The title says it all, cosplayers that did awesome cosplay but their career were cut short, as they suddenly disappeared without any notice.
>>10943607I stumbled across her Reddit awhile back. She was posting nudes with very little interaction, it was sad.
Captain Toaster. She was active in the local scene, but I haven't seen anything from her for a few years
Does anyone know what happened to Man Faye?
>>10940489tuna melt-chan
Whatever happened to May Sakali? She was getting huge then suddenly shut everything down.My headcanon is she got knocked up by a Japanese salaryman
is being into cosplay at age 30+ cringe?I don't mean token master roshi boomer
youre never too old to admire good cosplays
>>10843944>>10946454At this point, the cosplay community has been around for so long in many countries that the answer to OP is a simple NO.
I never went to these as I wasn't old enough but I've heard that conventions used to be more fun. Actual nerds going there having a good time.No social media attention whores trying to get cloutNot overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throatJust nerds nerdin' out
Of course like all things it was more fun when it was more obscure. Nowadays even small hole in the wall cons feel like they're wall to wall with people (and "influencers") to the point where there's zero sense of camaraderie between attendees and no one looks like they're actually enjoying themselves. Hell, sometimes I wonder if most of the people attending cons nowadays even like or watch anime. It feels like there's nothing new or interesting anymore. It's all either hyper mainstream shit that's been around for years (DBZ, One Piece, Pokemon, etc.) or FOTM shit (e.g. Chainsaw Man, Dandadan).
>>10936137It doesn't help that the English VA circle feels like it's less than 30 people because of union bullshit the top dogs like Mercer and JYB use to gatekeep. You hear the same handful of voices in everything dubbed nowadays and they give the same phoned-in performances for everything because they know no one is actually watching dubs anymore.
>>10946389I can't wait until AI replaces them all
more fun nowadays, I like seeing more people cosplay
cons now are way better than they were in the past
Here's my ahri cosplay :3. Hope you like it!!!
>>10944752Manly shoulders
>>10944752Yes I like it very much
old one's gone
Just caught up with HS^2Why is Karkat Big Boss now?
>>10946043exactly. and the blankness that comes with such a simple design allowed cosplayers to customize and get creative with shit. hazbin designs are so overcrowded and hard to look at. too many details and none of them interesting. also red facepaint is harder to conquer than gray
>>10928151mostflogged my beloved
>>10946014You weren't supposed to noticed.
I love Homestuck!
Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery for cosplay?If you did, were the results favorable?
Why would you get implants for a hobby that you do a few times a year, and most people stop in their 30s?The fake breasts are with you 24/7.
>>10947466I mean, big boobs are nice to have any day of the year.
>>10947340I prefer natural ones over implants...
>>10947495>heavy, strains your back/shoulders>inconvenient for gym/exercise>makes clothes fitting right difficult, especially in jfashion where most clothes are cut for a C cup at maxHaving big boobs has always sounded unpleasant
>>10947675It's worth it for the attention you'll get.
hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying my cat rupert, hes pictured here next to me ill add another picture after so you can get a closer look
How old is he
>>10937438cute kohtte
>>10937438Very cute
>>10937444he looks mad kek
>>10937438I look forward to an update in 2 years time
Sharing a hotel room at a con:Have you done it before? Where did you find people to split the room with? Were they strangers? What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend? Did any problems arise? Would you do it again?
>>10899061>Have you done it before?Yes>Where did you find people to split the room with?Met them through the Florida /cgl/ discord server>Were they strangers?basically>What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend?None really. First time I let them crash with me because I had gotten a great deal on a 3 bedroom resort room for a con (like cheaper than a typical hotel room). Next few cons I went to that they were going to we split the costs of rooms. Pretty much same wavelength party wise, but we tried to keep partying in our room to a minimum to avoid getting kicked out.>Did any problems arise?NoComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is there an unspoken rule about not using the room for sex or does it depend on the group?
>>10943038As long as you 'own' the bed ie. no-one else is sleeping in it, then go for it
>>10906047>Workers need money to buy food>They'd rather work for a capitalist boss than live off of their own back>This is somehow badAlternatively >People want to share a room and pay a lower total price>They agree to a price and are happy to pay it, they feel good about the exchange before and after>They are somehow being stolen from!!Voluntary exchange by definition benefits both parties. You can not argue that someone is worse off after a trade, because they would simply not go through with the trade. This is the same for people working for a boss. Just become a boss if you think it's that easy.
18+ only booths in the dealers hall are banned at otakon for 2025>"18+ only booths will not be permitted. While 18+ merchandise may be sold, 75% of your booth must be non-adult material merchandise. doujinshi sellers will NOT be happywhat does /cgl/ think?
>>10947665>NO FUN ALLOWEDDo they ever had a good reason why?
>>10947588>You should sue them in my opinion because of the first amendment. Nothing said has anything to do with the first amendment. First Amendment is that you can't be persecuted by the government for what you say, not that whatever you say *has* to happen. It's private property and they are legally allowed to dictate what goes on in their buildings.First amendment protects you asking for 18+ areas, just as it protects them telling you to go fuck yourself. Works both ways.
>>10947682Exactly, it's their event and they can do what they want with it. The 18+ content doesn't seem popular enough to warrant keeping it.
>>10947683>The 18+ content doesn't seem popular enough to warrant keeping it.18-34 demographic says otherwise and Private property doesn't triumph the first amendment son.
>>10947686You have no idea what the first amendment actually is, it just means you can't be arrested for what you say, and there are instances where you can be arrested for what you say despite it (threats of violence, harassment, etc)
ramona closet cosplay lolzz
ITT: We post pictures of cosplay from the 90's or early 2000's.
In love with how images looked
>>10887127You sound like you have some sort of mental issues. You do know that the only point to doing anything you don't have to do is for it to be enjoyable and fun. That includes things like Lolita. If you're not having fun stop spending a fortune and do something else.
>>10946314you beefin wit a n*gga from two years ago
i dunno when drawthreads tapered off here but i periodically check back and there just never is one. so ill be the change I want to see in the world. post coords for me to draw, thank you. (and other artists too of course)
>>10944889wow you're so unique and not like the other bpd whores
>>10944907im joking retard
>>10937839hope you like it!also plz post moar coords, i need inspo. these theads used to be lively, i miss it
>>10946159woahhh i love this! your artstyle is so pretty ^_^ thank you!hopefully more people post coords soon, this thread has been dead for too long
It's been 10 years Are cons safer now?Anyone encountered any con creeps?I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
>>10932599Even sluts have standards. Don't be a retarded fugly looking troll
>>10943382>Does that count as SAYes>Would I complainNot even a little
>>10941576wtf even
>be non black person (not white) doing cosplay>high expectations to be accurate with correct wig for contests and photoshoots>be black>no need to use wig or accurate cosplay. it's called ethnic wigs instead
>>10947574>Are you being serious or do you just want to brag about your weight loss? Because you sound like a jackass.>you speaking improvement to black people? You're a jackassah, the typical "it's racist to tell black people to clean themselves up"Btw, I'm black. =)
>>10947574Also to add, I lived on $200 a month and still ate clean. It has nothing to do with poverty. There's many countries where they make even less than welfare blacks, and they still manage to remain skinny. You have no excuse here in America.
>>10947576Okay if you're black then why are you asking? I was trying to give context for people who might be completely clueless. Do i agree with every potential ideology justifying being a hambeast? no im fucking fatphobic. But I'm an adult and capable of basic imagination. Are you female? Do you know anything about pmdd and reproductive issues? Do you read anything beyond shitty manga? Pick up a book read some fanon or max weber or lacan or web dubois or rene girard or literally anyone who's not 80 iq and can give insight into the psyche and sociological mess that is modern man. Are you genuinely intellectually curious or just a contemptuous idiot? I don't think it's a good idea to treat adults like children (i.e. not expect anyone to take responsibility) but it's childish to expect everyone to adhere to your standards of health, adults will do whatever the fuck they want. If you are empathetic and curious you may understand the contributing factors to obesity in this population, but if you're just self righteous and retarded there's no conversation to be had here. It is easy to be skinny and poor, i grew up in the ghetto and plenty of black women are skinny in poverty, albeit more are probably overweight. What are you actually asking? Have you ever spent time in an actual impoverished black neighborhood, there are like a million contributing reasons i could give you which you would probably all dismiss because you are asking a question in bad faith. Please grow up and gain some intellectual integrity.
>>10947576There are probably many black women who are perfectly happy being fat. It's that simple (thank the pornsick creeps with fat fetishes who fall over themselves for fat women). The ones that are not happy being fat, but stay fat, either are struggling with other psychological issues, are maybe a bit dense and struggle to understand the constant flux of propaganda about what is healthy (thank the fda for demonizing butter and pushing endocrine disruptors and rancid PUFAs) or probably simply don't want it badly enough but pretend to. Many people are whiny bitches who want attention and refuse to be truthful about their intentions, sort of like you i suppose?
>>10947574None of this is about cosplay. GTFO.
Dates: January 24-26, 2025 Venue: Eagle Crest Resort City: Ypsilanti, MIGuests: Anairis QuiƱones, PAiDA, AJ Beckles, TC Carson, Jon St. John
Dad con.
Uhhhhhh.... what's the plan negros?
That was fun yall. Post con depression is hitting me hard even though I was only there for a day.
alright which one of you fags did this?When I was there at the con they were making announcements every 30 minutes about this blue ford fusion