Stravers Archive: Gondolas:
>>5813148jfc anon yes that's absolutely the one. Brilliant, thank you
Let's show the 2010s thread who's boss
>>5811689giga based
>>5812269how did they make the soundtrack so fucking good? how did he fucking do it?
>>5813557unbelievable, the meme is harmless. they couldn't take a fucking joke and had to harass some poor teenager
>>5805012>>5806624>>5807252Technically there's an argument that the first example of frutiger aero was the aqua theme for the MACos, which was way back in the early 2000s
>>5811675hell yeah
96 >>578436595 >>5772831WebM creator: /g/ guide to WebMs:
>>5807322unfortunately, that's the case with a lot of old series
>>5809758really wish this had sound
Deepseek seethe
>>5812456Are you starting a thread with only one webm, OP?
>>5812465It's the eternal summer, they don't stop coming.
>>5812456Chinksect shill thread.
people of the theology of peace
>>5814022>slaughters 10s of thousands of children>yo why do the arabs hate us? Total anti-semites :(
>>5814022As much as I hate mudslimes, you jew rats are a thousand times worse for us.
>>5811468Now that's what this thread is ALL ABOUT goddammit.
>>5811468A man died irl trying this
2 wheels
mp4 thread
>>5807924lmao, wheres this from?
Reaction gif threadNo webmJust gif
>>5802330>webm is fine?
>webm is not fine
Comments and submissions are welcome! Previous thread: >>5793665
>>5811115thanks I love this one.
>>5808200great song, but posting an unclean loop of it should be illegal
no spam
>>5813428but hitlers personal doctor was jewish
>>5813884Yeah and he gave him a pass for that.
Previous: >>5762719
>>5797039good one
I know another thread exist for street food but this is just indian street food.
>>5813043hint: it has literally nothing to do with poverty
>>5806642Did you guys see it? Utensils! He stirred that soup with a spoon instead of dunking his arm in up to the elbow and washing his pit!
>>5806216a glove does little if you scratch your anus with it
>>5810546Eh, I'd probably eat that.
Become ungovernable
>>5811651he's clearly a mishter
>>5811628Based God enjoyer, dabbing on janny scum.
>>5811628Richest man? That's not Elon Musk
webms for other boards
>>5813788thanks. I'll post it on in like 36 hours.