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File: divorce_good_men.webm (2.11 MB, 576x720)
2.11 MB
2.11 MB WEBM
Woman Hate Thread
271 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
she fails to understand these things:
tall isnt something you choose to be
height results in significantly fewer premature deaths when compared to obesity, when viewing causes of deaths that are a direct result of whichever condition (tallness or fatness)

because she has not yet been met with the consequences of her actions, she doesnt see that there are any, and so she views any criticism of her decisions as baseless and strange
Dog brains
>these talentless you-know-whats were hired because they ticked various boxes
what boxes? They just avoid men and hire/promote women, it's as simple as that. They only showed one (token) black man
>not a rekt video
And then they wonder why straight white men "don't work". Those who are responsible will pay for this.

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Tech and media that was popular in the 2000s
124 replies and 37 images omitted. Click here to view.
Don't forget the Hot Cheetos design as well, not sure about you goys but I for one think the new logos seem to be going back to a more 2000s look but a little more action packed so to speak if you know what I mean.
This. I'll mention Agora Road as well. It's not specifically designed to invoke those feelings but it definitely has the vibe of an older forum.
File: core-5.webm (2.77 MB, 700x400)
2.77 MB
2.77 MB WEBM
I appreciate the help. It's not going as well as I want but I was able to get file size significantly lower than it originally was with little appreciable difference.
What the hell is that
Sounds good, but what are we gonna call this new era of styling?

Hope, brothers
39 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
there is a shit ton on fb, wont let me post tho
search Nasheed - Qad Azamna fb and first link, should take u there, account post all of em
Isn't it funny how all these (((international))) jihadist groups never fired a single bullet against the kikes?
meanwhile in reality

File: SeagullStealsCrisps.webm (1.69 MB, 360x640)
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I'm back anons. I hope you've all been keeping well (: Drop your birbs here and make a fellow anon smile! Or traumatise me with that fucking pelican swallowing a squirrel again, whatever works! :D
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File: bird bite.webm (1.72 MB, 282x504)
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1.72 MB WEBM
Have birb
Thanks for the birb bro
File: Chickens in love.webm (2.43 MB, 624x800)
2.43 MB
2.43 MB WEBM
I think i have birb one sec
File: birbDefendFood.webm (1.63 MB, 304x480)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB WEBM
>let go of me
>won't let go of the coot
He had it comming.

the og chud
193 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: seggs_pls.webm (3.97 MB, 640x360)
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Who animated this? It's so good.
I want the full translation but i'm lazy and understanding most of it makes me extra lazy
Unfortunately, the mid retard girl got to him before he could finish his character arc by integrating his shadow into his core self. Now he's stuck in purgatory with a therapist who assists with shaming himself for his past actions instead of helping him move forward and continue achieving his goals. Many such cases.
>back when h3h3 was somewhat funny
you know since I've seen h3h3 and idubbz become total fags, I'm not too sad about FilthyFrank ending his career as an edgy Youtube comedian

275 replies and 114 images omitted. Click here to view.
>/pol/ thread
>is just brown people screaming about America, Ukraine and Israel
The difference between "your" malls and this one is that "your" mall is for everyone, while this mall is only for rich people. Common people in russia don't fucking buy Zara and Nike because it's way too expensive.
Source: I live here and I have a Nike t-shirt that I bought for some sports themed birthday party and it cost me, like, four times more than some good unbranded t-shirts.
File: evil fucking people.webm (3.97 MB, 576x1016)
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A black man in NYC tells israeli's waving israel flags, what he thinks of them
Israeli's talking about their plan to steal land from EVERY neighboring country, and take their homes for the jews
Yakub Fauci stealing home from palestinian

File: SkibidiToilet71.webm (5.76 MB, 852x480)
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The Skibidi War is going UNDERCOVER
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Previous Thread: >>5416087
97 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
Yes, old man. I'm 34 btw.
had a dream that was literally just a single fucking episode. nothing before it, nothing after. just fell asleep, dreamt an episode, and woke up
>plungerman was brought back from the dead, first thing he did was take on a giant toilet and win.
>G-toilet was turned a mutant before the episode
>G-toilet had his crew hunt down plungerman, wanting to stop the problem quickly
>but the scientist was also brought back with plungerman, as a regular white toilet with some crab-leg limbs to walk
>G-toilet noticed the scientist before leaving and picked him up for transport
and im actually mad because i can have dreams about this stupid shit, but no matter how hard i try, i cant get a single dream with a foxgirl.
rapist vibes
>already got mind fucked by skibidi
Though the same, man's weird
Sorry if modern media sucks. I'd rather watch singing toilets fight robots.

Post your Israel Redpills here
51 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: pissrieal_warcrimes.webm (4.35 MB, 640x640)
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Israel war crimes.
It doesn't matter, since jews have been persecuted for so long, and are god's chosen people. So, what they do to goyim doesn't matter and is justified
On World Children's Day, Evil Israeli Jews release a song titled 'Friendship,' inciting the extermination of all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
fucking hell, how disconnected of reality you must be to green light this shit?
Israeli's talking about their plan to steal land from EVERY neighboring country, and take their homes for the jews

They're very disconnected from reality. No other country comes close, to so many lies vs the truth.
That was an ad for the israeli troll army app, to bombard social media sites and the internet, to make it seem like israel is good and hide all their atrocities and lies.
> Instead, I got the same message from their ad that they were pushing, except that mine is the reverse that I want to spread the ACTUAL truth about israel. Rather than the lies that the ad says to push as "truth"
> Hence this thread
Carter saying that the USA and Israel don't want to know what's going on in Palestine. That powerful forces in the USA prevent us from investigating this question

last thread hit bump limit. here's some oc created with udio:

"at the end of decline"

>a state of decay, has the west gone astray?
>it's over, okay? what else is there to say!
>there's no better sign, see the stars in the sky!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!
>a new path we'll find at the end of decline!

>billions must go, in the end we all know,
>to make room for our precious new seeds to grow!
>when there comes a time, through the rain and the shine,

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
94 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: 1713109071446319.webm (2 MB, 512x768)
2 MB
How do you get it to generate lyrics like dark, brown, or jew? Are you writing it yourself?
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1.1 MB
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1.3 MB
new kino dropping
Whatever happened with the AI vocal replacer thing? There was a discord many months ago that got nuked that had every pth file and a simple web setup on google and I think its all gone. What do people use now?

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Random thread
101 replies and 62 images omitted. Click here to view.
jews made this ad
>Designers vs QC
Better version here >>5523016
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3.49 MB WEBM

cartoons and animation.

previous thread reached post limit. >>5484351
23 replies and 17 images omitted. Click here to view.
Code Lyoko AI Upscale by ace S01E02 English song subs English
why does every character have a giant forehead
File: bull2.webm (1.04 MB, 1280x720)
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1.04 MB WEBM
What did they mean by this?
A core memory
She has been baked alhamdulillah

File: 1713651995142874.webm (3.94 MB, 270x480)
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123 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
i dont mind looking at titties but this is worksafe gif man. take that somewhere else
nice bike. i have a cr250 2 stroke and an crf250f. great choice.
Was accident, I forgot it had tits in it, I tried delete it but post was too long posted to delete.
she's right. a 17 year old is never in her prime. that would be a 15 year old.
who is she?!?! <3 <3 <3

ITT, Post 'em.
199 replies and 84 images omitted. Click here to view.
3d girls arent cute
who is this
Пoшeл Haхyй
you can see the evil that makes women into dykes taking root in her

post and discuss webms and images
29 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: StickFigures.webm (4.15 MB, 320x240)
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4.15 MB WEBM
Testin with .flv copy of a clip from the Wayback Machine
pretty cool vid
File: Omori_ws_laptop.webm (820 KB, 640x480)
820 KB
welp it worked it seems
File: IMG_1593.webm (1.5 MB, 720x720)
1.5 MB

Better Versions Here

Old thread: >>5488431
165 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
I cannot for the life of me find this song, if it even exists

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