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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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Then it wouldn't be a "joke" but just actual prostitution. [spoiler]Even though it already is.[/spoiler]
I say let them. It's not the women who annoy me, they're just doing what women have always done, it's the spaghetti spined simps that actually give them money that do. Like damn, how desperate do you have to be to get to this point.
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Its a supply and Demand.

Blame both the supply and the demand.

If males were to actually get women. They would have a centralized person to explicitly invest in with $. Rather to multiple different women for a mere moment then check their bank accounts and say "Damn. I fucked up. Time to slave away for more coomer $." fallacy.

Men and Woman desire possessive nature over others. This is simply the way of the world as it were. Adam and Eve were like this and Eve told Adam to taste the forbidden apple because it was the shit.

So here we are. Worshipping women who easily prey on men fickle nature to throw money at those who dresses up as their fictional waifus. Some in hopes to actually fuck the live 3D women in fantasy scenarios in Expo inns.
I'm platonically in love with a girl I subscribe to. I like to DM her memes and my heart skips a beat when I read our messages. When I lay out the reasons why I think she's great and she reacts very thankful, its a really warm feeling. I love her cosplays and think she's genuinely talented and funny.
Is this pathetic? Maybe, but it motivates me to become a better person, even when I know I'll never be with her. Growing up I never interacted with girls and this is something I feel I needed. Just having a person that motivates you is very helpful and I'll forever be thankful to her for that. Just her existing and posting her creative work is enough to make me think "I have to try too"

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the right one has way to strong makeup
Both are cute
Left has cameltoe
Right looks like another cosplayer I've seen on twitter who had nice pubes
Hair on the left looks better imho, but both look great.
i want a threesome with both of them
the right is my ex

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>Ask a cosplayer to take a picture of him/her.

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Convention staff may remove you if enough cosplayers complain.
That rarely happens. Convention staff usually just explain to you not to do that and why.
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This is why candids are the best
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So true
>buy a big camera
>they never say no
>always hold their pose while I move around a few times taking a few shots

its so easy

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Translations for the manga are completed! It has been 4 long years. Rejoice!

Discuss the manga, or leave your thanks for the translator, Mangalitas, here!
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Thank you for posting about this! I wouldn't have saw they finished it and this story is so great.
Yay it's completed! I rememebr when /cgl/ formed a translator team and we would gather in the lolita general for a new chapter. Pity that project ended up falling flat but I'm glad that someone else picked it up and saw it through!
where can I read it?
I stood up late to read this all in one go & it was absolutely worth it. I hope that there's a physical release soon.

Mangakakalot has it.
>I hope that there's a physical release soon.
In English? Likely not, this was fan-translated and the series concluded in 2019. In Japanese? There was a release when the series concluded iirc, you can find them secondhand.

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picrel: 2014
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>it's ok if something breaks

>happy mistakes happen
>take things easy
>be your adorkable self
don't let it ruin your day anon
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would've been better to post yourself even if you were a guy instead of an AI lol that would classify you as a pedofag
>that would classify you as a pedofag
welcome to 4chins, enjoy your stay, newfag
I always take duct tape and safety pins everywhere I go to temporarily connect two pieces of fabric and accessories. A mini sewing machine to patch up my outfit and my existential dread is also a must-have in the bag. One time I ran out of all duct tape and safety pins at con in while helping out other girl in the group. It was so over :,) we were panicking but only a few other girls at San Diego con noticed the duck tape xdd running out of tape and pins at cons switches on panic mode
Not in the sense that is generated, but heavy use of filters.

Yes, you can see temporal decoherence in the small details.

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Spanish cosplay
Picture unrelated?
Spanish or Mexican???

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I'm doing face makeup that involves a black eye + bandages/wound closures. Where should I put the bandages and closures to look like I got real fucked up?

Youmacon announces a new chairman 2 months before their venue-less convention is supposed to start.
Morgan is vaguely 'still involved' (meaning still owning and collecting profits). No word on his vice chair who co-founded Youmacon with him 20 years ago.
What do we make of this? Are we being scammed?
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anyone else enjoy the panel full of black guys doing powerscale battles like the fucking rap battle from nine mile?
That and the former owner of the hotel being involved in a pyramid scheme operating out of Canada and failing to keep up the maintenance on the hotel. The former owner was Xiao Hua Gong (aka. Edward Gong). What's more ironic is this guy ran for mayor of Toronto and Mississauga. Failed on both campaigns.
Eight mile
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fuck... I've called it nine mile in front of a lot of people recently. god damnit
I went Saturday this year and had fun

i have kind of fallen in love with atelier boz's "karen cross" op but i'm 5'9 and worried it'll be too short (it's like 90cm total). i know many taobao sellers let you order custom sizes, and i'm wondering whether any of them stock things like this, or even replicas
No. Buy from the brand or fuck off.
>makes a whole thread to announce she wants a replica

selfish to the core
Buying replicas knowingly is selfish entitled behavior.
have fun getting bullied to all fuck if you get caught buying a replica. in lolita, replicas aren't accepted. buy from the brand

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It feels pointless going to cons alone. I just went to Otakuthon yesterday and I saw tons of people, I went to panels, I had tons of nice conversations, interactions and pictures, but it hurts knowing I'll probably never see any of these people again. The only real long interaction I had was with a guy playing Go with me and some other people, but beyond that, it never moved outside of small talk and compliments.

I'm still happy that I probably talked to over a 100 strangers in one day, something most people who are lonely fail to do, but being alone in a crowd truly hurts.
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This article would help OP greatly
its not if you arent cursed with tism
Said the ritual autist necrobumper
Self-awareness levels: 0
Irony levels: Over 9000

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Spooky jfashion that is cute or cool and not too crazy, that goes in >>10938703
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I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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Do you have any legit brand recommendations?
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pretty bad ngl, maybe in green for pepe fetishists
Aww these are so cute!

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spooky jfashion gone wild
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Alternate title: "Eager for a New Thread After a Full Month at Bump Limit Edition"

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!


ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this

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well im not acting surprised i did bring it on myself, i did want to dance and nobody else heeded the call.
Not even the women (tho they dont know how to dance usually)
idk in retrospect he was giving real "my wife will hate this hehe" vibes.

i wouldnt be so pissed if he was roughly my age, my issue is that it just had to be the 50 year old midlife crisis.
I'm not knocking gaffs either. I never tried one out, but they might work for you.
I missed being cute bros, i used to be able to pass with a wig and eyeliner, time is not kind to crossplay frogs
It's always a good time to feel cute in our new thread, fren >>10941676
only with filters nowdays sadd

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