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Haha what? Thoughts?

What other cons do you know that have been scummy? I can think of Ohayocon and Youmacon off the top of my head.
Puchicon in New Jersey
That’s way too much text. Give us the tldr on the con
Con chair scammed tens of thousands of dollars from staff, attendees, vendors, etc.

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Hey everyone, I was directed to this place (didn't know it existed lol) so I'll just copy it here to see if anyone has advice. So, does anyone here have experience with buying cosplays vs making them yourself?

I really really want to buy an Ahri cosplay for myself to wear but I'm afraid that it will be low quality. Something similar to this pic. I want to go to a con and think it would be fun to try out. I'm a little lazy so putting together the effort of making on myself would be challenging but maybe worth it in the end. I just don't really have much experience with tailoring so I would be starting from scratch. Anyways, if anyone has experience please let me know what you think please!
it’s fine to buy a premade one if you are starting or just doing it for fun, but if you goes serious in it later I suggest trying to do custom ones, either partially or fully
But if it’s a starter, sure

Also, pre-made cosplay often will be a bit costlier than homemade ones if they are in good quality. Usually the cheaper they are, the less the quality follow. Though popular characters like Ahri probably has plenty of choices
Importing from other countries can help too though be careful how they calculate their heights
When buying online try to get measurements in cm. Don't think "I'm a medium at Walmart I'll buy that size." You'll actually need an XL or XXL. Your pick has no pants so you may be fine but height is an issue if you're taller then 5'5. Go for skirts to avoid it. I once didn't think about it and picked up a kikyo outfit to find while it fit, it was a good 4-5inches high watered.
Don't worry about people noticing. More then half the con will also have bought theirs

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Do you guys ever like to go through YouTube and watch con and cosplay fandom videos from before the 2010's?
It's a hobby of mine. It makes me sad.

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>tfw I got to experience the tail end of RAWR XD LOLSORANDOM 2000's - 2011 humour in highschool but graduated in 2015 as everyone started using snapchat and scrolling on their phones in lunch instead

So glad. So, so glad.
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>Zoomer here
I stopped reading there. Thanks for the warning
Costume contest from 1985 at what seems to be a small anime convention.


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I've seen Black dude cosplaying varied character but not Black woman, is it due to their lack of representation?.
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I don't get where you got that from. You are mental.
Well I don't give a shit what fat internet coomers have to say about me so that sounds like a you problem if you do. It's called SELF-esteem stop letting others dictate it for you.
This isn’t a thing, take your meds. You bitches are so catty and hateful toward your fellow bitches that they had to make an anti-vendetta rule here.
MJ famously disliked jewish people, it’s probably a mockery.
perhaps it's because a lot of them dont take it seriously but then turn around and say that the only reason their cosplays arent featured or respected cause they're black. And not maybe cause their cosplay sucks? Especially when they do that whole

>my dreads, curls, braids is my hair, I dont need no wig

Or black men who wear their full beards and try to cosplay Deku or Naruto calling it accurate.

What are some slutty male cosplay ideas that show off a lot of skin and work well on someone with a very lean, athletic build? I like these kinds of cosplays because beyond showing off my body, they're perfect for summer weather.
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You'll have to get better at guessing
gray fullbuster?
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No love for yuta?
lmao those proportions.. stop.
aim video games. Western has been very "body inclusive". I've seen some road hogs.

I don't exactly think replacing my feet with a bunch of snakes is feasible, but does anyone have any ideas of suitable shoes that could go underneath robesin picrel without sticking out like a sore thumb?
(inb4 snakeskin cowboy boots)
ffs, *robes in
What i would do is get a comfortable pair of shoes that you enjoy wearing for an extended period first. For a couple of reasons:
1. No one is really gonna be looking at your shoes.
2. You are on your feet for a long time. Foot pain is a bitch.
After that, I would either leave as is and lower the robe to hide them, or if you are dead set on hiding the shoes, wrap them in fake snakes like you are probably planning on having come out the robe.
wear some white air jordans

I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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>t. megascr00t
these are so cute, does anyone know any shops to get nice jelly ones like this?
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looks like the ablliz bubble bubble gel polish. if you're us/canadian, sweetienailsupply has it, i think

Taking place April 27th-28th we're just over a month away, are any of you guys planning on going? Anyone returning from last year, or planning on going for their first time this go-around? Cosplay plans? C'mon let's hear 'ya out.
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lmao what a steal
Spill the beans anon
check the random thread on /wsg/
c9rrots is a retard, remember being around him in 2020 and he was annoying nigga
Dunno just ask and offer them some buckkaroos for it. Its not that much weirder than paying to get stepped on imo.

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suzupoii thread
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left for heart, right for cooms
mmm, sexy thighs <3
even though I'm a huge coomer, I'd still choose heart
anyone got disc wanna chat?

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Can’t believe I’m resorting to 4chan but idgaf I NEED COSPLAY IDEAS con’s in like barely a month and my tarded ass can’t come up with shit cuz I’m an idiot so if y’all got any ideas at all feel free to share thank ya kindly and have a good day
rn needy streamer is trendy, nikke is super popular if you got the body for it, and theres always genshit and honkai thats being done to death by everyone
Imagine having zero personality or genuine interests to the point you can't come up with a single character you enjoy enough to dress up as. Is this what it's like to be an NPC?
Tbh I’ve been so busy with college lately that I haven’t had much time for any other hobbies, I used to have no problem with ideas but now I’ve become so focused on schoolwork and shit that I practically am an NPC lol T-T I kinda just need a refresher of characters so I can just be reminded of different shows and franchises and my fav niche characters along with them (ig moral of the story higher education is a prison that destroys your cosplay ideas)
why dont you try watching some anime then poser
give us some more details. what kinda cosplay are you going for? a casual look (like a high school girl from an anime) or a "cooler" look (like a character from an action anime)? what kind of characters have you already cosplayed? what anime/manga/games/whatever do you like? are you open to doing cosplays from stuff you're not familiar with? what kind of stuff do you already have on-hand that you're willing to work with? there are plenty of options to go with and we could just as easily spend our time throwing out random characters, but if you really want good suggestions then give us some more information about the limitations you have (or maybe even lack of limitations) and what you want

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Any gals here?
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okay, you definitely want to like ask for measurements if you can. you can follow them generally but sometimes the sizing is really different between pieces, so you have to watch out.
Is gyaru still popular as before?
I hope no one takes advice from zoomers. Non- veterans giving gyaru advice is funny too. I saw some nobody commenting you don't have to wear makeup doing gyaru.
No, it’s also tamed down a lot. Ganguro is essentially extinct.
tiktok skews popularity because even shit unrelated to normies get views, but it is having a boom in china because of skewed tiktok metrics. it looks hideous though.

How was Holmat? Anything interesting happen?

Anyone keeping an eye on the cosplayblackbook IG for the latest drama?

Any future plans?
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This is the OG it should stay
The other one is a fraud
Put "FLORIDA" in the title next time, dingus
>Post-HolMat/FL General
>FL General
He's afraid
who? of what?

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what do you think? are they just catering to the global crowd now? or are they trying to quietly combat the weakening yen by raising the prices?
6% has been globalized for a while now, not sure where you’ve been.
The yen is weak and most of the customers ordering from the online shop are probably in the US anyways, since Japanese 6% customers can just go in person to the shop
How does selling things in USD combat yen's decline? It does the opposite.

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share light or casual gothic lolita coords
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good thread

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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I always see some Arknights cosplay, but never a huge amount. FGO was the big gacha game insofar as # of cosplayers through 2019. Arknights released in January 2020 so any sort of hype it would have had the year of release was taken up by Covid, then Genshin came out in Fall 2020 which eclipsed basically every other gacha game
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My condolences. Somebody here posted a Romanian con not long ago, and it was also swarming with them
So style lost to substance again? There's still hope yet then
>If mass market product appeals to masses, how can it be average?
>FGO was the big gacha game insofar as # of cosplayers through 2019.
The Fate franchise doesn't exist just of the Gacha...
I saw a Galleon and a Grimnir, both pretty well done but yeah as a fan of the series kind of a shame it's not more popular, considering it has a ton of characters.

I saw at least a Texas but otherwise also very limited.

Wish I could at least give them props on their choice but generally we'll both be just walking towards another place with no good chance to at least get a picture.
Demon Slayer is still very popular. Maybe not always a full cosplay but it's very easy to buy a coat with the iconic pattern of one of the characters and wear that as casual clothes during the con.

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