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Videos that make incels seethe
172 replies and 39 images omitted. Click here to view.
the simps of these cows are almost exclusively indian. coincidence?
we should be able to kill born babies. some fag only been alive only for 6 months why should anyone care if their life is gonna suck and shit up others lives. because bullshit social "consequences"???
You sound legit retarded.

File: GAHHHHHH.webm (3.81 MB, 640x480)
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3.81 MB WEBM
post cool stuff, vidya, movies, anime, sports, etc, no schizo shit and no brainroot
41 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
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>It's like God is a bpd hoe.
iirc that's pretty much how the Demiurge behaves
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I only watched the first 6 episodes or so, and I thought it was pretty mid. But you might want to give it a try if you really are into anime, especially since it only has 13 episodes
"The land and the king are one." No truer words were ever spoken.
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5.53 MB WEBM

You Groove you Lose.
109 replies and 98 images omitted. Click here to view.
into the trash it goes
what the fuck is this even supposed to be?
still trash
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3.97 MB WEBM

74 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
man now I want to see an edited in the same way as the Scott Man's roast scene
Fucking kek!
>wtf I like ltg now?!
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5.2 MB
why is everything about gay anal rape with this guy

For /pol/
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721 KB
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Does that first firefighter have an aussie accent

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29 replies and 22 images omitted. Click here to view.
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He can't keep getting away with it!
see that logo in the top left?
thats where this trash belongs.
fuck off
>favela monkey edits.webm
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Hyperborea / schizo fantasy thread

Endless white boy summer edition
250 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
song and pic related. please convert the rest anonz, vp9 high quality frames, etc thx.
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5.86 MB WEBM

> https://argentbeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/streaming/MrBond/MusicVideos/Mr.%20Bond%20-%20Power%20Level.mp4

> https://argentbeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/streaming/MrBond/Power%20Level.mp3

can anon mux the video to 6 mb? the last 30 seconds are dark screen.. argent beacon has much far right music + videos.
This is dumb. The argument he makes is that humans should be like animals and not rise above the animal kingdom into civilization. He is asking you to choose between niggerdom and whitedom e.g. Christendom
TL;DR grow the fuck up

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Being Hopeful for the future and love for being here at this moment with us
70 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
I despise this video, it's so far from reality, it just makes me feel sicker
Can someone repost this without that godawful music?prmyy
i want to believe, bros….
Also Brother Bear, Fantasia 2000, and Sleeping Beauty
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no she cannot.
153 replies and 65 images omitted. Click here to view.
I'm sure. Should I clip more of it? oh i guess to limit the counter argument that he's joking?
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>The math indicates you should see curvature from commercial airline height, and they now claim that.
>It's very weird. No one has ever seen curvature from any airplane. such a weird gambit.
just a few years ago here's NDT articulating the official line.
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post the part where he makes it clear he's joking.
>Unironically a fan of hers since then.
I have the musical taste of a 13 year old girl, so I've been a fan of hers for a long time.
It was such a glass of water in the desert kind of a moment. The never ending grinding psyop of Covid. Every single celeb who you previously liked being made to one by one ritually accede to the medical tyranny being unveiled in real-time. We were all so used to weakness, we expected everyone to just fold under the pressure, no one expected courage from anyone famous, we didn't even expect that of Trump.
and in infowar terms, the best narrative warfare people working at the absolute highest levels of the best info-shaping org that exists, could not have developed a more perfect counter-narrative for the vaccine. So insanely memetic, with each reaction of The Machine revealing further systemic faults (e.g. there are absolutely documented testicle cases, so now everyone knows you're lying about your own data).
It was so perfect.
absolute meme magic.
She would be somewhat cool and based if she weren't obviously reading off prompt written by someone else for her brand. Makes any good will I might have towards moot as she poisons her own well
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>she poisons her own well
interesting turn of phrase.

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80 >>5603177
79 >>5584996

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
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I love this song!
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5.96 MB WEBM
Bad music taste too, eh?
>surprised it's going under so many people's radar.
Its one of the most popular ongoing mangas

218 replies and 122 images omitted. Click here to view.
Tchaik could write beautiful melodies to rival Mozart. But he never knew what to with them and write a whole composition. >>5560978 is a perfect example: a theme so beautiful you can't help but sing along... and it never gets used beyond the very first minute of the piece.

also he was a fag
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5.64 MB WEBM
yeah its so much better with that dial up like sound kicking in at 15 secs, good one bro
>a theme so beautiful you can't help but sing along... and it never gets used beyond the very first minute of the piece.
it gets used again starting from 2:19. Does nobody here actually listens to the music?
audio source?

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Crypto youtuber remix

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555 KB
35 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
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anyone have the sauce for this?
...I don't get it...
Y Chromosome (YMCA Parody) - The XY People
shut up you faggot loving queer

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despair about the current state of our world
87 replies and 18 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anyone have that webm showing the kids addicted to mobile games and tiktok? where they would keep trying to scroll the screen and start crying? that shit was cryptic as hell. where is it?
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this video was part of that compilation someone made
You know Abrahamic religion celebrates and demands child sacrifice right? And that it comes from Canaanite religion
There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering.
-Deuteronomy 18:10
Yeah, they just took their cousins' kids and burned them as an offering to Yahweh. And of course there was Isaac too.

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YLYL: anime funnies 1/1
228 replies and 92 images omitted. Click here to view.
Moon lives at 44.8228237032285, 20.458754929105957
I didn't expect that!

Here is the whole thing.

based and correct

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