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Opinions on the Little Nurse release?
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nayrt, I think getting things tailored to fit is a good idea but this release was unusually large for the regular size.
Which is weird because the plus and plus plus sizes are smaller than their usual
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Boring cardigan but she's wearing Teddy Gobelin. Rerelease soon?
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Santa anon I miss you.. save us..
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Maybe stop sending tissues with your cum in it next time.
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Also have been wondering if we were doing a secret santa this year. All the xmas stuff is starting to creep into stores so if we are I’d like to start planning.
This board is full of coomer moids now, it would probably end up being 95% grinches.
it was fine last year
The signups are finally open, I'm sorry it took so long.


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The signups have finally opened, for this year's /cgl/ Secret Santa event!

>Rules, Hints, FAQ and More:

>Sign-up Form:

Please don't hesitate to ask if you got any questions! You may use the thread, or the following email:

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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Squall from FF8.
Reading this gave me so much nostalgia. Thank you
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Actually planning out my first ever cosplay right now with my best friend, it won't be good but hopefully we'll finish Thiollier and sir Ansbach by spring/summer.
We've done quite a bit of larp-related crafting ( sewing costumes, making foam armor and weapons, leather stuff, latex works etc ) and he also has some basic cosplay experience and decent 3d-printing skills.
Still, I don't have any hopes for an actually good first cosplay for many reasons, Thiollier's fucking hair cape and just-fuck-me-up detailing included.
Regardless, this should be an educational crafting experience and we'll have fun along the way.
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bear in mind the time and age the thing was made
Any pic of the mounted head?

This isn't a convention, it's a glorified pop-up shop. Their goal is to trick you into spending as much money as possible and then leave.
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There are more sexy cosplays tho. I think you guys have rose-tinted glasses.
I don't find stuck up chinks in alibaba genshin cosplays and an inch thick layer of makeup sexy
eh, i wouldn't say they're any more stuck up than most other women. the makeup is definitely a bit offputting tho
Don't think he was talking about that at all, Nikke has ushered in a wave of lewd cosplays that rival peak KLK
i saw a jet-set radio cosplayer there

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Where: 5555 N River Rd. Rosemont Illinois 60018

When : August 31st - September 1st

What are you cosplaying?

What panels are you excited to attend?
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>I leave this thread unread for a few days
What the fuck did I miss
>People are pissed that the Hyatt security was shutting down any and all potential parties
Do people really spend 70 bucks to go to parties all weekend?
Jesus christ, the normie party scene is corroding the fun simplicities of being a fucking weeb and its sad.
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Nothing to miss, mate. A lot of fujos just have that right type of femtism I find insanely charming. Simple as
people were upset about the cosplay competition too. Which was understandable.
But 90% of the people who are upset at shit, are just mad they couldn't do copious amounts of cocaine and meth in their hotel rooms because all they go to cons for are cheap plugs.
As for the orgy at the con I mean I had a blast getting bodied by the dudes it was sure as hell fun for me

Youmacon announces a new chairman 2 months before their venue-less convention is supposed to start.
Morgan is vaguely 'still involved' (meaning still owning and collecting profits). No word on his vice chair who co-founded Youmacon with him 20 years ago.
What do we make of this? Are we being scammed?
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>Over a week since the last post.

>Con's dead.

>Con's dead dead y'all.
CGL is largely dead as every con basically has it's own discord now where you can often get instant answers to questions and avoid the BS drama this place so desperately trying to ignite.

Like looking back at midwest threads it's fairly easy to see why this place isn't popular with the normies anymore. Like seriously what would you take of the two

>thread on con
>Random he/she said, BS you have no way to validate
>any con questions largely being unanswered or at best told the obvious 'go look on the website/twitter'
>meetups are 50% troons and 50% totally the 'not gays' mid 20 to 30 year old dudes
>wow I hated this and all of you! ... see you next year
>Con run discord

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So what's the actual word on games? The page on their website only mentions the fighting game tournaments.
No gundam dis yr, not interested

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Issho Con General Thread

Past events:
Issho con January 26-28, 2024 Novi, MI
Summer Bash July 13-14, 2024 Novi, MI

Future events:
Kick-off Party September 21, 2024 Detroit, MI
Issho Con January 24-26, 2025
Ypsilanti, MI
While I am not gonna dox myself and say who I am, I will be attending this event this coming Saturday.

Also bump
We know and also….shut the fuck up faggot bitch nobody cares, you about to have the same experience you always do when you go to cons the way you fuck niggas do it, nobody wants to hang with you and your pedo group
Covert narcissism: the post
Any fags going to this next year?

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share light or casual gothic lolita coords
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only good threads on cgl

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i dunno when drawthreads tapered off here but i periodically check back and there just never is one. so ill be the change I want to see in the world. post coords for me to draw, thank you. (and other artists too of course)
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FWIW anon I’m sorry some random shit head is being nasty to you. I find that the curly girl scrunch method works for my hair, though mostly I just finger comb it immediately after I shower and don’t brush it unless it’s sopping wet. Give that a try and lmk if it works for you! I have in between hair and it’s a pain. Don’t let that insecure whiner get to you.
no it wasn't, but we haven't had very active drawthreads for a while so newfags are probably not used to it and chimp out like they would on the rest of the threads. just ignore them, hopefully one day our drawthreads will thrive again
Nayrt, I don't know why you think draw threads were ever entirely safe from this sort of stuff. They have always dumped on delusional posters, it has been going on for as long as I can remember occasionally visiting cgl for over 10 years now. The only relatively drama free draw threads are ones where everyone at least sticks to lolita and isn't ita.
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i love the skirt!
oh my god!! its so adorable!! thank you so much <3 i love your art style a lot too!

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> /cgl/ is a board for the following:
> • Craftsmanship tools/materials

Sup /cgl/, I've been wanting to make some latex clothing for a while now and I thought maybe some of you might know where TF I can find this stuff. All I see online are either tiny little pieces or finished outfits, I can't find anyone selling latex in "bolt of cloth" type dimensions.

Anyone know where to find this stuff? Thanks.
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wtf are you talking about, latex clothing is made from sheet latex cut into a pattern and glued together. You can see the seems around vikiada's ribs.

MJTrends if you're in the US. They carry a pretty good range of colors/thicknesses, and their own adhesives too.
Thanks! I am. MJTrends looks like it'll work for my needs.

>In the future, try to post these questions in the help thread, it's why we have one.
Sorry, I did try to look for one but didn't see it.
I miss when this board had actual guides, there's a handmade thread but only for handmade lolita fashion and not cosplays. The sticky guides are kind of basic and general, they don't cover specifics.
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MJTrends is a good source. Elastica Engineering (Kink Engineering that sells sheet latex) has a good variety too and are maybe higher, but they're more expensive.

MJT started doing laser cut strips a little while ago. I got some to try and applique, it's pretty crazy that it actually came out (years ago laser cutting latex was considered a no-no), but there are a few sticky spots along the cut ends (probably from partial melting) and some residue that's either burn marks or from other melted pieces sticking to the laser cutter. Might be better to stick with dark colors on that.

I could write a crash course on latex work when I'm free this week.
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>Kink Engineering side site
>has a good variety too and are maybe higher quality
I got excited to talk about my hobby and left out words.

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This thread is about cute furries/kemonos in lolita. Other japanese fashions are welcome too. Please move on and refrain from sperging out if it's not your cup of tea.
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Even Misako enjoys the company of cute kemonos.
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Western-style furries always look so goofy though.
cute, whimsical, and artful

old thread reached img limit >>10787408
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Sign me up
Just use a brown paper bag
I've always wanted one of those
You would not be allowed to touch her and it must be done publicly, does that change your price?

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We're approximately two months out now. Anime Weekend Atlanta is from December 12th, 2024 to December 15th, 2024. The venue has moved from the Cobb Galleria to the Georgia World Congress Center. Who all is attending? Any cool panels being hosted? What will you be cosplaying as?
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My first AWA plus my first out of state con by myself. I'll be 33 by then.
I hate the GWCC so goddam much
>huge labyrinth with 3 floors
>walk an actual mile to get to the center of action
>no maps anywhere to point where the fuck you're going
>only 2 hotels within reasonable walking distance are like $600 a night
Literally just a big architectural wank to complement their overpriced stadium
It's not so bad once you're used to it. Plus it's fun seeing the fatties have to walk a mile to get to anything.
Why holmat over AWA? Without the resort hotel holmat is now a below average con.
There are a few reasons. Mainly, its that HolMat is closer and I know more people who are going there. Also, I haven't been to HolMat since 2019 while I've been to AWA every year since 2021. So, it's all stuff independent of the quality of the con.

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spooky jfashion gone wild
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Cute and creative.

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