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Is Otakuthon going to be as crowed as last year?
Sometimes you could miss getting in a panel/workshop because there were too many people already in line.
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Otakuthon is coming soon... you guys are going?
Hell yeah, first time heading there.
Is there a primary hotel that con goes usually go or it's just spread out amongst the hostels and hotels?
I don't think there is a specific hotel for Otakuthon, but it's in Montreal so some nearby hotels check if there are some rooms available still.
Is it better to book a hostel instead of a hotel to meet people? Or is the con good enough for meeting people?

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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i did kino
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Dressed up as Iruma from Welcome to Demon School. Underestimated my dad bod and should if got a size bigger
Houraisan Kaguya lol.
A rookie stalker from, well, STALKER. I was pretty satisfied with it, only thing I would change would be actually checking out the jeans i'm taking with me because these were way too tight. Luckily most things I already had on me, I only had to look a bit for the Bundeswehr parka

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Dank und spooky edition

Last fred >>10698290
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Good thread
wow this is the oldest thread on the board (bar the sticky)

guys, are you already preparing everything for spooktober?
Kill yourself

is being into cosplay at age 30+ cringe?
I don't mean token master roshi boomer
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Yeah but you're black or ugly.
You have good genetics, anon, and/or live in a place with good air, food, and a reasonable amount of sun radiation. Most of us don't, so we have to use the faggotry.
literally almost every superhero is in their 30's and 40's
for fucks sake mcu mr fantastic was played by a 42 yr old man
ugh you can tell shes so unhappy hes an albino twig
are you bald?

old thread reached img limit >>10787408
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"durr obesity thread" ok post some fucking bbws
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i love sexy ladies

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Long live the King.

Old thread lasted like 8 months. Go team and our complete lack of anything going on of note.

Weathers warming up, hope you’ve been working on stuff over winter for the new season.

Cons listed not endorsed. Just copy pasta from 1st search for UK anime cons.

Manchester Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 6-7, 2024 Sugden Sports Centre
Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 13-14, 2024 Cardiff Students' Union
Portsmouth Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 20-21, 2024 Portsmouth Marriott Hotel
Japan Fest Welcomes Asia 2024 May 4, 2024 Cromford Mills

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Damn Animecon was a shit show. It was kinda boring when I went, I kinda feel like it was paying off people to be there.
I've been twice and it was basically a smaller mcm. Shame its gone though since there aren't many gaming focused ones without it
Whats the deal with Kitacon it seems dead this year
It hasn’t started yet :/
it hasn't but the discord is so empty, the last official post was on the 11th, the instagram barely has no new stories. I feel like im missing something but there's not been anyone really talking about it, where's the hype?

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what's your cozy /cgl/ indulgences for warm weather? picnics, waterfront strolls, ice cream parlor meetups? do you prefer to stay indoors and work on crafts with AC blasting? share your favorite summery treats and comfy pics
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new larp thread

Now with 87,45% more polearms and a little bit of hydrophobia

previous thread
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here you can see a little the glow in the dark paint even during daylight
Ah, killer, I'm on run two. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it afterwards, it's my first international game so I'm approaching with a little trepidation.
the good news is that the Rolling team is very competent, probably one of the best, with a shitton of experience. On the other hand it will be a new game and that probably brings a bunch of unforseen probelms as always
I know how to work a sewing machine well enough, but am trying to work with soft leather (The kind you use for couches) and it is kicking my sewing machine's ass.

I'm only using a very standard household one with leather-specific kneedles and know very little about the machines actually work, so my question is: Do I need a new machine altogether to sew this leather right, or is it just a matter of getting the right settings/parts?
Apart from my usual Amtgard-related stuff (I know, not a LARP, but it used to be), I have an interview for Hynafol in Austin TX next Saturday. I'm trying for the 2025 Gathering as I doubt I can cobble the budget together for 2024's and there;s almost nothing I have from Amtgard that will cross-over into a hardcore LARP, be it weapons, clothing, or immersive period living. It'll take time, but after the disaster that happened the last time I attempted this (Dragoncrest circa 2001-ish) I'm kind of stoked even with the anticipated expense that this will be a completely different experience.

Last thread went sage >>10849072


Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheet:

Agent Shipping Comparison:

Translator Plugins:

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Is Taobao cheaper than Aliexpress?
Yes, but then you have to pay shopping service fees to buy from Taobao that make it about equivalent in the end.
I can't find the original store this is from. Why is finding Taobao stores so hard even when the name of the store is provided?
You are buying cheap items but can't pay for shipping? How poor are you kek

DOes thE jApAn posT dIsCovErEd TeLePortAtIOn
Some shopping services will find the listing for you if you give them the photo. Superbuy used to do that, though I don't know if they still do since I haven't used them in a while.

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Lolita coords with short sleeves, and no tights, the simpler the better
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this is my favourite coord in this thread. simple and beautiful

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Thread for all other lolita topics and releases.

Misako posted a new release. It's an Innocent World x Oshi No Ko collaboration.
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innocent world used to be the best, now the dresses are all way too long and the designs 9 times out of 10 are extremely boring. like they couldn't have added lace trim to the ONK collab skirts or something? or even a braid detail? so depressing, man.
they've also gone the mostly-polyester route, too. IW used to have such nice cotton, but their most recent cotton release felt like cheap quilting fabric, and their poly feels costume-grade. sad. at least they still make good socks, i guess.
the socks are gorgeous designs but they stretch throughout the day and fall down on me if i'm doing a lot of walking, unfortunately. i never have that problem with baby but baby's stuff doesn't always go well with classic. ugh
strange, they stay up well for me. maybe you should get sock glue.
none of my IW socks have ever stretched out like you describe and I'm very tall, is it just one pair or multiple that this has happened to?

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Opinions on the Little Nurse release?
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AYRT. I agree, I've seen baggy MM and it really does look awful. I've also received dresses that had damage from the corset lacing being overtightened, and dresses that had undisclosed alterations to reduce the size. MM does have cuts that do work better on very thin girls, but the roomier ones usually don't. If you're very short, you might also have trouble with the length. I recommend the mini cuts. They're shorter, but most of them are also smaller in general, and will fit better on a smaller figure than the standard versions do.
Which cuts would you consider roomier?
The shirred cuts for sure, but a lot of the short sleeved OPs as well. Whyteleafe (standard length) OP, Adella Rose OP, and Eglantyne OP come to mind.
Is Meta's site crashing for anyone else?
yes, it took me an hour and a half to purchase my dress

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Seriously it's getting frustrating
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So I ate fast food a d walked = skinny I still eat the fast food and do t walk = fat but it's not the walking but that's the only thing that changed. Well sorry I'm wrong I no longer have lunch because I'm lazy so I'm one less food and no walk and I'm fat now. But sure it wasn't the walking.
depends how it looks without the the bottom
fupas are a turn off
but i would probably do it anyways because pussy drought
Yes now give me her exact deets you Tekko incel
No, I don't think they're ruining anything. Let people do what they enjoy, Anon. Does it really hurt you that much?
>>10930144 why are u getting mad at fat people for cosplaying kek
just look awayy anonnnnnn look away! nobody is forcing u too look at them XD

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"Is this con really so dead that there is no thread about it on here when Day 1 is happening right now as we speak?" edition


Same exact location as ACEN:
July 5th-7th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Any guests you are excited to see?
Who are you cosplaying and are you going to any cosplay meetups?
Whose line is it anime?
Planning to go to the Friday Rave, the Saturday Rave, both, or neither?
How insane would it have been if Anime Midwest managed to somehow get the Zenless Zone Zero booth on launch weekend when not even AX themselves managed to get that. Wouldn't that be f000kin crawazyyy???
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The ones i’ve been to at the rosemont convention hire some older folks to check them. I’m sure they just look to see if you have something that vaguely resembles the badge desu
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>implying you won’t be alive in 40 years
Honestly, that's gotta be a comfy fucking job.
You do nothing but sit infront of the halls all damn day, and look at all the interesting people there.

I used to work maintenance at Mccormick place helping set up for conventions, we got free passes to every convention and OT during big ones to help panels and shit with problems if we wanted it (but the OT was literally just wander around and look at panels)
Its certainly a lot easier than some of the work I've done for free badges, though it admittedly takes up the most at-con time compared to panels or more direct work.
all the drama here is in party rooms (which are free), that would just CONCENTRATE the drama


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It’s that time again folks, post embarrassing lolitas.
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This girl is seriously retarded. Every time they post their house it literally looks like a hoarder house with shit just thrown everything. You know their a perma ita when their posts get deleted even on r/lolita.
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Her coords are alright but it’s kind of annoying that her clothes are always ill fitting like this, she’s to tall for literally almost all of her lolita clothes.
this is so weird, it doesn't even read as lolita to me. What's up with that skirt?
her coords are always garbage and she does not fit the clothes, why is she even in this fashion?
it's autogynephilia

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