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May the Force be with you- May the 4th

I stopped playing with Star Wars when Phantom Menance came out but the OG trilogy still has a place in my heart.
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finally there is some real music in the credits
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16 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
Tariq Nasheed, formerly known as rapper K-Flex wrote the hit song "Wash Yo Ass"

This guy has been trolling for years.
Of course the guy who wrote a song called "wash yo ass" popularized a concept like buck breaking, poetic justice

Lolcow thread
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This is a Boring Freaks thread, there's no lulz heeerrr

i mean freaks can be hot and sexy and funny and interesting, but these are just the boring ones dude
Ever see Swifty? Old WoW pvper.
Blonde, blue eyed, Anglo-type pinkish skin. Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are the calico cats of humanity, a single family can consist of Aryans, mulattos, and Indios, and that's not even extended family.
How old was he in this video?

sample-free edition

prev >>5437156
263 replies and 132 images omitted. Click here to view.
Plz song
You Look so Good - Moe Shop

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Previous Thread
282 replies and 149 images omitted. Click here to view.
stupid chink tok zoomer addiction
No mention of immigrants. I think he's talking about USA's involvement in the Middle East and yes Israel is a big part of that.
the logic of morality is most consistent with men with woman you have to make concessions, there are no arguments that make any meaningful difference between fucking a 17 year old or a 18 year old even if you take into account brain devlopment, which you mostly would take out of account because its a comparative development and expecting everyone to have an equal amount in regards to inteligence is all just fantastical speculation not rooted in any realistic standard
Name of the song?
>implying "injured"
>implying "civilians"
>implying "ambulance"

Nice try Phallus-tinian

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Title says it all. Post a WEBM that matches your mood and vent a bit.

As for me, I'm just a grad student anxious about his future. Things are going good for now but I always have this paranoia at the back of my head that fills me with dread and fear. I fight it daily and hope for the best.
61 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
fuck, Im old

read boys abyss, punpunfaggot
i have, mc is literally me except he gets pussy
ok, so go get pussy faggot
1 in 10 chicks is dtf, you literally only need to ask at minimum 10 chicks before getting laid. that's a very attainable goal. if you talk to one girl a day that's only a week and a half between pussy.
i have a few times, but ed fucks me over every time

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Just cooked up this edit, lets have a nice war thread with edits, groove, cool niche conflicts etc.

Keep the Ukrainian no sound drone shit to yourself. This has become a major problem for our war threads.
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cigan cope
I'm looking for a webm, or rather specifically a song from a webm. I believe it is from the early days of the 2022 invasion, I can't remember if it's from the Ukie or Russkie POV but I do remember it had some sort of a norse pagan song. It was something about "the tree of life" and how "the life tree was there through all your struggles and lived on after" I think.
It had that sort of really tribal pagan sound but with more "advanced" instruments too, there was a violin or cello (riff?) that really really sticks out in my head and I want to hear it again bad.
Thanks in advance and sorry all I have to share with you is a late soviet punk wailing on a guitar about a war he never fought in.
>I still love it though
>Hitler killed more Romani than jews,
Source: "It was my imagination, and in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it."

Enjoy Summer Edition
Old Thread
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Post gemeralds
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This Beat is What You Need (DJ Gollum Remix) - Patrick Bunton
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thanks fren :>
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Song is: Ian Van Dahl - Castles In The Sky, sped up by about 2.5%.

New soijak thread? This was a good thread.
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new thread for sisa fox dubs

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Best Anime Dances
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Look here.
stay away from preschools
>said nothing against the point of the image
OP is a cringe faggot, but clogging up legal resources for the protection of fictional characters is a gross disservice to the families of real children who have actually been abused and a poor use of time and funds.

traditional, digital, and stop-motion animation and other /co/-related content. Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/wsg/thread/5560071
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Cybersix (1999) - S02E01 - Original Pilot for >>>/co/144588571
Corpse.Bride Skeletons for >>>/co/144659199

post Richard Spencer/BAP/memes and Master Morality - Christian memes not allowed!
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The US was not at all Jewish-controlled back then.
Spencer is such a king.
There is no contradiction in that word

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no blacks
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>I don't think you are gay, because I'm into straight men

Read between the lines bro, this trap wants you to pump her butt.
She looks like Max Holloway, I feel like I'm watching an episode of UFC Embedded.
If some fatass ever fell off and caused people to backup at the exit, that tube would fill up with water immediately killing everyone inside.
what kind of bucket is that? it looks like plastic but wouldnt the charcoal melt it?
The charcoal isn't burning before it's added to the fire...

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Videos from the golden age of YouTube.
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Wait is this the chipcheezum guys? What happened to them??
They stopped ripping on shitty Let's Players 10 years ago due their victims getting attacked by their community and it's speculated that the co-creators, Diabetus and Slowbeef, got bored of it all and just stopped uploading content back in 2018. They still upload gameplays in their separate channels via Twitch.

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The only things worth sharing from those days are the same ytps that gets reposted in their respective threads.

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