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As the subject suggests, what do you guys believe to be the best bmi to fit lolita or j-fashion in general. I’ve noticed people calling overweight people ita, even one person who looked bmi 21 got told that she was too fat. So, what are your honest opinions on the best looking bmi to fit lolita?
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Ooh, I’ve been interested in older AP releases so this is good news to me.

Thank you.
I'm 5'5 and it's okay but a lot of things sit a bit higher on the waist than they're really supposed to and dresses that were on the shorter side to begin with are more like miniskirts on me. I think being a little shorter is ideal.
5'5 is the worst position to be in. Too tall for the short cuts, not tall enough for the newer long cuts.
This is true. Sweet lolita is an inherently frumpy style anyways (classic and gothic are a different story), it's pointless to split hairs over who looks better as long as you aren't wearing anything obviously ill-fitting.
Height is a big issue too. I'm 5'9" and have broad shoulders, searching for clothing I like and that fits me is a frustrating task. Sometimes wearing lolita feels pointless because all my favorite pieces either don't fit at all or make me look like an ageplayer.
Lose weight

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look cool while it's getting chilly
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How do you avoid being an ita, especially as a poorer American? Is it something that can be avoided by tips and knowledge, or is it a period everyone is doomed to while starting out? Do you have any such tips or knowledge, especially things you wish you knew?
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I don't have to, they all have ugly trash prints that look nothing like lolita
western brands that faithfully replicate simple oldschool designs, like wirehead and distantmelody, aren't garbage but i would still not spend $250 on a full set from either of them when secondhand burando is right there. however, they're great for things like camisoles and bustiers which are rare on the secondhand market and usually don't go larger than an 80cm bust.
>tell me you're fat without telling me you're fat
Afaik all classic brands have items with princess sleeves, I don't think that automatically makes them look sweet, depends on the piece.
Being a what?

I’m a short scrawny guy with glasses and a very pale/a little rugged skin, what good cosplay would work?
Almost all guy cosplays are tall or/and muscular. And I’m very autistic on looking on-model with the character.

Lolita coords with boots
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what lolita substyle does this coord belong to?
old school sweet

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Share tips, tricks, and your current projects, too.

Anyone have good examples of handmade OPs & JSKs?
I see a lot of potentially good designs ruined by shitty prints, giant ugly ruffles, and terrible color schemes.
Don't even get me started on Etsy lolita.

What ruins it for you? What should people quit doing with handmade stuff? Post photos & concrit all of it.
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Dammit.. think I need to lower the neckline. Dummy is smaller than intended measurements, idk.
I wanted to make waist ties, too, but there's no fabric left and it's apparently discontinued.

If it comes to it, scan the fabric and have a yard printed on spoonflower or another fabric printing service
I'm trying to hunt down these boots, anyone know where a good place to look is?

I'll happily settle for something similar.
love it, great taste

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"One Week to go" edition

January 09-12 2025
Long Beach Convention Center, CA.
Badges are now $100 for full weekend


Post here!
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You must understand, zoomers are illogical.
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While this is true, you're also applying too much sincerity to an insincere doomer (the least powerful, most pathetic race on earth)
who was the shadman with the trans cape I know you're in here mother fucker
It was Shadman...obviously
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I was there and i didnt even see a puff of smoke

its like people didnt learn from COVID that you cant just cancel events spontaneously without the risked of being sued

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Last thread fell off the board: >>10903761


Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheet:

Agent Shipping Comparison:

Translator Plugins:

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>Agent Shipping Comparison
Holy shit I never saw this. So Sugargoo has been ripping me off...

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Well hello, Florida Seagulls. It's been a slower year here, but I know you're out there and you know I'm out there. Our local scene keeps on with one location change after the other doesn't it? HolMat where MegaCon is, OtakuFest where "Super"con is (impending lols there), Mizucon where OtakuFest was, Anime Iwai at the far end of Palm Beach County
>Alternate Title: Musical Venues Edition

>Anime in the Park - April 20 - Groveland
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - April 27 - Sarasota
>KirbiiCon - May 4 - Fort Lauderdale
>OtakuFest - May 17-19 - Miami Beach
>Mizucon - May 24-26 - Miami
>Collect-A-Con Orlando - May 25-26 - Orlando
>Finn-Con@MDC June 15 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 28-30 - Orlando
>Metrocon - July 5-7 - Tampa
>Florida Supercon - July 12-14 - Miami Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 11 - Fort Myers
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 15 - Fort Lauderdale

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It’s even funnier to think about when you factor in todays Sof Beans have probably (even if inadvertently) said equally as bad if not worse things about Jewish people under the guise of “UwU Palestine” and “Zionism bad”
Oh come on they had Moonman last year and now this? Don't make me WANNA show up for this shit show*

* - i still don't and won't but it's funny he's pulling up regardless
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We've done it, Reddit! new thread in 3 weeks or maybe longer who knows, cuz this place is so slow
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/cgl/ just isn’t what it used to be man, even as recently as 2018-19 you could shoot the shit about a con or call someone a faggot in a thread and they’d respond same day. Nowadays you say anything at all to anyone about whatever and it’s a fucking 4 week shipping time. Sad man, this place truly has seen better days
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New thread rastas

I’ve been a cosplayer since 2016, and over the years, I’ve developed some strong opinions about the community—some of which have sparked controversy. I want to share these thoughts in the hopes of fostering open discussion and understanding:

1. **Character Accuracy**: For the sake of authenticity, I believe cosplayers should aim to choose characters within their own race and age range. While body type isn’t as critical, I personally find it frustrating when character designs are vastly misrepresented—particularly in cases like Daenerys Targaryen or Slave Leia. This isn’t about exclusion but about maintaining the integrity of the characters.

2. **Politics in Cosplay**: Cosplayers with significant platforms should be mindful about sharing political views. As someone with more conservative values (e.g., pro-life and a supporter of former President Trump), I feel this can create unnecessary division in what is meant to be a creative and inclusive space. It’s already apparent where many in the community stand, so I don’t see the need for constant political messaging.

3. **“Valid” Cosplay**: While inclusivity is important, I don’t agree with the blanket statement that “all cosplays are valid.” There are certain boundaries that, if crossed, can be harmful or inappropriate—for instance, dressing as controversial historical figures like Hitler at conventions. This isn’t about gatekeeping but about ensuring mutual respect and understanding within the community.

I want to emphasize that I respect and appreciate the creativity of all cosplayers. However, I do think that a balance between positivity and constructive critique is essential. The overly cheerful and “everything is perfect” approach can sometimes stifle honest conversations about standards and boundaries in cosplay.
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*don’t cosplay any soldiers or specops unless you’re a veteran. Retarded autocorrect

1. Nah. That isn't what we are going to do. I've been cosplaying for 27 yrs and I know the trends.
Main media STILL caters primarily to 2-4 body types, a couple noses, 3 face shapes, and a short age range if you are female. Which is why the same 3 types of girls get popular because they look SO like Elsa, or SO like Jinx, or SO like Princess Peach. We've had 100+ years of media out there and just now we are starting to try other types of people. So no, we are not aiming to stay within race, age, or any of that. Make it well and make it look good on you are the only things I look for when people costume outside of the canonical look.

Because media look was allllll about exclusion and we don't have to live that way.

2. Agreed.

3. Agreed mostly. The only validity issue I've ever had was bought vs.made. I used to not count purchased cosplay. But now I feel like we are all just playing dress up. It's not that serious.
>I dislike when people uses cosplay to pontificate of their political opinion. Here, let me pontificate of my political opinion
OP is a faggt, news at 11
>2016 is considered along time now
Im so old. should you be on tiktok or something.
My hot take is that there isn’t a point to cosplay if you aren’t at least either sewing/crafting parts of it yourself, styling a wig, making a prop, doing makeup that’s harder than just normal makeup in a different color, or legitimately getting into character by adopting their mannerisms. If you just buy a premade cosplay and slap on a wig, it’s no different to just buying and wearing clothes

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Have you ever know someone who was so into character they were basically hypnotized?

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What’s your opinion on coordinating an outfit with a popular character? For example, anything Sanrio, Pokémon, a magical girl anime mascot, Vocaloid, Sonic, Kirby, etc.

Does it only work with “kawaii” characters? Is it frowned upon? I’ve seen many cute coords with inspiration from video game characters, but I wondered if the community sees it as cringe.
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I think themed coords are better than costume coords. I mean anyone who owns a shit ton of lyrical bunny prints/accessories, or Usakumya prints and pochettes, would be making somewhat character themes coord with brand mascots, and that's OK. Sanrio is usually safe, hell brands have released sanrio branded stuff. AP has, and V-Castle has, and others. Of course if it's something not really loliable (I dunno, like Jesse pinkman, or dragonball Z) then just don't do it? People who get this weird idea that they must mash all of their fandoms and hobbies together ick me. You can like unkawaii shit and also wear Lolita... But some things just don't go together.

Reminded me of this post I saw on Tumblr eons ago. Basically, if you want to cosplay, just cosplay. If you want to wear Lolita, just wear Lolita. But I think "this character but Lolita" is cringe.
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does it look good?

does it suit the occasion?

does it make you happy?

don't worry about it.
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showing off your love of a character is a long-standing street fashion tradition.

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Me as Eric Draven from The Crow:
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many things about this are cringe
Still Better than the remake
This rules. Love the crow. Good to see the youth still liking the classics.

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I am new to both cosplay and 4chan so here's a Frieren cosplay I've worn recently ^^
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women want to be le quirky 4chan femcels from twitter and tiktok
>Beyond Slops End
wait wtf i knew i recognised you somewhere

seen you on reddit wearing jirai kei
there's a cosplay general you should post there, as for current j-fash self posts there should be one as well, ngl these yung thots self posting, Oof, hot

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