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Spandex superheroes, giants, fighting bug men, armored heroes, and kaiju are all welcome.
Image limit hit, previous thread >>5443771.
142 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thanks so much
Why does it feel like there are infinite number of different versions of tokusatsu in japan? They just release that shit?

How many different tokusatsu show japan has running at the same time?

How many are there that made success in japan?
There are two major shows broadcast on TV: Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. These specifically aim at a slightly younger and slightly older segment of kids respectively. They're long-runners, decades of popularity and success which has of course waxed and waned over time.

Secondly, the notion of the 'tokusatsu/henshin hero' has never been considered inherently childish in Japan, just like animated productions were never considered inherently childish. This has lead to there being a lot of other such productions, some with much more mature storytelling like GARO.
I see, super interesting, makes me wanna watch a video on the history of the genre

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Anything related to Israel
250 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Let them drop their 300 nukes on the middle east and europe

They would be hated by everyone on earth and hunted down until the end of the world
Judaism is literally a hate group, wake up
You're nothing but fucking cattle to them and their religion, you useful idiot. But nice bait

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im talking dead serious
21 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
This is the AI magnum opus, nothing will ever come close to this masterpiece
*Family Guy theme plays*
they're pulled low and the fabric is under tension from three points
can you post the one with Willem Dafoe?
I don’t get the whole deano thing. They just have bad taste in things? At least they work. It’s not like chavs who would act like niggers and hang around in gangs and attack/mug people etc

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There's no subject to this thread, just reply to other posts and post webms relevant to your reply or the post you're replying to. Like that game where each person tells a part of the story (except i expect multiple concurrent strings of replies).
55 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
The very definition of based
holy kek out loud, this is epic
Damn, didn't even notice my own digits
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I was looking for a fitting webm to reply with and laughed out loud at how well this one does.

Post anything phonk (songs, edits, etc.)

>What is phonk?
Phonk is a genre that started in the early 2010s stemming from slow-paced, jazz-infused beats combined with '90s Memphis rap samples. The genre was later popularized with aggressive Russian cowbell beats, taking on a life of its own, and inspiring many new subgenres.

>Where's the best place to find phonk?
Soundcloud and YouTube.

>Subgnres of phonk with examples
Rare Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/erickdie/levitate
Atmospheric/Ambient/Wave Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/lxst_cxntury/odium
Analog Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/llllane/this-feeling
House Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/anteeke/unhinged-doors-ost-remix
Cowbell/Drift/Aggressive Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/pharmasix/north-memphis
Brazillian Phonk - https://soundcloud.com/rxdxvil1/brazilian-danca-phonk-w-6ynthmane

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187 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
new nakani just dropped
based nakani.

btw, this saturday im hosting another phonk party, as cyberia phonk club.
if anyone is in Buenos Aires let me know, id love to have you here guys
Two types of phonk:
Old (good)
New (bad)
simple as

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1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
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This is a cool thread, sorry that I don't have anything to share but I love historical stuff like this
really raw, super cool song

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73 >>5479944
72 >>5462789

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
257 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
too bad it's shit
no u
This is vore.
Try SauceNAO.

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I would fuck Kim Petras so hard
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This made me sad
>hmm, i know! I wanna chop my penis off!
>yeah that sounds like a good idea!
Trannies. LOL
>get your shit together
how ironic

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Stuff like this
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Why are they bothering my nigga on his line?
He's just like me fr
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the slowest rope glide ever

278 replies and 134 images omitted. Click here to view.
this episode was hysterical to me as a kid
On their way to stand in the fucking road.
thank god there's a shot for that
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I like eating shelled crabs because you can play with them.
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>A retard is posting unrelated autistic gifs with yt links in the post
Never change /wsg/ and by that I mean: kys you retarded waste of space.
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Would you a turtle?
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Oh my fucking god...

NGL id be really pissed off at Seymore if I was expecting this and was given a fast food burger instead.

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Vroom edition
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How is the car who's right of way wrong and why should he feel sorry for someone else's mistake?
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He doesnt seem very good
when he does it live its okay
but when I full speed the wall in Gran Turismo 6 nascar lobby I get banned

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>I honestly do think they take pride in just how much they can decept us.
I think it's less to do with a belief that they are being sneaky and simply enjoying how blatant they can be with little to no repercussions.
After all, challenging them is akin to Lèse-majesté.
>it does seem almost too good to be true, as well as a little fishy. But, he's said some things that are almost as brazen.
I see this a lot with historical quotes. I have the impression that JIDF took it upon themselves a decade ago to seed the internet with fake-but-barely-plausible quotes from Netanyahu, Churchill, Eisenhower, Hitler, Schneerson, and presumably many other historical figures. Though I'm not sure whether this actually matters in a world that has so little regard for the truth.
Also you can use -c copy with time flags to shorten a video without actually converting it.
>arab nazis
What an idiot. Associating the entire arab world with nazis is the opposite of what you want to do.
From the filename I was expecting there to be a Medusa statue that turned out to be a Jewish phenotype.
How many Jews have attacked him since he posted this video?
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Impressive, very nice.
That's a great bit
>Jon Lovitz is hilarious

If anybody still thought FoxNews wasn't cucked, welp, there you go

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I also double checked, and there isn't any. I'm being Mandela effected or something, because I remember them using it.
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K-Pop thread

Webm Programs:
>Webm Converter
>XMedia Recode
>MPV with webm script
Youtube Downloader:

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199 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.
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kek. The korean demand for koreans singing in bad english is something else.
I don't know though, maybe they're thinking they'll crack the market with this stuff. I guess there's a huge market in SEA etc where these lyrics would sound just fine.
Honestly in most of Asia, English lyrics just sound "cool" and the trend of releasing fully English songs to try and crack the western market is fairly new, and it always comes down to either English versions of an esisting song poorly slapped together just to chance a TikTok hit or when you're in BTS/Twice position original tracks targeted directly at a market you've already broken into.

There's been a glut of English releases fairly recently thanks to Cupid and most of them have either crappy lyrics or vocalists who just can't pull it off, sometimes both. I absolutely love TRI.BE - Wonderland but the English version is an absolute trainwreck.
kep1er is so good
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