>>5802129i like her
>>5812859im honestly surprised the mother was against it
>>5812863>>5813016>>5814272It's a skit, retards.
>>5809576>>5810057>>5811150>>5811190Simp faggots. Kindly end your pathetic lives ASAP.
incel thread
Post cats here
>>5793503my cat sometimes meows at me when I sneeze, why do they do that?
>>5813577>mp4 - 720x1280 - 1.11MB>webm - 588x926 - 1.97MBthen at least do it properly you nigger cock sucking trannie Jew.
>>5804994should have left it
The Caturday thread on /b/ is yet again another ghost town. Help out your catbros, pls.>>>/b/931357453
previous >>5779781
Moonman thread, post everything you got
>>5813685this is dope
>>5809323That's also what I thought, but then the police car is 100% real and there is no way the UK police would ever allow something like this. Not only is the video making the police and their incompetence the butt of the joke, it also casts the brown bloke as the villain.
>>5806096Because life isn't a fucking action movie, retard.>shoot at their legs>miss>get stabbed to deathOr.>shoot at their legs>hit them, but maniac is either too high on drugs or adrenaline to feel anything and keeps charging>get stabbed to deathOr.>shoot at legs>hits them and maniac goes down>maniac later sues the cop for excessive force since his lawyer could argue he obviously wasn't enough of a threat since the cop didn't shoot to killYes the law is stupid like that. Cops AND civilians are more legally protected if they shoot to kill rather than shoot to injure.
>>5813939Wow they're so cool. Look at them go.
Previous: >>5762719
>>5797039good one
Schizophrenia is a serious mental health condition that affects how people think, feel and behave.
>>5811515ok Jack, or jack's PR douchbag, its getting pathetic and its time to stop.
>>5813776utterly profound. really makes me think about our entire existence this one.
>>5813738lmao whatever you need to tell yourself bro>>5813776gambling addiction is something elsewhere's that one clip where he loses like 10k? 30K? in 10 minutes or something?shits crazy
>>5803413lol the subs
>>5802867>has the time to take video of immigrant propaganda>doesn't have time to sort, push frieght, topstock and zoneLazy, short, weak beaner.
>>5802872>be lazy american>need lazy beaners to come into work because the hardworking americans went on personal leave that protects their jobGet fucked.
>>5802860I've heard people go "Trump is so dumb and bad for this. Now there's farm fields that are left to rot because there's no illegals to pick the fruit!"...Like, why are they okay with farmers paying people less than minimum wage? Why is it okay to have a class of workers you treat (and pay) as lesser. Shouldn't they have been against that?
5 times distilledpost your liberal meltdowns and retarded takesprevious>>5794053
>>5810816Luckily for me, my family and I are all white nationalists. All of us. Not a single one isn't. It's pretty good having that sense of unity
>>5810885lol, the masked faggot getting triggered
>>5810267The irony is all blacks look just as stupid with their "posing with their shit music.
>>5813816Well to be fair it’s not that they always do, it’s that if they’re wearing them, they’re always liberal. To answer the spirit of your question though I don’t know and have wondered the same thing. Even when the woman is attractive, I can’t picture my dick getting hard from a woman wearing those glasses and I don’t know how liberal men can do it.
>>5814200i think matt walsh said it best so far
Jessica Biel mp4, webm, gif
>>5813700>my cakeswut
>>5813815I hope that cake goes directly straight to her cake.
*sip*Stop playing around and gimme my coffee!
oh no
>>5813924instant coffee? noty
>>5798400>this old whitey ladyi hate them so much
>>5798400>niggas be in paris but the italians dont want them thereunbelievable.
>>5803254"narcissism"it feeds on that. and starts with circumcision
>>5792534when did meme editors become cinematic-tier? it's actually impressive.
>>5798449nerve gas
Post unique gadgets and accessories. No normalfag stuff that everybody already knows about
>>58135633d printers - used to make toys and sometimes really shitty house repairs
>>5813840I often use mine to make custom parts for all sorts of things a person can't actually buy. The limits really are what you can imagine. Enclosures, mounts, tools, parts, prototypes, declarations, toys, and jigs. If you can't see the potential, you've been using your brain to watch Tik Tok or some equivalent shit.
Tongue Physics EditionPrevious Thread: >>5795670>Virtual Youtubers rankingshttps://virtual-youtuber.userlocal.jp/document/ranking/>Linkshttps://virtual-youtuber.userlocal.jp/scheduleshttps://holodex.net/home>Webm making guidehttps://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/WebM>Webm SoftwareComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>5813347why is this file corrupted
>>5813775we are the number 1
>>5813647>$214 super chat>fake neet0__0bing bong
street food
>>5811709>>5811711>>>>>street food
>>5813701Mmmm... pani puri?
>>5813719Street Food doesn't literally mean food made on the street. IMO it's food for the common man.
>>5811804from the front when you eat all the eggs