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/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #14

Afterlife edition

Last Thread: >>10397387

>The most discussed apps/games are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Dream Boyfriend/Hoshikare, and Animal Boyfriend/Gijin Kareshi, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>We generally discuss dress-up/simulator games and smartphone/cellphone apps for waifus or husbandos.
>Occasionally discussed games include Fairy Doll, Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but we are already dead, Jim

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):
http://pastebin.com/iPbE3f4d (embed)

>English Wiki links:

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noteworthy fanfics :) New day everyday
I miss all the OC and colours' and other drawfag's art. Those were the better times.
Dead game
Dead thread
Dead board
I wanna say I miss you guys, but at this point I'm not sure any of the people I miss are still here.
how tf do people get so much exp in mcc

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Share tips, tricks, and your current projects, too.

Anyone have good examples of handmade OPs & JSKs?
I see a lot of potentially good designs ruined by shitty prints, giant ugly ruffles, and terrible color schemes.
Don't even get me started on Etsy lolita.

What ruins it for you? What should people quit doing with handmade stuff? Post photos & concrit all of it.
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Not sure if this is the correct place to ask for this advice

I want to make fanart of the card in picrel, but I am not good with this type of clothing and I have 0 experience with assembling women's outfits, so I am at a loss here. I am looking for reference materials on the type of clothing pieces used in this character's design.

Normally I would find design sheets of a character if I do fanart, but since this card is brand new, there is nothing of that sort. If anyone has some input, I'd be happy to see it
This design isn’t Lolita so the help you can get here will be limited. But here are some terms you can look up for references:
- the material of the main dress and arm warmers looks like it’s meant to be silk with a brocade pattern at the hems
- the cut of skirt is called a high-low or mermaid skirt
- the thing on her neck is called a jabot
for the arm warmers you could probably reference Miku fanart and cosplays?
the skirt was giving me the most trouble. Logically I could wrap my head around how its put together, but my mind drew a blank when I tried to put it to paper. Thanks, knowing the name lets me look at it from different angles and at its schematics, so you've helped me greatly.
Little confused by this not being lolita though. I was fully convinced its some kind of goth lolita. What is this style be called?
Nayrt, I don't know what this style is called but I know it's not under the lolita fashion category.
It's "anime lolita". It's not real lolita but it's taking inspirations from it.

The skirt is a really dramatic "high low skirt", the blouse is some kind of high-neck "princess sleeve" blouse with a jabot. The blouse bust part maybe has shirring or is ribbed with how the light is hitting it, but it's hard to tell. Black spiky headdress with bows on it, ome grey tights (or possibly black tights with a low denier), and black heels.

Hope this helps you with clothing search terms.

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5 months of the old thread and not much has happened.
Summer cons have been and gone and once again everything is fundamentally different. I don’t think we’ll
Go back to pre lockdown glory.
Ho hum.

Theres a few more bits and pieces before con season is over but I cba looking them up this time.
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Black Ops 6 release collided with MCM.
Christ, I thought they were at 2 still because they weren’t very good. Treyarch or something. No midnight release for us then unless you want to turn up dressed as some guy from Bleach. That’s still popular right?
so that was fun
>drive down to MCM london nice and early
>get off at the wrong exit on royal albert way bcuz im a tard but ended up in my favour
>half way to the car park stopped by security and asked if i'd booked parking
>sorry mate all 750 spaces are fully booked you'll have to park in the premier inn
what the fuck? every MCM london i've been to, on the sunday i've rolled up around 9:20 and had my pick of most of the car park, what was that all about?
they overbooked the prepaid parking too so people who actually paid beforehand got fucked over too
carlets btfo

I haven't seen one single good one and the worst part they act all autistic and annoying at cons.they are a plague.
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I'm sorry pal,but that still looks like shit.he could at least iron his damn costume first.
>At least there are pockets of sanity in the Hazbin fandom
Nice joke there
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Kill it with fire!
Because it got rollover from the Homosuck fanbase. It will always attract shit cosplay.
it's a show that panders to and has a fandom full of LGBT people, of course they mostly look like shit irl
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I think there are a few good ones, but i especially like this one

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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who will be the first to do a lewd version?
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AI slop doesn't count
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>Goalpost moving
Thanks for playing
Hews before they deleted it

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stop bumping this shit you faggot
posting in an epic thread
next question
i can give you some tips on my insta ;)

whats ur insta

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purple appreciation
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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
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Lol or you could not be a fucking shit bad twigcel watse of space. Go get your teeth knocked in you absolute incel scum bag rapist.
Lol ok rapist kys
As in maybe don't be a scummy fucking incel rapist pig shit you twigboy dipshit
Ok rapist
Lose weight, hole.

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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This is a good take! I used to have anime magazines when I was 11 and all the weird cosplays made me feel awkward. Also my fisrt anime con was when I was 11 (my mother took me), and everyone looked rly bad to my opinion. the best cosplayer was a girl around my age that was dressed as Sumomo (Chobits). The cosplay quality was amazing, and she looked so tiny, she was the cutest ;w;

If you think you pass the cosplay vibe, do it. cosplay is about having fun, not pleasing fans lol fuck them.
Thats actually his wife
Spreading magi-chan is pretty bad but the look is real good ngl
Low effort
Epic bot reply

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>Are you going? What is your
>Cosplay lineup
>Stories from Dragoncons past
>General Dragoncon discussion (good places to grab a bite near the con, party plans, things you’re excited for etc)

About a month and some change out. I’m really excited. I feel bad for the people who got fucked over by the Courtland Grand (former Sheraton) who had all their rezzys cancelled due to a billing issue. Also that whole Mariott Hunger Games error page (pic related) was a massive shit fuck too holy hell.
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AWA literally has not one single Japanese guest this year. Fuck AWA to death with a cactus.
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>Marriott for 2025 ALREADY sold out
>opened two days ago
God dammit I should've been paying attention
Now I don't know whether to try to get a room at the Westin when it opens (despite it having a pretty shitty spot compared to the three main ones) or see if anyone's selling a Marriott room
Bro, my buddy logged in 2 minutes after it opened and was number 3208 in line. It’s absurd. Westin is hunger games too, go for it man. Yeah it’s not host but it’s close, it would be no different than any other hotel that’s close down there and at least it has dance parties there. Westin has a chill vibe compared the the mains. The elevators at the main ones suck.
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Did anyone see this “fight”? It seems like it was two guys arguing over Israel / Palestine lol
>9k ahead
Just fuck my shit up

New friend finder thread because people in the old one won't stop derailing it with dumb useless arguing

Same info as before:
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
>Other hobbies, interests?
>What are you looking for?
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
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imagine being this misogynistic. women invented coding you troglodyte
they don't code anymore because they stupidly made it easier for men to do it. 90% of women in code are trannies now. women are so bad at gatekeeping.
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>>ASL? 37 m los angeles
>>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
i have a basic knight costume for halloween this year. id like to get some real medieval armor eventually. i have a daughter that is on her third vampire costume and enjoys spooky stuff. i wouldnt mind enhancing her wardrobe with some legit gothic lolita. we visit tokyo almost yearly.

>>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.

i like shopping in shibuya 109 and we visit BABY in harajuku. i dont like AATP because the staff were rude but BABY staff was extremely kind even tho my daughter wasnt quite mature enough when we visited.

anime ive enjoyed: cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, space dandy, yuru camp, jormungandr, currently watching k-on!

id like to find an anime featuring slice of life lolitas, maybe featuring different factions competing for power and influence in the school/neighborhood or something. i wonder if something like that exists? it seems like it would make a cool video game too.

>>Other hobbies, interests?

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I don’t understand why everyone dislikes them so much, it’s always so nice to talk to them. They’re so friendly and accommodating and when they come in with their cosplays, you can just see how passionate they are.
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If you deny the wokies constantly promoting nonwhites such as asians as part of the DEI agenda youre a retard or a shill.
Does cgl go to cons in China? Going to one pop up next month in Taiwan along with the halloween cosplay thing
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bro the entire dogfighting in this thread has nothing to do with cosplay or lolita shut the fuck up and post cosplay
Some chinese girls are really pretty.

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This thread is about cute furries/kemonos in lolita. Other japanese fashions are welcome too. Please move on and refrain from sperging out if it's not your cup of tea.
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Even Misako enjoys the company of cute kemonos.
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Western-style furries always look so goofy though.
cute, whimsical, and artful
Does anyone happen to have any taobao shops for good paws?

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Previous thread: >>10897117

The Flower Kitten series is releasing this week
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Nooo don't fall off the board your so sexy aha

I got an email indicating Toys Donut Diner will be shipping soon! I'm excited. Has anyone who ordered DDC from the online MTO received theirs yet though? The delivery of that whole series has been so fragmented.

Did anyone go for Travel Kuma-chan? Pink was the most popular online but red and black are my favourite.

I hope they re-release the Fancy Border cardigans this winter
>Has anyone who ordered DDC from the online MTO received theirs yet though?
Oh wow I completely forgot about it. It was supposed to be shipped out in August, right? Yeah I never got mine.
>>Has anyone who ordered DDC from the online MTO received theirs yet though?

I received mine on the 16th. It arrived to my SS on the 9th and was shipped to me on the 10th.

I believe the MTO was originally scheduled to be ready in August put it pushed back to September but with several delivery periods continuing into October based on AP Harajuku's Instagram posts.

Pretty sure mine was part of the second delivery period.
Angelic Prophet, where are you in these dire times?
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I'm cosplaying Leon Kennedy and I would like to have a handgun for it. What are the general rules for prop firearms at conventions? I don't want to build a prop and end up not being able to bring it anywhere.
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I knew a guy who made a very acurate prop of a M41A pulsse rifle for a con that didn't allow them, used it for the photoshots only, then took and printed a full-size photo of the thing and glued it to a flat cardboard for the con.
a.k.a. "having a cake AND eating it".
So, feel free to have a very realistic prop for the pics and a con-allowable one for the actual con.

For the most part, so long as the gun has no moving parts you will get past security check without a problem. However, you will need to put in the effort to not seem like a sperg. Best bet is for you to have a woman with you waiting impatiently.
Brother this question is ultimately solved by what con you are going to. Some cons are strict. Some are not. They all have slightly different rules. I have brought airsoft guns that were gutted and stripped down with no issue but had a dumb cop stop me about semi realistic non firing 3d printed props. So it all depends. Just be transparent with the con security and prop checkers because I am sure they will you a break since you are being dutiful and showing them what you got. Maybe try gluing the trigger into place so it can't move or at least stuff the inside of the barrel.
I am going as Leon Kennedy too soon so believe me there are a lot of fun props you can use.
Bring in a real gun and see if they notice.
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What kind of shoulder holster should I get for a detective? to go under a blazer

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