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File: fruit lady.webm (3.29 MB, 480x852)
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Do we have a cute Asian gif thread up anymore? What has happened to this board. Cutie-pie Asians. Forever. 24/7.
239 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Linux users are feeling vindicated right now.
>vp9 8 bit (profile 0)
From now on I will make sure to encode webms using that, thanks for letting us know.
Linux user here, I didn't even know this sort of problem existed until I ran into discord users who couldn't view webbums some time ago. Crazy that Apple would gimp their own software on purpose, glad I'm not one of their customers.
plays fine on safari and firefox. unless they posted a screen recording of the issue, I don't believe these idiots
Make a new ?

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/Trek/ Thread, all things Star Trek
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This scene was the worst part, they were going on about how they would all would burn up on re-entry, and then it shows the ship going through the atmosphere and it's just a little bit of damage, also
>life saving Khan blood that's never mentioned ever again
It's honestly a good movie right until they get to the Nexus
Then it becomes clear the writers didn't know what to do with it
Still, way better than Insurrection and Nemesis, which on a recent watch i found to be just as shitty and boring as i remembered
Before TNG came around, Star Trek was less like a growing franchise with an coherent, fleshed out universe and more like the adventures of Kirk, Spock and McCoy against the Klingon
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The Thomas & Friends model tv show turnes 40 today. I'm gonna be posting the first fives series' to celebrate. Why the first five? Because I didn't watch anymore than that as a kid and series five was the last one made by the OG crew
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cute thread, op
lol good stuff
They sould have used a cheeky new DC-3 instead.
postman pat, absolute kino. now look at it, theyve turned him into a cgi duff man but only after flooding the village with pakis.

fireman sam, went a similar way

thomas, now unwatchable shite packed full of undesirables

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209 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
my hope is Trump is pandering because it's necessary to get into office, but otherwise will serve American interests first. can't know for sure tho. it seems he kinda hates Netanyahu so that's a plus
I think what the Israeli means is something along the lines of, they need to stop focusing so much on keeping people divided along political lines and refocus their efforts on dividing people along generational lines, because that is one of the biggest manifestations of increased love and unification, the young people are waking up and trying to embrace new things, including the past generations...

"we've been chasing this left-right divide"
"it's the wrong game"

Before seeing this, and years ago, I have always thought this way. The vote is also our wager, and we don't have all the time and resources to know 100% if we're making the wrong choice, but the reason to vote Trump for me is that everyone hated him, and that he always spoke like a true alpha boss and American hero figure, and is funny as heck. Ok, besides that, everything about his approach to office strikes me as what someone who understands Austrian economics would do, which is exceptionally based if you understand it, and also often directly would lead to all of the other above points, such as being a boss nigga and being universally despised in the corrupt media.

So, go vote anyway. What you got to lose? It was probly Israel that tried to kill Trump, or at least if they don't know it would be to their benefit for him to die... haha then they are lovable fools indeed. But they probably understand that even a "friend" who pushes Austrian econ policies at home will prove their downfall in the long-term, if he's very successful. And also assuming they always stay evil; the evil in them will fall, not the good.

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I like this
discography is on rutracker
the ending sucks
oh boy, not just one but THREE Jeffrey Lau / Stephen Chow movies I hadn't heard of.

Previous Thread


Bonus Points For OC
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New yokers got a fucking staring problem
citizen to terrorist, just that quick
last time I used handbrake(many years ago) it was fucking trash

>That's akin to using Microsoft Paint instead of Photoshop. Just use Photoshop instead
it has what I needed for features as far as trimming

xmedia recode didnt do well enough

I also use kdenlive and LosslessCut rarely too,
I use whatever gets the job done, lil bro :^]
idc what anyone says, the rock can fucking ACT
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File: perv jap cops.webm (3.98 MB, 406x720)
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poojets and mushits same thing
The nips are still polite even when catching an opposing lawbreaker. If this were in america they'd be on their moral high horse and yelling and throw insults at him throughout the whole process, and would even continue to berate him after it settled down and he stopped resisting.
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they know she voted for this
Moids truly are disgusting creatures.

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I'd love to see this faggot get thrown off of a rooftop lol.
Imagine being on the same side as David Duke lmao
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Memorial Day Peeing Vandal in the veteran memorial fountain for WWII

Some people just hate the country despite consuming from its infrastructure.
They don't live in China.

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May you find peace. May you become content with every aspect of yourself, even the ones you aren't so fond of. May you press on, even despite sorrow.
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i feel like i've read crap like this a hundread million times in this shithole
you dont have to be a dick about it. he has feelings. i know it sounds gay but when you've gone through mental health hell like i have you'll never be a dick to anyone ever again.
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Sometimes getting it off your chest is the best way to go about it. People have doubts, and I'd say if the alternative is to hold it all in, best to get it on the table. as >>5712890 it is indeed hell.

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What in the fuck does this mean!?
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song name?
Today's the day
Juno was mad he thought he'd been had so he shot at the sun with a gun, shot at the sun with a gun, shot at his one only friend! In the gallows of the ghetto!

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post comf
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File: True love.webm (3.93 MB, 650x364)
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True love?
stop cooming
take cold shower
ban refined sugar
i miss having thick dense hair and having the air blow through it. now the air is my hair's enemy.
working on this. Sugar is the most difficult thing for me. Got addicted to it since childhood.

Previous: >>5668132
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Bubblegum Crisis 2032 / 2033

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Post any videos that are related to conspiracies or exposing something like the Jews or anything like that.
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Yeah a large portion of the millennial generation. Most others fuckin hate it. Against all odds the brain fried zoomers are catching on. Despite all the financial might backing it, it's still struggling to hang on. Hell, even the Germans who felt shame in patriotism a decade ago are now shouting for the removal of all that shit. DEI and faggotry are dying. People are noticing things they're not supposed to notice.
I think you're a little too hopeful. I take a more cynical perspective. Remember the COVID madness. Maybe people will "wake up" but it's too late and nothing will change. There's no reverse gear on this train, civilization is taking the same trajectory it always has. Only collapse will end it, like the Soviet Union.
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File: Leave them alone.webm (1.6 MB, 980x720)
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did Germany not invade Poland? France?

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I need to see every sorry thing the IDF has done in Gaza and the West Bank and in Lebanon.
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My favorite thing about Israel is that it pisses off people like you.
>I need to see every sorry thing the IDF has done in Gaza and the West Bank and in Lebanon.
TL;DR they killed worthless piece of shit muslim terrorists. this united leftroons and /pol/tards against the jooz whom are doing something based for once
Here's the real reason
I don't give a shit about 3rd worlders, that includes Palestine and Israel
The dishonesty of this post is in considering basic nationalistic pride to be "something awful that your company should fire you for"
weak falseflag is weak

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Antisemitic/Anti Israel propaganda songs. Preferably sung in Hebrew or Arabic
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File: reclaim_your_land.webm (2.86 MB, 1920x1080)
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so glad i found this thread because i just made this song on Benjamin Netanyahu's birthday where he is hiding in an oven from hezbollah drones shitting himself. fuck you Bibi.
wth happened to my audio when i converted it to webm. its all fked up

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