RIP Lynch, post anything related to the man
>>5803589He loves Lynch. He has a video on his channel where he bids farewell to him and talks about how great he was.
>>5801225these are great! like seeing a great master of grand paintings try his hand at miniatures.(Does anyone do storyline ad sequences like Georgia Coffee any more? I've only seen that for old Japanese ad campaigns.)
>>5801218The vocals in the song that plays over this scene made Lynch laugh so hard it gave him a hernia
>>5805577>The vocals in the song that plays over this scene made Lynch laugh so hard it gave him a herniasource? hilarious if true
Thinking Of (You) Edition
>>5802720This thread was nice.
>>5797417i love this community
>>5798041whats the anime name ?
>>5798024name of the song ?
Ukrainians being extremely mad at Russia online
>>5806123It's remarkable that he tries to say "zero point two two" three times, and fails to do so in three different ways.
>>5806380english is not his strong point indeed. wonder where he is from
Post those 1000 ton beasts. casual, train hitting stuff, accidents as long as there is no blood and no one is visibly harmed.
Would appreciate a sauce on this one desoo
Does anyone have the dragon ball one with future funk or the cyberpunk world videos where a ship crashes into a building full of priests and there is gunfire?
>>5804666MC Holocaust - MassHysteria (Prod. AshtonBenz)
>>5781518Natsuki Crisis
no spam
>>5791358Friendly reminder that Handsome Truth is a non-White homosexual and a possible fed asset.
>>5783658Anyone have the original 5 something minute video of Nazi party HD colour footage from 2013 youtube? Music is backed by Zach Hemsey - Waiting between worlds instrumental. There is one on bitchute similar but not the original. TakkAlso anyone have any good Telegrams or know where Preusakf went?
>>5784271I just watched this. I cant believe theres a whole historical revision based conspiracy centred around a dumb song from my childhood. Now I feel its gonna come out of the woodwork that Las Ketchup have ties to Francisco Franco or some crazy shit related to one of those 2000s foreign language pop songs
>>5790215This is truly... disturbing.
The other thread reach the video limit:>>5713013
>>5794405This seems to be FFC the peruvian promotion. The commentator used to be the UFC Latam commentator before ESPN bought FOX. I think Emiliano Candido.Not very technical but insanely dynamic. Kinda sad he's working for third rate promotions now.
>>5796850>>5796989Looks like he was trying to humilliate him. You can see him cross his legs, so the sweep is easy.And if I remember the rest of the fight, Padilla got beat up bad.
>>5805583I love the goofjitsu
>>5806515I don't think that was the intention. I watched the fight live and don't recall all the details but it was too lanklets who just based their entire strategy around being extremely tall for the weight class bumping into each other.
>>5791090Don't get it
Jew/Israel thread
Anybody have the Oprah clip of the Devil Worship fat woman Jew from the 80s?
>>5805356Maybe those people won't have to get tormented by the fake Jews anymore. Won't hold my breath though.
>>5805194Why do they never shoot at their legs?
>>5806096Not worth it because of the law system. In court, to justify a cop shooting someone it needs to be a life threatening situation meaning the cop was in imminent fear of death. Facing death, one would shoot to kill, no considerations. If they shoot a leg or an arm the defense lawyers can argue there wasn’t a sufficient threat, otherwise the cop would have shot to kill. They could argue the situation could still de-escalate or a taser should have been used or any amount of speculation. When shooting to kill at least the cop can argue they felt mortal danger, any other scenario gives the defense more leeway.Also, when shooting something you should always aim for the center of mass, trying to shoot an extremity makes it way easier to miss so there’s that too.Even if they successfully stop a threat by shooting a leg, they could get into serious trouble when the defense argues brutality or excessive force or any similar charge.If shooting, shoot to kill, otherwise the law will fuck you up.
>>5804933>old man gets closer to film it instead of helping herabsolutely basedfemale cops are just a liability in any physical confrontation with a man. letting them work alone is peak clownworld
>>5805005it's sad to see this. they shouldn't have such frail people working in the police force
>>5806347theres a version with sound that was posed here months ago, its much betterthe man is the husband of the woman filming and they talk about if they should get involved and how there was a different guy that also ran off without the cop noticing its much better than the silent version
Previous Thread>>5686289
>>5767772Finnish and Icelandic are actually entirely different languages. Icelandic is in the same language family as Swedish, Norwegian, Danish (and English and German) whereas Finnish is related to Estonian and Hungarian. Similarities between the accents has nothing to do with the language, it's probably because of geographical location and interchange between Finnish-Swedish-Norwegian and so on. They sound similar, but there are noticeable differences, like how they would pronounce "words", in Icelandic it would be something like "voortss", and in Finnish it would be "uööds".
>>5767772Finnish people are closer to Asians than Europeans and Icelandic people are viking descendants
>>5801105>if she's at all into the tags she'd include on her erotic audios, the fetishes are very compatible.such as?
>>5805682Nice, got any more like that?
laughter is the best medicine edition
>>5801169Nigger press pause.
>>5795036>not a video having sex with your cousinsWhat kind of stupid gay ass dreams do you have?! Wasted fuckin dreams.
>>5803716>didn't read the Bible>God created different subspecies of man with different diets/aka genetics in between the acts of GenesisYour point being?
>>5796397Just for being hilarious i would eat that nasty fat fucks pussy.
>>5803785>no suctionI would drop that worthless fucking pile of shit off in Detroit to be raped and murdered by a pack of wild niggers.
>>5784678Did they put new mines or were those still the old ones
>>5796143People get to vote on what the MIC does and where money gets sent?? wtf. Is this a new thing?
russians reduced to using horses in Ukraine.
>>5805899Horses will never completely obsolete for warfare even if their no longer the main engine of an army now.
>>5805951for assaults in modern warfaredune buggies/motorcycles/electric bikes > modern APC with giant cope cage > unarmored civilian vehicles > MRAPs > horses > on foot > tanks
>>5804397someone post dr fauci give us the vaccine song
>>5804397the last thread you made died because it was shit.this will do the same.
>>5804400Is this Kingdom Come 2?
The 2025 Winter Cup in which /wsg/ is set to host will tentatively begin in late January.Our Roster poll is now open and will remain open for the next few weeks. you've never heard of the 4CC you can learn more here. tl;dr it's 4chan boards playing virtual divegrass against one another. you'd like to see how the team is looking currently take a look at our wiki page and video archive. you are interested in testing or managing for the team please contact either of us here. too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>5805636>>5804688>>5801388>>5800501>>5799774When/where are these from? I don't ever remember seeing them before.
>>5806346These were made for the Summer '15 hype video.
did Someone have the Hulk Hogan Incident vs /pol/?i always soft kek about that
>>5806413Man, nothing against current day hyp, but Ved is leagues above everyone else, I wonder what happened to the guy