Modern inspired by Victorian but we make it spooky edition.Last thread get archived: >>10851320Thread before last for some mysterious reason did not and is still listed on active threads (WTF jannies?): >>10756184Last two years these threads were barely active and and it took a year for each to reach image limit or get archived prematurely (WTF jannies?) but whatever.
>>10945768You are a proof that jannies on this sub are too busy participating in fat weebo feeder orgies where they cover each other in pig lard and wrestle naked in pools of mayo.
>>10945771No one cares abut opinion of some fat weirdo from Mukhosransk.
>>10945775what has my opinion have to do with the fact that they have the best noble woods hand carved and you get sold the worst quality shit possible?
>>10945774"Many are saying this."
Films/tv shows that are based on cosplay/con culture or at least reference it in some way.I felt that 2Kawaii4Comfort was (for better or worse) the most accurate description of going to a small con and having a bad time at it. It's a shame it ended on a cliffhanger.
>>10936066The first episode got posted online!
We're finally getting a Season 2!!! Season 1 dropped Jan 9th, 2022, so it's been a minute.
>>10937706is it good
>>10926947>ANIME: 2.5 Dimensional SeductionI feel like this anime/manga is far more cosplay-centric than My Dress-Up Darling.My Dress-Up Darling Spoilers:Somewhere after the hotel scene, I feel like they stopped focusing on cosplay and more on the drama between the different characters. This isn't bad, but it feels like the cosplay aspect of it is being put on the backburner.Where as 2.5 Dimensional Seduction has been pretty consistent with focusing on cosplay and does it's best to keep it that way, regardless of what direction the plot is going.Also, the anime has a lot of fanservice, but it is very censored compared to the manga.
Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?OR is it because I'm male?How do you even make friends at a con?I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people. There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
>>10942195>>10942231the type of women that go to conventions are also typically the type to act like a deer in headlights around men and life in general (so many zoomer chicks I know don't even have driven licenses into their 20s because "muh anxiety") and they're functioning off the logic that any man is a potential creep/rapistcosplayer girls are way more likely to be anxious/BPD/flaky, they're shit even as platonic friends because of how much they love starting drama. just hangout with other guys
>>10942266YeahI don't know how this can be remedied.Perhaps it's just a lost cause.We're gonna see another 'lost generation' soon, because this isn't just in the weeb/cosplay/nerdy geeky community.Be it Zoomer or Millennials or eventually Gen Alpha, as they are also shaping up to be insufferable.
>>10908990They're likely too nervous to stick around. It would help if you started to talk about CSM with them, like "who else do you like from CSM" or something. Sounds like you had a really great cosplay to get that many pictures. Is there a CSM photoshoot at the con? You'll have better chance to talk to people there with a shared common interest off the get go.
>>10941060Stop being ugly
>>10908990I'm in another part of the world where I cosplayed as the weekend in a con. Nearly 100 people took a pic with me, nobody talked. It's a post social media issue where people both lack social skills and are afraid to embarrass themselves.I thought about it for sometime and the only solution is to engage in convo with them when they come to take a pic of you, if they leave anyway then it's fine, if they stuck around and you guys ended up talking then there you go
It feels pointless going to cons alone. I just went to Otakuthon yesterday and I saw tons of people, I went to panels, I had tons of nice conversations, interactions and pictures, but it hurts knowing I'll probably never see any of these people again. The only real long interaction I had was with a guy playing Go with me and some other people, but beyond that, it never moved outside of small talk and compliments.I'm still happy that I probably talked to over a 100 strangers in one day, something most people who are lonely fail to do, but being alone in a crowd truly hurts.
>>10945104so am I dude, let's be friends
>>10938134That article made me more depressed and suicidal than anything else has.
>>10945194Care to extrapolate?
>>10946552>Uhhh *checks script Tiktok normies too old to young no friends not a gazillionaire dick isn't 50 stories tall far-left no one will like me i'm weird i'll look creepy they all wanna be with their own groups it was better before for stupid gay reasons but now it's SO overThat should cover all the bases. Cheers, bb
I'm too old to understand this subculture please enlighten melike how do you feel when you larp as an anime character makes you feel like
>>10895786Puritanical is a buzzword.Opposing slavery was the most relevant unpopular puritanical trait back when puritanism was relevant.
>>10943208Lose weight.
>>10943221I accept your concession. Time to grow up and resolve your daddy issues.
>But what about this irrelevant thingYou accept nothing, and lose weight
>>10944823>discord grooming Idk why zoomers didn't get the memo, being the retarded leaf of a rootless tree, that's what you get
Personally either choose something everybody knows or something niche you like. Not sure when I'll go to a con next, but I'll do something niche to see if anybody gets it
>>10912915What do you look like without makeup and filters? We need to judge accurately.
>>10912915I feel like I follow you on Instagram and you already cosplay
post full body
old misa cosplay!i want to do this cosplay again, any tips on how to make it better?
>>10936980It's good
>>10936980show full costume
You didnāt really show the actual cosplay so itās not possible to give tips
this cosplay is just your face so idk
>>10936980pretty good 8/10
Dates: January 24-26, 2025 Venue: Eagle Crest Resort City: Ypsilanti, MIGuests: Anairis QuiƱones, PAiDA, AJ Beckles, TC Carson, Jon St. John
Dad con.
Uhhhhhh.... what's the plan negros?
That was fun yall. Post con depression is hitting me hard even though I was only there for a day.
alright which one of you fags did this?When I was there at the con they were making announcements every 30 minutes about this blue ford fusion
You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>10944696yes yes be the medic friend and have ice cold water and ibuprofen for your friends. they will love you so much. being the person who brings food is another awesome thing to do. get some big costco pizzas, drunk people LOVE pizza
>>10900752today is the one year anniversary
>>10946154I made this thread after coming back from magfest. I feel the exact same way today that I did a year ago. I had so much fun vibing with people drinking with strangers playing vidya with literal whos and just having a great time. I fuckin love you guys please come to nerd conventions and just have fun.
>>10944732>get some big costco pizzasYeh there's a group who host con parties all over and the easiest way I recognize their room (aside from the big Maryland flags) is all the Costco stuff. Oh and bringing it back to booze cuz this problem is more common than it needs to be: IPAs are *NOT* party drinks. to be desu
>>10928792full offense but Canadian cons have been ezmodo compared to other onesYou gotta look deeper if you cant make friends in the literal easiest setting to meet people who have the same interests as you and are there to have a good time.
I would like to cosplay LGBTrump. What wigs would you recommend for that cosplay?
Just dress how you normally do
Wow what a quality thread... It's not like their dozens of trump hair wigs on amazon to choose from easily.
>>10946382I need a *QUALITY* one.
I dont think you have any intention of cosplaying this and are just shitposting
A wig with hair? idk. I'd be more focused on finding a hatsune miku binder
I am from /tg/ but I am hoping people can help me with my questions about the Baird Center which has hosted anime conventions in the past. I go to a convention called Adepticon, and this year will be the first year at the Milwaukee Baird Center. I have some questions about the convention and I am hoping people here can help!>How big is the parking garage?>Are the rest rooms nice and clean?>How is safety, do I have to worry about my car getting broke into, mugged near the con?>Is the hall open 24-7 or does the whole building shut down at night?>Any good restaurants in the area?>Any important info I need to know about the convention center?My wife and I will go two days and we plan to drive back and forth since we only live 90 minutes away. My concern is if the parking garage will fill up, last Adepticon in IL had 8K to 10K attendees. My other worry is safty, I know this center is about 3 minute walk from the bad part of town. And I am going to have a big case with with 40K models in it, so I am worried about car break ins, or people trying to steal models at the con. Any info is greatly appreciated!
>>10946501Ment to say 35 minute walk from the bad part of the city.
Do people actually customize actual experience official props like marvel legends replicas or the Neca DC replica props?
>>10943743>>10945940Not OP but I am curious ,Customize how?
>>10946487Ignore the low quality this is the hasbro black series kylo ren helmet it used to have shoddy electronics inside and a blurry plastic windshield in the eyes so I removed the voice changing electronics put in some Velcro attached foam blocks and a plastic mesh for mascot suits in the eye hole I also carefully painted a burn like effect around the cheeks for more accuracy Then I also sanded down the bumpy texture and spray painted it with gloss clear coat plasti-dip
is being into cosplay at age 30+ cringe?I don't mean token master roshi boomer
>>10937420This is the right answer. Giving a shit if a bunch of teenagers and people posing as teenagers on 4chan think you're cringe is the true cringe. Just go have fun.I'm in my mid-30s and haven't been able to cosplay in about 10 years due to my job (I travel a ton), but that's changing now, and I'm excited to get back into it. Shit sucks in the world, just have some fun while you can.
I'm gonna be 34 this year. When I hit 30 I pretty much lost everything. Going to cons feels awkward as hell now. Everyone seems way to young for me now and everyone else my age has someone they love and are settling down with. Just staring at all the 30+ cosplayers who have someone in their lives just makes me feel worse.
>>10844576Lol you think adults with children don't have hobbies? God you're going to be that one boring neighbor who wants to talk about your lawn all the time.
>cringeI hate how unspecific the term is because at it's core it mainly means a type of overexcited for or against something. Being into cosplay at 30 doesnt necessarily entail being being 'too into' it. You absolutely can be overbearing about it, like making it your entire personality but most cosplayers still in the scene at that point tend to either be pretty normal about things.If they just got into cosplay in their 30s? Probably gonna be cringe.
>>10946315He's not entirely wrong, most cosplayers I know that had kids arent active at cons. Most just engage with cosplay social media or other 'communities' and be some overbearing boomer with unsolicited advice. Really doesnt help when so many are disconnected from current scene. Its actually hilarious sometimes seeing boomers that cosplayed maybe like 10 times max and last time/con was 8 years ago still thinking they're 'in the scene' because they can comment on cosplay that comes across their IG or tiktok every so often.
hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying my cat rupert, hes pictured here next to me ill add another picture after so you can get a closer look
reposting the original pic from the other thread it wont let me there even though its not showing anymore
How old is he
>>10937438cute kohtte
>>10937438Very cute
>>10937444he looks mad kek