Guys, how old is too old?Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
>>10906481>I've seen an age-appropriate Queen Elizabeth cosplayerI saw one of these last year
>>10945710Megacon, by chance?
>>10924666>a healthy state like california.the fuck does this even mean?
Dude just do what you want. I'm 40 and going to Megacon. My wife is 46 going too. We both cosplay. If it is something you enjoy do it! If your anything like me you have way more money now then you did when you went in the 00s and can afford to do even more now. I do Cosplay older characters. One of my best is soldier 76. I do not do any competitions just enjoy going around in Cosplay for fun.There are tons of characters out there for any age and body type!
>>10843944 will autosage in a few replies, this can be the sequel
hi new this is asuka from evangelion the first pic is a video but idk how to post videos here!:c
>>10947019Let me guess Russian or some other slav
I miss when 4chins wasn't this turbosimp
Where you from OP? you have a super nice and feminine waistline!
>>10947421shes from the us
I wish there was a better lolita snark site/secrets spot than 4chan now that BTB has been gone for three years. I want places to be mean about itas and share secrets without threads constantly falling apart into trans discourse.
>>10947366I think there's a difference between gossip and bullying, and these days a lot of lolitas call the latter the former. Gossip in the sense of discussing scammers, or who has beef with who, or if a convention or brand or "influencer" did something wild, or what trends are and if they suck, that's fun in a tabloid rag kind of way. But these days most people's idea of "gossip" is talking about how fat/ugly/annoying the vendetta target of the month is, transvestigating random women Anyone I Dislike Is A Man style, and infighting about every topic under the sun. There's also "cow" culture where instead of keeping up with news with the community as a whole, you pick one "cow" to fixate on and try to make everything they do into a gossip topic. I've noticed whenever someone brings up a new topic or event that doesn't involve an established "cow", it gets derailed or buried in favor of whatever some "cow" had for lunch. For gossip, anyone should be fair game. If you're limited to a small pool of established people to talk about, it's just targeted harassment. This definition of gossip is very juvenile, Burn Book type nonsense, and I don't think it can be compared to the gossip habits of 20th century adult women.
I can't even go into the ita thread anymore. It's like actively subjecting myself to gore, and it was starting to ruin the fashion for me. Nowadays I try to only look at well-dressed non uggo fatty coord pics and just mute the bads its like why subject myself. Also, giving randos attention for looking bad isn't a solution because none of them take advice.
>>10947390Great points, nonna! I don’t have an issue with fun or informative gossip, but when it slides into bullying, it becomes a problem.I also don’t trust that anyone moderating a gossip platform would fairly enforce the difference. Running a site like that for free (or at all) requires an excess of free time, an excess of online engagement, and an excess of interest in gossip—none of which inspire confidence in fair moderation.Maybe my stance comes off self-righteous, but it’s not about policing behavior. I’ve just seen too many people—both those targeted and those doing the targeting—get stuck in these cycles, and they never seem to come out better for it. Some people have been hyper-reactive ‘lulitas dnt need 2 b luvlies’ types for years and are still right where they were. If these spaces actually made people sharper, happier, or more socially competent, that’d be one thing. But they don’t.
>>10947419AYRT, I completely agree. It's just not realistic to expect a gossip site to stick to the spirit of gossip, particularly in this day and age-- anyone invested enough to keep the website running would probably be insane, and we've already seen countless gossip sites, blogs, etc be shut down due to devolving into targeted harassment and bullying.
>>10947411this, kek. i used to browse the ita thread daily when i was a lonelita, but after participating in irl lolita spaces for a few years now i've completely lost interest. i see enough ita coords at meets and conventions. atp in the western community there's more bad than good anyways. ruminating on bad coords just isn't fun anymore, and it certainly isn't productive in improving my own.
Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
>>10940677Name? Reverse search pulls up a male furry latex dude on twitter. Although there are subtle enough differences that im not convinced theyre the same pwrspn as in your pic.
>>10944131I did some further research, her name's Dazzle, she's a french cosplayer that mainly cosplays masked FPS characters, and I can 100% verify she's a girl due her OL having photos showing natural booba.the anon from earlier wasn't wrong, she's a latexfur or at least was, because that content got purged
>>10874423>>10874417what is there to complain about either way? fags. yeah some people are just sluts. this whole site is a normie site so you're going to see that shit. you can still appreciate a cosplay being sexual though. it gets excessive, that's the point i think one of you might want to make. right? what are you complaing about a good zipper ass for? seriously i hope you get gassed or shot through the forehead. that one anon had a point about the canon art being sexual to begin with. why are you westerners always so fixated on being prudes. it's not automatically masturbator bait. it's just hot, and cute. which is perfectly acceptable... again i understand it gets excessive, even i get annoyed when there's nothing but softcore porn. just go to a different thread, or make a thread asking for specific shit though. you do know this is a forum right? they do teach you white cuckolds how to read over there, do they not? why are you actually complaining so fucking much.
What are some cosplay stories that you'll remember for the rest of your life?Wholesome: Cosplaying some My Little Penis characters with my then-gf when a little girl started freaking out over how great we looked. She got her dad to take loads of pictures with both of us.Less wholesome: I saw a fur-suiter yelling at his wife.Least wholesome: Walking to the convention center behind my friend's sister in her Sailor Saturn cosplay, on a windy day. She either didn't notice or didn't care that her bare ass was playing aggressive peekaboo with me. Only time I've ever wanted the walk from the hotel to be longer.Sad: I was at Twitchcon when that lady broke her spine.
>>10937747 My favorite memories from the past couple of cons I've attended have been hanging out with smokers outside of the con venue and chatting. One time I was cosplaying Crocodile and wanted to take some pictures with a lit cigar on some steps, so we were outside in the cold at night. After we were done with the pictures I wanted to keep smoking (I love a good cigar) so we ducked into a small alley that conveniently had a vent duct blowing some warm air from inside. As we were standing there, a bunch of other cosplayers gathered too and we huddled together to talk and smoke. It was honestly a very wholesome and chill time.There was also the time a couple years back when I was at a bunnygirl meetup and an impromptu party/rave started after we were done taking pics. There was a guy wandering around with a basket full of single fireball whiskey shots just handing them out to bunnies for free. I got so drunk that night lol
Anime-Con 2023 in Buenos Aires. Magical. Probably the only time I was truly happy at a big con, numerous of the guest cosplayers were super super nice.
>>10840300Just here to laugh at you
>>10837322>be me>15-16 years old>cosplaying character from Overwatch>Run into Ram cosplayer>Loves my cosplay>asks for a hug>gets a pic with and of me to>walk off and think nothin of it>she "runs" into me again>blatantly starts flirtin with me to my face>asks how old I was >15>she was in her mid 20sComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>108373522 years and it’s still hilarious
Hii first time posting on this board but I’ve seen others show their cosplays on here so I wanted to show my best picture I have. It was taken professionally by a stranger on a convention last month
>>10944813>Actually I’ll post myself even more just for u
>>10944813So where are the new pics then
>>10944756Looks fucking hot. What’s your inst?
I want to cosplay a lolita, do you think there is a lolita character that would suit me?
>>10943803it suit you,and dont forget to make up a little bit ,you can make it ;)
>>10943803I'm curious, what's a lolita character?
>>10943803ur cute, maybe in 42lolita you can get something of your likes, i think you will look nice in pastel tones
maybe i'm crazy but i swear i've seen you posting in a lolita thread recently, if that was you then congrats
>>10943803This is a vendetta post stop posting this really unflattering shot of an asian girl and get a life
Any gals here?
>>10933337Nothing screams gyaru about you. Practice reading up on magazines on how to coordinate. The fit your wearing is badly coordinated. Buy lashes with noticeable volume for the top lash or both. Add more blush.
Where do the fatty-chans shop? I'm a size 22, and it's suffering.>inb4 lose weight/get lost/kysWorking on it, bestie
>>10945832if you're working on losing weight, any clothes you get now will only be fitting you for a short amount of time, so that's something to consider. Not normally the best advice but for niche fashions like this, it might be better to just lose the weight first before shopping since jfashion especially gyaru aren't really known for being plus size inclusive.
Good thread
I live in Japan. Last week I was out with a friend walking a short nature trail when we randomly stumbled across some cosplayers doing a shoot, not all together but spread out in groups in this one particular area with their respective photographers. My friend and I finished the trail and were heading back to the parking lot when we saw one cosplayer and her photographer who were also heading back, seemingly finished for the day. She was playing a character I like so I went up to them and asked if I could have a picture with her. She politely declined, so that was a bummer, but my friend who was a bit further back told me that when I went up to them to ask, the cameraman looked extremely angry that I had done so and had frowned or glared at me "very hard." I didn't look at him at all so I couldn't tell, but I didn't get any kind of vibe like that and my friend isn't the best at reading social situations so I don't know whether I trust his judgment on this one. Anyway, my question is, what are the protocols for these kinds of occasions? Is it considered rude to ask cosplayers for pictures in the wild, outside of cons or events? She did seem quite taken aback when I went up to her to ask, but I chalked that up to her not expecting a tall white guy to speak to her in Japanese. FWIW it seemed like a fairly hobby level cosplay so I don't think this was anyone famous or anything like that.
>>10947306I'm no japan cultural expert so I can't really say for sure but at least among american cosplayers you'd be insane not to expect requests for pictures if you're walking around publicly in cosplay
If the cosplayer wasn't eating or engaged in conversation, it wasn't rude at all to ask. Maybe the photographer thought you were going to steal her away or something
>>10947306>I live in Japan.are you japanese or notCould just be a racist thinking you were some awful tourist
They won't want "bad looking" photos of their cosplay to appear online. That's why they have a photographer to do a shoot with.
Just wanted to share the cosplays I completed last year
Disregard my previous post. Kindly die in a fire, bot bro.
I hope life is treating her well
>>10940689She's doing well selling her gravure sets on kofi and travelling to a shitton of cons
>>10901629>Can we make it to 2025?Yes we can!
When was the last time you saw a Classroom of the Elite cosplay at cons?
Sorry to burst your bubble, anon, but those are hired help at an industry booth with costumes supplied by a professional company. You'll never have this level of quality (and they're not amazing otherwise, if you omit the manufactured costumes) at a western con.
>tfw you will never see a haven trooper or Quiet cosplay God-damned be Demon slayer and those trendy stuff, I want to see big tactical butts and awesome costumes.
>>10830098Weird, I've only ever seen snakes and ocelots and one time a group as the ocelot unit.
Cardcaptor Sakura
>>10933708frowned upon these days
Can anyone more creative than me give ideas to make a reusable sarashi
>>10946780just use a bandage retard
need cosplay ideas for pic relatedshes 5'10
Envy FMA
Quiet MGSV
>>10926443Maybe Miraculous Ladybug. Or Sam from Danny Phantom.
>>10926443She seems to enjoy dressing as a whore. Try a clown next.
/cgl/'s opinion on Chinese cosplayers?They seem to have made a whole industry around cosplaying as groups for streams. The groups are typically themed as one property or another. I was made aware of this from a Naruto themed Douyin group. But all kinds of anime and other properties are used as themes. There are male groups as well as female groups. Viewers pay "gifts" to have members dance. Sometimes solo dances other times group dances.I've never seen anything like this outside of Asian countries. Would anyone from the west consider doing something like this?