Nick Fuentes Thread prev thread>>5761760
>>5826692>not a Zionist puppet>does nothing but snipe at more successful right wing figures and undermine populist movements by themhmm
From today
>>5826823Part 2
>>5825893They hated him for he spoke the truth
>>5806821People that do a long dry fast talks about taking weird shits
>>5812936>meridians are not anatomical structures, they do not exist>Takes map of meridian lines>Overlays on map of nervous system>AlmondsBaka
>>5822522Look it upBasically electrolytes and water is all you consume during the fast along with some mineral enhancers mixed together and called "snake juice"But yes fasting long term keeps your body in autophagy at which point parasites and unwanted cells are consumed and used as fuel to create new cells as the body reaches an alkaline state.
Previous>>5814206>>5810288>>5818439The Big Boy Manlet Came For a Civilized Visit To The Whitehouse. It started so well....
>>5826481last known exploit for acrobat was in 2019CVE-2019-8042most people open PDF's with their browser though so there would have to be a way to run code through a PDF to exploit the browser which means the browser would also need to be vulnerable to that kind of attack
>>5826569Didn't you say a post or two ago>Who cares if they're linked to Israeli intelligenceYou're outed. Now stay away, kike boy
>>5827184>OPEN UP MY PDF VIRUS/ MALWARE, DAMNIT!!>SURE YOU QUOTED GROK TO DEBUNK ME, BUT I'LL ATTEMPT TO BAIT RETARDS INTO OPENING MY PDF ANYWAYS!>NO ONE HAS ACCESS TO GOOGLE TO SEE THAT YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH!>>5827193>IF I DEFLECT AND FOCUS ON JUST 1 OBSCURE WAY, FOR 1 SPECIFIC PDF APP, OF WHICH THERE ARE MANY PDF APPS. >IGNORING THE COUNTLESS OTHER METHODS IN WHICH A PDF CAN INFECT A DEVICE. DETAILING JUST 1 OBSCURE METHOD, RETARDS WILL GET DISTRACTED FROM THE MANY OTHER COUNTLESS METHODS OF INFECTION, AND WILL IGNORE THE COUNTLESS OTHER WAYS THAT A PDF CAN INFECT THEIR DEVICE!Why are you so obsessed with baiting a random retard to open up your PDF? A FULL Text copy of the ENTIRE Protocols of the Elders of Zion was proven to fit in 1 single 1.6MB black & white text PNG image file. If you felt that it was so important for anons to read, you would have converted it into black and white text (not grayscale) and fit the entire PDF's text into 1 image file that was under 4MB. Even Grok confirmed that I was correct that a PDF can infect a target device. Groke detailed many ways in which a PDF can infect a device. I had directly quoted Grok to back up my claims, to provide evidence that PDF's can in fact infect a device. Grok literally said NOT to open PDF's, if you don't know the sender. Grok stated that it's high risk and detailed MANY various ways, in which a PDF can infect a target device. I even linked to Grok to show that I wasn't making up random text and attributing it to Grok. Any anon can google it, or ask a chatbot, to see that I'm absolutely correct. You got debunked, get over it. Go try baiting retards on plebbit. Anons are a lot more technologically advanced & are very suspicious of malevolence perpetrated by shills.
>>5827977who the fuck wants to read an oversized image?you retards have no idea how exploits workbut go ahead and cling to 'muh grok told me so' of course its telling you that for the general low IQ populationthanks for proving that you dont know shit and are using mothafucking grok to back up your claim? what an absolute retard
>>5827977>how PDF exploits work for retards
Trumpet CappiePrevious version: >>5772946
Blast from the past
>>5826939I'm going to assume that's Crazy he smacks with the bat.
>>5825667I think this anon is right
thsi game is so shitty, it's more of a walking virtual novel than a game. the puzzles can be solved by a 3 year old.
>>5827509I don't think anyone ever said it's not a flavour of visual novel. You are just a retard.
No rules, grooves and jams onlyPrevious Thread: >>5796718
Post transparent gifs, bonus points if they are spinning.Anything allowed
>>5825088new captcha rules suck my dick fuck 4chan it stopped being cool sometime in the early 2010sanyway tha
98 >>5810459WebM creator: /g/ guide to WebMs:
>>5827889I wanted to do an edit the whole scene; but instead got lazy and just did three slightly different versions
>>5826470I think it's hilarious how the author stuffs Okinawa references all in and around Shiisaa. This time it's Big 1, a mini-supermarket type store, only in Okinawa I think.
>>5827999Here's a commercial for it, featuring everyone's favorite Okinawan okama, Mikawa Kenichirou
Post funny things that are universally understood as funny
>>5819208I assume the man is a repressed tranny comparing himself to his young grand daughter. What man cares about looking too old?
>make a spectacle of grandpa for views>zoomers have a discussion about how you're such a good person for the generic npc scriptThreadly reminder that smartphones were a mistake
i hate myself and i want to die edition
I hate being 25 so muchI've accomplished nothing and now I'm scared
>>5826596its based off an old meme
>>5823130>>5824738So many things go through my mind,But all i can muster up is "Real".I'm sure this is simply what men must go through....
>>5824987>>5824883I still have some hope left in me Fed desu
>>5827801Why would you need to accomplish something? What is accomplishment?A career? Buying shit you don't need to show off?Having a wife and 2 kids and go out diner with 2 shitty friends twice a year?Then I have not accomplished anything either. And I wouldn't want to.You saying you're scared for not accomplishing anything means you mirror your accomplishments to what you believe others expect from you.Nobody ever got happy chasing those expectations.Being there for family, helping eachother out, finding peace in every day things such as walking you dog, gardening, putting a nice meal on the table. That's what gives fullfillment.
korean pop previous thread>>5797408
blackpink girls look so plain outside of blackpink vids makes you think how much heavy lifting was being done by the videographer
need to sex wonhee asap
Post Random webms and random mp4 threadWhy are we still here? editionExtra Bonus Points For OCPost whatever you want as long is in webm or mp4 format.Bonus points for new webmsExtra bonus points for creative and good webmsprevious threads:
>>5825683Broke his ankles>>5825680>cleo blackCaesar looks cools tho
Any ideas why the color gets all messed up whenever I make a webm (source mp4)
Stravers Archive: Gondolas:
>>5826463here's fall:
>>5826803and spring. enjoy.
>>5826804tysm anon
>>5822130The pic in this one reminds me of the game A Short Hike.
no spam
>>5816932Why are we doing it? Because it works!
>>5756948We don't control tv. Tell me where you are working so I can call your jew boss and get you fired from your TV job.
Women being desperate for average or even ugly white guys simply because they are white
>>5824756>simply because they are whiteFor guys like this, it's becuase they are westerners with money and the woman wants a green card.For the rest, it's becuase they are tall fit chads. The whiteness is irrelevant.
>>5824756>simply because they are whiteShe could have an orc-humiliation fetish, you don't know.
>>5824929I did racemix. It's not a jew making these threads, it's asian cuckboys who hate seeing their women with white men because they see them as superior.
>>5824763He's not ugly
>>5824756From my experience, sea Asians want someone with money, from the US, Canada, or Europe.Korean girls want tall white guys even if ugly, very drawn to nordics.Japanese and Chinese girls want handsome young white guys.
post literally me edits
>>5813054I need a suit, then thats literally me.
>>5820634I don't get it.
This is literally me. I just ate a large pizza and another dessert pizza. Just let me die in my sleep.
>>5826393I wish I had a sizably taller than me gf