5 months of the old thread and not much has happened.Summer cons have been and gone and once again everything is fundamentally different. I don’t think we’llGo back to pre lockdown glory.Ho hum.Theres a few more bits and pieces before con season is over but I cba looking them up this time.
>>10935842Are there any still active residential/social round-the-clock cons (like Koko, Kita, Ame, Hotaru) that do on-site sleeping bag accommodation? Whether having some of the rooms dedicated to it, a sports hall turned into a camping zone or just tacit approval for people to crash in random places?
>>10944195That's more of a European thing rather than a UK thing.
Is anyone going to Megacon London this weekend?
>>10946006no but it's cool they relaxed their photography policy
>>10946006Nah but I might go to the Birmingham one, I'm undecided
i dunno when drawthreads tapered off here but i periodically check back and there just never is one. so ill be the change I want to see in the world. post coords for me to draw, thank you. (and other artists too of course)
>>10944889wow you're so unique and not like the other bpd whores
>>10944907im joking retard
>>10937839hope you like it!also plz post moar coords, i need inspo. these theads used to be lively, i miss it
>>10946159woahhh i love this! your artstyle is so pretty ^_^ thank you!hopefully more people post coords soon, this thread has been dead for too long
>mfw realizing cosplay is only worth it if you're attractive
>>10878507Just cosplay a character that's old.
>>10942233 it’s hard to not feel like shit when your friend is being singled out and getting a boatload of attention. im over it now but it feels like shit in the moment i’m still cosplaying my niche characters though because i like them.
Kinda. You need less effort into the actual costume if you're attractive and if you choose to put effort and make it you get more recognition for it. It's still fun if not but it definitely feels like you put in a lot of work for nothing
>>10944825>he deleted his post againvery strange indeed
Dank und spooky editionLast fred >>10698290
I like housey
We're almost at bump limit....
not falling off anytime soon
>>10944781Hopefully you'll fall off (a bridge)
>be non black person (not white) doing cosplay>high expectations to be accurate with correct wig for contests and photoshoots>be black>no need to use wig or accurate cosplay. it's called ethnic wigs instead
>>10938003Shit like blerds and dreamcon are keeping it alive unfortunately
>>10891574true but its because white liberals prop the worst people in their community because of their white guilt, which in turn makes more people who dont live in le diverse countries more distrusting and racist towards them, as well as black people who live in rich liberal communities are over cuddle to the point they seek any excuse the be cuddle and shower with positive attention since living in a rich progressive communities is literally the same as living in a sundown town in the 1950, while in poor black communities the sense of identity it rooted in anti non-black, which is understandable if you look at the history but its to the point that being brown or light skin is seen as being as worst as a white devil
>>10944609why are black women so fat
Do you guys ever like to go through YouTube and watch con and cosplay fandom videos from before the 2010's?It's a hobby of mine. It makes me sad.https://youtu.be/vc2Zj1C_uKY
>>10943394I blame the trannies.
>>10866338I just go to my local small conventions. the spirit is still there from what ive seen.
>>10943394they all realized they were lesbians/bisexual or they trooned out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1R-vcxqhpglesbian fujoshis are the worlds strongest warriors
>>10946135Glad to hear this culture of people being themselves and having fun at cons is still around.
Previous thread >>10858314
Wtb hospitality doll, any cut/color
>>10945712you and everyone else
If I sold Melody Toys jsk in pink new with tag for 200 us dollars would anyone be interested? It's an urgent sell. I need the money by the weekday
>>10946079After futher inspection, I noticed it didn't have the tag anymore and the center detachable bow is missing. If anyone is still interested you can send email. I'll send photos.
FYI: watch out for a seller named sachary torres or sarahi torres or gonzalez. Paypal is https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sachies93The details are on lolcow but she has scammed hundreds, possibly thousands from various lolitas and is known to use this thread to buy and sell.
Riddle me this, Riddle me that - My riddler Cosplay From Batman
>>10945663>>10945664>>10945666its cool anon, i don't like capeshit but i can tell you put effort into it, but also dont shit up the board with pics of yourself
>>10945663Really cool, did you sew all of that on yourself?
>>10946050Thanks, no , the question marks are stickers that I printed and CUT. The suit I bought for My loid forger cosplay!
>>10945888Thanks, but I don't get What you Mean about "shit UP the board", there's nothing in the board rules that says you can't post original content :)
>>10945663Which Onceler AU is this?
Agent of Chaos (me as Nurse Joker)
is it possible to bring back otakuism to the aussie anime community?
>>10946008I’ve been looking into it recently and the hardest part is venues, everything is pretty expensive at least in my area renting out a venue would be about 3k per day for the cheaper options and making back that money would be pretty hard especially for a niche or 18+ event. an outdoor event wouldn’t work for nsfw content but could be a cheaper alternative to indoor events but I believe you need council approval. Pretty much all the cheap options wouldn’t be suitable for nsfw. I totally understand why Aussie events are the way they are but I’m just so jealous of asias events.
>>10946009probably would need to try get a sponsor and advertise heavily to get something like that to work and finding a venue would be hard for something like that. theres probably a place thatll do it, and probably cheaper venues out there (id hope)probably worth looking into, im willing to try pool a bit of money to fund something like this
I'm someone else that has looked into this and it is super-hard to reach the audience you're looking for. Around 10 years ago, I don't know if they're still around, but there was a group that hosted super-small and niche conventions centered around various sci-fi franchises. You wouldn't even know they were happening unless you knew someone that knew about it. For some reason though, they were able to get really good actors to come along for these small like 100ish people events. They would usually host them in University halls and stuff, so they might have been subsidised by a uni group perhaps (not sure though, the lady running it was an old lady; very nice woman).In the meantime, I run anime music events/anikura in Sydney that have a decent turnout for what they are. I usually post in /jp/, but I've been lurking in this part of the site recently for the drama in the aus/idol threads. If you're in Sydney and want to help build otaku culture, come along to those! I honestly think that doing something where you have skills and slowly gathering more and more people is the secret to success, rather than aiming for a convention as your first thing. Like, if you guys like drawing doujins, maybe just start meeting somewhere to trade books and slowly build it up to where you can all lay down a few hundred for a PCYC hall etc.
>>10945808This is what you get for being left leaning you silly Koala-hugger.
>>10946039The idol scene in sydney is pretty impressive, id like to attend an event over there at some point, the only times the melb idol events have been good is when its 90% sydney idols. a general otaku event with doujin artists and idols would be pretty cool. id like to host art meets but the few irl friends i have dont make anything. i have no idea how to find local people that are interested in otaku culture. maybe im better off moving to sydney kek
Just wanted to share the cosplays I completed last year
Disregard my previous post. Kindly die in a fire, bot bro.
I hope life is treating her well
>>10940689She's doing well selling her gravure sets on kofi and travelling to a shitton of cons
>>10901629>Can we make it to 2025?Yes we can!
Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year? My predictions:>Yor spillover from last year>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)>Vash Stampede for guys
So what will we see for 2025?
>>10944612Some handful of Dandadan straggling from last year. I haven't seen any extremely popular anime in the last year. Perhaps people will stick to their go-tos. More Vtubers.More Miku.More not-anime cosplays from cartoons produced in the west.I hope the Love Live! and Genshin stuff are mostly over.
>>10944630>More Miku.Brazilian Miku
Marvel Rivals will keep going
Anyone else remember this guy? He was a comedian and emcee who was a guest at a ton of cons back in the early - mid 2010s. Seems he still goes to a few, but has mostly retired from that role. I found him to be a quite endearing character, but it also might just be nostalgia from the events where I saw him. Any of you guys recognize him, or have any stories?
I feel like weeb stand up should be more of a thing
>>10943561He was a regular at Tora-Con back when. Funny guy, hope hes doing well.
>>10943561He is a far lefty guy who is about as funny as reading Holocaust accounts. He appears at the tri state cons a lot and hosts shows. Somewhat decent energy for a host for shows.
>"Let's go do something after you come back from the con!">After you come back from the con
>>10942873every time I get tempted to try anything latex I remember videos like this and how I'd want to die
>>10944070Maybe itd be better in the wintertime
>>10942873I'll drink your sweat.
>>10942873>>10943042>>10944059It took me a minute to realize the person was not removing her sock under running water, but that it's all sweat collecting underneath. Jesus christ.
Cosplayers were a big part of TikTok's rise in popularity, and the app introduced a lot of people to cosplaying. The format was perfect for using audios to create memes or short skits based on the characters they cosplayed.Now that TikTok's gone, how do you think this will impact the communities that grew around it? Are we all just going to migrate to RedNote, IG, or something else? I have mixed feelings about RedNote since they have their own issues with censorship. Also IG Reels just doesn't have the same quality algorithm as TikTok.
That shit will be back in a week.
>>10945791wasnt even gone for a whole day lmao
>>10945784TikTok only became popular because people had more free time during Covid lockdown. The drama has kept it alive for a couple of years, but it will inevitably fall out of favor as people move on to the next new social media app like they always do.