip.webm (3.18 MB, 576x576)
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3.18 MB WEBM
im talking dead serious
26 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
1 thing - Amerie.
But this is some sorta slow BS mix.
It's called a drop crotch. Especially it's a very high-waisted pant that you wear low on your waist
w2c big boot?
oh so they've given a name to the "i've been raped in prison and open for business" pants?

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webms and gifs that redpill and provide info on a /x/ related subject
>9/11, hollywood, vaccines, holocaust e.c.t
9 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
Long long man
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I think there was an actual explanation for this (Some anti-phishing system or whatever immediately analyzing the links), so its unreliable at best.
Don't let that make you think that reddit isn't rife with bots and shills, however. Go on the front page and look at the poster accounts of any political/related threads. Nine times out of ten they'll be recently created accounts with nothing but posts in political subreddits. They will usually spam a single thread across five more more subreddits (And they'll get tens of thousands of upvotes like nothing. Lucky them!)
t. AI bot
song name?

File: 1693057076328062.webm (5.27 MB, 720x720)
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Dumping what I've got for my bros in /horg/ but feel free to post anything related to the stupid fucking cat
235 replies and 111 images omitted. Click here to view.
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809 KB

File: 1rf4Nea3jOk.webm (2.51 MB, 480x270)
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2.51 MB WEBM
189 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
There's plenty of videos of this guy getting attacked much worse by Japanese people
who is this a 50 year old emo guy?
As much as subhumans like this are absolutely infuriating they're a necessary evil to remind Japanese of the wonders of diversity
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If it was a teahouse scam then it was 100% deserved. I didn't know those were common in Japan, but I knew a couple of guys that got hit by one in China.

Previously on >>5408082
239 replies and 138 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 0001-3458_2.webm (5.5 MB, 1920x1080)
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A fun interpretation, but I think it's a little reductive, or at least kind of uncreative.
As someone who loves smoking by a river at night in winter, this really hits. If this was set to Last Christmas I might have worried I had a doppelganger out there somewhere.
those japanese gondolas are always super comfy if they aren't attached to cringy japanese pop songs that only weebs can possibly like
File: Steelman - Far Lands.webm (5.93 MB, 1280x720)
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first oc
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Gonna start cooking up some OC for next thread

File: thallasss2.webm (5.95 MB, 352x640)
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Videos that make you fear the sea, especially when it crosses over with megalophobia
76 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.
I should call her...
I should call her
I should call her ..
yes, the boat horn is the scary part of that video lol

File: eSuperSF2.webm (676 KB, 640x480)
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Vidya being played for 30 years? Tell me another one.
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
File: yuanherong3.webm (686 KB, 720x1280)
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Chunli > Juri
File: SF2OSagat.webm (689 KB, 480x270)
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Tiger Muay Thai vs Facepaint Sumo
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Tournament highlights
That's a man right?
I’m one of like 5 people on the earth who is genuinely interested in Street Fighter lore and read the comics. All of them are pretty fun to go through to an extent, although I think they peaked early with the first two series (SF and II) mostly because they had the best art and gave a majority of the cast time to shine. Kinda sucks that the story’s been on the backburner since SF X Darkstalkers and now nothing notable comes out except promotional one shots and coomer bait swimsuit pin ups.

File: lets get comfy.webm (2.44 MB, 640x306)
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Post comfy
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I hope all is well with you all.
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can't post three coz i don't have more
14 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
hell yeah
There's some good motivational webms in the hopecore thread >>5509163
File: 2001.webm (607 KB, 360x360)
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Flex and lift
oh yeah best one in the thread so far
Reminds me of those shitty memes where I’m told by a pointing foid that this will be the year I get a girlfriend!… yet nothing changes at all kek stop posting this garbage in an otherwise good thread.

File: need tomboy.webm (3.21 MB, 960x540)
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Post anything that resonates with you, big tiddy goths and sweaty NEET girls would be much appreciated.
19 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
Might as well post the sauce in case someone asks

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Chunli by QT
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Fem-Confucius is my waifu
I never understood this webm, why is her taking off her mask and using the phone sending him away?

I get if we could see the contents of the phone it'd make sense, but from my perspective she was going to add him or something.
A tomboy can have those traits.

File: lainItsASecret.webm (4.18 MB, 606x606)
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4.18 MB WEBM
hey anon, I need all the schizo webms
I'm on a breakthrough and need the
237 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
Silly is married. dunno about poo though
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There's no subject to this thread, just reply to other posts and post webms relevant to your reply or the post you're replying to. Like that game where each person tells a part of the story (except i expect multiple concurrent strings of replies).
56 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
The very definition of based
holy kek out loud, this is epic
Damn, didn't even notice my own digits
File: Sunshine.webm (5.05 MB, 989x414)
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I was looking for a fitting webm to reply with and laughed out loud at how well this one does.

old >>5481559
192 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
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File: Frank on Jon.webm (1.2 MB, 856x480)
1.2 MB
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File: Tay Ug12li.webm (1.56 MB, 320x180)
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bringing the hate back
New Thread


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