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File: rabu rabu rabu rabu.webm (5.85 MB, 532x300)
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74 >>5495484
73 >>5479944

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
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He got fired from the Chainsaw Man director role anyway. Now Mappa better hope the new CSM director is actually good and they can release a trailer that can hold up to Look Back's trailer
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Woman Hate Thread
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The day I stop hating corpo social media slop is the day I spiritually die.
my asshole has be stretched enough to be able to filter out this shit i am a light turned off
I'm sorry for your loss.
>>5523354 makes me furious because it's so absurd that these talentless you-know-whats were hired because they ticked various boxes while I, a straight White man, can't get a worthwhile graduate-level job to save my life. (And before someone accuses me of being bitter, yes, you're damn right I'm bitter. Who wouldn't be in this situation?)
Just build your own KPMG.

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you can smell this thread
damn, I wouldn't expect such a based take from an applefag
get a load of this j_w
Get gassed kike.
Classic KIKE mentality, transferring attention away to the other party.

It's not about muslims but about what KIKES do to other people.

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Post kino street food videos.
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i am hungry too can you give me some money
john soh is channel. looks like there are update videos but not sure if i'm emotionally prepared to watch them.
India is dirty
how does he chooses the eggs? why that one and not the other by its side?
haha I knew I had seen this before.

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So, blue men group, stomp, and wintergatan in CG? You have my interest.
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171 KB GIF
comfy af
File: Marble Machine.webm (3.9 MB, 532x300)
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Takes me back to watching this in 144p as a child and believing it was real
>copyright 2006
That's already almost 10 years ago, damn. Didn't feel that long.

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this is why true gods speak to you directly and not through books written about jews, by jews, for goyim
This is actually a good point desu anon.
When I was seriously religious/seeking/spiritual etc and trying to find the answers to the real questions I found the answers not specifically through books or religious text but through my own inner self.
though the way to find the way to communicate higher with the inner turmoil of self I found via others and books.
Ultimately the books are tools to give a person their own innate ability to bring themselves to a higher state of thinking, not external pleasantries from gods or submitting to dogma.
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>organ harvesting
You can't name a single source that isn't Falon Gong for that btw. Look it up. They all reference Falon Gong if you trace back their references to it's original source. Therefore, it's obviously fake.

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Calling all music lovers! Share the beats that make you move, the melodies that make you feel alive. Let's groove together and build an epic playlist!
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I listened all the way through.
too generic to go into my main playlist though. They could have done more with the concept.

File: agent-47-funkytown.webm (4.4 MB, 1268x720)
4.4 MB
Previous thread >>5493415
Due to high interest, there is now a dedicated suno thread >>5506204

Post anything AI generated. Song covers, animations, etc.
OC encouraged, but not required.
This thread focuses on audio and video with an audio component.
Let me know if you have more links to add. This thread is a work in progress.

> Voice-to-Voice
RVC walkthrough (somewhat outdated, collab is dead): https://docs.google.com/document/d/13_l1bd1Osgz7qlAZn-zhklCbHpVRk6bYOuAuB78qmsE/edit
Models, mega links, and mirrors: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tAUaQrEHYgRsm1Lvrnj14HFHDwJWl0Bd9x0QePewNco/edit#gid=0

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who can convert this to a webm?

I stumbled upon some anons talking about the spiked forest of nuclear waste sites, so I made an AI music video of it.
The lyrics are loosely based on this:
Also, if anyone could give me pointers on how to make higher resolution webms with lower file size, that would be helpful.
I haven't tested it on them, but whisper tends to have trouble with not clearly pronounced text.
JAVs have both massive noise and extremely irregular pronunciation.
ffmpeg. If you have any questions, consult the man page.
There's only so much you can do. Use vp9 and 2-pass encoding, reduce the frame rate, if audio is less important, reduce audio bitrate.
For that webm since it's a slide show you can get away with like 12fps.

Post anything phonk (songs, edits, etc.)

>What is phonk?
Phonk is a genre that started in the early 2010s stemming from slow-paced, jazz-infused beats combined with '90s Memphis rap samples. The genre was later popularized with aggressive Russian cowbell beats, taking on a life of its own, and inspiring many new subgenres.

>Where's the best place to find phonk?
Soundcloud and YouTube.

>Subgnres of phonk with examples
Rare Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/erickdie/levitate
Atmospheric/Ambient/Wave Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/lxst_cxntury/odium
Analog Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/llllane/this-feeling
House Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/anteeke/unhinged-doors-ost-remix
Cowbell/Drift/Aggressive Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/pharmasix/north-memphis
Brazillian Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/rxdxvil1/brazilian-danca-phonk-w-6ynthmane

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one of, if not the best phonk artist out there, honestly
new nakani just dropped
based nakani.

btw, this saturday im hosting another phonk party, as cyberia phonk club.
if anyone is in Buenos Aires let me know, id love to have you here guys

File: dance alone.webm (3.73 MB, 1280x720)
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3.73 MB WEBM
Come share an [experience] with us, and bring your Pit Vipers.

>What is [wsg]?
[wsg] is anything you want it to be. Music, Video, Animation, Culture, Anything goes.
All styles are welcome.

To spice things up, choose one option from each category to create a bump:

Music: Future Funk, City Pop, Lo-fi hip hop.
Footage: Anime, 80’s and 90’s video, early 2000's video
Effects: VHS Glitch, Retro Color Grading, Film Grain

Feel free to create as you wish, but try to make at least one bump using the challenge categories. Good luck!
Post ideas for next thread's challenge categories if you have any!

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File: [Early Morning].webm (3.87 MB, 750x562)
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bumping with some old ones
File: Sequence #1(65)[wsg].webm (3.3 MB, 1280x720)
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fix the font pls

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feels thread
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New thread?
Yoru ni kakeru by YOASOBI
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Thanks :)
The problem with your posts is that you guys use the word "yandere" to describe a standard run-of-of-the-mill BPD whore. No one is denying that these are cancer, but that's not yandere.
I suspect no real woman ever really fit the definition of an actual yandere.
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Don't engage with retarded normalfags that don't even know the definitions of the words they are using

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Russians are putting thanks on sheet metal after losing 4,000 tanks
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why are neonazis and other loser racists so scared? you should be made to live up to your own words and opinions you share ONLINE and irl, stop hiding behind the americans freedom of speech, what are you cowards? bring back the STASI
>bring back the STASI
Communists killed millions of people. That's good reason to be scared of any sort of authoritarian government. Falsely labeling Civil Libertarians (who also oppose Nazism for the exact same reason) is defamation.
If you say so Mr. Glow Negro.
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Does anyone else pine for the old days when the guy in the kremlin meant something? I mean look at this dude, he was in power when I was a kid. I can remember thinking "we're all going to be dead in a few years" when he ran the CCCP. sigh™

Isn't he dreamy? Look at those MASSIVE brows! think of the glaring in anger they could do.


now russia is just a second or third rate country ruled by a former taxi driver who had a side gig in the KGB.

It's hard to believe that we once thought russia was ever a threat.
Ukrainian's here. I am young and did not know the times when powerful people sat in Moscow, but have similar feelings. Perhaps our people would not mind becoming part of a superpower, yet the current situation in Russia is really feeling worse than being under Russian fire.

Make way for the chairman and clear them out!
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Don't know who's reading it but it's from Nietzsche's The Antichrist.

>While Bowden was pagan I'm sure he would still have loved people doing videos about him, he recognized Western civilization was culturally Christian but still naturalistically pagan, and everything Europeans have touched they have put in that primordial vision and influence because it is who they are deep down, the very physical biology, the arrangement of atoms that makes them be this way.
Yes. there are many pagan elements that are latent in christianity even today. the chivalric code he's talking about precedes christianity. even the samurai is another version of this. this imo goes back to at least the bronze age if not further.
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Happy St George’s Day
QRD on this guy?

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Fuck crabs.
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>fuck off Plato
b-but what about the (((perfect chair)))?
At least it made the choice itself.
>They don't feel pain
They feel something - they're certainly aware that something bad is happening to them. The way that animals like this interpret pain is a lot different to the way we would, though.
If you've ever had a catastrophic injury, that initial period of shock is what a lot of people tend to think crustaceans interpret pain as. You're dimly aware that something bad has happened - you're not really able to pinpoint it, or understand what has happened, and it doesn't *hurt,* really, but you're able to understand that it's in your best interest to escape and leave whatever is confronting you behind.
Yours is probably the most compelling explanation I've yet read, my I'd still like to know *why* people think certain animals interpret pain in the way you describe. It sounds like something someone pulled out of his ass to excuse the way animals are treated before being killed.

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Bonus points for racism
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Pick one.
Pick one
Intimate Stangers - My Brilliant Career
thank you my friend
Only kino in the thread
.t Kinoisseur

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