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So hello /CGL/, I've been planning to make a Techpriest cosplay for a convention in February. While I've pretty much figured out on how to make the Axe, and got a friend to help me out with robe sewing, I cannot seem to understand how to make the backpack.

I've collected various reference images, but it just isn't clicking. I even tried tracking down any free Spacemarine backpack which is human sized scale (I'm 5'9") and use it as a base, but I haven't really tracked down a proper one.

Anyone out here, if you can please maybe give some suggestions on how to make it, it will really help me out. My plan is to put a mechandrite arm at one side of the backpack and a servo skull at the other side, acting as a light.

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I'm a near-complete beginner to con culture and the "scene" due to zero exposure to it until recently and I have too many questions swimming around in my head that I need to ask. I've only been to a couple of small ones in my mostly-desolate area and I want to step up to traveling to bigger ones but I'm overwhelmed. Please bear with me.
>Do a majority of congoers cosplay? I know it's common, but is it seen as a faux pas to not cosplay?
>Likewise, is it seen as a faux pas to wear the same cosplay more than once in a multi-day event, or to not wear it some days?
>I've read a lot on this board about "after hours" events and parties that aren't scheduled by the con staff. Do you have to get invited to things like that, or how do people find out about them?
>Do cons that don't have a stated sub-demographic (ones that use terms like "fandom" or "pop culture" instead of specifically "fantasy" or "otaku" or something) tend to accept all demographics? Would you be looked at weird for going to something more "western" like SDCC in an anime cosplay, or would you expect to see a lot of them?
>Why do some huge cons like Colossal and Dragon seem to place such significance on getting a hotel room onsite as opposed to just being nearby? Surely not just traffic, right?
>What's a "gull"?
>How do you not get sick every time you go to one?
>How do you keep track of scheduling for multiple cons across multiple years? Do you get notified about them? When is "con season"?
>If you're partying, how do you deal with inevitable hangovers or crashes?
And some more personal questions
>If you cosplay, what's normally your budget? Both in terms of time and money.
>How do you make friends at a con if you're not going with a group?
>How many cons do you go to yearly or on a recurring basis? There are a fuckton I want to see but I'm not sure if my expectations are unreasonable.
Thank you for your time.
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Incorrect, bot bro. Also KYS
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>first convention and first cosplay
>Just resting a bit while sit against a wall because I'm tired
>a guy comes asking me if He could take pictures
>Does the "photoshoot"
>He ask for my instagram, I give it to him

>... Nothing after 2 month

Why would this dude take picture of me and get my instagram if he doesn't send them to me? Did he forget about me? I wanted my damn pictures even if my cosplay was really crappy dammit
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Don't take it personally, con photographers are some of the dumbest slack jawed fucks you've ever seen
don't feel bad, anon. he probably took shitloads of photos and lost track of who was who. it's an easy thing to do
did you get his contact info? if so, try reaching out
Sadly no, he only took my contact.
I might leave instagram after a while because I fucking hate facebook, so I hope he will contact me at one point

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Sweet lolita coords with cozy, warm layers, using soft or casual items like sweatshirts, sweaters, jerseys, slouchy socks, cardigans, relaxed cutsews, etc.
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>"take your mouse cursor off me"

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My Postal 1 dude cosplay, tried to be as accurate as possible, what do yall think?
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You're kind of a faggot.
You've won, anon.
harry potter and the high school of columbine
Why I'm not surprised there were more people than me who made the Harry Potter connection?
actually.... bowling for columbine would be a baller cosplay

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I got my engineering workshop prof. to let me use the workshop's sheet metal for a "design project". Havent really showed him the 3d model yet but he already gave me a written permit slip.
I need to make the helmet, buy a fuck ton of bandages and idk what i should do for footwear.
Never worked with sheet metal before, i dont even know how to get the spherical shapes like in the prisoner helm, Hopefully i can do something presentable for the next comic con.

there arent any good photos online for a prisoner griffith cosplay so im kinda confused on what to wear for pants/footwear. Any other suggestions?(Ill post my helmet progress in december)
>Any other suggestions?
My exact same suggestion to the guy who made the thread about cosplaying Guts: Berserk brings out only the top 1% of cosplayers so bring your best or accept getting brutally mogged. Oh also digits
brutally mogged? Bro i think im gonna get jumped for this lowkey
I mean there'll be another Griffith who's 100x better...if you don't take that mantle for yourself
People dont really take cosplay as seriously in my country, i doubt there will be another griffith there lol or so i hope so

What visual kei do you like?
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part of this could be translated to sweet jp nicely

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Well hello, Florida Seagulls. It's been a slower year here, but I know you're out there and you know I'm out there. Our local scene keeps on with one location change after the other doesn't it? HolMat where MegaCon is, OtakuFest where "Super"con is (impending lols there), Mizucon where OtakuFest was, Anime Iwai at the far end of Palm Beach County
>Alternate Title: Musical Venues Edition

>Anime in the Park - April 20 - Groveland
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - April 27 - Sarasota
>KirbiiCon - May 4 - Fort Lauderdale
>OtakuFest - May 17-19 - Miami Beach
>Mizucon - May 24-26 - Miami
>Collect-A-Con Orlando - May 25-26 - Orlando
>Finn-Con@MDC June 15 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 28-30 - Orlando
>Metrocon - July 5-7 - Tampa
>Florida Supercon - July 12-14 - Miami Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 11 - Fort Myers
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 15 - Fort Lauderdale

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it was on an ig story that someone took pics of someone and stalked them during the con without their consent
but it was also something to them in a black market event also that same issue and harassment?
it might've been that but the comments are all gone in the iwai post on ig
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same anon
i thought anime iawi was fine for the most part
big gripe was that it was too small and relocating it from coral springs was weird
i even got to meet some gulls (iykyk)
the irony of having it zodiac themed but REALLY wanting it to make it about hazbin of all things itself
it was alright for me but for some reason i cant shake my head of the feeling of "waiting for something to happen" to make it better

welp at least i got holmat left so i can officially make the ranking list
>but it was also something to them in a black market event also that same issue and harassment?
Yes. That's exactly what I was referring to here
> itching about girls they hate coming to the con. And that's bad because bully and feeling unsafe and investigated by the FBI and other such shit.
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>i even got to meet some gulls
Sounds like we met then.
>i cant shake my head of the feeling of "waiting for something to happen" to make it better
Understandable, but the really bad offender for this was Otaku so Iwai definitely felt more eventful by comparison
Who here's going to wasabi

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Who else is coming?
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Not quite the same since the woman's in the know but I do always feel amused by out of touch vendors. The ~60 year old woman with her nice big stash of Hetalia and Kingdom Hearts keychains, you know the one
KH is kinda evergreen aming weebs
It comes and goes. And my point was more that they don't stock for series newer than the mid / late 2000s
I see

I appreciate seeing old shit in the vendor hall though specifically those 2nd hand artbooks of 80s-00s anime
Noticed how the market is also fickle as hell. I barely see spyxfamily and dunmeshi now

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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
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Yo I think I saw you. pop con? Nice cosplay
i go to cons in uk and switzerland often, i am too autistic to know what to say or start a conversation after asking for a picture, even if the cosplay is really cool or the cosplayer seems nice. ive had a couple of quick conversations when the other person has started them but i usually panic and cut them short. i imagine this is the case for many others as well. i wish i was able to make more friends at cons, and im sure peoples behaviour in the past was nothing to do with you
My way of socializing is a bit strange, i usually go to cons by train so most of the friends i've made at cons where people i've met in the train! But maybe it's because I go with friends so i don't get the chance to met other ppl at the con
>try and compliment someone
>they just ignore me
>walk away and dont talk to anyone else the whole convention
great advice assholes
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Pissy attitude's not gonna get you very far, if we're being desu with ourselves

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Kumoricon happens on November 8th to November 10th 2024 in Portland, Oregon

>Are you going?
>Do you have a hotel?
>What's your cosplay lineup
>Stories from Kumoricons past
>General Kumoricon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)

Me, the humble OP? I'm going to be partying hard.
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But you can't fix that lap. Nobody can.
what if i dont drink though?
then you have to raw dog your way into confidence. i don't envy you that task. i'm certainly no good at it, but you can be
First I'm hearing of it. I might go.
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Hey Mr DuBois, some friendly advice if I may? A revised section in your *article* that tells spergs to drop their pretenses about feeling superior than "normalfags" or that dropping the "Can't do it" attitude is step 1 2 and 3

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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
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Final (You), don't let it go to waste
I got my peaches out in Georgia (oh yeah, shit)
I get my weed from California (that's that shit)
I took my chick up to the North, yeah (badass bitch)
I get my light right from the source, yeah (yeah, that's it)
Still con creeps but I think cons are safer now. It's way better when women consent to touching you
K you win this round but dont getting no funny ideas ya here As You Wer LG x
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So I've been creep stared or touched by some horny dudes but only now have I finally seen other people getting offended on my behalf. Starting with a question to me
>Is your skin particularly smooth?
>I dunno, not really sure
>See lass reaching out from my peripheral vision for a split second before
Didn't say a word. A lot of people don't even ask to touch and I'm mostly fine with it but this was just a lel moment as the screamers were uhhh *not in shape* shall we say

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Do you guys go to panels when you visit conventions?
>What do you like to see?
>What do you not like/find boring
>What was the best panel you've been to? What could have been better?
>What was the worst? What made it bad?
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western comic cons still have a larger attendance on average lol
There used to be these mock trials done by a bunch of phoenix wright cosplayers at a local con I go to, each year they did a case involving a different show. The motive was usually some lazy variation of "I killed my friend because I was jealous" but they were still pretty fun
And yet it's easy for anime people to be the overwhelming majority of cosplay because capeshitters don't care enough to even try. Also, not a flex but nice try
niggas think putting on a demon slayer haori is “cosplay”

I dont know why you are bringing up cosplay numbers in a topic about panels
Oh, no reason at all. >>10937843 But also
>I dont know why you are bringing up cosplay numbers in a topic about panels
I can easily flip this right back at you "I don't know why you're bringing up western con numbers in a thread about panels." But also also Demon Slayer cosplay is almost dead in the water (as it deserves to be)

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Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
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>almost 50
>still showing off the tatas
Is this based?
I bet she still looks amazing naked. Too bad that face is just eye watering.
crazy that she's 48 now
This isn't new, the hobby has been hijacked by normie sluts int it for easy nerd bucks like a decade ago
>cosplays of minor characters
I see adult cosplayers being attacked over doing this and it's so retarded and ridiculous, especially since these characters often don't even come from "family friendly" media which is also what you're mad about. Also learn how to separate reality from fiction, fictional characters can't have "ages"

You are planning on attending a comic con, photoshoot event, or what have you, and you decide to cosplay as your favourite character or a character that you have been hyperfixated over for unhealthy amount of time. You put a cosplay together and the day comes.

WOMP WOMP literally no one has recognised who you are cosplaying at least to your knowledge. It sucks but you are also glad that at least a handful of strangers asked you what you are cosplaying as and you tell them. Another one of the pros is... fans won't bother you and let you take rest and eat whenever you want. It does nothing when you post it on instagram but you get the clicks and appreciation when you post it on the subreddit for your cosplay. It sucks but at the end of the day, I wouldn't want to have cosplayed as anyone else.

Have you done any cosplay that was too niche for its own good?
same situation with Ageha from butterfly affection LOL
Didn't take it to a con, but I went as Rick Deckard to a Halloween party.

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>Fourteen people were arrested and 10 victims were rescued in a human sex trafficking sting at San Diego Comic-Con Convention.
>The San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force conducted a three-day operation ahead of the weekend bust, California Attorney General Rob Bonta said in a news release on Tuesday, adding that among those rescued was a 16-year-old girl.
>Law enforcement officers went undercover as sex buyers to identify and arrest traffickers, as well as find potential victims, according to the attorney general's officers.
>Undercover police also posted ads seeking sex as part of the operation.
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I lost my virginity at 15. Was I raped or was I the rapist?
If an adult was involved, that's called statutory rape.
depends if you lost to a female or not
The law is meant to uphold morals, not the other way around. So the actual question is, was it immoral and wrong and if so to what extreme was it morally wrong?
Ok pedophile.

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