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File: people_change.webm (1.54 MB, 1080x1026)
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Being Hopeful for the future and love for being here at this moment with us
287 replies and 83 images omitted. Click here to view.
god bless bro wish you and your family the best
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I love Alejandro. His works have changed my lift. I would not be here if it weren't for his films.
this is lovely
>hopes and dreams/save the world
Thanks man just saw your post
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Lolcow thread
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Confused straight with faggotry
The world is truly upside down
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It's over bros. Bossman has a warrant on his arrest for bond violation
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For a moment he thought cops are coming to arrest him during livestream. Turns out he just got swatted again so it's fine.
What an indominable spirit, just keeps gambling.
It's erver.

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thats new zealand you fucking retard
You're a little bitch.
>you cant fucking say this shit nowadays without being seen as a complete weirdo
you are wrong and possibly schizophrenic.
thats not an argument to why im wrong.
so i accept that you are incapable of articulating your thoughts like a human being.

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Imma start a locker thread from a yt playlist I had found a while ago.
There's lots of 2000s vids
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Oddly nostalgic, though by the time I was in high school it was only done ironically
She’s gorgeous. Why don’t women look like this anymore?
because that make-up and hairstyle have gone out of style and the women who wore them have grown out of it
bad. aside from the stress of trying to remember something, a girl always appears in my school dreams and i always feel like i can't reach her.
i was also known for having beautiful thick, dense hair in my school, but now more than decade later I'm losing volume despite being on meds for it. it hurts to remember.

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last thread >>5635763
Previous thread at file limit.
Postan some OC.
276 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
i don't know why the new thread wasn't linked here
>I'm just helping you all the time goyim
Ten out of ten biden picks are Jewish despite being 2% of the population
So you shit on both sides. God how I do hate the decadent middle class
Thank you.

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previous >>5603244

Discuss ASMR and ASMR creators. Be nice. The title is not a joke.

Props to the Sleepy-poster who rounded out the last thread. I'll see your new Sleepy and raise you old Sleepy.
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File: ezgif-3-4f1104df25.gif (1.74 MB, 1080x1080)
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Here, I made a shitty gif compiling a few body shots I had saved.
All three of these were from 2020 and prior (I think in chronological order), so she's definitely put on more weight overall, but I think she's fluctuated in the interim as well.
>sleepy showing off full body
I'm not gonna make it.
Anon that made the ASMR video search website here; would anyone make use of a feature to save searches? I think I would make it also show the total new videos in the search since you last viewed it. So if you had 5 different searches you wanted to repeat, you could just go to one page and get told if there were any new results for any of the searches you'd saved.

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gem thread
/qa/ won
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Post music from the 1980s
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Discord Mod Theme Song
>"Ti amo" (Italian for "I love you") is a 1977 song recorded by Italian singer Umberto Tozzi from the album È nell'aria...ti amo. It achieved success at the time, becoming a hit in many European countries, including Sweden and Switzerland where it topped the charts.

>In 1984, American singer Laura Branigan covered "Ti Amo" for her third studio album, Self Control, with English lyrics written by Diane Warren. Her version was released as the album's third single, and was particularly successful in Australia and Canada, where it reached numbers two and five, respectively. Branigan would later perform her version of "Ti Amo" with Umberto Tozzi for a live Italian television show where Umberto played guitar.
Siouxsie and the Banshees' 1987 cover of Sparks' 1974 This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us
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Previous: >>5628899
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The german pronounciation in that one is so bad it sounds like dutch.

I completly forgot about that anime. Shame it never got any more seasons.

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can we get a 9-11 thread going?

i'll start with a clip from Judy Wood's presentation
where she points out that the towers didn't collapse but were actually turned to dust
this webm highlights a piece being dustified right in front of your eyes
this pisses the glowies off like you wouldn't believe
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>never forget at the heart of each of these truthers is a muslim apologist
t. kike animal that imports brown savages into the west
Dude the Twin Towers were a famous new york landmark every video you see about new for decades before 9/11 the towers were always shown.
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YEaahhh that's it. I knew I had read something about it long ago but had forgotten what it was. Thanks anon
this is fucking nuts

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previous: >>5650186
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keep seething keegan
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wholesome moment right now

Edits, memes, anything about Peter Scully
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I'm not better than you.
In fact, I'm not better than anyone else.
The thing is that you CHOSE to be worse than everybody else.
That's your problem.
You're making shitty life choices and get all butthurt when people rightfully point this to you.
And no, I'm not the guy that you were replying to originally.
So you're the Dr. Phil guy again yeah? Trying to play the "I'm not better than you" card while still taking cheap shots at my choices.
It's honestly pathetic. I expected 4chan to still be good like it used to be back in the day, but clearly, it's filled with people like YOU now, acting like you're not trying to be holier-than-thou while still throwing jabs.
You can pretend you're not trying to act superior, but we both know that's exactly what you're doing.
Keep fooling yourself, but you're just as lost as the rest of the 4cucks here.
For someone who is supposedly doing well in life, you certainly act very hostile and defensive when confronted by others.
I'm sure you're teenager and probably a newfag.
Heard about 4chan somewhere else and how this place was "edgy" and against the status quo and thought you would be welcomed here with your stupid admiration for losers and this attention seeking behavior of wanting to shock the "normies".
At least, I hope so.
Because if you're older than 20 and still behaving like a petulant kid, then I pity you.
And that's all I have to give you.
My pity.
Since you don't accept my advice or my empathy, then I can only give you that.
And if you think I'm acting like I'm superior, you should take a look at yourself.
You're the one constantly putting yourself (and trying to put others here) down, on an inferior position.
This says a lot about how you see yourself and the places you choose to spend your time.
No wonder why you're so paranoid and think everyone is attacking you or they're all deranged like you're trying so hard to be right now.
The thing about your choices it's you're too stuck up your own ass to see how BAD they are and how much they will cost you in the future.
Why are the worst pedophiles always fucking anglos?
The worst pedophiles that you know*
there are worse (((ones)))

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Dance n music
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Well, he's Dutch, you idiot esl, and this is NOT rap/hip hop culture
>he's Dutch
lmao the absolute state of the negerlands
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What did he say that made you think he's esl?

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this video fucking sucks edition
26 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
i am doubled over laughing
this is fucking peak
my abs hurt so bad
1000/10 i am showing this to my children

everything else in this thread is shit
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Can I post ytpmv here?
Kek this is well edited
Does he have a new channel?

no spam
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>Slave morality. Abrahamic religions are weak and if you need scare tactics like eternal damnation to promote self discipline, the followers of your religion are weak to their core.
Tell me you're fat and unable to take care of yourself without saying your fat and unable to take care of yourself.
>resurrection isn't a Jewish belief
Elijah says hello
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